F4F | Bill Johnson Promotes Todd Bentley's Upcoming "Revival"


Todd Bentley Resurrection Overdose - https://youtu.be/LLdKsKZZMmk Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Todd Bentley Resurrection Overdose - https://youtu.be/LLdKsKZZMmk Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechristian/


Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. We're heading over to the
YouTube channel of Fresh Fire USA. Let me go ahead and turn my screen on here.
Fresh Fire USA, that is the outfit run by Todd Bentley, and Todd Bentley has an upcoming revival that he will be conducting, and you have to put the word revival in air quotes, and who of all people but Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding, California, has decided to show up to endorse and promote this upcoming
Todd Bentley revival. Now Todd Bentley is one of these fellows, if you remember the
Lakeland revival, again air quotes, he had to leave that thing in total disgrace because he was caught sleeping with a babysitter and he ended up getting a divorce and marrying said babysitter, and as part of the
Lakeland revival, C. Peter Wagner showed up and had an apostolic aligning ceremony, and one of the apostles of note that was there for Todd Bentley's apostolic alignment was none other than, you know,
Bill Johnson. So I just find it really fascinating. Now call me uptight, just call me all kinds of names if you want to call me names, who cares?
The point is that I'm pretty much convinced, you know, rule of thumb, that if you are a leader or a pastor or a teacher in Christ's church, remember it's his church, not ours, and you are promoting and defending and standing there behind and saying, you gotta, you gotta put, yo man, this
Todd Bentley guy, and you're endorsing Todd Bentley, clearly you haven't done what is necessary to meet, like, the minimum requirements to be a pastor or a teacher or a leader in Christ's church.
Yeah, scripture's clear that everybody who aspires to be a pastor is to study and show himself approved as a workman who need not blush with embarrassment and who can rightly divide the word of truth.
Also important to note in this regard is that scripture's very clear that pastors must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, that's, this is
Titus chapter one, by the way, verse nine, so that they may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and to rebuke those who contradict it.
That being the case, Todd Bentley is a fellow who doesn't teach sound doctrine and is, well, over and again demonstrating that he is in good need of a rebuke, but that's not what we're gonna be getting from Bill Johnson.
Here's Bill Johnson to, you know, just endorse Todd Bentley.
Yeah, here we go. Hi, this is Bill Johnson from Bethel Church here in Reading, California.
America needs revival. We need it badly, I don't know. Now, I'm gonna go with you on that, yeah,
America needs revival, sure, yes. We need, as a nation, to be brought to penitent faith in Christ.
People need to be called out for their sins and their transgressions, they need to hear that Jesus has bled and died for them, and, you know, through the preaching of that gospel,
God will, through his Holy Spirit and the preaching of that word, literally, you know, restore people, raise them from the grave, give them faith in Christ, and then they'll bear fruit in keeping with repentance.
The United States is in much need of such a thing. That being the case,
Todd Bentley should demonstrate, first and foremost, what that looks like by removing himself from all ministry, you know.
There's never been a time when we've had a greater need for an outpouring of the Spirit of God. And Billy Graham has gone home to be with the
Lord, and some... Yeah, note here, in the charismatic world, you know, it's been a few months since Billy Graham passed away, and the corpse is not getting any warmer, and so lots and lots of charismatics have hung their hats, and you stake their careers on this idea that there's gonna be a big revival now that Billy Graham's dead, and it hasn't arrived yet.
Oh no, is he literally gonna basically try to create this idea that the long -awaited prophetic revival that was supposed to arrive after the death of Billy Graham is now upon us, and that Todd Bentley will be at the head of that?
Oh please, tell me that's not the case. Those two events seem to collide in my mind.
God wants to release, I believe, thousands of evangelists into the earth, into our nation. We've got an event coming up with Todd Bentley and just a whole bunch of people that are crying out for this same breakthrough.
Yeah, no, Todd Bentley's a rank heretic, and a false teacher, and a con artist, and he's a liar extraordinaire.
Look in the archives of the Fighting for the Faith YouTube channel, and last summer we documented that he claimed that there was a resurrection from the dead at a revival he was holding in Texas near Houston, and claimed that some kid had overdosed on drugs and arrived at the hospital
D -O -A, dead on arrival, dead on arrival, and that somebody had the mind to say, hey, wait a second, we can tune into the live stream on our smartphones of the revival going on,
Todd Bentley. And so apparently they turned their smartphone on, tapped into the live stream, played the video feed for the corpse, and wouldn't you know it, at least the claim goes, this kid raised from the grave after watching
Todd Bentley after he was dead. Yeah, and of course, we called the
Houston Medical Center to verify whether or not said miracle took place, and wouldn't you know it, nobody had even heard of it, and Todd Bentley promised that he would give us evidence that it had taken place, and then decided that he wasn't going to, and claimed that hippo laws, that's what he called them, hippo laws, prevented him from doing that.
Yeah, yeah, well put the link up with this episode of Fighting for the
Faith, you'll see it in the description. But let's continue here. And it's in western New York, in Olean, New York, August 17 through 19 this year, and it's called
Revival Harvest America. We're just believing together that God will use this to ignite something fresh and new.
Yeah, ignite something, yeah. If there's ignition going on there in New York at the
Todd Bentley Revival, it would be ignited from the fires of hell, I'm just saying. There'll be massive conversions, massive miracles, and it will truly be a demonstration of this wonderful gospel.
No, there will be no demonstrations of the gospel, Todd Bentley is a complete lying con artist and a heretic of the rankest order.
So there you go, Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, endorsing and promoting the upcoming
Todd Bentley Revival in New York and crossing his fingers, oh, we're hoping that this is the promised revival prophesied after the death of Billy Graham.
I wish I was making that up, but I'm not. I think you get the point.
So if you'd like to help us out here at Fighting for the Faith, go ahead and hit the like button, subscribe below, that does help us out, and of course share this video with other people to warn them of the duplicity of Bethel Church.
I mean, if this doesn't demonstrate how biblically obtuse they are, then I don't know what does.
But and of course if you'd like to support us financially, all the information is down below there in the description.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins, amen.