The Feeding of the 5,000 (12/3/2023)

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Sermon from the Gospel of Matthew 14:13-21 -Subtitle: The Multitudes turn away (John 6)


Let's turn to the gospel of Matthew chapter 14 and Speaking of God's goodness.
The Lord is good on this occasion. He feeds 5 ,000 people actually probably a lot more than that But he looks upon the multitudes and it says he had compassion on them for they were like Sheep without a shepherd.
So this week we're going to begin Matthew 14 by reading verses 13 through 21.
And yeah, this is the miracle of Christ feeding the 5 ,000 there's several things we can learn from this passage first it shows
The Lord's great compassion that he has for men even down to the little things
Giving them a meal Of course, it also points to much bigger things in that it's a demonstration of Christ's divine power
So by feeding such a large crowd Jesus now really he has his largest following to date
But of all the people that now look to him are all of these true
Converts or were some of them coming to Christ for the wrong reasons
Well, we'll find out soon because after Jesus feeds them they come back the next day
Looking for more food. So then Jesus puts them to the test and he wants to see whether or not
Do you want more bread or are you interested in the bread of life?
So let's begin reading Matthew 14 starting in verse 13 says when
Jesus heard it. That is when he heard about the death of John the Baptist He departed from there by boat to a deserted place by himself
But when the multitudes heard it, they followed him on foot from the cities and when
Jesus went out He saw a great multitude and he was moved with compassion for them and he healed their sick
And when it was evening his disciples came to him saying this is a deserted place and the hour is already late
Send the multitudes away that they may go into the villages and buy food them or buy themselves food
But Jesus said to them they do not need to go away You give them something to eat and they said to him we have here only five loaves and two fish
But he said bring them here to me then he commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass and He took the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven
He blessed and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples and the disciples gave to the multitudes
So they all ate and were filled and they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments that remained and now those who had eaten were about 5 ,000 men besides Women and children and made the
Lord out of blessing to the reading of his word Now that last statement 5 ,000 men
Besides women and children. What does that tell you? Well, yeah, there's a lot more than 5 ,000 people
I think most commentators say that the size of the multitude could be upwards of 15 maybe 20 ,000 people imagine that Jesus teaching a group that size 20 ,000 so this story of Jesus feeding the multitudes.
Remember there was another time when he fed 4 ,000 right so two totally separate events
But this is one of the most well -known stories of Jesus one of the most well -known miracles
In all of the new testament and speaking of miracles just to go back to the basics.
So we understand Why Jesus is doing this something I like to reinforce on a regular basis of what is the purpose?
Of miracles is this what we're seeing going through the Gospels? It's one miracle after another after another after another.
So why is Jesus doing this? well during his ministry in the ministry of the Apostles, do you really see what you could call an explosion of Miracles an explosion of signs and wonders and the purpose was to Authenticate the purpose of miracles is to authenticate what?
Yeah, the purpose of miracles is to authenticate the miracle worker
For example in Mark 16 verse 20 speaking of the Apostles the Bible says and they went out and preached everywhere the
Lord working with them and Confirming the word through the accompanying signs.
So God confirms his word through the signs through The miracles so miracles proved
What that what they were preaching it's it's true. Okay, so if a man preaches something you say well, that's is this true
Should we believe it? Well if he can work a wonder, you know that it's true Okay, so why does that really matter for this circumstance because after Jesus feeds the 5 ,000 he is going to preach one of his most difficult messages to -date
The crowd was given bread to eat, but Jesus really didn't come
For some humanitarian effort just to feed people. That's really not why God sent
Christ into the world the true bread that Jesus wanted to give was what?
the bread of his body So really when he's talking about bread or later on when he talks about bread
He's talking about giving his body giving his life dying on the cross for the sins of the people
So after this message right afterward, we're going to celebrate communion and what does the bread represent?
It represents Christ's body the cup represents his blood By eating the bread and drinking the cup this is a way of of us saying we believe we trust in what
Christ did for us the giving of his body and the shedding of his blood
So the gospel message that gospel message is what matters the most
But of course back then they don't know about this. This hasn't happened yet So when they get the message when they get little pieces and hints of what's coming that Jesus must suffer and die
I mean, this is a hard message for the Jews to accept the scripture says to the Jews It's a stumbling block and to the
Greeks. This message is foolishness So the multitudes the 5 ,000 the 20 ,000 whatever it is
They are not expecting the Messiah to give up his life. You know what they expected the
Messiah to do, right? Yeah in their mind the Christ when he
Presented himself. He would fight Israel's battles for them. He would defeat Rome. He would usher in peace in Prosperity this was their mindset
So the point is the miracles were being done in order to prepare the people for what
Jesus was going to say next because it's going to be a hard message to Accept so Jesus that his main mission at this point is preaching and teaching the miracles helped to attract a crowd the miracles certainly
Spoke to who he was but his main purpose is preaching the gospel
You remember what the gospel message is at this point? What's that? What's the gospel at this point in Christ ministry?
Repent, of course that in and of itself isn't the gospel But you need to repent because of the good news that the kingdom is at hand
So let's go through this text Matthew 14 starting in verse 13 when Jesus heard
He departed from there by boat to a deserted place by himself So I'm sure after Jesus learns about John the
Baptist death. He's He's like us. I mean he has normal feelings anyone else would he's he's grieving.
He's he's sorry John was not only a great prophet if you remember John the
Baptist was the cousin of Jesus so I think Christ is looking for some time by himself to Meditate to pray and by the way
Christian meditation is not like Eastern meditation where you sort of clear out your mind
Or maybe you have a mantra in Eastern meditation that you repeat over and over and over again
That's not what Christian meditation is Christian meditation is to have a focus on something or someone
God and his goodness So Jesus is retreating for some time away meditation prayer
Looking to the Lord his Heavenly Father for additional strength so Jesus he wants his time to himself, but It's really hard to get because Jesus now is basically and I hate to use the term
But Christ is basically at this point a celebrity like everybody knows who he is wherever he goes
People are coming out. I mean 20 ,000 people There's a lot of celebrities in the
United States that couldn't attract a crowd of 20 ,000 so that tells you something about Christ and his fame
So it says when the multitudes heard about it They followed him on foot from the city so these people are are committed at this point
Jesus Yeah, he's he's famous. This is really a high point in his ministry
He has never seen as many people following him as right as Right now now.
We're gonna go to John chapter 6 in a moment But Jesus when he has such a large
Following what wouldn't you think you would want to keep it like I got all these people Coming to me don't mess this up That's what a lot of pastors would think today if they had if they were attracting a crowd like that okay?
Let's keep this going right well That's not Jesus his mindset why because he knows the people have all these false ideas about who the
Messiah was He wants people that are committed that are going to be loyal to the end
He wants people that are committed and that will believe him when he says I must Suffer be arrested.
I must die and rise again That's what he wants, and he just knows that this multitude is not they're not there
I mean they want food. They want to see a miracle. They're not really Many of them are not true converts certainly not at this point so Jesus he reaches this pinnacle of fame and He's gonna intentionally preach something.
That's gonna make people mad. He's gonna preach something that Offends people but first look at verse 14
Because we don't we don't want to miss the fact that he loves the multitude It says and when
Jesus went out he saw a great multitude And he was moved with compassion for them, and he healed their sick now the parallel passage in Mark 634 says he was moved with compassion
Because they were like sheep having no shepherd That's going to be significant in a moment so remember that Because Jesus as the good shepherd of Israel he cared for the flock and of course it's a duty
It's the duty of a shepherd to lead the flock to feed the flock and to defend the flock against all enemies
Look at verse 15 and when it was evening his disciples came to him saying this is a deserted place
And the hour is already late so send the multitudes away that they may go into the villages and buy
Themselves food, I was like we can't feed them. We have hardly anything now. Let's turn to Mark chapter 6 and We'll get the parallel passage to get a few extra details, so it's getting late.
It's a deserted place You know they can't go to a restaurant obviously there's no supermarkets I mean if they didn't have the food on them.
I mean, what are you gonna? Do you can't feed the people so this is a logical response from the disciples just send everybody home
They're gonna want to eat dinner soon A normal response, but you know how
Jesus was he always liked to challenge people and he wants to challenge their faith
Guys, do you think that I can maybe do something about this do you think that I can feed the multitude look at Mark 6?
Verse 38 so Jesus testing them. He says how many loaves do you have?
okay, go and see and When they found out they said we have five five loaves and two fish
So remember upwards of how many people? 15 ,000 maybe 20 ,000
I mean even if you just stick to the 5 ,000 what is this among? So many that's what they say, but look at verse 39
Then he commanded them to make them all sit down in groups on what?
on the green Grass, so let's start making connections. He was moved with compassion because they were like what?
sheep without a shepherd so Jesus as the shepherd he makes them to sit down on green grass now.
Don't you already know the grass is green? I guess it could have been brown you know, but You know there's nothing in the
Bible that's incidental accidental or coincidental so for this point to be made that the people were to sit on green grass and Jesus you know where I'm going with this people like sheep without a shepherd it should automatically make us think of Psalm chapter 23 the
Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in what green
Pastures isn't that what's happening here? Jesus is going to prepare a table before them so to speak and their cup is
Going to run over look at verses 42 and 43 So they all ate and were filled and they took up 12 baskets full of fragments and of the fish
So I love this not only was everybody Fed they were fed they were filled and they ended up with more food than they started
I mean, this is this is a great miracle. You know I heard years ago I used to work with some you know scoffers and whatever atheists and agnostics and one guy
He's like you know I think what happened here Jesus I don't know if he heard this somewhere, but Jesus and his disciples
They were in I think they were in front of this cave You know they set up shop right in front of the cave and the people would have to come to them
So the disciples were going back that had all this food stored in the cave You know and they were coming up and they were giving it to Jesus And he just had this never -ending supply because it was all stored out back in the cave
And but that people it do you really think the people back then were that dumb that they wouldn't figure that out? Ridiculous, but no this is a great miracle and it proves several things number one
This proves the miracle proves that Jesus speaks for God Again the the miracle authenticates the miracle worker so when
Jesus says something when he preaches he is speaking for God The second thing it proves that with God all things are possible even the feeding of 20 ,000 people
With five loaves and two fish third it shows us that the
Lord uses people to bring about his will Christ didn't just snap his fingers, and it's done rather He instructs his disciples and what to do and they have some organization sit them down in groups of 50 and he's using people to bring this about and number four the fourth point showing how
God can take a small gift and Multiply it for his glory and for the good of others
Let's turn to the gospel of John for a moment And we're going to see where this food came from it did not come from the cave
No mention of a cave nothing like that this was actually a gift from The Bible says a young lad so a small child basically gave up his lunch
And he was willing to donate it so look at John chapter 6 Starting in verse 9 tells us where the food came from John chapter 6 verse 9
They said there is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two
Small fish and they make sure they add that detail these are not big fit. These are small fish
But what are they among so many? what's the point here
Jesus uses the gift of a small child and He multiplies it to do one of the greatest works
Greatest wonders ever performed it tells us that God is well -pleased to use your gifts
See maybe you think though. I don't have much to offer the Lord Well did this young child have much to offer no he had a little bit of food barely more than lunch for himself
And yet he was willing to give it So maybe you have talents and things that you can offer, but you think they're of little significance
Well the question is not what do you have the question is are you willing to offer it for the
Lord? Are you willing to serve are you willing to be available are you willing to give? What you have so again at this point in Jesus's ministry his fame is spread throughout the land by working this sign in front of tens of thousands of people
Giving them what they desire Jesus again is at the height of his popularity so now what?
Is Jesus about ready to start the first megachurch right he would have had the people
But that's not what he does. He's not interested in a megachurch Nor is he interested in keeping every single one of them there partially because he knows their thoughts and by the way
Even if he had that megachurch it wouldn't be a megachurch it wouldn't be a flock It would have been basically a herd of goats because as much as Christ had compassion upon these people
He realized they don't really believe he can see their heart
Look at verse 14 John 6 14 then those men When they had seen the sign that Jesus did they said this is truly the prophet who has come into the world now
It sounds like they believe the matter of fact. They're making a profession of faith Jesus is that prophet
Moses wrote in Deuteronomy about that prophet Another way of saying the
Christ Well, what's the problem again? They had these same misconceptions about who the
Messiah was nearly everybody thought the same way he would drive out the Romans All the rest look at verse 15 therefore when
Jesus perceived that they were about to come and take him by force To make him king he departed again to the mountains by himself
So you see they're not really interested in Jesus's agenda. They're interested in their own Agenda using
Jesus for their purposes so Christ understands. They're not interested in salvation from sin
They want salvation from Rome. That's what they want not salvation from sin. They weren't interested in repentance
They weren't interested in the kingdom except that they wanted a different type of kingdom right then and there so they have their own
Agenda instead of truly following Christ of what they could do for him It's the other way around what
Jesus could do for them, and that's the way a lot of people are you know? I'll believe in Jesus.
I'll follow Jesus as long as he does all this stuff for me, right? Well Jesus can do a lot for you
Jesus has done a lot for me Jesus can do many things and bless people, but really he is the
Lord So we do what he says not the other way around look at verse 26
Jesus answered them and said most assuredly I say to you you seek me not because you saw the signs
But because what? Because you ate of the loaves and were filled
And he says do not labor for the food which perishes But for the food which endures to everlasting life
Which the Son of Man will give you Because God the Father has sent or set his seal on him
And they said to him what shall we do that we may work the works of God?
Okay, that's a good question verse 29 Jesus answered and said to them This is the work of God that you believe in him whom he sent
Like I'm not asking you to do anything at this time except believe in me and that includes believe what
I'm about to say Therefore they said to him what sign will you perform then this all this really gets me
I mean after what he just did day before okay. Well what sign what miracle hello, didn't you just anyways?
This isn't the first time we've read that you know people are so they say what side will you perform them that we may?
See it and believe you what work will you do and? Ultimately he's gonna talk about his work on the cross.
He doesn't come right out and say it But that's what he is going to be alluding to in a moment so what work will you do verse 31 our fathers ate the manna in the desert as It is written.
He gave them bread from heaven to eat Then Jesus said to them most assuredly I say to you
Moses did not give you the bread from heaven But my father gives you the true bread from heaven
For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world
Then they said to him Lord give us this bread always now
Do they understand what he's talking about no they don't not at all I mean, they're talking about it's like when
Jesus was talking to the woman about the the the Water you will never again thirst well
Give me this water that I can get at once and that way I don't have to keep going back to the well and dry That's not what we're talking about.
He's talking about something spiritual This bread is his his body, but they're thinking
You know carnally they're thinking about bread So what is this food?
well it is Christ giving his body for the sins of the world so the people clearly they're not interested
They're not interested in obedience. They didn't seem to respond to John's message of repentance
They're not really responding to Christ's message of repentance They just want to see a miracle to get fed you do these things for us to make our lives easier
Support it, but they did make a profession of faith saying that Jesus is that prophet right we did read that Here's the thing supporting
Jesus as King is one thing's believing that he's the Son of God is something completely different and that's what
Jesus is going to allude to now There's two things that a person has to do
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. I mean, that's the plain gospel message, but these people they needed to repent
Number one so that's their life what they believed what they were trusting in they needed to repent and turn to Christ But part of that was believing
Who he really is not just a human King who's gonna do great things like David They had to believe that he's the
Son of God so they had to repent and believe in his Deity and that's what they were not willing to do so because of that that would make them a false
False convert and that's going to come out. You know there's many false converts Just speaking about this for a moment.
There's many false converts in the church today They believe that Jesus is a means to an end
They will give lip service to Jesus, but they're not willing to obey him
They believe certain things about him, but not the essential things again like his deity
I've seen people over the years when it comes to parts of the Bible like love your neighbor as yourself
Oh, they love that. That's that's wonderful 1st Corinthians 13 the love chapter.
They're all about that God so loved the world. I mean these are passages of Scripture that nobody really
Argues with or gets upset about right, but when they come to passages like a hard statement in the
Bible Then they're offended then they get mad they start gnashing their teeth have you seen this have you encountered this you know
We're talking about love and grace everything's fine, but when you come to a hard statement Totally totally different reaction, that's what's gonna happen to Jesus right now and again
This is the mark of a false convert verse 35 and Jesus said to them.
I am the bread of life He who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in me shall never
Thirst, but I said to you that you have seen me and yet what? You do not believe now.
They already said well. He's the prophet we believe he's the prophet Jesus saying yeah You don't really believe in me
Now Jesus can do that see we don't want to go around saying well I know you say you believe in God But I just don't really think you do like that's not really our job.
We can't read hearts and minds Jesus could do that so he's able to say
You say one thing, but I know that's not true okay, so Look at verse 37 all that the father gives me will come to me and the one who comes to me
I will by no means cast out in other words if you really believe You'll you'll still want to follow me after I say this
Verse 38 for I have come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me so boom
There it is Jesus is declaring his deity that I came down from heaven
This is something that no mere prophet could say Jesus then offers them eternal life in verse 40 and then look how they respond verse 41 then the
Jews what? complained about him because he said I am the bread which came down from heaven and they said is this not
Jesus the son of Joseph whose father and mother we know How is it then that he says
I have come down from heaven now do they believe Jesus at this point? And now it's clear they they don't believe he's telling them and they don't believe they are rejecting his deity
You cannot be saved and reject the deity of Christ. I'd want you to hear that This is a lot of churches all throughout
New England in the United States They give Jesus lip service and they sing the same songs that we sing.
They don't believe in the deity of Christ That means they don't truly believe
Who Jesus is I? Came down from heaven and they complained about it, so they don't believe he is divine
Millions of people today they will say about Jesus. He was a he was a good man a wise teacher
Maybe even a prophet, but they don't believe he's God in the flesh Jesus says about such people in verse 35
You do not believe Because believing is not just about believing Jesus existed.
It's about believing Specific things about him placing your full trust in him
So now Jesus been talking about it. He's gonna preach something very offensive Here's the test.
Okay, you believe in me. Let's see in five minutes if you still say you believe look at verse 50 50 through 52.
This is the bread Jesus still speaking This is the bread which comes down from heaven that one may eat of it and not die
I am the living bread which came down from heaven if anyone eats of this bread
He will live forever in the bread that I shall give is my flesh
Which I shall give for the life of the world Jesus is talking about again giving his body
To die on the cross that's what he's talking about if you believe if you believe the gospel the death burial and Resurrection of Christ you will be saved you will have eternal life
But you must believe that's what Jesus is talking about and after telling them this look at verse 52
It says the Jews therefore Quarreled or fought among themselves saying how can this man give us his flesh to eat?
They're not getting it They're not getting it verse 66 after hearing this
You realize Jesus is preaching a sermon that's intentionally stepping on their toes to see what they're gonna do
Here's what they do verse 66 from that time many of his disciples went back and walked with him no more these were
False converts who quote -unquote you know they believed For the wrong reasons or believe the wrong things
Fair weather followers who did not believe in the divinity of Christ nor did they accept him as?
The Good Shepherd he led them beside the still waters. They just refused to drink
They refused to drink of the water of life So we don't have time to go over at all or just about out of time
But John chapter 6 if we looked at the whole chapter along with John chapter 10 really the entire gospel of John It's very clear.
There's only two categories There are sheep, and there are goats What makes someone a sheep what makes someone that they have truly believed in Jesus they follow him wherever he leads they believe whatever he says
The multitudes they just wanted another meal They just wanted to see Jesus.
You know become king so they could further their own political Agenda as soon as Jesus does something that they didn't like preach something they didn't like they bailed out
They were goats But who are the sheep in this story look at verse 67 after they turned away
Jesus Then he turns to his 12 disciples, and he says you want to go away, too
But Simon Peter answered him Lord to whom shall we go you have the words of eternal life
Also, we have come to believe and know that you are the Christ the son of the
Living God Wherever you lead us Lord we will go we believe in your deity
We believe you are the son of the Living God so in conclusion. This is what a true convert looks like This is what commitment looks like Peter Peter had a lot of flaws
Peter made a lot of mistakes said and did things He shouldn't have done all the rest, but Peter truly loved the
Lord Peter and the rest they followed Jesus in good times and in bad you know that's the test
So notice the church went from 20 ,000 people down to 12 In an afternoon and Christ was okay with that because the church is the body of Christ true believers and if a false convert
Gets offended by something that's preached. I mean that I mean that's not that's on them the multitudes were fed
By Christ for a day Peter and the others were fed by Christ spiritually for a lifetime and indeed for Eternity let's look at verse 51 again, and we'll close
John 6 51 and Jesus said I am the living bread Which came down from heaven if anyone eats of this bread?
He will live forever and the bread that I shall give is my flesh
Which I shall give for the life of the world. Let's pray And Heavenly Father we thank you so much for the gift that you gave to this world you sent your only begotten
Son to live a perfect sinless life and to die an atoning death and Lord as we celebrate the
Lord's Supper help us to Remember help us to appreciate the suffering of Jesus on the cross he did that for us and Lord if there's someone here today who has never
Placed their full trust in Christ for the remission of sin Lord, I just pray that today they would finally make that profession of faith the true profession
Not that Lord I'll follow you if you do things for me and if everything's going good know that they would believe
Truly believe and be willing to follow Christ all of their days Lord change their heart.