The Conversion & Baptism of Russell Brand


Comedian Russell Brand was baptized and now claims to be a Christian. Brand (Katy Perry's ex-husband) posted a video testimony asking people to give their take on his baptism and supposed conversion to Christianity, so I took him up on the offer. The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 to test all things and hold fast to what is good. Many are skeptical thinking this is little more than a PR move after he was accused of rape and sexual assault by multiple women. Is he simply trying to improve his bad boy image or is he sincere? While only God knows his heart in this video, I simply take his words and compare them to what the Bible says. There has been a long list of supposed celebrity conversions to the faith, Justin Bieber, Kanye West and Britney Spears to name a few. They rarely if ever turn out well. Please pray for all involved.


Hello in this video, we're going to be doing something a little different. We're going to cover the celebrity conversion of Russell Brand to Christianity Supposedly he has converted.
He has been baptized. So I don't know anything about Russell Brand except that he is the ex -husband of Katy Perry So Katy Perry brought up in a
Christian home. She rejected all that married Russell Brand. They got divorced Then from what
I understand Russell Brand Was accused by multiple women of sexual assault and right around that time
He converted to Christianity which makes a lot of people skeptical listen, I don't know anything about any of that but what
I do know is that because he is a celebrity and Because he now claims to be a Christian Russell Brand is one of the most famous Christians on earth.
He's a celebrity now people are calling him a Christian celebrity. So what we're going to do here we're going to examine his
Testimony, and he actually asked people to do this. He tells Folks, you know, he tells everybody why he's being baptized and then he says you tell me what you think
So that's what we're gonna do. Here's the video. I'm taking the plunge. I'm getting baptized
At the moment, I'm very curious as to what you who have been baptized
Feel about it what your expectations are of the event prior and what it's actually like what's been explained to me is it's an opportunity to die and be reborn an
Opportunity to leave the past behind and be reborn in Christ's name like it says in Galatians That you can live as an enlightened and awakened person sometimes
I think of non -christian Perspectives on it like Marcus Aurelius saying you are already dead now live the rest of your life properly or the
Buddhist saying put down the corpse all of these things seem so inviting and Beautiful.
I know a lot of people are cynical about the increasing interest in Christianity and the return to God As meaning
Deteriorates in the modern world as our value systems and institutions crumble all of us become increasingly aware that there is this eerily familiar
Awakening and beckoning figure that we've all known all of our lives within us and around us and for me
It's very exciting. One of my concerns is I'm thinking about doing it in the River Thames So I could be getting sort of baptized in toxoplasmosis and e .coli
based on what I've learned So I may be leaving behind the sins, but I might be picking up some pretty serious viruses
Let me know what you guys think about it and how you feel about it All right. So what do we make of that?
First of all, he was taught or told that baptism is about dying and you know rising again
It's about dying and then being reborn in that sense based on Roman six
I would say that is accurate however Some of the things he said
Sounds like Eastern religion, right? Enlightenment a spiritual awakening.
So he talked about he actually quoted a Buddhist so when he talks about being enlightened and an awakened person and he equates that with salvation
That's that's troubling He also seems to indicate that he believes that when he gets into the water and is dunked in the water that that is what?
washes away sin and If that's true, if that's what he believes, that's another
Well, it could be an indication that he's headed more towards Catholicism.
I really couldn't find any Information about who baptized him or what church he was baptized into or what church he's a part of is he becoming?
Catholic is he well, it looks like it because in this clip he says he prays the Rosary watch a lot of people maybe are surprised by it think it is
Surprising a lot of people like David Icke has said that you know that he has some problem with me turning
Have a look Candace Owens converts to Roman Catholicism as has Ava Vladingerbrook and Jordan Peterson's wife
Tammy Peterson who I know and she's a lovely woman while Russell Brown does the Rosary indeed I do what the
F is happening to the mainstream alternative media Russell Brown does the Rosary indeed I do
Okay, so obviously that's troubling as well He really expressed
I could be wrong, but in all the videos I've seen He has expressed nothing about a personal relationship with Christ or any indication that he really understands the true gospel, you know true saving faith in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ that it's salvation by grace alone through faith, you know not of works
From what I've seen it doesn't doesn't appear that Russell Brand really understands the gospel which if that's true
No sound pastor would baptize a person who doesn't understand the true gospel Especially when his rhetoric sounds more similar to Eastern Religion closer to that than biblical
Christianity There's also this statement where he seems to say that well
I've known God my whole life and that God has always been within me watch eerily familiar
Awakening and beckoning figure that we've all known all of our lives within us and around us
Okay, so that right there if if all the other stuff didn't convince you that right there
Shows me that he he really doesn't understand Biblical Christianity he thinks it's more akin to yeah
Enlightenment and a spiritual awakening within because God has always been within that's not true in Christianity when you're saved the
Holy Spirit Regenerates your dead spirit when you repent of sin and come to the foot of the cross and repent
Then the Spirit of God comes in and dwells within you, but God was not dwelling in you before So again doesn't seem like he understands
The gospel, but I have to admit that All the information I have is filtered through the media or through social media
So I don't really know for certain Obviously, I don't know for certain.
I don't know his heart, but I do know what he says and it's not sounding right Definitely not sounding right some people would say well, he's a new
Christian. He got to give him time Yeah, but even a new Christian would understand the basics from the beginning like you have to understand those basics and about that about learning and growing
Russell Brand if he really does believe in Christ Here's what he needs to do
He needs to turn the camera off and spend time learning in a pew actually join a good
Bible -believing Church turn the camera off Spend time in the pew learning instead of on camera, you know trying to teach and tell people about religion so in conclusion he asked what we thought so That's what that's what
I think and I doubt I'm pretty sure he'll never watch this video, but just in case Russell if you ever watch you need to read the
Bible for yourself read it front to back Get into a good local
Bible -believing Church be there every Sunday or at least as often as you possibly can and then over time if the
Spirit of God really is within you if you have been born again per Jesus in John chapter 3
Then we will see that fruit because let's face it folks other celebrity conversions
We've we've seen this before Justin Bieber Oh Justin Bieber was baptized.
He's part of Hillsong. He's a Christian now Kanye West, you know, Britney Spears There's there's reason to be cautious.
So there is only one true gospel Salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ Alone, and the
Bible alone is our Authority. Amen. Amen.