Surviving God's Wrath on the Nation

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Better audio mix being uploading to GabTV. :) #FreeMenHere2021


You know, there are a lot of advantages to being a Christian. Obviously there are spiritual advantages, but there are other advantages as well.
One of the things that I think is so helpful about the Bible and about being one of Christ's people is that you can cut through a lot of the
BS. You know, you can see things for what they really are and you don't have to play pretend. You don't have to be in a state of despair or complete confusion.
The scripture allows you to sort of translate a lot of the things that you see. And so I wanted to just do a quick video today.
This was actually, I got the idea from 8th Century Woodchipper on Gab.
He goes by 8th Century Woodchipper on Gab. And I've thought and talked with my brother about this exact thing a lot of times.
And so this is something that I've spent a lot of time thinking about. Let me just read you part of this post and then tell you how
I want to apply it to the situation that we find ourselves in today. He says this.
He says, We like to think that because we're in control of so many things, pre -industrial man was not.
For example, we can fly, we can travel, we can communicate at unthinkable speeds. We can produce more stuff in a day than the entire world could in a year, etc.
We'd like to think that we're superior to pre -industrial man. The chronological snobbery produces a ridiculous hubris.
We think that because we can give names to powerful natural things we have no control over and can detail the mechanics of them, that this somehow makes us better than them.
And also that we ought not to fear natural disaster. The pandemic is a perfect case in point because we have so much medical technology.
We think we can and deserve to avoid acts of gods like this, which makes us far more susceptible to absurd charlatans like Fauci.
We are so advanced, plagues are only for premoderns is the idea. He says,
But we are not more advanced than them. And I have become convinced in many, if not most ways, they are far more advanced than us.
For example, ancient men understood that there were powerful spiritual forces behind tornadoes, earthquakes, tempests, plagues, etc.
Pagans had all kinds of pantheons of gods who controlled this or that thing. Modern man, including most modern
Christians. Now hear that. Most modern Christians believe this way. They dismiss that as superstition and postulate that these people didn't actually believe this.
It was just a way that they coped to explain with and coped and explained things that they couldn't.
But we do understand these things. They didn't understand them. So they said it was a demon essentially is what he's saying. But we understand these things.
So we know it's not spiritual forces and stuff like that. And pay attention, because if you're a modern
Christian who essentially believes that way, or even if you don't believe that way, but you act as if that's true, that there's really not spiritual forces behind storms or behind, you know, plagues, the
COVID virus or whatever it is, you need to really pay attention to this, because the truth is that the
Bible presents a worldview that is spiritual. It is. There are demons.
There are entities and things of that nature that do interact with our natural world and cause a lot of these things.
You see, I always think about this in terms of like gravity, right?
If you look at how most people talk about gravity, it's so interesting, because it's like it's almost like magic, because people will try to sound really smart.
They're like, well, you know, it's because of gravity that so and so does this, or it's because of gravity that the universe exists, because, you know, there's a thing called gravity.
And so the universe collapses in on itself, and then it explodes. It's like the replacement for magic.
And you can destroy most people's understanding of gravity with one question. It's like, okay, well, what is gravity, though, right?
Like, I know you've named it, and you can explain how it works. I believe all those things. You can explain how, you know, the formulas behind how it works and stuff like that.
Okay, great. That's all interesting, but what is it, though? And you know what gravity is?
It's a force. That's what they'll tell you. It's a force. You know, everything has this force.
It's a force. It's a natural force. It's a constant or whatever it is. I don't know if it's one of those things, but this is what people will say to you.
You know, you ask them, what is gravity? And it's like, you know, they'll either give you the equations. You're like, well, I didn't ask for the equation.
I didn't ask you to explain what it does. I asked you to explain what it is. Well, it's a force. And so what you're telling me then,
Mr. Person, Mr. Modern Christian, is that the universe was created because of a force?
The force created the universe? Is that what you're trying to tell me? No, God created the universe, right?
If there's a spiritual explanation for why the universe exists, God decided to create the universe and there it was.
And so we might be able to explain the conditions that lead to tornadoes happening, or maybe not.
We might be able to explain the conditions that lead to a storm happening, but we don't know why the storm happened, at least not specifically, because we have to understand that Jesus understood the forces of the wind and the waves and all of that kind of stuff, pestilence and all of these kinds of plagues and punishments for societies in spiritual ways.
In other words, when your society is undergoing economic turmoil, when there's war, when there's plagues, when there's all of these kinds of things, that's because of the judgment of God.
And so it's not just because like we had, you know, what happened was we got the bad debts and then we had a mortgage crisis and then the government bailed them out and that's what happened.
It's like, well, yeah, that's what happened, but what we need to know as Christians, what we need to embrace is the why.
Why did it happen, right? So you might be able to explain the 2008 economic crisis.
You might be able to explain the factors that caused it, the bad debts, the bad mortgages, people buying houses that they weren't qualified to buy and stuff like that.
You might be able to show me the mechanics and you might be able to name it something really scary sounding, but you don't know why it happened to the
United States unless you're a Christian. Then you know. Then you know that economic turmoil and pestilence and all of these kinds of things, pestilence doesn't just happen randomly.
It's not just, well, I guess this time it was just a random thing. You know, the coronavirus, the bat bit the person, and this and that, or they made the virus.
But the thing is, why? And God is judging the United States of America and God is judging many, many countries in the world.
And so we need to recognize that because these are spiritual problems that need spiritual solutions.
And so for Christians, we have an advantage because we understand that these things aren't just mechanical things.
It's literally just cause and effect. And because we can explain it, we can control it. No, that's not true.
If you think that we have the ability to turn away God's wrath through science, you've got another thing coming.
If you think we've got the ability to turn away God's wrath through good economic policy, or vaccine research, or whatever it is, then you've got another thing coming.
God's wrath will not be turned away in those ways. It can't be. The only thing that will turn away
God's wrath is repentance and faith in Christ. And so I would suggest that in these periods, as you are preparing for turmoil in the next year, and I think you should prepare for turmoil in the next year, you get on your knees and you pray for forgiveness, and you pray for mercy, and you pray that God guides you in the right steps to take, and the right moves to make, and all of these kinds of things.
See, that doesn't mean that you don't also do the things that you need to do to prepare for economic turmoil for all of these things, but it does mean that you understand that no amount of human effort is going to turn away
God's wrath. It doesn't, we don't stand a chance in that calculus. See, if God's gonna judge the
United States, we can plan and prepare all we want, but it's not going to turn away God's wrath.
Repentance and faith. Repentance and faith. God can save us, and as Christians, we ought not shy away from those kinds of things.
But unfortunately, that's not what's happening, right? Unfortunately, we've faced this plague, and what we're doing is doubling down on our rebellion against Christ, and I mean we as sort of like the royal we, like we as a country are doing this.
We have a president who we're following and obeying who's just rabidly in rebellion against Christ.
They're doubling down on all of the insanity that we've been doing for all this time, and talking about stealing even more money from you and your children and all of these kinds of things.
A lot of people are talking about this universal basic income thing. You see, here's the scam. A lot of us know the mechanics of this scam, right?
The mechanics of this scam go something like this. They tell you that you can rely on them.
You can rely on their protection. They will save you from disasters. They will save you from intruders.
They will save you from being in poverty and stuff like that, and then a disaster strikes, right?
Like the one in Texas, and all of a sudden they didn't save you. You don't have water. You don't have electricity. You don't have food.
They didn't save you, and then what is the solution? We know how the mechanics of the scam works, right? What is the solution?
A lot of people in Texas are gonna suffer. The solution? Well, universal basic income, obviously. We have government stimulus, obviously.
We know how this scam works. The government says you actually don't need to prepare for yourself. We'll take care of you. Then they fail, and then the solution is, give us more money.
We'll take care of you this time. It's a big, gigantic, humongous scam is what it is.
The government tells you, oh, we gotta fight this coronavirus, so you can't go to work, but don't worry.
We'll give you some money, and then they give you some money, but it's not enough, and so what's the solution? We'll just give you more money. It's never the actual right thing to do.
It's just, you know, more power to the government. We see how the mechanics of this scam works, right? And it's going to bankrupt the country.
The currency is going to be completely devalued, and all of these things. We all understand what's coming, right?
And so I would suggest taking steps to defend your family against what is obviously coming mechanically, right?
We understand that, but you can't just do those things, right? Like, I think every
Christian should have three to four weeks of food on hand at all times, just in case something insane happens, right?
I think Christians should have ways to take care of themselves and to have the basic necessities of life, assuming an entire breakdown of what the government says they provide for you.
You should have a firearm. You should have ways to defend yourself. You should have ways to figure out what you need to get done in the short term.
I think every Christian should be a prepper of some variety. You see, when I say prepper, people think of insane people.
Like, oh, that's insane. You've been programmed to think that it's insane to prepare for things to not always be the way they are right now, where you can go to the grocery store and get anything you want at all times.
That people have been programmed to think it's insane to plan for that not to always be the case. But remember last year, 12 months ago, right around this time of year, you went to the grocery store and you couldn't buy everything you wanted to.
All of a sudden, that for a lot of people, that was the first time that ever happened. I know it was for me. The first time it ever happened that I went to the grocery store and I couldn't just buy whatever
I wanted. And it wasn't because I didn't have the money. It was because it wasn't available, right? And so at this point, knowing what we know now, everyone's been through that now.
Everyone's been through a situation where they couldn't just have anything that they wanted when they went to the store. It would be,
I think, a distinct irresponsibility to not be prepared for things to continue to get crazier and crazier and crazier.
People are gonna make fun of you and they're gonna say, well, what are you, some kind of lunatic? What are you, one of those preppers? And the reality, just pay them no mind, right?
Because the truth is that we understand that the things we face as a nation are guaranteed to be faced by us because God will not be mocked.
And God judges nations in the ways that we are currently being judged right now.
One of the things is economic turmoil. He judges nations for devaluing their currencies the way we have from stealing, because it's essentially stealing is what it is.
It's stealing to do what they're doing with the currency. And so everyone's gonna get their $1 ,600 check and all of that kind of stuff.
And to be honest with you, I'm against the checks. I don't think that they should do it, but I understand people that aren't against the checks because the government told you to close down your store.
They told you not to go to work and you listened. And so that the least they can do is give you some money for that, right?
The least they can do. I get that. I understand where that's coming from. I'm against it because I'm against all stealing, but the reality is
I get why some people aren't. And so what I would suggest is when they do give you that cash and they're going to, they're gonna give you that cash.
I would suggest spending it in ways to defend yourself and your family from the coming problems that we are going to face.
And they're spiritual problems, but here's the kicker though, guys. You can make your plans. You could have a whole fallout shelter of prep if you want to, but the thing is it's not going to save you unless you repent and you ask
God to be merciful to you because these are spiritual issues that are coming your way. These are, we can understand the mechanics behind what's going on, the scam of the government and all this kind of stuff.
The mechanics are there for anyone to understand. And so even if you just understood the mechanics, you should prepare, right?
The thing is the why behind the mechanics. Why is this happening? Why has God allowed
Biden to do the things he's doing? Why did God allow Trump to do the things that he did? Why did God allow all of these things, right?
Why is this happening to us? God is judging the United States and so we ought to prepare as Christians.
We ought to use our advantages that we have. First of all, God has favor on his people.
We understand that, right? So we can still go out there and work. We can still take risks and we can still ask
God to vouchsafe our journey, right? We could still ask God to bless us and bless our efforts and things like that.
So I'm not saying this is like a hole up like the Amish and don't engage in commerce. I'm not saying anything like that.
What I am saying though is you should plan for things to not always be the way they are right now. And so you could start right now.
Right now is when you can start. You know what I mean? And so I would suggest doing all those things but we have to understand that this is a spiritual issue, right?
We can discern the times using the spiritual principles that God has given us in his word.
When does he relent? When does he take his hand of judgment off of the nation? Well, he does it when they repent.
We know this from many, many examples in the Bible and we know it from direct revelation from the
Old Testament and things of that nature. And it continues into the New Testament as well. There's no reason to think that it would not.
And so as Christians, we ought to be meeting as a church and praying at corporately before God and privately.
We ought to be reforming our own lives and repenting in our own lives and our families and things like that.
And we ought to be acting for the Lord with the full expectation that God will bless his people the way he's promised to bless his people.
I hope you found this video helpful. Look, if you're in a situation where you're behind the eight ball, man, you're in massive debt, you're in credit card debt, car debt, all this kind of stuff, and you're in this situation where you're kind of at their mercy, right?
Like, to you, the universal basic income almost sounds like relief. It's not relief, biblically speaking.
Biblically speaking, it's slavery, right? But the thing is, to you, that sounds like a relief to have that universal, if that's you, then you need to repent.
You need to repent and start right now. Start digging yourself out in faith and doing the things that are required for you to do in faith, doing it right now.
Repent of your sins, repent of all of that kind of thing, and then get to work, you know, putting yourself in a situation where you're not going to be in Biden's hands anymore.
You can take a little bit of responsibility for yourself. Use what we have in the scripture, the commands we have and the spiritual insight that we get into the world and why things happen and how they happen, and use what we have in the scripture to your advantage at every step of the way.
I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. God bless. God bless.
God bless. God bless. God bless.