Great are Yahweh's Works - Corey Hill


Psalm 92


Good evening, Heritage. It is with great pleasure that I have the honor to open up the scriptures with you this evening and preach from God's Holy Word.
Tonight we are going to be looking at Psalm 92. Psalm 92.
And if you don't have a Bible with you this evening, there should be one near you on the floor underneath one of your chairs. We preach out of the
Legacy Standard Bible here. So if you're new or visiting with us and you want to follow along the translation that we use, you are more than welcome to grab one of those.
As you all are turning here this evening to the 92nd Psalm in your Bible, I want to ask you a series of questions.
A series of questions that I think that might help us think out the text of Scripture this evening.
I want to ask you, what great works has God done in your life that you must give thanks for?
What great works has God done in your life that you must give him thanks for? Do you see
God's great works by only those that benefit you or ones that are positive in nature for his kingdom?
Do you perceive it great that God utterly destroys his enemies?
Do you see that it's a great work that God utterly destroys his enemies?
Do you have the proper response to these great works of God?
And finally, what great works, what do they look like for the righteous?
What do great works of God look like for those found in Christ, those found to be righteous in him?
It's my aim to help us think through these questions and answer these questions as we dive into our text of Scripture tonight,
Psalm 92. As far as doctrine goes for this evening, thankfulness and praise are good and right responses to God's great works.
Again, tonight's doctrine, if we were put this into a doctrine statement, thankfulness and praise are good and right responses to God's great works.
As we come to introduce this psalm, before we read it together corporately in just a moment by way of introduction,
I want to point you to the subheading of this psalm. The subheading of this psalm tells us that this was a song for the
Sabbath day. A psalm, a song for the Sabbath day, a song then for their gathering together.
The song was put forth as to be integrated into the worship of God for the nation of Israel, the
Israelites. Something that would pierce their minds. It would drive them into looking to and worshiping and praising the one true
God of the Bible. And that is our aim this evening. So if you would please stand in your seats for the honoring and reading of God's holy word.
We'll be reading Psalm 92 in its entirety. Psalm 92, a psalm, a song for the
Sabbath day. It is good to give thanks to Yahweh and to sing praises to your name,
O Most High, to declare your loving kindness in the morning and your faithfulness by night, with the ten -string lute and with the harp, with resounding music upon the lyre.
For you, O Yahweh, have made me glad by what you have done. I will sing for joy at the works of your hands.
Verse 5. How great are your works, O Yahweh! Your thoughts are very deep.
A senseless man does not know, and a fool does not understand this, that when the wicked flourished like grass, and all the workers of iniquity blossomed, it was only that they might be destroyed forevermore.
But you are on high forever, O Yahweh. For behold, your enemies, O Yahweh, for behold, your enemies will perish.
All the workers of iniquity will be scattered. Verse 10.
But you have raised up my horn like that of the wild ox. I have been anointed with fresh oil.
My eye has looked exultantly upon my foes. My ears hear of the evildoers who rise up against me.
The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree. He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Planted in the house of Yahweh, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age.
They shall be rich and fresh. To declare that Yahweh is upright. He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.
This is God's word. Please be seated. Tonight I have four main points of how we are to pull apart, break apart, look at this piece of Scripture, Psalm 92.
The first of those points being our response to God's great works. Our response to God's great works.
We find this in the first four verses of this Psalm. If you look in your own
Bibles, you can see this superscription that we touched on briefly at the outset of our time together. This Psalm was sung on the
Sabbath day. This Psalm was penned in light of the innumerable and wonderful and amazing works that God has done.
It is a response to these great works. I want you to see this response to God's great works that the
Psalmist pens here. It is good to give thanks to Yahweh and to sing praises to your name,
O Most High. The Israelites used this Psalm for worship.
They were being reminded consistently of how they must respond to God's goodness in light of His workings for them.
We see at least two responses here, church. We see giving thanks and we see singing praises.
And just a small short note about Hebrew poetry here. The first part, this it is good to give thanks, followed by the sing praises, it's a literary device that Hebrew poetry used.
The second part is mainly kind of a repackaging or a restatement of the first piece.
It's very much these things go together. They're not to be separated. They're not separate ideas or separate thoughts.
They're just kind of a doubling down, if you will, or thinking about it just slightly differently, but it's very much packaged together.
Children, I want to start with you this evening. Find my eyes. As your parents are teaching you all the ways in which to honor
God, one of the very best ways that you can do that is by praying to God and being thankful for what
He's given you, being thankful for parents that are leading you into godliness, that are showing you
His ways, that are teaching you the Ten Commandments and going over the catechism with you in family worship, giving thanks, these things that you're being brought up in.
Another wonderful way to praise God is by singing songs to Him. Now, children,
I can stand up here and I can say with honesty and trueness that I have the privilege of our ending of our morning gatherings to lead us in the doxology, and I hear all of you singing very, very loudly.
And sometimes you might think, hey, quiet down, Junior. Never. Sing loud, children.
Parents, teach your kids to sing loud, to fill their lungs with praise to Yahweh, the triune
God of the Bible. You're leading them and showing them and rearing them in ways that honor the Lord.
Continue to encourage them to sing loud. It is a wonderful noise for at least me to hear.
And I think we should count it joy to hear these children sing these same songs and these same things.
So, children, be thankful in your prayers that you've been raised up and you've been born to a family, a mother and a father, that love
God and love you and care about you enough to show you who God is and teach you who
God is, and secondarily, to teach you how to sing and to sing loud.
These are wonderful things. We look at giving thanks here and we see that it is good.
It is good to give thanks. It is pleasing in the sight of the Lord. If we look and search the other scriptures, especially the
Psalms, we find this replete. Psalm 69, 30 through 31 says, I will praise the name of God with song and magnify him with thanksgiving.
And this will please Yahweh better than an ox or a young bull with horns and hooves.
We think of 1 Thessalonians 5, 18, In everything give thanks, for this is
God's will for you in Christ Jesus. When we think of maybe the object of this thankfulness, what should we be thankful for?
Why should we be thankful to God? Why were maybe the Israelites remembering on this
Sabbath day and singing this song? Why were they thankful? Well, they were thankful for God's goodness.
He's almost high. His loving kindness. This is the Hebrew word chesed.
It's drawing from this covenantal love of God used in other places in scriptures. His loving kindness here, really pointing that and thinking through that just a little bit more.
In the morning, it's talking about that God woke us up in the morning. He has this loving kindness and he's given us another day, another breath to thank him and praise him with.
This text is giving at the posture of thankfulness and grace. Many places throughout the scriptures, especially in the
Psalms, direct us to praise God in the morning, to wake up and to be the first thing that we do, the first thing that we fill our minds with, the first thing that we fill our lungs with, as that should be foremost upon our thoughts and our actions.
Next, you can look at and see in the back half of verse 2, we see and your faithfulness by night.
How much more can we see God's faithfulness after a full day? How much more can we see
God's faithfulness after a full day, late into the night, into the evening as we are about to enter rest?
We can look upon his faithfulness to sustain us all the day long just before then. We can think of the innumerable times that he gave us breath to praise him, to thank him if we're in right posture, doing the things that we ought to do and we should do.
We can thank him for the grace and the mercy that he's extended to us by giving us and having us have a job that we can work unto the
Lord, by giving us children that tell us that they love us and all of these other things that I could spend hours and hours and hours pouring over that we should be thankful for before we go to bed.
But how much more can we be more thankful than at the end of a long day? It's impossible.
We next can look at the gladness that God has given us. We look at verse 4, it says, For you, O Yahweh, have made me glad by what you have done.
By what you have done. We can look at verse 4 again and see that we can be thankful and have praise for our
God -given joy. And then finally, the very last in this list,
I want to make sure that we see that it's the very last in this list. The works of his hands. The works of God's hands.
So the thing that is the last on the list for us that we should praise and thank
God for, oftentimes, if I'm being honest and you're probably being honest, are some of the things that are very first in our minds.
We're thankful that God did this for us. We're thankful that God cured our aunts of cancer.
We're thankful of these works that he's done for us, these things that he's directly done in our lives, right? But, oh, how we should see these other things in this list as more than that.
The joy that he's given. The gladness that he's given. The faithfulness that he's given.
He's extended to you by living a whole day and at night. And the loving kindness that he's woken you up in the morning.
All of these things stack up before the things that God's done for you. Christian, I would encourage you to maybe reorder the things and the reasons of why you give
God thanks and praise his name. Now, when we change our glasses over to just a slightly different lens here and we think about the singing praises part.
We think about singing praises versus the thankfulness. Now, when we're looking at singing praises, we sing them unto the
Lord. The psalm was penned for singing on the Sabbath day. There are over 400 mentions and 50 direct commands to sing to the
Lord found in the Scriptures. Over 400 mentions, if you will, and 500 direct commands to sing unto the
Lord found in the Scriptures. Some of those being Ephesians 5 .19. Speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the
Lord. Psalm 96 .1 and 2. Sing to Yahweh a new song.
Sing to Yahweh all the earth. Sing to Yahweh, bless his name. Proclaim good news of his salvation from day to day.
Psalm 149 .1. Praise Yah. Sing to Yahweh a new song.
Praise him in the assembly of the holy ones. And then
I want you to see now our affections when we sing. Our affections when we sing.
Oftentimes, say oftentimes, whenever I get the privilege to lead us in worship, in sung worship,
Brother Allen takes that priority and does that for us most often. But a few Sundays ago,
I got the privilege and the ability to lead you all in the sung work. And I got to see the joy and the gladness on faces as people lifted their voice to sing the word and to praise
Yahweh and to sing praises to his name, of his greatness, of his might, of his glory.
This gladness and this joy, these affections that we have, they are directly injected to the songs in which we sing.
One of my absolute favorites I can remember as a child hearing this often is
Amazing Grace. It's one of my absolute favorite things. I sing it to both of my sons when I'm trying to get them to calm down, when they just want mom.
I sing Amazing Grace often, and my children have all heard it a lot. But it's one of these songs that from me being just a young little boy,
I can remember being sung in my grandparents' home and in my home. And I remember this song being sung, and it brings me joy, and it brings me gladness, and it's praise to God.
These things fill us. These affections fill us. This joy fills us. This gladness fills us in these songs.
Let it fill you, saint. Let it fill your praise to the triune God of the Bible. Here we're even given a reference to sing to him with a musical accompaniment.
And there's been ministers in church history past that have said, nah, that's not what we believe here at Heritage.
We believe the scriptures principally teach that we should use instruments to elevate our praise, to make it a more pleasing aroma to Yahweh.
Excuse me. It's important for us to have some perspective on this as well. We come finally to the verse 4 here, and I briefly touched on it when we were talking about thankfulness.
But we don't thank God for what we have done in light of him.
I want to say that again to make sure we understand what I'm trying to communicate here. We don't thank God, we don't praise
God for what we've done in light of him. The scriptures tell us, for you,
O Yahweh, have made me glad for what you have done. I will sing for joy at the works of your hands.
We thank him and we sing to him because of what he has done. We are completely removed and void from praise.
For you, O Yahweh, have made me glad by what you have done. We're not in that. The psalmist doesn't say here that,
God, thank you for working in me so that I could bring glory to your name. That's not an untrue statement.
But the scriptures here are principally teaching us that we need to get out of our own way sometimes. We need to remove ourselves from being thankful to God for what we've done.
We need to thank God for who he is and let that be the end of it. We need to praise God for who he is and let that be the end of it.
So we can see how we should respond to God's great works, but what does that look like in real life? What does this look like with skin on it?
We pray prayers of thankfulness. We pray prayers of thankfulness.
We go to the throne of grace being thankful for what God has done for us. Christian, I want to remind you of something this evening.
You have the greatest work done within you that can ever be done. There is not a grander, greater, more majestic, more mighty, more wonderful work that can be done besides changing a sinner into a saint.
There's not one. Your redemption is the greatest work unto you that you could possibly fathom.
God's faithfulness and loving kindness has been put on full display by turning you into a new creation.
Saint, I charge you this evening. In light of these four verses, you could not exhaust the thankfulness that you should for the rest of eternity thanking
God for your redemption, thanking God for your salvation, thanking God for Christ Jesus hanging on a tree and bleeding and dying for you, and being resurrected three days later.
You can't exhaust that, but you should try to. Next we come to verses 5 -9.
Verses 5 -9 are God's great works towards the wicked. God's great works towards the wicked.
How great are your works, O Yahweh. Your thoughts are very deep.
A senseless man does not know. A fool does not understand this. That when the wicked flourish like grass and all the workers of iniquity blossomed, it was only that they might be destroyed forevermore.
But you are on high forever, O Yahweh. For behold, your enemies, O Yahweh.
For behold, your enemies will perish, and all the workers of iniquity will be scattered.
The author here, the psalmist here in verses 5 and 6 is helping us to understand that the ways of God and his great works are lost on those that do not know him.
They are lost on those that do not know them. He starts by showing us how vastly intelligent God is.
Oh, how deep your thoughts are. How innumerable your thoughts are to me. How mind -blowingly incomprehensible your thoughts are to me,
O God. They are so deep. Then he tells us that a fool, a senseless man, cannot understand this.
Amen? The Hebrew word here for this senseless man is getting in a very rudimentary animalistic behavior.
A brood of a man who will never attempt to understand God and his great works. We come to verse 7 and we see that the wicked flourished like grass, and all the workers of iniquity blossomed.
It was only that they might be destroyed for forevermore. The nation of Israel.
We go back through the chronological history of the Bible and we look at the nation of Israel and how
God has used and worked in and through them. We could see many a time that wicked nations shot up.
They were put under slavery with Egypt and Babylon and many others. I want you to remember the
Tower of Babel, how God allowed it to happen for so long, allowed it to rise and rise until finally he showcased his might and he thwarted the plans of men.
Many empires have stood against Christianity. They've risen to great heights only to crumble because of the will and decree of God.
The Roman Empire among those. I want you to see him double down, maybe even triple down on the sentiment that those who opposed
God will be scattered forever, that they will perish. You look at verses 8 and 9, but you were on high forever,
O Yahweh, for behold, your enemies will perish, and the workers of iniquity will be scattered.
You see him affirming God's position above and over all. This verse showcases some pieces of what we would call the doctrine of God.
God's immutability, his unchanging nature, his unchanging nature and also his infinity.
Plays more into his infinity, but we're not exclusively looking at this passage now for the doctrine of God that is vain throughout it, but it's important to note in the light of this pinning of this psalm because that is worship.
Understanding and knowing who God is, having a deeper knowledge of God drives our worship deeper of God.
These attributes and many others are what makes God or allows God to be God, to have authority over all of the earth so that he might cause these enemies to perish, that he might utterly scatter all workers of iniquity.
What we're seeing in these few verses is small peering into God and who he is in recognition that his utter destruction of evil, of sin, of the iniquitous, of the unrighteous, of the enemy in it being a great work.
I want you to remember how verse five starts out. Go ahead and look in your own Bibles. Verse five says, how great are your works,
O Yahweh? Then we come to verses eight and nine that it's great that you destroyed the people that stand in opposition of you.
It is great that you destroy your enemies, that they will perish, that the workers of iniquity will be scattered, that those that shoot up like grass and those that blossom of iniquity will be gone and destroyed forevermore, saying it's a great work that God is destroying his enemies.
Some of you all know that I lean a little post mill. So I initially immediately thought of Psalm 110 and I think it fits here and it tracks a little bit and it's just true yesterday, today, and forever.
Enemies will be footstooled. And I want to say this with clarity, that some of you here tonight are buttons on the ottoman.
Undegenerate here this evening, I encourage you to pay special attention to these aforementioned verses because it will be your doom.
You will be scattered. You will be destroyed forevermore. You will perish, those of you that have yet to bow the knee to King Jesus.
It will be a great work of God that is worthy of thanksgiving and praise to destroy you.
Maybe some of you tonight are thinking, well, I'm not an enemy of God, I'm just waiting to obey him.
I'm not an enemy of God, I'm just waiting to obey him when it's convenient for me. Or maybe you're,
I'm not an enemy of God, I'm just smarter than what those scriptures actually teach. They're getting at something greater and I understand that greater thing that they're getting at.
Maybe you're thinking, oh, I'm not an enemy of God, I'm just trying to love everybody because that's really what
God's about. You are a fool and you are on the front lines in opposition to the one triune
God of the Bible right now, friend. You're in a foxhole playing rock, paper, scissors while the
God of the Bible is playing hellfire and brimstone and you lose every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Do words like scattered, perished, destroyed forevermore, do those things sound pleasant to you? I pray that they don't because the truth of hell is real and it awaits you senseless man if you do not repent and believe and bow the knee to King Jesus in this life because if you don't do it in this life, you will do it in the next life, forever in hell.
We come now to verse 10 in this psalm and I have this point titled
God's great works towards the righteous or the anointed. God's great works towards the anointed.
We come to Psalm 92 verses 10 through 15 here and we can see these words of favor that riddle these verses.
But you have raised up my horn like that of a wild ox. I've been anointed with fresh oil. My eye has looked exultantly at my foes.
My ears hear of the evildoers who rise up against me. The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree.
He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of Yahweh, they will flourish in the courts of our
God. They will still yield fruit in old age and they shall be rich and fresh.
To declare that Yahweh is upright, he is my rock and there's no unrighteousness in him.
I believe there's at least four elements here that the psalm is trying to convey in these last five verses.
Those four being the exaltation of God's anointed, the flourishing of God's anointed, the roots of God's anointed and the fruit of God's anointed.
You might call them sub -points of this point. It's the exaltation of God's anointed, the flourishing of God's anointed, the roots of God's anointed and the fruit of God's anointed.
First we look at the exaltation of God's anointed. We see the raising up, the lifting up that signifies prominence, power, conquering.
You lift up my horn. You've raised up my horn of that of a wild ox. The psalmist here is saying that the
Lord has given him favor, strength, even like that of a beast most formidable, a wild oxen.
We see then that he's anointed with fresh oil. This is a pointing to a refreshing, a word for word translation of this piece of the scripture might be,
I have been anointed with oil that is also fresh. Some commentators, some scholars think this is kind of a, not a reimagining, but a repositioning, a replaying of this anointing.
He's being anointed again for this purpose. This fresh oil for you and I works more or less into new mercies and new graces.
We think about it ourselves, Christian, this fresh oil works into new mercies and new graces.
There's new extensions of the loving kindness of God that he has bestowed upon us. And then we look now next to our verse 11 and we see that victory has been assured to the psalmist.
Victory has been assured. His eye has looked and he's seen his exaltation upon his foes.
He hears of the evildoers who are going to rise up against him. He knows of his victory.
I want you to hear the old British Anglican, George Horn on this passage. And he says, it is intended to express an assurance of faith, a humble confidence in the promises of God that our efforts shall at length be crowned with victory over everything which resists an opposite itself.
That the day is coming and we shall view all the enemies of our salvation dead at our feet.
Remember verses like Romans 8, 37. We were in that passage of Scripture just this morning.
Pastor Brandon's sermon. When all of these things we overlay or we conquer through him who loved us.
The flourishing of God's anointed, we see this flourishing. We look at verse 12, we see this flourishing.
The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree. He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. And if you don't know some context, those things can fall kind of deaf on you.
If you don't understand some context, those things can seem like they're small potatoes. But they're not.
Just a few short Sundays ago, we looked at Psalm 29 and the cedars of Lebanon are mentioned in that passage of Scripture as well.
These trees were monumentous. Scholars and commentators alike akin these trees to the redwoods of our day.
I know some of you in this body have went and seen those trees recently. Seen their massivity, their hugeness, making you feel like an ant.
These were the most impressive trees all around. They were strong. They were large. They stood the test of time.
They were used for the finest things. They were aesthetically beautiful. Palms for the nation of Israel were as plentiful as oak trees are in eastern
Oklahoma. That's why they represent this flourishing or this prospering.
There were forests of palms all through the Phoenician coastlands and Judea was also covered in palm forests.
When we think about these things, this flourishing, this prospering, a lot of times in this
Reformed camp that we stand in and we put both of our feet in and we're proud of that camp, we start talking about prosperity and we start backpedaling.
We start thinking of guys like Joel Osteen. We start thinking of these false teachers, these guys that preach this false gospel, this prosperity gospel.
Well, you and I both know that those are things that are absolutely false and there's not a drop of goodness in all of it.
But what we can't let those charlatans do is rob us of the promises that Scripture holds for us that God does prosper
His people. Jeremiah 29, 11 says, For I know the plans that I have for you, declares
Yahweh, plans for peace and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope. Proverbs 10, 22 says,
It is a blessing of Yahweh that makes rich and He adds no pain with it. Psalm 1, 1 -3 says,
How blessed is a man who does not walk in the counsel of wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers, but is enlightened in the law of Yahweh and in His law he meditates day and night.
And he will be like a tree, firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.
And whatever he does, he prospers. That prosperity gospel,
I nearly said garbage because it is garbage. The prosperity gospel that's rampant in its runnings is even in our own communities.
But like I said before, its falsivity does not negate what God promises in His scriptures for His saints.
What we must understand to know is that the true real gospel is a prosperity gospel.
But the prosperity and the fortune is guaranteed to men's souls and not their pockets.
It's guaranteed to men's souls but not their pockets. And that's what we're seeing here in Psalm 92, 12.
The righteous man will flourish like a palm tree. He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Next we come into verse 13.
The first few words in verse 13 are planted in the house of Yahweh. They will flourish in the courts of our
God. The psalmist is still using this metaphoric language. He's speaking and writing with this theme and this metaphoric nature of trees.
Trees have roots. I think we can all agree on that topic. No tree may flourish if its roots are decayed.
If its roots are not rooted well, it will not flourish. The psalmist here puts forth this premise that the location of the tree matters.
The location of the tree matters. What the tree is surrounded by matters.
What the tree is being provided, such as water, sun, soil, all of those things matter.
So Saint, I want to point to you the reality before you this evening that the flourishing anointed man or woman of God is planted in the right place.
Roots are rooted deep within the house of Yahweh, far down in the courts of God, anchored around what?
The chief cornerstone, which is Christ Jesus. So Saint, I want you to think now in your own life in light of this.
Do you desire more contentment? Do you desire more sanctification? Do you desire to be less selfish?
Do you desire to be more repentant? Do you desire to hate your sin more?
Do you desire to be harder to offend? The last question
I want to ask you is, are your roots stunting your growth?
Are your roots stunting this growth that you desire, this contentment, being more repentant, being harder to offend, being less selfish, hating your sin more, being more sanctified?
Are your roots stunting your growth? Now we see the fruit of God's anointed.
We come to verses 14 and 15. The fruit of God's anointed. They will still yield fruit in old age.
They shall be rich and fresh. To declare that Yahweh is upright, He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.
Psalmist is still speaking this metaphoric language. He now points to the fruit of the trees.
What kind of fruit does the anointed man have? Look in your own Bibles. It's rich.
It's fresh, even in old age. Now, Saint, I want to ask you a few more questions.
This sermon might feel a bit like a pop quiz. I'm sorry. Why do we produce fruit?
Why do we as saints, why do we as God's people produce fruit? I think there's more than one answer.
Some of you might say that so we can bless our brothers and sisters and we can be peaceable. Some might say that so we can be more harmonious, we can have more unity with the body.
Some might say to foster and bring up the next generation of Christians in love and fear and admonition of the
Lord. Some might say that God causes the fruit to grow that he tends the vines of our life.
And I would say to you, yes. But I would venture to say to all of you that these are true, but they point to a greater reality that the psalmist here is really getting at.
If you look in your own Scriptures, you'll see in verses 15, the first two words in verse 15, if you have a legacy standard
Bible, is to declare. Well, to declare what? What does our fruit have to do in declaring something about God?
Our fruit declares God's righteousness in light of these Scriptures. Our fruit declares His steadfastness in light of these
Scriptures. Our fruit declares His goodness in light of these Scriptures. Our fruit production in this life is conveyed that God is
God and He is to be beheld by the great works that He has wrought in causing a tree of life to grow from an old dead stump that you pour grease on in the backyard.
What I'm trying to get you to understand, what I'm trying to point you to here is that the works that you have in life, the things that, the fruit that you have that come, that bear from the
Christian life that you live, that fruit is bared so that you can declare that Yahweh is upright, that He is your rock, that He is immovable, that there is no unrighteousness in Him.
In my house this week for homeschool,
Galatians 5, 22 and 23 has been the memory verse. I immediately thought of that.
Galatians 5, 22 and 23, but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self -control, and against such thing there is no law.
All of the fruit in your life declares that Yahweh is great and worthy to be praised. Let us be thankful and glad those that are found in Christ Jesus.
Let us be thankful and glad. Let us praise Him for the fruit that He has produced in us that declares that He is
God, that He is good, that He has loving kindness for us, that we can be thankful for who
He is. In closing this evening, in light of this psalm, this is aimed at saints who engage in worship on the
Lord's day. I've pointed you to it once already, church, but I want to point it to you one more time.
The greatest work in which God has worked directly in us is the greatest extension of grace that we could ever receive, sonship, through the work and person of Christ Jesus Himself.
There's never been a man on this earth worthy of anointing by God except His Son.
If not for Christ's death on the cross, saints, we would all be found in verse 7, we'd be found flourishing like grass, blossomed up so that we could just be destroyed forevermore.
But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love in which
He loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ.
Amen. Amen. Ungenerate you that are sitting here this evening, sonship is yours to be had as well.
You must first just bow the knee to King Jesus in this life. You must repent and turn from what you know and what you currently love to follow after Christ, to take your sin the only place that it's accepted.
That's at the foot of the cross. As Pastor Brandon says, this is reading and studying this week and reading and studying and listening to different things.
I kept coming back to this, something that Brandon has said a long time ago. He said a few more times here recently, but I can't ever get it out of my head.
I love it so much. That we are reconciled to Christ. We are taking it out of the courtroom and we're put in the family room and we get to wear the family robes and we get to sit at the family table and we get to understand all of these great works that God's done for us because we're a part of the family now.
And finally, as we close, before we pray and Brother Allen leads us in song,
I want to exhort every one of you in light of this psalm tonight to lift your voices high in praise and thankfulness in your prayers in earnest.
Pray more thankfully. Sing in worship in light of who
God is more truly that you might understand who he is and love him more.
God, you are holy, holy, holy. God, I pray that the
Holy Spirit use this preaching this evening to convict those that are yet to bow the knee to King Jesus.
That he use it to prick saints' hearts so they might better praise God. They might be more thankful of who
God is and what he's done for them. They might hold his joy and his gladness that he's given them to a higher standard and appreciate it more.
That we might properly see that God desires us as his anointed ones who were found in Christ to flourish and not be robbed of the promises of that prosperity and what it means truly and really.
That it doesn't mean full pockets. It means everlasting souls united to Christ.
Father, I thank you for these scriptures. Thank you most for your son. It's in his name we pray, amen.