Matt Interviews a Jehovah's Witnesses at Boise State



Matt Slick at the Boise State (Idaho) Campus, interviewing a Jehovah's Witnesses who was passing out literature to students.


Can you use this for all uses, media uses,
YouTube and others? Sure. Okay, so you're a Jehovah's Witness for how long?
Well, let's see, it was 82, so let's see, that was probably 40 years. 40 years?
Now you're convinced the Jehovah's Witness organization is God's organization on Earth, right? Yes. And why is that?
Well, because we're trying to do Jehovah's will. And what is
Jehovah's will? His will is that every sort of man come to an accurate knowledge of truth that comes from his word, the
Bible. Did you know that, I was just reading my devotions a few days ago, in Matthew, I think it was 17, the
Transfiguration, Jesus is there, Moses and Elijah appear, God says, this is my beloved
Son in whom I am well pleased, listen to Him. You agree with that, right? I believe that we should listen to Jesus Christ, yeah, we follow, we're followers of Jesus Christ, we put our faith in that messianic kingdom, yeah.
Okay, so God the Father, the will of God the Father is that you listen to Jesus. Yes. Alright, Jesus says, come to me, all who are heavy laden, and I'll give you rest,
Matthew 11, 27, right? I'm sure, yeah. And Jesus says in John 14, 14,
He says, ask me anything in my name and I will do it. So He said, He wants you to ask Him for things.
We actually believe that we ask the Father for it, but we pray in Jesus' name, we pray, when we're talking to the
Father, we conclude our prayer with, and we pray this in our
King and Savior Jesus Christ's name. Alright, but Jesus said in John 14, 14, ask me anything in my name and I will do it.
Alright, so that means you can pray to Him, you can ask Him. Actually, in Psalm 116, 4, it says, they call upon the name of Jehovah, they call upon the name of the
Lord. When the Jews translated that into the Greek, in the Septuagint, they call upon the name of the
Lord. That's what it is, the Lord. Well, Paul uses the same phrase in 1
Corinthians 1, verse 2, when he says, that the church everywhere would call upon the name of the Lord, of us,
Jesus. Now that means that Paul is taking that Old Testament phrase, which occurs in the Old Testament many times, where God is prayed to, and He's applying that to Jesus.
That's why Jesus said in John 14, 14, ask me anything in my name, I will do it. So, can you pray to Jesus?
You know what, I didn't know that this was going to be some kind of a debate, and I don't debate truth with anybody.
I tell people what my belief is, and I preach about the Kingdom, but as far as to start debating, if you're trying to debate whether or not
Jesus Christ is God Almighty, instead of being the firstborn of creation and God's Son, which
He's not equal to the Father, nor He never ever said that He was ever equal with the
Father, but He's in union with the Father, and He has the same will and purpose as the
Father, and that's the reason why we too can have the same will and purpose as God, because He said, you're in union with Me like I'm in union with the
Father, being in like mind.
We're not part of the Trinity, we're still in union with the Son, and He is in union with the
Father. And that's the reason why He says, my food is to do the will of my
Father, and that's the reason why He said that when He was on the torture stake,
He said if this could pass, let it pass, let the cup pass, but to do your will is what
I want to do. Right. So that was His will, His will was that He pay that ransom.
Okay, well you said... So He had to die, He had to die, He had to die, He had to give a perfect life for a perfect life, you know,
Satan, I mean, not Satan, but He was the second Adam, and the first Adam, you know, lost that everlasting life for us when
He sinned against us. I understand what you're trying to teach. And so therefore, Jesus Christ being the second
Adam, He gave that perfect life to wait out, you know, to wait out the, you know, to...
I got you. take that sacrifice... Can I ask you something? heaven and present it to His Father, and so that gave us the ability to...
Hi, Mark., you know, when it said, you know, we have... I understand, but can I ask you a question here?
...forgiveness, we have to repent, turn around, and put our trust in that ransom sacrifice, yes.
Okay, so you said something earlier that's caught my attention, but Jesus said in John 10, 30, I and the Father are one, to pick up stones again to throw at Him, and He said many good works from the
Father I've shown you, for which of these are you stoning Me? And He said for good work that we're not stoning you, but you being a man, make yourself out to be
God. John 10, 30 through 33. What do you think of that? Well, Jesus Christ wasn't actually a
God while He was on the earth. We don't say He was a God, but they were saying He was God. But do you think the
Pharisees believed that He was God? Well, no. Of course they didn't, right?
They denied that, right? They wouldn't... The Pharisees were trying to trip up Jesus Christ just because He condemned them for what they were doing.
Right, but they were accusing Him of claiming to be God. And, of course, they didn't believe He was God, right? Just like you.
You don't believe He's God either. So you agree with the Pharisees. No, that isn't true.
I believe... Yeah, the Pharisees deny that He's God in flesh, and you deny that too. You agree with them. I believe that He is a
God, but He isn't God Almighty. Isaiah 43, 10, 44, 6, and 8 says there's only one
God. Because... Yeah, that's right, Jehovah. In Psalms... So how can Jesus be a God if there's only one
God? No, there's one God Almighty. It says there in Psalms that...
And I can look it up. I'll just look it up here. Here we go. And so, therefore, it says right in...
There's one Almighty God, the Father, and Jesus is the Mighty God, right? No, no. That's what the Jehovah's Witnesses teach.
No, that isn't. That's not what Jehovah's Witnesses teach. Yes, that is. Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Yes, it is. And so one thing you're trying to do is...
All you're trying to do is use this for a negative purpose, your little filming deal, so I'm not...
No, I want you to know who Jesus really is. No. And for one thing, you're not witnessing to me, buddy.
I'm out here witnessing. I'm out here witnessing to people, and all you're out here to do is what your little buddy over there and what these screamers over here were trying to do the other day, yesterday.
We're just trying to get the true Jesus. Well, Jesus prayed too, worshipped.
Goodbye. You're done? Okay, well, appreciate that. Thank you very much. Yeah, we're done. Okay, thanks.
Bye. We're done because you don't want to learn anything. You just want to tell me something... Okay. ...that you think is truth but which isn't, so goodbye.
Well, I've got a challenge for you, Genesis 19 -24. I'm not out here trying to challenge anybody.
I do. Well, there you go. You're like these guys that yell and scream and damn people, just like your buddy over here says that we're all scum and stuff.
No, we're not scum because, first of all, if we put our faith in that ransom sacrifice, we have a clean conscience with God.
Jesus says, unless you believe that I am, you'll die in your sins, John 8 -24. If you deny he is the
I am and you agree with the Pharisees that he's not God. Well, you can go bug somebody else.