Catholic Church Now Blessing Same Sex Unions / End Times Significance

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In episode # 61 of the Testing The Spirits Podcast we look at Pope Francis and his new decree that Roman Priests can now bless gay unions paving the way for the full acceptance of LGBT lifestyles. This is only days after the Anglican Church (Church of England) made a similar decision. Is this the last days apostasy the Bible warned us about, is this the great falling away of 2 Thessalonians 2 before the Antichrist is revealed? Listen and find out!


Hello, and thank you for listening to the
Testing the Spirits podcast. It's official. The Roman Catholic Church is now blessing same -sex unions.
Here's a headline from The Dissenter. Pope Francis follows the Anglican Church and approves of blessings for homosexual couples.
CNN reports this. Pope Francis formally and officially has now permitted Roman Catholic priests to bless same -sex couples on Monday in a significant shift in the
Church's approach to LGBTQIA plus people. The latest ruling fleshes out the opening the
Pope made to blessing same -sex couples last October and marks a shift away from the 2021 ruling from the
Vatican Doctrine Office, which barred any blessings saying that God cannot bless sin.
So, the Catholic Church, clearly the Pope has overruled that and now they are blessing same -sex unions.
So the Catholic Church, which claims to be infallible, they have clearly changed their position to better fit in with the world system.
Now, what you're going to hear in this video, it may shock you. This video should be a real eye -opener.
If your eyes haven't been opened to all this by now, if this doesn't do it, I don't know what would.
So we knew this was coming. Remember years ago when the Pope was interviewed on that airplane and they asked him about homosexuality, and he's like, well, you know, who am
I to judge? And of course, the Pope passes judgment on all sorts of things, you know, capitalism, you know, people who mistreat the environment.
He condemned Donald Trump and praised Joe Biden as a faithful Catholic. So the
Pope is perfectly willing to give his opinion and pass judgment and what's right and what's wrong.
And when you see the things that the Pope says and the things he supports, it's pretty clear what's going on.
It's really just like the book of Revelation says in chapter 17, the harlot of Babylon, the false religious system, they're committing fornication with the kings of the earth.
I mean, they're in bed with the political rulers and they are advancing the narrative. They are helping to push through the agenda to help usher in the new world order.
So now the Pope is blessing same sex unions. This just recently happened within the
Anglican church, that is the church of England. Now that the queen is gone, Prince Charles, now
King Charles, he is just ultra progressive. He and his church are pushing this in England.
So it's happening everywhere, England, the United States, and now Rome. So if this doesn't prove the
Catholic church is apostate, like, I don't know what would. Now I'm going to show you some things, speaking of apostasy, just to kind of prove this is nothing new.
Actually, the Pope is sort of catching up to a lot of local congregations where the
Catholic church has been ultra progressive. There are those conservative bishops and priests and churches out there, but the church as a whole is just going full blown progressive.
In our local area, case in point, in our local area, we have what is called the
Interfaith Council of Franklin County, and I have nothing against these people personally, but it is what it is.
These are all the universalist churches, the rainbow churches that deny the deity of Christ. They deny the authority of scripture.
They celebrate gay marriage and all the rest. You see here on their website, all of the religious symbols of false religions up there in the corner,
Buddhism, Hinduism, and front and center on their website is the statement that says the earth is sacred.
Well, how is the earth sacred? Well, because these people are pagans, they worship mother earth.
They deny the true gospel and instead they worship and serve the creature rather than the creator.
As Paul said in Romans one, they worship mother earth. They celebrate homosexuality.
Again, Romans one talks about this and here on their website, they have a statement about their interfaith services.
So basically Muslims and Hindus and Jews and Buddhists, everyone can all get together with the apostate
Christians. By the way, one local Pentecostal minister I know, he actually sat on this council and he said that he only quit after they started to allow
Wiccans to join. So I guess having a witch on the council was a step too far for him, but I don't see any
Wiccans represented here. Maybe the Wiccans, you know, dissolve. Not a lot of people that want to admit they're witches, although here in Massachusetts we do have a few.
But here's the point of why I'm showing you this. They have a list of supporting congregations.
Look at the list. So I'm showing you this because notice it's marked in black.
The local Catholic churches are all fully supportive of this openly progressive organization that celebrates
LGBT. So this interfaith council that, again, literally some of these ministers and their churches, their congregations, they march in pride parades and yet the local
Catholic churches are happy to yoke up with them. And why not?
Their leader is now declaring that Catholic priests should be blessing same -sex unions.
And did you notice on that list of supporting congregations, you have the First Church of Christ Scientist.
That's the cult, also known as Christian science. So even the cults are accepted, but again, why not?
Once you abandon biblical truth, you might as well join all religions together and that's exactly what the
Catholic church wants to do. That's exactly what the Pope is looking for, to join all religions together under his umbrella.
And in the end times, that's going to be the formulation of the one world religion.
We're going to have a one world government, one world economic system with the mark of the beast and the one world religion.
My friends, this is how persecution is going to come in the future. In the end times, all the false churches, all religions are going to come together as one, likely under the leadership of a
Pope. And they will all support the same unbiblical, anti -biblical causes.
But those churches that remain faithful to God and His Word, you know, the minority of us who still believe the truths of God's Word, you know, the remnant, we will be called what?
Haters. We'll be called all sorts of, we'll be maligned. Why? Because we refuse to go along with this.
And this is what the world system is already doing. This is happening right now to a certain degree.
I mean, if you work for a corporation and your HR department finds out that you're against gay pride, you're not only not going to be promoted, you'll probably be fired if you speak out about your beliefs.
Of course, everyone else can speak about their beliefs. They can wave flags, post banners, say and do whatever they want.
But if you dare speak up about Jesus, I mean, you're in big trouble. Now they'll talk about the false
Jesus who just affirms everything. But if you speak about what the Bible actually says, you're in big trouble.
So take that and multiply it by a thousand and that's what the end times are going to be like.
And I firmly believe the book of Revelation indicates that the Pope and the
Catholic church will be instrumental in bringing all this about. So before we close, we're going to look at the book of Revelation chapter 17.
The Bible prophesied this. And by the way, the view I'm about to express, this was the historic view of the
Protestant Reformation. The Reformers believed that the Antichrist was the
Pope or the Pope at the very least was an Antichrist, you know, lowercase a, there'll be that final
Antichrist, but the Pope is, you know, the papacy is the seat of Antichrist. So who believed this?
Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, later on, John Wesley, Charles Haddon Spurgeon in more recent times, men like John MacArthur, they are all on record saying similar things about the papacy being the seat of Antichrist.
So the Pope in the end times, I'm convinced the Pope will either be the Antichrist or at the very least the false prophet as Revelation 13 speaks about the beast and the false prophet and the apostate
Roman church. That false church is referred to in Revelation 17 as the harlot or the whore of Babylon.
So here's what you have to understand about the book of Revelation. God's people are depicted as, and you've probably heard this before, the bride of Christ.
Well, the harlot, that's the false church. The true church is the bride of Christ. The false church is, well, let's read
Revelation 17 verse one. It's represented by this woman, the harlot. Revelation 17, one says, then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me saying, saying to John, come and I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters.
So this harlot again represents the false church under the control of the
Antichrist. So this false church sits on many waters.
In other words, she is worldwide. She is universal. Of course, that's what Catholic means.
Verse two, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
As just talked about a moment ago, the Roman Catholic church is in bed. The Pope is in bed with the kings of the earth.
Verse three, so he carried me, this angel carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness.
And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and 10 horns.
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet. This false church was adorned,
Revelation says, with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.
And on her forehead, a name was written, Mystery Babylon, the great, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth.
And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement. We had a episode a few weeks ago where we talked about Haley's Bible handbook and how the estimate was that the
Catholic Church has killed over 50 million Christians throughout her history.
Well, that's what's going to happen in the end times. Under the Antichrist, they're going to persecute, again, the people of God.
And of course, many of the Protestants and many Anabaptists were killed during the Reformation.
It's the same thing that keeps happening. And if they had the power to do it today, they'd do it today. But they don't currently have that power, but they're working on it.
Verse seven, but the angel said to me, that is the apostle John, why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the 10 horns.
So do you want to know who this woman is? Do you want to know who this false church is?
Verse nine tells us, here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are the seven mountains on which the woman sits.
So this false church is seated on seven mountains. And of course, Rome historically has been known as the city on seven hills.
Now that may be troubling for some people who have never understood what's going on and what's going to happen in the future and how the book of Revelation tells us ahead of time about these things.
But be encouraged. Information is good. Information is power.
It should prepare us. You say, well, I don't know. It's pretty distressing. Well, be encouraged because if you've ever read the book of Revelation, hopefully you've read it through to the end.
We know how this ends. In the end, God wins. The antichrist, the false church is destroyed and the antichrist, the beast and the false prophet, along with the devil are cast into the lake of fire.
In the end, God wins and God's people will rule and reign with Jesus Christ for a thousand years and then just straight on through eternity.
So that's the good news. In the end, God's people win. But until then, please pray for the salvation of the lost, the people who still have not had their eyes opened.
They think all this is just, oh, this is fine. It's normal. It's fine. It's good.
Or some would even celebrate it. It's not. It's not good. It's not fine.
It's not normal. So pray for these people. Pray for their salvation.
Pray that people would repent and see the error of their ways before it's too late.