Voting For President Trump - AD's Perspective

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Alright, in this video I'm going to explain why tomorrow morning I'm going to wake up,
I'm going to grab my concealed carry, I'm going to head to the polling place and cast my vote for President Donald J.
Trump to have four more years as President of the United States of America. Yeah, that's right.
I have no problem admitting that and I'm not one of these guys that's going to be doing it like with a lot of trepidation or holding my nose or anything like that.
I'm excited and enthusiastic about voting for Donald J. Trump for President. But before we get into that, let me just say this.
There were a lot of people praying for me this weekend because on Twitter I announced that my pastor on Friday night called me because of a situation that had arisen that he could not preach on Sunday and he asked me to preach.
And I was glad to do it, but not an easy assignment. Like it's AD, why don't you preach the
Sunday before the Civil War starts, you know what I mean? And that kind of thing. But I had, you know, a little bit of time to prepare.
And so I felt like given the amount of time I had to prepare, it ended up really well. I preached about the election and I used the passage from 2
Samuel 6 about Uzzah and the Ark. When Uzzah touched the Ark and God struck him dead,
I talked about that whole situation and I tried to apply it to our situation coming up this week on Tuesday.
So if you're interested in hearing that sermon, I will link to it in the description, probably.
People make fun of me all the time because I never remember, but I'll try to. Or you can look up on YouTube Ludlow, L -U -D -L -O -W,
Ludlow Baptist Church, and all the sermons are on YouTube as well. Now let's get into this.
Let's get into my vote coming up here. Now I don't typically vote. The last time
I voted, as far as I can remember, was 2008 in the general election. I know
I've never voted in a midterm election, I just haven't done it. And I'm pretty sure I haven't voted for president in the last two cycles.
So I definitely didn't vote last time. I didn't vote for Donald Trump in 2016. And I'm pretty sure I didn't vote at all in 2012.
I tried to look it up and it was a little hard to find it, but I'm pretty sure I did not. The last time
I voted was in 2008 in New York City for president. Now I don't even think I was registered to vote when
I lived in Vermont. Now it's possible that I was because, you know, Vermont does a lot of like automatic registrations and things of that nature, all kinds of weird socialist stuff.
So I'm not really sure. But I never intentionally registered to vote in Vermont, that's for sure. But I was happy and excited to register to vote this time around for president of the
United States in 2020. And, you know, I've been thinking about this for a long time and I announced my support for President Trump early in the year,
I think in January, if I'm not mistaken, there was a forget the situation, but there was a straw that broke the camel's back that are just like,
I'm just I'm not making any bones about it. I'm not going to do it reluctantly. I'm not going to do it with holding my nose.
I'm just going to be excited and enthusiastic in my support of Donald J. Trump's presidency.
Now, that does not mean that I don't see problems with President Trump, not only his policies, but also his character.
I do see problems with both of those things. But we'll talk about both of those in just a minute.
So I'm not saying I support every single thing that he's in favor of. There's definitely not the case at all.
In fact, you know, people have brought up, well, he supports the LGBT cause. Yeah, absolutely. He does.
That's a problem. That's a big problem for a guy like me. He hasn't ended abortion yet.
He hasn't criminalized it with every ounce of his power that he has available. That's true. That's a big problem for a guy like me.
He only cut taxes because of the pandemic. Well, that's not exactly true, but he definitely helped during the pandemic.
But yeah, that is a big problem for me. We should he should be using every piece of power he has available to make things as godly as possible.
And look, he's a pragmatic guy. He's got he's got to work with the hand that he's been dealt as well.
And so while I would prefer him to be more hardcore, while I'd prefer him to act more
Christianly, while I'd prefer him to look at the law of God and use that as a standard as far as establishing justice in our land,
I would prefer all that stuff. Still, I think he's been far better than I thought he would be.
And I want to see four more years of what I saw in the last four years. There's no question about it.
So I'm enthusiastically casting my vote for Donald J. Trump. And the reality is that my position,
I've never been able to really enunciate exactly what it is. But actually, Dr.
James White on the Alpha and Omega Ministry podcast, or I guess it's a blog or I don't know what it is.
But anyway, he's he's actually helped me articulate this more. This is really about worldviews, right?
This is about worldviews like Donald J. Trump's worldview is not perfect. But he's operating in reality like he's using like he's got a lot more light as far as the laws of nature and stuff like that.
His worldview is definitely more influenced by Christianity and by God's reality than the
Democrats worldview is. The Democrats worldview is upside down. There's no question about it.
They think right is left. They think up is down. They think north is south. Like they are anti Christ in so many ways.
It's unbelievable. In my sermon, I said, look, there is freedom of conscience as far as how you vote as a
Christian on Tuesday. But one thing you do not have the freedom of conscience to do. I said this from the pulpit and I had no problem saying this from the pulpit.
You do not have the freedom of conscience to try to empower people that want to use the legitimate power of the government in order to implement anti Christ policy.
And they're so basic that they actually overturned the first command that God gave mankind.
The first command that God gave mankind, be fruitful and multiply. That's what he said. He said to Adam in Genesis chapter one, be fruitful and multiply.
And what does the Democratic Party seek to do? They seek to promote with the force of the law unions, male with male, female with female that are barren.
They cannot bear fruit. And not only that, unions that can bear fruit between man and woman, they seek to empower and promote and expand the ability for those unions to kill their children, not only in the womb, but God forbid, out of the womb, literal infanticide.
So God's basic commands for humanity. Look, there's many more commands that God gives to humanity, but the basic one, be fruitful and multiply.
We've got a party that is poised to grab power in our country that is trying to use the force of government to promote anti Christ policies, anti God policies, the opposite of what
God commands. Their worldview is so jacked up and twisted and abominable and putrid and filthy that the basic commands, this is like the easiest stuff, guys, like like everything in the natural order tells us that we're supposed to be fruitful and multiply.
You don't need reveal law to know this. You just all you need to do is have your eyes open and be operating in reality.
The Democrats are operating so poorly in reality that instead of being fruitful and multiply, they're saying, be barren and kill your own children.
That's unbelievable. That is that is something that I cannot imagine that we're in a place right now where we've got many
Christians that are that are falling over themselves to defend voting for something that is so completely upside down.
And so for me, James White enunciated it very well. And look, there's a lot more to this worldview than just the basic overturning of God's commands like that's a basic one.
But this they do a lot of things like this. This is not limited to LGBT and abortion.
Those are two of the most bombastic things, but it's not limited to that. It's everything. It's absolutely everything.
So James White put a put a fine point on it. It's about worldview issues. We've got one man who's yes, he's got problems, but he's operating in reality.
And we've got another man who is not operating in reality. He's attempting to recreate God's reality in such a way that it's upside down, that it's evil in almost every way.
Evil becomes good. Good becomes evil. That's what the Democrats seek to do. And so if the government is for promoting what is good and punishing evildoers and we've got a ticket,
Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, that actually makes evil good and good evil, they're going to actually end up doing the opposite of what the government is for punishing the good and promoting evil.
That actually, in a nutshell, describes the Democratic Party platform punishing good and promoting evil.
That's what the Democrats do. And so I am happy to vote for Donald Trump to stand against that kind of a worldview.
Donald Trump has problems, but at least he's operating in some semblance of reality.
The Democrats are simply not. They are completely upside down. They are evil in almost every way.
Their worldview is putrid. It is an abomination. There is no question about that.
When you look at the facts, when you look at the facts, and this is not something that you have to uncover, they're glad to tell you about it.
They promote barrenness and they promote killing babies. They're happy to tell you about this.
And so I'm enthusiastically casting my vote for some semblance of reality.
Do I wish we had a more Christian candidate that had the opportunity and the ability to win the election? Of course
I do. But I'm glad to vote for Donald Trump because he's operating in some version of reality instead of the upside down, which is what the
Democrats are doing. They're operating in the upside down. Now, let's talk about Donald Trump's character for a minute, because I'm enthusiastically voting for him.
That's what I said. I'm not holding my nose. I'm not like, oh, I hate his character. But like, I'm not like that.
No, I'm not. There are things about Donald Trump that I cringe when I see them. There are things when he tweets that I think are super cringe.
Every time he tweets law and order in all caps, I cringe because it's just like, come on, dude.
You know what I mean? But the thing is, though, that I actually don't believe the propaganda that I've heard about Donald Trump.
I've heard that he's a racist. He's a sexist. He's just, you know, doing all this stuff.
He's assaulting people. He's, you know, doing it. Listen, listen, guys, I know that he's had sexual intercourse with people other than his wife.
That's obvious. It's for everybody to see. Right. We all know that. Right. But let's just let's just take a step back for a second here.
Let's take a step back and look at the reality, because you would think that based on the facts, he's the most scandalous president personality wise in history.
And honestly, I don't see what you guys are seeing. I don't see it. This guy has been vetted more carefully, more intentionally by the media.
He's so hated by everybody. Every rock has been unturned for him. Every skeleton has been uncovered in his closet, every single one.
And what do we have? Do we have anything close to the accusations that are against Joe Biden right now?
Anything even close to that? No, we don't. We've got an audio of him with some locker room talk, talking about how he can get any chick he wants.
Yeah. You know, this is the this is the thing. I've had conversations like that with my friends. Right. I know what that's all about.
That's not an assaulter. That's someone bragging like a dope. Right. I understand. It was a dope back then.
Fair enough. OK. Oh, this is the big scandal. Ready for the October surprise? This is the big one.
Ready? He didn't pay income taxes. That's the big scandal.
He legally didn't pay income taxes. That's the best they got for their
October surprise. Well, I'm sorry, but that's not going to move the needle for me. That was all legal.
We should all try to pay as little taxes as humanly possible. There's nothing wrong with that.
In fact, that's actually good stewardship, by the way. Oh, here's the big one. You ready for the huge sex scandal with with with with Donald Trump?
You ready for it? His lawyer, his lawyer was in a in a movie with against without without him knowing it.
And he was tucking in his shirt after he pulled out his his his microphone.
And the cameras in this movie. It's a comedy, by the way, made it seem like he was trying to play with his penis.
It wasn't even Trump. It was his lawyer. And it wasn't even doing what they said he was doing. Yeah, that's going to move the needle for a guy like me.
So you mean to tell me that the worst character president of all time, we can find exactly zero scandals, real scandals.
We have to we have to make up scandals like the Russian collusion thing. Come on, man. Come on.
This guy is a lot cleaner than many of the presidents of the past. And you guys all know it. But for some reason, you're all like, well, no, no, no.
Because you mean he mean tweets any and he used to be this scumbag jerk. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I'm I'm pretty sure that the media is giving you the full story on Trump.
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Believe the media to give you the full story on Trump and his past and his present.
The fact is, I don't believe the media at all. In fact, I think it's safer. Whatever the media is telling you, you believe the opposite, especially if it's about a conservative.
You'll be in a safe position if you just believe the opposite of what the media tells you. They tell you he's a racist.
He's probably the exact opposite of a racist. In fact, we've got much evidence for the fact that he's the exact opposite of a racist.
They tell you that he's he's like the biggest jerk of all time. He's probably the nicest guy of all time. In fact,
I've said this on video. He doesn't seem like an arrogant, rich guy to me. I've known arrogant, rich guys.
I've known many of them in my personal life and in public life. And they don't they don't come across the way Donald Trump does.
Am I saying that he's perfect? No. Am I saying that his past adulteries are good? No, I'm not saying any of those things. Right.
But but to but to try to spin this yarn that he's like uniquely evil in his personality,
I just don't see it. In fact, he's not even the most evil personality in this election.
Both Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are worse than him. Personality wise. Objectively so.
So there you go. There you go. I'm enthusiastically voting for Donald Trump.
I can't wait to do it. I can't wait to do it. And I'll tell you right now, given the option,
I'd do it again. How do you like that? And I don't think anyone should be apologizing for this. Oh, you know,
I'm going to vote for Trump. But, you know, I really don't want to. I'm sorry. I'm not sorry. I'd do it again if you gave me the option.
I'd vote for him twice if you gave me the option. How about that? How about that? I don't think anyone should apologize for voting for Donald Trump.
And we understand he's not a Christian. We understand he's not a perfect candidate. But this is the time to stand against an upside down.
Excuse me, an upside down worldview, an upside down worldview. We've got a choice. Someone who's operating in reality and someone who's trying to overturn reality, who's trying to rebel against God in every way.
Romans one is the platform of the Democrats. Psalm two is about people like the Democrats plotting against Christ in vain.
That's the thing. I don't really know what else to say about this. I mean, I'm I. Yeah, I guess
I don't really know what else to say. So I'll just end it there then. Looking forward to voting tomorrow. I hope you are as well.
Please consider supporting Donald J. Trump for president. I hope you found this video helpful.
God bless. A number of people have asked me why
I continue to wear this wrath and grace shirt. And the reality is that I've got
I've got no ill will towards the wrath and grace guys. I you know, I think that in general they do some good stuff.