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- I speak to you, in part 2 here, exhortations to faithful living.
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- Exhortations to faithful living. These closing exhortations from verse 14 to verse 18 in 2
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- Peter chapter 3 gives us the application of how we can live faithful and persevere to the very end.
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- God's Word gives us those answers. It gives application to it.
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- Aren't you glad that God does not leave us in the dark? There's great light and glorious light within these words.
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- And now let's pray for just a few minutes as we look into these closing words of being steadfast and diligent that the
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- Holy Spirit would have His way and help us to see and to apply this to our own lives.
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- We need the application, but we must catch everything that He's saying here in order to live faithful.
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- To live faithful, to be found in Him. To be found in Him. Do you want to be found faithful in Him?
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- That's all that's going to really matter to the end when we see Jesus face to face. If we found mercy with Him and that we're faithful and found in Him.
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- And like I said, we can know all the knowledge, we must apply it. We must apply it.
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- Amen? So the Apostle Peter's last will and testament to the church of the living God is to be found in Him, to be found faithful in Him.
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- And let's pray and please bow with me in prayer just for a few minutes as we seek the
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- Lord's face within this hour of worship and hear from heaven. Amen? Our Father and our
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- God, Lord, we thank You. We thank You for Your Holy Word.
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- Your Word does not return void, but it goes forth in power and truth. Not because of the one that delivers it, but because it is
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- Your Word. We desire truth in the inward parts as David prayed.
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- But Father, our great prayer today is we desire for Your name to be hallowed.
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- Your name is holy. It is to be hallowed. And Lord, there's none beside You.
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- Help us to praise You. Help us to glorify You, Lord. And help us to exalt
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- You as You truly are. Lord, we could do, again, we could do all the right things.
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- We can go through the forum. There could be a good message and order.
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- We could sing the wonderful hymns as we have sung. Lord, we could put together everything perfectly.
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- But Lord, unless Your Holy Spirit is in everything, we do everything in vain. So Lord, we pray now that Your blessed
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- Holy Spirit would be within everything that we do in worship to You.
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- Praying, singing, preaching. Lord, may it all truly give glory to You.
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- That is our prayer. That is our prayer, O God. So glorify
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- Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. May He be lifted up within this time of worship.
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- Help us as John the Baptist said, Behold the Lamb of God. Behold the
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- Lamb of God. Your Lamb. You have provided the
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- Lamb. So Father, give us ears to hear, eyes to see, and a heart to perceive by Your Holy Spirit.
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- And may Your Holy Spirit be our teacher today through Your Word. And we'll be careful to give You all the glory and the praise and the honor.
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- And we ask this in Jesus' name. O that we would be found faithful.
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- O that we would be found faithful to the very end. Until we see our
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- Lord and Savior face to face. Until we meet Him. Whether He comes back in His second coming.
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- Or until the time we draw our last fleeting breaths and we see Him face to face.
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- To be found faithful. To be steadfast. To be diligent.
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- Now in the light of the sure promise of our Lord's second return, His glorious return.
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- When He would come back in power and glory. This is really all, everything that Peter has spoken in his second epistle.
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- And he basically narrows it down. Will we be found faithful by Him at His coming?
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- His second coming. This is application. That's really the question. Will we be found faithful?
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- Now the Apostle Peter gives to us, to the church, an application. How we can be found faithful at the return of Jesus Christ.
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- And these exhortations, that's what they are. These are closing exhortations of faithful living.
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- How we can be sanctified. How we can be holy before Him and men.
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- And to the very last. And what
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- I love about this, this wonderful epistle. This comes to us in a warm way.
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- It's very pastoral. It's very practical. It comes from a man that was once a fisherman.
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- Now he's a fisher of men. He's very common. And he understands.
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- As we have gone through this wonderful epistle. I don't know about you, but me personally.
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- I've seen the loving heart of not just an apostle.
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- Which he is an apostle set apart unto the Lord Jesus Christ. He is a saint called apostle.
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- But more than that, we see a very warm, loving, God fearing pastor.
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- A shepherd of the church. We see a man that's been humbled by God.
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- After all, think of all the rebukes he has received from the Lord Jesus Christ. He was the only man
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- I see in scripture that was rebuked personally by God the Father. Verbally.
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- I don't know about you. If I was rebuked by the Lord Jesus Christ. That's the son of the living
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- God. And if I was rebuked by the Father in heaven. That would humble me to the dirt.
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- But yet this man was humbled. Truly humbled. You see at one time in the gospels he was a very straightforward, bold, arrogant fisherman.
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- Notice how Jesus changed this man's life. But here we see a pastor.
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- He is a shepherd. Truly humbled man of God. And what is he doing? What is he doing?
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- He is strengthening his brothers and sisters. He is strengthening the church. He is actually obeying the command that Jesus gave him.
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- After he was restored of denying Jesus. He is strengthening the church.
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- We need to be strengthened. The church is weak today beloved.
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- We need to be strengthened. Now verse 14 through 18 gives us that strengthening.
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- There are several exhortations. The first and foremost we looked at last Lord's day is found in verse 14 of 2
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- Peter chapter 3. He speaks of being diligent.
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- Diligent. Be diligent. Underscore that.
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- Be diligent. We are going to look at that word. I want to keep that word before us. And this is the closing exhortations that I want us to see.
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- Be diligent. That we will be diligent to the very end.
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- Look at verse 14. Therefore beloved, looking forward to these things.
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- What things is he talking about? That is found and look back now to verse 10 through 13.
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- We will see very clearly what things he is talking about. But the day of the
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- Lord. This is the things he is talking about. That we are to be looking forward to these things.
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- But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. In which the heavens will pass away with a great noise. And the elements will melt with fervent heat.
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- Both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
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- I want you to notice how many times he mentions the word will. The day of the Lord will come.
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- The elements will melt. The works that are in it will be burned up.
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- It is going to happen. He goes on to say verse 11. Therefore since all these things will be dissolved.
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- What manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness?
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- What a verse. This is a question all together. What manner of persons ought you personally to be?
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- That is so convicting. Aims right at our hearts. Each and every one of us here today. Hear this exhortation.
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- It is an exhortation. It is a question. What manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct.
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- That is our walk. That is our behavior. And godliness. Being godlike.
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- Following Christ. Notice how many times he says looking for. Verse 12.
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- Looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God. Because of which the heavens.
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- There it is again. Will be dissolved. He says that twice. Being on fire.
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- And the elements will melt with fervent heat. It is going to happen.
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- Verse 13. Nevertheless. Nevertheless. We. That is the church.
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- According to his promise. The promise of the Lord. That is what he is referring to. Look for the new heavens and the new earth in which righteousness dwells.
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- In which righteousness dwells. Notice how many times he says look for. We look. Look. Toward these things.
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- We look forward to these things. This is the promise of his coming. This is the blessed hope.
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- This is our blessed hope. This is everything that we. Believe.
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- In which Jesus will fulfill. In his word when he comes back. Just a footnote here.
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- Let me comment on this. I hear so many people within the church. And this is just. Not within one denomination.
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- I hear this everywhere. People looking for. The antichrist.
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- Looking for the antichrist. Who is the antichrist? Who is the antichrist that is rising up today? And they take this guess.
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- And that guess. And I have even heard some ludicrous. Ideas that Prince Charles.
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- Is the antichrist. And how ridiculous that is. Absolutely ridiculous.
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- But can I tell you this. According to the word of God. Not according to this preacher. There is absolutely nothing within the text of the scripture.
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- That we are to look forward to the rising up of one world leader. But we are to look forward.
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- To look toward. To be looking for the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ. We don't look for the antichrist.
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- We look for the Christ. We look for Jesus Christ. We look unto
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- Jesus. We look for him to come back. In power and glory. And put an end to all this wickedness that is going on.
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- The day of the Lord. Again. Look at how many times he says. Looking for.
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- And hastening the coming day of God. Look for the new heavens. And a new earth.
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- In which righteousness dwells. Verse 14. Therefore beloved. Looking.
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- Forward. To these things. Be. Diligent. That's the key word right there.
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- Be. Diligent. Persevere. Persevere beloved.
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- Persevere. Keep going forward. Keep going toward the mark. Keep pressing toward the prize of the mark of God.
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- In Christ Jesus. Keep going forward. Don't look to the left. Don't look to the right.
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- Look unto Jesus. Behold the Lamb of God. Be diligent. And I like to say this.
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- That being diligent. And perseverance. Literally rest on four things.
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- Four things. According to the word of God. According to the scriptures that's before us.
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- In these exhortations. The Apostle Peter. By the Holy Spirit. The first thing as we look.
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- We saw to be diligent. So we underscore be diligent. But. What are we to be diligent.
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- Towards. I want you to see this. The first thing we are to look.
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- To be diligent. To is the hope. The blessed hope of the second coming of Jesus Christ.
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- We see that this is really. What Peter is underscoring through this whole epistle. It's all about the second coming of Jesus.
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- Right. False teachers were denying. False teachers was mocking it. And he said that in chapter 3.
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- In the first verse. Beloved. Now I write to you this second epistle. In both which I stir up your pure minds.
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- By way of reminder. That which you may be mindful of the words. Which are spoken before the holy prophets.
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- And the commandment of us. The apostles of the Lord and Savior. Knowing this first.
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- That scoffers will come in the last days. Walking according to their own lust.
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- And what are they going to do. And saying. Where is the promise of his coming.
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- The promise of the second coming of Jesus Christ. Is being attacked. By false teachers.
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- Nothing changed. Nothing has changed. So the first thing is.
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- We are to look. Be diligent. And looking to the hope of the blessed.
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- Promise of the return of Jesus Christ. The second thing is. This is my outline.
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- Before we really break it down. Number two. The holiness. He speaks about practical holiness.
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- Our sanctification. Our holy conduct. What manner of person taught you to be.
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- In holy conduct and godliness. He speaks about this. In the closing exhortations.
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- That is necessary for a clear conscience. Before God and men. We will see that in the text.
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- The third thing is. We are to develop a heart. By the holy spirit.
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- By the way. This is something we cannot develop within ourselves. But within our sanctification. Our walk with God.
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- By the help of the holy spirit. We are to develop a heart for the lost.
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- For the lost and dying. We will see that in the text. And Peter has already covered a great deal of that.
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- And fourth. We will see. That we are to be diligent.
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- By laying hold. By laying hold of eternal life. By laying hold of the holy scriptures.
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- And studying the holy scriptures. Before God. Saying that we are approved unto
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- God. That we rightly divide the word of truth. And that in all these things.
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- To be diligent and be found faithful. Before God and Christ. In Him. In peace. And then he says.
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- Without spot and blameless. Now let's look at this very quickly. Look at number one. The first exhortation.
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- Is found in verse 14. To be diligent. To persevere. To maintain.
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- The blessed hope of. The second coming of Jesus Christ. His glorious return.
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- Be diligent. To persevere. Be diligent to persevere.
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- And maintain the blessed hope of Christ's coming. And we saw that.
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- Therefore beloved. Since you look for these things. Looking forward to these things.
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- Peter. And by the way. I've already mentioned it. Peter repeats this. Several times. He repeats the verb.
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- Looking for. Looking for. We looked at it. Verse 12. Verse 13. Verse 14.
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- It means to eagerly respect. The promise of His coming. And the new heavens.
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- And the new earth. In which righteousness dwells. So Peter assumes. Really he's assuming.
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- Upon the readers. That they. Are looking forward to these things.
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- Notice. He says. Therefore beloved.
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- I touched on this last week a little bit. But I want to. Give a little bit more to this. Time to this.
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- Beloved. Beloved. Beloved in the Lord. Beloved in the
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- Lord. That is a great word. Already looking for the beloved. Or looking for the promise of His coming.
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- The promises to be fulfilled. But He wants them to persevere. In this blessed hope. This is
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- His desire. He desires them to persevere. In the blessed hope. Don't you love that word beloved. I love that word beloved.
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- Be loved. Peter uses it several times. In chapter 3. In this whole chapter.
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- Look at verse 1. In verse 1. As I already mentioned. He begins by saying what. Beloved. Be mindful.
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- Verse 8. Beloved. Be not ignorant. Verse 14. Beloved. Be diligent.
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- Verse 17. Beloved. Beware. The beloved is to be mindful.
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- The beloved is to be not ignorant. The beloved is to be diligent. The beloved is to beware.
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- Be mindful. Do not be ignorant. Be diligent. Beware. I love
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- Deuteronomy 33 .12. The beloved of the
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- Lord shall dwell in safety by him. And the Lord shall cover him all the day long.
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- Don't you love that promise? The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by him. And the
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- Lord shall cover him. Is not that love? Be loved.
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- That's the love that God gives to His special people. His hand -picked people.
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- His elect. His sheep. God's own hand -picked possession. That He's called out of darkness into His marvelous light.
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- God's own people. His own people in which He loves to the very end.
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- That's glorious, isn't it? Beloved. You are beloved of God.
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- You and I are beloved of God. And God loves His own to the very end.
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- 1 Corinthians 1 .8 The apostle Paul speaks of being to eagerly wait for the revelation of the
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- Lord Jesus Christ. And in verse 8 he says, Who will also, listen to this personally, God, also confirm you.
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- Think about that. God will confirm you to the end. That you may be blameless.
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- Blameless. That doesn't mean perfect. But it does mean that in Jesus Christ you are perfect.
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- Not in yourself. Not in ourselves we're perfect. By no means. By no means. It is the perfection of Jesus Christ.
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- When God looks upon us, we are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. He sees the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
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- That is the perfection. And He says, He will confirm you to the end. That you may be blameless in the day of our
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- Lord Jesus Christ. In the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. The second coming.
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- This leads us to the second exhortation. So the first one is, Be diligent to persevere.
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- And maintain the blessed hope that Christ is coming. The second is, To be diligent to persevere.
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- And maintain the holiness. Needed for a clear conscience. Before God and men.
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- Now this is a whole sermon by itself. But I just want to touch on this. To be diligent.
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- To persevere. And maintain holiness. Needed for a clear conscience before God and men.
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- Look at the second part of that. Peter was very fond of the word diligent. Right? We've been seeing this word.
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- And by the way, He used the noun in 2
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- Peter 1 .5. Notice in 2 Peter chapter 1. Go back a little bit.
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- Look at verse 5. But also for this reason. This very reason. He says this.
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- Giving all diligence. There's the word again. Giving all diligence. Add to your faith.
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- What is He saying? Virtue. I would say that would be classified under holiness.
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- Virtue. Sanctification. Virtue. Knowledge.
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- And He's speaking just not intellectual knowledge. This is what the church needs. Not intellectual knowledge.
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- We've got enough of that. We're talking about knowledge of God. We're talking about the knowledge of the holy.
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- We're talking about the attributes of God. We're talking about all that God is. I love what
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- Stephen Lawson said. And I heard a small clip of this.
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- And I just amen this. This went all over me like fire. He says. He said as a footnote.
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- He says. He's saying this within the sermon. I don't know which sermon it was. But I love the comment.
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- He says today. And I believe he's preaching in the classroom.
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- He's giving an expository preaching to young men. And this is what he said about preaching today.
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- And this is so true beloved. Tell me if you don't see this today in the churches. No matter what the denomination it is.
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- He says our preaching is too horizontal. Our preaching is too man centered. Our preaching is too down to earth.
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- He said it's time for our preaching to be more vertical. The preaching must be God centered.
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- He said it is time for God to come back to the pulpit.
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- Amen. What would happen in the church today if God was glorified behind the pulpit.
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- God was glorified in the church. If Jesus Christ was lifted up like he should be lifted up. If the preached word was preached like it should be.
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- There would be revival. He is so right. He is so right.
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- The knowledge of the holy. The knowledge of the holy. Look at the verb.
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- He uses a verb. Peter uses a verb in verse 10. Therefore brethren be even more diligent.
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- Now to be diligent is important. But here is a verse that he says be more diligent.
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- Doing what? To make your call. Your call. Only you could do this.
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- Before God and yourself and your own heart. Your call and election sure.
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- Make it sure. Paul says examine yourself that you are in the faith.
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- No one could do this but you before God. On our face before God. In prayer before God.
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- He says you make your be more diligent. To make your call and election sure.
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- And then he says this. For if you do these things you will never stumble.
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- You know why he says that? Because our faith is founded upon a rock.
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- And that rock is Jesus Christ. That rock is
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- Jesus Christ. Everything he focuses on. Don't you love these apostles? Really and I quote
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- MacArthur here. He says all the epistles. All the apostles.
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- And all that they speak of. From after Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And then you have
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- Acts. The history of the church. But you have the epistles. Most of them given by Paul right? We have
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- John. We have Jude. We have Peter. We have James.
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- We have these apostles. And everything that they speak of. Is commentary on the life and works of Jesus Christ.
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- Everything the epistles is speaking of. And I love that. I love that. I never have forgotten that.
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- Because when we study through the epistles. It's all about Jesus. It's commentary about Jesus.
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- It's application in Jesus. In Jesus. Everything that they speak of. Is all about Jesus Christ.
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- And I'm looking forward to it. Lord willing. We're going to embark on.
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- We're going to begin a great journey. In the gospel. According to John. And all about Jesus Christ and His deity.
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- That He is the Son of the Living God. He is God in the flesh. We're going to study that. I'm looking forward to that.
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- And be in prayer. Be diligent in prayer in that. So He says. Be more diligent.
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- To make your call in the election sure. Verse 15 of chapter 1. He says this.
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- Moreover I will be careful. You know what that word careful. That's one translation. It means to be diligent. Be diligent.
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- To ensure that you always have a reminder. Of these things. After my departure.
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- After I deceased. After I'm gone. After I'm dead. Be diligent. To ensure that you always have a reminder.
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- To be diligent implies. To give full attention. This is what the word diligent means.
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- Is it gives the full attention. It means complete focus. It implies to give every effort.
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- It implies. To give exert. All that I have within me.
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- To press toward that mark. Like Paul said. The prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
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- And to go after that God given goal. In our Christian life. You exert.
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- Everything that you have. All the means of grace. To go after God. To go after holiness.
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- To be serious about it. In our walk with the Lord. Give all diligence.
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- That's what it means. Give full attention. Give full focus. And can I say this.
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- This doesn't happen automatically. There are some Christians that thinks.
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- That it happens automatically. They sit back in the lazy recliner. And they think. Because God is sovereign.
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- He is going to do everything. But look what He has already done. And He is sovereign.
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- And He is doing everything. And He is in control. But I don't want to sit along the sidelines.
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- And lose the blessing. I want to be like Jacob. I want to wrestle with God.
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- I want to be wounded by God. To get the blessing. I want to be involved. Don't you? And there is a responsibility.
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- That we are to continue in the faith. To lay hold. On this side. And I believe.
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- Brother Keith spoke about this last week. He talked about the sovereignty of God. And man's responsibility. They run parallel.
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- Toward one another. They do not. Contradict each other. They do not intersect one another. But we do have a responsibility.
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- In our sanctification. To lay hold of God. And to press toward the mark. Of the prize of the high calling of God.
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- In our sanctification. It takes work. And I don't know about you. I found it.
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- Sanctification is very hard work. Prayer is very hard work.
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- My flesh. Fights up against me. To spend time with God in prayer. But in order to know God. I must spend time in prayer.
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- And by the way. It's not just a duty. It should be a delight. And if I'm not finding that a delight. There is something wrong with my heart.
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- I must check my heart. But God's people loves to pray.
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- God's people. It's part of. The breath that he breathes. It's like the bird.
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- The nature of the bird is the fly. And the bird would not be at home. In an ocean.
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- Where a fish is at home. He does that by nature. When we're born from above. By nature. We love to pray.
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- We love to delight in God. So we need to be diligent in these things. And these things don't come automatically.
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- It requires focus. It requires great discipline. Oh does it require discipline.
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- Oh does it require discipline. And the aim. For our diligent effort. Is to be found by him in peace.
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- Without spot. And blameless. According.
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- As I was studying this. According to Erdman's commentary. Quote. Quote. In a nutshell.
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- This means. Maintaining the holy. Or godly behavior. That is needed.
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- Listen to this. That is needed to have a clear conscience. A clear conscience is priceless.
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- A clear conscience can't be bought. A clear conscience before God and men.
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- Is priceless above it. And it is the look of hope.
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- He says. The look of hope. Listen to this. That must produce.
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- The life of holiness. I love that. It is in faith.
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- As we look. At Jesus Christ. Looking unto
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- Jesus. The author and finisher. Of our faith. We look unto
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- Jesus. Don't you love that. Because when you read Hebrews 11. The hall of fame of faith. He speaks about all these people.
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- By faith. By faith. Through faith. By faith. Abraham. By faith. Enoch. By faith.
- 33:48
- All these great patriarchs. All these great men of God. Women of God. Moses.
- 33:53
- Abraham. Enoch. Abel. All the way. And he gives this great great commentary.
- 34:01
- On all these godly men. But at the end of chapter 12. He says. We really. They are examples of faith.
- 34:08
- We are clouded by a great cloud of witnesses. But the one we look to. Is Jesus Christ.
- 34:15
- In other words what he is saying. They. They look to Jesus. Even though in the past.
- 34:20
- Jesus hasn't come. But they still look. To the promise. And that's what we are to do.
- 34:28
- We look back. Jesus Christ is the author and the finisher of our faith.
- 34:34
- Paul says in. Acts 24 16. Paul is testifying before Governor Felix. And he said this.
- 34:41
- I also do my best to maintain. Always a blameless. There is the word.
- 34:48
- A pure conscience. Both before God and before men. Blameless. A pure conscience.
- 34:55
- A clear conscience. And Peter says. Be diligent to be found by him.
- 35:00
- In peace. Without spot. And blameless. Paul says in Romans 12 18.
- 35:09
- If it be possible. So far it is depends on. You. Be at peace.
- 35:17
- With all men. If it be possible. We are to pursue peace and holiness.
- 35:23
- Without which. No one will see the Lord. Romans 14 19.
- 35:31
- So then we pursue. Listen to what he says. So then we. We. Pursue.
- 35:37
- The things which make for peace. And the building up. Of one another.
- 35:45
- Listen to that. The building up of one another. Beloved. Let me say this.
- 35:50
- Do you do that? Are you building up. Your brothers and sisters. In Jesus Christ.
- 35:55
- Are you. Daily. Desiring to encourage them. To build them up. In faith. I am not talking about praising them.
- 36:01
- I am talking about building them up. And encouraging them. In Jesus Christ. Point me to Jesus. Point me to Christ.
- 36:09
- And in this journey. Beloved. Iron sharpens iron. We need all the help we can get.
- 36:14
- That is why. We believe in the church. Don't we? The fellowship of the saints. And you and I.
- 36:20
- You know this. People that don't care about going to church. Now going to church doesn't save you. But when you are saved.
- 36:25
- You want to go to church. And by the way. It is those means of grace. That we come together. To praise our
- 36:30
- God. To love our God. To love one another. To. To build up one another.
- 36:36
- To esteem. The other. More than ourselves. Paul said that. For the unity of the faith.
- 36:42
- To build them up. Build them up. To love one another. To pray for one another.
- 36:50
- Don't you love one another? That is the church. And I am so much in agreement with Earl Blackburn.
- 36:58
- Jesus loves the church. And so should you. And by the way. And I will put a little. I saw
- 37:03
- Vaude Botman. He says. Actually if you don't love the church. You don't love Jesus. Preach that today.
- 37:11
- And see how. Much attention you get. Just go out in. The highways and byways of the world today.
- 37:18
- And what is everybody doing there? Loving the things of pleasure. More than the things of God.
- 37:26
- And doing it with a form of godliness. Do you build up one another?
- 37:31
- Do you build up your brothers and sisters? Is this your normal habit? To be diligent. To be found by Him. In peace and spotless.
- 37:37
- And blameless. Diligently persevere. Maintain the hope of His coming.
- 37:44
- Maintain the holiness of sanctification. For a clear conscience. Before God and men. The third. Is. To diligently persevere.
- 37:52
- To develop. A heart. For the lost. And dying. World. Do you see that in the verse?
- 38:00
- Do you see this? Look at verse 15. And consider that the long suffering.
- 38:06
- Of our Lord is what? Salvation. As also our beloved brother
- 38:12
- Paul. According to the wisdom given to him. As written to you. Isn't it wonderful the way he addresses
- 38:20
- Paul? He says. Brother Paul. He doesn't say the
- 38:26
- Apostle Paul. I'm telling you. Peter was a humble man. Now when I was thinking about this.
- 38:31
- He brings and he commends Paul. He's not. Saying anything bad about the
- 38:38
- Apostle Paul. And I want to tell you this. I want you to think of this for a second. The Apostle Peter was the head apostle.
- 38:46
- He walked and talked with Jesus. For three years. Paul the Apostle didn't have that privilege.
- 38:52
- Paul was one of the greatest theologians. And missionaries that ever lived. And he understood the gospel.
- 38:57
- He had a grasp of the gospel. And because he understood that all religion. Was just dung.
- 39:05
- A manure heap. Stunk. Before God. And now. Here is
- 39:10
- Peter. The head apostle. Older. Now Paul's already dead. Paul has already been executed by Nero.
- 39:16
- And Peter knew his time was short. He knew he was next. And by the way tradition says.
- 39:22
- He has already mentioned. Him and his wife. Peter was married. That goes against everything that the popes do.
- 39:30
- In the Roman Catholic Church. Amen. They think they shouldn't be married. Peter was supposedly their first pope.
- 39:37
- And he was married. So they go against that. But anyway. He speaks about brother
- 39:43
- Paul. My beloved. Our beloved. Paul. Brother Paul. And get this. Read in the book.
- 39:49
- I believe it's the book of Galatians. That Paul confronted him publicly. To his face. And basically of his hypocrisy.
- 39:56
- Of how he was eating with the Jews. And ignoring the Gentile believers. And Paul says no. You don't do that.
- 40:02
- The gospel was at stake here. Because Paul understood that the gospel. Breaks down all barriers.
- 40:08
- There's no partiality with God. No respecters of persons with God. God's intention is to reach Jews and Gentiles.
- 40:16
- And Peter was in a group. In a clique. Of Jewish believers. And ignored.
- 40:22
- And Paul said. And he rebuked him. Publicly folks. Think about this. Open rebukes.
- 40:28
- Better than secret love. And he did it. And Paul did it gracefully too.
- 40:34
- But here. Think of it. In his last. Before he dies. In his last will and testament. The apostle
- 40:39
- Peter says. Our beloved. Paul. Our beloved brother
- 40:46
- Paul. According to the wisdom given to him. According to the wisdom given to him.
- 40:56
- God's not slack concerning his promise. God is long suffering.
- 41:03
- He's not willing that any should perish. He goes back to that. That he spoke of in verse 9.
- 41:11
- And basically. Let me just sum it up here. Our focus. Should be in sync with God's focus.
- 41:21
- God's focus. Is that the world. He loves the world.
- 41:27
- God so loved the world. General. And we are to love.
- 41:36
- We are to love. And not resist evil. In other words. Face it. Jesus never intended us to be like monks.
- 41:44
- To shut ourselves up. His intention is to reach the world. Amen. Go ye into all the world.
- 41:51
- And preach the gospel to. Some people. No. Every person. Everybody. Number 4.
- 41:59
- Let's go to number 4. To diligently persevere. Lay hold of the help that comes from understanding the scriptures. In which basically.
- 42:06
- I've already referred to the apostle Paul. According to the. He speaks of according to the wisdom given to him.
- 42:12
- Has written to you. This is such humility folks. From this apostle. Not only.
- 42:18
- Of the. From the past. That he was rebuked by the apostle Paul. A younger apostle. And here was
- 42:24
- Peter. The head apostle. That walked with the Lord. He could easily say. Don't you know. I've walked with Jesus.
- 42:30
- There was no pride. He took the. He took the rebuke. And then. Here Peter is speaking about the beloved apostle
- 42:37
- Paul. And then he commends him of the wisdom given to him. And he says.
- 42:43
- That he's written to you. He commends it. You know. Most preachers won't do this today. They get behind the pulpit.
- 42:49
- Thinking of the great theologians. And they commend themselves. And how what great knowledge they have. But they don't commend the other.
- 42:56
- You know. D .L. Moody. Was a very humble man. And you know. That's why
- 43:01
- God uses humble people. And look at how God used D .L. Moody. And he always commended
- 43:06
- C .H. Spurgeon. And by the way. I read this somewhere. That when conferences took place. In Chicago.
- 43:13
- D .L. Moody. Would always sit. On the front row seat. With his Bible open. And with notes.
- 43:18
- And every guest preacher that came by. He was at their feet. Just writing notes. And listening intently.
- 43:26
- This was D .L. Moody. The evangelist. And he only had a third grade education. But God used him in a humble.
- 43:32
- Great way. And by the way. When he visited Charles Spurgeon in England. He wanted to do something special for Charles Spurgeon.
- 43:41
- And you know what he did? You know. D .L. Moody used to be a shoe shiner. And he shined his shoes.
- 43:48
- He said. Let me shine your shoes. That is the mark of a servant. Folks. That's why
- 43:54
- God uses men like that. They're not puffed up in knowledge. They love God. And they're humble.
- 44:00
- And this is the apostle Peter. He's commending Paul. Our beloved brother
- 44:06
- Paul. Love that. Let me give closing application.
- 44:15
- Verse 15 and 16. He says.
- 44:20
- Consider that the long suffering of our Lord is salvation. That is the long suffering of our Lord. Salvation.
- 44:25
- It's salvation. As our beloved brother Paul. According to the wisdom given to him.
- 44:32
- Has written to you. And he says this in verse 16. And also in all his epistles.
- 44:38
- Speaking in them of these things. In which are some things hard to understand. In other words. He had great wisdom.
- 44:44
- He's commended him. Which untaught. Unstable people. Twist to their own destruction.
- 44:50
- As they do also the rest of the scriptures. And he brings in the false teachers again. That this is what the false teachers do.
- 44:57
- They twist the scriptures. To their own destruction. They twist the scriptures.
- 45:10
- That's why we are to be on guard. And the scriptures speak.
- 45:19
- The scriptures speak. Look at 2
- 45:25
- Timothy with me. Listen to Paul. In chapter 3. Look at 2
- 45:37
- Timothy 3. Verse 14.
- 45:44
- But you must continue. There it is. Paul says you must continue. Perseverance of the saints.
- 45:50
- In the things which you have learned. And been assured of. Knowing from whom you have learned them.
- 45:58
- This is why it's so important to teach our children. The scriptures. Listen to this. Verse 15. And that from childhood.
- 46:05
- You have known the holy scriptures. Why? Which are able to make you wise.
- 46:13
- For salvation through faith. Which is in Christ Jesus. And then he says why? Well all scriptures given by inspiration of God.
- 46:20
- That God breathes. It's God. Scripture speaks. God speaks. It's profitable for doctrine.
- 46:27
- For reproof. For correction. For instruction and righteousness. That the man of God may be complete.
- 46:33
- Thoroughly equipped. For every good work. There it is. And he begins by.
- 46:40
- In verse 14. You continue in the things which you have learned. And been assured of. Knowing from whom you have learned them.
- 46:46
- From childhood. From childhood. Knowing the scriptures. Be steadfast in this.
- 46:55
- Be steadfast. Be diligent. Look at verse 17.
- 47:08
- This is important. All of it is important. But this is really a warning. You therefore.
- 47:14
- You therefore. This is personal. Beloved. There it is again. Beloved. Since you know this beforehand.
- 47:20
- You know this beforehand. You know it. And then he says beware. Beware. Least you also fall from your own steadfastness.
- 47:31
- Being led away with the error of the wicked. The apostle says. Take heed least you fall.
- 47:38
- You think you stand. You fall. Take heed. You be lifted up and puffed up in pride.
- 47:43
- That you fall. You beware. Makes me think of.
- 47:50
- Luke 22. Go to Luke 22. Look at verse. 31 through 34.
- 47:58
- Our Lord. Is speaking to Peter. Chapter 22. Look at verse.
- 48:06
- 31 to 34. And the Lord. Is basically predicting.
- 48:12
- Peter's denial of him. He says in verse. 31. And the Lord said. Simon. Simon. That's his.
- 48:19
- That's his earthly name. Doesn't call him Peter. Does he? He says. Simon. Simon. Actually.
- 48:25
- It's explanation point. Simon. Simon. Jesus is.
- 48:31
- Getting his attention. Simon. Simon. Indeed. Satan has asked. And another translation says.
- 48:39
- For permission. To ask for you. That he may sift you as wheat.
- 48:45
- You know. I love that. Because it shows you. Jesus is. In charge. Jesus is in control here. Satan is asking permission to sift you like wheat.
- 48:55
- Verse. 32. Don't you love verse. 32. Folks. Memorize this one.
- 49:02
- Hide this one in your heart. It will take you far. On this journey. This will take you home to heaven.
- 49:09
- Jesus said. But I have prayed for you. Folks. This is why Peter came back.
- 49:15
- I prayed for you. This is why he was restored. I prayed for you.
- 49:21
- I've already prayed for you. That your faith. Should not fail.
- 49:28
- I want you to think for a second. God has. Jesus has personally prayed for you. That your faith would not fail.
- 49:37
- And when you have returned to me. What does he say? Strengthen your brethren. Strengthen them.
- 49:43
- Strengthen the church. That's what he's doing. That's what he's doing.
- 49:49
- Folks. He's saying. You therefore beloved. Since you know this before him. Beware.
- 49:54
- At least you also fall from your own steadfastness. Being led away with the error of the wicked. He failed.
- 50:00
- He knew it. He experienced it. You can fall too. He was so braggadocious about it.
- 50:06
- And he said. Lord. Jesus. He told the Lord. Jesus. Even I will forsake you.
- 50:12
- I will not. And if you go back and look at that text. Listen to this.
- 50:19
- It doesn't end with that. But he said to him. Lord. I am ready to go with you.
- 50:24
- Both to prison and to death. We know what happens. Jesus looked at him. I tell you.
- 50:30
- Peter. I tell you. Peter. The rooster shall not crow this day. Before you would deny me three times.
- 50:37
- That you even know me. All being lifted up in pride. Folks. And no wonder
- 50:43
- Peter says. Beware. At least you also fall from your own steadfastness. Think of that.
- 50:49
- We can be steadfast. But we can fall from it. Don't you thank God for these warnings. Folks.
- 50:56
- They're so pastoral. They're so full of love. And grace.
- 51:02
- I love this. You can fall also from your own steadfastness.
- 51:08
- Being led away with the error of the wicked. I don't want that to happen to you.
- 51:14
- But no one else intends it to happen. They don't.
- 51:22
- But it happens. God's grace hold us.
- 51:27
- And preserve us. And that we may persevere. That God may hold us. Oh and we are clasped in His hand.
- 51:37
- In the Father's hand. In the hand of the great shepherd. But folks. We do not let go. Right?
- 51:43
- We continue. We lay hold of eternal life. To the very end.
- 51:49
- With a death like grip. Just like Spurgeon mentioned about the Lippens.
- 51:54
- They attached themselves to that rock. They literally put their teeth within the rock.
- 52:01
- And they hang on. That's the way we should do. Look at 2
- 52:09
- John. No I'm sorry. There's no chapter. 2
- 52:14
- John. Look at verse 6 through 9. Just chapter 1. Right? Look at what he says in verse 6.
- 52:25
- This is love. This is love. That we walk according to His commandments.
- 52:31
- This is the commandment. This is the commandment. That as you have heard from the beginning.
- 52:36
- You should walk in it. It's not our talk.
- 52:43
- It's our walk. Amen? You should walk in it. Why? Because many antichrists, deceivers.
- 52:51
- For many deceivers have gone out into the world. Who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh.
- 52:59
- This is a deceiver and an antichrist. What is he saying? Look at verse 8.
- 53:06
- Look to yourselves that we do not lose those things we work for. But that we may receive a full reward.
- 53:14
- Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ. Does not have God. And he who abides in the doctrine of Christ.
- 53:24
- Has both the Father and the Son. That's a powerful verse folks. Abides. Continues.
- 53:33
- He who continues. Continues in the doctrine of Christ. Has both the Father and the
- 53:38
- Son. Jesus says you continue in me. You abide in me. You are truly my disciples.
- 53:45
- And you shall know the truth. And the truth shall make you free. Guard yourselves.
- 53:55
- Beware. Guard yourselves. Grow. Grace. And glory.
- 54:04
- Guard. Grow. Grow. Look at verse 18. Back to 2
- 54:10
- Peter. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
- 54:16
- Grow. In the grace. Notice what he says. In the grace. Grow in the grace.
- 54:23
- This is a great verse. In the knowledge. In knowledge. That's an intimate knowledge of knowing Him folks.
- 54:28
- This is what it comes down to. It comes down to this.
- 54:35
- Jesus said it. In John 15. John 15. 9 and 10.
- 54:44
- John 15. 9 and 10. This is it. This is all knowing Jesus Christ.
- 54:50
- The true God. The living God. And Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. But John 15. 9 and 10 says this.
- 54:57
- As the Father loved me, I also have loved you. Abide in my love. Continue in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide.
- 55:06
- You will continue in my love. Just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in His love.
- 55:13
- Continue. You can put the word continue with abide. It means the same thing. But abiding is continuing.
- 55:20
- Is going forth. Is not stopping. Is being in Jesus Christ. But continue.
- 55:25
- Abiding. And that's a great verse. Because notice that's love and the joy that's perfected.
- 55:30
- Only in Jesus Christ. And then he says. These things I have spoken to you that my joy. My joy.
- 55:36
- May remain in you than that your joy may be full. Did you get that? The joy of Jesus is in you and may remain in you.
- 55:44
- And His joy becomes our joy. Our joy. The joy of the
- 55:52
- Lord is our strength. To know Jesus Christ personally. But grow in the grace and the knowledge of our
- 56:00
- Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Guard yourselves. Grow in the grace and knowledge of our
- 56:07
- Lord Jesus Christ. Be devoted to the Scriptures. Be diligent in the Scriptures. Saturate yourself in the
- 56:13
- Scriptures. Devour the Scriptures. Love the Scriptures. Jesus said.
- 56:19
- Man shall not live by bread alone but by. What? Every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. We just don't live by the natural bread.
- 56:26
- But by the spiritual bread who is Jesus Christ. To know Him. Jesus spoke about this.
- 56:36
- That they may know Thee. The only true God in Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent. Paul says that I may know
- 56:42
- Him in the power of His resurrection. In the fellowship of His sufferings. Grow.
- 56:50
- Grace. Now glory. Guard.
- 56:56
- Grow. Grace. Glory. It's all about the glory of God. Right? It's not about us. Knowing Jesus Christ is about the glory of God.
- 57:06
- What does He say? To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. That seems like such a small comment.
- 57:12
- But that's the icing on the cake folks. This is the climax. This is the pinnacle.
- 57:19
- This is the mountain top. This is not the valley. It's actually the mountain top. He's saying to Him be the glory.
- 57:26
- Now and forever. What's it saying?
- 57:32
- In Psalm. I believe Psalm 115. There it is.
- 57:40
- I'm telling you folks. We need to return to this. Not unto us O Lord.
- 57:45
- Not unto us. Twice. Not unto us. John the Baptist says I must decrease.
- 57:52
- He must increase. Not unto us O Lord. Not unto us but to Your name give glory.
- 57:58
- Because of Your mercy and because of Your truth. One more verse. Look with me very quickly to 2
- 58:06
- Corinthians. And this sums it up. Let me read 1 through 15.
- 58:14
- Therefore. Therefore since we have this ministry. We have a ministry. As we have received mercy.
- 58:20
- We do not lose heart. We don't give up. We don't faint. We have this ministry.
- 58:27
- What is it? But we have renounced the hidden things of shame. Not walking in craftiness.
- 58:32
- Nor handling the word of God deceitfully. But by manifestation of truth. Commending ourselves to every man's conscience.
- 58:40
- In the sight of God. But if our gospel is veiled. It is veiled to those who are perishing.
- 58:47
- Whose minds the God of this age has blinded. Who do not believe. Least the light of the gospel.
- 58:56
- The glory of Christ. Who is in the image of God. Should shine on them. And listen to what he says.
- 59:02
- For we do not preach ourselves. But Christ Jesus the Lord. And ourselves your bondservants for Jesus sake.
- 59:11
- For it is the God. Who commanded light. This is the power of God's word folks.
- 59:18
- Commanded light to shine out of darkness. Who has shone in our hearts. To give the light of the knowledge.
- 59:24
- There it is. Peter has been talking about this. The knowledge of the glory of God. In the face of Jesus Christ.
- 59:30
- What a beautiful. Powerful verse. But we have this treasure.
- 59:37
- In earthen vessels. You know what that means? Basically we have this treasure in a pot.
- 59:47
- A pot. That the excellence of the power. May be of God and not of us.
- 59:55
- Listen to what he says. We are hard pressed on every side. Yet not crushed. Is this persevering folks?
- 01:00:01
- Is this being diligent? To the very end. Listen to the diligence. We are hard pressed on every side.
- 01:00:09
- Yet not crushed. We are perplexed. But not in despair. We are persecuted. But not forsaken.
- 01:00:15
- Struck down. But not destroyed. Always caring about in the body. Of the dying of the
- 01:00:20
- Lord Jesus Christ. That the life of Jesus. Also may be manifest in our body.
- 01:00:26
- He is talking about death to self. Right? For we who live.
- 01:00:32
- Are always delivered to the death. For Jesus sake. That the life of Jesus. Also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.
- 01:00:40
- So then death is working in us. But life in you. And since we have the same spirit of faith.
- 01:00:48
- According to what is written. I believed and therefore I spoke. We also believe that therefore speak.
- 01:00:55
- Knowing that he who raised up the Lord Jesus. Will also raise us up with Jesus. And will present us with you.
- 01:01:03
- For all things. For all things are for your sakes. That grace.
- 01:01:11
- This is what Peter is talking about. Growing the grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ. That grace having spread throughout.
- 01:01:17
- Through the many. May cause Thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God. To the glory of God.
- 01:01:24
- Amen. Let's pray. Oh Father. There is such great.
- 01:01:31
- Practical holiness in what we have read and heard today. Help us
- 01:01:36
- I pray Lord. May we die to ourselves. That we may live unto
- 01:01:43
- Jesus. Father you have the power.
- 01:01:49
- All power in your word. And even commanded the light to shine out of darkness. And has shown in our hearts.
- 01:01:58
- To give the light and the knowledge of the glory of God. In the face of Jesus Christ. We thank you for this. We thank you for this.
- 01:02:06
- Lord we owe our life. Our souls. Our all to you. And I pray oh
- 01:02:11
- God help us. To live out everything here. Before us. It seems to be overwhelming.
- 01:02:17
- But Lord. Day by day. By your help and by your grace. We can grow. In the grace and the knowledge.
- 01:02:24
- Of the Lord Jesus Christ. Help us Lord I pray. Help us
- 01:02:30
- I pray. That we may give glory to you. In all that we do. Because this is what it's about.
- 01:02:37
- This is our chief end. Is to love you. To glorify you. And to enjoy you forever. And we give you praise and glory.