Highlight: How to Understand Roe


This is a highlight of our premiere webcast Apologia Radio. In this highlight Jeff and the crew are joined by Bradley Pierce to discuss the state of affairs and highlight what Roe really is. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free acount to recieve access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


I wanted to highlight something, because we know this, Luke, Joy, we've talked about this, Bradley, we talk about this, it's in our circle, we've said it a lot, but I'm not sure everyone has heard this and you need to, and that is this fact.
The pro -life industry has fought against Roe vs. Wade for decades now with the assumption that Roe vs.
Wade is law and that it's done something to essentially legalize abortion federally or at the state level, either way.
That's how they fight it. So their big perspective is if we could just get the right judges on the court and overturn
Roe vs. Wade, this is all over with, that's kind of how they pursue it. Bradley Pierce has an amazing lecture on this point that we've got to find a way to get on our channel so everyone can benefit from it.
Bradley, if we've got to fly you out here so you can redo it, we need to make it happen because he has an amazing lecture on why that is a fallacious form of reasoning, it hasn't worked in history, it will not ultimately work in the future, so waiting for the
Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade is a silly way to approach this. But the pro -life industry has pretended that Roe vs.
Wade is the main obstacle, we just got to overturn Roe vs. Wade because that's like the law of the land. They fought that way, interestingly, that's not in accordance with the
Constitution itself, that's not how law is made in this land. And the second thing is, is the left, the pro -aborts, the pro -choicers, they understand and say publicly now that they know
Roe vs. Wade is not the law of the land. Two points. One, during the town hall when
Biden was trying to become president and he was asked the question like, well, what if Roe vs.
Wade is overturned? He said that his goal was to give Roe vs. Wade the force of law in our country, to make it legislation.
So there's an admission that it's not the law of the land and he has to make it the law of the land. When Texas did their heartbeat bill very recently, that's exactly what the
White House press secretary, Psaki, said when she was asked about the bill in Texas. She says, well, just like he said in this campaign, we need to make
Roe vs. Wade the law of the land. We need to make it the force of legislation because they know it's not the law. Why are the pro -choicers, why are the pro -lifers acting like it's law when the leftists are saying and the pro -aborts are saying it's not the law of the land, we got to make it the law of the land.
I heard that on the ground last week on Wednesday. I'm standing there in the crowd where the pro -aborts are.
The woman is yelling and railing. I can't tell you how many F -bombs came from that microphone.
It was epic. She's a nasty woman. It was. Well, the whole thing was nasty. It was foul. I will say the contrast between the two crowds was stark.
Let me just say it was like two different planets colliding. I mean, from the way people dress to where they were behaving, what was coming out of their mouths.
As you could see, it was like light and dark, trust me. But what she said at one point when I was standing there, when she was talking about Roe versus Wade and like what this could mean if they overturn
Roe. And she said, we've already got a commitment from Chuck Schumer. I think Schumer, she said that he's going to put in legislation that gives
Roe the legal force in our country. They're saying it from the pulpit in front of the
Supreme Court that if they overturn Roe, we're going to have legislation go in federally that will actually make abortion law in our country.
How come they know it? They're saying it publicly and the pro -lifers.
It's like, do you got, did everyone over there, did you, did you hear what they just said? Did you, did you not hear that?
Like you're all acting like this has to actually be a thing. It has to actually happen before anything that you can make a move. But they just said in a microphone 20 feet away from you that they need to give this the force of law in our country.
So if Roe goes down, we need to create legislation that makes abortion the law. I mean, they're saying it right in front of you.
So it's, you know what I'm saying? It's like, um, you're in a fight with a terrible enemy and like, he's, he's exposing his, his weakness.
He's like, just put the kryptonite right there. And I go down, just put it, just put it right inside there. This is my weak spot. And like, everyone's like, everyone's like, well,
I'm going to go bite his ankles. Like I'm going to go like chew on his, chew on his ankles. It's even worse. It's worse than pro -life.
Largely, the community is still saying they don't know what they're doing. Yeah. It goes much further than that.
They're like, it's, they're not, oh, they're not even my enemy. They're not even trying to fight me. They're not even doing anything wrong. It's like, what?
Please recognize when you're in a battle. Yeah. Like that first step. Step number one. Right. Recognize.