Keeping Up With The Scarlet Thread


Sunday school from March 17th, 2019


All right, let's pray and we will get started Oh Lord our
God how blessed are we not only have you given us your word which offers and imparts to us all the fruits of the
Redemption of your dear son Jesus Christ But you have opened our eyes so that we may know your grace and in firm confidence receive it
Though the world the law our heart and our consciences condemn us. What do we care?
Your word declares us free of all guilt Keep us in such faith unto the end and grant that all the members of our congregation may appreciate the great treasure
Which they possess in the gospel help them and us to triumph over all the attacks of the devil the world in our flesh and finally to depart this life in peace and to Be received into your eternal kingdom.
Hear us for the sake of our risen and victorious champion Jesus Christ our Lord Amen. All right before we dive into the lesson
I'm not sure why it's not showing up in my app. They just updated the The Google Street View, but the
Dome of the Rock this is the inside of the Dome of the Rock which is on the Temple Mount and If you wanted to know what this is, it's it also has you can see the the prayer spaces here
This is it also doubles as a mosque But the big feature on the inside of it is this rock and what that rock is
That is the very top part of Mount Moriah Mount Moriah and Mount Moriah is the place where Abraham was going to sacrifice
Isaac and God intervened and stopped him from doing that and provided the ram for the sacrifice that day and So then you'll note then when you look at the
Old Testament We know that the Temple Mount itself was built on Mount Moriah That's and so this is the cap top of it and in Judaism.
This rock is known as the foundation stone It's the foundation stone.
So when people are praying on the Western Wall that they're they're as close as they can get to offer prayers
To the foundation stone as is permissible at the moment okay, so the
Muslims own this site is the best way I can put it and It's debatable as to whether or not the
Dome of the Rock is sitting where the actual Old Temple sat Herod's Temple and Solomon's Temple, but that's the inside of it and so, you know,
I tell you I always travel places with other people's vacation photos and You know virtual reality gives us the ability to you know to see things like this and to go there
So you can now say you've seen the inside of the Dome of the Rock Yeah, I honestly do not know
I don't know that looks like something for Google, you know But I don't know the actual dates
Okay, so the so they have lights on the rock So that's what you're seeing is the lights point to the camera and the lights over here
But the rock itself you can make out it, you know, it's right there. So that's that's the actual rock itself
Yes Um, well the
Muslims claim that they are an Abrahamic faith and they they claim a lineage to Abraham not through Isaac, but through Ishmael and And so if you've read the
Quran the Quran talks about Abraham and talks about these things and so for them this is considered a holy site and When the
Muslims conquered Jerusalem You know They they set up their own they had set up their own spaces
So you'll note then the point in the sermon today was that the Temple Mount God's name doesn't dwell there anymore
Forgiveness of sins isn't there and Jesus is crucified just outside the city gates still on the slopes of Mount Moriah Golgotha is on the slopes of Mount Moriah.
So the that fact is also quite fascinating when you put it all together I don't know if that if I would have to go back and reread the
Quran They do claim no, I think that I think they got the story about offering
Isaac correctly but they they basically claim a pure lineage and that the true religion of Allah comes down through Ishmael and they connect themselves through Ishmael back to Abraham So that their claim is that they are an
Abrahamic faith and to which I would say Yeah, no, they have not they don't have anything even remotely approaching the same faith as Abraham had so Okay All right 1022
It's a thousand years old. So that's been there for a while and You'll note then that in order to rebuild a temple the
Muslims by the way, the Muslims are the ones who control the Temple Mount and In order for a temple to be built on the
Temple Mount there has to be a dramatic change And I don't think they can do that without basically setting the entire
Middle East on fire, you know, you know The nuclear option I think would be on the table if they if they made such a move.
So Yeah All right, you had a question And Yeah, the the vision in Ezekiel of this temple doesn't fit anything on earth
It doesn't fit anything on earth at all In fact, one of the things that's fascinating is is that when you read the details of that temple
There's a river flowing from that temple that makes it so the Dead Sea comes to life You know that there and you know, it's just it's very fascinating when you put it all together so the temple that Ezekiel sees is a vision of something and and so Ezekiel Daniel Book of Revelation these types of visions are considered to be apocalyptic so that means that the
Temple that is being revealed in the book of Exodus. It is a symbol of something different Okay, so there are people who in the evangelicalism especially in the dispensational camp who believe that the temp the temple in Ezekiel's vision is prophesying a third temple in Jerusalem but when you look at the details of that doesn't make any sense because there's such
Supernatural things going on with this thing that it's not it's not like any earthly building period and Right, right
Yeah, so in so then the question is if it's pointing to something what's it pointing to most likely is pointing to Christ You know, you're gonna find the fulfillment of the temple in Christ And so you're seeing dimensions and he's told to measure it and and you know
It's got these perfect dimensions and things like that. But this it but it has to be pointing to Christ He's the he's the fulfillment because he is the temple.
There is no temple now and I've said it before and I'll say it again. It would be a really bad thing if they rebuild a temple in Jerusalem Really bad thing because talk about total confusion
Because now we're going back to the types and shadows Christ is the fulfillment of it and it's fascinating that the
Reformers You know, they they basically their read of Scripture, especially
Jesus's prophecy in Matthew 24 That there would be no stone left on top that they they saw
Christ's judgment and destruction of the temple in Jerusalem as historically definitive and And so the way the
Reformers understood it is In talking about the temple they say that thing was taken down by God and and they thought it would never be rebuilt so You know, we'll see if that's the case
But if it is if it's ever rebuilt it's gonna just be a complete theological mess.
Yeah Yes Yes Okay, so Mosaic Covenant there are certain sins and crimes one commits that are punishable by death and The way death was exacted was through stoning that was that was the means by so we have electric chair
We have we have hanging we have other things The the way God wanted death to occur in these cases was through stoning.
It was it was an entire community event which which Means that the people participating were acting in God's justice
But that serves kind of as a warning to the entire community So that practice was practice up to I would say until you see the the
Greeks and the Romans kind of taking over Because when the Greeks and Romans take over the capital capital
Sentences were carried out by the governing authorities not Not by the
Jews. And so when when Jesus is on trial you see evidence of this And and so you see
Pilate saying listen, you know, this this is a matter concerning your law You know You you you go intend to this yourself and the response of the
Pharisees is is that this man's guilty of a crime? Demanding death and we don't have the authority to to execute that to execute him
And so you especially in the Roman period then Jews are not practicing stoning
Apart from any participation with Rome Rome has to sign off on and in Rome has their own way of doing it because they're the governing
Authority and then that stays in place until after the Jewish Wars when the
Jews are defeated in 70 with the destruction of the temple the the mass suicide
Masada that that happened and at that point The Roman Emperor made the decision that the
Jews had to get out and so they literally took the Jews and they scraped them out of Judea and they changed the name of Judea to something completely different, you know, like Syria Palestine or something to that effect, but so then then those
Jews they are they're called Jews of the dispersion they are the part of the Diaspora and Jews have been in Diaspora mode until 1948 with the re -establishing of the nation -state of Israel, so you know so stoning as a practice by the
Jews autonomously and When they lose their autonomy and they they are under the under the rule of empires
Okay. Yeah Yeah, all right, let me grab my coffee real quick here
It's important stuff, okay We are in the book of Leviticus and The Sunday school lesson online last week was just so fun because we're in that part of Leviticus They I call these the bio passages, you know
What do you do with people with skin diseases and discharges and and all the kind of stuff and you're gonna note
There's like a thousand different ways in which somebody can be declared Unclean and part of then the the job of the priest is to examine a skin disease
Examine the skin disease and determine whether or not It's it's of a particular type of disease that makes a person clean or unclean and last week as we were working our way through These passages we noted that God doesn't give an explanation of how viruses work or bacteria work
However, when somebody comes down with a communicable disease that could potentially be
You know that makes somebody unclean first order of business on certain diseases is you quarantine the person?
So that you have to quarantine the person and it's like a mandatory two -week quarantine It's a two -week quarantine with with a re -examination seven days later
And then a final examination on the 14th day and that 14th day Examination is going to determine whether or not that person's clean or unclean on an ongoing basis
And then you know, and so you get that but the the issue then is when somebody is declared
Unclean how does one because what is it? what is the ways in which somebody becomes clean and so we're gonna take a look at some of that, but I'm very happy that I'm a
New Testament pastor not an Old Testament Levite because Having to examine skin diseases and things like that just doesn't seem like it would be any fun
So all of 13 was talking about that how you pronounce a person unclean if there's you know
Skinny ones boil and it heals the place of the boiler comes a wet white swelling or a reddish white spot
It shall be shown to the priest and the priest shall look if it appears deeper than the skin his hair is turned white Then the person shall be pronounced him unclean.
We went through all these details last week That being the case
Okay, we talked about different diseases in the head this is a long chapter two We talked about the diseases in the garments good chapter 14
So you always spoke to Moses saying this shall be the law of the leprous person for the day of his cleansing
He shall be brought to the priest the priest shall go out of the camp The priest shall look then if the case of the leprous disease is healed in the leprous person
So note the priest now is visiting the leper colony the priest shall command them to take for him who is to be cleansed to live clean birds cedarwood scarlet yarn and hyssop that is a
Fascinating list of ingredients fascinating list of ingredients
So somebody's cleansing and you're going to note this st The same group of ingredients cedarwood scarlet yarn and hyssop if you look at your cross references
These are also going to be mentioned again in the book of Numbers chapter 19
Numbers chapter 19 and This that numbers chapter 19 is the passage related to the
People who are unclean as a result of being in the presence of or touching a dead body
So you got you're the cleaner you're unclean and if you're unclean there's a whole list of things you must do in order to be declared clean and Here we've got three what
I would say like just ever so thin Typology the pointing back to Christ But it's worth bearing out, you know taking a harder look at how this all plays out.
So cedarwood All right for lack of a better way of putting it. We'll just say that's a type and shadow of the cross
This is a standard hermeneutic technique used by the Church Fathers when wood shows up in the
Old Testament You're in some relation. You're gonna you're gonna be able to connect it to the cross. Okay, so we've got the cross present but now let's talk about scarlet yarn
Scarlet yarn, huh?
robes This guy we call it the scarlet, you know following the scarlet thread of Christ Let's take a look at a couple of passages
To kind of bear this out so we can see where this shows up in the book of Joshua chapter 2
Joshua chapter 2 we see a scarlet cord show up there and it's worth looking at Joshua chapter 2 it says
Joshua the son of none. I guess that means he had no parents. So Yeah, I'll be here all week anyway
So Joshua the son of none He sent two men secretly from Shittim as spies saying go view the land especially
Jericho So Moses is dead in the book of Joshua we're gonna have the conquest of Canaan and the first city that's going to be destroyed is
Jericho and Jericho stands out as far as any of the any of the
Destruct the places that are destroyed by the Israelites because this city is fully devoted to destruction and So when you put the the typological pieces together on this letting kind of scripture interpret scripture
We'll start with the idea of the of the promised land is the promised land a postage stamp sized piece of real estate on the eastern side of the
Mediterranean between Syria and Egypt No That postage size piece of property is a type and shadow
The real promised land is the new earth and You know
And so it says explicitly in Hebrews 11 that Abraham and others that they died not having received the promises and they were looking for a country and a city whose
Builder is God and they did they died not having received the promises but having greeted them from afar
So the the promised land then in the Old Testament is a type and shadow of the new earth of The promised land that we have, you know, for instance, like we all believe we have a promised land, you know in Christ Because we have eternal life
Well, we're not all gonna live in a tiny little District on the eastern side of the
Mediterranean on the new earth because that the promised land is Indicative of the whole earth itself
So you get the idea now that being the case If you remember a couple weeks ago
Moses died and he did not make it into the promised land The one through whom
God gave the law God's law condemned him Because he fell short.
So he he is his carcass is just shy of the border I mean he didn't make it and you can't be saved by the law
But who's the one who then brings the children of Israel into the promised land? Joshua That's Jesus's name
Yeshua So Jesus is the one who brings all of us into the promised land and the fact that Joshua Here is the one bringing the children of Israel into the promised land again is pointing us to Christ which then begs the question
What is Jericho representative of and I would I would argue based upon the details and we'll see this
That based upon the details that the fall of Jericho itself is a type and shadow dress rehearsal of Jesus's return in glory to judge the living and the dead and it represents the total destruction of the of the present creation and And there's connector points to it and then the person who survives and her family who survived are
That that woman in particular is a type and shadow of the bride of Christ. We'll kind of flesh this out
This all has connection. So we'll continue so she they send out spies go view the land, especially
Jericho and They went and came into the house of a prostitute whose name was and you got to pronounce it this way
Rahab Rahab That's her name We want to say Rahab, you know,
Rahab is not how you pronounced her name, you know People would see her in the street. They would not say hey
Rahab. How's it going? It's Rahab Rahab Yeah It's a hate.
Yeah Right So She was a prostitute name was
Rahab She lodged there and it was told to the king of Jericho behold The men of Israel have come here tonight to search out the land
So the king of Jericho sent to Rahab Saying bring out the men who have come to you who entered your house for they have come to search out all the land
But the woman had taken the two men and hidden them and she said true the men came to me
But I did not know where they were from and when the gate was about to be closed at dark the men went out
I do not know where the men went pursue them quickly for you will Overtake you will for you will overtake them
But she had brought them up on the roof and hid them with the stalks of flax and she laid That she had laid in order on the roof a little bit of a note
I've made this point before that sometimes as in this cursed creation
The only way you're going to get out of a situation is by having to sin
She flat -out lied to these guys. She straight -up lied But had she told the truth they would have been murdered
So this falls into one of those interesting catch -22s where when we talk about this
It is it is more important to save somebody's life In a situation David did this
Rahab did this as well it's so if you were living in Nazi Germany at the time and the
Nazis and you were hiding Jews in your basement and The Gestapo knocks on your door and they ask you are you hiding any
Jews in your basement? You say no, I am NOT you're welcome to look if you like, you know something to that effect you know in a situation like that you you're not getting out of this without sinning and So it is better to save life in that situation
Than to have it perish and so in that situation you sit there and you go, okay great now
I lied to the Gestapo What are you what am I supposed to do come see your pastor confess your sin will give you an absolution
You know, there's sometimes that's how this world operates Some yeah.
Mm -hmm Yeah, yeah There's a footnote that says we don't use it for evil
Right, that is a good way to put it. We do not owe the truth to people who will use it for evil
Yeah so Yeah, so notice in love for neighbor
She Didn't tell the truth to the people who were interrogating her and she sent them off in a wild goose chase as well
Kind of fascinating now She had brought them up to the roof hid them with the stalks of flax that she had laid in order on the roof
So the men pursued after them on the way to the Jordan as far as the Fords All right, I guess it would be the fjords, right?
Never mind, and the gate was shut as soon as the pursuers had gone now before the men lay down She came up to them on the roof and she said to them
I know that Yahweh has given you the land and that the fear of you has fallen upon us that all the
Inhabitants of the land melt away before you for we have heard how Yahweh dried up the water of the
Red Sea before you When you came out of Egypt what you did to the two kings of the Amorites who were beyond the
Jordan to Sihon and Og Whom you devoted to destruction and as soon as we heard it our hearts melted
There was no spirit left in any man because of you for the Lord your God He is
God in heavens above and on the earth beneath. Ah That's fascinating God is
God. Does that sound like a confession of faith to you? She believes in the one true
God She believes now remember Her vocation is an ancient one
You know one of the oldest if I'm not mistaken how they talk about it and one that is quite sinful and yet she believes in the one true
God So The Lord he is God in heavens above and on the earth beneath So, please swear to me by Yahweh that as I have dealt kindly with you
You also will deal kindly with your father's house and give me a sure sign that you will save alive my father and mother my brothers and sisters and all who belong to them and deliver our lives from death and The men said to her our life
For yours even to death if you do not tell this business of ours Then when
Yahweh gives us the land we will deal kindly and faithfully with you
Then she let them down by a rope through the window for her house was built into the city wall
So that she lived in the wall and she said to them go into the hills or the pursuers will
Encounter you and hide there for three days until the pursuers have returned pay attention to that three day stuff
It's kind of important in Scripture Afterwards you may go your way. The men said to her we will be guiltless with respect to this oath of yours
That you have made to us where behold when we come into the land You shall tie this scarlet cord in the window
Through which you let us down and you shall gather into your house your father your mother your brothers and all your father's
Household if anyone goes out of the doors of your house into the street His blood shall be on his own head and we shall be guiltless interesting
You'll note then that this scarlet cord Plays the same function that the blood of the
Passover lamb played at the very first Passover when the blood was taken and put on the lintels of the door posts and Those inside the house they were to stay inside the house when the destroyer came through and as the destroyer came through if the destroyer saw the blood of the lamb on your home
He passed over if you were outside and you were firstborn you're dead
Same kind of function then so rather than blood on the window now We've got a scarlet cord hanging out and as God is coming in with the children of Israel with Joshua and the children of Israel This is for the purpose of devoting that entire city to destruction
Yet despite the fact the entire city is dedicated to destruction Those in the home with the scarlet cord
Will not be destroyed they shall live Hmm now think about when
Jesus returns in glory to judge the living and the dead When Christ returns he sends out his angels
Right Those who believe are brought to be with Christ in the air those who do not believe they are devoted to destruction
What's the common denominator? What's the difference between them? believers have the blood of Christ applied to them and Their sins are forgiven and pardoned though your sins be as scarlet though And here you have this prostitute lady who's clearly her sins are up there as far as Scarlet and yet her sins are now outside of her hanging from her window
They are forgiven by the God who is slow to anger abounding in steadfast love who pardons iniquity and Rahab is a type and shadow of the bride of Christ I'll explain how that works in a minute.
But now we see how the cord plays into it. Yeah Okay Yeah, yes
Correct or for the firstborn, uh -huh.
Yep Was it are you thinking of Moses?
uh -huh Yeah, yeah Don remembers them long before his horse -thieving days
Yeah, so Moses is his own type in shadow So Moses when he's born, he's put into a wicker basket which funny enough in the
Hebrew. It's not called a basket It's called an ark. It has the same exact Word used for it as Noah's Ark.
So Moses was put into an ark and he was saved through water So you have a picture of Baptist saving baptism there and in his case, he's an infant
Infant baptism. I'm just saying, you know It's just there in the types and shadows let that kind of hang in outer space for a minute if you would
But you get the idea. So but the the Passover is Is pointing us back to Christ because it explicitly says in the
New Testament Christ our Passover lamb has been slain
So the Passover lamb of the first Passover and all the subsequent ones that follow
They all point to the Passover lamb. Who's Christ whose blood now on you
Causes the destroyer to pass over you and you don't come into judgment. You are saved you see it
Same with a scarlet cord, you'll notice that God does the same thing using different, you know different pictures
But all kind of the same motif. So here we've got Rahab It's if anyone goes out his blood and being on his own head
So you've got to put the scarlet cord But if anyone is anyone is laid on anyone who is within the house his blood shall be on it on his head
And if you tell this business of ours Then we shall be guiltless with respect to your oath that you have made us swear
And she said according to your words be so be it So then she sent them away and they departed and she tied the scarlet cord in the window.
She did this by faith By faith, let me let me do something real here
Rahab and we're gonna do a Okay, so you're gonna note
Hebrews 1131 mentions Rahab By faith
Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient because she had given a friendly welcome to the spies and Her hanging that cord out of her window.
She did that by faith, too Oh, I hope not but I have no idea why they use a red light, but I would say that's eerily appropriate
Let's that's right. Yeah Okay. Yes. I have not visited that district
Um, I'm just gonna take it on good authority that it's a red light district But yeah, you know, but the thing is is that when we think about funny enough
I think even the prostitute in the book of Revelation she wears scarlet, you know It's it this it's this weird connection with that color and prostitution
Now coming back then let's take a look at the fulfillment of this and I want you to see some of the bigger typology here
And let me do this. I need a Second Thessalonians for I think it is.
Hold on a second here Maybe not. It's probably first Thessalonians for yeah first Thessalonians for I got to learn how to spell there we
Okay one more thing I hate when this auto fills for me because it fills me with the wrong thing
Right now consider this. This is one of the major this there's some other pieces of this. I want to throw in here Paul writes first Thessalonians for we don't want you to be uninformed brothers about those who are asleep
So notice when we talk about Christians when they die in the faith We talk about them being asleep
So that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope for since we believe that Jesus died and rose again
Even so through Jesus God will bring with them those who have fallen asleep For this we declare to you by a word from the
Lord that we who are alive Who are left until the coming of the Lord will not precede those who have fallen asleep
For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with the cry of command Okay Other you can talk about that cry of command as being a shout if you would a shout or a cry of command
With the voice of an archangel and with the sound of the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first So when
Christ returns and we confess it when we confess those creeds We believe that he will return in glory to judge the living in the dead when
Jesus returns that day He shows up. No one's going to be expecting him. That's why I think it's a Thursday Just saying no one's thinking it on Thursday but he shows up and in the whole world will hear the shout the cry of command of the voice of the
Archangel as well as the trumpets of God and what's fascinating is with the fall of Jericho You have this shout as well as the trumpets that play a role then and which is part of the reason why
I'm convinced that The fall of Jericho is a dress rehearsal for Jesus's return in glory
Now all that being said fast -forward in Joshua to Joshua chapter 6 and we'll look at the fall of Jericho and the ultimate
Salvation of Rahab and then we'll figure out what happened to this lady because it's oh, it's very fascinating Now Jericho was shut up inside and outside Because of the people of Israel None went out none came in Yahweh said to Joshua see
I've given Jericho into your hand with its king and mighty men of valor You shall march around the city all the men of war going around the city once thus shall you do for six days
Seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of rams horns before the ark on the seventh day
You shall march around the city seven times and the priests shall blow the trumpets now a little bit of a note the ark being
Made of acacia wood and overlaid with gold is kind of a picture and type and shadow of Christ himself
God incarnate God in human flesh and then on the top of it is what the mercy seat
So, you know This is the the the ark of the Covenant is is is so depictive of Christ that it's not even funny
And so going before this this depiction of Christ in the form of the ark you have the the trumpets being blown
So when they make a long blast with the rams horn when you hear the sound of the trumpet then all the people shall shout with a great shout and The wall of the city will fall down flat and the people shall go up everyone straight before him so Joshua the son of Nun called the priests and said to them take up the ark of the
Covenant and let seven priests bear seven trumpets of rams horns before the ark of Yahweh and He said to the people go forward march around the city
Let the armed men pass on before the ark of the Lord now a little bit of a note here When it comes to biblical numbers, there's just a few of them for real and And we it's important to recognize how the numbers work six days
God created the heavens and the earth the seventh day he rested so when we talk about seven days oftentimes those seven days are going to be
Indicative of or in some symbolic type and shadow way pointing to the present creation
Jesus is raised on the eighth day He's the firstborn of the new creation eighth day is new creation.
Talk Okay, and so you're gonna note here that they are to do this walking around at once six days and Then on the
Sabbath day the day you would expect there to be rest on The Sabbath There is no rest
This is a day of total work Total work destruction
Fighting everything on the Shabbat itself, which is totally unexpected Not expected at all
But it has to be this way if if kind of like the way God uses these numbers is going to be consistent
So on that seventh day that seventh day rather than there being rest taking place
It is the total destruction of Jericho everything set to the sword And this is going to include the young the old every animal everything no
Plunder is to be taken by the people of Israel the whole city is devoted to destruction whole city
Again, this is like a dress rehearsal for the end of the world So Joshua commanded the people the seven priests buried the seven trumpets of the ram's horns before the
Lord They went forward blowing the trumpets With the Ark of the Covenant of Yahweh following them the armed men were walking before the priests
Who are blowing the trumpets and the rear guard was walking after the Ark while the trumpets blew continually
But Joshua commanded the people you shall not shout or make your voice heard Neither shall any word go out of your mouth until the day
I tell you to shout then you shall shout So he caused the Ark of Yahweh to circle the city going about it once And they came into the camp and they spent the night in the camp
Then Joshua rose early in the morning and the priests took up the Ark of Yahweh and the seven priests bearing the seven trumpets of Ram's horns before the
Ark of Yahweh walked on they blew the trumpets continually and the armed men were walking before them and the rear
Guard was walking after the Ark of Yahweh while the trumpets blew continually the second day
They marched around the city once and returned into the camp so they did for six days on The seventh day they rose early at the dawn of the day
This is super duper important. Okay The time actually even matters in the
Jewish way of counting time When does the day a new day begin? sunset sunset
So the brand new day begins in darkness Okay The day begins in darkness
And so you'll note then They are to wake up and do this at the crack of dawn with the first light of the
Sun So even the time of day is telling us something about that And here's kind of the picture then putting it all together.
We presently exist in this present darkness This is how
Paul writes about it, but the day is dawning and so over and again Scripture will reference the return of Christ as the dawning of the
Sun as the breaking out of the light so that everybody can see it and even here in the type and shadow you can see that the
Very early at the dawn of the day as soon as the Sun comes out Then you start marching around the city in the same manner seven times
It was only on that day That they marched around the city seven times and at the seventh time when the priests had blown the trumpets
Joshua said to the people shout for the Lord has given you the city and The city and all that is is within it shall be devoted to Yahweh for destruction
Only Rahab the prostitute and all who are with her in her house
Shall live because she hid thee and here's the weird word. Listen to this one. It's not even spies
Because she hid the malach She hid the angels The messengers who whom we sent now, that's kind of a fascinating thing
Doesn't say spies it says The angels the messengers whom we sent now, that's an interesting path.
That's an interesting kind of idea This kind of invokes if you would
What is it about the Bride of Christ? God sends Messengers God sends people who preach the gospel and Those who believe protect guard
Keep them from danger and harm. That's kind of the idea God sends the messengers so in the same way then
Rahab it says that these were messengers These were these guys were spies. But here the
Hebrew says that they were they were malach. They were messengers They were angels
But you keep yourselves from the things devoted to destruction lest when you have devoted them you take any of the devoted things and make
The camp of Israel a thing for destruction and bring trouble upon it all the silver the gold every vessel of bronze iron
They are holy to Yahweh. They shall go into the treasury of Yahweh. So the people shouted and The trumpets were blown with the cry of command with the trumpets.
You see you see the same same motifs And As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet the people shouted a great shout the wall fell down flat
So the people went up in the city every man straight before him and they captured the city and then they devoted all
In the city to destruction both men and women young and old oxen sheep donkeys with the edge of the sword
But the two men who had spied out the land Joshua said go into the prostitutes house
Bring out from there the woman and all who belong to her as you swore to her so the young men who had been spies went in and brought out
Rahab and her father and mother and brothers and all bull who Belonged to her and they brought all her relatives and put them outside the camp of Israel and they burned the city with fire and everything
In it only the silver the gold the vessels of bronze and of iron they put into the treasury of the house of Yahweh But Rahab the prostitute of her father's household and all who belong to her
Joshua Joshua saved alive great verb they were saved and She has lived in Israel to this day because she hid the messengers whom
Joshua sent to spy out Jericho so here you got this prostitute woman who's
Clearly got vocational issues Her sins be a scarlet there's a scarlet cord that saves her it says
Joshua saved her alive. She isn't even a Jew and What happens to her next
What's the next thing that happens to her because I told you she
I think really Represents the Bride of Christ if this is the end of the world if this is type and shadow of the end of the world
And if she's the Bride of Christ Huh, oh
It's gonna be it's even better than that. What happens at the end of the world What's the big blowout party at the at the at the of the new creation at the end of the world?
What's it called? marriage feast of the Lamb Right. There's a marriage it takes place
So if she is type and shadow of the Bride of Christ and if this is representative of the end of the world next order of business is the marriage feast of the
Lamb and The Bride and the Groom getting together and being married. That's exactly what happens next.
Let me explain Matthew chapter 1 the book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David the son of Abraham Abraham was the father of its sake it sucked the father of y 'all home y 'all hope the father of Judah his brothers in Judah the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar and Perez the father of Hezron Hezron the father of Ram Ram the father of a minidab a minidab the father of Nash on Nash on the father of Salman Salman the father of Boaz by Rahab she
Marries that guy who's next in line in the direct descent of?
Christ that's amazing that is
Unbelievable now it shows us kind of humbly and I mean in the not very flattering picture that the
Bride of Christ Because of our sin because of our idolatry because of our rebellion our sin is really shameful
Shameful to the point where it's described in terms of prostitution And that's really graphic It's not very flattering and we do not like to think of ourselves in that way
But there is a way in which you can talk about the Bride of Christ as a forgiven
Whore and that's all of us and that's all of us though our sins be as scarlet he will make them white as snow and so you can see here then and this is then let me show you this kind of other picture then of Of Christ's love great love for his bride
Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church
This is Ephesians 5 25 and gave himself up for her That he might sanctify her
Having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word So that he might present the church to himself in Splendor without spot or wrinkle or any such thing so that she might be holy and without blemish and so you see then this picture of Baptism where Christ takes his bride and though she is filthy in sin
He takes the waters of baptism and he washes her and cleans her and clothes her in splendor
It's a beautiful picture of Christ's love for you and Christ's love for me because collectively we are the
Bride of Christ We are Rahab we didn't even get to the
Hissop. We'll have to do the Hissop next week we'll do Hissop next week, but that's that's what's when you unpack that scarlet yarn
This is what you come up with this amazing picture of the mercy the grace the love of Christ who washes us and cleanses