

Pastor David Mitchell



All right, sorry about that. I think we need to pray again. I need to get out of the technology worldly mode and back into the heavenly mode
I was in while Kenner was playing. Lord, thank you so much for the technology that you've given us to share this with our friends who can't be here around the country.
And thank you for that group of folks and even some of our long distance members, bless them today, as well as our guys that are right here.
And Lord bless us with your word. May your spirit move among us and teach us and encourage us.
Show us what you want to show us today. In Jesus name. Amen. All right. Well, we are verse by verse through the book of Romans chapter 11.
And there's a couple of verses in there that were a springboard that sent us out to this study that we've been doing.
And it talks about in chapter 11, where there could, we were warned that there could well be a time when
God takes the Gentile church, which it predominantly has been for most of the last 2000 years and sort of plucks it out of the, out of the olive tree.
And then puts Israel back into the olive tree. Now that's interesting.
And I think we actually see this happening in the book of revelation. And that's what I want to share with you.
You know, while we go through this study, it's really fascinating. I think it was a warning that the
Holy spirit gave Paul is as you read it in chapter 11, it just looks like a warning and you actually wonder why is that warning there?
It doesn't seem to fit with everything else that's being said all that much because it's like a going out into the future all of a sudden.
And then it comes back into what he's talking about. And you go, why is that there? And the more I've studied it, the more
I think it's there as a very clear warning to the church that as, and this is not dealing with individual eternal security.
This is just dealing with the church at large, which we know includes wheat and tears. Jesus told us that church, the visible church she can be cut off as the great witness of God in the world, just like Israel was in the old
Testament times, Israel, the nation was the great witness of the truth in the world.
She was cut off and replaced with the church. Paul tells us the church can be cut off and re re replaced
Israel back in that spot. And that's exactly what we're going to see in the book of revelation.
And that's why I think all of a sudden right here in the middle of Romans 11, you know, we, we were pretty justified and going off out and looking at this stuff because it's two couple of little three or four little verses there.
They're so obscure. I never gave it any thought my whole life for 40 years as a Christian, 30 years in the ministry.
I thought, well, it didn't seem important to me. And then all of a sudden now it does, it seems very important.
So that's kind of what took us out on this study. Now this, I want to thank Brian Christopher out there.
Thank you, brother, Brian. He is kind of taking the, the chart that we, the grab that I told you was not accurate and he's making it accurate.
And Brian, I added a little bit to it since you sent it to me, but you'll notice down in this little, you can't see that thing, but from here, these little areas, the words are different than that chart we put up there that we just pulled.
This now has the words from our study on it. It makes it more accurate. And thank you to Brian for putting those on there.
So we kind of see this is a good place to review just on this one slide because we talked about the fact that there were seven seals and the seventh one includes seven trumpets and the fifth and the sixth and the seventh trumpet include three woes, right?
And the seventh woe is going to include seven vials.
And actually the seventh trumpet includes these seven vials, the worst part of the tribulation period.
And so you kind of see this depicted on the chart. I didn't put all of it. I kind of went out. You can see way at the far, right.
It says seventh. That's where the seventh trumpet is, but it includes a lot of things happening. It doesn't just happen in a moment.
There are some things that happen immediately before the sounding of it and during the sounding of it.
And then the sounding of it, of course it's, it is a real trumpet, but it's also allegorical in the sense that there are things that go on beyond that have to do with the seventh trumpet that lasts for days and days and days.
So it's not just the blowing of a trumpet and it's over, it goes for days and days. And you can see how
I couldn't even put it all up there because this seventh trumpet just goes all the way on out halfway to that, through that window.
That's a lot of things that happen with the seventh trumpet. Okay. But now what we've covered already is the first seal, which is the white horse, which pictures a person who mimics
Jesus Christ. The riding on the white horse is a, is a fake news.
So to speak, he's not really Jesus, but the world will think that he is the Messiah. Even the
Jewish nation will believe it, but the elect will not believe it. Those who are born again, won't buy into it because they have wisdom other people don't have.
You can already see it today. You can see so much blindness, even in the
United States of America, where we've had so much light, we've got a whole generation from 15 years old up to about 30 years old, that unless they are born again, they do not see how things are real.
Like they call good, evil and evil good. And they think they are right there that they're right in their own eyes.
And that makes them right. They, they call it my truth. Well, my truth is this is if I can have a truth and you can have a truth.
Truth doesn't work that way. Truth is truth, right? You think it is or not, whether it's yours or not, it's truth.
And it comes from this book right here. This is the authority on truth right here. And from the
Holy spirit. So you got the water and you got the spirit outside of that. All you got humanism and what can fit between your ears.
And it's beyond me that the lost world thinks that they can know everything about everything. And that they're in fact,
God. And what's going to happen is throughout the entire tribulation period, all seven years of it, it's going to show man exactly how small and impotent he is.
That's what it's going to do. And it's gonna, it's happened before in history, not on this scale.
There's never been a worldwide tribulation ever. And that's how we know that everything in Matthew 24 has not yet happened.
Despite what some theologians have said, even brilliant men, supposedly brilliant men, but they missed out on that.
Cause they, they just, I don't know. Cause they believed some seminary professor that taught them that that's why. And they didn't never studied it on their own.
I guarantee you. That's why they didn't have the interest to study it on their own because had they done so they would see there are many things in Matthew 24 that have not yet happened.
And because that's the far part of the prophecy of Jesus Christ. And they ask him after all, did they not ask him?
What are the signs of the end of the world? So a lot of that hadn't happened. And yet there are scholars all over the place.
And even a few friends of mine who've said, nah, it's all already happened, happened in 70 AD. It's a lot of it did, didn't it?
But not all of it did. So you have the first horse is a person who mimics
Jesus Christ. He rises, raises his hand and he says, look, the world economy just perished because you printed too much money.
And maybe because of some nuke that went off and destroyed a lot of electrons, which is your money. And he says, but I've got the answer.
So put me in power and I'll fix everything. And the whole world thinks he's the
Messiah after all, he is riding on a white horse. Isn't that horse is allegorical by the way.
And he's the Bible says he goes forth to make war. And so he subdues all the nations and then eliminates the borders.
So there's a whole group of people from 15 to 30, 35, let's say 40 at this point, because time's moving on, isn't it?
From 15 years old to about 40 years old, that group of individuals, even in the United States are beginning to believe that borders are evil in and of themselves.
And you shouldn't, you shouldn't stop people from coming across the border. It should just be free. And that is prophecy being fulfilled because the antichrist will cause the whole world to buy into that and will eliminate all borders at that point.
And you'll have a one world system in one government. He'll be the head of it. That's the white horse. The second seal is the red horse.
And what happens there is I believe before the man on the white horse takes control, he brings what every other despot has always done in history is he allows anarchy to hit the streets, which is horrifying and everybody hates it so that he can then take power.
So not only will he raise his hand and say, well, I can fix the economy. They'll say, look at this. There's blood in the streets.
There's rioting. All these governments are failing. They're not keeping any promises that they kept you put me in power and I will stop it.
And he does. And it's the anarchy that happens by, which is pictured by the writer on the red horse.
That is another reason the antichrist on the white horse there is able to take power.
Then you have the third seal, which is the black horse and its famine. We don't know exactly what causes it, but we know that there's worldwide famine at that point.
It could be nuclear winter. Why not? I mean, if you look at this happens in the next 10 years, what technology is out there to make this happen?
And I know it doesn't have to be technology. God can just cause it and may well happen that way. But he, do you really think that they have accumulated the stockpiles of nuclear weapons to never be used?
How many of you buy into that? Like they'll never really use them. Or do you think maybe they built them to use them?
So once they began to use them, Charlotte and I watched a pretty interesting movie last night about a couple of spies who helped let the
United States know that, that Khrushchev was about to put nuclear weapons in Cuba.
And if you're my age, you know, all about that. You lived there. We were hiding under our desks in school, literally because they were putting those nuclear missiles, a stone's throw away from Florida.
And because of these two spies, we found out about it. And then we sent Jerry powers over,
I guess it wasn't him. It was another person who successfully, uh, got photographs of it and proved it.
And JFK was able to back him off and make him take the missiles away. But there's going to come a day when they use these and it's going to create what we call nuclear winter and no crops will grow.
And there's going to be, here's the drought that comes from it right there in the third seal. The next one is the pale horse and his name is death.
Think about that. His name is death in Hades, death in hell. That's his name. One fourth of every person on the world is killed by the sword and by famine.
And by beasts like lions and alligators and things like that. So fourth of the people.
Now you think about it when nuclear winter happens and in entire infrastructure is destroyed, wild animals can take back over because man's no longer in control and they'll just creep back in.
You know, we've already got, we got alligators in my head, Texas. We didn't, we could swim in the lakes my whole life growing up.
Now you can't, there's signs that say beware of alligators. Those didn't used to be there. They're already starting to creep in to where you thought you were safe.
But anyway, that'll be part of it. A fourth of every human being, 8 billion people, maybe more by then, not much more because then could be like seven years from now.
I don't know. I can't predict the time. It could be 200 years from now too. Couldn't it? Or could it?
Well, why don't we wait and determine that when we're done with the study? If we really think it could still be 200 years, but at any rate, a fourth of every human being will be killed.
And so that's about 2 billion people. Right. I do the math, right?
Imagine that when that seal falls, 2 billion people on the earth die.
And some of it's by the sword. So the wars that the white horse are bringing about are killing millions of people.
The nuclear winter that destroys, who knows how many people that kills and then the famine kills.
And so by now death and hell are just have their mouth wide open and people are just falling in. The fifth seal is persecution.
That is exactly the point where they begin to be able to kill Jews and Christians. And why do you think that?
I think if you just use some common sense, by the time you get to that fifth seal and, and I, I am of the belief and we have not gone in and tried to put the time zone this yet.
Uh, we will. So that Brian Christopher can make the top part of that accurate, but I'm convinced that that, that, uh, a lot of those first, first six seals happened in the first three and a half years of the seven year period.
Um, but by the time you get to that fifth one, um, think about it.
The first writer of the first horse horse will have had time to take over the political situation of the entire world.
He'll be running the world system. And he will then put out a proclamation, proclamation, you know, basically like in Rome, if you don't worship me, then you'll be killed.
Well, a Christian and Jew won't do it. Even lost Jews will not worship a man today, would they?
They won't do it. So they'll be wide open to be killed by the time that fifth seal happens.
The sixth seal then is, uh, quite frightening because it's a major earthquake that happens.
Now we've had some terrible earthquakes throughout history, but this one is bigger than any earthquake that's ever happened.
And at the same time, the sun will turn black and the moon red. And I think that's probably,
I don't know, this is me talking here, but I'm just conjecturing that that's probably from the dust that rises up into the atmosphere, the stratosphere because of the major earthquake.
Um, but you also have, um, uh, you know, so like, if you look at the sun through dust, it looks red.
And if you look, uh, I mean, it covers it. So the writer could say that it looks black because you just can't see the sun because of the dust.
And if you look at the moon through dust, even when it's on the horizon, it looks red. So that could be what causes that.
And so then that brings us to the seventh seal, which has the seven trumpets and that's kind of where we left off.
Okay. So that's a, that's a lot. A lot of things have happened there now.
Um, and revelation, it says chapter seven, verse two,
I saw another angel ascending from the East, having the seal of the living God. And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea saying hurt, not the earth, neither the sea nor the trees till we have sealed the servants of our
God in their foreheads. All right. Now this is chapter seven of book revelation, starting with verse two.
Now let's go back and look at our chart. If you notice right here, you have chapter six and right here you have chapter eight, chapter seven is right here.
And, um, so you have the ceiling of some of God's sermons.
Now this is not every, this is not where every Christian is sealed and protected yet, but this is where 144 ,000
Jewish evangelists who are virgins, who have lived for God their whole life are chosen to be evangelist to the whole world.
And they're sealed so that no man can kill them. Isn't that interesting. God protects them with a special seal saying hurt, not the earth until these servants are sealed in their foreheads.
Now that's interesting because Satan's people will also have a chip in their forehead that allows them to go into hospitals and, and in the supermarkets and, uh, to college and, you know, to get into travel like an airplane, you have to have that in your forehead or your right hand.
And they'll have that. But these individuals will have a seal from God in their forehead that keeps them from being killed.
Could that be a chip where when they go through this thing that tells them to kill who to kill and who not to kill, it says, no, this one's okay.
I don't know. Could it be it's in their forehead? Why couldn't it be a chip that fakes out the government makes them think, oh, they're
Satan's people. So we won't kill them, but it won't be the mark of the beast. It'll be something God put on them to protect them.
I don't know how it works, but it could be technology or it could just be symbolic of God's protection.
Either way, they won't be harmed. And yet they're about to go through the worst tribulation the world's ever seen and not be harmed.
Think about it. Who are they? They are now, and I want you to start thinking about this. They are now the new mouthpiece of God to the world.
The church is shortly going to no longer be the witness to the world.
She still is as of that moment, but not for long as we see the time progress throughout these seven years.
And God is already preparing who the next mouthpiece is going to be when the church is not that.
And, and it's interesting that the apostle Paul said in Romans 11, I'm going to break the
Gentile limbs off of the tree and I'm going to plant Jewish limbs back in it.
And that's happening right here. All 144 ,000 of these are Jews and they're being plugged back into the tree.
They are a branch that's grafted back in, but they're a natural branch. Whereas the Gentiles were from a wild tree and they're being plucked off shortly after this.
So it's interesting to me, it kind of looks like God grafts some
Jews in before he starts plucking the Gentile off few days or months or years.
We'll see, but it all happens within the seven year period. And I heard the number of them that were sealed and it was 144 ,000 from the tribes of Israel.
So they're all Jewish people, evangelists, God's children. Now this is the first, the first hint in the book of revelation, although the old
Testament prophets have told us many, and I think you sent me an email and wanted to know those verses, but I didn't get around to it, but I'm going to have them up here and I will email them to you.
But they, the first hint in the book of revelation of how God is going to hide his children through the tribulation.
He's not removing them from it like the false concept of the pre tribulation rapture theory, uh, says that they will know.
He doesn't take them from it. He protects them through it. And this is the first group that he protects.
And they happen to be Jewish believers and evangelists. You drop down to verse 14 in that chapter.
And I said unto him, sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, these are they which came out of great tribulation.
Now I don't, I'm not teaching verse by verse through the book of revelation here, right? So we're taking some high points to get a big, major idea of the big ideas that are happening.
But in the context, by the time you get down to verse 14, the context that you find yourself in is you have the apostle
John, who's given a vision of heaven and he looks in heaven and he sees some people with white robes on.
And he said, who are these people? Now the propagators of the false doctrine of the pre tribulation rapture.
And some people think, well, you shouldn't talk that way about it. Well, why not? It's false doctrine. Why shouldn't I? And I don't take joy in the fact that they miss it.
One of them that missed it was my mentor, dr. Erin Freeman, who I think is one of the greatest Christians who lived.
Maybe he's, you know, out of all the Christians in 2000 years, he might be one of the greatest pastors that ever lived.
And he probably would have changed his mind if he lived longer, but he died fairly young, but so it doesn't mean
I don't love these folks. And they're not, I don't believe they're the kind of false prophet. Most of them that Jude talks about that Satan sent to take a freedom away from the church and they end up in hell.
They're not that kind. They're the kind like I am. I've taught stuff that's false before accidentally.
And fortunately God would send someone to say, Hey, why don't you compare that with this scripture? That's wrong. And I, and then
I would apologize and say, well, I won't teach that that way again, please forgive me. And so there are a lot of good men who have taught this pre -tribulation rapture incorrectly who, if they get an opportunity, like I myself have had to apologize,
I've taught it that way. Most of my life I taught that and believed it. And I've had to apologize to as many of the people
I could find that I taught it to, which, you know, you can't find them all, but you try or you do it publicly and hope they hear it and say,
I was wrong and I won't teach that again. It's false. So I'm not picking on these individuals.
I'm praying that God will open their eyes and they'll just take a look at scripture and just get a biblical viewpoint of the chronology rather than taking it from what their seminary professors taught them, because that's what they're doing.
Cause that's what I did. So I assume that's what they're doing. So let me make that straight, but I'm not going to pull a punch and say that it's not false teaching because it is.
And it's probably the biggest lie Satan propagated in many, many, many thousands of years.
And it's going to cause many millions of people to die Christians and Jews to be killed because they think they're don't need to prepare because they're just going to be plucked out of here.
What a fantastic lie if you're Satan and you'd love the blood of the saints. So, so part of this lie is they, if you read their books, they'll say, when you get to revelation chapter three, where John is transported into heaven to see this vision, that that is actually the rapture, which it does.
If you read the chapter, it's not the rapture. It's John literally being transported into heaven to get this vision.
That's what it is. It is not the rapture, but they'll say, well, after that you never see the church mentioned after chapter three in revelations.
Therefore it's the rapture. Truth is the church has mentioned many times and here's one of them. And so that's a lie.
That's lifting up a false teaching. It's ridiculous. Actually, when you take a look at it for yourself, it's just ridiculous.
And it's sad that we have leaders and people in the pew who will hang on to this false thing emotionally, as if it's their own theory, they didn't make it up.
They read it in the book. Why do they own it? Why is it so emotional? But I can remember when I used to believe it, if someone told me it wasn't true,
I'd get angry at them and get red -faced about it and argue with them. I remember how that felt. So I know how it feels when you first hear these things and you've never seen it before, but look, let's see if the church here they are in heaven.
And John was transported up there in chapter three to see these things. So he can write the book of revelation for us.
And he says, well, who are these? Who are these people in the white robes that I see over here? And verse 14 says, and I said to him, sir, you should know who they are.
Right? It's funny how often angels will say that to teachers. You should have figured this out already, but you didn't.
And he said to me, these are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb.
Does that sound like a Christian to you or a Jew? Now it could be a
Jewish believer, but the same people that propagate this lie say that all of revelation is
Jewish in nature and that Daniel talks about it. It's the missing week and it's all about the
Jews. Gentiles are already gone. It's not true. There's Jews and Gentiles saved all through the book of revelation through this time period.
Hundreds of thousands of Gentiles come to know the Lord and all of Israel will be saved at the very end.
So it's Jew and Gentile. It's not just Jews. That's a lie. Okay. It's a false teaching.
It's not true. And here we see John seeing Christian believers in the lamb of God who had been slain for their faith way after chapter 3.
That's chapter 7. So the church is in the book of Revelation past chapter 3.
I'll show you a whole bunch of examples as we go through here. But I want you to see this. Let's go back to Ezekiel chapter 9.
And we talked about some of this already in previous sermons.
That sounds ominous, doesn't it? And behold, six men came from the way of the high gate, which lieth toward the north.
Now this part I haven't covered yet. As a matter of fact, this is new information in this study. But so you have six men that came from the way of the high gate, which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand.
And one man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer's ink horn by his side.
So can you picture, you have six warriors, and the seventh man looks like a scribe.
He's got an ink horn and some paper and a pen to write with. And they went in and they stood beside the brazen altar.
Now this is one of the most amazing passages in the Scripture in the whole Bible, and I'll never forget the first time I read it.
When I was a brand new Christian, I said, whoa. But you've got to read lots of verses of Scripture to get through this section.
It's very long and it's very wordy, and you've got to read it two or three times to get it the first time.
But basically what is being pictured here, and just like so many other places, you have a near prophecy fulfillment and a far.
And the far has not happened yet. The near has happened. So part of this has been fulfilled already, but part is yet to be fulfilled, which is talking about in our future.
And that's the part that I think we need to look for now to gain some light. But basically what is about to happen is
God is writing Ichabod on his temple. Now remember to the
Jew in the Old Testament, the temple had different sections to it, but it had this thing called the
Holy of Holies, which no man could go in there, but once a year, and that was the high priest and he had to go in with the blood of the lamb and sprinkle it or he would be destroyed.
Who else knows what else would be destroyed. And inside there, what he saw above this altar, and you had the cherubim, which are types of angelic beings that protect the holiness of God, where sin cannot come beyond them.
And he walks in and sees a glorious light dwelling between those. That is a representative of God, the father.
It is not all of God because no man had seen him at any time except Jesus. And if you did, you would destroy everything.
If he came into time and space, it would destroy everything. So we call it the Shekinah glory. And it's a representation of the father is not
God. He can't be in time and space. He is outside of time and space, but it's his representative on earth.
And that was what the Shekinah glory was. It's glorious light that miraculously mysteriously glowed above that altar all through the wilderness tabernacle days.
And then when they built the temple, it was in there too. And so now we see this in the temple.
What's interesting about this passage, because of the sin and idolatry and adultery of God's people, that light, that Shekinah glory rises up and Ezekiel is allowed to see it by way of a vision.
It rises up from between the cherubim, removes itself from that altar now and moves to the gate of the temple itself and sits there for a little bit and then moves out to the gates of the city and then leaves
Israel. God has left them. The presence of God is gone.
And then they are annihilated. This is what happens in this chapter. We don't have time to read it all this morning, but that's what happens here.
So think about what that pictures. Could it not picture what the apostle
Paul was talking about in chapter 11 of Romans when he said, you know what? You Gentile church folks had better not brag too much because if he plucked, if he broke off the natural branch, he can break you off and put the natural branch back in your place.
That is a picture of what happened to Israel here and then later what happened to Israel after 70
AD and after they crucified Christ, they were broken off, weren't they? But they shall be grafted back in, but we're going to be broken off, the church.
The church as the salt and light of the world is going to be broken off. It has nothing to do with eternal security.
It's a totally different teaching. It's talking about the church, the visible church, which includes lost people and saved people in it.
As you well know, if you've been in larger churches, right? You can't hardly hide in this church.
You won't last long if you're a tear. You just can't stand genuine preaching.
But in a big church, you can hide and gain other benefits such as business partnerships. You can sell insurance to people that go to your huge church.
You can sell new cars. You can sell used cars. You can build their houses. And I'm not saying everybody that goes to them is there for that reason.
Don't say that I'm saying what I'm not, but I'm saying many do. And there are many tears hiding in there.
Are there not? Does not Jesus teach that? So it's a fact and that's the church this kind of thing is talking about and that's what's going to be plucked off.
That church will be totally ineffectual. And I've learned this in my life just in the last few years. I will promise you we reach far more people through Tradeway, through business evangelism, than we do from this building.
Look, who are we reaching here besides us? I mean, my job is to equip you to go out and reach people anyway.
I understand that. That's not what church is for is to bring lost people in. But look at every church in this city and you tell me the last time one of them changed anything in Corsicana, Texas.
When's the last time prostitutes had to be shut down? Are they quit selling alcohol in this town?
I'll tell you is when Gypsy Smith came here and put up a tent and my great grandfather told me about it.
I mean, my grandfather, my grandfather, my mom's dad told me about it. It hasn't happened since him.
All right, because the church is ineffectual and impotent now and she's about to be plucked off as the salt and the light and God's replacing it, first of all, with these 144 ,000 who are probably already little boys or teenagers or college kids on the earth already being prepared for their job.
So here you have the six men. Now this is going to picture something that's going to happen in our future. You got these six men.
Six of them are warriors that are sent to kill and to slay and bring destruction on a godless world.
And the seventh has got a pen in his hand. The pen is mightier than the sword, isn't it?
And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherubim. Now picture the Holy of Holies where you have this thing that became a mercy seat because they sprinkle blood on it.
Before that, it was a judgment seat. Now it's a mercy seat and the glory of God is dwelling over it.
And now the glory of God lifts up from between those cherubim and begins to move away. And it's just going to be a religious thing at that point.
God won't even be there. That picture is a church that doesn't have God in it. That picture is churches all over the
United States of America and all over the world today that they're pretending. You got it full of people.
You're being religious. Half of them believe in salvation by works or at least believe in Jesus plus do a bunch of stuff anyway, even the
Christian churches, so -called Christian churches. And God has gone. The spirit of God is not in that place.
And you can sense it when you walk in there. Oh, you might hear a good sermon from the viewpoint of it's been, you know, well -prepared with a good outline and it comes from the
Bible and that's always going to get something from it, right? But you won't sense that that person is anointed.
You won't sense that God is on them and with them and on you and with you while it's happening.
And that is most churches in this country today because the
Shekinah glory has left. I remember Rocky Freeman, my mentor, told me about a particular church in Texas that he saw
God ride Ichabod on that church. And I have witnessed since he said that, that that church has not gone anywhere since that day.
That's amazing. Well, that's what this happened to Israel. It's a picture of what's going to happen to the church at large on the earth during these seven years or even prior to it.
I mean, some of this can happen before the seven years start or begin to start to happen. So let's keep going here.
So Ezekiel chapter 10, it goes into the next chapter, verse one. Then I looked and behold in the firmament that was above the head of the cherubims, there appeared over them as it were a sapphire stone as the appearance of the likeness of a throne.
And he spake unto the man clothed with linen, the one that was the rider. And he said, go in between the wheels.
Now, if you read the book of Ezekiel, you'll see this amazing vision he had of God, the throne of God.
It appeared like a, it had fire, like a spacecraft. And it had these things that he described as wheels.
They were round around part. And, and you had, you had the, you know, the one in the temple is a model, right?
The Shekinah glory is a model. He's able to see the real one in heaven. He's looking at the actual throne of God in a vision.
And he is told to go in between the wheels that are part of this throne of God and to take fire from that altar and to take coals of fire and scatter them over the city.
Do you know what that picture is? What do you think happens when you take the very holiness of God from the throne of God and you pour it out on a sinful world?
What do you think happens when the two hit each other? Well, what would happen if you just walked in the holy of holies without blood and you weren't the high priest, what do you think would have happened?
You would be like obliterated and think about what this is picturing. Ladies and gentlemen, they're taking fire from the holy throne of God protected by the cherubim of God.
It keeps sin totally away from God. The father taking that holy fire and pouring it out on the city. That is a picture of annihilation.
We've never seen before on this earth. I mean, the flood was a good picture of it, but it's nothing like what this is going to be.
Now the cherubim stood on the right side of the house when the man went in and the cloud filled the inner court.
We're just talking about the temple of God here. And then the glory of God went up from the cherubim and stood over the threshold of the house.
And God is about to leave the temple, which is the only place Jews could meet with God and he's leaving.
And now when they go in that building, it's not real anymore. It's just religious practice. And it's the same place that the antichrist someday, when this is rebuilt,
I guarantee you when they rebuilt it, that's the kind of glory. Ain't going to be in there. He's already left it and they can rebuild that building and he won't be there, but the antichrist is going to offer a pig on this altar.
And when we see that, we had better not go back and get a coat out of your closet. You better head to the heel hills at that point.
It's too late basically at that point, if you hadn't already prepared. So, and that's three and a half years into the seven years is when that happens.
So think about this. You have time to work and prepare and raise your family and teach your family.
None of this can happen until you see them start to rebuild the temple. So that's how people have taught us through this, this false concept.
They said, Oh, there's no signs of the rapture. You can't tell when it's going to happen. Yeah, you can tell because they got to build a temple and that's going to happen at least three and a half years before the rapture or close to it.
So yeah, you're going to have some signs so you can, you have some time to prepare ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, God sent many of us to warn you and my family and me, that is time to prepare now.
And you have time until you see the temple start to be rebuilt. And you're going to have to see at least one of two mosques destroyed before that happens.
And I kind of felt like president Trump might be the instrument there, but maybe not now, but, or maybe he still could be,
I don't know. He would have the gall to do it. I don't know any president previous to now that would have said,
Hey, I want to send some special forces dudes in there and destroy that temple. So, I mean that false
Islamic mosque so that God can get his thing going. I can just see somebody like Trump thinking that way.
Right? So it's going to happen, but until it happens, you guys, and we have some time to prepare.
Does that make sense? Are you with me? All right. So now the glory of God goes to the door of the temple and he's just about to go and leave.
He's right at the threshold of the house of God, leaving the place where he met with his people. And now it's just going to be an empty religious place.
So much like so many churches today in this country and around the world, verse five, and the sound of the cherubim's wings was heard even to the outer court as the voice of the all like it sounded like the voice of the almighty
God when he speaks. And it came to pass that when he had commanded the man clothed with the linen, the guy that was their pen to write with saying, take fire from between the wheels from between the cherubim's.
Then he went in and stood beside the wheels and one cherubim stretched forth his hand from between the cherubim's into the fire.
That was between the cherubim's and took the coals and put it in the hands of the man, this clothed in the white lemon linen, not lemon linen.
And took it and went out and the cherubim's lifted up their wings and mounted up from the earth in my sight.
And when they went out, the wheels also were beside them and everyone stood at the door of the east gate.
So now the presence of God has moved from where it was in the temple in the, you know, between the cherubim above the altar and the
Holy of Holies moved out to the door of the temple, left the temple moved out to the edge of the city to the gates and is hovering there.
And now everyone stood at the door of the east gate of the house and the glory of God of Israel was over them. He's hovering over the east gates of the city of Jerusalem about to leave the whole city.
God is leaving. This is the living creature that I saw under the
God of Israel by the river of Chibar. And, um, I knew that they were the cherubim's.
Therefore say thus saith the Lord God, although I have cast them far off among the heathen.
Now he's already removed himself from his people and he's going to have them destroyed by an enemy and taken captive and scattered all over the world.
Just like the Jews were before Israel was created in my lifetime or shortly before my lifetime.
And although I have cast them far off among the heathen and although I've scattered them, the Jews among the countries, watch this.
Yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come.
So God has set up a pattern time and time again. He did not protect his people.
Listen, you had wheat and tares among the Jews. Paul said, not all Israel is Israel. Only those that had a circumcised heart were truly saved.
The rest of them were just Jews, right? They went through the religious rights. They love the religion part.
How many of our churches are full of people like that? And so when God came in and destroyed the nation as a whole, the elect ones were taken into as prisoners too, weren't they?
They had to go to, they weren't removed, like raptured out of the way and protected from all this.
They were protected through it. Not from it. Look, God said, I myself will be a little hiding place, a little sanctuary in all the countries where my people are.
I'm going to hide them and protect them. Now, let me ask you this though.
Like so many things in scripture, when God makes a promise almost all of them, except for about two that I know of are conditional.
The only two that are not are the Abrahamic covenant and the rainbow. Everything else is conditional where God says, if you do this,
I'll protect you. Right. Would you agree with that? There were conditions to this protection.
And that is that they had to go. Literally try to go into the mountains and hide.
They were told to do this. The Hebrews chapter 11, what I glued in. I might not even get to it.
What's funny. I might not get to it till next Sunday, but what I glued in there is that scripture says they hid in the mountains.
Did it, does it not? And the ones that didn't, what happened to them? They were sawn in thunder and a son in a half.
Let's put it that way. Killed in many different ways. So. Where it says
God is a little protecting place for these people. What happened to about 8 million Jews during world war
II. They were destroyed by the same kind of people that are going to kill all the
Christians and the Jews. They can get their hands on coming up shortly in our future. I think shortly. But the ones that didn't get killed were ones that paid attention to the word of God and didn't dwell in the cities.
Do you know that most of the Jews that were killed. They had been scattered and into all the different cities of Europe, right?
Most of the Jews that were killed were gathered in those cities because they couldn't hide and put on trains and sent to the gas chambers.
The ones that were hiding out in the mountains, you think they found all them? No, they didn't find. You wouldn't have any
Jews left if they had. There were hundreds of thousands of them that were safe through this time because they weren't dwelling in the cities.
That's a clue. Okay. So, you know, it's good that you guys are moving from Dallas towards smaller area, right?
So you're, you're a fulfillment of prophecy right here in our church. But so,
I mean, it's all through biblical history and it's going to happen again because we have the future fulfillment of these prophecies coming.
Therefore saith, thus saith the Lord God, I will even gather you from the people.
You see like gathered from the people and assemble you out of the countries where you have been scattered.
And I will give you back again, the land of Israel. So when are we going to get that during the millennial kingdom?
You do understand you shouldn't get too down about what these people in our country are taking away from us, our freedom.
You shouldn't get too down about it when they believe the lie that a mask will just make you safe from a virus.
When there's no study, not one study on the face of the planet that says a virus of that size can be stopped by any mask of any kind.
Well, at least the kind that we're wearing. I'm sure you have suit these suits that they can wear where it doesn't get in there, but I don't see us walking around in those suits.
The mask doesn't work. It's a lie, right? But you got everybody all over Europe, all over Africa, all over the
United States believing in that because the government said it's a, it works right.
You just got people that are so apt to just to follow the world system like a sheep and not even ask questions and not even look at the science.
And yet they're saying that the conservatives don't ever look at science. Well, it's just like president
Trump said, you know, not all scientists agree on this matter. And I thought that was one of the smartest things he said in an interview.
I heard him say it and said, well, president Trump, don't you believe in science? He said, well, not all scientists agree on this matter, which is so true.
But anyway, there's a rabbit trail for you. You can blurb that out. If you want to, that didn't come from the word of God.
That just came from observation, but all of God's people will be assembled back into this part of the world in the millennial kingdom.
And you don't need to worry too much. If they're giving your freedom away, taking it away, acting like people with no common sense, acting like they can't even think right.
And they seem to be taking over because during the millennial kingdom, guess who's going to rule and reign the entire world,
Jesus plus you and me. Somebody in this room probably be running course
Canada. And the Lord knows, I hope that ain't me, but you know, if one of you guys want it, you can take it.
Maybe Gemma would like to have it. I don't know, but it'll be a person of God.
Isn't that that's a promise in verse 17. Now here's where all this stems from.
In my study, Romans 11 21, for if God spare, not the natural branches take heed lest he also spare not the talking to the
Gentile church, behold therefore the goodness and severity of God on them, which fell into unbelief,
God's severity comes upon them, but toward the who believe the believers goodness comes toward them.
If you continue in his goodness, well a true believer always does continue in his goodness because you've been changed.
You've been born again. You've been regenerated. You don't think the same way you have new desires. You're totally different.
Otherwise you also be cut off. So he's speaking to the tears in the church saying, look, just cause you're part of this big church.
He's like, God's not going to use the church anymore. And they also, if they abide, not it's still an unbelief.
The Jews, if they begin to begin to be believers, they can be grafted back in. Well, I guarantee you the 144 ,000
Jews we saw at the beginning of this message, they are believers. They're such believers. They don't even take part in any part of the world.
They don't get married. They're not part of commerce. All they do is study the scriptures day and night and pray.
And they're Holy like people were maybe in the 1600, 1700s. Like when your wife and half your babies are killed by a disease and you're left alone, you're a little bit closer to God than when you live in our day, where you got medical science and everything's just pretty good.
You know, most of the time you don't need God as much as people on the front tiers of the
United States when they were moving out and they had their little family. And then the Indians came in and scalped them all in front of like, you see the difference.
These were really strong Christians. We're not that way now. And God has written
Nicobar on the church, just like he did on Israel and his kind of glory is moving out right now as we speak.
And it's going to be an empty shell. It already is for the most part, but there are still some pockets of believers and genuine preaching and Holy spirit filled people still here because this hasn't happened yet, but it's going to happen.
It's coming. And while it's about to happen, God is probably already raising up the
Jews that are going to take over. Well, it's not just Jews. You'll see that in a minute or tomorrow or next
Sunday or whatever. Okay. Zephaniah chapter two, verse one. This is review because we had this first, but look what it says.
Gather yourselves together. Yay. Gather together. And you know, what's interesting. I thought that when you look at that context of that whole passage in Zephaniah, it's, it is a four view of the tribulation period.
If I've ever seen one and what it tells the true believers, the elect is for us to gather together.
Well, that's kind of interesting when he's also saying, why don't you go to the Hills, you know, and find you a cave.
But he says, we need to be gathering together when we see this start to happening. Oh, nation not desired.
Well, that was Israel, but it's a picture of Christians and Jews in the end times before the decree bring forth before the day pass as the shaft, before the fierce anger of the
Lord comes on you, you need to gather together before the day of the Lord's anger comes to you.
You need to seek God. You need to get closer to God than you have ever been. And you need to seek the
Lord. And the warning goes out to the whole earth, those 144 ,000. And they don't just witness to the elect.
They witnessed to the whole world. That's the general call, not the effectual call, but the gospel goes to everybody.
And they're not the only ones, as you will see, there's more powerful entities than those 144 ,000 that are also going to be witnessing taking the place of the church, which as you will see, has been removed by this time, not by the rapture, but just removed in effectiveness.
They're no longer the salt and the light. That was the key that the Lord had to show me to make this whole thing fit. I never for years, couldn't figure it out.
And the Lord in the last year or two has shown this to me. And I think we'll show it to you in the scripture.
So seek you, the Lord, all you that the meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment, seek righteousness, seek meekness.
It may be, you will be hidden. There it is. There's the verse you were looking for. It may be, you'll be hidden the day of the
Lord's anger. Why does it say it may be because a lot of Christians and Jews won't obey the Lord and won't prepare for it.
The huge majority for every one Christian that is hidden, there will be 10 ,000 who are slain.
And those are the ones we started the service off today where John was up there and said, who are these in the white? Who are these in the white robes that are stained with blood?
Who are they? Oh, they're the ones that have had their heads cut off. Now who cuts people's heads off besides the
Islamics, right? So a lot of it's going to be them cutting heads off, but it'll be led by the antichrist.
And even people who claim to be Christians will be cutting people's heads off because they're not real.
And the government will be doing it. And everybody who doesn't obey the
Lord and prepare is going to have, you know, their head removed from their body, but it may be that you'll be hid.
Well, isn't that encouraging? I want to be one of the maybes, don't you? I want to prepare my children and my grandchildren to be part of the ones that are hid the
Lord willing. Now, Joshua chapter two, I got, I grabbed this from Sunday school lesson this morning.
If you missed today's Sunday school lesson, you try to be here because it's always amazing. And so many times he puts his foot right in the middle of my sermon, but this time
I'm putting my foot in the middle of his Sunday school lesson. But in Joshua chapter two, I want you to see this picture.
This is amazing. This goes back to the time when the spies went into Israel and, um, they were about to be kid.
The rehab, the harlot hid them in her house and protected them. Why? Because she had heard about the red sea opening up and these people going through and knew that their
God was the only true God. And so she hid the God's people and watch this.
Tell me, this is not a picture of what's going to happen when all this annihilation hits this earth.
Tell me this isn't a picture gives me goosebumps. Like it did you, when you were talking about it a while ago, then she let them down.
This is Rahab. She let them down by a cord. And wasn't it a scarlet? No. Or was that the one she hung out later?
The one she hung out later was red. She let them down by a cord through the window for her house was upon the wall.
Now you think about Jericho. What happened to Jericho when they circled it seven times and the seventh trumpet blew the walls fell down and she lived.
Her house was in the wall. The wall was who knows how the walls were so thick that people lived in the wall.
She lived in the wall, but watch this. She dwelt in the wall and she said to them, get you to the mountain.
Less the pursuers meet you. There's there's a teaching for us when they're coming after you. And you're the Christian.
You need to go to the mountains there. It's a clue. Okay. All right. So it's the time and time again.
It's the same thing. Less the pursuers meet you. So hide yourselves there for three days until the pursuers be returned.
And afterward, may you go your way. And the men said unto her, we will be blameless of this thine oath, which thou has made to us.
And they're they're now promising to protect her and her family. Aren't they? All right.
Behold, when we come into the land to slay everybody and destroy this wall in this city, you will bind this line of Scarlet thread, which pictures the blood of Jesus Christ, which was protecting her and her family in the window, which thou did let us down by.
And now shall bring your father and your mother and your brethren and all your father's household into your home on the wall.
Interesting, isn't it? And gather together, gather your family together in, in your house.
It's on the wall. So now it comes to pass. The people shouted when the priest blew with the trumpets.
Now you have the armies of Israel marching around this city seven times.
Or was it how many times did they march around it? They had seven trumps, but they marched around it. Was it seven times?
So they apparently blew a trumpet each time. What is that picture? All right.
So they blew with the trumpets and it came to pass when the people heard the sound of the trumpet and the people shouted with a great shout that the wall fell flat down or fell down flat.
Let's put it that way. So that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him. And they took the city and they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman and young and old and ox and sheep and donkey with the edge of the sword.
But Joshua had said unto the two men that had spied out the country, go into the harlot's house and bring out fence, the woman and all that she had her whole family, as you swore.
And the young man that were spies went in and brought out Rahab and her father and her mother and her brothers and all that she had.
And they brought out all of her kindred and left them outside the camp of Israel. And then they went inside and they totally annihilated the city.
So I want to ask you something that bill pointed out. I've never seen it in my life until Sunday school this morning, when that seventh trumpet blew and those walls came slamming down on top of everyone that had houses in the wall.
What happened to that little part of that wall that Rahab lived in it stood.
Is that amazing? The entire wall of the city was annihilated as if by an earthquake, except God did it, except the little section may have been about as long as that wall back there, maybe a little longer where she and her family were hidden and it didn't touch it.
And they came and got her, took her out. And then they destroyed it and went in and killed everybody. Every animal, everything was destroyed except the one that God hid.
She ended up becoming part of the line of the Messiah. Did you know that?
It's just, there's just so much there. Joshua saved
Rahab, the harlot alive and her father's household and all that she had. And she dwells in Israel, even until this day, because she hid the messengers, which
Joshua was sent to spy. And the real reason is because she is already a believer when they got there that God was the true
God and the only God. So God hid her. What a picture. You don't have to, you didn't have to remove her or rapture her away from that wall.
She was saved through the annihilation and it shall come to pass that when they make a long blast of the
Ram's horn, this is the seventh trumpet. And when you hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout, you know, that's pretty interesting.
Think about with a great shout and the wall of the city shall fall down flat and the people will ascend up every man straight before him.
And Joshua, the son of none called the priests and said to them, take up the Ark of the covenant and let seven priests bear seven trumpets before the
Ark of the Lord. Seven priests shall bear before the
Ark, seven trumpets of Ram's Ram's horns. And the seventh day shall compass the city seven times.
And the priest will blow with the trumpets and it shall come to pass that when they make a loud blast with the
Ram's horn. And when you hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people will shout with great shout and the wall of city will fall down.
The people will ascend, go up straight and says that it's such a beautiful picture. And I'll end with this.
And I think about this. Hebrews 11 was also on the Sunday school lesson this morning, verse 36, and it goes back.
It's called the hall of faith. Hebrews chapter 11, it talks about men and women and children that have been killed because they love
Jesus throughout all of history. Now look at, look at this and others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings and see, see, this is going to happen in our future.
Jesus said, look there, your own family is going to turn you in to be arrested and many will be killed.
It says that. So keep an eye on your family and friends. All right.
Cruel markings and scourgings. Yay. Moreover bonds and imprisonment. They were stoned.
They were sawn in half. They were tempted. They were slain with the sword.
They want, look at this. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins being destitute, afflicted, tormented of whom the world was not worthy.
And they wandered in deserts and in mountains and in dens and in caves of the earth. That's where the ones hid that weren't killed.
Is that a clue? Do you see it? The ones that were not sawn in half were in caves and in desert places off the grid.
And these all have obtained a good report. So you don't have to be martyred to get a good report.
It does say the ones who are killed here in this time will have a better resurrection, which means they're going to get a special medal from Jesus or a crown for being martyred.
But all of us will be a good report because we're people of faith and some of us will be hiding and others will have thought they'd be raptured, but they didn't get raptured.
And so they weren't prepared. And then you have the seventh seal and we'll pick it up there next time. So now we're completely through the first six seals.
And hopefully by next Sunday, we will be able to update that chart for you a little bit and show you where we are on the timeline.
And so we'll, we'll pick it up there, but it's kind of interesting. After all this happens, when we get to this point, it says, and when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about the space of an hour.
Can you imagine what that's about? Let's have a moment of silence for those who were killed in this battle or those who were killed in this fire.
What about a moment of silence in heaven for about what's about to happen on the earth?
And that's, that's where we'll pick it up next time. Let's pray. Lord, we thank you so much for your word and for your spirit, which teaches us and helps us to know what your will is for our lives and, and what to do and where to be at the right time.
And Lord help us to be salt and light while we're still supposed to be, but help us to prepare for a time when we're supposed to stop doing that and to be hidden.
And Lord, we ask you to give us wisdom to know exactly where and how and what to do.
And Lord, we thank you that you've given us each other and you tell us to gather together in these end times and be one of one mind and one heart, one spirit.
And Lord, we ask you to rebuke Satan and his demons and not allow them to create any kind of division in our families or in our church family, uh,
Lord, and keep us all of one spirit in unity and that the Holy spirit might not be grieved or quenched and Lord give us direction, encourage our hearts and help us to realize that it won't be long before we're ruling and reigning with you over this world that was so corrupted by the fall and you will put it back in order for a thousand years and help us look forward to that and be willing to go through some tough times to get there because of the joy that we'll have when we're beyond that.
And we ask it all in Jesus name. Amen. I don't forget next Sunday. We're going to have the
Lord's supper together. We're going to do it in a unique way that you've never done it. And I think it'll be more biblical than any way you've ever done it before.
It'll be more like what I think the Bible is talking about. And I would prefer to have done it on Passover or whatever
Sunday we had closest to that, but we didn't have enough people. We were people on vacation and traveling during that time.
And so we waited till now. So next Sunday we'll do that. And let's see, is there any other announcement we need to make?
All right. So we will see you here for some fellowship and food. Wish you guys could be with us for that.