Matt Slick Live: September 20, 2024


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Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 09-20-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: What is Ezekiel 28 Talking About?, What About The Elect Angels?, Email Friday, Justification and the Roman Catholic Church Hezekiah and Perhaps Us Getting More Time to Live, The Pre-Trib Rapture Position and its Origins More Email readings!!! September 20, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone, welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick, your last,
I just messed up. You're listening to Matt Slick Live. If you want to give me a call, as usual, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
And if you want to email me, you can. That's easy to do. All you have to do is send an email to info at karm .org,
info at karm .org. And I put a couple of questions for the radio that people sent in.
I looked at today and got them in there so I can get to them a little bit if nobody calls right away.
I've been working really hard getting stuff ready for publication on manuals
I've written, putting them on Amazon and all that kind of stuff, just doing a lot of work.
So I won't be writing as many articles for a while. And that's just the way that is, so no big deal.
And we've got a caller coming in. I've got some hate mail today, which I think, we've got a good one, too.
One good one. It's long. Let's see. That's a real question. What's that doing in there? And that goes over there.
So I've got a nice, a nice, hate mail, we'll be getting into that. Why don't we just jump on the air here.
Let's get to Cole from Virginia. Cole, welcome. You're on the air. Mr. Matt Slick, how are you doing, sir?
Oh, hanging in there, just working hard as always. So what do you got, man? What's up? I know.
Hey, I got a question about Ezekiel, chapter 28, verses 11 through 19.
I think of lamentation for Tyre. It's every precious stone which you're covering. This is a pericope that deals, most commentators say, deals with Satan, even though it starts off with the issue of, say, the king of Tyre, thus says
Jehovah Elohim. He says, you had to steal a perfection full of wisdom and perfected beauty.
You were in Eden, the garden of God. And because of that, that's where people start saying, well, no, this is a lament to him, to dress to him, but it's about something else.
So it says, you were, this is really interesting stuff in here, too. You are in Eden, the garden of God, every precious stone which you're covering.
So this is a description, it looks like of the devil, of Lucifer, which means light bearer.
Now think about this. These stones, ruby, topaz, diamond, beryl, onyx, jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise, and the emerald, the gold of your workmanship, et cetera.
These would be beautiful in the reflection of light. And so some think that, you got me started here, some think that this might be evidence of the greatness of Lucifer, and as Isaiah 14 talks about, the five
I wills, I'll lift myself above the high heaven, like the most high, the fall of Satan, that it looks like he might, because of this in Ezekiel 28, 12 through 14, that he was very beautiful and became conceited.
But what else is interesting is in the end of verse 13, the gold, the workmanship of your settings and sockets, but another translation could say tambourines and flutes.
So because of that, they think that he may have been involved as a beautiful creature, incredibly beautiful creature, may have been involved in the adoration and worship of God and then was lifted up in his own pride, in his own beauty, and wanted to be like God and be worshiped and adored, because he was just tremendously wonderful.
And he fell. And he goes on, the gold of your workmanship was your tambourines and flutes, was in you in the day that you were created, they were prepared, you were the anointed cherub who covers and I placed you there, you're in the holy mountain, et cetera.
You were blameless in your ways for the day you were created until unrighteousness was found in you.
So there you go. There's a lot of information there, but don't let help or not. But there you go. Yeah, it confused me because the previous two chapters, you know, the
Lord was telling Ezekiel, you know, all these prophecies about how he's going to get the king of Tyre, you know, he was naming all that.
And then he got I got to that chapter. It confused me. It does sound like it might be referring to Satan.
So I was confused on that one. Well, and that's OK. It's just that sometimes the way
God speaks to people through other means is he will just be talking about something and all of a sudden there's a shift, then it goes back.
Why is that shift there? Now, think about Ezekiel writing this, say to the to Tyre, the king of Tyre, right?
Take up this lament, et cetera, et cetera. And Ezekiel's writing, he must have known something was up when he wrote this section of scripture.
He must have known this is from God and he's writing about the evil one or something like that. I don't think it's the case that Ezekiel's like, what am
I writing? I don't get it. I don't believe that was the case. I believe that God works through people in a very real way and they're aware of a lot of things.
So anyway, it's interesting stuff. And just so you know, a parallel is found in Isaiah 14, starting at verse 12.
This is Ezekiel 28, 12 and Isaiah 14, 12, which is interesting because half of 28 is 14 and both start at 12.
Not a big deal, but there you go. It says, could it be possible? Yeah, go ahead.
Could it be possible that that king of Tyre was possessed by the devil?
Could that be possible? That's interesting theory. Maybe that that's an interesting theory.
I haven't thought about that. I don't know if it's possible or not possible, depending what the text is. But, you know,
I think it's worth considering. Yeah, because he I mean, God got rid of him and he got he got he got annihilated, you know, you know, the murder.
Well, I want to say murder, but. He had a violent death in the ocean, you know?
Yeah. Like I say, it's a lot of he's like, I don't know, it's weird, but, you know, it's interesting.
But, you know, if it's from the Lord, it means something. You know what I'm saying? I just wanted to get your take on it.
Sounds pretty good what you said, though. Yeah. And that's what it seems to be in there.
But since we're talking about this, let me go to Isaiah 14, 12 and notice what we call the five
I wills of Satan. He says this. I'm going to start up a little bit earlier, verse 11, your pomp and the music of your harps have been brought down to show maggots are spread out as your bed underneath you and worms are you're covering how you have fallen from heaven.
Oh, star of the morning. That's interesting, right? That means shining one, which is what
Lucifer was anyway. Oh, star of the morning, son of the dawn. You have been cut down to the earth.
You who have weakened the nations, but you said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven.
I will raise my throne above the stars of God and I will sit on the Mount of the
Assembly in the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the height of the clouds. I will make myself like the most high.
Nevertheless, you shall be thrust down to show all to the recesses of the pit.
And so a lot of people think that's about Satan, too. OK, I call it the five I wills. What you're saying makes sense, because in the previous chapters,
God was condemning him for his pride. That king had a lot of pride, a lot of riches, and he was saying that he did it.
He did it. And he had a lot. He put his trust in his riches and he was like a god.
And God says, OK, I'll show you who's God. Yes. Interesting what you said. That's very interesting.
Yeah. OK, well, thanks a lot, man. That was enlightening. Sure. No problem.
I hope that's helpful. OK, there you go. Yeah. Thank you. Have a good weekend. You, too.
God bless. All right. All right. Well, we have nobody waiting right now.
If you want to give me a call, you can. All you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
You can also give me an email and that's easy to do. Just send your email to info at CARM .org,
info at CARM .org and put in the subject line, radio question or radio comment and we can get to it.
All right. All right. We have nobody waiting right now. We've got a break coming up in a couple of minutes. So I think I'm going to do is get to some of the emails because I'm thinking about something else.
I might do something else before I get to that, because in regard to the issue of.
Of the fall of the devil, there is also a comment about the elect angels that's in the scriptures.
I'll find a verse here. And I was thinking about this a while back.
Why would it talk about elect angels? Now, this is in First Timothy 521 and it says,
I solemnly charge you the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and his chosen angels to maintain these principles without bias, doing nothing in the spirit of partiality.
And the word there is eclectic from, I believe it's a collect us, which means to choose to elect.
So I had I was thinking because of this, I'm just going to throw this out for, you know, stir the pot, think a little bit.
If Satan was so great and he fell. And Adam and Eve fell, why did they fall?
And why is it that First Timothy 521 talks about elect angels or chosen angels?
So I was thinking about that one day and it kind of came to mind that.
It says in the Bible, First Timothy, first Peter was 60, be holy for I am holy.
OK, so God alone possesses holiness because holiness is a property, a characteristic of his nature.
And in that holiness is the inability to sin. God cannot contradict his own holy nature.
So he cannot sin. He can't violate that. But angels and people who are created don't have that thing called holiness.
Something that is part of God's character that belongs to him alone. And I was thinking about that and I concluded probably that this is why we fell and the angels fell, except for the ones that were chosen by God not to fall, the elect angels.
So here's a theory that any sentient being, angel or human, that self -aware has personhood, things like that, consciousness will fall, will end up in sin because they don't possess the quality of holiness.
And God has to elect angels, First Timothy 521, so they would not sin, but he elects
Christians to be saved by Christ for the foundation of the world. The people have a redeemer.
So we're elect from then back then to be saved and the angels don't have a redeemer.
So God elected them so that some of them would not fall.
And that's the theory I kind of came up with. And I'm just throwing that out at you to see what you think, you know, and you can call me about that if you want to say,
Hey, I think that's good. Or, Hey, I think that's no good or whatever you want to do. You can do that.
And what we'll do, we have the music coming up here in a minute after the break,
I will get to an email of pretty good hate mail, which I haven't had a hate mail in a while, and I love hate mail.
So we'll get to that. And I want to remind you that we stay on the air by your support. Please consider supporting us.
We definitely do need that. And we hope that you would be so kind as to commit to five or $10 a month of that support.
And you can do that by going to carm .org forward slash donate everything he needs right there. Hope you'll do it.
Check it out. And there's the music. Be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned.
It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right. I went, welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, you can.
It's easy. All you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
And, um, tell you what, we've got nobody waiting right now. It's a nice Friday. That happens about this time of the year.
Fridays get slow. I am going to read a hate mail. That's a long one.
I may not go through all of it, but since I enjoy hate mail so much and I only read the first line and then
I went, yes, that's all I did, but this is good. And so, uh,
I'm going to get into the hate mail and you can tell my voice, my tone. I'm excited. I know
I have issues, but when someone writes a good email that's full of hate, I get a kick out of it.
I just love them. And, uh, for a long time, we haven't read, had any really good emails that were full of good hate.
Here's a good one. Um, let's see you, you're a disgusting pig.
Now that's he, that's good. If you're going to insult somebody, just start right off and get right in there.
You're a disgusting pig. It's simple. One, two, three, four words.
And it's just very descriptive. I like it. I get it right away. That sets the good tone. Okay. I wish there was a heaven so you could watch all the good people enjoying themselves as you burn in hell.
But alas, God is as, as real as a Catholic priest who, a boy,
I can't, I'm not going to read the rest of that. Uh, do Catholics get into the priesthood too? I can't read that either. He says, uh, your
God is a joke. Well, I don't know about that, but anyway, is human suffering just something your God enjoys watching? Well, uh, no.
Um, wow. So my mom was extremely intelligent for more than far more than you claim to be.
I don't claim to be extremely intelligent. I thought I would finally stump her by asking if God is all loving, why does it allow so much human suffering?
Well, we don't say God's all loving and that people who ask the question don't understand the true nature of God.
He's not just all loving. He is loving and kind and merciful and holy and just and righteous.
So you had to put all those together. And if you were to take, for example, a, uh, a, a, a rainbow has several colors.
You took one of the rainbow colors. He said, this is the whole, this represents the whole thing. It wouldn't be a rainbow. They didn't want it.
So it would be inaccurate. Okay. He goes, as always, she stumped you by saying is to teach us compassion.
She stumped you. Well, let's see. She's so intelligent. What an amazing response, right?
She's, uh, passed away now. Her, okay. Her soul is the dark nothingness of death.
You know, when people tell me that, and I talk to atheists and they will come off and they'll say, I see what happens when you die, nothing happens.
You just stop being, I say, how do you know? And it's a question. I mean, they are putting their eternal destiny on the line on nothing.
And I say, look, think about this. There's only two possibilities, right? You continue or you don't continue.
That's it. If you don't continue, you'll never know if you continue or not. Could you just, there's nothing, but the only thing you got to be worried about is continuing.
Cause if you don't continue, you wouldn't know. So smart choices.
What if you do anyway, when someone says that you don't exist anymore, I ask him, how do you know that?
Well, here's what I believe. And then there's a logical problems with that because then they'll jump into what's called property dualism.
They'll say that the, the mind is a property of the physical brain. So when the physical brain dies, your mind dies.
You just go back to nothing, to nothingness. I say, well, wait a minute. If that's true, then that means then that your mind is nothing more than the chemical reactions of your brain.
And if that's the case, all you are is necessary chemical reactions. And so you don't have freedom.
You don't even know what you believe in or don't believe in is true or not because it's just chemical reactions. This is a problem with that.
And then they say things like, yeah, I don't want to talk to you anymore. And then they go away. Okay. So, um, he goes on because nothingness of death, because although she deserved eternal happiness after death, and of course, divine intervention instead, she got neither because God in heaven as as real as Santa in the
North Pole, the North Pole is real, but I don't think Santa is actually, I guess, North Pole is technically,
Ooh, see, he said, okay. So then he's only half right. Okay.
Let's see. Uh, how many million, how many million do you think have died in the name of God?
Lots. Uh, it must be one despicable violence. Uh, uh,
I can't read what this person's saying. Uh, people who slaughtered his name, they don't do it in God's name because God says in Jesus Christ, you don't do that kind of stuff.
So this guy, you know, it's a lot of times this is a typical, this is pretty typical of a lot of the critics who they don't know what, what we teach.
They have no idea. They have no clue that they only think the most awful things. And that becomes what they believe that, uh, that God really is or whatever.
It's called a straw man. It's not a steel man. Straw man is a weak position that you attack.
A steel man is the actual position. And what atheists regularly do is a straw man issues.
This goes on. The Vatican has a hush fund to quietly pay off victims of abuse from the clergy.
I believe that's true. And while, and oh, and white supremacists using the cross as their symbol and their work to, to keep the whites as superior class, because that is our
God's will. No, it's not God's will. Uh, and see here, that's another thing that's racist.
He's racist. You know, me, uh, I believe that there's only one race. I do just one race, the human race.
And we have different skin colors. We have different skin tones. We have different eye colors and tones.
We have different hair colors and tones and heights and things like that. That's it. That's it.
One, one, um, one race, the human race. That's, that's how
I look at stuff. So if I see somebody who looks different than me, I say, good, that's a good thing.
That's good. All right. Um, the senseless killings in Israel as two religions fight over God, they're not fighting over God.
Uh, it's the, is the Muslims who are the intolerant ones. Uh, the Jews are,
Oh, I'll tell you. What do you guys think of what's happening over there? Israel's really cleaning their clock over there.
And, um, wow. With the, uh, pagers that blew up and the walkie talkies that have blown up.
I heard, but I haven't seen it verified that cars were, were igniting too.
And I, today I was listening and someone said it was a 15 year plan that they put in, uh, into place to 15 years for this to come to fruition.
And now, uh, the Israelis are going in and they're cleaning their clock anyway. Um, and so he says, killing each other because a book written by men have different endings to a made up story.
Well, that's just ridiculous. Uh, the only purpose a crucifix has. Which I, I, whatever this guy's makes a psychological, it's, it's all he says.
Uh, I would keep it. I can't say that either. Um, I know
I hate people because their beliefs or I guess because what their beliefs make them do,
I know I'm a hypocrite. You know, you are, most people are not intelligent enough to handle something as philosophical as religion.
Oh man, they're going to kick out of stuff like that. Some people are going to think I'm the one, but, uh, well, this guy's really vile.
This guy is vile. Just full. I lost if I can't even read, uh, out loud. And I even skip when
I see what he's doing is saying. Um, and so, uh, how dare you tell me to limit my question to one?
So I guess, I guess it's wrong for me to say in an email, please just limit your question to one question.
You're even one question. I guess it's wrong for me to do that. You know, this guy does not have all his paws in the litter box.
That's for sure. Hey folks, there's a music. We write back. Why don't you give me a call? 877 -207 -2276.
We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody, welcome to the show. Welcome back. If you want, you give me a call.
The number's easy. 877 -207 -2276.
We got nobody waiting right now. So what I'm going to do is get to some, uh, Q and A, some questions.
And I was looking at them during the break and I found a good one. And I don't know if I've gone over it before, but it, it, uh, brought to mind something else as well.
So what I'm gonna do is read this and then read something else. I'm going to talk to you about something.
So, uh, this person, uh, I guess it's a hate mail, but, uh, it's kind of a question as also,
I have to inform you in charity that Protestantism is a false religion of man that leads to condemnation.
It would seem that as a result of cognitive dissonance, you temporarily downplay the obvious inherent inconsistencies of your man -made religion.
One of the pillars of your false religion is that the Holy Spirit will guide the individual believer while reading the
Bible, but obviously the 50 ,000 plus daily growing Protestant denominations stand as a constant irrefutable proof of that doctrine.
Uh, and so I'm gonna address that. So it's not 50 ,000, uh, growing denominations.
It's just a, this tells me that he's just heard something that is repeating and he hasn't verified anything. There's no, what's going on.
And plus there are factions within Catholicism as well that are growing.
There's more and more that occurred as new movements and things develop. So it's not a really good argument.
It's just means to me what this guy's saying is that he doesn't know what he's talking about and that he hasn't researched it, you know, and it's not a good argument.
He goes on any person would realize that since the original founders of Protestantism disagreed with each other on crucial points of doctrine, uh, like what you see crucial points.
You see this, this is a, this is something that when I've discussed this with Catholics, they'll bring this, uh, and Eastern Orthodox, they'll bring this argument up and I say, do you understand what the differences between the essentials and the non -essentials is?
Do you understand the difference? Uh, because the Bible says in first Corinthians 14, uh, excuse me, not first Corinthians 14, but Romans 14, that we have the, uh, the right to disagree on debatable issues.
So that's what in the Bible right there, but we can't disagree on the essentials and there's only like seven, uh, seven to 10, depending on how you want to define them, essentials of the
Christian faith and outside of those were allowed to have differences of opinions and that's where denominations come in.
It doesn't mean that you're not Christian. So this person who's saying this is, is unfortunately quite ignorant about how that works.
He says, but anyway, you must visit this one website for the most important information you can ever see. There's absolutely, and this is important.
There's absolutely no salvation outside the Catholic church and that Protestantism is a man made religion.
All Protestants are on the path to condemnation. All right. Now, so notice this statement, uh, this is interesting.
There's no salvation outside the Catholic church. Now the Catholic church is a system that is, uh, of course with the
Pope and magisterium and you have bishops, you have priests, you have stuff and their earthly organization.
They're saying is the true church that you have to belong to it.
You have to belong to that true church in order to be saved. Well, that's not what Jesus says.
Jesus has come to me all the way heavy laden and I will give you rest. He didn't say you have to belong to a church to be saved.
So these people right here preaching the false gospel. Now what I'm going to do is
I'm going to read some stuff from the canons and justification by the council of Trent.
So the council of Trent was a council that occurred in the 1500s, the mid 1500s, and, uh, it was in different sessions, different, uh, first, second and third.
So it happened from 1545 to 1563. So the reason this is important is because I'm going to read to you some of the stuff that it says.
This is on justification. Now, before I read it, I need to go through and read what the
Bible says. I want you to be fresh in your mind about what the Bible says is what justification is and how it's obtained, because I'm going to read what the
Bible says, and then I'm going to read what the Catholic church says. And this is,
I would say, this is when I get to this and read what the Catholic church says, I'm going to show you where and everything. Uh, this is the, you could say an official marker of when the
Catholic church went apostate during the council of Trent. Now, some will deny that I, they won't believe that, but that's what
I kind of lean towards. This is what Romans chapter four, verses one through six says,
I'm going to read this. What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather, according to the flesh is found for Abraham was justified by works.
He has something to boast about, but not before God for what does the scripture say, Abraham believed
God and it was credited to him as righteousness. So he believed
God and that belief was credited as righteousness. That's all that Paul is saying.
Didn't say Abraham did anything or didn't do anything. He is type, he's a writing here.
This issue is saying, this is what, um, justified him was his faith in verse four, not for the one who works.
His wage is not credited as a favor, but what is due, but to the one who does not work, but believes in him who justifies the ungodly.
His faith is credited as righteousness, just as David also speaks of the blessing on the man to whom
God credits righteousness apart from works. So clearly God is crediting people's righteousness apart from works.
And it's by faith alone, because in verse four or five, it's Romans four or five, it says, but to the one who does not work, but believes there's two things, their work and belief.
And Paul is negating works real simple. Okay. Now that means justifications by faith alone.
This is what the catechism, not the catechism, but the council of Trent said, which accordingly cannot be undone.
It's supposed to be super official and can never be violated. This is cannons on justification.
Canon five. If anyone sayeth that it is an imposture to celebrate masses in order of the honor of the saints and for the obtaining their intercession with God as a church intent, let them be anathema.
So you're cursed. If you don't take the mess and believe that they intercede for you.
Well, the reason this is important is because the saints intercede and help you in your justification. This is verse nine or Canon nine.
If anyone says that by faith alone, the impious is justified in such ways as to mean that nothing else is required to cooperate in order to the obtaining the grace of justification, and that it is not in any way necessary that he be prepared and disposed by the movement of his own will, let him be anathema.
That's the word for cursed. Let him be cursed. So what is the Catholic church done?
It has cursed the gospel. If anyone says by faith alone that a person is justified and that nothing else is required to obtain that grace of justification, let him be cursed.
Canon 14 says, if anyone says that a man is truly absolved from his sins and justified because he assuredly believes himself absolved and justified, or that no one is truly justified, but he who believes himself justified and that by this faith alone, absolute and justification are affected, let him be cursed.
Now, of course, this is faith in Christ. Okay. Not just faith in faith. And so what's happening here is the
Roman Catholic church is cursing the gospel. It's cursing the gospel.
The Roman Catholic church is not a Christian church, folks, because it curses the gospel. And, uh,
I can go on, uh, and read some quotes and stuff like that. But what I'm going to do now is get on the air.
Let's get to Jermaine. Jermaine, welcome. You're on the air. Oh, hi, Matt.
Uh, yeah, it's just, um, sounded very interesting not to search those, some of those articles on your website, but, uh, yeah, just want to ask about Hezekiah and asking for more time, uh, for some believers to do that.
And it seems like some people think that's been granted and some people have not, but kind of rethinking death.
I was curious if, is it possible that this is actually a blessing in disguise and you do get a forewarning of possible death because you can.
Well, it could be, yeah, it could be a blessing. Uh, it could be highly traumatizing as well.
Uh, but, um, you know, it just depends on the person and the condition. And a lot of people, uh, have felt that they had been forewarned and it didn't come to pass.
So we don't know. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay.
Well, that's all I got for today. I'll, uh, more willing to see you next week. All right, man.
Sounds good, buddy. God bless. Okay. All right.
Okay. Let's get to Jeff from South Carolina. Jeff, welcome.
You're on the air. Good evening. Uh, I noticed a couple of weeks ago.
Uh, you were talking about the, like what the pre -trib rapture and when it started and everything, like it was a
Darby, Charles Nelson Darby, and then, and then it was put into the study bibles in the, uh, in the
Schofield reference Bible, I believe it was adopted in there. And then it was spread across the
United States and then became a pretty much accepted doctrine. Oh, Hey, hold on. There's a break, buddy. Where's the break.
Hold on. Hey folks, we'll be right back after these messages. If you want, you can give me a call.
877 -207 -2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276 here's
Matt Slick. All right, buddy. Welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
Jeff, are you still there? Yep. All right. So yeah, basically it was, uh,
John Nelson Darby and, uh, he promoted also dispensationalism, uh, which became accepted, uh, through the promotion of, uh,
I think, like I said, I think it was a Schofield reference Bible. Yep. Okay. Um, what
I've learned some years ago, uh, was studying on it a lot, uh, like the reformers like Martin Luther and John Huss and Wycliffe, they, and Calvin, they believed that papacy was antichrist and what was what
I would, the papacy, the pope, yeah, the papacy.
And, um, and what I, what I learned was that they had, you know, that, that was during the reformation and people were just leaving in droves and going with Protestants and, uh, they had, so what they did,
I think was called the counter -reformation. Yes, they did. Um, I guess that's what the council trend is, right?
That's right. So counter -reformation and, um, so they had to come up with some other instead of, you know, the futurist is what
I believe, but I'm not the futurist, but the historicist interpretation was from the early reformers, but kind of what
I believe, but, um, but they had to take the eyes off of the pope as being antichrist.
So then this is what I found. It was Ignatius Loyola.
Delio Loyola was the founder of the Jesuit order. Um, he commissioned two
Jesuits to destroy Protestantism through eschatology.
And that was a guy named Francisco Rivera and Alcazar. Okay. Uh, the aim was to stop the attack on Rome and get the
Protestants fighting among themselves, pushing conflict and theories. And, uh, well, the preacher of rapture, but all in the future,
I think it was the one that Francisco Rivera in 1590, he came up with that eschatology.
Uh, and then the other guy was like, well, no, it all happened in the past, but that I'll take all that future.
It's seven year tribulation. I don't know exactly that, but it was in the future, all in the future. Take the eyes off the pope.
But I mean, it's a, it's a bad guy, bogeyman in the future. Well, and that was, well,
I don't, well, I don't know. Um, cause Darby died in like 1880s. I think it was, uh, something like that.
No, the original origins was way before Darby. It was like in the 1500s. You mean the preacher of rapture view?
Yeah. The future. I tell you what, if you have, uh, if you have some documentation on that, send it to me because generally speaking, it's understood that Charles Nelson Darby is the one who started it, but there's also, but that was far on down the road.
Okay. So I'm saying if you have documentation sending, send it to me. Okay. I need to have that documentation, but I was going to say that there was another issue of eight in 1830, a woman named
Margaret, uh, McDonald, uh, had a, says to have had a vision and where there was a secret rapture where there was a secret rapture that was going to occur.
So I'm just saying, if you've got documentation, show it to me, you know, send it to me. Okay. Yeah. Okay. I started studying on this
Roman Catholicism long time ago because I had a girlfriend and she was
Roman Catholic. Well, I'm Protestant because I was born, I was raised in the Presbyterian church. So she got me to taking her to the, to the mass and all that.
And I didn't know that much about it back then. I was just, uh, kind of had, I stayed out of church.
I was out of church for a long time. I'll backslid a lot and I, you know,
I said, well, I'll take her there. You know, I didn't think there was nothing wrong. I mean, they all sound pretty good. And so this is just kind of like what
I was familiar with in church, you know, but then they kept praying to the saints and I'm like,
Oh, that's, what is that all about? You know, praying to the saints, right. I know about Mary and all that.
But back to, back to, let's get back on track. Okay. Back to the issue of the rapture stuff. I would like to see that documentation.
Now, do you have that? And can you send it to me so I can check it out? Well, I've got a lot of information.
I've collected from different websites and stuff that I've kind of, uh, I know one for chip, chip tracks.
Yes. Uh, let's just say that chick tracks are not the epitome of scholarly research.
All right. Right. But I mean, more than just him. I mean,
I wouldn't, I wouldn't trust that, uh, for anything to quote.
But, um, if you have something of more than just Bob, uh,
Bob's website says this, so if you have something, I want to see it.
Yeah. Maybe you can research it from yourself. You know, I mean, well, it's just that, uh, I have 8 million things to do and I have, uh, 900 articles
I'm supposed to write. I've got to rewrite, uh, about 300, uh, articles I've done on dictionaries in order to get them up to SEO standards.
And I'm converting stuff to a digital format so I can put it up on Amazon.
We can get ready to the, for the store. Uh, and that's just part of the stuff
I got to do. Not to mention the AI work I'm doing to try and get us so we can get some, some, uh, videos going up on a regular basis and the, uh, every other week interviews.
I got to do an analysis on theological topics. They're going to do for the Patrion. So when someone says,
Hey, go research it. I say, uh, sorry, don't have time. If you have information, just bring it to me, just send it to me.
That's all. I mean, but it, uh, but it makes a lot of sense though. I mean, of course they, they want to take people, call them the
Pope Antichrist. Of course they want to stop that. I mean, that's what people believe in that kind of thing, you know?
Well, yeah. Um, yeah, but there's a lot of stuff that people believe for different reasons.
So I'm just going to say again, if you have it, the documentation, I'm going to see it. Okay. I'd love to see that.
All right. Okay. Okay. Sounds good. You can send it to info at carm .org,
info at carm .org. All right. Info at carm.
Well, he's talking about AI. What is that technology? That's why
I started talking about AI. I said, what's that? Oh, Alan Iverson. No. Yeah. I know Alan Iverson, the basketball player. I don't watch any sports, so I don't know.
But, uh, yeah, artificial intelligence. I use it. Uh, and I am quite aware of it.
I research on it and stuff like that. I've talked to some people who know a great deal about it and,
I mean, PhDs in it. And so right now things are safe. The next year or two or three is things are going to get a little bit different and need to be very concerned.
No, no, no, scary, scary times we're living in right now. Yes. And we need to be aware of what's going on.
And, uh, someone actually said that because I use AI to do graphics, because graphics means
I don't have to purchase, uh, uh, images and worry about copyright infringement the way the laws are right now with, with images from AI, we can just say whatever it is and then that's it.
There's no, no worry. So I use those in articles for SEO and which is fine.
And, um, we've had people tell us that we are of the antichrist because we're using
AI technology. So that's ridiculous. You know, using technology.
Okay. Well, I hope you have a great weekend. I just, that was kind of my question that I didn't wonder if you had heard of any of this before.
I've heard different things, but, uh, I like to, like I say, I always like that documentation. Okay. Sounds good.
Okay. Take care. Oh, God bless. All right.
All right. Now we only have about five minutes left, but I believe we have another hate mail that has come in within the past few minutes.
So someone let me know. Um, I want to just jump in and see, uh, let's see.
I came across your website. There is so much inaccurate and wrong information on your website and you claim to be of Christ.
I'm seriously confused. It also makes me wonder if you had any suspect motives like a
CIA op would now, you see, it's not bad.
It's a little bit loose logically. Uh, and it's just an accusation without any demonstration of what
I'm wrong about in, in writing. And a lot of times people do it. You're just wrong. Where is it? Uh, I gotta go.
So they don't really call it with anything, you know, and I could say, well, what is it? Give me something specific. Okay.
Hey, look over there. And then they're gone. So, um, did it goes on?
Did you know the prophecy of Christ's return was fulfilled in the 19th century? Oh, it really was. Oh, that's right.
Oh, I wonder why the CIA five eyes and oligarchs want to keep this secret from the masses to Jesus returned in the
CIA. It's keeping it a secret. This is awesome. I have never put that together.
The CIA is keeping the return of Christ secret folks. That is a new level of awesome.
That's good. Man, I can start using that at parties. Hey, guess what I heard. Did you know that the
CIA and five eyes, whatever that is, has kept the return of Christ secret?
Yep. How about that? This person goes on. The Jews rejected Christ and many followers of Christ and Islam have done the same, whatever.
Do you also know Christ and Muhammad are relatives as our
King David and Bab, the Bab and my great, great, great, great, great grandfather.
But man, if you really are Christians, you should know Christ is related to King David.
Wow. Yeah, you said it. We know that you should also know Christ that he was cursed to carry the sword.
Well, where does it say that the book of do direct to me? Every ever wondered why Christ was cursed to carry the sword.
Have you forgotten it? There's a question marks to see Christ curse King David's descendants to carry the sort of King David because he's got his noise talking about.
Let's see. Did not Christ say he would come like a thief in the night? What exactly is it?
Most modern Christians are expecting. Sure. Sure.
Are a lot of variations of tribulations, big celebrations and huge expectations. That's kind of cool.
Variations of tribulations, big celebrations and huge expectations. I kind of like that. Looks like the thief is already in your house.
Do you deny it? Man, this is good stuff.
See, I got issues, folks. I love this stuff. This is, this is for me. It's like, yeah, vacation time.
Okay. Let's go on here. Let's see. Uh, I find it odd that you have so much false information about the
Baha 'i faith and Islam, and I know little about Islam. Wait a minute.
If you know very little about how you know what I'm saying is false when I research it and quote their documents.
Have you forgotten that the modern Bible is two religions bound together in one book? I mean, where did guys come from?
I mean, seriously. Oh, you know, there's got to be a section of the world where oxygen is not real prevalent and people move there and then they vote
Democrat and, uh, and socialist and communist, and they write letters like this.
Okay. Maybe your expectations are in the way or CIA funding. Either way, the likes of Christ Muhammad, the
Baha 'u'llah are, are manifestations of God. They all carry the same spirit of God.
No, they don't. It goes on attachment may or may not be for you. I'm not opening this up. It's hard to deny you are not a
CIA operation with that much false information on your website. I didn't know
I was CIA. That's new. Hey, talk to my wife. Hey, guess what? I'm a CIA. I didn't even know it.
That's how good they are. Wow. All right, folks, there's the music. I'm out of here. May the Lord bless you by his grace.
I'm back on air. Uh, maybe on Monday. I think I have taken my wife to another doctor's appointment. We'll see. But, uh, we'll find out anyway.
God bless. Have a great weekend. We'll talk to you then. Bye. Another program powered by the truth network.