F4F Snippet | James Aloysius Prasch, Jr.'s FALSE Prophecy

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Prasch claims that 38 years ago God appeared to him in his room. How did he know it was God? Well, according to Prasch "God was pulsating". This pulsating God vision told Prasch that there would be another persecution of the Jews and that it would be done by the Russians and that it would be so bad that it would invoke the memory of the Holocaust. 38 Years later, there still has not been a second Holocaust as Prasch's pulsating deity prophesied. Therefore, were calling it and saying that time is up and that this is a false prophecy and that Prasch is officially a false prophet. This segment was taken from our most recent Prophecy Bingo episode.


Oh! We have a special guest appearing on Prophecy Bingo today. New contender!
Yeah, new contender, okay. And this is James Aloysius Prash, Jr.
James Aloysius Prash, Jr. You're sitting there going, what? He gives a prophecy? Yes, he's given prophecies. I have six of his prophecies now in my research library, and this is one of them.
And so this is from his lecture titled, Church for the
Churchless, James Aloysius Prash, Jr. giving us a... Well, I don't know how to explain this, but God appeared in his room and God was pulsating.
Now making that up. Here's James Aloysius Prash, Jr. God is recruiting Maccabees. So back in the day,
God's recruiting Maccabees. That's useful information. If you have the last name of Maccabee, you need to report to God right now.
You've been recruited. Let's keep going here. People who will know their God, who will display strength and take action, who will have insight and give understanding to the many, but who know what they're getting involved in.
The Maccabees did not have it easy. And those who come in the character of the
Maccabees, who read the same prophecy that the Maccabees read, who know what's happening, who take action, will pay a similar price.
Did he say calling? Yeah, I may have, he may have. We have the same calling. Yeah. So yeah, so we're in the
Apocrypha apparently, and the Maccabees are some kind of type that God is looking for today.
He's looking for Maccabees today. Join with them in hypocrisy.
Join with the Maccabees in hypocrisy. Okay. When this most recent avalanche of nonsense began,
I was taken back to two dreams I had in 1982 in Israel.
Dreams. Yep. Now it says in Colossians, don't take your stand on a dream.
I don't take any doctrinal stand on a dream, but I don't expect anybody else to take a doctrinal stand on a dream.
You shouldn't. Doubt. But the Bible does say, but he said, but yeah, you know, he doesn't take a doctrinal stand on this dream, but he thinks it's prophetic.
He always contradicts himself all the time. He'll say something and then he'll go, but the exact thing that he says not to do.
Yeah, he's really good at that. Yeah. Yeah. I don't, I don't want to slander this person.
But here's a bunch of slander. And then he slanders the person, right? Yeah. Okay. In the last days,
I'll dream dreams. I woke up suddenly. The room was almost suddenly pulsating.
I knew it was God. Okay, I'm going to back this up so we can hear it in context. He said the room was pulsating and he knew it was
God. Now, I'm going to just point this out, that he takes issue with Dorian Virtue's care bearer,
Jesus, which she's at this point totally repudiated and repented of and believes that it was not
Jesus that appeared to her. But James Aloysius Pratt, Jr.
believes that God appeared in his room in a dream and God was pulsating. And he knew by the pulsating that it was
God. He knew. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, let's see here.
I woke up suddenly. The room was almost pulsating. I knew it was God. Is it either God or the devil doing a tremendous counterfeit?
God or the devil. He's not exactly sure. It could have been the devil doing a tremendous counterfeit. I thought he said he knew it was God. Or the devil doing a tremendous counterfeit.
So he's not sure. Okay. But I knew it was God and now I really know it was God. But he really knows it was
God and God was pulsating. How does he know that? I don't know. I stand by it.
In this series of dreams that happened all at the same time, this is the time when I was, before I was married, I was fasting and praying.
Three hours a day I was studying the Bible and praying. Uh -huh. Did you have a day job at the time?
You know, I don't know people who spend their days three hours reading the Bible and praying.
I'm a pastor, and you know, when I do my sermon prep, I don't even quite have that habit.
You know, it's interesting. And I was fasting a couple of days a week. Never know it now.
And out of this time of prolonged fasting and praying and studying the Scriptures, I was praying three hours a day and then studying the
Bible. So how do you know it wasn't that your blood sugars just took a dive and you ended up...
He keeps saying that like it's a brag. Yeah. I was praying and fasting for three hours. Three hours. So that proves, that's how
I knew it was from God. He was pulsating. Aren't we like admonished in Scripture not to like make a big deal out of fasting?
Yeah, you're not supposed to tell people when to fast. And when you pray, you're supposed to... Yeah, don't let your right hand know what your left, yeah.
Don't put on sackcloth, don't, yeah. Look how holy I am. Yeah, okay, all right.
I had these series of revelations through the Bible, but they were also some dreams.
Series of revelations. Revelation is something people can't believe. He's doing better than Joel and Whitaker.
He really is. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's... We didn't even have waterspouts on our card. No. Yeah, yeah, so...
Or outside our house. Yeah. Take this with a grain of salt, you should, from anybody.
So this is from God, but take it with a grain of salt. But I know it's from God. But I know it's from God because he was pulsating.
Man. Two of those dreams were as follows. One concerned the church and the
Jews, and the other concerned the church. I told my wife, I told people in the fellowship in Haifa at the time, my wife at the time, my fiancée, the one concerning the
Jews was something was going to happen in Russia. This was well before the Iron Curtain came down. Something was going to happen...
What was going to happen in Russia? ...that things would seem to get better in Russia, both for Jews and for Christians.
And it will go on and on and on. But then something would happen just as quickly.
Something. And it would remind the world of the Holocaust of the 30s and 40s.
So something that will remind the world of the Holocaust. And he had this vision in 82.
That's almost 40 years ago. Can you guys tell me what took place in Russia in the last 40 years that reminds everybody of the
Holocaust? I mean, communism killed a lot of people. Yes.
To be fair. Yeah. Communism killed a lot of people. Yeah. But not specifically
Jews, which is what it sounds like. He said the Holocaust and that this is to the church and Jews.
Yeah, right. And the Soviet Union was the thoroughgoing thing at the time in 82.
And the Soviet Union is gone. And I haven't noticed Putin rounding up Jews and gassing them or anything like that.
So, yeah, this is... Yeah, I don't think this has happened.
So, yeah, I... So do we say this is a false prophecy on the part of James Ellowish's Pratt Jr.?
I mean, I... I think it fits the criteria. I think it fits the criteria. Yeah, okay. Let's keep listening, though, a little bit more here.
And the potential of there to be another Holocaust. Potential! Are you kidding? We got a bingo!
No, no, we didn't just get a bingo. We got a double bingo. Oh, yes, we got a double bingo. No! That means that we beat him to the first punch, but we truly won in the end.
Oh, wow. You guys got double bingo. All right, so I need to hear...
I need... Josh, you gotta prophesy. You need to give me a Hebrew word with which to misappropriate.
All right, so I will give you the Hebrew word yadah, which means to know.
But just yadah. All right, hold on a second here. There's a lot of... I'm going to use all of the double bingo.
All right, all right. Ten words. Well, nine words because I also have sappy music.
Okay. So you got to cue sappy music. Yeah, it's got to cue sappy music. There we go.
All right. Jesus has given me the calling with which to give deliverance of the destiny to release the manifestation of yadah, which is a great potential with which we can all enjoy.
And you edited it just like Chuck Fierce. You fired that off so fast.
Yeah, you can actually use other words and kind of, you know, roll it around a little and let it breathe like a good wine, you know?
No, it was totally word vomit salad. Which is a valid category.
Oh, yeah, no. Prophecy bingo. I held my nose and it jumped right in. Yeah, yeah.
I got to admit that it's quite poetic justice that you won the double prophecy bingo.
Double prophecy bingo! Thanks to the... Thanks to James Aloysius Pratt, Jr.