DUMPSTER FIRE: Charisma Mag's Mea Culpa & LeClaire's Money Meltdown


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Welcome to Dumpster Fire for the third week of February 2018 where we take a look around the internet and look at the obvious things that are going wrong within the visible church today which nobody seems to do anything about.
Yeah no it's it's guys like me you know who pointed out we're always the problem we're the ones causing disunity but scripture is clear that it's the false teachers who are causing disunity in the body of Christ.
So let's just jump into it we're gonna be all over the map today no point saying what we're gonna do ahead of time let's just walk through the dumpster fire and see what we can see is burning.
We're gonna start off by heading over to the Charisma magazine website.
This by the way is the Charisma magazine website the Charisma health portion of the
Charisma magazine website and let me zoom in here so you can see this this was an article published on February 8 2018 and for this little bit of an exercise what
I'd like you to do is just go along with me and we'll ask some clarifying questions along the way and the most important question we're gonna be asking is this is
Gloria Copeland saying not to get a flu shot that's the the basic idea and is
Charisma magazine telling us that Gloria Copeland said not to get a flu shot it's gonna be important it's gonna be vital and you'll see why in a little bit by the way it's too late for me
I already had that nasty flu that went around so just walking through the way you know news stories work it has a headline headline mmm
Gloria Copeland colon skip the flu shot and inoculate yourself with God's Word okay so on a cold reading
I mean are you thinking that maybe Gloria Copeland is saying don't get a flu shot if you're gonna say if you're saying yeah well it sounds like that to me
I think you're you're right on let's keep reading though the story reads then
Gloria Copeland said that flu shots were unnecessary because Jesus provides total protection in a recent
Facebook video all right it's more evidence that Gloria Copeland is saying you don't need a flu shot the video
Gloria Copeland talks about the flu what a title Gloria Copeland talks about the flu it's like a dr.
Seuss book Gloria Copeland talks about the flu with while Horton here's a who anyway it was posted last week to the
Kenneth Copeland Ministries page and the video begins with these words we have we've got a duck season a deer season but we don't have a flu season let's watch the video and let's see what
Gloria Copeland had to say here we go well listen partners we don't have a flu season we've got a duck season the deer season but we don't have a flu season and don't receive it when somebody threatens you with everybody's getting the flu okay so there you are flipping channels and you maybe it's your favorite news station you know
Fox News or CNN or some other news outlet in your flipping channels and the person behind or in front of the teleprompter says this just in everybody's getting the flu this is the worst flu season on record than the last 15 years that newscaster just threatened you and you're sitting there going how was
I threatened exactly well you got to remember in Gloria Copeland's universe the reality is created by words the most powerful thing in the universe is not
God no the most powerful thing in her universe there are words mm -hmm so if somebody says everybody's getting the flu they just pronounced a word curse and have declared basically flu for everybody and it's a threat and you've got a duck under your desk yeah that's really how she thinks no joke you so if you were to say to yourself out loud oh you know
I'm not feeling well I've got a little bit of a scratchy throat you have just doomed yourself yeah
I'm not making this up so apparently she's she's reporting on flu as a threat well here's what you do to counter the threat in her theology we've already had our shot he bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases that's what we stand on and by his stripes we were healed if you've already got them by his stripes we were healed let's take a look at the
Bible on that so you understand what's going on there she's quoting from first Peter chapter two and she's doing so out of context and here's what it says first Peter chapter 2 verse 24 he talking about Christ bore our sins in his body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to righteousness by his wounds you have been healed and so they see the word heal here and they think the word healed means oh when
Jesus was bleeding and dying for us on the cross he bore our our sicknesses which means that Christians don't have to be sick and then of course how then do you activate it because I don't know if you've noticed but in my lifetime
Christians have gotten sick just like everybody else and they've died at the same rate everybody else has died at and this by the way has been going on since the church began 2 ,000 years ago there's been no distinguishing you know health benefit to Christians that they've enjoyed as opposed to the pagan population over the past two millennia and so how is it that these people are doing this well they take the word healed they say well there it is healing is in the atonement and it says by his by his stripes you have been healed you were healed past tense and they think healed is referring to not getting the flu or not getting cancer or you know not having a bad back or something like that that what this is not what this is talking about just put it back into context and you can see what it is that Peter is talking about here it says first Peter 221 to this you have been called because Christ also suffered for you leaving you an example so that you might follow in his steps yeah just put his back in context and Peter's literally saying
Jesus suffered and that's the example you got to follow you're gonna suffer too it's she doesn't talk about that no she her husband wouldn't have received this latest you know
Gulfstream jet if they believe if they preached a you know a message of suffering so listen to that what
Peter then goes on to say he says he committed no sin neither was deceit found in his mouth when he was reviled he did not revile in return when he suffered he did not threaten but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly he himself talking about Christ bore our sins in his body on the tree so that we might listen die to sin and live to righteousness by the way greed big sin ginormous sin it's idolatry scripture says and I would say the glory and her husband suffer no
I don't they don't suffer from this and they enjoy that sin and they revel in it and wallow in it like pigs in mud but anyway he bore our sins in his body on the tree so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness by his wounds you have been healed for you were straying like sheep but now you have returned to the shepherd and the overseer of your souls you see it's not talking about physical healing if this were the case then why haven't
Christians tapped into this amazing power you know in the 2 ,000 -year history of Christianity why isn't the
Apostle Peter still around or Paul you know Paul one time wrote to young pastor
Timothy who suffered from stomach ailments that he needed to have a little bit of wine to ease the pain in his stomach yeah yes it's kind of strange anyway so we can see here what she's doing she's taking this text out of context and blurring it with her false theology which is really more akin to magic you know just say the magic words and and you'll have the right result in your life yeah she
Gloria Copeland is a lot closer to like Hermione Granger or the
Wicked Witch of the North than she is to any Christian woman that I know but so we'll come back to this now so by his stripes we were healed she says hello
I'm a pray for you right now father I pray for every person that has symptoms of flu
I'm asking you Lord where your supernatural power to heal them now from the top of their head to the soles of their feet flu
I bind you off of the people in the name of Jesus whoa she's binding flu
I didn't know flu had ears she's binding the flu folks oh we're saved we're saved uh -huh why don't you walk into a hospital
Gloria and you know buying the flu off the people that are there and you just clear the hospital out Jesus himself gave us the flu shot he redeemed us from the curse of flu and all right so Jesus himself gave us the flu shot he's redeemed us from the curse of the flu she's bound the flu virus you receive it and we take it and we are healed by his stripes amen you know the
Bible says he himself bore our sicknesses yeah we just took a look at that and carried our diseases and by his stripes we were healed when we were healed we are healed so get on the word stay on the word and if if you say well
I don't have any symptoms of the flu well great that's the way it's supposed to be just keep saying that I'll never have the flu
I'll never have the flu yeah this is like I said witchcraft think back to the
Wizard of Oz you know how do I get back to Kansas just tap your ruby slippers together and say there's no place like home there's no place like home uh -huh this is magic this is not
Christianity and she's teaching false doctrine now all of this is to kind of make the point that back on remember here let me zoom in again
February 8th 2018 Gloria Copeland skipped the flu shot and inoculate yourself with God's Word from watch this
I'm gonna zoom in charisma health this is the one who put that out now just a few days later after this story went viral and I mean even
Jimmy Kimmel you know took Gloria Copeland out behind the proverbial woodshed and let her have it a couple of beats with the ugly stick the charisma magazine published a new article let me read the the headline did
Gloria Copeland really say not to get the flu shot quite now let's take a look at the date on that one how do
I zoom in here here we go that was the 12th of February just four days later four days and 49 minutes later charisma magazine did
Gloria Copeland really say not to get the flu shot well let me reference charisma magazine back to the 8th
Gloria Copeland skip the flu shot and inoculate yourself with God's Word Gloria Copeland said flu shots were unnecessary because Jesus provides total protection in a recent
Facebook video this is a clear example of the charisma magazines right hand not talking to their left hand and because they what they're the ones who said on the 8th that the glorious is don't get no flu shot and so now let's read the the spin story but they forgot to take the original one down I mean this as my mom used to say you know
Chris if you always tell the truth you'll never have to remember which lies that you told you know just saying so here's what charisma magazine says last week
Gloria Copeland recorded an encouraging message encouraging praying for those who have the flu and she also talked about how to stand against the flu in faith you may have noticed from news reports and social media comments that there are a lot of people who do not agree with our stance on the
Word of God you're not standing on the Word of God you're standing on a twisted version of the Word of God taken out of context and making it promise things that God is not promised using magic as the solution all you gotta do is speak words and then reality comes to play no that's not how that works so including healing the flu this has led to people question if you can really have victory over sickness like the flu so let's clear the air charisma magazine says let's clear a few things up about Gloria's talk about the flu
Gloria did not say or imply you shouldn't get a flu shot or see a doctor again charisma magazine from four days earlier
Gloria Copeland skip the flu shot and inoculate yourself with God's Word uh -huh somebody be lying up in here somebody's not telling the truth either the people who wrote the original article were lying about Gloria Copeland or the people who wrote the following follow -up article they were lying about what
Gloria Copeland was lying about you think you get the I'll put the link to both of these down in the description for this installment of dumpster fire as you can see things are clearly out of control here now moving along where you were gonna remember last week's dumpster dumpster fire
Jennifer Leclerc for her February word of the Lord she was selling t -shirts a merchandise t -shirts that said dream out loud which is the word of the
Lord for the month of February well she's still trying to get money
I mean clearly if she's no longer employed she is no longer employed by charisma magazine she was no longer an editor there she's out on her own she's got bills to pay and she has a really expensive condo you know that can see the ocean and stuff and we also noted last week that well
Jennifer Leclerc also does a daily Facebook live prayer thing in the morning and just a couple of days ago
Jennifer Leclerc did one of these morning prayer things and she had only three hours of sleep and she was cranky and she came to that portion of her prayer thing on Facebook where she asked for money which she does on a daily basis and she ripped into the people who are on her
Facebook feed basically the ones who were listening in the day after day week after week and haven't sewn in significant ministry gift to her and so we're gonna play that for you let me in honor of this by the way let's throw this into the mix there we go sneaky squid spirit and here we go she needed a graphic you know what
I you know what I'm saying so let's listen to Jennifer Leclerc's prophetic prayer mornings with the
Holy Spirit from February 14th just a couple of days ago here we go
God is good God is good God is good God is good God is good
God is good amen God is good amen hallelujah I want to share with you a few things and then we're gonna go
I've got a good over this wah -wah get some decent coffee Christine brought me some coffee at 530 a .m.
with that she needs some wah -wah no idea what that means your cream it was impressive Christine did the prayer call yesterday
I was so grateful I was so grateful we'll talk about that in a minute if you want an opportunity to sew some of you maybe you're you know you're easily offended maybe you need to sew a seed to break the back of offense in your back maybe you need to sew a seed to break the back of offense on your back what maybe some of you here's a really good one maybe some of you are offended that I take up an offering every day and that offends you is she hitting something did you hear this maybe some of you are offended
I'm asking for money she's hitting something
I want to dive under my desk I feel like I'm being physically threatened here tell me you dip off maybe some of you already dipped off as I see a number of you at least 50 and 50 people already dipped off you know why because they're consumers some people just had to go to work but this is an example of what we call here at fighting for the faith we call it sheep beating yeah she's beating her sheep here
Wow man I just get a helmet or something folks I we're in danger here lots of danger clearly the sneaky squid has attacked her mind and she's not thinking clearly we're all being abused consumers they take take take take take take eat eat eat eat and then when it comes time to say a kind word or sow a seed or pray for somebody else they dip out they just dip out
I give you an opportunity to give because it requires finance I give you an opportunity to give this is the most selfless thing she's ever done reminds me of like you know that you ever get this rant from your mom
I carried you in my womb for nine and a half months you weighed ten pounds and seven ounces and I did natural childbirth because I didn't want to mess up your brain and this is how you treat me the forward this ministry
I don't charge for these calls I suppose I could have some kind of a you know system where people who want to be part of these could could pay for that I don't you know some things in the ministry we have to charge for because the technology requires it this
I found a way to do it for free and it's been a labor of love for four years labor of love so it's time for you to pony up but I noticed that the numbers just as soon as as soon as I switch off this to taking up the offering even though I'm gonna do a teaching most days afterwards people just start dipping off some people tell me you get offended cuz
I'm doing this some of you're just waiting for me to shut up so I can do the in prayer if that's you you need to sow a big seed and that's you gotta sow a big one now oh my
I'll be really offended you I'm trying to offend you if you've got a spirit of offense I I'm glad you're trying because you've succeeded you've succeeded not only to offend the people who you claim you're serving you're offending the broader body of Christ by this blatant abuse this is abuse and manipulation like you wouldn't believe we're giving
I want to shake you up and stir you up today to where you'll either go get deliverance or stop getting on my prayer call and polluting it yeah that's right you're polluting her prayer call if you're not sending money to her you know because there's somebody on here and every time
I go to take up an offering you're cursing me oh yeah I'm just being straight up at it you know I slept three hours
I'm I don't have I don't need to be nicey -nicey this morning Jennifer Clare make a note to yourself don't do your morning prayer calls if you've only had three hours of sleep then everybody you basically the best way to put this is is that Jesus has warned us that and scripture warns us that false teachers are wolves in sheep's clothing and see after three hours of sleep she just didn't have the time to do her sheep makeup and so all of her wolfiness just came right out yeah hallelujah
God loves a cheerful giver if you have offense in your heart and you give to your church every week because you're obligated but you're mad about it you need to get some help amen no you you're the one who needs some help
I think you should be out of the ministry altogether you've clearly shown you're not qualified you're a false prophetess and a false apostle too you need to get some help you need to get some help but I know many of you help in any which way you can and I bless you for that and I thank you for that because we can't do what we do without your partnership without your support there's so many facets to the ministry so many different staffers and technologies we have to pay people say why don't you just do everything for free well because people don't want to work for free it seems like people want to feed their families
I you know I tried to get them just to fast and work for the ministry for free but I just can't find people to do that so I have to pay them
I have to pay them if you want to help if you want to be a blessing people with a poverty spirit will always be offended when it's time to give you know you know what you need to do yeah that's right if you're offended about her basically brow beating you and guilting you and manipulating you and to give you just have a poverty spirit uh -huh you know if you're offended it's the first step to your deliverance oh yeah see a fence you see the you're you being offended this is actually step one for you being delivered from a poverty spirit why do
I feel like she's just making stuff up you know like sneaky squid spirits poverty spirits they all seem to be the same kind of nonsense that just in the land of make -believe that is
Jennifer LeClaire's prophetic mind if you're offended it's the first step to your deliverance so if it offends you when
I ask for money that mean that means you need to get I'm not trying to manipulate you why you always lying get go get yeah actually you are and if they're if they're offended they probably have a good reason to be somebody else
I don't care clearly I'm being bold this morning someone knows you're not being bold this is about as foolish as they get but I'm not playing games like if you get offended every time
I ask you for money it's because you got you got a poverty spirit or else you've got it right yeah you got a poverty spirit if you're offended by her yeah likely story can you show me those poverty spirits in scripture please
I'm sure they're in the same book of the Bible where we find sneaky squid spirits you know a spirit amen this is for the kingdom this is to advance the kingdom of God no it's not no it's not and I'm gonna be blunt if you send money to Jennifer LeClaire it will not be used to advance the kingdom of God it'll be used to advance the dominion of darkness she is a false prophetess a false teacher a twister of God's Word she is a delusional person who thinks that she is somehow apostolically anointed and she is clearly abusing the people she claims that she's ministering to and accusing them of having a poverty spirit and all this kind of nonsense
Wow yeah now to kind of end off this episode of dumpster fire we're just gonna do a little sampling if you would from a church that's up -and -comer a riser within the word of faith heresy movement and you know television televangelism and that is
Faith Church st. Louis and I'm gonna note this and that is is that it's a family heresy business that they run there at Faith Church st.
Louis now remember scripture makes it clear that well in order to be a pastor you must have studied to shown yourself approved as a workman who need not blush with embarrassment who can rightly divide the word of truth now let's do this
I'm gonna cue that up but I want to come over here and I want to show you a from 1st
Corinthians 1st Corinthians chapter 14 and we'll also look at its cross -reference so that we know what scripture says in this regard because first two people are gonna be hearing from from Faith Church st.
Louis are gonna be openly disobeying this text and here's what it says this is 1st
Corinthians chapter 14 starting halfway through verse 33 as in all the churches of the
Saints notice it's all of them the women should keep silent in the churches they are not permitted to speak but should be in submission as the law or you can say the
Torah also says if there is anything they desire to learn let them ask their husbands at home for it is shameful for a woman to speak in church and watch where he goes with this says because a lot of people say well that's just the
Apostle Paul and he just hated women and stuff no watch what he says because you're gonna note that he's continuing his thought with the conjunction remember schoolhouse rocks you know conjunction junction what's that function that's a hook enough phrases and you know anyway yeah and so you conjunctions hook up phrases and clauses and stuff you know and but or things like that well here we've got the conjunction or which means that what follows here is actually connected conjunction junction style to what
Paul just said so let me read it again as in all the churches of the Saints the women should keep silent in the churches they are not permitted to speak but should be in submission as the law also says if there is anything they desire to learn let the master husband's at home it is shameful for a woman to speak in church conjunction or was it from you that the
Word of God came or are you the only ones it has reached if anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual he should acknowledge that the things
I am writing to you are a command of the Lord yeah about the women being silent in the churches
Paul's making explicitly clear here this is not a command from the Apostle Paul this is a command from Jesus himself this is a command from the
Lord if anyone does not recognize this he is not recognized now let me show you the cross reference the cross reference to this is going to be found in 1st
Timothy chapter 2 1 Timothy chapter 2 and it's down here starting in verse 11 let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness
I do not permit a woman to teach her to exercise authority over man rather she's to remain quiet for and here's the reason why
Adam was formed first then Eve Adam was not deceived but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor mm -hmm in other words so yeah here's we got two clear passages alright so are you ready women are not to teach in church and then just combine this then if you would with the pastoral epistle
Titus Titus chapter 1 which us the qualifications for a pastor this is why
I left you in Crete Titus chapter 1 verse 5 talking to Titus that you might put remain in order and appoint elders in every town and here these these are the presbytery you know these are gonna be your elders and pastors and teachers so in every town as I directed you and here are the qualifications if anyone is above reproach husband of one wife his children are believers not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination an overseer as God steward must be above reproach he must not be a drunkard or quick -tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain but hospitable a lover of good self -controlled upright holy and disciplined he must hold firmly to the trustworthy word as taught so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and to rebuke those who contradicted now in my lifetime we've seen the rise of women pastors but it was not this way for the first 2 ,000 years of Christian history why would you think that might be
I know because God's Word says women are not to be an authority over men women are not to teach in the church men are to be the pastors with all of that in mind let us then turn our attention to Faith Church st.
Louis and two of their women pastors to begin with here's
Nicole crank who is ready to enter a new season say me who's ready to enter a new season this is like the way my mom would ask like who wants ice cream who wants ice cream raise your hand oh oh
I want ice cream yeah who wants a new season from God oh
I do I do me this is ridiculous back that up who what is ready to enter a new season say me who and that is what we are talking about today we're talking about getting into a new season and man
I am ready where is this new season talked about in scripture ready for some blessing oh
I was a blessing pick me pick me who's ready for God to open up the windows of what is she talking about blessing and stuff the woman can't even afford pants that doesn't have holes what happened oh you couldn't afford the exterminator and the mice ate your your pants just a reminder what she's doing right now
God's Word explicitly forbids these are our banner years well
I hope this banner year you could afford some decent pants and I'm planning on living them out so I got with God and I was doing my praying
I'm talking to God about my new season I'm like God I got my notebook open you just tell me where to go cha -cha real smooth is she doing the potty dance what is that kids used to do a dance like that you know you need to go potty and they go no yeah you do oh why that's the potty dance he's like well why don't you write something down yes sir so write this down okay he says so many times
God calls people into a new season and instead of moving forward they go backwards and they create reasons for leaving their old one actually he didn't use the word create he used the word manufacture they mm -hmm now a little bit of a note here not only is this woman directly disobeying a clear command from the
Lord found in first Corinthians 14 which we read God has explicitly stated women are not to be doing what she's doing she claims to have direct revelation from God conversationally and I would note this based upon the fact that she's wearing pants that don't have you know that well they need to be retired they have holes in them and she's hearing voices in her head and she's claiming to be hearing directly from the
God who has forbidden her from preaching and teaching she shouldn't be teaching nobody at a
Christian Church I mean they might want to consider having the people come with the white lab coats and the take her to the padded place because she's hearing voices in her head you know okay that's one of the female pastors of Faith Church st.
Louis here's the other pastor Morgan Shuler who happens to be the daughter -in -law of Nicole crank here we go have a question for each and every single one of you which is have you ever met someone who was incredibly indecisive
I'm not sure I'll get back to you on that like you sit down at a restaurant and it takes come on online and it takes 20 minutes are you getting the steak or are you getting the chicken which one are you getting or you've been to the same what is she wearing she going to the gym afterwards or is that a band uniform a thousand times but yet they still have to look at the menu and figure out what is it that I want to get right well me and Pastor Austin like to play this little game pretty much every day it's called what do you want for dinner by the way the job of a pastor is to preach the word
I don't know what she's doing but Wow and can any of my married people or you know entangled people relate come on in a relationship so we you know we're going home from the office or you know going home and I said so honey what do you want for dinner he says um you know
I don't know what do you want for dinner I'm like well um you don't have a preference
I'm just I'm prefacing this this is what our conversations sometimes sound like so you don't care you don't care where we go no
I don't care this is like group therapy for you know married couples you know I don't know what this this isn't a sermon yeah how much you want to bet she's gonna twist
God's word a minute here awesome all right well um how about Olive Garden ah you know
I'm not really feeling pasta maybe not all of garden okay so how's Pizza Hut sound right
I'd rather not have pizza tonight I don't know what about Taco Bell maybe not fast food okay what about Cain's chicken
I'm not really wanting to eat fried food right now come on somebody can anybody relate to this there are people who woke up early on a
Sunday morning and dress nicely for this this ain't
Christian discipleship this isn't a Christian sermon I don't know what's going on here indecisiveness it gets me every single time so finally we just decide on Cracker Barrel can we just thank
God for Cracker Barrel right now it's Cracker Barrel is a corporate sponsor for Faith Church St. Louis no not really but you know everything you want in there but tonight
I want to talk to you about don't let indecision delay your destiny where in scripture does it say that indecision could delay my destiny you are my density okay okay this this is the false teaching that everybody has a dream destiny from God apparently indecision could mess that up it could cause delays and stuff you know cause your destiny package to get lost you know
I hope you get a tracking packet a tracking number on your package there don't let indecision delay your destiny if you brought your
Bibles tonight let's open it up to James chapter 1 let's go there they should put it on the screens for you if you have your glowing
Bible you can get it out to you as well in James 1 it says but let him ask in faith with no doubting it began with a conjunction but let him ask in faith remember conjunction junction what's that function all right so if it begins with a conjunction but that means that there's something that it's connected to in the context that we might want to take a look at all right so James chapter 1 hang on a second here
James 1 okay the verse in question is verse 6 uh -huh but yep and all right so here's what it says in context if any of you lacks wisdom let him ask
God who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given to him but let him ask in faith with no doubting for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that's driven and tossed by the wind for that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the
Lord he is a double -minded man and he's unstable in all of his ways note here that that the context of James 1 6 is in asking
God for wisdom mm -hmm let's go back just a little further in the context why don't we just start at the beginning of the epistle itself
James a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ of the 12 tribes in the
Diaspora in the dispersion greetings counted all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing mm -hmm talking about steadfastness in trials and if you lack wisdom ask
God but it now notice it doesn't say don't it's not about indecision it's about doubting see doubt is the opposite of faith unbelief is the opposite of belief faith is by the way is trust so here
James is saying if you lack anything including wisdom as you face various trials and note that our trials that we experience as Christians they produce steadfast in us so that our faith may be that we may be complete and lacking in nothing and that if we lack wisdom we can ask
God for wisdom but when you ask God you ask him trusting that he hears you believing that he will give you the things that you ask in you ask in his name especially these types of things where you're good and that's the idea so she thinks this is about indecision she starts at verse 6 but let him ask in faith which means she's not interested in the context at all which means she's twisting what
God's Word says to make it say something it doesn't say and this is all about the message of indecision delaying your density uh -huh for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind everybody say driven and tossed anybody ever been seasick before you're on a boat you're like oh
I'm getting sick right driven and tossed by the wind yeah I'm getting sick right now from listening to this false doctrine on the heresies yeah all right so I think you get the point yeah there's a lot of obvious things that are wrong the
Christian Church today and of course I'm the bad guy for pointing it out just want to let y 'all know that so that's this week's dumpster fire if you would like to support us and like to see more of this type of programming here on YouTube you can support us by you know the information is down below in the description by either becoming a crew member or becoming a patron on patreon and another way you can support us also is share our videos with other people so that they can benefit from this type of teaching so until next time may