Recognizing How Awful Big Eva Is Has Become Mainstream

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All right, well, let's jump into the first video for the week. I hope you had a good weekend and a good
Lord's Day on Sunday. I definitely did, although I was—this is kind of funny—I was actually visiting a church on Sunday because there was some weather here on Saturday night and I couldn't drive the hour to my church, so I visited a local church, and it just so happened that this
Baptist church was teaching about why Presbyterians are wrong about baptism. So I sat through a sermon about why we were wrong, although I left even more a
Presbyterian than I was before. The points, in my opinion, were meh. But in any case,
I wanted to make a quick announcement. So a couple weeks ago, I told you that I've been thinking about leaving
YouTube for a little bit, and I solicited some advice and opinions on where I should go and things like that.
And I had pretty much decided that I was going to try out another site and then kind of see what happens with YouTube and things like that.
Well, since then, I had a video that was censored, pulled completely, and it was the video that I did about the fake insurrection and my thoughts on the fake insurrection, and YouTube thought that was too dangerous, too much misinformation in that video, and you can trust
YouTube because they know what's true. Anyway, so they took it down. I appealed it, and in my appeal,
I said, you're a bunch of racists, because I thought maybe that would work. But it didn't. They rejected my appeal and all of that.
And so I have decided what I'm going to do. And so what I'm going to do, I opened up a
Rumble account and an Odyssey account, and I'm going to start posting to those more regularly. And my intention is to taper my
YouTube usage throughout the year, and then by the end of the year, maybe just abandon it completely.
Now, hopefully, this is an actual taper, unlike the one that Jerome Powell, the Federal Reserve Chairman, is pretending that he's going to do with his asset purchases and all that.
So I'm going to taper, hopefully not the Jerome Powell way, but that's my plan. So you'll start to see me upload to YouTube less and less and less and less, and I'm going to be uploading to Odyssey and Rumble more and more and more.
And I'm not sure if I'll stick with both of them. Maybe I'll probably pick one, most likely, but we'll see what happens with that.
That's the plan right now. But so for the time being, I'm staying on YouTube, but I'm going to start to taper my
YouTube use. In any case, also, I saw something that I guess that they're limiting the viewership of new channels.
Like if they say they don't know you well enough, like they don't trust you, you're not allowed to watch videos from people like that.
Allegedly, I saw some people that were covering this trucker thingamajig and they got kicked off, not because they were breaking any rules, but because YouTube was just like, yeah, we don't know you.
So I guess YouTube is getting worse and worse. And so I don't know. I mean, maybe I won't taper.
Maybe I'll just get kicked off because I'm obviously not going to change my opinions on things. Right. The insurrection was definitely still fake.
You know what I mean? Like just because YouTube wants me to stop talking about that, I'm not going to stop. So I'm going to continue to do what I do and we will take it from there.
I did want to draw attention to this article from the Daily Wire, Megan Basham, Megan Basham.
If I'm pronouncing that wrong, Megan, I apologize. She has written an excellent article titled
How the Federal Government Used Evangelical Leaders to Spread COVID Propaganda to Churches.
This is a good article. Now, I've been talking about this exact thing since the beginning of COVID. It struck me that that that, you know, we have evidence, we have documentation that the that the
CIA and the FBI have used churches to spread information that they want to spread.
And they've admitted this and things like that. Now, I have no documentation that that's happened here. However, very clear examples of evangelical leaders,
Christian pastors, she even names Gospel Coalition, Ed Stetzer, all the usual suspects on how they're spreading all kinds of government propaganda about COVID regarding masking, regarding vaccines, regarding all kinds of stuff.
And and and evangelical leaders have like dutiful little servants, just bootlickers.
These guys, a lot of them have just spread whatever lies that they wanted that they wanted them to spread.
And these lies are becoming more apparent every day. Like there's more and more research about how masks don't do anything.
Masks don't do anything. And yet evangelical leaders who you trusted told you that actually wearing a mask is a matter of the law of God, loving your neighbor as yourself to put a stupid thing on your face that doesn't do anything because Caesar told you to, you know, vaccines.
You know, it's it's amazing to me. I mean, because, you know, two years ago, we understood what a vaccine was for.
A vaccine was to prevent infection, was to prevent you spreading the infection and things like that.
And I remember saying at the time, I'm not going to get the vaccine because, you know, I'm not scared of COVID.
And number one and number two, you know, they kind of did a rush job on this vaccine. So I'm really not interested in being the guinea pig and all that kind of thing.
That's what I said. But then over time, it became very apparent that these vaccines don't do anything like they don't prevent you from getting
COVID. They don't prevent you from spreading COVID. I mean, I've known a lot more people this year that have gotten
COVID than I did last year. I mean, the first year of COVID, I knew barely anybody who ever had it, but I know a lot more people who had it this year.
And it's like 70, 80 percent of the people that I know who've had COVID this year were vaccinated and boosted.
It just doesn't stop you from getting the disease. And now they're like, oh, well, well, vaccines actually don't stop you from getting the disease.
They just stop you from getting it very seriously. Well, that's I know you're changing the rules and stuff there, all that stuff.
Anyway, the bottom line is this is all because the propaganda, which
I just assumed was not true at the time, and I had evidence for some of the reasons why it wasn't true.
It's actually turning out that it's the data that comes in. It's just more and more. It's not true. None of the propaganda was true.
And yet your evangelical leaders told you it's a matter of loving your neighbor as yourself, the law of God.
They added to the law of God like Pharisees did, and they did it in service of the king.
Interestingly enough, also like Pharisees did, because if you remember at the at the kind of like the the the climax of the
Pharisees evilness, when they say what do they say? We have no king but Caesar.
We have no king but Caesar. That's the height of the story of how evil the
Pharisees were. Right. We have no king but Caesar. So they were adding to the law of God and they served and loved and honored and respected and obeyed
Caesar as Lord as they crucified the actual Lord of Glory, Jesus Christ.
And so very similar to Pharisees, the modern day Pharisees, the social justice
Pharisees. But it goes beyond social justice. I mean, it's just government propaganda Pharisees.
Anything the government is up to and pushing and promoting, these evangelical leaders are doing the same thing.
Oh, Joe Biden, I'm going to nominate a black woman. And that's my criteria.
Just because you're black, just because you're a woman, two things that you actually didn't earn. And I'm going to that's my criteria.
I mean, it's just ridiculous. But whatever. Not my deal. Not my deal. Evangelical leaders are all about it.
Of course, that's how you got to divest of power and you've got to elevate black voices.
They're all over. Whatever the government's promoting, evangelical leaders are all over it. So they're just like the
Pharisees. But, you know, this is this is a good article. I'm very glad that this is getting a lot more attention than it was back when we were in the middle of it.
You know, we could have we all could have seen that this was government propaganda in the churches masquerading as the law of God at the time.
But it's OK if you're late to the party. It's good because you can actually do something about this.
Right. Because you can't stop Ed Stetzer from bowing to the federal government. Right. You can't stop the gospel coalition from from from lying to you.
This is this is what you remember what they told us. They said that if you if you think that this virus came from Wuhan lab, then you're a conspiracy theorist.
And that must mean you serve Satan. Do you remember who was that that said that? Joe Carter said that if you if you believe the
Wuhan virus thing, you're a you're a satanic conspiracy theorist.
It's all coming out now, guys, that that's where it came from. It came from the Wuhan lab, just like we all knew.
Right. But you'll never get the apology. You'll never get the I'm sorry. You'll never get the mea culpa because at the end of the day, they did the right thing according to their system.
They worship and serve the federal government. That's what the gospel coalition does. That's what Ed Stetzer does.
And so they're going to continue to do that because that's what they think is moral. That's what that's morally good to them.
They're going to keep doing it. But you can actually do something about this, because guess what? You don't have to listen to them.
You know what I mean? You don't have to listen to them. In fact, you can actually laugh at them and mock them mercilessly as they serve their their their pathetic idol of the federal government.
I mean, Joe Biden, I mean, it could not be funnier that they worship and serve Joe Biden and Cornelia, Cornelia, whatever her name is,
Coretta Harris, Coretta Harris, and then whoever the black woman Supreme Court nominee that, you know, gospel coalition could be like, oh, my goodness, this is the this is the greatest thing ever.
And there's going to be work because they worship black people as well. And so they're going to do all that. And, you know, you don't actually have to go to their website.
You don't have to read their articles. You don't have to buy their books. You don't have to get their DVD set so you can learn how to be just as good as they are.
You don't have to do any of that stuff. You could actually just not pay attention to them. Or if you know, if you want to level up a little bit, you can just mock them because it's so pathetic the way
Elijah mocked the the prophets of Baal. They're cutting themselves. Oh, please speak to us.
They're like they're off in themselves. And and Elijah's like, yeah, you know, maybe you should cut yourself a little more.
Maybe you should scream a little louder. I mean, you can't hear you. He's on the toilet. That's what we should do. When when
Ed Stetzer gets all uppity and he's he's all he's he's he's he's he's shivering with rage and and his buddy
Russell Moore, they can't believe it that the Christians are so stupid that they didn't get the vaccine. They're so dumb.
They didn't they don't wear masks. It's just so totally evil. You can laugh at them because they're serving their
God right there. They're serving their God. And it's hilarious. It's pathetic. So you could either ignore them or laugh at them.
Either way, though, you can do something about this. You see, one of the things that I love about this time, there's a lot of.
Anxiety out there, let's say, you know, we get financial crisis, maybe brewing, we've got lots of stuff that's happening and I can understand, you know, if your church is heavy in the big
Eva mindset and the big Eva influence, it's going to be painful to kind of move yourself. I'm not
I don't want to take anything away from that. Right. There's a lot of anxiety out there. There's churches splitting over the racist stuff and things like that.
But what's good about this, though, is that there's never been an easier time to find like minded people.
There's never been an easier time to find like minded businesses to buy from. There's never been an easier time to identify to identify those who you can trust, because the ones that you can't trust, they're outing themselves.
Like we don't have to, you know, do digging to find this like this. I'm sure Megan did a lot of research for this article.
I'm not taking anything away from her. But this stuff that Ed Stetzer is happy to show you how much he worships the state.
Now, you know, Russell Moore is happy to to to venerate Francis Collins like like they're happy to show you how giddy they are to meet
Barack Obama. Like they put it all out there and it's very easy to identify them.
It's very easy to identify them. And it's also likewise easy to identify those who have not bowed the knee to bail.
They're all over the place. I think a very good way to do it is to go to Gab and see the businesses that advertise on Gab.
There's some there's some awesome businesses out here, regardless of what you want to buy. There's all kinds of stuff available here.
Torba calls it the parallel economy. You want to find some companies that you can trust, companies that aren't going to use the money you give them against you.
Gab .com is a good place for that kind of thing. And likewise, the Christians and the and the and the brethren that you can fellowship with, it's never been easier to find them because we're just the ones that aren't going along with every whim of the government.
Now, does that mean we have a purity test that you have to agree with me on everything regarding covid? No, it does not. No, it does not.
But but the ones that aren't going along with everything without thinking about it, it's just like, oh, my goodness, this is the deadliest disease ever.
What's the death rate? Well, we don't know because we don't know how many people have. It's like that's I don't know about that.
That's doesn't sound that doesn't that doesn't pass the sniff test. Right. Like you can find those who are who are willing to not bow the knee because we actually ask questions.
We actually wait before when we see the the latest fake insurrection or the fake false flag, you know, whatever we go.
Yeah. You know, let's wait and see what what's actually happened here before we start quivering with rage.
And he he went into the halls of democracy, the sacred place. Like it's easy to find people that aren't slaves to the narrative.
That's the point. It's not about exactly where you fall on vaccines or masks. You know what I mean? That's really not it.
But but it's easy to find those who aren't just enslaved to whatever the flavor of the day is. Right.
Because people that were even pro vaccine, they're waking up, too. It's like, yeah, I'm not going to get that booster because it doesn't really seem to work.
Like everyone who gets it gets sick. And they're like, oh, I did the Vax. I believe in the
Vax, but I'm not getting the booster. See, that's a person that's not a slave to the narrative. The slaves to the narrative are the ones that no matter what is being said at the time, they're just going to say it no matter what, even if it's a contradiction to what they said before, they're just going to say it.
It's never been easier to not to find people that are not slaves to the narrative. And I think we ought to thank
God for that, because we're going to be stronger because of that. We're going to be those of us who are still slaves to what
Ed Stetzer has to say or Gospel Coalition. You guys are in for a world of hurt.
Like if your view of what faithful Christianity is, is basically whatever, you know,
Gospel Coalition says or whatever Ed Stetzer says, like you guys are in for a lot of pain.
I would suggest jumping off their train because that train isn't going nowhere good, nowhere good at all.
Anyway, so I guess that's really all I have to say. I hope you found this video helpful.