Dumpster Fire: Coronavirus Charismania!


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. This is a Dumpster Fire edition.
My name is Chris Roseboro. I'm your servant in Jesus Christ and this is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Now if you have or even haven't heard crazy things coming from the charismatic movement in the
NAR relating to the coronavirus, a pandemic that none of their prophets were talking about at the beginning of the year, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
Don't forget to like the video. Ring the bell. We got a lot of ground we need to cover. And what we're gonna do on this
Dumpster Fire edition, there will be some biblical teaching in interspersed in here. We're gonna take a look at some of the crazy and I mean quackery that is passing off for Christianity right now in the midst of a global crisis as it relates to the the coronavirus.
Now I don't care if you think that the coronavirus is some kind of a conspiracy or anything like that or that people are overreacting.
That's not the point of this particular video. I understand there's a lot of debate going on right now as it pertains to are we appropriately responding to the coronavirus or have we succumbed to, you know, just all kinds of fear -mongering and stuff like that.
I'll leave that to other channels and other people to address. What we're gonna do is take a look at the different ways in which the charismatic
NAR wingnuts are trying to capitalize on or are being shown to be the hypocrites that they are, the false prophets, false teachers they are as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
So all of that being said we're gonna start off let me get my desktop up and yeah yeah so we're gonna start with Jim Baker.
If you're not aware Jim Baker sells on his program a silver solution that and I guess there's some kind of a topical ointment that goes along with the these particular products which he claims pretty much cures everything and let's take a look at a claim that was made middle -ish of February just as the coronavirus pandemic was starting to kind of get on people's radar and let's see what
Jim Baker and his guests said regarding the silver solution and what it can do. This influenza that is now circling the globe you're saying that silver solution would be effective.
Well let's say it hasn't been tested on this strain of the coronavirus but it's been tested on other strains of the coronavirus and has been able to eliminate it within 12 hours.
Yeah 12 hours total elimination. Totally eliminated kills it and deactivates it yeah and then it boosts your immune system so then you can support the recovery because when you kill the virus then the immune system comes into action to clear it out so you want a vibrant immune system as well as an ability to deactivate these viruses.
All right so silver solution kills within 12 hours the coronavirus and I will note going back a little bit farther the silver solution
Jim Baker claimed that it killed something else I'll let him explain.
You know I always get on the venereal disease because it's really insanity. All right
I'm gonna point something out here Jim Baker's audience is primarily supposedly comprised of people who are
Christians and selling a silver solution gel that kills venereal diseases
I just sit there and go is this a geographic audience targeting mismatch here or are you what are you trying to tell us because you know he apparently is thinking this is an important thing
I would note that the biblical solution for prevention of these types of diseases monogamous faithful marriage has worked a hundred percent of the time but let's let's see as the silver solution this is what he claims well you know
I always get on the venereal disease because it's really insanity that you there is something this product kills every venereal disease it is that there is they tell me
I mean that's the research that I've that has been done on it that I've seen. What a positive selling point for a
Christian program. All right so it kills the coronavirus it kills venereal diseases of all kinds and well that's kind of interesting well by way of noting
March 9th 2020 today is the 10th of March as I'm recording this installment of fighting for the faith and we'll note that yesterday the
Federal Trade Commission and the FDA sent warning letters you know to scam coronavirus treatment sellers and included on the list was the
Jim Baker show yeah Jim Baker show and and and so they've got some splaining to do because the
FDA and the Federal Trade Commission are of the opinion that he's selling a scam how do they put it scam coronavirus treatment hmm and then and then this you know you know they go on to give more information related to what they said to him and and even the state of New York the
Attorney General of New York has sent a cease and desist notice to the Jim Baker show telling him to cut it off and and you know and to stop selling scam coronavirus treatments and and then even the
US Food and Drug Administration FDA has gotten involved and and so they've on March 6th sent a letter so let's just say some pretty heavy -hitting government agencies are saying that Jim Baker is up to no good
Jim Baker's response thus far well his response thus far is to double down yeah so on the
Jim Baker show website nano silver solution resources studies they claim to have provided the scientific proof that it kills the coronavirus
I wonder if they provided proof that it kills venereal diseases but you get the idea so as of today well you know this is again the 10th of March as I'm recording this as of today the
Jim Baker show is doubled down and they're standing by they're standing strong against the state of New York the
Federal Trade Commission and the FDA in that standing by their claims that their silver nano silver solution will kill the coronavirus and like I said
I wonder if that also includes venereal diseases so that's kind of a big story we'll see what develops at this point because the feds have the authority to come in and seize and confiscate it just makes me wonder if that will be next or if you know who's gonna who's gonna swerve off the highway in this game of chicken regarding you know whether or not the silver solution can kill the coronavirus yeah will it be the feds the state of New York or will it be the
Jim Baker show and I must admit that there is a part of me that wants to see him arrested again just just just saying because the guy is as phony as a slug nickel all right all of that being said let's take a look at some more of the bizarreness that is going around the internet as it relates to the coronavirus so we're heading over to the
Trinity Church and the Trinity Church this is where Cindy Jacobs attends church and every year when the
Council of Apostolic Prophetic Leaders receives their word of the Lord for the year she always goes to this stage to announce and to release that word
I think the word for 2020 was it reset yeah I think it was reset whatever that means notice that you know if you go back into our coverage of the prophetic words of the
Lord for 2020 even our prophecy bingo segment nobody was talking coronavirus back then nobody saw that one coming so so now now they've got to figure out how to kind of get ahead of this and we're gonna have to do some biblical work with what it is that Cindy Jacobs says here and then we'll also take a look at what's going on at Bethel and so here's a here's
Cindy Jacob and and their coronavirus end of the coronavirus decree and declaration prayer service we'll talk about that so apparently this was televised on God TV to be together as the body of Christ you know
Cindy is as we were praying about this with the prophets from around the world that we gather we consulted with them because we know that the prophets prophesy in part or see in part and know in part but when you gather the get together the prophets you get a clear word yeah they all gathered at the end of last year and not a single one of them said coronavirus you know it was reset of what the prophets are saying what the
Holy Spirit is saying so what we did was when we started hearing about a plague a potential plague we said well we need to hear what
God is saying through the prophets yeah um my question again why didn't
God give us a heads up I mean because you guys take one of those tech Old Testament texts and out of context and say that God doesn't do anything unless he first reveals it to his prophets how come none of you all got the phone call from God letting you know that in 2020 we'd have a coronavirus so we gathered the prophets on a call we had thought that we would be doing something maybe a week from today but we were so concerned after what the prophets began to declare that we said we can yeah well now they're declaring doom and destruction and stuff
I'm sure yeah I'm sorry but you know that cows left the barn wait there are times when you just can't wait and I believe that we have an opportunity together along with our
God TV family from around the world Cindy to do like when Moses told his his priest to take some censors and and to stand between the people who were living and the people were dying and here's what he said stay the plague you have the authority to stay the plague all right so there's a kind of bit of theology number one out of context no context given regarding the censors and stay in the plague and in that particular outbreak of plague we won't even talk about the sins of Israel at the time but that does not mean that now the church you know the
Christian Church right now has the authority to stay plagues yeah that's that nowhere in the
Old Testament does it say that about the body of Christ that's what we believe that we're doing globally right now with you who are joined oh they're there oh man they're gonna globally stay the plague ah reality is spiritually speaking these two are a plague yes we're gonna stay a play this is audacious faith isn't it come on every by the way when you look up audacity in in a in a dictionary the word audacious and audacity generally that's it's kind of a negative thing there's kind of foolishness associated with no it's not it's not audacious it well it is stupid but this is this is not some kind of really great quality of faith that you're exercising here
Cindy now listen to what she just said we believe 2nd
Chronicles 714 we'll talk about that in a second my question is do you believe 2nd
Chronicles 712 and 13 you know I'm just asking I'm gonna throw it out there right now because she's gonna say something next that 2nd
Chronicles right before 14 says the opposite of what she's about to say. That's why we began with that scripture which is if my people who are called by name will humble themselves pray seek my face and turn from their wicked ways all right pray seek my face and turn from their wicked ways you'll notice the 2nd
Chronicles 714 taken out of context still mentioned something about turning from wickedness you know repent from heaven and he will heal are they singing a duet in a love song right now is this
Valentine's Day what is that heal our land so you know we also remember when the worshippers were good went before the army and so the word we were given by one of the prophets prophets was weaponize your worship weapons so we're weaponize your worship huh yeah no biblical text says to do that I'm gonna go forth with some worship here and wherever you're watching maybe
I know some of you have prayer groups watching just enter right in can we imagine tonight you're watching from China imagine you're watching from the
Middle East you're watching from Egypt you're watching from Great Britain you're watching from Europe Australia Africa why is she yelling at us there are people who have gotten up in the middle of the night to join early early or early early in the morning yeah we're gonna take a look at whether or not this is actually prayer and how much you want to bet it's not gonna be so I believe that when we gather together and we seek
God together and we pray together and we declare together you're gonna do a lot of that you ain't gonna do any praying
I I listen to this whole thing I didn't hear any praying I heard a lot of decreeing and declaring I heard nothing as far as prayer that things change in the earth realm yeah you know we've already been been having a time of worship here we are broadcasting from Trinity Church of Cedar Hill Texas which is just outside of Dallas a
South Dallas and one thing that we want to remember that especially historically in the
United States in times of trouble our presidents have called for prayer consider this during the
Civil War President Abraham Lincoln wrote let us then humbly in the hope authorized by the divine teachings that the
United cry of the nation not mine but will be heard on high yet notice
Lincoln used the word humbly humbly prayer is humbly petitioning asking
God making known your supplications it's not decreeing and declaring notice that even
Abraham Lincoln understood what prayer is but what we're gonna hear here it ain't prayer and answer it with blessings
I think you should clap your hands for that so we're gonna just take a moment we know the corona virus is breaking down here in the
United States we're hearing in some cities run on supplies water being gone toilet paper missing that that one just chaps my huh why is toilet paper disappearing huh it's like we need to share that stuff okay just saying schools have closed in just just some areas and but we know that God is well able to turn this of course he is yes right and we also know there's some people that would mock this and say what do you mean you're gonna pray there's no actually my issue is you don't actually pray no
God what God in heaven we thank you that we are doing what you called us to do and that would be to humbly petition him humbly ask him to have mercy on it and so we're gonna just go and we're gonna do a worship song we have prophets here we have been consulting the prophets from all over the world we have the word of the
Lord tonight and no no actually you don't so Gabriel all read the worship a director here at Trinity Church come on let's worship let's worship worship in your homes worship in your churches amen wow it's electric here isn't it all right so they had a time of worship that got cut out of their video
I didn't cut it I pray that it's electric where you are you are tonight we're going to begin our time what we call weaponized prayer okay weaponized prayer here only because we know that the power of God infuses what we pray and so it's not weapon against people it's not a weapon against anyone any person of any nation but it is great to pull down this stronghold that we call a virus it's not pull down a stronghold that is a virus yeah that's yeah talk about mixing metaphors here this this is nonsense we don't know their science of course we do however we just want to be like Jesus and we know what he called disease in the
Bible God is not putting disease upon people
John 10 10 says it is the thief that comes to steal kill and destroy now
I'm finally to the part where I am able to ask the question what does let's see here let me pull the text up here 2nd
Chronicles chapter 7 yeah 2nd Chronicles chapter 7 you all know verse 14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from their wicked ways and I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land all right so we know this one but we always hear it out of context and we just heard
Cindy Jacobs say God doesn't send disease okay so 2nd
Chronicles chapter 7 has to do with the completion of the temple that Solomon built and so let's well just back up a little bit into the context because the three rules for sound biblical exegesis are context context context let's see what this says so thus
Solomon finished the house of Yahweh and the king's house all that Solomon had planned to do in the house of Yahweh and in his own house he successfully accomplished then
Yahweh appeared to Solomon in the night and said to him I have heard your prayer and I have chosen this place for myself as a house of sacrifice when
I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain or command the locusts to devour the land or send pestilence among my people hmm what what what did that verse just say
God's talking here Yahweh speaking when I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain or command the locusts to devour the land or send pestilence among my people if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray which means to petition
God humbly and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways so God is invoking something a behavior that he and he engages in and it involves
God sending locusts sending pestilence making it so that it doesn't rain creating famines and things like that what is that about well let's take a look at Deuteronomy 28
Deuteronomy 28 if you know your Mosaic covenant Deuteronomy 28 gives us the blessings and the curses of the
Mosaic Covenant and if the children of Israel obey the
Mosaic Covenant there are blessings if they disobey the Mosaic Covenant there are curses let's take a look at some of the things that it says here so but if you will not obey the voice of Yahweh your
God or be careful to do all his commandments and his statutes that I command you today then all these curses shall come upon you and they will overtake you cursed shall you be in the city curse shall you be in the field curse shall you be your basket and your kneading bowl cursed shall be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground and the increase of your herds and the young of your flock curse shall you be when you come in and curse shall you be when you go out the
Lord will send on you curses confusion and frustration and all that you undertake to do until you are destroyed and perish quickly on account of the evil of your deeds because you have forsaken me the
Lord will make pestilence stick to you until he has consumed you off the land that you are entering to take possession of it
God's sending pestilence huh Yahweh will strike you with wasting disease who will strike it doesn't say the devil says the
Lord Yahweh will strike you with wasting disease with fever inflammation and fiery heat with drought and with blight with mildew they shall pursue you until you perish and the heavens over your head shall be bronze and the earth underneath you shall be iron
Yahweh will make the rain of your land powder from heaven dust shall come down on you until you are destroyed
Yahweh will cause you to be defeated before your enemies you shall go out one way against them flee seven ways before them and you shall be a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth and your dead body shall be found for all the birds of the air and for the beasts of the earth and there shall be no one to frighten them away
Yahweh will strike you with the boils of Egypt with the tumors and scabs and the itch of which you cannot be healed
I guess even by a silver solution and Yahweh will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of mind and you shall grope at noonday as the blind gropes in the darkness and you shall not prosper in all your ways and you shall be only oppressed and robbed continually and there shall be no one to help you you shall betroth the wife but another man shall ravish her you shall build a house but you shall not dwell in it you shall plant a vineyard but you shall not enjoy its fruit your ox will be slaughtered before your eyes but you shall not eat any of it your donkey shall be seized before your face but shall not be restored to you your sheep shall be given to your enemies and there shall be no one to help you your sons and your daughters shall be given to another people while your eyes look on and fail with longing for them all the day long but you shall be helpless a nation that you have not known shall eat up the fruit of your ground and of all your labors and you shall be only oppressed and crushed continually so that you are driven mad by the sights that your eyes see
Yahweh will strike you on the knees and on the legs with grievous boils of which you cannot be healed from the sole of your foot to the crown of your head seems to me like scriptures clear that there are some pretty severe consequences for disobeying
God now all of that being said we want to be sure that we do not try to pin the coronavirus on a particular sin of a particular nation or of the world the reason why there are diseases and devastation and pestilences and plagues on planet earth is because of our collective rebellion against God not a particular sin so it would be out of bounds to say oh the reason why the the coronavirus has struck our world is because of this particular sin no this is a result of all of us and our collective rebellion against God the creation itself is cursed and you'll note
God is the one who sends these things for the purpose of getting our attention and driving us to repentance when our sin has consequences we recognize that God doesn't play around and the wages of sin is death and that death can come to us at any time me included you included and so what
Cindy Jacobs said is absolutely false that God is not the one who sent this no
God really is the one this is the consequences of our sin and so again here the words then of of 2nd
Chronicles 714 if my people who are called by that my name humble themselves humble themselves and pray that means to humbly petition
God seek my face turn from their wicked ways right then
I will hear from heaven and what I will forgive their sin and heal their land so note you know so when when something evil befalls us this calls us to humbly consider our own sin and pray to God in repentance and what does
God promise forgiveness and healing forgiveness and healing so and that's the idea now if you want to get a good idea of what the type of the right kind of prayer would be consider
Daniel Daniel lived through one of the curses of the
Mosaic Covenant in that he was taken captive to Babylon he was part of a remnant of the people of Judah who survived the the the sack of Jerusalem and the destruction of of the tribe of Judah the southern kingdom by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and and he you know he was taken up and forced to move somewhere else and and you know he didn't seed
Israel again he didn't see Jerusalem again he was taken into captivity and so consider then you know this is a model prayer of recognizing our sin and one that fits what
God said in 2nd Chronicles 714 so let's just read for in the first year of Darius the son of Asawerus a descendant of the descent by descent of mead who was made king over the realm of the
Chaldeans in the first year of his reign I Daniel perceived in the book books the number of years that according to the word of Yahweh to Jeremiah the
Prophet must pass before the end of the desolations of Jerusalem namely 70 years so he's reading the
Prophet Jeremiah and then listen to what he says so then I turn my face to Yahweh Elohim to the
Lord God seeking him by prayer and please for mercy with fasting sackcloth and ashes
I prayed to Yahweh my God and made confession saying O Lord the great and awesome
God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments we have sinned and done wrong we've acted wickedly and we've rebelled turning aside from your commandments and your rules we have not listened to your servants the prophets who spoke in your name to our kings our princes our fathers and all the people of the land to you
O Lord belongs righteousness but to us open shame as at this day to the men of Judah to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all of Israel those who are near and those who are far away in all the lands to which you have driven them because of the treachery that they have committed against you to us
O Lord O Yahweh belongs open shame to our kings to our princes and our fathers because we have sinned against you to Yahweh our
God belong mercy and forgiveness for we have rebelled against him and have not obeyed the voice of Yahweh our
God by walking in his ways which he set before us by his servants the prophets all
Israel has transgressed your laws and turned aside refusing to obey your voice and the curse and oath that are written in the law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out upon us because we have sinned against you and you'll know that's invoking what we were reading in Deuteronomy 28 the curses of the
Mosaic Covenant and so what happened why why did this tragedy this calamity happen to Judah because of their sin and what is
Daniel doing humbling himself praying asking
God to forgive recognizing that the calamity that they've suffered is the result of their rebellion against God and God is the one who sent the calamity to them as he said he would he has confirmed his words which he spoke against us and against our rulers who ruled us by bringing us to a great calamity for under the whole heaven there has not been done anything like what has been done against Jerusalem as it is written in the law of Moses all this calamity has come upon us yet we have not entreated the favor of Yahweh our
God turning from our iniquities and gaining insight by your truth therefore Yahweh has kept ready the calamity and has brought it upon us for Yahweh our
God is righteous and all the works that he's done and we have not obeyed his voice and now
Oh Lord our God who brought your people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand and have made a name for yourself as at this day we have sinned and we have done wickedly
Oh Lord according to all your righteous acts let your anger and your wrath turn away from your city
Jerusalem your holy hill because for our sins and for the iniquities of our fathers
Jerusalem and your people have become a byword among all who are around us now therefore
Oh our God listen to the prayer of your servant and to his pleas for mercy and for your own sake
Oh Lord make your face to shine upon your sanctuary which is desolate Oh my
God incline your ear and hear open your eyes and see our desolations in the city that is called by your name for we do not present our pleas before you because of our righteousness but because of your great mercy
Oh Lord hear Oh Lord forgive Oh Lord pay attention and act delay not for your own sake oh my god please because of your city and your people they are called by your name and you're gonna note here that is the perfect example of what prayer is and specifically of what is called for in 2nd
Chronicles 714 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wickedness from their wicked ways then
I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and heal their land and then note verse 13 when
I shut up the heavens so there is no rain or command the locusts devour the land or send pestilence among my people who sent them
God so if you really want to have a proper understanding of the coronavirus and what a
Christian attitude should be towards it it should be one of well
Daniel's way of approaching it Oh Lord have mercy on us we have sinned grievously against you all of us but many times
Christians just want to stand in judgment say oh the reason why we're having the coronavirus because of their sin over there that person over there no this is collectively all of our faults all of us deserve to die and we deserve worse to die than them to die by the coronavirus and so a proper humbling approach would be to confess our sins recognize that all of us have earned the coronavirus because of our own sin and rebellion against God and call out to him for mercy for forgiveness turn from our wicked ways and pray that he would relieve us from the pestilence of the coronavirus that's what it means in 2nd
Chronicles 7 14 that's the idea Daniel shows us what that looks like in action and what
I hear Cindy Jacobs doing is just utter nonsense that completely contradicts the
Word of God they're they're gonna weaponize their worship and stuff they're gonna decree and declare and thingies and it's gonna accomplish nothing but the very verse that she quoted 2nd
Chronicles 7 14 she's not even paying attention to it and she delusionally thinks that she's doing what 2nd
Chronicles 7 14 calls for when it nothing could be far farther from the truth so let me come back to this and let's just back up just a smidge so that you can hear her false theology twisting of the scriptures and and not rightly understanding what it is that we need to be doing in this house that's weird
Deuteronomy 28 says otherwise 2nd Chronicles 7 13 says otherwise we won't even talk about Joven other other passages all right so what we're gonna do is
I'm gonna fast forward a little bit we're just gonna drop the play head at a couple of places and we're gonna listen to one gal as she prays to see if her prayer sounds anything like Daniel's prayer or if this is some kind of weird delusional stuff let's listen in every disease will bow the corona virus doesn't have knees where's the repentance of sins part turning from your wickedness so God can forgive you we declare your goodness to sweep over the land this isn't a prayer show yourself mighty father
God show yourself mighty we pray in Jesus name Holy Spirit activate your church activate your intercessors
Holy Spirit we know that you are groaning all of the earth all of the earth is groaning waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God God's glory that he desires to release into the earth is being held back what this is the moment when we unite with the groaning of the
Holy Spirit who knows the will of God and we release the purpose and the will of God for healing throughout the nation all right they just released the purpose of the will of God yeah
I didn't hear anything about humbling yourself and you know praying and then you know all that kind of stuff so let me fast forward to the next fellow and let's see what his prayers like here we go right well
I had an encounter with the Lord the other day and it went a dream and see this is all being laid out right now for such a time as this because we are literally what's being established yeah you just quoted
Esther out of context right now is the greatest awakening this planet has ever seen and in the dream
John G Lake appeared to me and John G Lake was a healing revival really you're talking to the dead you do know the necromancy is forbidden by God's Word right
I have all this back in the early turn of the 20th century who went right into the face of the black plague and didn't get injured by it on fact they actually put the plague on his skin and they watched the plague die really
I'd like to see the evidence for that I mean for real bonafide medical evidence they put plague on him and it died see there's this overshadowing grace of God's goodness that wants to come upon his people right now there's an overshadowing and see
Peter's shadow healed because there was an overshadowing presence of Almighty God and I believe
God is setting up things for right now because when John G Lake lately placed these gold bars and it was the anointing in my hands and this is for the body of Christ in this hour he is planting placing a new anointing in our hands right now first so John G Lake place gold bars in your hands in the vision that you had of John G Lake and he said the anointing that's coming will break the yoke what yo and then
Jesus was behind me and he said this so Jesus was standing behind you while you were talking to John G Lake who gave you gold bars and put them in your hand he said breathe in me and exhale the kingdom yeah there's nothing crazy about this breathe in me and then exhale the kingdom you sure
Jesus told you that what on earth is this he said it again breathe in me exhale the kingdom and then he said to the third time breathe in me and exhale the kingdom yeah this isn't crazy at all and then he just said these real simple words
I just want to read this he said now go with faith and release my kingdom go with faith and he knows he's not reading a
Bible there is only faith in my perfect love go and release my kingdom but love grace and power then
I woke up and I heard the revelation that God said this outbreak will be an opportunity for outpouring outbreak opportunity for outpouring you know
I feel like these guys steal words from each other hang on a second here this is what is her name again dr.
Sharon stone yeah dr. Sharon stone let's up listen into her prophetic voice yes she talks about the spirit of God speak a couple days ago and he said that he was going to bring us from outbreak to outpouring yeah
I feel like you guys are talking to each other and he said he was gonna bring us from contagious to catalyst mm -hmm yeah what does this mean and the
Lord said but we're going to have to pray for the courage to prevail we have to pray for the courage to prevail and I'll touch on that more in a moment but the
Lord had showed me a couple days ago I had to go up in my room just the the spirit of intercession was upon me so strong and the
Lord showed me that the enemy's attack was kind of a two -pronged attack that he was putting out over the earth right now and the first prong it said was the fear of contagious disease which were already seen the next is the fear of lack all right now we got her in the mix here but let's go back here
I my point was to show that yeah there's a little of prophetic collusion going on now who wants the outpouring see
God is looking for a hungry people a desperate people and I say even tonight Oh God that you'd send an outpouring in the midst of this outbreak
I decree and declare tonight God yeah you decree and declare all you want this isn't prayer again
I just look at Daniel's prayer in chapter 9 of the book of Daniel and you get an idea of what it means to actually do what 2nd
Chronicles 714 says and I ain't hearing nobody here praying they're decreeing and declaring and yipping and yammering and all this kind of stuff but they're not turning from their sins or anything that revival is at hand and I say we should go in the face of this disease we should go in the face of this disease and it shall bow the corona virus doesn't have knees the same as you've destroyed iniquity you destroyed all diseases so he's declaring and declaring that Jesus has destroyed diseases but you're not actually turning from your wickedness so that God can forgive you we invoke the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh and destroyed sickness and disease and we ask
God that you pour out your blessings that harvest time is now in the name of Jesus Christ we declare it now that in the last day says
God I will pour out my spirit and he you do know that that was fulfilled on Pentecost right okay so you kind of get the idea let's check in with Cindy Jacobs again see what she asked first of all for not calling the body of Christ to pray concerning this the second thing he said to me and also you got direct revelation from God hang on I gotta get this in context so strongly about the epidemic of fear that's trying to happen and the
Lord spoke to us several things about this epidemic of fear and one of one of the things he spoke to me very clearly when he reprimanded me first of all for not calling the body of Christ to pray concerning this the second thing he said to me and also many prophets around the world as we got on the phone worldwide to harvest what the intercessors were saying we harvest yeah yeah so they they all got together uh -huh that's why there's collusion the
Reformation Prayer Network the 50 state prayer network we harvested leaders you know just God that sounds weird they harvested leaders are they still living
I will speak he will not do anything but he doesn't show his servants the prophets the
Lord yeah the Lord didn't show you the coronavirus was coming yeah just saying all right now she was talking about fear
I want to take a look at something else and that is is that Bethel Church in Reading California the
Sacramento B is reporting this was published on March 10th 2020 at 430 a .m.
California megachurch cancels its faith healing hospital visits citing the coronavirus now over the weekend there's been a little bit of how should
I put a debate you know regarding whether or not
Bethel canceled their healing rooms over the weekend due to the coronavirus my sources plural from Reading assure me that the coronavirus was involved in their decision to cancel the healing rooms at Bethel and so I put together a meme on Sunday just reminding people of what
Bill Johnson has said in the past I refuse to create a theology that allows for sickness we're gonna hear that quote in context here in a minute and then healing rooms canceled but let's just postulate for a second that some critics are saying they had it planned they didn't cancel the healing rooms for the coronavirus let's just say all right fine they didn't do it they didn't cancel this weekend's healing rooms for the for the coronavirus all right that they had it planned we'll just postulate and say okay fine that's true if it is true and by the way my internal sources say that it's not and I'm standing by them presently we'll just say that if it is true then it's moot the reason why it's moot is because of what is now being said so the
Sacramento B which you'll note is not some nefarious discernment blog you know this is what they're reporting and let me close this up that a prominent
Northern California megachurch whose members believe their prayers heal the sick and raise the dead is advising the faithful to wash their hands urging those who feel sick to stay home canceling missionary trips and advising its faith healers to stay away from local hospitals okay so there is a whole slew of things going on that Bethel is shutting down as a result of the coronavirus
Bethel church leaders say they're in close contact with local health officials but they're not yet the notice the word yet they're not yet canceling services for the 6300 people who attend services each week in Reading one of the largest regular gatherings in far northern
California so note it is not off the table according to lead the leadership of Bethel to full -on cancel all their services okay so that's fascinating here through email communication signage and church announcements we are actively encouraging health practices and precautions to our whole community
Aaron to sorrow a church spokeman said in email we believe that wisdom modern medicine and faith are meant to work together and express the value for each of the in the pursuit of continued health and healing now let me remind you of the quote from Bill Johnson I refuse to create a theology that allows for sickness now let's just talk about something weird here no human being is allowed to create a theology nope there's biblical theology and then there's well everything else and we as Christians do not create theologies we are taught them by the scripture that one theology the correct theology of scripture so already we got a weird thing but I want you to hear this in context and that means
I've got to find it now I'm gonna I'm just gonna go ahead and reload this just in case so that we don't get we don't get you know it doing any weird things here but I want you to hear this there's no video this is all audio and we'll listen to it in context and I want you to hear what he says
Hebrews 1 says in times past God spoke to us through the prophets but now he speaks to us through Jesus what's the you're using present tense
Hebrews 1 if I'm not mistaken is talking in the past tense hang on a second here
I want to make sure I've got this sorted out Hebrews chapter 1 let's see long ago and at many times and in many ways
God spoke to our fathers by the prophets but in these last days he has spoken he has spoken and that is going to be aristactive indicative uh -huh yeah so he has spoken that's past tense you notice he used the present tense he is speaking yeah
I want you to hear this he's changing the tenses from Hebrews 1 which is weird
Hebrews 1 says in times past God spoke to us through the prophets but now he speaks to us through Jesus yeah no it speaks to us through Jesus has spoken
Harris what's the point that message was for them Jesus is for now with that message was for then
Jesus is for now that's not the out that shift there is a constant reproducing of an anointing and a ministry where does it say in Hebrews 1 that there's a constant reproducing of an anointing in a ministry that's not what
Hebrews 1 says that is not for today yesterday's anointing is like yesterday's manna that's not what
Hebrews 1 is saying and so this ministry of Jesus that dealt with every single person that came to him with affliction or torment he that's the only standard to follow
I refuse to create a theology that allows for sickness all right if you refuse to create a theology that allows for sickness why have you canceled missionary trips why are you considering cancelling the you know your church services there in Reading why are you not sending your healers out and of course
I'm just gonna ask the question why have you canceled your healing rooms you know huh
I mean if you don't allow for sickness why are you doing that because it sounds to me like you're allowing for sickness hmm yeah that's just weird now here we got a problem only one it's a small one the apostle
Paul gives a warning in Galatians and he says this he says now watch what he does here we'll debunk this if I he's the one who brought the gospel to him he said if I or even an angel comes to you and preaches to you a different gospel you had to reject it that's amazing an angel shows up and he brings you a different standard a different gospel rejected he says even if I come back to you and I change my mind don't pay any attention to me all right what gospel is it it's the gospel of Jesus it's the gospel of the kingdom okay let me illustrate now let's take a look at the text real quick here now it is true that in Galatians chapter 1 the
Apostle Paul makes it clear that even if we are an angel from heaven should preach to a gospel other than the one already preached let him be damned that's what anathema means so we'll take a look at the context of this and then we'll see if there's any hints as to how we can determine what the gospel is
Galatians 1 6 I'm astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel not that there is another but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ but even if we are an angel from heaven should preach to a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you let him be anathema that means cursed or damned as we have said before so again if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received let him be accursed and then you'll note verse 11 says this for I would have you know brothers that the gospel you on Galilean the gospel that I preached to you by me is not man's gospel
I did not receive it from any man nor was I taught it I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ so where did
Paul get his gospel from from Jesus directly is there a place where we can go to find what
Jesus told Paul answer yes it's in first Corinthians 15 watch what it says in verse 1 now
I would remind you brothers of the gospel that I preached to you which you received in which you stand and by which you are being saved if you hold fast to the word
I preached to you unless you believed in vain for I delivered to you as a first importance what
I also received who do you receive it what from Galatians 111 says he received this from Jesus and here it is here's what he received
Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures he was buried and he was raised on the third day in accordance with the
Scriptures that's the gospel all right so that that I mean that's the gospel that Jesus gave to Paul and so he says if anyone preaches a gospel a different one or one contrary to this let him be accursed so what is
Bill Johnson yammering about Paul refers to his thorn in the flesh which has been interpreted by many as disease allowed or brought on by God that's a different gospel no it's not the gospel that Paul preached that he received from Christ is
Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scripture he was buried and raised on the third day in accordance with Scripture and appeared to the disciples and then you know more than 500 and then last of all to one untimely born he appeared to Paul that's the gospel that Paul received so note here the person who's preaching a different gospel it's
Bill Johnson all right so cuz apparently he's he's not gonna he's refuses to create a theology that will allow for sickness well again
I would point out the irony here through email communication signage and church announcements were actively engaging in health practices and precautions for our whole community sounds like they're allowing for sickness all right we believe that wisdom modern medicine and faith are meant to work together and express the value for each pursuit of continued health and healing sounds to me like they're allowing for sickness
Shasta County officials announced Saturday a 50 year old man had tested positive for kovat 19 to others including one possibly exposed to the novell coronavirus on a cruise ship tested negative last week health officials said to sorrow said no members of the church are believed to have caught the virus
Bethel is one of the North State's largest institutions some 224 hundred students from around the globe are enrolled at the
Reading Church's School of Supernatural Ministry the church has around 9100 other members in Reading Bethel faithful are well known in Reading for approaching strangers offering to touch them and pray away their ailments including at local healthcare centers a practice that is now at odds with public health officials campaign to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus health officials advise practice social distancing measures such as keeping at least six feet of space between people in public settings uh -huh so you're gonna note here well
Bill Johnson who has said I refuse to create a theology that allows for sickness that the leadership
Bethel is now allowing for the corona virus yeah that's just really interesting yeah
I think you get it but let's head back to the Trinity Church and we'll do one more segment with Cindy Jacobs just because just because we'll do one more with her and we'll wrap up across Africa across the
Middle East there's epidemics of locusts and we know that we have authority to say these things we know there's been drought in Australia and as we look at we could say well this is
Luke 21 you know is Jesus coming but as we have talked together of course we want the
Lord to come but also we want the Lord to come within the harvest of the earth first and Satan always wants to disrupt he's a disruptor he wants to disrupt what what
God wants to do and so what really your God is like utterly powerless what we're going to do is we're gonna make a decree we're gonna make it oh they're gonna make a decree man this will solve everything decree that the coronavirus will cease worldwide and we're just asking you to stay on the live stream where we're going to go over an hour with this
God TV has graciously allowed us to do this thank God for a prophetic television channel and so let's stand come on we are covered with Psalm 91 no evil can affect us our families father we thank you for protection for our families come on agree online engage come on if you're tired just shake it off this is the important time of something we need to do we're going to decree that the coronavirus will cease worldwide they're gonna decree it man everybody'll get healed
I don't know nothing's gonna happen yeah nothing you need to be repenting and asking
God for mercy we're praying we prayed for vaccines we prayed for Israel we've heard they have vaccines we have people interceding across the face of the earth listen intercessors have been going to Wall Street I mean this is it all over I have to tell you intercessors are on this
I just they're on it man yeah I want to thank you intercessors of the world you haven't slept through this you have been very very active and we're gonna ask what
God will heal those affected we want comfort for those who have lost family members what especially pray if about Seattle area because we know that there's more deaths going on there and so father in the name of Jesus here's the decree and declaring no humbly asking nothing no repenting of sins no turning from wickedness not even an acknowledgment that God punishes sin all of this is coming from the hand of Satan who's just trying to thwart what
God is doing in the world no no no all authority in heaven on earth has been given to Christ not to you and me to Jesus they're taking throne room authority here did you file a lawsuit in the courts of heaven yet they're bringing into the situation man it's it's solved they just declared the coronavirus illegal
David they decree the cream it has to stop that'll solve it right there yeah yeah this isn't prayer this is delusional nonsense rather than praying to and begging for mercy from the one who has authority to bring the coronavirus pandemic to a stop they're doing nothing except for delusionally thinking that they can somehow steal
Christ authority and decree and declare and all this kind of nonsense rather than humbly praying yeah
I think you get the point and believe me when I tell you that I could go on and on and on I mean this is the tip of the iceberg of the lunacy the gobbledygook the cuckoo banana town nonsense that's passing in the in the charismatic and NAR churches as prayer and it's not and as solutions to this pandemic when it's not and and oh
I just again I just kind of have to ask this question I mean didn't God give healing gifts to you know men like Todd White and Benny Hinn and Ken Copeland and Bill Johnson I mean if God gifted the world with these faith healers why aren't they on the front lines out there you know taking on the coronavirus and bringing it to an end and sat instead
Bill Johnson the man who said that he would never never create a theology that would allow for sickness is now allowing for sickness and the reason for all of this is because these people are these are false prophets false teachers false
Apostles who twist God's Word and rather than calling you to repent and to be forgiven they are filling your heads with this decreeing declaring nonsense and rather than you turning from your sin and being forgiven and healed from God they are teaching you to somehow magically behave like you are gods when you're not so hopefully you found this helpful if so all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description and just a friendly reminder we're supported by the people we serve and that's you so if you don't already support us financial all financially all the information on how you can do so is down below in the description by joining our crew sending in a one -time contribution becoming a patron on patreon and everybody who joins our crew in the month of March of 2020 at Gunners made or above I will send you an autographed copy of my fine art print which you can see on the screen right now it's called
Minnesota winter sunset as my way of saying thank you for supporting the work that we're doing and making it possible for us to keep doing what we're doing so until next time may