Revisiting Lauren Daigle’s Statement About Homosexuality!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So in today's video,
I want to revisit the comments Lauren Daigle made about homosexuality. And I don't do this to attack her or hate on her,
I'm simply doing this because we all need to know how to respond to this question as Christians. Saying that homosexuality might not be a sin or that you can't really answer the question definitively is dangerously unbiblical whether you like it or not.
And so, in the interest of protecting the Church from this kind of unbiblical thinking, I want to take another look, a closer look, at Lauren Daigle's comments with regards to homosexuality and whether or not it's a sin.
The comments we will be talking about in this video were made over three years ago, but I will make the case for you that they have never been more relevant than they are today.
You'll have to stick around and watch the whole video to find out why. So here's the context. Lauren Daigle is a
Christian musician who consistently finds herself at the top of the Christian music charts. Some of her most popular songs are
You Say, Rescue, and Hold On To Me. The point here is that Lauren is undoubtedly one of the most popular
Christian musicians in the world. She has even appeared on The Ellen Show, which is exactly what got her involved in this whole controversy in the first place.
And later, when Lauren appeared on a radio program to clear up some things, she was asked the question of whether or not homosexuality is a sin.
Here's what she said. Listen to this. In a recent interview, Grammy and Dove Award winner Lauren Daigle was asked her opinion about homosexuality.
Do you feel that homosexuality is a sin? You know, I can't honestly answer on that.
I have too many people that I love that they are homosexual. I don't know. I can't say one way or the other.
I'm not God. So when people ask questions like that, that's what my go -to is.
I just say, read the Bible and find out for yourself. And when you find out, let me know, because I'm learning too.
Now we're going to respond to this clip using three biblical points. Number one. The first thing Lauren says is that she can't honestly answer the question.
And why can't she honestly answer it? Well, according to her, it's because she, quote, has too many people she loves who are homosexual.
This seems to be a very inconsistent answer. If you actually don't know the answer to the question, then why would you not be able to answer it due to having homosexual people whom you love?
If the real reason you're not answering the question is because you legitimately have no idea what the Bible says about homosexuality, then why would you also say that you can't answer it because you have people you love who are gay?
This seems to be altogether unnecessary. I'm not saying that I can read Lauren's mind on this, so I want to make it clear.
I am making an assumption here based on her statement. But it seems to me that the most plausible reason you'd withhold an answer on the basis of loving homosexual people is because you think your answer would offend them or hurt their feelings.
You see, if your answer was that it's not a sin, then surely you wouldn't have any reservation about offering that answer.
It's not offensive in any way. On the other hand, if the answer truly was, I simply don't know either way, then the fact that you love homosexual people wouldn't be a reason that you can't answer the question.
The fact that you don't know the answer is. You could just genuinely say, I don't know, without your feelings needing to be factored in.
But if you actually think that the Bible opposes homosexuality, well then, in that case, you might not tell people so as not to offend the people you say you love.
Again, I don't know that this is what she meant for sure, but her comment really seems to indicate this. And just to be clear, regardless of what she meant, let me assure you that the reason
Lauren can't answer this question honestly is most certainly not because she loves homosexual people. The real reason she can't answer the question is that she doesn't love them enough.
Let me explain what I mean. Lauren believes, as all of us should, that Jesus was the most loving person of all time.
But in Matthew 4, 17, Jesus says, quote, repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, end quote.
Jesus, who is perfectly loving, calls people out of their sin and to himself. Therefore, as Christians, if we seek to love people the way
Jesus did, we must call them out of their sin and to Christ. So to suggest that you cannot call your homosexual friends' behavior sinful because you love them, well, that's just false.
The real reason you cannot call their behavior sinful is because you really aren't loving them in that moment. At least, not loving them enough to call them out of their destructive and sinful behavior.
This brings me to point number two. The second statement we need to highlight here is when she says the following, quote,
I can't say one way or the other, end quote. And guys, this may seem like a very humble and very charitable thing to say, and I have no doubt that Lauren believed it was when she said it.
But every Christian can and should be able to definitively make a statement about the sinfulness of homosexuality.
I find it very hard to believe that a person who has been in church for years has never heard about the
Bible's position on homosexual behavior. Almost any Christian with almost any level of experience in this issue can definitively tell you what the truth is, especially someone who is theoretically experienced enough in Christian teaching to write and sing
Christian songs for a living, as Lauren does. And again, let's not forget that there's really good reason to believe that Lauren does know the truth about this, at least to some degree, because she says that she doesn't want to reveal her answer on account of having too many people she loves who are homosexual.
So long story short, this is not an innocent comment, folks. It's a big opportunity to spread biblical values missed because of unnecessary ignorance or more likely, unnecessary cowardice.
Romans 1 26 -27 says, "...for this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions.
For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature. And the men likewise gave up natural relations with women, and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men, and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error."
The Bible makes its stance on homosexuality very clear. The only question is, if you were a popular
Christian musician being asked to talk about it, would you admit the truth or would you say, I don't know?
That's the question we should all be asking ourselves, not just Lauren Daigle. And this brings me to point number three. Lauren then continues saying the following, "...I
am not God. So when people ask questions like that, that's what my go -to is. I just say, read the
Bible and find out for yourself." There's so much wrong with this, it's hard to know where to start. First off, when you say, quote,
I am not God, as a reason why you can't tell people the clear biblical truth that God has instantiated, it's not as much a reason as it is an excuse.
The premise is correct, but the conclusion is dreadfully wrong. You are right, you are not God. Jeremiah 10, 6 says, quote, there is none like you,
O Lord, end quote. So that is correct. None of us are God, and therefore none of us are the ultimate standard of morality.
But this should not lead us to say that we cannot tell people what that standard is. No, not at all. It is precisely because we are not
God, and because we are not the standard of morality, that we must stand firmly on the objective standard of morality given to us by God, which is of course the
Bible. Again, the premise of I am not God is entirely correct. But the conclusion of therefore
I cannot tell you the biblical truth about homosexuality is entirely false. Hebrews 4, 12 says this, quote, for the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two -edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart, end quote.
The word of God has all the answers we need if we would only stand upon it as the foundation of our worldview.
The other issue in what Lauren said is when she tells other people that they should read the Bible and find out for themselves.
This is sometimes an acceptable answer, but not in this case. If the Bible has an obvious answer to a question, then we should do our best to know that answer and be able to give that answer to anyone who asks us.
We shouldn't always have to say, go look at the Bible for yourself whenever we encounter a controversial issue, especially on issues that are so clear and so culturally relevant like this one.
Again, in Romans 1, Paul calls homosexuality a dishonorable passion, a shameful lust, and a behavior that is sinful and worthy of punishment from God, as all sin is.
A plain reading of Scripture will allow any Christian to answer this question honestly. But apparently, Lauren Daigle thinks that you need to be
God himself in order to answer it. That's not biblical in the slightest. This is a dangerous falsehood that cannot be allowed to gain a foothold in the church.
And I want to make something clear as well. As a Christian, you're allowed to say that you don't know the answer to something. To make up an answer to a question that you really have absolutely no idea about whatsoever, well, that would be dishonest.
Ephesians 4 .25 says, quote, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, end quote.
So I'm not saying that you should make things up. Rather, I'm saying that you should study your Bible and discover the obvious answers it has to questions like these.
And if you know those answers, don't be afraid to share them with the world. So in conclusion, Lauren Daigle's comments about homosexuality are unbiblical, and there's really no other way to put it.
These kinds of statements, not just from her, but from many professing Christians, demonstrate a very concerning trend in what calls itself the modern church.
Many people who claim to be Christians either do not know the obvious answers to important questions, the ones that the culture is asking, or they do know these answers and are afraid to lose their popularity or money by presenting those answers to a culture that fundamentally won't accept them.
Either way, this kind of thing is false, unbiblical, and concerning. And these comments were made back in 2018, as I've said before.
So here we are three years later, and I'm making a video about this. I've tried to find a clarification from Lauren Daigle on this issue after the fact, and I was not able to find one.
So three years ago, she said that she doesn't know if homosexuality is a sin. Then she told people to look in the
Bible, so in theory, she knows the answer is in there somewhere. But there is no record that I could find that at any point in these last three years, she has studied the issue and amended her statement.
If that's the case, that tells us either that she knows the answer and still won't say it, or that she has still not studied or looked at the issue for an answer at all.
Again, the pattern here is that there is a distinct lack of willingness to find and or report the biblical truth.
That is the problem, and unfortunately that problem continues to this day. And it's all coming from a Christian celebrity who sings about Jesus for a living.
Now I'm not saying that Lauren is the worst person in the world, or that we should all hate her or we should all cancel her forever.
That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm simply saying that her take on this is unbiblical and no Christian should ever repeat it.
So let's earnestly pray for Lauren that she would see her error on this and believe the truth of God's word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.