How to be a Strong Christian Witness: 2022 Edition

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, well, welcome to another week. I hope you had a great weekend, a good Lord's Day, and all of that.
I definitely did. My pastor, just so grateful for him, by the way.
Shout out to all the good pastors out there, because it's just such a blessing that God is able to use these men to deliver these sermons that are just so helpful and so practical and the applications make sense and all of that.
I feel like I understand God's Word pretty well, but so regularly after I get out of church on Sunday, I just feel like I've gotten so much out of it.
It's just wonderful. It was about the commandment, you shall not bear false witness, and what that entails and what we can't do, what we have to do, stuff like that.
Great stuff. Very practical. I know a lot of you guys have good pastors, and I'm just so grateful to God that he's provided us with exactly what we need for this moment in time.
I did want to say also, I was listening to Peter Schiff this weekend, and he commented on the
Brian Flores situation, and his comments are very similar to mine, because of course, he's a pretty smart guy.
He actually mentioned something that I alluded to, but he explained it a little bit better. What I said was, this
Brian Flores situation, you get fired for cause, very similar cause to the last guy who was in your position, and all of that, and then you don't get hired by a couple of teams, and then you cry racism.
And it's like, this is going to de -incentivize people. I'm not even talking about the
NFL. I don't even care about the NFL at all. I'm talking about regular businesses. They have to worry about being called racist after they fire a
Black person or a Latino for cause, so they're just going to not hire
Black people as much as they used to. It's a headache. Well, it's actually more than a headache, because when they sue you, there's actually a cost associated with that lawsuit.
You have to defend yourself in court, and so smaller businesses, in his opinion, he says larger businesses will still hire
Black people, because they can cover the cost a little bit better, plus also, it'll be easier to prove racism in a larger context of business if you don't hire any
Black people. But he said smaller businesses are going, every time they have a Black candidate, have to attach the cost of the risk of being called a racist once you sue him for cause.
And so they're just going to overlook those candidates, because it's not worth it. I mean, I have to pay this guy exactly what
I would pay a White guy, because that would be racist. But also, I have to attach an additional cost, because a
White guy, when they get fired, is not going to accuse me of racism. A Black person is. So there's a cost associated with that.
And so that's a great point. And it's like, dude, you're not helping. You're being very selfish,
Brian Flores. You don't get paid, but you're actually hurting Blacks everywhere. And it's really annoying.
So anyway, I just thought I'd put a finer point on that. I thought Peter—by the way, if you want to listen to Peter Schiff's podcast from Saturday, he talks about this at the end.
He makes some hilariously true points about how unracist the NFL is. It's like the worst business that you can accuse of racism, according to the numbers.
Anyway, whatever. That's a side issue. I did want to talk about just the fantasy world that evangelical leaders live in.
Have you noticed this? And this is—it's just fantasy. It's like, if you were to go by Big Eva evangelical leaders, what they say publicly, you would think that the way to be a strong Christian witness is to essentially be a propaganda piece.
Like, have you noticed that everyone that is playing footsies with the world, everyone who's kind of like, you know, maybe they're against what the world is saying, but not strongly against it.
Like, if you're strongly against what the world is doing, you're not being a good witness. That's not how to be a
Christian witness. The way to be a good Christian witness is to play footsies with them and to essentially push whatever lies that they're pushing.
And if you can't, then you just have to soften it a little bit. It's just so insane.
I mean, I'm not going to comment too much on this. John Harris did a great job commenting on this, but Tim Keller's talking about this interview with this woman.
Yes, she asked Stephen Colbert, who is a Catholic, about his faith, and he said something.
I don't even care what he said. It doesn't even really matter. Because the point is Stephen Colbert is a propaganda mouthpiece.
Anything that the government wants you to believe, he's going to say. That's his witness. And he happens to be a
Christian at the same time. So he presents himself as a Christian, but basically is right on there with the world's program, and that's how you're a good witness.
And Tim Keller's not the only one saying this, and Stephen Colbert is not the only one he says it about.
It's every single time. It's like, who are the good Christian witnesses right now, and what are they doing, right?
We got Francis Collins. He's pushing the vaccine mandate narrative and all that. It's totally fine, even if it's an abortion vaccine.
It doesn't matter. So he's a good Christian witness, because essentially this is what
I've learned. You're a good Christian witness if you call yourself a Christian, but you just kind of push everything, and you don't get too hard against things like abortion or homosexuality or things like that.
You see, that's the thing. Abortion and homosexuality right now, for the most part, they're still unacceptable for a
Christian to promote. Now, I'm not so sure if Stephen Colbert actually doesn't promote those things, but whatever.
Let's talk about evangelicals for a second. Evangelicals, no, they can't be pro -abortion or pro -homosexuality.
The way to be a Christian witness there, again, according to this program, is you basically apologize for the
Bible's position on that, and then you go with a worldly solution. So it's like, yeah, remember
Matt Chandler? He's a great Christian witness. He gets on vice .com, a great opportunity to stand up for God's truth, and what he does is he says, oh, yeah,
I would say that that's not God's best for you. You know, get that voice inflection at the end.
So it's almost like you're, you approve of this, right? Like, you're seeking approval. Your voice goes up in a little bit in pitch.
That's a signal of seeking approval. You know, you get something like that. You know, that's how you're a good
Christian, because the culture can handle this. You see, this is so funny. Tim Keller actually, you know, he says the quiet part out loud here.
It's like, the way to be a good Christian witness is don't say anything that they can't handle. Like, that's how you do it.
You don't say anything that you can't handle. Yeah, that's exactly what Peter was doing on Pentecost, right, when he was explaining how they had killed the
Messiah and stuff like that. The people, they could handle that, because, you know, it's not like they said, oh, they were cut to the heart or anything like that.
No, no, no. That's too aggressive. You see, that's not how to be a Christian witness. The way to be a
Christian witness is to adjust the message to be as palatable as possible.
And by the way, that's just called conceptualization. I actually sat through a Tim Keller lecture.
I sat next to him while we were waiting to announce him. And I was, like, starstruck at the time, because I was a brand new
Christian, and I read his book, and I loved it. And he gave a presentation on gospel contextualization.
And there's a truth in the stuff about gospel contextualization, because you want to be understood by the people that you're speaking to.
So, you know, the people that you're speaking to, they don't understand Christianese. They might not understand some of the moral categories that we have.
And so, yes, you do want to contextualize based on who you're talking to. That's true. But the presentation, even as a baby
Christian, even as a young Christian who was, like, starstruck by seeing Tim Keller, I heard what he was saying.
And it's like, that's not contextualization. That's adjusting the message. That's hiding certain things.
And so he's like, yeah, you know, just the way to be a good Christian witness is just to only say and enunciate the things that the public square can handle.
I mean, because if he were to really be a Christian witness, like, you know, the way those fundies want to, where they're uncompromising on the word of God, probably
Duleepa over here, Duleepa, I don't even know how to pronounce it,
Duleepa, you know, probably wouldn't like that very much. And he'd probably get canceled. It's like, well, you know, only what they can handle.
And it's like, so basically, the way to be a Christian witness is just to play footsies.
You know, how do you be a Christian witness? Well, you close down church when the government says it's too dangerous. Because if you don't do that, then people aren't going to respect you.
They're going to be too scared to go to church. You see, it's not about being a Christian witness according to God's standard.
It's about being a Christian witness according to wherever your culture's at at the time, right? So maybe back in the day, the culture could handle, you know, disobeying the government order to close down church.
But today, they can't. And therefore, to be a good witness, you must shut down your church when the government says it's too dangerous.
But simultaneously, notice, notice, you're at their whims at all times. Because simultaneously, also to be a good witness, you can't stand against a
Black Lives Matter rally. In fact, you have to attend the Black Lives Matter rally to be a good Christian witness. You have to support it, maybe even donate to it.
So it's like you're always at the whims and the fancies of the culture at the time because your goal as a
Christian witness is to say you're a Christian. So speak the words, I am a
Christian, and then promote what the world is promoting at the time. Now, if you can't promote it, at least soften your beliefs.
So it's like, it's not God's best for you. Oh, abortion? Yeah, it's a grave evil.
But the solutions are womb -to -tomb welfare and socialism.
So that's how you kind of get, like, it's not ideal for you to be against abortion. But if you're going to be, then you have to accept socialism and all of that kind of stuff as well.
Otherwise, you're totally toast. I mean, this is everywhere, guys. It's like, this is how to be a
Christian witness. Play footsies with the world and essentially keep your mouth—if you can't keep your mouth shut about it, then say what you believe, but apologize, soften it.
You can't just be too aggressive because that's not a good Christian witness.
This is everywhere. This is in every instance, in every, like, for example, like if you're against, you know,
I don't know, porn in a movie, right? You're against porn in a movie. You better keep your mouth shut about that.
That's not a good Christian witness. The way to be a Christian witness is to include movies with pornography in them in your top 10 list of movies in 2021.
That's how you be a good Christian witness. The way to be a good Christian witness is to hide the fact that Bible says that sodomy is an abomination before him.
It is a soul -destroying lifestyle that will destroy you.
It'll destroy the person you're with and stuff like that. That's how to be a bad Christian witness. A good
Christian witness will say, you know, it's not God's best for you. And by the way, I mean, you can still be a
Christian even if you desire it. Like desiring that is, I mean, you know, by the way, there's real love there.
I mean, they can express their love in a, anyway, I think you get, you see my point. This is in every area.
There's not a single area, even things that are close to the heart of our religion, right?
Like Christians believe that every Muslim, if they don't repent of their sins and trust in the
Lord Jesus Christ, they're on their way to hell. I mean, they're going to be in torment forever and ever and ever.
Like that's what Christians believe, but that's not what you, if you're going to be a good Christian witness, you can't do that.
In fact, the way to be a good Christian witness is to divert funds that Christians gave to the work of the
Lord and promote building more mosques so that people can go to hell because they worship
Allah and because they think that they can kind of earn their salvation through, you know, well, there's a little bit of faith there too.
I mean, obviously, and all of that, you know, the demons are going to save them. Like, you see what
I'm saying? Like that's the way to be a good Christian witness, right? You don't, there's not a single area this doesn't touch.
By the way, what got me thinking about this was this super gay clip. Man, I don't even really care about the enneagram, whatever.
As soon as I saw the enneagram, I like, obviously that's not Christian, obviously. But look at this.
I mean, there's, first of all, there's so much, obviously the way to be a good Christian witness is to accept the enneagram, right?
Obviously, because whatever the world's doing, that's what you do. But actually, that's where I started thinking about this, but I actually don't even want to comment on the enneagram.
And there's controversy about it. This guy claims that it's a Christian origin, but there's a lot of evidence that it's not.
And plus the fact that it's not in the Bible anywhere, right? But I just want you to hear the energy of this video.
It's just, here, let's play it. It's from woke preacher clips.
Oh, come on, start. The enneagram's roots can be traced back to the desert mothers and fathers in the
Christian tradition. It does have Christian roots. So he's saying that this thing, to know how your personality is, it comes from Christian sources,
I guess. And Russell Moore is just sitting there, and he's giddy as a schoolgirl because he knows this is his real mission.
Let's start by just talking about the enneagram, because I know that there are some people in sort of my tribe of evangelical
Christianity who are really nervous about the enneagram. And some of them will say, well,
I've heard... No, this is the way to be a good Christian witness. Every time you reference evangelicals, you have to insult them in some way.
This is how you become a great Christian witness. Like, number one, you basically do your propaganda mouthpiece.
So if you're spreading government propaganda, that's one way to know. Oh, but you have to also say, you say you're a
Christian, that's step one. And then you spread government propaganda, that's step two. That's how you know you're a good
Christian witness. And now there's another thing here. There's another step. This is the third step. It's very, very important.
Anytime you reference fellow evangelicals, you always insult them. You always make them seem like they're scared.
They're nervous. They're not so sure about this. The enneagram, they're nervous about it.
You want them to appear nervous, fearful, a little bit crazy. Oh, and dumb.
That's another thing. You have to say they're too dumb to figure this out. The nervous and fearful one, a lot of guys use that.
A lot of the old guard evangelical leaders, they don't want to call evangelicals dumb, necessarily, although oftentimes they do.
But guys like Russell Moore, Matt Chandler, if you remember when he was talking about on the same
Vice interview. Again, this is how you're a public witness for Christ, a strong public witness for Christ.
You've got to follow these rules. So what did he do when he was on Vice? He said, oh yeah, evangelicals, they were fearful because they were fearful because of the women's bathroom thing.
And you just got to make them feel like they're just in the corner and they can't cope. And they're just like about stupid stuff.
They're very nervous. But if you're not like old guard leader, like if you're on the fringes, the best way to do it is to basically call them stupid.
So going back to the Tim Keller thing, Anthony Bradley got in on this. Anthony Bradley, he never misses an opportunity to call evangelicals stupid.
That's like his big thing. He's very smart and all these evangelicals are stupid. He called me stupid a few times, which, you know, listen, if you have a
PhD next to your name, there's a good chance that you're really not as smart as you think you are. But in any case, especially if you put it on your
Twitter bio, that's like a certain thing that happens to men when they have a really nice sports car, right?
They're kind of overcompensating for something. I think that the PhD at the end of your title on Twitter is one of those things.
But anyway, Anthony Bradley says this. It just shows how intellectually superior Catholics are at articulating their faith.
A Protestant would not have been able to do that. Anglicans could. Most evangelicals would say there's no gospel in his answer.
And he hashtags it religious studies. That's what you do. You make to be a Christian witness.
I mean, this is the third rule. Ready? Third rule. Third step. Always, always make evangelicals as inferior as you possibly can.
They're stupid. They're fearful. They're nervous. They're an idiot. You know, that's how you do it. That's how you do it.
But let's continue because the energy of this gets gayer and gayer as it goes on. I heard that it started in something occultic.
Or they'll say, I heard that it started in a really mystical form of Catholicism.
And is that really compatible? He's got like this energy of like, it's like Mr.
Rogers. But Mr. Rogers was talking to children. And when you talk to children, you are very careful about your enunciation.
And you talk like a little slower than you would talk to an adult.
But he's got that. But he's talking to adults here. It's like, what is the deal with that?
It's super weird. It's super gay. I mean, this guy's mannerisms are super gay.
Also, this guy as well. But he's talking about how, you know, the Enneagram is we shouldn't be scared of it.
It is not occultic. And it's like, but you know, all the evidence is that it's not Christian at all.
And that it is occultic. Talk so you can understand me, Russell. But the point is that if the world likes it, the way to be a
Christian witness, a faithful, solid, lion of a Christian witness, is to either support it or downplay it.
Here, I think they're supporting it as some kind of a valuable tool for your spiritual development.
If you want to develop spiritually, you need to know your Enneagram number. So I posted about this. And unbelievably, like this is,
I posted that it was gay because it's the energy is just so gay. But then they,
I guess later, Woke Preacher Gibbs tells me that he edited out one of the most gayest parts of it, the most gayest, where they both are like, kind of like, they're talking about their numbers.
And I don't know what these numbers mean, but who cares? I'm a four. And then the other guy goes, oh, I'm a four.
And then they're like, oh, everyone in my poetry club is a four too. Listen, poetry is not necessarily gay, but it's just so perfect that these two guys are just sipping their tea and reading poetry, talking about how they're both
Enneagram fours. In any case, by the way, this is not how you're a good
Christian witness. Like if you like poetry and all that, that's fine. If you like, you know, Stephen Colbert, I don't understand why.
I mean, his comedy isn't even good. Like even by pagan standards, his comedy is horrible.
If you like it, fine, you could like Stephen Colbert. I don't have a problem with you. But I wouldn't take my cues on how to be a powerful
Christian witness from a propaganda mouthpiece of the mainstream media. That makes absolutely no sense at all.
Tim Keller, I mean, I was thinking about ripping this thing apart because, you know, so many people reached out to me about this.
It's like, I don't think I can recommend Tim Keller in any way, in any sense after this. And it's like, well, yeah,
I mean, I've been doing that for a long time. But this is obviously not how you're a good
Christian witness. Obviously, contextualizing is good. But the way that he describes it, it's just not good in any way.
I hope you had a good weekend again. And well, I hope you found this video helpful.