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Christians are really angry about their ideas being called Marxist. Maybe it is time to take a little of their own advice? Maybe it's time to find out why people are saying that instead of just dismissing them out of hand?
- 00:06
- So I've been seeing a lot of pushback about not only my use of the word Marxist, but also just people who agree with me and how we use the term cultural
- 00:15
- Marxism. And you know, here's the thing. I see a lot of people saying, Hey, stop calling us
- 00:20
- Marxist. Stop calling us Marxist. And they get really angry about it. And I think more, I'm sure there's some of that going on out there.
- 00:27
- But I think more often than not, people are calling people's ideas Marxist, not so much calling them themselves
- 00:33
- Marxist. I don't think any of the people that I've criticized, except there was maybe one back in that panel that I roasted, but I don't think the majority of the people
- 00:42
- I'm criticizing, I don't think that they're self -consciously Marxists. They don't, they wouldn't walk around saying, Oh yeah, I'm a
- 00:47
- Marxist. No problem. No, I don't think that, but I think that their ideas are indistinguishable from Marxist ideas.
- 00:53
- And so their ideas are Marxist about this issue when it comes to critical race theory and the economics of everything.
- 01:01
- But I don't think they're necessarily Marxist, like their secret hidden Marxist or anything like that.
- 01:06
- But really the pushback that I wanted to talk about today is really two kinds of pushback. Some people will say, here's the thing, you keep calling me
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- Marxist just because I care about social injustice or social justice. And so stop doing that. I'm not a
- 01:21
- Marxist. And that is such a straw man, I don't even know where to begin. Nobody is out there calling you a
- 01:27
- Marxist because you care about racism or racial injustice. No one's doing that.
- 01:33
- I care about racism. I care about racial injustice. The reason I called your ideas
- 01:39
- Marxist is because you think racial injustice is something very different than what I would think it is.
- 01:45
- I think it's when you show partiality based on race or ethnicity. That's what I think injustice is.
- 01:51
- I think that when there's a clear, definitive, hey, I treat black people differently than white people.
- 01:57
- I treat white people differently than Latinos, things like that. That's what I'm talking about, that's prejudice, that's racism and all of that.
- 02:05
- You think racism is when black families on average don't earn as much as white families or certain demographic groups don't have as much wealth as others.
- 02:17
- That's a Marxist idea. It's very different than saying, well, you just care about racial injustice, well, you're a
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- Marxist. That's not what people are saying, so stop pretending that they are. The other thing is I've seen people say this, that racism, or I'm sorry, that the word
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- Marxist is just kind of like a way to call someone the N -word without using the
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- N -word. When you say, oh, you're a Marxist, what you're really saying is, well, yeah, you're a meep.
- 02:47
- That's ridiculous. That's ridiculous. Honestly, that kind of stuff, you provide so much cover to actual racists.
- 02:54
- There are actually racist people out there that do use the
- 02:59
- N -word and these different kinds of slurs. I'm sorry if you can't deal with that, but not everyone who uses the word
- 03:08
- Marxist is actually a racist. Imagine that. Actually, when they use the word Marxist, they're probably using it in the way
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- I just said because you have Marxist presuppositions. Not because they're trying to use the N -word.
- 03:19
- I saw someone that expressed shock that he couldn't believe that white people were being called
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- Marxist, too. He always thought it was a racial slur. That shows your ignorance. That shows your ignorance on the topic.
- 03:30
- It's not a racial slur. Maybe people do call black people Marxist, but it's not because of their skin color.
- 03:36
- It's because of their ideas. That's the thing. I've also seen, this is kind of a third kind of bonus thing, people just kind of spouting off those two sort of defenses, well, yeah, it's just a racial slur or, oh, just because I care about racial injustice.
- 03:53
- Well, as long as you keep thinking that, you're never going to change. Here's the thing. Maybe it's time to take a little bit of your own medicine.
- 04:00
- Time to listen. Time to listen to people who are opposing you. Don't just dismiss them as fools. Don't just say, oh, well, you're a racist and don't just say, well, you just don't care about black people.
- 04:10
- That's why you're calling me a Marxist. How about you listen to what they're saying? Because they might know something you don't.
- 04:17
- You know, if somebody called me a racist, first of all, I wouldn't just assume that they're an idiot. I would say, well, why do you say
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- I'm a racist? You know, because I know I'm not a racist. And so they would point to something and if it was correct, hopefully
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- I would repent. But if it wasn't correct, I would just say, well, I don't agree with you. That doesn't make me a racist. The same thing with Marxist.
- 04:37
- Why are you going to stick your head in the sand and just continue in your blissful ignorance? Someone's calling you a
- 04:42
- Marxist. Maybe it's a good idea to consider why, especially when they're Christians. I see a lot of people just sort of disparaging
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- Christians. Well, they're just fools. Maybe they know something you don't. Why is this attitude just like, well, everyone who disagrees with me is immoral.
- 04:53
- I don't even want to talk to them. You know, that's just a way to never grow. I mean, your ideas will never change if you think that people who disagree with you on this topic are just racist and ignorant.
- 05:04
- Maybe they have a point. Maybe you should look into the foundations of your ideas about economic equity and things like that.