The Overcoming Life (Luke 4, Jeff Kliewer)

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Luke - Walking with Jesus: The Overcoming Life (Luke 4) Pastor Jeff Kliewer January 15, 2017


Luke chapter four, the overcoming life. You'll notice
I'm sitting in my office and not standing in the pulpit for this fourth installment here in the book of Luke.
Actually the fifth because we did two chapters in Luke, I mean two sermons in Luke chapter two. But now we're into Luke chapter four.
I'm in my office because unfortunately we lost the audio -visual data for Sunday sermon and so what
I would like to do is preach it again into the camera. Because I believe that whenever anything happens, whether good or bad,
God has providence over those things. His providence is not just making the best out of situations even when things go wrong.
His providence is meticulous, meaning it extends to everything that happens.
God is working for the good for those who love God and are called to according to his purpose.
He is the God who creates. He has a creative decree and nothing can happen apart from his plan.
He has a purpose in everything. I find comfort in this because it means that there is no such thing as purposeless evil.
The alternative would be that when bad things happen that there's no purpose in it and God simply has to pick up the pieces and make something good come out of it.
Rather I find it more comforting and of course more biblical to say that God has a purpose in it.
That there is no such thing as purposeless evil because God is working all things together for good because he has ordained them.
He foreknows things because he has ordained things that come to pass. So why is it that I'm preaching today rather than last
Sunday? Well I did preach last Sunday. We lost the video. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I know that God has a purpose in this and so I think it's for this very moment, for such a time as this, for me to have the opportunity to go through Luke 4 a second time.
That I would know it better. That I would have more time in God's Word. That it would push me back into the text.
But maybe there's going to be something that I say today on this video that I didn't say in the sermon.
That's going to minister to you where you sit watching this video and minister to me as I preach it.
So I see God's hand of providence in this. So let's do it. Let's get into Luke chapter 4. It's about temptation.
The overcoming life. Overcoming temptation. Temptation is universal to all of us as fallen sons and daughters of Adam.
Because we have a sin nature, we will continue to be tempted. We need to know how to overcome temptation.
So as we take an inventory of our lives, we know there are areas where we tend to struggle with temptation.
And today is an opportunity to get into the text of the Word of God and find, first of all, a champion.
A victor. A conqueror. Jesus Christ the righteous who overcomes temptation and through his vicarious suffering imputes the righteousness that he has, because he's the obedient son, to us who are sinners.
So there's hope in his substitutionary atonement. His righteousness in obeying the will of the
Father, obeying the law, keeping the law at every point. He becomes for us a
But secondly, he models for us how we can likewise resist temptation.
How we can overcome temptation so that in our day -to -day lives, we have an overcoming life in Christ.
So to the first point, whereas Israel fails in the wilderness by receiving the bread from God yet being discontented, by not being thankful, the manna from heaven was not enough for them and they fell into temptation with regard to bread.
Jesus will resist the temptation of the enemy and be content with the
Word of God. Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Father.
And he resists temptation, whereas Israel, representing the people of God, fail.
Secondly, they build an idol, a golden calf. While Moses was gone for 40 days, they were tempted in the wilderness and they worship and serve the false pagan gods of Arabia.
Jesus will be tempted in that way and yet say to Satan, worship the
Lord God only and him only shall you serve. Jesus resists temptations where Israel fails.
And then finally, the third temptation is that they would put the Lord their God to the test.
And they were given the Word of God, but twisting it, perverting it, rejecting it, they all one by one fall in the wilderness, except for Joshua and Caleb who were regenerate believing
Israelites. Jesus will be tempted in the wilderness to twist and pervert the
Word of God and yet he will say, do not put the Lord your God to the test and point us back to Deuteronomy chapter 6.
He overcomes. He is our champion. And in all of these things, the way he fights
Satan is then a model for us, for how we can overcome temptation. So, are you struggling with temptation today?
Here is the Word of God to give you victory over the tempter, victory over the adversary that you can trample on the serpent and find victory in your
Christian life. You do not, you are no longer a slave to sin. If you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, if you belong to him, you are free.
And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for 40 days being tempted by the devil.
So, the temptation is an ongoing thing for these 40 days. But we're going to hear about the final three, the big major three after 40 days.
He ate nothing during those days. And when they were ended, he was hungry. The devil said to him, if you are the
Son of God, command this stone to become bread. So, here is the first temptation.
Jesus is tempted to turn a stone into bread. Why is that wrong for him to do?
He has the power to do it. Well, the issue is that it's outside of the plan of God. It's outside of the boundary, what
God marked off for Jesus to do. His first miracle, according to the plan of the Father, is to turn water into wine.
Not this bread, not the stone, into bread. He's not to serve himself by making bread for himself, but rather to rely on the provision of the
Father. And so, it would be sin for him to do this because it's not within the plan of God.
We will all be tempted to do things which in and of themselves are not sinful.
The action or the thing that is provided by God is often a good thing created by God.
Food for the stomach, the stomach for food. It's a good gift from God. Drink comes from God.
God is the creator of all of these things. Sex comes from God. Yet, God also is the one who has a plan for these things and a boundary that he draws around these good gifts.
And so, the first temptation is a simple base temptation of the flesh.
To take a good gift from God outside of the boundary that God has drawn around it.
So, with regard to food, in this case, to eat what is not provided. To turn this stone into bread outside of the plan of God, the design of God.
In the same way, we all might struggle with food or with drinking too much and becoming drunk with sexual activity that's not within the boundary of God that he has drawn around that gift that he has given.
A good gift taken out of bounds. This is the temptation. How does Jesus overcome this temptation?
The temptation of the flesh? And Jesus answered him, it is written, man shall not live by bread alone.
Jesus defends his own integrity. He defends his purity, his righteousness by quoting scripture.
He uses the scripture as a weapon against the enemy. He uses it as a sword to fight off the temptation.
Next temptation, and the devil took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and said to him, to you
I will give all this authority and all their glory, for it has been delivered to me and I give it to whom
I will. If you then will worship me, it will all be yours. So, the second temptation is in regard to pride.
To elevating self to the of God or to making idols to worship other than the one true
God. This is not something that is a like the temptation of the flesh which uses something that's good and that belongs to man, like food and drink and sex inside of marriage.
These things are good and it's a gift from God to man. This is a temptation that takes from what belongs to God alone for the human, the glory, the splendor, the majesty of God, the right to be worshiped.
These belong to God. Everything that we do should be for his glory, not for our own.
And Jesus is tempted here to take glory for himself by excluding the worship due his father.
To break that Trinitarian unity where Jesus glorifies the Father by obeying and serving and worshiping him in that sense.
Satan is tempting Jesus to steal glory from the
Father. We all face a similar temptation. We all desire,
I think in a healthy way, to be accepted, to have significance in this life, but we are tempted to take those things away from the glory of the
Father. And rather than glorifying God, to receive glory for ourselves, to take credit for the things that we do, to want to be honored, recognized, worshipped.
Fame is a temptation. Power is a temptation. The desire to gloat or to feel better than others and to exalt ourselves, this is a temptation that creeps in and a motive can come in and twist anything that we do.
Whether it's playing a sport, to become boastful and prideful, and to delight in ourselves and in our ability over against other people.
Pride is at the heart of this temptation. How does Jesus overcome it? The same way he did the first, and Jesus answered him, it is written, you shall worship the
Lord your God and him only you serve. Another point about this temptation that Satan makes here.
He gives him a temptation, offering him all the kingdoms of the earth. He is offering
Jesus a path to glory without suffering. A path to glory without suffering.
Jesus, knowing that he needs to go to the cross to glorify the Father, he is now tempted to glorify himself without the cross.
Satan is offering this temptation. I think he has the authority to offer a kingship to Jesus.
If you imagine Ezekiel 28, if you remember that scripture, Jesus is tempted.
I'm sorry. The king of Tyre is exalting himself as God.
He's exalting himself in the place of God. Ezekiel will rebuke him for that.
You have exalted yourself. You say that you are a God. Then all of a sudden, as if he's still speaking to the king of Tyre, he begins to speak to the spirit that's behind the king of Tyre.
He says, you were in Eden. You were a cherub, a guardian cherub. You had all the splendor, but you wanted to be
God. He is cast down. He's rebuked. From that scripture, we learn that behind this king, behind this ruler, is the animating spirit, the power that's behind him, which is
Satan in the background. In the same way, Satan is offering to Jesus that Jesus could be the front man.
He on his throne in heaven with Satan as the animating power behind Jesus, the king of darkness, the prince of the power of this age, the
God of this age, 2 Corinthians 4 .4, behind him, giving him the power to do that.
He offers him a kingdom without suffering. You know, I think there's many opportunities for us in this life to receive glory without suffering, to receive glory by taking from what belongs to God the
Father. Shortcuts to glory, compromises that we can make. We could look at it financially.
It's possible to make money by cheating on your taxes, to have more money because you've taken from what was rightly given to the government.
Cheating financially in many other ways. There is a path to fame and to glory, which is against the will of God.
And to desire fame and glory in the first place is against the will of God. Here, Jesus is offered this temptation, but resists it by saying, it is written.
And once again, it's the sword of the Spirit that changes everything for him, that delivers him from the hand of the enemy.
Third temptation, and he took him to Jerusalem and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him, if you are the son of God, throw yourself down from here.
For it is written, he will command his angels concerning you to guard you. And on their hands, they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.
Amazing temptation. Satan now takes the Word of God and twists and perverts the
Word of God to offer a temptation to Jesus. He's heard Jesus answer him and rebuke him.
It is written, man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Father. He's heard
Jesus answer, it is written, worship and serve the Lord God only. Him only you shall serve.
Now, he tempts Jesus with, it is written. It is written, he will command his angels concerning you to guard you.
Now, I find it interesting that he's quoting from Psalm 91, but he doesn't keep going with the rest of the quote, because the rest of the quote is a rebuke against him.
Psalm 91 verse 11, for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.
On their hands, they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. Satan quoted that part, but he didn't keep reading on to verse 13.
Wonder why? You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion, and the serpent you will trample underfoot.
Satan is the serpent and Jesus tramples Satan underfoot the way
Adam should have trampled the serpent back in the Garden of Eden. In the Garden of Eden, Satan came as a tempter, as a serpent, a beast of the field that rises up over Adam and Eve to offer them a command and to tell them what to do, to tempt them to take of that forbidden fruit.
Adam and Eve then submit themselves to Satan. And there is a reversal of rule in this, where now
Satan becomes the God of this age, 2nd Corinthians 4 .4, and begins to rule and have authority in the kingdoms of this world.
So that the whole world system now is turned upside down and is now an evil thing, headed up by Satan himself.
Jesus though, the new Adam, will come and crush the serpent who was offering this temptation.
So whereas Adam submitted to Satan and Satan achieved this rule or authority over Adam, now the true
Adam, the true man, the one who will come, the second Adam, will crush the serpent.
So Psalm 91 is actually prophetic in that sense, that the serpent will be crushed underfoot.
And here's how Jesus does it. He answers him, it is said, you shall not put the
Lord your God to the test. Jesus goes to Deuteronomy 6 .16.
Deuteronomy is the book of the Old Testament that Jesus quotes more frequently than any other.
Deuteronomy 6 .16, you shall not put the Lord your God to the test. Deuteronomy 6 is a crucial chapter, because the answer that Jesus gives here, first of all, refutes what
Satan has to say. You know, you should throw yourself off the temple.
Well, Jesus says, no, don't put the Lord your God to the test. He rebukes that thought, that temptation through the
Word of God. But he also points to this context of Deuteronomy 6.
Hear, O Israel, this is verse 4, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the
Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
You see, Satan was quoting the Word of God, but not from the heart.
He was quoting it to make it say what he wants it to say. And this is a crucial point, because all across our land, all across America, people quote the
Word of God. But very often, it's taken out of context, and it doesn't come from a heart submitted to the text of God's Word, submitted to what
God says. To truly love God is to obey His Word as it was given, to love
His Word, not to import meaning to it. So, in Deuteronomy 6, verse 5, it says, you shall love the
Lord your God with all your heart. There needs to be not only an ability to quote Scripture, but a love for the
Word of God. Jesus delighted in the Word of God. That's why He, as a 12 -year -old boy,
He was sitting in the temple for three days talking about the Scriptures with the teachers of the law, asking them questions, answering their questions, discussing the
Word of God. It was on His heart. He loved the Word. Verse 6, and follow me, and these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.
You shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise, you shall find them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. This is the picture of a father, especially, but also a mother, parents who so the
Word of God that they're speaking of it all the time, teaching their children, writing down the
Scriptures in various places, reciting them, and talking about them day in and day out with their children.
It's a love for the Word of God. This is what the devil cannot stand. This is what the devil cannot stand up against, a love for the
Word of God. Consider the view of Scripture that Jesus had. He says that he comes not to abolish the law, doesn't come to abolish the
Old Testament, and especially the Torah, but to fulfill the
Word. He says that not one jot nor one tittle of the
Scripture will disappear from the law until its purpose is accomplished. Now, the jot and tittle were the smallest stroke of the pen in the
Hebrew language. It'd be like dotting an I or crossing a T. Jesus is saying this every dotted
I, every cross T, every stroke of the pen is from the Father. It's the breath of God.
Second Timothy 316, it's God breathed. Jesus's view of the Scripture was so high that every word, every letter, every stroke of the pen mattered and was to be believed and submitted to.
It was the rule of faith and of life. Jesus said the Scripture cannot be broken.
He says, you search the Scripture because in these you think you have eternal life, but these are they that testify of me.
He knew the value of the Scripture and he knew that all of it pointed to himself because he himself was the
Word of God. John chapter 1 verse 1, the beginning was the
Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God. So, Jesus the person is called the
Logos, the Word, and the words that are written in Scripture encoded for us in language are from him.
They're his very word. It's his mind expressed onto the pages of a text.
This is a view of Scripture that will carry you in your battle against the devil. If you will give in to the temptation of our age, which is to demote the
Scripture to something of a pool of suggestions that you can take from and choose what you want, you will always do like Satan and twist the
Word of God. But if you take the Word of God as authority in and of itself, and the meaning that the authors intended in any context is the
Word of God rather than what you want to pick and choose. There's many who will say, you know,
I'll just, I'll pick on Bill Clinton for a moment. In talking about immigration, he quotes from Deuteronomy Leviticus 19, but when he speaks about homosexuality or abortion, any of these things, he literally said, abortion is not spoken of in the
Bible. Therefore, he supports Roe versus Wade. God must be leaving it up to us to say what the truth is about abortion because the
Bible doesn't use the word abortion. That was Bill Clinton's line of reasoning. You see, he read into the text what he wanted to support from his political position, and where his political position did not agree with the
Word of God, he didn't find it there. Now, of course, we know Psalm 139 talks about how
God knits together a human being in the womb of the mother.
So it speaks to life being formed and made God making this person in the womb of the mother.
We know that the Ten Commandments, I think it's the Sixth Commandment, says, thou shalt not commit murder. So the
Scripture does speak to abortion, just like it speaks to so many other things. But the spirit of our age is to pick and choose from the
Scriptures those things which support what we already believe. You see that that's what
Satan was doing in this temptation? He tells Jesus to just jump down off the temple, and then he quotes
Psalm 91, picking and choosing just a little portion of Scripture there to support what he has to say.
Not submitted to the full or teaching of the Word of God, the worldview presented by the
Word of God and the specific commands that are throughout Scripture, the moral law, the general equity of the
Scriptures on any given point. Many will twist and pervert the Word of God to say whatever it is they want to say.
And this is so prevalent in our culture, even in evangelical culture, to pick and choose the
Scriptures that are appealing and that support what we already believe. The Scriptures can be twisted that way, but they cannot be broken, says
Jesus. Meaning that even if someone twists the Scriptures, it's to their own destruction.
It's to their own failing. Ultimately, they will find themselves breaking themselves up against the
Word of God. That's why the Word of God, that those tablets were written in stone. You'll find that if you try to butt heads with a tablet of stone, you lose.
You'll bruise your head against that stone. Jesus answered him, it is said, you shall not put the
Lord your God to the test. So he uses the Word of God that comes from a heart of love,
Deuteronomy 6, a passion for all of the Scriptures, a submission to the
Word of God, and defeat Satan. When the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from him until an opportune time.
We'll learn in Luke 22, 53, Satan comes back. That's the opportune time, just before the cross, to tempt
Jesus not to go through with it. To offer him, and to discourage him from remaining faithful to God.
To give him an easy way out, rather than that garden of Gethsemane, and then that Roman cross.
Jesus resisted temptation. So here then, we have a picture of defending integrity, of overcoming temptation, and a model for us.
And what is the key to it all? The Scriptures. Submission to the Word of God. Not just being able to quote a couple verses, or to pick and choose certain things that support us, but to have a love for the
Word of God. To submit to it at every point. To hold it like a sword. And when temptation comes, to take from that pool of understanding and knowledge, and resist temptation with truth.
To fight the lie with truth. Temptation is really just a baited hook for us.
We're like fish, and there's this dangling hook in the water that will destroy us.
It will hook us and kill us. But Satan puts that bait on top of it. Makes it look so good.
How is it that we will recognize that bait for the lie that it is, swim right past, reject it, flee from temptation, and not get hooked?
The answer is by the truth. By seeing the truth, we recognize these lies when they come.
When offered this quick path to pleasure. This quick path to fulfilling the flesh.
The lusts of the flesh. The lusts of the eyes. The pride of life. We will recognize those lies by the truth that we hold so deeply in our hearts.
That's how you resist temptation. It's by the word of God. Now Jesus takes from the defensive position to an offensive position.
And coming back from the wilderness after these 40 days of temptation in the wilderness, he's filled with the
Holy Spirit. He comes back and goes on offense. And once again, the word of God, which was a defensive weapon, now becomes a weapon to go on offense.
Guys, if we are stuck in temptations and falling to temptations, we become impotent.
We become powerless to advance the kingdom of God. But when we are victorious, when we overcome and resist temptation, then we have power to advance the kingdom of God.
And we do so by the word of God. Verse 16 and following. And he,
Jesus, came to Nazareth where he had been brought up. And as was his custom, he went to the synagogue on the
Sabbath day. And he stood up to read. And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him.
He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written. Once again, the key is what is written.
The word of God is central to the storyline of Jesus. He's using, it is written to resist the enemy.
Now, he reads from Isaiah 61. Now, it says he took the scroll and sat down to read it.
It was given to him. And he finds this place in Isaiah 61. It's interesting because this is the only place where this happens in Nazareth.
It's not a coincidence. That is his hometown. This is Jesus's home synagogue. So, the way it would work in a first century synagogue would be that there would be seven readers of scripture.
One would be a priest, the second would be a Levite, and then five local members of that synagogue.
So, that Jesus is here and is given the scroll to read. He's one of the five readers.
He's a member of this local synagogue. And he finds the place. Here's the providence of God.
It's a passage given to him. Now, we're not told particularly whether he's told to read from this passage, which
I think is the case. Or it could be that he just himself turns to that as if he has freedom to go wherever.
But I think there would be a reading for that day. Isaiah 61 is the place. And it just so happens to speak of the
Messiah. The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me.
The anointed one is the Messiah. Mashiach in Hebrew means anointed one. From which we get
Christ in the Greek. Christos means anointed one or the Greek equivalent of Messiah in the
Hebrew. To proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind.
To set at liberty those who are oppressed. To proclaim the of the Lord's favor.
And he rolled up the scroll and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him.
Just picture this crowded synagogue. People just bustling to get in, looking over one another's shoulders.
And there's Jesus. He reads this text. He's already becoming famous because of the miracles he's done.
And throughout Galilee, his teaching. We learn in verses 14 and 15 that in the surrounding country, he's teaching and he's being glorified by them.
So people are taking note of him. So they've come to hear him speak at his hometown. And what does he say?
This kind of pregnant pause after he's read the scripture. He sits down to teach, which would be the teaching posture in that day.
And he says, today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.
In that very moment, the Messiah is identified to you.
The Anointed One. He identifies himself as the Messiah. He says, in your hearing today, this scripture is fulfilled.
And they marvel at what he has to say. And they're taken in by it. And with many other gracious words, he's instructing them.
And they are digging it. But then they begin to think in their minds, wait a minute, isn't this
Joseph's son? And a prophet is never welcome in his hometown. And he said to them, doubtless you will quote to me this proverb.
Physician, heal yourself. What we have heard you did at Capernaum do here in our hometown, in your hometown as well.
So they're going to want miracles the way he's done in other places. And he said, truly,
I say to you, no prophet is acceptable in his hometown. Now he'll actually, rather than try to calm things down, he will continue to reveal the state of their hearts by pointing out that back in the day of Elijah and Elisha, that God often healed someone who wasn't even from Israel.
Naaman, the Syrian who had leprosy. God chose to heal him, even though there were many lepers throughout
Israel. And in this, he's provoking them in a stirring up the hatred of their heart, which was already there, which belonged to them for which they are responsible, their own hatred toward him.
And they take him up on a cliff to throw him off. So some kind of homecoming, some kind of a way to go home to Nazareth and expect to be cared for and welcomed.
They take him to a cliff to throw him off. But this was not according to God's providence. We learn from Acts 4, 27 and 28 that the providential plan of God, his hand and plan was for the
Romans and the Jews, for Herod and Pontius Pilate to conspire together to crucify
Jesus. That was God's plan. And God's plan will be done. So they are unable, their evil is restrained.
By the way, it's the restraining of evil that explains why it is that people assume that others around them and all people are generally good, that people are just good by human nature.
Everybody has a good human nature. That's the assumption of our culture. The truth is people are totally depraved.
The nature of humanity is to be depraved and to be set against God, to be rebels against the throne, to seek to serve oneself.
As John Calvin says, our hearts are idol factories. It is the nature of man to make idols and to worship anything that's not
God and especially to worship oneself and to put that oneself in that place of an idol.
Well, here that's the nature of those who are attacking Jesus.
But God restrains their evil. And so they don't murder him.
He's able to walk right through their midst and walk out of there. All around us today, the evil of people is restrained by the
Holy Spirit. He's the restrainer of evil. And Thessalonians tells us that things will continue like this until the restrainer is taken out of the way.
And I think the seven years of tribulation in the book of Revelation is a good picture of what human depravity looks like without the restraining power of the
Holy Spirit holding humanity back from what it truly is at the heart.
And we are still made in the image of God, but as fallen sons and daughters of Adam, people are totally depraved.
The restraining power of the Spirit keeps them from throwing him off the cliff. And they rose up to drive, to drove him out of town and brought him to the brow of a hill on which their town was built so they could throw him down the cliff.
That's within their hearts. But passing through their midst, he went away. Next, verses 31 to 37, we see
Jesus's power by his word over Satan. And he went down to Capernaum, the city of Galilee, and he was teaching them on the
Sabbath. Again, once again, he's advancing the kingdom by teaching, by the word.
Christianity is very much a teaching religion. It is about God's word.
It advances by the word, by the teaching of the word. And they were astonished at his teaching, for his word possessed authority.
Yeah, it does. It's a sword. It's authoritative. And it cuts. And it is authoritative in everything it says.
It's not something to be trifled with. It's not something to be twisted like Satan tried to do. This is the word of God.
And in the synagogue, there was a man who had the spirit of an unclean demon. And he cried out with a loud voice,
Ha! What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the
Holy One of God. You see, temptation is not only about our flesh. Sin conceives in the flesh.
It comes from our heart. And it conceives. But there's also the influence of demonic forces.
Satan himself, we may never have encountered Satan because he is a spirit being that's probably more wrapped up in people like the
King of Tyre and the prince who was over Persia in that time. And the great kings and rulers, he wants to influence at the highest level.
So he can cause the most damage and cause the most harm to people and thus hurt God. He hates
God. And so he gets at God by coming through the creations of God who are made in his image. So we may never have encountered
Satan, but Satan has a whole host of demons, a whole hierarchy that follows these powers and principalities of the air that are following Satan and are assigned to each of us.
You know, we run into these demons from time to time that are sent out to tempt us. So when tempted, recognize that the evil one is at the root of this, that there is a real personal devil who's out to destroy us like a roaring lion.
First Peter five, eight seeking to devour you. Don't mess around with sin because in so doing you're playing with Satan.
You're playing games with the demon. It's not a good place to be, but Jesus doesn't play games, but Jesus rebuked him saying, be silent and come out of him.
And when the demon had thrown him down in their midst, he came out of him having done him no harm.
And they were all amazed and said to one another, what is this word? Notice it's the power of the word that Jesus speaks that amazes them.
Yes, the demon is cast out for with authority and power. He commands the unclean spirits and they come out, but they're amazed by his word.
It's by his speech that the driven away. Do you see it's the offensive weapon of the kingdom, the word of God.
You want to go win a friend to Christ, learn the scripture and be able to quote from your heart, from a testimony that you also have the word of your own testimony, that these words are true.
Verse 38 and following, and he arose and left the synagogue and entered Simon's house. Now we have a string of miracles that he does.
First he heals Simon's mother -in -law of a fever. And then he turns around and heals anybody who comes to him.
This outburst of healing. So Jesus has not only a teaching ministry, but also a healing ministry. And the healing confirms that he is the authoritative teacher sent from God, that this really is the son of God.
Verse 42, and when it was day, he departed and went into a desolate place and the people sought him and came to him and would have kept him from leaving them.
But he said to them, I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well.
For I was sent for this purpose. And he was preaching in the synagogues of Judea.
So Jesus won't camp out there. He won't make this his home base and just live there forever. He says, no, I'm going on from town to town.
I was sent to advance the kingdom, to preach the gospel. And so are we.
Our weapon, our offensive weapon is the word of God. Not just something that we could beat people over the head with, because that would just be using this as a physical weapon.
Rather like Deuteronomy 6, to take what's here and store it in our hearts and to let it come out from a heart that's transformed and true and genuine.
There's power in that. Satan can quote scripture and twist it, but a heart that's been transformed by the word of God that submits to every word, every word, believing what
God says, you will find that you are a powerful instrument in the hand of God to go advance the kingdom.
So today's message, the overcoming life. It's about accepting the scriptures on the scripture's own terms.
Believing what God has spoken in context, according to the meaning of scripture.
This then becomes our weapon, our sword to resist temptation. Are you struggling with temptation?
Are you being overcome consistently by temptation? That's not our part. We are more than conquerors through Christ.
We should not be falling again and again into temptation, but rather through the word of God, overcome the enemy.
Trample on the serpent, like Adam should have done, like Jesus did. Psalm 91, not just verse 10 and 11, but going on 12, 13.
Trample on the serpent. The God of peace will soon crush Satan underneath our feet.
We can trample on the enemy. We can take ground from him as he seems to just have the inner cities wrapped up.
We can go into the inner city and we can go win souls for the king by using the word of God, teaching them the gospel that they also would believe from the heart and thus be saved.
We can go advance the kingdom of God in the power of the spirit using our one and only weapon, which is the word of God.
So bless you all and let's close in a word of prayer. Father, thank you for Luke chapter four.
It is fresh and new every time we come to it. Lord, I thank you that I had the opportunity to go through it twice, to preach through it twice, to learn from it twice.
Lord, I pray that I would just be doubly strong in the word. And I pray for those who are listening, that we would go through and read the scriptures again and again and again, taking it into our heart, even memorizing portions of it.
For this is our sword. Lord, I pray for victory over the enemy. I pray that we would resist temptation, that we would be a people of integrity, that we would no longer take the bait, that we would reject the lie by believing the truth at every point.
Let us not be a people that twist scripture to say whatever we wanted to say. We know, Lord, that in the world there are those who take the
Bible and claim it for their cause, whatever that cause is, to support the most wicked things, like abortion, calling it in Washington D .C.
this week, a sacred thing, in the opening of the Noma abortion planned parenthood.
Lord, we pray against that in Jesus' name. We expose that as a lie in Jesus' name, according to the truly sacred scriptures, according to your word.
We ask, Lord, that we would be a people that are like Deuteronomy 6, lovers of the word, that we would write it on our hands and in our hearts and memorize it and talk about it when we sit down, talk about it when we stand up, that we would talk about the word of God with our children, writing it on our walls, delighting in the scriptures.
From the heart, Lord God, thank you again for your word to us, how we love your word.
Psalm 19, Lord, your words are like honey, sweeter than honey. Psalm 119,
Lord, your words are a lamp to our feet. Help us to love the
Bible and every word written. None of them can break, none of them can be broken.