Making a Racist - "Christian" SJW's Strategy to Keep the Bogeyman Alive

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Real racism and white supremacy is dying out. Praise God for that! But Christian SJWs have their narrative to serve so they make up racists out of thin air. This is a window into how they do it.


Alright, I'm back after a few days away with my family. We enjoyed some time at a lake.
It was really fun, but over the weekend when I was gone, the white nationalist threat descended upon Washington, D .C.,
provoking a lot of fear from the woke crowd. People were just ranting and raving about how empowered these white supremacists all over the country feel, now with Trump, their god leader, at the helm.
They were going to descend upon D .C. and create a disturbance, and it was going to be just more proof of how rampant white supremacy is.
And then it turned out that probably 30, maybe 40, if you're generous, 40 neo -Nazi white supremacists showed up to,
I don't know what they did, they talked about how much they hate black people, I don't know what they did, but you know what, it was 40 people and who cares?
And it confirmed what I've been saying all along, that white supremacy is a dying philosophy.
It is something that is not acceptable in the United States, and it's just such a small minority that it's really not even worth anybody's attention.
I spend exactly zero time worrying about white supremacists in my day -to -day life.
But anyway, there are a lot of people who do spend a lot of time with it, and they were really kind of wringing their hands that only 30, 40 people showed up.
So what they did, they got on Twitter and they started talking about how, don't be fooled by the low numbers, that white supremacy is actually a majority opinion.
I've seen some really crazy Christians, at least supposedly Christians, I'm not going to name them, but say that white supremacy is a majority opinion.
In fact, if you meet 10 people in a day, five of them at least are white supremacists, which is absolutely insane.
But what I wanted to do really quick is give you sort of a little bit of a case study and how they come to this conclusion that white supremacy and neo -Nazism and racism is actually a majority opinion.
You know, what they do is they don't really exist because, you know, there's only a handful of neo -Nazis and white supremacists and all this stuff.
There's only a handful of them. So what they do is they create them. You ever see that show Making a Murderer?
I'm not commenting on the show. I didn't watch it. I've seen some of the responses to it, never actually saw the show.
So it seems like there's some debate as to whether the show represented things correctly. But that's not the point. This is making a racist and this is something that the woke crowd does constantly and it's absolutely infuriating to see.
Now, it doesn't happen to me very often because I'm a person of color. So I guess I'm a little bit immune to this, but it has happened to me before.
People have tried to paint me as a white supremacist and a racist and things like that. It's not true. So it just kind of rolls off my back.
But I know that for some of you, especially people that are white that get this constantly, this does bother you to be called a racist, to be called a white supremacist.
But here's the thing. They are making this up. And so don't let it bug you. Don't let it bother you. Be willing to be called a racist for Christ, because if you're not a racist, you have nothing to repent of.
And what they're doing is insulting Christ, not you. And so here's the thing. This is a person who claims to be a
Christian, Santo Tipo de Tire. He seems I don't know if he's actually if he's actually anonymous, but at least his name is not there.
That's fine. But anyway, he's commenting about this tweet from Phil Johnson. And you remember John MacArthur this week posted a interesting article about social justice.
And and Nate Pikowitz here, who's a who's an online friend of mine. He said, look, John MacArthur marched for civil rights in the 60s, and now he's speaking about social justice.
And Phil Johnson corrected him. He said John MacArthur wasn't marching with the demonstrators. He was preaching the gospel and practicing real brotherhood in contrast to the angry civil rights activism of those days.
And he's advocating the same approach. And so Phil Johnson, in a very kind of summarized way, said, look, he wasn't actually marching or demonstrating.
He was preaching the gospel, which is really not that surprising because he's a gospel preacher. So he was doing it back in the 60s and he's still doing it today.
Not really that surprising to me. And actually practicing real brotherhood with with black brothers and sisters in Christ.
In fact, he talks about being with a black pastor or another Christian and getting arrested for it and things like that.
So he was actually, you know, he had actual brothers in Christ who he loved, who he ministered with.
And that's what he was doing. He was actually practicing brotherhood rather than arguing and marching and stuff like that.
Now, I'm not here to talk about what's good about marching or or demonstrating or protesting because I actually don't necessarily agree that it's not
OK to protest if you want to as a Christian. If you don't want to, that's totally fine as well.
But it's not wrong if you do it. So I don't really care about that part of this. But but but here's what this this guy says, Saint -O -Type -O, whatever his name is.
He says here is Phil Johnson says MacArthur was there to preach to the blacks, not stand with them.
John MacArthur had literally nothing to do with civil rights and his crew wants to make sure we know it. Now, if you notice what he did here is he actually added the word to John MacArthur was there to preach to the blacks to make it seem like John MacArthur is kind of putting himself above.
But what the article actually said was that he was there ministering with another black person. So this word here is a very it's a very slight, slight of hand here.
It's a small word. It's just two letters. But it changes the sort of the not the meaning so much, but but really the the way you you perceive it.
It makes it seem like John MacArthur thinks he's better than blacks preaching to them. When you think about it, though, every preacher preaches to people.
And so there's really nothing wrong with it. But it's kind of a slight way to sort of make it seem like there's something wrong with John MacArthur or Phil Johnson.
And this is one way that you make a racist. Now he continues. This guy Berg here, he says, actually, maybe he preached at them.
So he's actually disagreeing with the word that Lex Lutheran added. He's saying no, no, it's not.
He's preaching to them. That's actually not strong enough. He's preaching at them. Again, this is a way that you make a racist
St. St. Type Tire, whatever his his name is, says bingo.
Oh, yeah, I guess that is a better word. It makes it seem like he's a bit a bit of a more racist now than all of a sudden this brother here.
I don't even know he's a brother. I'll just call him cough drop. He says, I wonder if he preached to his fellow kin.
That's what he says. I wonder if he preached to his fellow kin. And so I can only take this to mean
I wonder if John MacArthur preached to white people too. And so this brother here is trying to make it seem like there's some kind of a racism going on here.
So he's preaching to the black people because they're lost in their savages. They need it. And the white people don't need it.
And if you know anything about John MacArthur, he preaches to white people every single time he is in the pulpit.
So this is just crazy. But this is how you make a racist, you see, you see, they're, they're, they're, they're commenting and adding and, and all these people, these people like it.
Oh, this is, this is pretty clever. And anyway, so, so that's how you make a racist because if you notice this, this here has nothing to do with racism.
There's no racist racism here. There's nothing to do with Nate's comedy. There's nothing to do with racism in, uh, when it comes to John MacArthur's perspective either.
But this is how you make a racist. You change the words. He said, look, he was preaching the gospel and practicing real brotherhood.
No, no. He was preaching to the black people. No, no. He was preaching at them. I wonder if he even preached to his kin, you see, that's how you make a racist.
This is happening every day. This is just an example that I happen to see. This is happening every single day. If you're white and you're not with the social justice world crowd, your words will be twisted and they will call you a racist.
That is how they do it. I'm telling you, do not worry about it. Do not worry about it. That's between you and God.
And if you are, if you do harbor discriminatory beliefs or racism, uh, you need to repent. You need to go to God with that.
His cross, the cross of Christ is good enough to forgive you even of that sin. But anyway, this is how you make a racist.
Now it looks like if I, um, you know, I'm, I'm unfortunately,
I meant to screenshot it, but I was only on my laptop the other day. Um, what St.
Typo de Tire said after that, it says, meant to say, he added to this comment. He said, you forgot the
IST. In other words, you meant to say kinists, his fellow kinists.
Now if you don't know what a kinist is, a kinist is a supposedly Christian segregationist.
That's what a kinist is. And so, uh, St. Typo de Tire initially, it looks like he might've deleted that, thinking better of it, which
I do appreciate he did that, but I'm going to expose it here. I'm going to expose it here. In fact, he did not delete it.
Here is the tweet in all its glory, if you want to call it that. Um, here is a anonymous
Twitter person calling John MacArthur or Phil Johnson or Nate, or maybe all three, a kinist with no evidence whatsoever.
Can't you just feel the social justice love? He said, I, you mean to say kinists, his fellow kinists.
In other words, calling either John MacArthur or Phil Johnson or Nate kinists with absolutely no evidence at all.
That's called a sin. And maybe he repented of it. Maybe he apologized for it. I'm not so sure. But, but that's what made me want to do this.
And then he says here, this is, I guess, supposedly, uh, not as bad as say, calling him a kinist.
He says they already had the gospel and clean white sheets that doubled as bed linens and meeting attire.
Now you don't have to be a genius to know what he's calling John MacArthur here. He's calling him a
Klansman. He said, uh, yeah, you have the gospel of John MacArthur back in the sixties. You didn't need to preach to your white people.
You only preached to the blacks and you had your white cloak in the, in the, in the background. Uh, hold on a second.
You had your, uh, you had your white hood in the background. Um, this is, this is, this is what it's going to cost you to come out against the social justice movement.
They will, they will change your words and they will call you a racist. This is what you do when the reality comes to you to the surface that there's only like 30 of unite the right, uh, white nationalists willing to March on the unite the right, you know, whatever day.
And there's the only a handful of people doing it. They're not empowered by Trump. There's not that many of them. It's a dying philosophy.
You got to do something to keep it going. So you just create racist out of thin air. And that's what they're doing here. That this, this, this guy is implying or as a girl,
I don't know, is implying that, uh, that, that John MacArthur is a kinest and a
KKK Klansman. Um, and so this is how you create a racist. Look out for this. It happens every single day.
And I just encourage you, look, if you want to stand against social justice for what you believe are biblical reasons, go ahead and do it, but be prepared for them to call you a racist, but it's okay.
Let them call you a racist. Christ and his church is worth it. I hope this was helpful.