Absolute Proof of Evangelical Conspiracy - (Once Again I'm Sorry in Advance)

AD Robles iconAD Robles


This video is for entertainment purposes only. No factual information is presented. #NoDespair2020


I've been doing my YouTube channel for a long time and I've never really,
I've heard people say this before but I've never really experienced it myself and I'm just, I'm literally shaking right now.
I just got a letter in the mail, I don't know how this person got my address, I don't know how this happened at all but I just got a letter in the mail and you know
I've talked on my channel a lot about Big Eva and how it's like a Mafia, you know the Latte Mafia, we've been joking around about that, you know the
Latte Mafia, stuff like that. You know I've known that there have been, there are people that have infiltrated
Evangelicalism and are working for unknown entities. I've known this for a long time but to be honest and I know it's a big problem and we all know on this channel that it's a big problem you know and my people have messaged me and told me about this story, that story, you know we've never really had proof but we kind of see it and you know even there's been some work done on the paper trail and who's paying for the influences on Big Eva and all that kind of stuff.
I even saw somebody had coined the term Deep Church on Twitter and you know we've talked about this and we've known it's there, it's kind of almost like hiding in plain sight and you know, hold on a second,
I just need to calm down, I mean look at me, I'm literally shaking right now.
So we've kind of always known that it's there and hold on let me get my concealed carry just in case. Okay, alright,
I feel a little bit better. We've kind of always known it's there and the proof's all around us but it's kind of just been hiding in plain sight and people,
I want you to know that I have proof now and this is what
I'm talking about when I talk about the Deep Church and this is a big problem and I think that after you see this irrefutable evidence, will you please lament with me, will you please believe me, will you please lament with me, will you please believe me?
Let me just read it, I'm just going to read, I just got this letter in the mail, this letter.
Actually this is a copy of the letter, I sent the real letter to the police department but this is what it says, it says
AD, you should watch your back you piece of trash, you don't know who you're dealing with here, you think that you can just sit there in front of your expletive camera and act like you're going to make a difference, don't make me laugh, your evangelical leaders are bought and paid for, there's nothing you can do to change that, just one phone call and I can end you.
It goes on, you think that anyone cares that you're Puerto Rican but red pilled?
You long string of racist comments and expletives, evangelicalism does what we allow them to do, no more, no less, we are in control.
You think you can joke about Joe Carter being an agent, we have so many agents and assets in evangelicalism you wouldn't believe it, bottom line, keep your mouth shut, delete your channel or we'll shut it for you.
If you think I'm kidding, just try me, you have seven days, sincerely, the deep church or as you would call it,
Big Eva. Just want to remind you that I'm literally shaking right now, this is what
America is, this is what the church in America is, it's a long history of nefarious organizations infiltrating the church and causing trouble for lay people like me, people that are just looking for the truth, just interested in the truth and trying to do what's right.
And I've been saying this for decades, literally 26 years, that unless something is done about the deep church, how can you say that you love your neighbor?
You have a truncated gospel, you have a truncated gospel, oh yeah, yeah, maybe the book of Romans and Ephesians is in your
Bible but do you even read Corinthians, I mean it's a Romans based theology but what about Corinthians, I mean that's what has more of an impact on this kind of stuff, what about the book of James or Jude, I mean you guys have a truncated gospel and so often, so often what you call biblical theology,
Big Eva, is really just mafia theology, but this is irrefutable proof,
I mean I got a letter, I got it in the mail, you understand, I got it in the mail, I got it in the mail, you understand what
I'm trying to say, irrefutable, irrefutable, and let's just face it, before this letter existed, there was proof, there was proof, you just wouldn't see it, well now look into my eyes and look at this letter and deny it, say it to my face that Big Eva isn't infiltrated with assets like Joe Carter, allegedly, but this is, this is all the proof
I need, I mean, listen, if you don't, if you can't, if you don't accept this as proof of, of, of evil forces in Big Eva, in the deep church, if you don't accept this as proof, then that proves that you're part of it, you're part of Big Eva, when will we, when will we get repentance, when will you love your neighbor, when will you lament with me, the
Bible says we weep with those who weep, mourn with those who mourn, I'm mourning right now because I was threatened, my life was threatened by,
I mean, they're calling themselves the deep church, irrefutable proof here, it's irrefutable proof,
I mean, I mean, I've got my concealed care, I can't show it on YouTube because then
I'll get demonetized, looks like I had a bullet in there, don't worry, it's a dummy round,
I mean, firearms are dangerous, I'm a little scared of them, let me, don't worry, it's, it's a dummy round, so I wasn't, there's no danger there, no danger, anyway,
I want you to think about this as you go into the weekend, as you celebrate with your church, just think of, think of all of the people that are lamenting right now,
I mean, there are, there are, there are millions upon millions of people in the church right now that are lamenting, the
Bible says mourn with those who mourn, love your neighbor as yourself, this is a gospel issue, I was, my life was threatened, my life was threatened by Big Eva, irrefutable proof, by Big Eva, irrefutable proof, anyway,