EPIC FAIL: Trendy Pastor Talks About Heaven!

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Hey guys, Colin here. Welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. And please don't forget to like, comment, share, and most importantly, subscribe and hit the notification bell to join the fight for truth.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers, viewership, and support. Let's get into the video.
I have absolutely no idea why the video you're about to see was being advertised to me, of all people.
But I'm on Instagram the other day, responding to the messages that I receive on a daily basis from all of you wonderful people, and there was a sponsored video being advertised to me, which
I took the liberty of watching. I realized that it was a video of a lesser known, trendy pastor almost immediately, and this person's message was definitely leaning in a prosperity gospel type direction.
The prosperity gospel, for those who aren't aware, is the view that Christians have been promised earthly blessings and pleasures by God in exchange for our faith.
Not that he has much of a well -known name, but in case you're wondering, his name is Kevin Lucas Jr. In the video,
Kevin talks about heaven, and this is what he says. Here's the clip. If your version of heaven is you said yes to Jesus, and now you're going to go sit on a cloud in heaven and pray a harp,
I'm telling you there's so much more. I don't know about y 'all, but I'm going to drive a yellow Lamborghini when I get to heaven. I don't know about y 'all, but that's what
I'm going to do. Okay? I don't know what you're going to do, but that's what I'm going to do. Now when I watched this, I was dumbfounded at the lack of theological and biblical education that this pastor has.
This kind of thing has become all too common in our teachers. But let's get into what he says, because the first statement he makes is somewhat true.
Much of the current culture has this idea that heaven is a boring place where we sit around and we're all fat little naked angels who play harps all day in the clouds.
This idea comes more from representations of heaven in cartoons than anything in the Bible. But in contrast to this improper view of heaven, this preacher decides to offer up his alternative view of what heaven is like according to the
Bible, which is also false. Imagine you standing up in front of a whole group of people and saying with complete confidence, the culture believes that two plus two equals three, but we
Christians, oh, we know that the truth is two plus two equals five. That's how ridiculous this man sounds.
How can you be so oblivious to the fact that you have rebuked an unbiblical perspective and then replaced it with an equally unbiblical perspective?
He talks about envisioning himself driving a Lamborghini in the afterlife. The problem with this view is that God never promised this man any such thing in His Word.
It's most certainly an unbiblical statement because in order for it to be a biblical statement, it would actually have to be in the
Bible, and it's not. So here's the deal. Here's the point that I'm actually trying to get at.
Not only does the trendy church and the prosperity gospel movement and the seeker -sensitive movement, for that matter, have a false view of God's blessing on earth, but they also have a false view of God's blessings in heaven.
They put God's earthly blessings in such high esteem that they frankly cannot envision heaven without earthly pleasures being at the center of what's going on.
In fact, in their view, heaven will simply be a collection of all the best things this fallen world has to offer.
It's all about food, games, wealth, and entertainment. Now I'm not saying that no earthly joys are going to make it into heaven.
I'm not saying that at all. What I am saying is this. Until we get to heaven, we should not make confident claims about the things we're going to do and see there that aren't actually mentioned in the
Bible. Because how is that any different from what unbelievers do when they make up lies about heaven and hell and what they must be like?
How is that any different? Now let me be clear. I cannot prove that God has guaranteed the complete absence of Lamborghinis in heaven.
In other words, I cannot make the case that this man is 100 % wrong in his belief because it contradicts the
Bible. Rather, I am saying that there is no positive biblical argument to be made in favor of what he's saying.
And this is the way biblical interpretation must be done if Christianity is going to make any sense at all.
We cannot make a claim about heaven and then say, well, God didn't say that heaven wouldn't be like that, so I guess that's what heaven must be like.
No, that's the dumbest possible way to look at the world. Let me give you an example. What if I told you that I'm deathly afraid that a meteorite is going to fall from the sky, hit me in the head, and kill me?
You'd say, well, why on earth are you afraid of that? And it's a great question. And then I would respond by saying, well, prove to me that I won't get hit by a meteorite.
That is a ridiculous argument. You see, if I were to say these things, you should respond to me by saying, but Colin, you do not have any positive evidence that you will be struck by a meteorite.
And until you do have such evidence to support your fear, it is irrational and a figment of your imagination.
You can't just fabricate something and then suggest that it's true because no one can prove it's false. With that logic,
I could make the case that flying kangaroos live in my head because nobody can prove they don't. You see, it's the same way with this video you just watched.
It's not my job, or your job for that matter, to prove every ridiculous trendy pastor's claim is false.
Rather, it's their job as Christians to use the Bible to demonstrate that their claims are true.
And this is especially true for pastors. A pastor's job is not to fill up everyone's head with statements that might be true.
It is their job to preach what the Bible actually says is true. Second Timothy 4 .2 says, quote, preach the word.
So stop listening to these simpletons. They're giving you a bunch of trite sayings full of empty promises, unbiblical speculations, and fairy dust.
They live in an imaginary land where pastors can just make things up rather than actually preach the truth, and it all works out in the end.
And lastly, don't be deceived. The best thing about heaven isn't going to be the food or the drinks or the fun and the games which may or may not take place there.
The best thing about heaven is going to be worshiping our God forever and being in His presence again.
Revelation 22 .5 says this, And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the
Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever. Heaven is about God's glory, not our entertainment.
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