Sunday Morning Worship Service October 18, 2020


Sunday Morning Worship Service from Faith Baptist Church


Good morning, it's good to see you in the house of the Lord and appreciate you all being here, and appreciate the
Burnetts being here this morning in the Sunday school. What a wonderful challenge that was to us already, and we're anticipating again a further challenge from God's Word.
The opening verse is from Hebrews chapter 13 and verse 15.
The Bible says, By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
Let's do that as we sing our first hymn. It's hymn number five in your hymnals.
Hymn number five, oh four thousand tongues. Let's stand together as we sing all five verses of oh four thousand tongues number five in your hymnals.
Let's bow for prayer. Father we thank you oh God for your goodness to us through the
Lord Jesus Christ your great love for us that you would send your son to die a horrible torturous suffering death that through him we would have life oh
Lord the the thought of that oh Lord just makes us realize how much how much you hate sin and but yet how much you love us that you were willing to give your son to die for sin what great love no greater love than a man should lay his life down for his friends as Jesus said and willingly knowingly even wantonly to to shed his blood that we might have life in him we thank you for this church this body we thank you for the opportunity the hour before us that we can sing our praises and lift up our voices unto you and especially to anticipate that which you have for us we thank you for pastor burnett his wife being with us today and we look forward to the time together in Jesus name we pray amen may be seated psalm reading is in your is on the back side of your announcement psalms 37 and we'll read uh i'll read that to follow along with me verses 18 through 27 the lord knoweth the days of the upright and their inheritance shall be forever they shall not be ashamed in the evil time and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied but the wicked shall perish and the enemies of the lord shall be as the fat of lambs they shall consume into smoke they shall consume away the wicked borroweth and payeth not again but the righteous showeth mercy and giveth for such as be blessed of him shall inherit the earth and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord and he delighteth in his way though we fall he shall not be utterly cast down for the lord upholdeth him with his hand i have been young and now am old yet have i not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread he is ever merciful and lendeth and his seed is blessed depart from evil and do good and dwell forevermore may the lord have the blessing the reading of his word turn in your song books to number 66 number 66 his beauty fills our eyes to face where he's still sustained to face to see him to thanks to thank you just a few announcements um missionary of the week is uh the rails in brazil and wanted to mention that and also to pray for them they have been missionaries to brazil uh goodness i over 40 years closer to 50 years probably uh and uh brother john and joyce rail starting churches and have a bible institute and teaching and preaching and uh and also they do need some help they uh like any person in the ministry is always wanting to pass on the baton and the quelos i guess i pronounced that right were here just recently less in the last few months and uh his wife is uh that is the quelos wife is john and joyce rail's daughter and they have been in brazil for a decade or so over 10 years and desire to be supported as well and but pray for them as they are on hold i was told in a place in indiana because of the virus and no one going in or coming out they um are in not only need of support but also that god would lift that up that they could get back and be a help to the rails but as far as the rails continue to pray for them and their needs um also um as far as this week here here in the church uh regular scheduled wednesday evening service the teens will meet 6 45 as usual seven o 'clock bible study and uh with brother gordon taylor bringing that message also next week the burnett's will be here again with us as well all through the day and then in november uh we have keep in mind the um bible conference with chuck kemp um and uh we look are looking forward to that keep them in prayer as he would challenge us and uh for that time that's november 15th through the 18th also there's a mention of a a wedding reception for nathan and carissa um don't have the notes by but of course they were married during the covid peak i guess if there is a peak and there wasn't they were limited to any reception with the promise of having a reception later well here is a later and it hasn't changed much um i mean they've been we've been waiting to to honor them and uh and we just keep putting it off but there is going to be a um well i wish i would have brought my note i do have that yes and it's also pastor's note to me and to you as well he says uh and that only the immediate family and wedding party were able to attend at the time and with anticipation of having a later date for a church reception so that we could honor them and um so they've decided that would be on november 8th at seven o 'clock after the evening service sunday um 7 7 p .m