Mike Winger Says Cessationism Is Unbiblical & Extreme - Defends Modern Day Speaking in Tongues


In Episode # 99 of The Testing the Spirits Podcast I respond to Mike Winger and other charismatics who claim the gift of tongues is some sort of unintelligible gibberish. I also give a challenge, if cessationism is wrong, it should be simple to prove! Can they provide one example of the real thing caught on video? Are Cessationists really guilty of extremism? Why not post a video of the true gift of tongues and prove people like John MacArthur and @JustinPetersMin wrong once and for all? Will @MikeWinger take up the challenge? Link to my sermon from 1 Corinthians 14 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh3B63f_2Cg&t=1691s Tags Pentecostalism Charismatic Christianity Acts 2 Extreme Ruslan KD Continuationism Restorationism Restorationist Extremist position


Did Mike Winger really just call cessationism an extremist position? That's what we're going to be talking about in this episode of the
Testing the Spirits podcast. You guys have all seen the video of what's -her -name?
Paula White? Hello and thank you for listening to the
Testing the Spirits podcast. In this episode We're going to be talking about Mike Winger's recent statements in one of his live
Q &A videos where he did in fairness He did say that what Paula White was doing and that gibberish, you know, that was fake
He did acknowledge that but he said that is one extreme and he said the other extreme is the cessationist position
Well, what's the problem with that? Well, first of all, I don't necessarily go around calling myself a cessationist because there's a lot of confusion
People say that well, if you're a cessationist, you don't believe the Holy Spirit is active in the church today.
Yes, I do They say you don't believe that Tongues is real. Well, I do believe that there is a legitimate gift of speaking in tongues
But I do not believe that it's operational today in theory Could it happen in a tribal situation with a missionary even
John MacArthur who is probably the most well -known Cessationist he does say that yeah, a missionary could be overseas and God could give them the gift of tongues, but he says it's not
Commonplace, it's not happening on a regular basis And I I do agree with that and I would just say this to Mike Winger I'll play the full clip in a moment where he does call cessationism an extremist position
But I would just challenge Mike Winger post one video just one of a person
Legitimately Speaking in tongues. So that's my challenge to Mike Winger. You say that cessationism is an extremist position, okay?
That means that tongues is happening all over the place. There is a another video. I saw online where Mike Winger Claims to have spoken with other tongues.
I guess he did it privately But you know, I you know, I never really thought he was a charismatic and I knew he was
Calvary Chapel But then I saw the movie Jesus Revolution and I realized that yeah
Calvary Chapel they are charismatics Lonnie Frisbee was more of the hyper charismatic, but Chuck Smith was
Open to the gift of prophecy and healing and and speaking in tongues and Mike Winger Believes that but again my challenge to him would be show me one video of a person legitimately speaking in tongues
So let's watch the full clip And it's like I don't know an hour two hour video that he posted but we're gonna show, you know in context the full clip of Mike Winger calling cessationism an extremist position and then
I'll come back with more to say watch We tend to do one of two extremes when it comes to the gifts
It seems like our tendency is to highlight them in a way that is not loving and not gracious towards others and not edifying and Upbuilding but it's more about the flashiness of the gifts and the ego of saying look what just happened in our in our group
We're excited Or and so we go off the rails. There's plenty of church groups that go off the rails.
Then the other side is cessationism Now I did an entire sermon on first Corinthians 14 where I think
I demonstrated that is not the case You can listen to that if you want. I'll link it in the description
But I do want to say this yes Speaking in tongues was a legitimate gift in the early church.
You can see on your screen Acts chapter 2 However, the
Pentecostal movement because I need to explain this the Pentecostal movement began in the 20th century
So tongues did exist in the first century people were speaking in tongues but That seems to have ceased that was the almost universal testimony throughout church history
But starting in the 20th century with the rise of the Pentecostal movement, that is when people started to claim that the gift of tongues was
Restored to the church prior to that. It was mainly only the cult groups that claimed the gift of tongues
So that was the Mormons the Shakers and a few others They would speak in gibberish and they called it tongues.
I would say it's an ecstatic utterance But up until the 20th century, the point is pretty much all
Christians agreed that tongues had ceased matter of fact First Corinthians 13 verse 8 says that tongues will cease some people believe that verse proves cessationism
Other people don't that's fine. I'm not going to make that argument here. Here's my point the Pentecostals claimed that tongues was restored around 1901 1905
Afterwards, they did some revisionist history and they claimed that tongues had always just continued throughout church history, but remember they named their movement after the day of Pentecost and we see here in Acts 2 4 through 8 that on the day of Pentecost they did speak with other tongues
But it says that the people heard them each in his own language so the point being
Tongues is not gibberish Nor is it some heavenly prayer language?
And I've spoken in tongues not with interpretation But in a way that was very powerful in my life and very needful in the moment with real spiritual blessing and benefit that happened
Right then at the time Tongues is not gibberish Nor is it some heavenly prayer language?
Tongues is when a person is miraculously given the ability to speak in a language that they previously didn't know
And they still don't know it But for that moment they have the miraculous ability to speak in this other language and people can hear them
Speaking in their own language, but the fact is charismatics like Mike winger
They have a different view of tongues It's not consistent with Acts chapter 2
They want to run to 1st Corinthians 14 But you have to interpret the unclear passages by interpreting the clear passages first and the clear passage is
Acts chapter 2 So again, the fact is Mike winger other charismatics,
I think they are wrong to call cessationism an Extreme if you don't agree with cessationism, that's fine again
I think God could give someone the gift of tongues in a missionary setting So I don't even know if I would qualify as a full -blown cessationist, but I do know this
Generally speaking tongues is not happening today it's just not and I will reiterate my challenge to Mike winger if you say that it is and If cessationists are truly wrong, then just show one video proving it
Just post one video of a person Speaking in tongues today
Now, I know Mike winger has a lot of fans and someone Might want to defend him by saying that I'm taking him out of context yet.
That's usually The only defense a person can muster up and nine times out of ten when they say that they can't actually explain you know what in the context would change anything, but Just in case somebody wants to make that argument.
Here is a larger clip of winger defending his charismatic viewpoint
But they're at the end of the chapter he says Do not forbid to speak in tongues
I think that possibly this is I mean I'm convinced that the Holy Spirit inspired this for the very reason that we tend to do one of two extremes when it comes to The gifts it seems like our tendency is to highlight them in a way that is not loving and not gracious towards others and not edifying And upbuilding but it's more about the flashiness of the gifts and the ego of saying look what just happened in our in our group
We're excited Or and so we go off the rails and there's plenty of church groups that go off the rails.
Then the other side is Cessationism, we're just gonna say all that stuff is ended. We forbid speaking in tongues.
We forbid those things We don't desire to prophesy and so the end of first Corinthians 14 Brethren desire earnestly to prophesy do not forbid to speak with tongues
I do think that that is still applicable in the church today and didn't just we didn't just undo a direct instruction that we have
But man when you when you just look at the two extremes they sort of you understand how one extreme almost creates the other right the extreme of Hyper charismatics sort of creates in a sense at least creates a lot of a lot more cessationist
But I think that first Corinthians 14 pushes us into the middle ground. All right, so yeah,
I totally disagree with that But again, if I'm wrong just post one video of a person
Legitimately speaking with other tongues and there you go that should end the debate but either way