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How can a young Christian keep the faith in a social justice world? A 2 Timothy 2:2 conversation between Pastor Jeff Kliewer and Kyle Robinson


Welcome my name is Pastor Jeff and this is Kyle Robinson. We are here to talk today about social justice and the question that I'm going to ask you
Kyle is how can a young Christian keep the faith in a social justice world?
That's the issue we have. So as a pastor I have no righteousness of my own.
The only way that I sit here justified before God is because of the blood of Jesus Christ.
I'm not more righteous or holy than anybody. I'm a sinner. In fact I'm a chief of sinners but I believe in Jesus Christ and part of being a follower of Christ is to follow what he says.
In 2nd Timothy 2 .2 he says what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
So the point of this video Kyle is I want to sit down with you. You're a young man. You're in high school and I want to ask you about what it's like to be a
Christian in a public high school in New Jersey. I want to ask what are your experiences and we can talk about those things but my goal in this is to disciple you.
Not with any wisdom that comes from me but to take the scripture and say this is what the Bible says about a given issue and this is how we can apply that as Christians in this world.
So let's go ahead and do that. We'll talk about gender. We'll talk about abortion. We'll talk about race and the
Black Lives Matter movement. We'll talk about government and money and all different kind of topics that all can be summed up under this idea of social justice.
So before I give you the first question which I'm going to ask you what it's like for you and give me a story about being in a public high school.
Before I do that what is social justice? Social justice I think is a religion that many people are following.
It's a religion because people are zealous for it like someone else might be zealous for God. It's a cause that people serve that's bigger than themselves and that they can lay themselves down for and the concept behind social justice is liberating the oppressed.
So it's identifying who is being marginalized or oppressed or hurt in society and stepping into the rescue to deliver them from that.
So the point of oppression could be any number of things. It could be someone who's being persecuted because of their race or a heteronormative person persecuting or victimizing an
LGBTQ person or it could be the the male dominance in society and how that holds women beneath a glass ceiling or it could be economic where somebody has more wealth than another person and therefore the poor have oppression because of that.
Any number of issues but these concepts of bringing equity and inclusion and diversity to the society is kind of what social justice is all about.
So that being said I want the reason for this video I want to hear from a high school student and I want to know what it's like you're a
Christian young man in a social justice world. So tell me what is it like for you? Well as a
Christian in a public high school during a social justice era it can be difficult for people to stand up and say what they believe because it's not only being followed by the students and posted on social media and popularized and just the norm but it's also being taught by the teachers.
Like for example on abortion and I was in biology class and my teacher was telling us all about the the embryo and how doctors can see if an embryo it's gonna be a baby if it's gonna have a disability or like autism or sickle cell anemia or anything like that and she was implying the idea that it is not right for parents knowing this to bring a child into the world and then it should be aborted and when
I said well I don't think that's right and I don't agree with that because I believe the Bible and the
Bible says do not kill do not commit murder and I know this is wrong and God values all life and when you try to step up and say it you're kind of made a joke of and the teacher just kind of laughs and says well you're not very responsible then.
So that's just one example. So are are you the majority at your high school?
No I'd say I'm a very slim part of the population. I'm a minority being a
Christian high school. All right so for an issue let's say what you brought up reproductive freedom they call it reproductive justice even like the just thing in this social justice world up is down down is up right is wrong wrong is right sweet is bitter bitter is sweet Isaiah 520 they will say that justice demands that a woman have a right to choose but why would we say that a baby has a right to live well how how how do we differentiate between these two opinions there's one way to establish that right if it's just your opinion my opinion and somebody else's opinion that's there's no objective standard right so how can a young man keep his way pure by guarding it according to your word
Psalm 119 verse 9 the Word of God answers this question so is the embryo inside of a mother a human life yes it absolutely is and how do we know that the
Bible the Bible right Psalm 139 says it's David speaking and he says about God you knit me together in my mother's womb he was me while he was in the room in the womb so he was being knit together by God but he was already identified as a person the personal pronoun me
God identifies the the embryo in the womb as a living human person in fact
John the Baptist when he was in the womb leapt for joy when Mary came into the same room with Jesus in the womb of Mary so the
Bible clearly identifies the the baby inside the mother as a living human being so we can stand on that yeah so in your class out of what is there 30 kids in there around 30 yeah how many agreed with you
I don't know if any did great maybe one or two yeah I don't think so all right so here's it here's an irony so you have the social justice world where the majority oppresses the minority group hasn't it flipped at this point that in America to hold to the teachings of the
Bible is now the minority position definitely definitely in your school there's no doubt all right so here's what
I want to do let's take a couple different social justice issues and talk about them one by one and not just making up stuff as like as if our opinions matter pastor
Jeff's opinion on this does not matter but God's opinion does right so let's go to Exodus chapter 20 and I want to read from the second table of God's law so God's law the the
Ten Commandments came on two tables and the first the first four commandments were vertical they were man relating to God that you're to have no other
God but him that's the first commandment you're not to make any idols you're not to take the Lord's name in vain and you what's the fourth one to remember the
Sabbath day to keep it holy these are vertical meaning this relates to how how you relate to God and then the next six the second table of the law is how we treat one another so here's a here's the issue someone might say to you
Kyle well you're not loving because you have a certain position on sexuality or on race or on gender or on finances but what is love that's the question right so if we're to love
God and love others the question is what does it mean to love love has to be in keeping with God's truth so if you're telling somebody a lie are you loving them no no right okay so let's start with gender the the fifth commandment says
I'm sorry this is the yeah the fifth commandment it says honor your father and your mother that your days may be long in the land that the
Lord your God is giving you biblically gender is prescribed by God in this verse you see honor your father and your mother and there's a promise that's associated with this if you honor your parents your days will be long in the land that the
Lord your God is giving you so there's a blessing that comes from honoring the parents and what you have taught here is a reflection of the original created order in Genesis chapter 1
God makes them male and female this is God's design gender would be a binary there's a male and there's a female and in marriage they come together and children come from this and this then is the basic basic nuclear family where you have father mother and children in the world that we live in is the nuclear family honored what do you see at your school well in my school
I just think that a lot of kids are doing the opposite not really honoring their their father and mother to begin with their worship other things other than than God and they want to live themselves but also now in the especially now and the not only the black lives matter movement where they speak of disrupting the nuclear family which most people the high minority are following also
LGBTQ they want to get away from having a father and a mother and they want to have a father and a father and a mother and a mother which goes against the bot and the
Bible and against God right so you just said something interesting black lives matter that's ostensibly about race right yeah well so you mentioned this before we we started this video and so I googled it and we looked it up the the mission statement or the statement of belief of black lives matter on black lives matter calm so their own words right let me just read from black lives matter calm we disrupt the
Western prescribed nuclear family structure the requirement by supporting each other as extended families and villages like Hillary Clinton it takes a village and that collectively care for one another especially our children to the degree that mothers parents and children are comfortable so rather than supporting the nuclear family the language here is to disrupt the nuclear family then he goes on or the website goes on to say we foster a queer affirming network when we gather we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking or rather the belief that all in the world are heterosexual unless she or he disclosed otherwise so the black lives matter agenda is to disrupt the nuclear family and foster a queer affirming network and that goes against black lives matter in itself how so where the biggest tell of telltale sign whether someone's gonna be successful or not successful or it comes from are they're gonna have a mother in a household or mother and father in their own household because if one of them is missing the statistics show very high chance that they're not gonna be successful or they're gonna end up in prison or unemployed or just stuck in poverty so are you saying that the narrative that white privilege and the whole racism of society the societal built -in racism is not what's creating the disparities of outcomes in people's lives no it's not right
Jordan Peterson is he's like a he's a professor in Toronto and he's done sociological studies on this trying to trace out the connection between things like if you're raised by your father and mother and other factors such as height or even appearance and all of these factors kind of run through the the matrix he found almost no correlation between race and disparities but most of the disparities could be just kind of parceled out based on just a few things one if the father is in the home living in the same home so there again we have the nuclear family number two if a person has children inside or outside of wedlock if you wait to have kids until you're married is one of the biggest predictors of outcomes interesting isn't it yeah all right let's go on the
Bible says if you do it God's way yeah it's that's neat all right so then the next thing is the the next command you shall not murder when
George Floyd was murdered by a cop who do you know that supported that officer no one
I've never met anybody yeah no one yeah when 600 ,000 babies are murdered inside the wombs of their mother more than maybe 50 % of this country supports that murder probably over 70 % of my school really yeah so this is the this is the rejection of God's law you shall not murder next you shall not commit adultery biblically defined morality is not immorality but the moral sexual ethic is one man and one woman in marriage
LGBTQIA plus rejects that teaching on the face of it how prevalent is that at your high school it's a very prevalent there's
LGBTQ history is now it needs to be taught in history now and needs to have at least one full lesson but that's a now it's it keeps growing each year and now there's
LGBTQ clubs and there's GSA which is gay straight Alliance and a lot of new clubs coming in and you know
Pride Month is a big thing among my like high schoolers or teenagers or just like young people in the world today and if you go against what they think they'll just think that you're a homophobe because you're
Christian you think they'll say well God hates gays so that means you're homophobic and you're just doing this out of hate because they're just too blind to see that it's actually out of love right so you don't hate gay people at your school no yeah what would your desire for them be would you want to see them come to know
Christ and yeah that's just the main goal for everyone that I mean just want them to know know
Christ and know the love of God and have you just know his grace and everlasting life yeah
I knew a young man back in when I was living in Florida who his parents said had been missionaries and when he came back to the
States he fell into homosexuality and then even into male prostitution and all kinds of just a horrible lifestyle that was destroying him even though he had been raised in a
Christian home he himself had not been born again there came a point in his life as he progressed through his 20s he came to believe in Christ for himself and you know
Jesus Christ completely delivered him from not only the practice of homosexuality but the desires for homosexual relationships he was set free by the power of Jesus Christ and you know he's not the only one
I know like that I know many people here's the interesting thing if there's one person who is if I'm not lying to you or if this person isn't lying to me when he tells that story it completely destroys the narrative which is that people are born a certain way and nothing can change that yeah yeah dismantles it it completely destroys it right so in Ephesians I'm sorry 1st
Corinthians chapter 6 referring to the subject of homosexuality it says such were some of you do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God do not be deceived neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who practice homosexuality nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor revilers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God so somebody listening to this video might say well see right there the
Bible is hateful it wants to condemn people to hell if I were judged based on what
I've committed in my life I would go to hell I'd be sent to hell because I'm a sinner like anybody else but look at the rest of this story here it says and such were some of you but you were washed you were sanctified you were justified in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God amazing and I noticed in that scripture there it doesn't just point out homosexuality because a lot of people are under the illusion that Christians are against gay people and the
LGBTQ and we just are homophobic and we think that God hates gay people no
God hates sin and right homosexuality is one of those sins and I'm I'm just as guilty as anyone else in the world and I deserve hell too and it's just if a
Christian or anyone witnesses to you and tells you to turn away from this lifestyle and follow Christ it's not because they hate who you are it's because we've we've been where you were in that same situation and we just want all people to come to Christ it's not out of hate it's out of love and sad to see in the churches even today are trying to compromise the new lifestyle with the
Bible and when you try to compromise you're not walking in love anymore right you're walking more in fear of society and you're walking in compromise absolutely that's exactly what it is because it says such were some of you but you were washed you were sanctified you were justified in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ his name has power to set the sinner free he is able to do that and he does it again and again there's thousands upon thousands of testimonies of people who have been set free from homosexuality just like there are thieves who have been delivered story read the story of John Welch he grew up in like a
Christian home but by by the time he was a teenager he was off on his own he had run away from home and he became a thief on the border between like Scotland and England and he would go back and forth just stealing from homes but at some point the
Lord drew him back he came back repented of his sin and became one of the most powerful preachers this world has ever seen he was a but completely delivered
I mean one of the things when he was so powerful preaching the gospel he got kicked out of Scotland the king who was anti Christ kicked him out of Scotland so within 14 weeks he learned
French and began preaching in French and there wasn't long before the French King came and attacked the city of ire where he was preaching the gospel and no that was a it called ire that was the
Scottish town but the king sieged the town the people built the fortifications around the town he shot a cannonball over the wall it hit not just the preacher's house it went through the wall of the preacher's house into the bed where he was sleeping and split it in two but missed him by an inch
Wow he ran out of the the house where he was tried to rally the people the gunners were scared to get up on the wall so he himself grabbed the powder keg and ran up to the wall another cannonball from the king hit the the that he was using his hat to hold it hit it out of his hand and he had a second near -death experience and then they got on the wall and shot back at that gun and blew up the king's gun on the first hit and the city was delivered from that siege that's history that's that's not it's amazing it's not a fairy tale he continued to preach the gospel eventually made it back to London preached the gospel on his deathbed he was allowed to preach in London one more time and he got out of his deathbed went to the pulpit preached came back and died why am
I telling this story it's the power of God to change somebody this is a thief who was just living on the border of Scotland in England who was so completely changed by the that he he lived this life of power in the in the
Holy Spirit it reminds me of the Apostle Paul yeah whose job was to tell his stories yeah which is amazing he was just a
Jewish Jewish teacher who believed the Old Testament and when the Christian movement started his job was to take kill
Christians and stop them and on his way to go capturing and kill the
Christians that he could find he was stopped by he was blinded by a light and a voice called or called to him and said
Saul Saul why are you persecuting me and he said Lord Lord who are you and the voice was
Jesus and he just turned from his name was Saul and then Jesus turned his name into Paul and became a new creation the eyes of God similar to the story he just told and just completely did a 180 and wrote most of the
New Testament and the irony there is listener the person who wrote these words is the very
Apostle you're talking about 1st Corinthians was written by Paul and he's the one that said such were some of you but you were washed you were sanctified you were justified in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ so the world is going to tell you that it's hateful to try to change a person and even like counseling to try to help somebody come out of homosexuality that's called that's even outlawed in many places
I think it's outlawed probably in New Jersey but you can't outlaw the Bible the
Bible the Word of God overpowers sin and changes the sinner from the inside out it's a beautiful message the
Lord has the power to change us I was a sinner who was dead in my sin but Christ came into my life transformed me when
I was in college I went to Eckerd College down in Florida and I was basketball player and there was a came a point in my walk with Christ where I started to doubt everything and I was
I didn't know because I had these liberal professors that were saying that the Bible was full of myths have you heard that at all oh yeah and contradictions many times yeah so there came a night where I just before God I opened the
Bible and I said Lord if this is true show me and the Bible fell open to Micah chapter 5 verse 2 and it said
Bethlehem though you are small among the tribes of Judah yet out of you will come the one to be ruler of Israel and I knew in that instant that the
Bible was true because Micah writing these words hundreds of years before Christ came just said the birthplace of the coming
Messiah that he would be born in Bethlehem and Jesus was born in Bethlehem and that's how my faith in Jesus Christ was solidified when
I was in college just completely changed my my thinking so many people doubt the power of the
Word of God they doubt the Bible they don't think that that it's true how did how did you become a believer in Christ I well
I was a freshman in high school and I was raised Catholic and was baptized and confirmed and went to CCD my whole life and I never really thought much about the
Bible I never doubted that Jesus was real or the
Bible was true I mean but I also had an image of God being kind of small and and like a fairy tale you know long long ago far far away kind of thing like yeah
I think there's a God I think there's a Jesus but I'm so small like I don't know if you can even hear me kind of thing right and I was more focused on just living for for myself and just doing what made me feel good and just so focused on myself
I didn't think too much about about God and my brother said one day he said hey let's let's go to church
I was like all right it's fine because he said we're gonna go play basketball after but you got to come to church is what he said
I said all right that's fine and then I came here and Jeff was preaching and it was just opened up my eyes so much because it just hit me like all this stuff
I never knew I was thinking I was going to CCD and thought I was learning about the
Bible for the last since I was in first grade all the way through eighth grade and I didn't know any of this
I went the next two Sundays and I learned more in just three services that I have my entire life and not only that it hit me this is true this isn't just some book this isn't some other religion where you have to earn your way isn't like I have to do all these things to be good enough and it actually says the
Bible says you're not good enough and you can't make on your own and you're not saved by your own merits or for your own works there's nothing
I can do so great that I can earn my way and earn God's love it's you can do nothing I'm already dead and you need a
Savior and I was born again when when Jeff was preaching he said everyone let's pray then if you want to be born again and know
Jesus you know raise your hand just said a prayer with him where he said that Jesus without you
I am blind without you I'm deaf without you I'm crippled without you is dead and it hit me like it like a wave was
I am completely lost completely dead without you and everything that the
Bible everything in the Bible is true yeah yeah in Ephesians chapter 2 it says exactly what you just said you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked following the course of this world following the prince of the power of the air the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh carrying out the desires of the body and the mind and were by nature children of wrath like the rest of mankind a couple interesting things there one people who are just following their own passions are led by their emotions there what they feel is right what they think is right they're led by their own course but they don't realize they're following the course of the world and as we look at social justice that's the course of the world right now that's this this tsunami wave of opinion that swept over the world but not only following the course of the world following the prince of the power of the air the devil behind behind all of this there are demonic forces the devil is orchestrating things so this is some bad news right here because it starts off by saying you were dead you were blind and deaf and crippled and dead
I was all of those things dead in sin that's a really bad state but there's a button so do you want to read that is it a
Ephesians 2 for but God being rich in mercy because of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in our trespasses made us alive together with Christ by grace you have been saved and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus keep going you can stop right there all right but God just those two words right there that God stepped in how did he do it he sent his one and only son
Jesus into the world to die the death that we deserve to rise from the dead and he does the same kind of thing in your life that you're dead in your sin but God intervenes he sends the gospel to you you hear the good news about Jesus Christ and then he awakens you he gives you life that from the inside you believe your heart leaps forward to Christ because his spirit is at work in you it says being rich in mercy because of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead made us alive together in Christ by grace you have been saved what does that sentence mean to you by grace you have been saved by grace you have been saved this is just there's nothing you can do and and God doesn't need us he was already living in in perfect communion with um you know the father and the son and the holy spirit and he's all -powerful he can do anything he wants there's nothing he can't do and we're just little beings and and we just we're not much of anything to be honest and then but by his grace some some reason he does want us and we can't do anything on our own we're nothing compared to God we already sinned we already deserve hell and he'd be just and giving us that but by his grace he saves us he chose to do it on him not us all all
God Jesus chose to save us by his grace not by anything of our own amen that's gospel truth right there all right now we're going to wrap this up by bringing it back around to where we started okay the last three commandments of the ten commandments thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness thou shalt not covet your neighbor's property or his wife or anything that belongs to your neighbor these are the commandments of God and what i'm saying is that the the movement in the world that's called social justice is against all of those commands so let's just think through some of the the elements of social justice and why they're against the command of God and they bring death they don't bring life so we talk about things like gender it's a social justice is against the nuclear family
God has prescribed that in the home the husband would be the head of the wife i could have just said a curse word right right there to the social justice world the husband is the head of the wife do you believe that yeah isn't aren't you like aren't you what is what do they call that misogyny or yeah that wouldn't fly too well today no and it's not flying well for for the world but how does that work in the christian home is that working for christians i think it is yeah where the biblical pattern is followed where the husband takes the lead in the home right it doesn't mean domineering headship means leadership and the the metaphor of the husband being the head of the wife pictures in ephesians 5 the way that christ is the head of the church so how is christ the head of the church here's how it is he lays down his life for her he washes her with pure water and the word he loves her so much that he's willing to sacrifice for her so when i say that that in my home i'm the head of the household yes it does involve elements of leadership but it also involves elements of sacrifice that i need to be the first one to step to the table to apologize when i'm wrong i need to be the one to to exert my energy to do the hardest things that have to get done i have to be the one that takes the responsibility to train my children in the scriptures and my wife also does a great job with that but the pattern doesn't mean domination it means that there's a role a biblically defined role and i'll say it even extends beyond the home in a sense in the church the only one who should be standing up behind the pulpit proclaiming the word of god authoritatively are men you shouldn't have female pastors did you know that i did know that yeah good i knew you knew it but so how would that fly at cinnamon sin high school uh not too well especially considering the amount of female teachers too where yeah teachers are kind of the head of the classroom and now do you think that that's biblically wrong for there to be no i don't think so but no just um especially now with the social justice and the right people saying that they want equality and that women should be the same as men and right um that everything should be the same and women are just as good as men and can do everything they should do or can do and to to say that um men should be the head and women should should follow in a household like like that which um would go against everything they're they're teaching and everything they believe in right what about the idea that someone can just pick what gender they are and transition that doesn't make too much sense to me because i just think you're you're born uh one way and that's how god made you how god made you for a specific reason right has anybody ever changed their gender no their chromosomes no biologically no they're a person can only essentially mutilate a body right but you can't change the gender that god has created and when a child has some kind of gender dysphoria and feels that he's a boy trapped inside of a girl's body and they begin hormone treatments at age 11 you know what that is that's child abuse yeah that's child abuse and biblically we understand that but social justice teaches the exact opposite that's the kind of the t in the lgbt right okay so we talked about gender we've talked about reproductive justice which is the the worst lie imaginable um biblically thou shalt not murder we've talked about lgbtq and god's biblical sexual ethic which still stands he's still god he still gets to define the sexual relations of his creation he's god the human human made in his image are not supplanting him and defining things now right he gets to define that now let's take a little bit of time to talk about race because over the last couple months race has been the biggest subject on anybody's mind because of what happened with george floyd and really the response to it so the teaching of the culture today is that anybody who's not a person of color is oppressing people of color right do you have a problem with that yeah i do i just well i mean from the biblical perspective i just think there's really only one race amen human race and it's just silly to me how some people i guess the people want to create division among everyone amongst the population because of something so insignificant as skin color which is just the amount of melanin someone has in their skin it's just so silly how that would even work and especially um right now i i think that the black lives matter movement is a lot of fallacies and a lot of lies that are being taught and i mean the thing i'm just most grateful for is that god doesn't look at skin color and he just looks at the heart and that's how we should all look at people and i mean mlk said that that uh he hopes that we wouldn't be judged by the color of our skin but the content of our character and amen you know the right now i think that from a legal system and from the the laws everyone is completely equal under the law and you can't really stop individuals from being racist i guess they're in their own self you can't stop some individuals but the the united states isn't systematically racist in any way right i agree with you now biblically what you're saying is that we're all one race right right so do you even accept the category of black white as a binary no no right act 17 i love the little pauses act 1724 the god who made the world and everything in it being lord of heaven and earth does not live in temples made by man nor is he served by human hands as though he needed anything since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything now listen to this and he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth having determined allotted periods in the boundaries of their dwelling place wow every person comes from adam so that's why you say that there's one race we all came from the from the same person and what's awesome is i i remember billy graham said this one time he's talking about john 3 16 for god so loved the world and it does not say that god so loved the white man god so loved the black man god so loves the gay man or africa or asia or america said god to the world he loves all people that he said his one and only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life so it's not just well we're this race so we're we're in we're in god's favor and you're that race and you're over there no he loves us all and he had a plan for all of our lives and he set us on our own course and we all come from the same the same adam and eve and we've all fallen in the sin we're all like like that at one point we're all just dead people walking and that's a common factor of all people that we just need jesus and we're all in the same boat amen so who invented this idea of angloid and mongloid and negroid and all the different quote -unquote races well that developed culturally over time and then of course darwin was the one who promoted that evolution brought forth different races in different places and created these categories so which is it did god make all people from one man adam in which case there's only one race and the difference between people is just about how much melanin is in your skin which really has more to do with how far a person was from the equator you know as as micro evolution evolutionary changes took place not macro meaning there's not a change from one species to another but people who for generation after generation procreated in scandinavia would have much less melanin in their skin because of the conditions of the environment than someone who was very near to the equator might be a light -skinned person or a dark -skinned person that's always going to be a person it's just a person right so that there's no difference biologically so now here's the the real kicker with what social justice does it grabs that evolutionary model of darwin and then it does something else with it it takes one part of humanity and calls that group a person of color and then it separates out those who are supposedly white which i don't know about your skin but you you were at the beach the last week or so right so is there anything white about your skin or my skin i'd say it's more of a light brown yeah just a light brown and but to be called white what is the reason for that it's to create this binary between person of color and white and then to take the next step and say well the white is oppressing the dark person of color whether it be any ethnicity that's not from a european descent so to create that binary and that system of oppression this perfectly defines cultural marxism marxism is this idea of oppressor and victim right marx wanted to see the uh the overthrow of basically the west capitalism because he saw a proletariat and a bourgeoisie and the the people with power and money were oppressing the poor that's how he saw the world just kind of two systems the rich versus the poor and he wanted to see the overthrow of this so basically intentionally stoking division to bring about a revolution right well that didn't work in america it worked in russia until it fell apart and what communism always does it worked in china and venezuela and you know pull pot in every place where it was tried it failed but in america americans said no to communism in this whole marxist system so what happened did the marxist just quit no it seems like they're kind of going strong in our society today but now it's cultural marxism so it's not just rich and poor it's any area of difference you could imagine it's skin color so there are marxists hence the blm movement which is marxist who come in and pit people against one another whites versus people of color it's um i think adolf hitler was quoting saying that if you let me control the textbooks i'll control the world and he also said if you tell a lie long enough and loud enough people believe it and that's kind of what's happening now especially in um the as the the younger and younger people just becoming a norm they're starting to believe that there is a really large gap and that there's an oppressor and victim relationship and that um it's kind of just like cultural marxism now it's just being taught at a fundamental level yeah and absolutely well it was lenin who said that who cares if two -thirds of the population is killed if the one -third that's left is communist that's pretty evil that's like some thanos stuff right there like thin thin the herd yeah really but that's the marxist mentality of destruction there's there's no concern about how much has to be destroyed as long as what comes out of it is this rebuilt utopia and their utopia is diversity inclusion equity where everything is equal so is capitalism or communism more biblical say capitalism capitalism and that comes from the ninth commandment yeah or the eight sorry the eighth commandment thou shalt not steal and i think paul um talks kind of justifies capitalism right in some ways when he talks about converting uh wages into or labor into wages yep yep absolutely yeah and timothy kaufman has that great video on that for anybody who wants to look that up from sweet social justice he talks about that so capitalism is biblical because it's built on the biblical ethic of private property that you own the possessions that that you can control that you have acquired by your work that you've traded for as you use money to make that trade that you have private property that no one has the right to just come and confiscate but a command economy like communism and this whole marxist idea is built on the concept that government can come and seize your wealth through taxation not for legitimate biblical means like the defense of the common good so police forces and military things that are prescribed in the bible but for whatever social engineering they want to do so if they want to redistribute your hard -earned cash to give reparations for slavery a marxist would say go for it a capitalist would say that's stealing for them to come and confiscate your wealth backed by the force of government meaning if you don't give your taxes what will they do they'll take it they'll take it they will arrest you or they'll commandeer it somehow from your bank accounts yeah i mean everything in this whole social justice category is just completely backwards it's completely upside down yeah yeah all right well you made a claim and this one i'm going to kind of draw on statistically through the the realm of just looking at reality as it is because all of reality belongs to god so biblically i agree with you there's only one race so to to keep pressing the categories of people of color versus whites is itself unjust but if we just look at it just assuming those categories okay looking at the statistics you said that systemic racism is not really a thing it's not really happening the way the blm movement claims so let's just take an example of that the blm movement claims that like lebron james says that people are just black people are just getting hunted in the streets and the police are just shooting black people left and right killing unarmed black men and women and children all the time and this is a huge systemic problem within the police force what do you think is is that that's just that's just a big lie i think because um if you look at the actual statistics of um cops killing people and killing black people it doesn't add up because um white people are are killed more than or white men are killed by cops more than black men are but um obviously there's a higher population of white men but then you look closer and say well if black people are being arrested at a much higher rate than white people are and white people are still being killed more than it's actually whites are more likely to be killed by police than black people and uh i mean it goes well i'll just let you talk yeah no you're right and and there's a wall street journal article that kind of kind of lays out all of those statistics for example last year i think this is it's either nine or ten unarmed black men were killed by police it doesn't sound like a genocide to me no and 20 unarmed white men were killed by police so when you compare those numbers with the millions of police contacts with whites blacks any race there's just no statistical way to say that the police are systemically hunting black people and killing them and then i also saw an article by matt walsh where he actually is from the daily wire where he actually looked at every one of those instances of people being killed unarmed by the police and in many of the cases there was a threat to the life of the officer where someone is using a car trying to pin an officer to the wall or someone's trying to grab the taser and has actually tried to grab the weapon of the officer all these factors come into play as well so even of the nine or ten not all of them were were unjust now some of them are that will happen they're you're not going to get rid of all evil in the world you know they're it's just impossible we can't just ban racism or ban anything well the number one human heart yeah well the number one cause of of um death of black men under 44 i think is black on black violence yes and that when you look at black lives matter movement it actually goes against um you know the safety of black people because like we looked at before the nuclear family and having a father in the household is um prevents um violence from happening and uh from other from their children and they're if there's a mother and father in household the child is more likely to stay out of crime and be successful but when that is disrupted the cycle will continue and go on and then we add the disruption of the nuclear family keeping the cycle moving and also the abortion hundreds of thousands of black babies being killed it's reversed to what they want you to think they're actually killing black people at a much higher rate and um it's just they're creating a big illusion yeah margaret sanger the founder of planned parenthood was explicitly a racist who was trying to kill black people so who who can support planned parenthood which is founded by margaret sanger and they continue to plant their abortion mills near black populations as much as possible right so they're explicitly racist and yet black lives matter partners with planned parenthood they're in they're in league together so how is that the pursuit of justice right you know there'll be a lot of people who would watch this video and say you're two white guys talking about race you don't even have a right to talk about it what would you say to that i mean that just it's kind of just an unveiled argument and in my opinion it doesn't make much sense because i mean we're all people we all live in the same society and i mean that's like saying that someone without a driver's license doesn't have the right to talk about um dui or drinking and driving is should be illegal well it's saying well you don't drive so you shouldn't talk no we can all see what's going on have an opinion of our own we can all look at the same statistics and come up with our own opinion we can see that we can all seek the truth for ourself yeah absolutely and that whole view which would say well you know white people can't speak to race only a black person could know what it's like to be black and therefore have a valid opinion about these issues that's what's called standpoint epistemology that you epistemology is a study of how you know things you know things according to post -modernism by your standpoint so your experiences from your standpoint tell you what's true and truth is only what's true for you it's a subjective truth it's not an objective truth claim and so post -modernism and standpoint epistemology would say well you have to be black to know what what racism is and to talk about it and if you even try robin d 'angelo that's white fragility you know so even to have this conversation is racist in that worldview but here's what's wrong and then i'll pass it back to you what's wrong with standpoint epistemology is it's a complete rejection of the bible our epistemology our way of knowing things is god's word god informs us what's true he gives us categories of justice he helps us to understand he gives us his holy spirit and we like you said live and experience the world just like anybody else we have access to the same statistics the same reality that we live in so if you utterly reject standpoint epistemology then somebody can be angry and blue in the face about us talking about race but it doesn't change the facts it doesn't facts don't care about your feelings yeah exactly i was having a conversation with um to a kid he's in a grade younger or grade below me but we're having a conversation he's um he's black and he's part of like the lgbtq community we're talking back and forth for a while and it basically ended with him saying that he doesn't care about the statistics or anything because um he's black and gay and i'm white so i oppress him and he's saying if you're white and you're straight and you're christian you're the biggest oppressor in the world and he's black and he said i'm black and i'm gay so you oppress me i'm a victim and then he said and you you don't have the right to talk because you're just a white church boy who's too blind to see well this is the religion of social justice and that particular aspect is intersectionality right intersectionality is looking at how your different points of oppression all come together to make you doubly oppressed and so if he's black and he's gay then that gives him two points now if he was a woman then he would be even more triple threat if he was an immigrant too and if he was poor man if he came from a poor back this guy would have all the authority in the world he could be hannibal lecter killing people left and right i don't know the guy but he would have all the authority to speak in the world under that system because intersectionality gives points to uh to how much oppression you have right but that's fundamentally untrue and it's just a lot yeah yeah definitely wow so circling back around then to the the next commandment there the ninth commandment thou shalt not bear false witness if somebody says like lebron james that blacks are being hunted in the streets by whites in this country first of all i reject the whole the binary of white and people of color is that not false witness it is yeah yeah it's just not true it's a big lie if if people say that the system of justice in this country starting with the police and then the sentencing of criminals and all the way to i don't know the whole the process of incarceration without evidence claiming that all of these systems are racist is that not false witness the statistics don't back up that charge yeah yeah so this is the ninth commandment then the final one the tenth is coveting thou shalt not covet paul talked about how this was the commandment that really slew him as he looked at some of the other commandments he thought all right thou shalt not murder i've never killed anybody so well he kind of did have a part in the killing of stephen but yeah um thou shalt not commit adultery you know many of these commandments he thought outwardly he was obeying them but what he realized is that coveting is in the heart that you just desire something that belongs to someone else and because of that covetous desire you envy and you you might commit other sins to get those things but even the desire in the heart is sinful i think that social justice itself is an entire religion built on coveting i think you're right coveting what belongs to somebody else and people i think had a just that they're like a fundamental level with just their heart will pretty much want to do whatever they can to yeah to get what what they want and what other people have and they're going to use every advantage they can they can get to to to get um where they want to be and reach their goals yeah so if that happens to be race or um gender or sexuality they're going to use that to get to their end goal and and and the thing about this religion that is social justice that it just it's painful to watch is that it doesn't bring life it just brings death a person who goes down the road of social justice will necessarily become increasingly bitter and destructive and unthankful and ungrateful and angry because the desire of social justice cultural marxism is to divide the point of it is to cause chaos and to make people angry and divided and hateful and display it wants to bring the whole system down western civilization which kind of grew up out of biblical ethics it wants to tear it down and build this utopia based on communism and a command economy which ultimately will be the worst oppression that anybody could imagine because there's always going to be some power that fills that void there's never going to be a complete sharing of goods you know from each according to his ability to each according to his need what will happen is a ruler will come in come in like Mao Zedong or Pol Pot or whoever it was
Stalin and they will kill people and take power and command the economy so the antidote becomes far worse than what they're fighting against that you're not going to get a utopia out of this but on the more individual level the person who's buying into this so they're listening to this race narrative from from Black Lives Matter he's a 10 year old kid who's hearing the talk from his dad his dad sits him down and says son i gotta tell you this world will never let you succeed the white man is out to get you and they talk about the police and how you you have to be aware that the police want to kill you and when they turn 16 you know if you get pulled over you keep your hands on the wheel and you you better be aware that this police officer is wanting to kill you this whole narrative that's being taught to young quote -unquote black men and women is completely destructive to their lives it was
Walter Williams who he's an economist from Temple and then I think now he's at like George Washington University somewhere he he's an african -american as if that's a thing black whatever um professor who said the most discouraging thing that he ever saw was in the 1980s a young man who was about 12 13 years old came up to him and they were talking about what he wanted to become when he grew up and the young guy said
I wanted to become an air force pilot but then I realized that the white man will never allow me to be an air force pilot and the kid left and Walter Williams was so disheartened by that comment because he said this was decades after the