The Most Dangerous Way To Hate Your Neighbor

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This happens all the time.


most people when they think about hate they think of something like this that I mean you could very easily see that Anakin or I guess at this point he's
Darth Vader hates Obi -Wan Kenobi because he says so and he's got rage in his eyes and his eyes turn yellow for goodness sake.
That is what most people think of when they think about hate and hate speech. That's pretty standard but that's not the only kind of hate that exists there's actually another kind of hate that's more subtle but just as dangerous in fact
I would argue more dangerous. Proverbs 13 .24 says whoever spares the rod hates his son but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him right and so what this is saying
I don't think this has in mind a father who says to his son look son I hate you and so therefore
I'm not going to discipline you. That's not what it has in mind it has in mind someone who thinks that they love their son that has probably affections towards their son and wants the best for their son but the scripture says that this person hates their son because they're not doing what they ought to do and in this case it's discipline in this case it's physical correction and so it says if you do not engage in physical correction of your son you might think you love him and you might think you're doing it because you love him but if you don't discipline your son then you actually hate him even if you have affections for him and even if you think you love him and you know this is this is a kind of hatred that is really insidious and really dangerous because here's the thing when somebody tells you with rage in their eyes that they hate you it's actually good to know that I mean you want to know where you stand with someone
I mean it's not good that they hate you but at least you have this idea and you know where you stand with them but if somebody is telling you to your face with much love and much emotion in their voice that they love you but they're not doing what
God says to do towards you then that kind of hatred is actually worse because the situation is going to be messed up and you might not even recognize that they hate you and so you actually go along with what they're doing all the while you know not knowing or not expecting that it's actually gonna lead to your detriment and so that's the kind of hatred
I wanted to talk about today because you know we've talked about a lot about how people say you need to love your neighbor as yourself and that's really what this social justice movement is all about just the second greatest commandment loving your neighbor as yourself but the reality is that there are so many ways that people who claim to want to love their black and brown brothers and sisters in Christ they have real affections towards them they really want to love them but they actually end up hating them because they're doing the wrong thing they're actually treating them the wrong way and encouraging the wrong kinds of feelings in them and it puts minorities in a very dangerous place here's one example and I've talked about this numerous times but on that whole situation with the gospel coalition segregated worship right the people who put that on actually hate minorities they hate minorities because what they did was they segregated worship they segregated fellowship
I should say and the scripture says you you can't do that you can't you can't do show partiality in that way but they not only did they do it but they defended it they encouraged it and they said it was good so the reality is that those women who attended that conference actually came out of that actually in a more dangerous spot because they think that they're justified in segregating their fellowship now for whatever reason they gave another good example would be affirmative action right so affirmative action is essentially showing partiality based on skin color in order to correct the sin of showing partiality based on skin color except you do it in reverse to change the results of the discrimination of the past God's law doesn't work that way you have to actually obey
God's law whether you're on the higher end the great or the poor the lower end whether you're the minority or the majority you have to actually obey
God's law so you can't show partiality either way and so affirmative action people who support it actually think that they're loving minorities and and and in poorer people but in actuality they're hating them because they're actually encouraging them to show partiality they're encouraging them to get revenge and things like that so so again this is an example of someone hating their neighbor so if you if you're let me just be clear about what
I'm saying if you support segregated fellowship to empower blacks and browns if you if you support affirmative action to empower blacks and browns you actually hate your neighbor you don't love your neighbor do you see what
I'm saying another example is something that I heard I'm not gonna name the name cuz
I don't I haven't found the quote myself but I've heard a few people mention it where somebody an evangelical leader said that what we need to do with with our black and brown brothers and sisters in Christ is apologize and keep apologizing until they say we've apologized enough so what we need to do is just say
I'm sorry for being racist I'm sorry for being racist I'm sorry for being racist even if you're not racist by the way but this is this is the idea that you apologize you apologize you apologize and then when they say it's enough they're in the position of authority there to say when it's enough apologizing then it's enough apologizing that is a way that this person's attempting to love his black and brown brothers and sisters in Christ but again this actually shows hatred towards black and brown brothers and sisters in Christ it shows contempt because what does the scripture say about about forgiving your brother if your brother apologizes to you how many times are you supposed to forgive them are you supposed to withhold your forgiveness until you're really sure that they're sorry or are you supposed to accept their forgiveness and forgive them seventy times seven as many times as it takes and so here's the thing if you give black and brown brothers and sisters in Christ the impression that they are in the position of authority of whether or not they forgive like this brother does that actually shows hatred that actually shows contempt because you would never tell a white person that you would say to a white person the scripture commands
God the Lord of the universe the Lord of every ethnicity says that you must forgive seventy times seven you must forgive seventy times seven you don't want to be like the unforgiving servant who gets forgiven from a lot but then he can't even find himself to forgive someone for a little bit
I mean how much contempt can you show for a black person to say look I know Christ has forgiven every single one of your many sins the colossal weight of your sin has been put on Jesus Christ and he forgave it but it's okay for you to not forgive the miniscule sin that somebody committed against you how much do you have to hate a black person to give that impression you have to really hate them and again
I'm talking about not the hate words Anakin Skywalker saying I hate you I'm talking about the hate that Proverbs 1324 says where to their face you're telling them you love them and you might even have affections towards them but the scripture says that you hate them that's a real problem if you want to love your neighbor as yourself you have to do it according to the standard of the scripture now this is
I'm gonna shift gears here eight minutes into this video Amin Hudson he is from the
Native Speaks podcast he's one of the brothers that I spoke with when I spoke with the Native Speaks guys look at this tweet here can we all agree that Romans 13 wasn't
Paul giving an exhaustive diatribe of government and political theory he wasn't trying to tell us whether government should be limited or expansive he was telling you that they should reward good punish evil and protect its citizens okay
I can agree with part of this but not all of it here's here's the reality it's not exhaustive that's true the scriptures aren't exhaustive even the law of God is not exhaustive it doesn't tell you every single thing to do in every single situation however this is not true to say that Paul wasn't saying that the government shouldn't be limited or expansive he absolutely was because in Paul's context he was referring to good and evil and justice and punishments and rewards and protection according to the scriptures because here's the thing if a government decides to protect its citizens by killing all of a certain type of person like let's say they said you know we're gonna protect our citizens we're gonna kill all
Latinos right that would be unjust that would be inappropriate and the reason we know that is because the scriptures only give the government the authority to kill people in certain instances murderers things like that so murderers kidnappers you know rapists stuff like that and so and so we cannot agree with this this is the whole debate here because if if Romans 13 isn't giving us a certain standard to apply to government and then anything goes
I mean maybe the walls actually just I mean why not I mean right so so here's the thing you have to know if you're loving your neighbor or hating your neighbor politically there has to be a standard
God did not just leave that up to us to figure out what's good and what's evil to figure out what's just and what's unjust
I mean with respect don't you see how this kind of a statement destroys your whole position it destroys your whole position
I mean people from the social justice side have have just come out of a time where they're telling people that they might not even be
Christians because of their support of Trump I'm not saying you've said that I mean but people on your side have said that and insinuated that and all these kinds of things but if what you're saying is true here then how could you say that and not be a
Pharisee I ask that question with with respect and I would absolutely love the opportunity to talk with you about this and what you actually mean by this and how could you hold together your beliefs of social justice and that being an integral part or integral application of the gospel but at the same time we don't even really know what the government should be like and what they should actually do specifically
I don't agree with that I think we do actually know specifically what the government should be like and what they should do specifically not completely exhaustive
I agree but there is enough detail that we can be sure that certain things that go on in the government now are evil and certain things that go on in the government now are good and there is a standard there
I think Paul's very clear about the standard but anyway this is the real crux of the debate
I mean Amin's kind of put it out there and I'm glad he did because this is critical this is what we need to understand we need to talk about in order to know what is justice and what is not justice we cannot be put in a position where we think we're loving our neighbor but we're actually hating them so what's the most dangerous way to hate your neighbor well it's to hate them while thinking you're loving them by not following what
God says to do, how God says to treat somebody what God says is right and good and moral and just if you don't follow that you might think emotionally and affectionately you're loving someone but you're actually leading them to the slaughter you're actually promoting their destruction you actually hate them if you want to make sure to love your neighbor you need to understand what