Isaiah Lesson 64

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Isaiah: Prophet of the Suffering Servant Lesson 64: Isaiah 49:1-13 Pastors Jeff Kliewer and John Lasken


Father God, we come to you excited to see the lessons that you're going to be teaching us, learning about God, and the coming of Christ, and the fulfillment of prophecy as we are in Isaiah 49.
Lord, speak to us with your spirit. Give Jeff the words to speak in power for your kingdom's glory, we pray in Jesus' name.
Amen. Amen. Well, we are now 64 lessons into the book of Isaiah.
When we began in Isaiah 1, we learned that Isaiah prophesied during the years of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, four kings of Judah.
So he had a long, prolific, prophetic ministry. And it's a glorious description of God's sovereignty over the nations, how it's actually
God's hand behind the events of history that are at issue.
Isaiah, all the while, is calling the people to holiness. Just beautiful descriptions of who
God is. In Isaiah chapter 6, we see God in the throne room, and the train of His robe fills the temple with glory.
But one of the things that is most beloved about the book of Isaiah is the prefiguring of Christ, the prophecies of the coming
Messiah. From 714, the virgin birth, and 9 -6, the son that's given, and the government is upon his shoulders.
John has taken as his verse in the school board, Isaiah 11, 1 and following, the spirit of wisdom, and counsel, and power, and knowledge, and the fear of the
Lord that would be on the Messiah, which he then imputes to us by his spirit. All of these things foretell the coming of Jesus.
And the most glorious, crowning prophecy of Messiah, and the most beloved in church history, has been the 53rd chapter.
Isaiah 53, the suffering servant, and how he dies in our place. He's the lamb that goes to the slaughter.
We're the sheep that go astray. And our iniquity is laid on him, and by his stripes we are healed.
Well, that 53rd chapter of Isaiah is actually the fourth servant song.
Okay? Now, it's been a couple months since we read the first one, so if you're like me, it's like, ah, what was that one even about?
So let's start this afternoon by turning to Isaiah 42, 1 to 9.
That will be the first servant song, and then today we're going to do the second one, 49, 1 to 13.
And in weeks to come, we'll get to numbers 3 and 4. But we want to see these as a group, because as Isaiah is prophetically speaking, he will speak about Israel and himself as a type, as a prefigurement of the coming
Christ. And only Christ fulfills in full what Isaiah has to say. Israel can never fulfill it, although in ideal form, they were to represent
God to the nations. They were never able to do that because of their own sinfulness. And so,
God comes himself to represent and be the image of God to the nations.
So we have Jesus as the true Israel in these servant songs. So let's read it.
Is anybody there yet? Maybe Ivan, you want to read Isaiah 42, 1 to 9?
Sure. Thank you. Behold my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one, in whom my soul delights.
I have put my spirit upon him. He will bring forth justice to the nations. He will not cry out or raise his voice, nor make his voice heard in the streets.
A bruised wreath he will not break, and a dimly burning wick he will not extinguish.
He will faithfully bring forth justice. He will not be disheartened or crushed until he has established justice in the earth.
And the coastland will wait expectantly for his law. Thus says God the
Lord, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and its offspring, who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk in it.
I am the Lord. I have called you in righteousness. I will also hold you by the hand and watch over you.
And I will appoint you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the nations, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the dungeon and those who dwell in darkness from the prison.
I am the Lord. That is my name. I will not give my glory to another nor my praise to graven image.
Behold, the former things have come to pass. Now I declare new things before they sprang forth.
I proclaim them to you. The first servant song. Why are these called servant songs?
Why servant? Well, first one says, here is my servant.
Amen. It begins that way. And the second one will also likewise speak of the servant.
So yeah, it's a servant song. It refers to Christ. But Israel was to be a servant of God, weren't they?
And so the Jewish interpreter, who doesn't believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah promised, will say, well, these were just speaking of Israel.
So what would you say to that? Why is this speaking of Jesus and not exclusively of Israel?
Well, even the second half of verse one says, I'll put my spirit on him. Yes. He never did that with Israel.
Select people. Yeah. Certain prophets, but not the nation. And that first person pronoun, or not first person, second, what is that?
Third person? But it's singular. It's not plural. The singular pronoun him, you'll see again and again of Jesus, I think.
He will bring forth justice. He will not cry out aloud or lift up his voice, make it heard in the street.
The way to remember the first sermon song for me is this phrase in verse three.
The bruised reed he will not break. The faintly burning wick he will not quench.
So I think of what I think of the first sermon song. He came mercifully. He was compassionate.
He didn't break the smoldering wick or the bruised reed.
He didn't break it off or he didn't snuff out the smoldering wick. In verse seven, he's opening blind eyes and letting the prisoner go free.
You hear this language in Luke of Jesus. So there's something prophetic of Christ in the first servant song.
It's pointing to more than Israel as a nation, but to one who would fulfill the purpose of Israel himself.
God in the flesh, in the person of Jesus. So today we go to Isaiah 49, the second servant song.
John, would you read for us the first three verses? And here we have again Israel in ideal form.
But Israel never fulfilled these words and never could because they're sinners. Commissioned to be the apple of God's eye and to be a light to the
Gentiles. A seed that blesses all the nations in Genesis 12, 1 to 3.
But they never accomplished that because they themselves go wayward. They themselves are sinners.
And so God himself will come as the true Israel in the form of a man named
Jesus and fulfill these words. So Isaiah 49, 1 to 3. Listen to me,
O coastlands. Other versions say, O islands. Give attention, you peoples from afar.
The Lord called me from the womb. From the body of my mother he named my name.
He made my mouth like a sharp sword in the shadow of his hand. He hid me. He made me a polished arrow in his quiver.
He hid me away. And he said to me, you are my servant, Israel, in whom
I will be glorified. So the servant here is identified as Israel.
And yet, as the passage goes on, Israel will be addressed by the servant. Israel is the ideal form here of that which
God has created to represent himself to the nations. The creation of the nation
Israel to mediate God's blessing to the nations. And yet they won't fulfill this role.
So Jesus himself is prefigured here. And we begin to see it in verse one.
The Lord called me from the womb. Jesus is supernaturally conceived in the womb of his mother,
Mary. And this forming of Jesus in the womb is prefigured in the prophets.
Jeremiah chapter one, verse five. In your notes, would somebody read Jeremiah one five?
He had a similar call from the womb. Rich? Yes. Before I formed you in the womb,
I knew you. And before you were born, I consecrated you. I appointed you a prophet to the nations.
It's the Lord that calls from the body of my mother. He named my name.
Sandy, could you read for me Matthew one twenty one? Sure. His name was called
Jesus from the womb. He Mary was told this. And the reason for that is that he will save his people from their sin.
Galatians one fifteen. Paul himself. But when he who had set me apart before I was born and who called me by his grace.
He refers to his calling even before he was born. Of course, we know this.
This theme has been prominent in Isaiah that God is the one who has written the end from the beginning.
And he is the one who has elected the people unto salvation. And he elected the prophets to speak for him.
And and Christ was the chosen one before the foundation of the world. Given a body in the womb of his mother
Mary. Now, when you look at this passage. You think,
OK, who is speaking here? Is it
Israel? Because of verse three. Or is it
Isaiah? Because of verse two. Or is it
Jesus? Because of what follows. Answer.
Yes. The idea here is that you have
Israel as a nation that is to mediate blessing to the world. And so in verse three, the servant is identified as Israel.
But Isaiah, as a member of Israel, as part of this chosen people, is appointed a prophet to the nations.
And he himself is the spokesperson of God. So when you see in verse two, he made my mouth like a sharp sword.
That speaks to prophetic ministry, cutting ministry. He's burying the word of God in the shadow of his hand.
He hid me. He made me a polished arrow. This is like Jeremiah formed before the foundation of the world with a word to bring.
This is Isaiah speaking. But ultimately, neither a mere prophet nor the nation can fulfill what is to come.
This is pointing to one bigger and larger. Now, last week we made an observation that I think gets underscored at this point.
Look back at chapter 48, verse 16. John, why don't you read this one?
Because we delighted in this passage as we talked about it. Isaiah 48, 16. Can I opine for just a minute?
Opine. Opine away. One of the questions in the ordination process is, scripturally, how would you defend the
Trinity? And so, as I'm writing my thesis after Jeff brought this up,
I was able to go back to this verse. Draw near to me, hear this. From the beginning, I have not spoken in secret.
And from the time it came to be, I have been there. End quotation marks inappropriately.
And quotation marks should include the rest. And now the Lord God has sent me in his spirit.
So you've got the Father, the Lord God, sending his Son in the spirit of the
Trinity right there. Because it's described right there in the Trinity. Amen. I see the
Trinity there as well. The quotation mark is an interpretive decision of the ESV, which identifies this more as Isaiah.
Because he's the one, the prophet, speaking, if you put a quotation there. But I think it more broadly probably speaks of Jesus.
And the reason I get that, let's look at John chapter 12, verse 41.
I hinted at this at the end of last week, but it then plays into chapter 49 of Isaiah.
So John 12, 41. This is commentary by the author,
John the Apostle, regarding the events that are unfolding here in the context.
Going all the way back up to verse 36, where Jesus is light, light to the nations.
While you have the light, believe in the light that you may become sons of light. When Jesus had said these things, he departed and hid himself from them.
Though he had done so many signs before them, they still did not believe in him. So that the words spoken by the prophet
Isaiah might be fulfilled. Lord, who has believed what he heard from us?
And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? That, of course, comes from the fourth servant psalm,
Isaiah 53. Therefore, they could not believe.
For again, Isaiah said, he has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart.
Lest they see with their eyes and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them.
That, of course, comes from Isaiah chapter 6. When Isaiah sees the
Lord and the train of his robe fills the temple. And the coal is taken from the altar and touches his tongue.
And he says, who shall I send? And Isaiah then says, here I am.
Or who should go for us in the plural there, which is Trinitarian. And Isaiah says, here
I am, send me. Isaiah 6, Isaiah 53. Now look at John 12 41, the commentary by the apostle.
Isaiah said these things because he saw his glory and spoke of him.
And from the context of John 12, indisputable, the him is
Jesus. John gives us some insight here into the
Old Testament that we wouldn't necessarily have the fullness of.
By reading the book of Isaiah alone. Some, I think, the first to use this analogy.
Who is that professor from Princeton? He was the first generation before it went kind of apostate wasn't mentioned, but.
I'm forgetting his name. It'll come back to me. He uses this analogy that the
Old Testament is like a room full of furniture. Only there's not as much light in the room to make out every piece of furniture that you see.
When you come to the New Testament, it's not that you're adding furniture. It's that you're adding light to what was already there.
So there in the book of Isaiah, Isaiah was hidden. All the furniture of the Trinity. Who will go for us?
A virgin born son, the son with the government on his shoulder. Who will believe our report?
The New Testament light comes into that room and says it was Isaiah speaking of Jesus in Isaiah 6 and Isaiah 53.
And also here throughout the book of Isaiah. He is encountering the second person of the
Trinity. We have that much light because the apostle who speaks on the authority of God is able to show that light on the
Old Testament. Okay, now it's not like he's adding something that wasn't there. The furniture was always there.
It's just greater light now as progressive revelation as this revelation is given in time.
We have the fullness of the canon in the New Testament. So now let's go back and reread
Isaiah 48 16 and then go into 49. Understanding what
John taught us, namely that Isaiah was speaking with Jesus.
He saw Jesus on the throne. He heard the voice of Jesus.
He saw the form of Jesus, which is why John earlier will tell us. No one has seen the father.
They've seen but of the fullness of the son. We have beheld Isaiah himself was seeing the son.
Okay, so in 48 verse 16, would you like to read it?
Read that for us one more time. John draw near to me here. This from the beginning. I have not spoken in secret from the time it came to be.
I have been there and now the Lord has sent me and his spirit. Okay, so to whatever extent it refers to Israel or Isaiah.
That's only prophetic of Jesus. It's fulfilled in Jesus.
It's Jesus here saying from the beginning. I have not spoken in secret.
Jesus is the word in John's language. The word made flesh in the beginning was the word.
The word was with God. The word was God. Jesus has been speaking. He he's never been silent.
He's been making himself known from the time it came to be. I have been there.
The eternal pre -existence of Christ and now the
Lord God the father has sent me the son and his spirit, which is amazing that there would be that Trinitarian reference right there in 48 16 now go back into 49 with me and read this prophetically as Isaiah is foreseeing and foretelling the
Christ. Listen to me says Jesus O Coastlands and give attention you peoples from afar.
The Lord called me from the womb from the body of my mother
Mary. He named me Jesus. He made my mouth like a sharp sword.
You think of the prophetic ministry of Jesus and how he would his words would cut they were truth.
They had to be believed in everything. He said like Deuteronomy 18 15 to 20 the true prophet like Moses.
Listen to everything. He has to say he made me like a polished arrow in his quiver. He hid me away and he said to me you are my servant
Israel. You are the true Israel the fulfillment of what Israel was ever meant to be in whom
I will be glorified. Now we go on to verses four to seven Joyce. Would you want to read that for us?
Okay, but I said I have labored in vain. I have spent my strength for nothing and vanity yet.
Surely my right is with the Lord and my recompense with my God and now the
Lord says he who formed me from the womb to be his servant to bring Jacob back to him and that Israel might be gathered to him for I am honored in the eyes of the
Lord and my God has become my strength. He says it is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the preserve of Israel.
I will make you as a light for the nation's that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.
Thus says the Lord the Redeemer of Israel and his
Holy One to one deeply despised abhorred by the nation the servant of rulers kings shall see and arise princes and they shall prostrate themselves because of the
Lord who is faithful the Holy One of Israel who has chosen you. Amen.
So in verse four, I said I have labored in vain. There was a sense in the ministry of Jesus where it looks like he has prophesied in vain because what do the people do when he's brought on trial crucify him crucify him that Israel's rejecting him and 53 will fill this out.
He's despised and rejected by men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
It says in verse four. I have spent my strength for nothing and vanity yet.
Surely my right is with the Lord and my recompense with my
God and Isaiah 53. He will see the light of life and be satisfied.
What appears to be defeat is victory and his recompense is vindication will come.
Now the Lord says he who formed me from the womb to be his servant to bring
Jacob back to him interesting. This servant was identified as Israel in verse three, but who is
Jacob? Jacob is Israel. So how is
Israel speaking to Israel? What's going on here? It's prophetic of the
Messiah the true Israel the Christ who comes and mediates blessing to the world.
It's Christ that was foreseen in this. Now, he's speaking to Israel the nation to bring
Jacob back to him and that Israel might be gathered to him. For I am honored in the eyes of the
Lord. It's a beautiful verse. The father loves the son and the son loves the father and there is no disunity ever.
There is only honor between the two and my
God has become my strength. He says now look at this. It is too late a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob.
I mean, that's a pretty big thing. Isn't it that all of Israel would be brought back? Isn't that the great hope of the promise of God of Genesis 12 and Israel that they would be
God's chosen people. He brought them out of Egypt to be his own special possession.
That's a huge thing that there's coming one who will bring them back. But look what it goes on to say. That's too late a thing.
I will make you as a light for the nations that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.
Was it ever God's design to save only the ethnic descendants of Abraham?
His plan from the beginning of time and it was even in Genesis 12 1 to 3. He had said it there that the blessing would be that Israel then would be a blessing to the nations.
Here you have it explicitly stated. The Messiah is coming not just to redeem
Israel, but all the world all people who would ever call upon his name. I have a book here called from Jerusalem to Erie and Jaya.
It's just a biography of missionaries. And how the gospel has gone from that tiny little sliver of land in which
Jesus conducted his entire ministry. Now to the entire globe beginning in Jerusalem.
And then the advance of the gospel throughout Europe and then to the new world and David Brainerd to the
American Indians and William Carey to India and David Livingston to Africa and Hudson Taylor to China at an iron
Judson. The student missionary movement. The ends of the earth was considered
Papua New Guinea Erie and Jaya from Jerusalem to Erie and Jaya there in Erie and Jaya Papua New Guinea outside of Indonesia a string of islands inhabited by cannibals who until the 20th century knew nothing of the name that is above all names.
The cannibalistic tribes hated one another and would kill one another. That's the nature of a cannibal.
Violent people spearing one another. The men would dress up for festivals with masks on their faces and pretend to be gods and the women were afraid of these gods that would dance around the fire.
But one day a wife noticed that the toes of the man dancing bore a striking resemblance to her husband's toes the same disfigurements the same marks and she realized that it was her husband dressed under that mask.
When she told her husband that he did what was common in that tribe. Took her out to be killed and she died by strangulation.
Missionaries felt a call. One named Don Richardson went to these peoples and had little progress until he observed a ritual where the tribes deciding not to fight and kill one another offered to one another one of their own children a peace child and a peace child was given each to another not to be sacrificed but to grow up in that tribe and as long as that child lived those two tribes would not fight each other.
But Don Richardson as a Christian there and missionary in the tribe used that as an analogy to God who gave his only son and tribes began to come to faith and before long were reconciled to God.
There's a movie called Eat How about the conversion of the tribes of Papua New Guinea.
Salvation to the ends of the earth. When I was a youth pastor in Florida there was a missionary couple that had returned from Papua New Guinea Irian Jaya the
Fowlers Gary and Johanna and I used to spend so much time with them they were mentors to me and just such salt of the earth people.
But think about what they did they left the United States of America in the 1950s to go to an unreached people group with children of their own brought into that and preach the gospel an entire tribes came to saving faith in the
Lord Jesus as it is to this day. Salvation to the ends of the earth missionaries and that's where we are now.
The devil has always tried to snuff out the light of Christ but he never could and the progress of the gospel has never stopped to advance unabated for 2000 years.
Now it's reached every tribe. There are maybe a couple of tribes that have never heard the name. Remember a couple of years ago that young guy got murdered because he tried to go to an unreached tribe.
I forget his name. So maybe there's one or two places left on earth. And many missiologists have said what
God is doing here is he's taken the gospel and brought it to the ends of the earth from Jerusalem to Erie and Jaya.
And now that gospel light is closing back in upon Jerusalem. It's circled the entire globe and the least reached part of the world turns out to be
Jerusalem and the surrounding countries of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, the
Muslim countries. And now the gospel which has penetrated and gotten all the way out around the world is circling back in upon Jerusalem awaiting the coming of the king.
And Rich, you always talk about the revivals that are happening in these Muslim countries. Iran never happened before this generation.
Matthew 24 14. And this gospel shall be preached to the ends of the earth.
And then the end shall come. That's what we see in Isaiah 49 verse 6.
I will make you as a light for the nations. That my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.
That doesn't apply to Israel. That doesn't apply to Isaiah. That's only fulfilled in Christ.
This is prophetic of the servant. This is the second servant song and it's clearly bigger than the nation
Israel. It's referring to Christ. In verse 7, the Redeemer of Israel and his Holy One to one deeply despised and bored by the nation, the servant of rulers.
Kings shall see it arise. How many kings have named the name of Christ?
These chieftains in the tribal lands, they knew nothing of the rest of the world.
These chieftains were like gods. They were kings now bowing the knee to the king of kings and Lord of lords.
No longer stabbing one another to death. No longer eating one another as cannibals, but conforming to the image of Christ.
Princes and they shall prostrate themselves because of the Lord who is faithful. The Holy One of Israel who has chosen.
You see, Israel couldn't do it. Couldn't mediate blessing to the world.
It was the Holy One of Israel that had to come to be the light to the nations.
Jesus himself, the chosen one. So we celebrate that. And now let's just think about how glorious it really is.
In verses 8 to 12, he who has given us his son, how will he not also along with him give us all things?
Sandy, would you read Isaiah 49, 8 to 12? And I've titled this section, his salvation will be full and free with provision made for our every need.
Sure. Thus says the Lord, in a favorable time
I have answered you. And in a day of salvation I have helped you. And I will keep you and give you for a covenant of the people.
To restore the land, to make them inherit the desolate heritage.
Saying to those who are bound, go forth. To those who are in darkness, show yourselves.
Along the roads they will feed. And their pasture will be on all bare heights.
They will not hunger or thirst. Nor will the scorching heat or sun strike them down.
For he who has confession on them will lead them. And will guide them to springs of water.
I will make all my mountains and roads. And my highways will be raised up.
Behold, these will come from afar. And lo, these will come from the north and from the west.
And these from the land of Sinai. Beautiful, thank you.
A picture of what this salvation actually accomplishes. Everything for us.
In the first servant song, he's opening blind eyes. That's Christ in his earthly ministry. He's not breaking off the wounded reed.
He's not snuffing out the smoldering whip. He's setting the prisoner free. Here, salvation to the ends of the earth.
In the name of Christ, prisoners are set free. Light comes to those who live in dark places.
Verse eight, in a time of favor, I have answered you. We live in a time of favor.
His salvation has come to us. Do we realize what a gift that is? That you were not born in Erie and Jaya in the 1940s.
Before the gospel got there. That the Erie and Jayan was born there in the 1970s.
Or today, with the gospel. That we are born here in America.
In a land just dripping with the milk and honey of the gospel.
Just saturated everywhere. Churches on every corner. And the difference that makes for the culture.
And for our lives. I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people. To establish the land.
To apportion the desolate heritages. Saying to the prisoners, come out. We were prisoners.
Set free. To those who are in darkness, appear. He's the light that's come to us.
They shall feed along the ways we're provided for. On all bare heights shall be their pasture.
Now there's this language already of the shepherd. Which will culminate in chapter 53. And John, you were high on Psalm 100 verse 3 last week.
Remember that? We are his people. And the sheep of his pasture.
That's who we are. And this is the metaphor. Verse 10. They shall not hunger or thirst.
Neither scorching wind. In this world you will face trouble.
Take heart, I have overcome the world. We have Christ. Whatever we go through. Whether it's cancer. Or the death of a loved one.
Or the pain of losing a job. All of these things will happen to us. But we're not going to hunger or thirst.
We have our living water. We have in Jesus the provision. The bread of life. Everything we need. The scorching wind?
Yeah, we'll feel it. It shall not strike them. It won't kill us. For he who has pity on them will lead them.
We have a shepherd through all of our trials. The good shepherd of Psalm 23. By springs of water we'll guide them.
He is the living water. And he's the good shepherd. He will see us through. He'll give us everything we need.
In the language of Romans 8 .32. And I will make all my mountains a road. And my highways shall be raised up.
He's making straight paths for us. He's leading us. Behold, these shall come from afar.
This is missions to the end of the earth. Now all the peoples of the earth coming to worship him. North and west and from.
These from the land of Syene. Which I believe is Ethiopia. Another reference to the land.
Of Kush. It's from the far south. Far the south known world. And now that the world is known to be a globe.
Even to the ends of the earth. And all the way around. Salvation has sprung up.
So one last verse. What do you do? If this is the case. If the Messiah has come. Born of the
Virgin Mary. Named before he was born. Who brings salvation.
It's not enough just to that sliver of land of Israel. But salvation to the ends of the earth. And providing everything you need.
Where he goes. He who has Christ has everything. If that's true.
What's left for us to do. Verse 13 who hasn't read for me. That would like to. Shout for joy oh heavens.
Joy so earth. Burst into song oh mountains. For the Lord comforts his people.
And will have compassion on his afflicted ones. What can you do but sing?
Christians should be singing all the time. I do like in Romans 8 19. For the creation waits for eager longing.
For the revealing of the sons of God. The creation itself. In Isaiah 55.
He'll continue with this metaphor. And he'll say the mountains and the hills. Before you shall break forth into singing.
And the trees in the field. They'll clap their hands. Trees clapping mountains singing.
You see it already here in verse 13. It says. Break forth though mountains into singing. If we didn't sing.
The rocks would cry out. We named our kids singing group. Stones cry out.
Because of that verse. Don't you love the play off of a cornerstone. That we have going here. The precious stones for the women.
The little babies are the pebbles. We have the stepping stones as they grow. And then living stones.
We planted the rock. Yeah we're the boulders. We're the kidney stones.
The rocks will cry out. So let's close this way before you close us in prayer. And I always put John on the spot.
Can you lead us in singing the doxology. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost.
Amen. Let's close in prayer brother. Yes Lord Amen. We do sing to you with joy.
Knowing that the salvation has come to man. From before the foundation of the earth.
Lord you knew who we were. And your love never ends. Salvation has come in the form of Jesus.
Lord we surrender to you. We accept you. We confess our weaknesses.
And our sins before you. Lord we pray that you would use us. As a light to the nations.
And even to give call. To the ends of the earth to re -enjoy. Lord that all the world will hear this message.