Jesus Christ Is The Light John 1:4-5


March 21, 2021 Morning Service of Faith Bible Church Sacramento, CA Jesus Christ is The Light - John 1:4-5


Well, good morning Everyone welcome to Faith Bible Church. It's on a beautiful day
Spring day first day of spring or second day of spring something like that It came really fast but glad it's here and Found me on my hands and knees pulling weeds yesterday.
So isn't that a glorious thing but part of home ownership I wanted to for announcements remind you that on Resurrection Sunday Our pastoral candidate
Iljin Cho will be here with his wife Lauren that morning on Sunday morning at 930 please plan on coming early at night to Spend some time with them to meet them to greet them and then around 1045 or so We're gonna have come into the this room here.
I mean worship center and they're gonna give a brief testimony Of how they met and came to the
Lord or whatever is laid upon their hearts and then we'll have normal service at 11 and and Brother Iljin will then preach the morning service the morning message.
So it's gonna be a good time of worship of being together and To getting to know this family better.
So please please put that on your calendar Before I go to the Lord in prayer, I wanted to read
Psalm 27. You just listen along The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall
I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked come against me to eat up my flesh my enemies and foes they stumble and fell
Though an army may encamp against me. My heart shall not fear Though war may arise
Against me in this I will be confident and then at the end of the chapter wait on the
Lord Be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart wait,
I say on the Lord and We've said a lot as we've been seeking the
Lord in in in our church his church faith Bible and We just need to have that perspective as we do wait on him
As to what the future would have for us. So be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart.
So let's go to the Lord in prayer Lord God, we thank you father that we are gathered this morning
Lord. We do look with anticipation at Il Jin Cho's Visit with us
Lord. We just ask for your guidance for your Wisdom as well father and Discerning if this is a place for him for them
Lord if this is what you would have us to do as a church. So Lord, we do wait on you father
We do seek your your will in in this situation and in all things father
Lord, we ask that you would bless our service this morning that we would we would Rejoice in your goodness in your grace and your mercy father.
That is new every day Father we thank you that that we can worship you and spirit and in truth and may our worship be acceptable in your sight father and that as we lift our voices as you
Have led pastor John In his message this morning Lord. May you just bless each element of our worship father.
We pray in Jesus name. Amen David Ah, good morning
It's an exciting life with Jesus as your master Let's stand and sing come thou almighty king
How boss How boss to pray
Glorious Victorious Ancient of days
Come He's so poor
Prayer Come on People bless and give the word success spirit
Holiness Come holy
My sacred Witness In this glad Thou who
Almighty art now Every heart
Depart spirit To the great one in three
Eternal Praises be hence ever more
Thy sovereign Majesty may we in glory see and to Eternity love and adore
For the beauty of the earth Scripture reading this morning is from 1st
John chapter 1 verses 1 through 10 1st
John Chapter 1 verses 1 through 10 That which was from the beginning
Which we have heard Which we have seen with our eyes Which we have looked upon and our hands have handled concerning the word of life
The life that was manifested and we have seen and bear witness and declare to you
That eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us that which we have seen and heard we declare to you that you also may have fellowship with us and Truly our fellowship is with the
Father and with his Son Jesus Christ And these things we write to you that your joy may be full
This is the message Which we have heard from him and declare to you that God is light and in him is no darkness at all
If we say we that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness We lie and do not practice the truth
But if we walk in the light as he is in the light We have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ his son
Cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin We deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us if we can confess our sins
He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
If we say that we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us
May God has blessing to the reading and hearing of his Holy Word Let's stand and sing
Great is thy faithfulness and how great thou art Well, thank you so much
David and good morning Let's go in our Bibles, please to the Gospel of John the
Gospel of John Can you believe it's warming up out there Don't I didn't need a sweater
Well praise the Lord Next Sunday is Palm Sunday and Then that Friday we remember the death of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary what we often call
Good Friday and then That Sunday we'll be celebrating the resurrection of the
Lord Jesus Christ from the grave Without which we have no hope So it's a pretty amazing time in church history it's pretty amazing time to be a pastor be able to preach and share
God's Word and and a lot for us to think about over the next couple of weeks as Christians and I think this passage that we're going to be looking at this morning.
This one verse is Going to be pretty encouraging as we look to the next couple of weeks
I think the best way to set yourself up for this morning's message is You can probably do this pretty easily with me is imagine being in a dark room.
Can you do that with me a pitch black room with no light
No light and Your goal is to get to the other side of the room.
You don't know how big the room is You don't want to stub your toe
You don't want to whack your shins on a piece of furniture on the coffee table how many have ever done that at night
Ran into the coffee table, man. You got a bruise if you can do that with me, you'll get some sense of The verse that we're going to be discovering or studying this morning and what we'll be learning about the
Lord Jesus Christ Because in John chapter 1 verse 4 it says this in him was life
And the life was the light of men So in this one verse we have
Jesus being the life that we studied last week and also
Jesus Christ being the light of men So the good news of the gospel, right the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ in Jesus Christ is life and Also in Jesus Christ was the light of men
That's the good news. The bad news is the next verse the light shines in the darkness and The darkness did not
Comprehend it now. See here's where I'm going Who in their right mind?
would want to be in a dark room and Not want light and You have to go from one end of the room to the other without light who in their right mind
How could anyone church? How could anyone? Reject light in that situation
You'd be saying what is wrong with that individual? So the message title today if you're looking at your notes is
Jesus Christ is the light and as we did last week today I want to call our attention to the meaning and the ramification and the application of this truth that Jesus Christ is the light of men
Jesus Christ is the light Why did Jesus himself? put so much emphasis on his being the light and what is the
Significance of this truth about Jesus Christ to the Christian life.
Amen So before we go any further, how about we pray? Lord we thank you so much for this day this time that we can be in your word that we can roll up our pant legs as it were and take off our shoes and socks and wade into the truth of your word
Lord God and cool our Feet and and and feel that refreshment that comes from your word
May the Holy Spirit himself Enlighten our eyes and open our eyes of understanding and our hearts father
God to receive your word this morning Lord that it might bear fruit in our lives that it might first of all be seed that is planted and then
Secondly bear fruit in our lives by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit. We pray in Jesus name.
Amen There was a Christian missionary serving in the bush in Africa in the country of Rhodesia many many years ago, or is it
Rhodesia? Rhodesia I saw somebody twitch Rhodesia You you would have loved being in my eighth grade science class on Thursday.
I think it was on Thursday. They said mr. Kane It's Wednesday not
Wednesday. I Go what when's this one girl?
She's kind of got some spunk to her Wednesday, I said that's what I say.
No, you don't. What do I say Wednesday? It's not Wednesday. It's Wednesday So it's
Rhodesia and it's Wednesday There's another word
I can't remember right now does she they said that I mispronounce all the time Anyway, this missionary tells the story of an old woman that she met and you know was getting to know as a missionary and share the gospel in this small village and She said to the missionary you have brought us the light
But we don't seem to want it You have brought us a light
But we still walk in darkness and see this woman was speaking only of the life that she knew in Africa But her words aptly described the reaction of people
Everywhere to the light of Jesus Christ when he first shown on the world Jesus was and is the light of the world in One sense understanding that he's
God, right? He's always been the light of the world and yet when he appeared
The world rejected him because it preferred the darkness verse 5 the light shines in the darkness and The darkness did not
Comprehend it verse 9 That was the true light which gives light to every man coming into the world he was in the world and The world was made through him proof that Jesus is
God and the world did not know him Verse 11 he came to his own and his own did not receive him if you go over to chapter 12 verse 35
Chapter 12 verse 35 Jesus said a little while longer the light is with you walk while you have light lest darkness overtake you he who walks in darkness
Does not know where he is going so this great image of Where Jesus Christ is the light of the world is the second theme that John?
introduces in this fourth and fifth verses of this opening chapter first Jesus is
Life and now Jesus is light and later in the gospel
Jesus quite poignantly says in chapter 8 verse 12. I am the light of the world
Chapter 8 verse 12 Jesus spoke to them saying again.
I am the light of the world He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life
So Jesus is the life and the light Why the emphasis or the word picture of Jesus being the light and is there significance for this truth?
About Jesus being the light for the Christian life. Well, yes there is for one because God is light and Since Jesus is
God Then Jesus also has to be light So what is
John the Apostle John the writer of this gospel mean when he declares that Jesus is the light of men for one by using this title
John's declaring That Jesus is revealed as the one
Listen to me as the one who knows God and who makes
God known See when Jesus when John refers to Jesus as being the light of men, he's telling us that Jesus is revealed as the one who knows
God the Father and The one who makes God the Father known
Jesus shines light on the father and since God is light Jesus also has to be light now understand light is a
Universal image for the illumination of mind through understanding light is this universal image of Illumination of the mind through understanding we can't and we don't know where we're going in the dark without light and Before Jesus came into the world.
The world was in darkness and in general and the world didn't know God Understand that from Malachi the last book of the
Old Testament to Matthew there was essentially 400 years of silence from God For 400 years
God was in effect silent for 400 years in effect. There was no light
So when Christ came and his light shone before men Then men had the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face and the person of Jesus Christ And does that not bring more meaning to verse 14?
the word became flesh and Dwelled among us and we beheld his glory the glory as Of the only begotten of the
Father full of grace and truth So also in context for the significance of this image
Lies in the fact that God Himself God the Father is pictured as light in both the
Old and the New Testament David writes in Psalm 27 1 you've sung it.
The Lord is my light and my salvation Psalm 36 9 for with you is the fountain of life in your light in Your light we see light
Another psalm Psalm 104 says praise the Lord. Oh my soul. Oh Lord. My god.
You are very great You are clothed with splendor and majesty. He wraps himself in light as with a garment
He stretches out the heavens like a tent As Dave read earlier
John writes in his first epistle in First John 1 verse 5
God is light and in him is no darkness at all
See God is light So the image of light Seems perfect and so appropriate as a term for the one who makes the
Father known God is light. Jesus is light see light
Penetrates the unimaginable depths of space far beyond the limits of human vision in All the vastness of space into which a telescope can probe we can see but only light some of it traveling according to scientists
Millions of years to reach our eyes Without light there is no vision without light.
There's no view of reality without light There is no confident journey without light. There is no growth without light.
There is there is only cold. There's no health There's no life when some plant of the open day strikes root in a dark place it becomes pale and flaccid and it becomes
Distorted beyond recognition as it is looking for light some chink or crevice crevice in a rock to grow
See the Bible says that God is love, right? In our limited human understanding of this rich and vast word the word love conjures up all kinds of images and and thoughts about God the
Bible also tells us that God is light and since Jesus is God then
Jesus also has to be light So the image of light is so rich and it's totally appropriate to describe the
Lord Jesus Christ God The Father is light. So is Christ the Son He is the image of the invisible
God He is the one who fills all in all because he is light in him God The Father is illuminated so we see and know the
Father So first of all, God is light and what therefore the Sun has to be light and in that light is
What life? Now second to better understand and appreciate
What it means that Jesus is a light. We also need to contrast the light with the darkness
You see if you think about it the imagery and the contrast between light and darkness being in a pitch black
Night with no moon versus being Outside in the noonday
Sun at high noon that is a contrast that any of us can relate to and it helps us to understand the
Significance of Jesus being the light Jesus is a light shows and teaches that by his coming into the world he exposes the works of darkness
Jesus shown in the darkness and The darkness didn't like it and the darkness still today doesn't like it see in the beginning
God said what let there be light and there was light and God separated the darkness from the light and He called the light good
But not the darkness If the Sun is hidden all we see is a shadow and we call that shadow only what is
Contrasted with the sunlight and the contrast of the two the shadow versus what's in the light
Intensifies that contrast and this is what Jesus has done by his coming Jesus stands before the world in perfect purity and perfect light in contrast
Man stands in imperfection and impurity in the world. The line of separation is drawn forever the conscience of men acknowledges
This light Whether we know it or not the light which streams from Christ opens away to a clear distinction between good and evil
His coming is a judgment Light and darkness are not blended in him.
Satan comes as what an angel of light Jesus came as the light
The coming of Jesus into the world exposes the world's darkness and where men thought they had most light
Jesus is perfect light Jesus is not a dim light Underneath the shade a dark shade
Covered he is the perfect light. You remember camping you've been camping
When you're camping you go outside at night. You shine the flashlight and when contrasted with The darkness it's very bright
I don't know if you remember the days when the only kind of flashlight you had was a flashlight with two batteries and Then all of a sudden they had a three battery flashlight and a four battery
You had those big things a police carried them around on their belt. You couldn't wait to get one of those, right? You know, you'd see them.
They they put them in your thing and then they came out with what? LED And now they rate them in lumens
I I Mean when I got my first four battery d -cell flashlight, man
I thought I had arrived and now I get like a hundred times a light out of something this big But a flashlight only works when it's dark
Eventually the Sun comes up and once the Sun is up the light intensity of the flashlight fades into Insignificance when compared to the light of the
Sun and This is the experience that people have when they come face to face with the Lord Jesus Christ So long as we live in the darkness of this world
You and I are able to compare the relative merits of human goodness or righteousness.
We see the difference Between a three battery character a two battery character a one battery character and a dead flashlight, don't we?
and we rate people accordingly and But you see all these distinctions fade away in the presence of the pure white light of the righteousness of Jesus Christ His coming reveals the incredible intensity intensity and profundity of the darkness
That's why when you ask somebody Have you ever told a lie? Yeah What's that make you and they'll tell you anything except a liar
But then if you say If I told you a lie, what would you call me? Oh, you're a liar And what should be ours today and all of men's reaction to this stark contrast between light and darkness
It can be one of two things for one a person can hate Christ for the light as many people have done
They can try to get rid of his presence in their life. They can yell things like crucify him
Like when you shine the light and I mean when you give your kids right when they're little and you give them
Flashlight for the first time, you know what happens, right? Turn it off Get it away from me.
They will swat and yell at you and this is what John is saying
This is what he's saying in verse 5 the darkness did not comprehend it right
He couldn't and would not have said that unless the darkness
Tried to overcome it and I'm going to get to that word in a minute because some translations there have overcome it
People can certainly try to overcome the darkness second our reaction to the light
Can be what God wants us to do We can embrace the light and We can let it shine on us and we can say
Lord. I See now that my own good works are far from perfect in fact, they seem quite dark in fact, they seem almost
Non -existent when compared to your righteousness and I realize now that my works my goodness
I'm a good person will not take me to heaven I realize now that my church attendance and going to church and being nice to people is not enough light to get me to heaven but God you have the goodness which
I do not have and You have promised to give it all who believe on your son and receive him as Savior and that is what
I do now I Trust you to remove my sin. I put my faith and and my trust in you
Jesus Christ alone Because my works are a dead battery will be compared to yours
If someone will say that God will do as he promised that's why Jesus Christ came Jesus is a light
And one of the significances of this truth is that Matt man now has a clear
Contrast between the light and the darkness. That's why Paul wrote in 2nd Corinthians 521
God made him Jesus Christ who knew no sin sin for us
So that in him we might become the righteousness of God not our own little flashlight
Now third Because Jesus is a light
It also means that in the light There is victory
See the third important point to note in Studying the image of Jesus as a light is the fact that in the light of the
Lord Jesus Christ It has not been overcome by the darkness see the
Lord Jesus Christ came into the world and was not and has not been overcome by the darkness look at verse 5 carefully one translation written by a
Greek scholar He put look at verse 5 in your Bible and listen to how this translator translated the verse he says the light still shines in the darkness and The darkness has never put it out
Now you think about this truth in the light of the days in which we live the light still
Shines in the darkness. It's still shining and The darkness has never put it out
See the Greek word in the second part of verse 5 comprehend can be translated overcome or put out and it's a word in the
Greek that has at least three meanings and so there's a wide variety of Interpretations when you go to translations, there's a wide variety of interpretations of this verse go to John 8 for the most
At the most literal level The word that is translated in verse 5 comprehend or overcome depending on most
English translations it means to seize or apprehend somebody either physically or intellectually look at John 8 verse 4
Well verse 3 then the scribes and Pharisees brought to him a woman Caught in adultery and when they had set her in The midst they said to him teacher
This woman was caught in adultery in the very act.
The word caught there is the same word That we have in verse 5 that's translated
Comprehend or overcome? What are they saying? They're caught physically we caught her
Physically in the act of adultery and that's what the word is is using there the word can be used to catch someone intellectually or mentally and in the case of verse 5 it would be intellectually to understand
Comprehend mentally is the interpretation that we find in the
King James a new King James and the New American Standard But the word can also mean overtake
Overtake by by extension as you're pursuing somebody to overtake them or to overcome them
John 12 verse 35 See the idea of overtaking or overcoming is the clear meaning of the verb in the only other place where it occurs in John's Gospel and it's here in John 12 verse 35
He says walk while you have the light Less darkness what?
overtake you He who walks in darkness does not know where he's going so in the sense of overtaking the word moved into the sports vocabulary of Jesus's day and It was used when a wrestler was said to have taken down his opponent
So these translations they're all right The Sark the darkness certainly did not understand the light and the darkness sit and certainly didn't overcome or overtake
Jesus as the light now, let's go back to verse 4 in chapter 1 and Yet there's another meaning of the word
Some scholars suggest comes even closer to John's true meaning and that is to quench or Extinguish or eclip the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not
Extinguish or eclipse the light So if you think about astronomy
Which may be involved here. We can say that God's light is shining in the darkness and Church, please listen to me
Despite what is going on in this world the redefinition of marriage
What they're doing to children in their education today Gender identification personal pronouns you see we can say
God's light is shining in the darkness and His light has never and will never be put out
That's what it's saying The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not
Cannot will never Put it out Extinguish it.
See we do not see on this earth the unending natural cycles of light and darkness here darkness always overcomes a light
You can be in the gloomiest country on the earth or the brightest night will always follow the day
You know It can be retarded we can turn on the light But night comes eventually and the point is here is that what physical darkness does each evening spiritual darkness tried without?
success to do in the case of Jesus Christ Crucify him crucify him the devil danced for glee when
Jesus died and gave up his last amen And then he goes in the grave for three days and then what he raises again
Which we'll be celebrating in two weeks The darkness has tried to overcome or overtake that light that started in the darkness
But Jesus simply overcame it listen to what one man said a lot more intelligent than I and he probably can pronounce
Wednesday. I quote this man
Having seen this other light that is the light of God revealed in Jesus Christ I turn to it
Striving and growing towards it as plants do towards the Sun You came as light into the world in order that whoever believed in you should not remain in darkness
Your light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it nor will it ever
Friends Jesus is the light God is light and Jesus is God. He too is light no matter how dark this world might turn and We understand
Don't we That it's turning to bitch to pitch dark faster than we can imagine
But no matter how dark that darkness it cannot overcome or overtake the light of Jesus When it comes to Jesus being the light
Understand what we learn about God when we consider the contrast between light and darkness
Understand to the victory over the darkness that Jesus as the light gives mankind and finally because Jesus Because Jesus is the light
Believers are called to be lights See in order to see the full teaching of the
Gospel of John about light We need to add to these truths that there is a sense in which in our day in our day
Jesus is no longer The light of the world directly in our day believers are the light of the world
You see We are his light Reflected in the world
Christians are his light reflected to the world see in John 5
I'm sorry in and in verse 5 John uses a present tense in describing Jesus's light
He says the light shines in the darkness It's shining in the darkness as if Christ's light was shining now and the verb shines is in the present tense
That means the light is shining. That's how we would translate it. Literally in the English with an
ING. The light is shining It's continuing to shine Now go to first John chapter 2 first John 2
Because in first John 2 verse 7 John also says that Christ shines in our day only through Christians first John 2 7 first John 2 7 brethren,
I Write no new commandment to you, but an old commandment what you have had from the beginning
The old commandment is the word which you heard from the beginning Again a new commandment
I write to you which thing is true in him and in you Because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining
He who says he is in the light and hates his brother is in darkness until now
He who loves his brother abides in the light and there is no cause for stumbling in him
But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness and does not know where he is going
Because the darkness has blinded his eyes See when Jesus was in the world he said as long as I'm in the world,
I'm in the light I am the light of the world. But when he turned to those who believed in him in Matthew chapter 5, he said to them
Matthew 5 verse 14 Just to remind you
Matthew 5 verse 14 You are the light of the world
Who us? Believers You are the light of the world. You don't get it yet a city that set on a hill can't be hidden Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket
But on a lampstand and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men
That they may see your good works And glorify your father in heaven Friends You want something else here
Jesus, please listen Jesus didn't mean that the believers were the light themselves
He's saying that they're lights and they are to be lights because of Christ in them
Which is one reason why he says Why he says it went in Matthew that no one puts a light on the table to light a room and then covers it up John 12
John 12 he says to those who Did not believe
Jesus This is a context is the people answered him we've heard from the law that Christ remains forever
How can you say the Son of Man must be lifted up? Jesus said look a little while longer the light is with you
Walk while you have light Lest darkness overtake you he who walks in darkness does not know where he is coming while you have the light believe in the light
That you may become sons of the light see what Christ is saying He's saying that today
Christians are the light of the world but they can be the light of the world only because He is their light and they reflect him
That's why Paul says 2nd Corinthians, I want you to see this 2nd Corinthians 4 2nd
Corinthians 4 verse 6 for it is the
God who commanded light to shine out of Darkness who has shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ See, so Jesus Christ is
God But he's also 100 % man He is life and he is the light of men
See in light of what John has said Back in John chapter 1
When he says he was the life and the life Was the light of men in terms of its real world and its shoe leather
Application to the Christian life to us here to those watching by video See in order to take that to us today sitting here and Spin the hands of time 2 ,000 years we're left with some very convincing and probing questions that we should be asking ourselves and I encourage you even if you're watching by video to Think about these questions with me
See the light of Jesus like any light is very revealing
I'm constantly I have a little shelf by my main chair, you know the chair and I have a little shelf.
I'm constantly dropping things and they fall underneath this the chair so I get on my hands and knees It's a great thing.
The kids love it when they walk out and I'm there on my hands and knees and I got a flashlight You know, and I'm looking under the chair, where did
I drop it this time? Where did I drop that? You know, is it on one of the bottom shelves in the back where the light doesn't reach?
You see I can see a lot when I shine that bright light there See the light of Jesus is revealing and what
I mean is that Jesus is light penetrates the darkness and Shows us what's always been there if the light of the
Lord Jesus Had this effect in a believer they can say with Isaiah Remember when Isaiah when he saw the
Lord high and lifted up and Isaiah woe is me Woe is me.
I'm a man of unclean lips Peter said go away from me
Lord. I'm a sinful man Paul said in 1st Timothy, I am the worst of sinners see the light of Jesus should reveal and Result in Produce humility
Because you understand the light misses nothing. It's pure light. It misses nothing
So a question to ask ourselves this morning Is this and be truthful is
Jesus our light is Jesus your light
See if Jesus is our light It puts confusion to flight That's the picture in Genesis chapter 1
Everything was a mess right and God moved upon the formless void
The nothingness that existed before his creative act of what let there be light
The light of God dispelled the darkness and Brought forth life and order
You see if Jesus truly is the light of your life He also dispels the darkness and Places your life in order
So one question is Jesus your light a second one very humbling
Demency Christ in us see people will not find
Christ in the world today They're not going to find him in the news in The world's literature culture pastimes.
They won't see him in Harry Potter They won't see him in any of the
Marvel comic movies They will only see him as believers look to Jesus as He increasingly becomes their light and as he is reflected from their life to others dear friends if Jesus Christ is our light
We will have guidance in the midst of darkness and with the guidance of God true
Liberty We're gonna sing a hymn in a moment
Written by the great Evangelist and founder of the
Methodist Church, which once was faithful to the gospel He wrote him long my imprisoned spirit lay fast bound in sin in nature's night
Thine I diffused a quickening ray. I woke The dungeon flame with light my chains fell off My heart was free.
I rose went forth and followed thee Jesus Is a light and may we always
Comprehend that light and may we never try to Put that light out
Amen, I want to give you a moment before David comes Look at this verse
I think in your notes. I put a couple of questions I want to give you a few moments
Janet. Would you come and start playing? Hun, thank you. And as Janet just plays through this song just a time or two
Use this time to pray and to ask God God help me.
Are you really my light? Do men see Christ in me when
I'm at work When I'm at the store when
I'm at the bank, I know it's a little different with kovat because our face is covered
Think about that Think about the significance of this mask mandate and what it does to our ability to show forth our light
Amen Is Jesus your light? As Janet plays through the song once or twice before David comes use this time just for individual prayer and Then I'll pray before David comes on Amen father
God You know our hearts better than we know them the Prophet Jeremiah said our heart is wicked above all things who can know it only you
God made the Word of God that we heard today Your word that brings life the bread of life
God The word that is sharper than any two -edged sword Able to judge the thoughts and intentions of our heart
God made indeed Father this day bear fruit in our lives
God we're light You've given us only so many days to show forth that light