What God Has Made Clean


Date: Fifth Sunday in Easter Text: Acts 11:1–18 www.kongsvingerchurch.org If you would like to be on Kongsvinger’s e-mailing list to receive information on how to attend all of our ONLINE discipleship and fellowship opportunities, please email [email protected]. Being on the e-mailing list will also give you access to fellowship time on Sunday mornings as well as Sunday morning Bible study.


Welcome to the teaching ministry of Kungsvinger Lutheran Church. Kungsvinger is a beacon for the gospel of Jesus Christ and is located on the plains of northwestern
Minnesota. We proclaim Christ and Him crucified for our sins and salvation by grace through faith alone.
And now, here's a message from Pastor Chris Roseberg. The Holy Gospel according to St.
John, chapter 13, verses 31 through 35. When He had gone out,
Jesus said, Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in Him.
If God is glorified in Him, God will also glorify Him in Himself and glorify
Him at once. Little children, yet a little while I am with you. You will seek
Me, and just as I said to the Jews, so now I also say to you, where I am going you cannot come.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
In the name of Jesus. Now this morning, if you want to look on in your pew Bible, you can.
We're going to be looking at our first reading from Acts chapter 11. This is a misunderstood text.
There are a lot of people who think that this is the text, the one where Jesus blessed bacon. Now, I want everybody to know,
I think bacon is its own animal. I'm pretty sure of that. There's bacon running around out there somewhere. Someone's farming bacon.
Now I assure you, as Christians, we are not forbidden from eating bacon. But this text isn't about God making bacon clean, or lobster, or shrimp.
Okay, sorry, my apologies, my apologies. I digress. I enjoy such wonderful foods.
Anyway, but our text today is a little bit complicated also. And so we're going to have to get a few things settled before we dive in proper.
And I thought to kind of help us sort some of the categories out that are in this text, that we would play the opposite game.
All right, now here's how we play the opposite game. I'm going to say a word, and you need to tell me its opposite.
Okay, pretty straightforward. Are you ready? Here it is. Here's the first word, light. You guys are great.
All right, up. Left. Man, you guys are smart.
All right, now that was the warm -up. Here's the tough one. In our text in Acts 11, we see the word common.
What's its opposite in that text? What'd you say? Unique? Good guess.
The answer's no, by the way. By the way, by kind of a bunny trail here, literally, how do you catch a unique rabbit?
Unique up on it. There you go. All right, so unique is not the opposite of common in this text.
So, all right, let's take a look at the text itself. There in the passage it says,
What God has made clean do not call common. Now do you want to take a stab at it?
What's the opposite of common there? Clean. Now, I think it's interesting that our
ESV Bibles there translate the word kana 'o as, well, common.
There's a couple of ways you can translate the word. It could be common. It could be defiled.
It could be unholy. You're kind of seeing how the synonyms are kind of helping you flesh this out.
If you think of it this way, in the Old Testament, if you ever read through the book of Leviticus, in fact, if you're reading along this week in the
Word that you find in your bulletin, we're in the book of Leviticus, and there's some dry gravely parts in there where you're learning about skin diseases and things like that.
Well, if you have a skin disease in the Old Testament, you were considered unclean, and you had to go and present yourself to the priest.
It's like, hey, priest, I've got a rash here. It's like, oh, this is the worst part of my job ever.
All right, come on, show me your rash. He's like, all right, you're unclean. And so you can't come to church for a while.
And then once it looks like it's getting healed, you go show the priest. Hey, remember that rash I had? Yeah. All right, can
I show it to you again? Yeah. All right, here, take a look. Okay. And he says to you, clean.
Clean, unclean. And think in the categories of holy and unholy. These are your kind of categories that we're dealing with here.
All of this is foundation, and with that now is kind of like a framework for how to attack this text.
We're going to understand that who or what is being made clean in this passage is really vitally important.
In fact, understanding the truth of who or what is being made clean is going to change everything.
All right, so we're going to return to our text, verse 1, Acts 11. Now, the apostles and brothers who were throughout
Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God.
Do you get the feeling like we're jumping into the middle of a story here? Well, we are. Now, if you've ever read through the book of Acts, you'll notice that Acts 10 and Acts 11, they sound a lot alike.
In fact, it's almost as if the Holy Spirit has a department of redundancy department that put the two passages next to each other.
Well, in chapter 10, you have the account itself, the historical narrative of the very, very first Gentiles to believe in Jesus.
Up to this point, Christianity was a thoroughgoing Jewish thing. All of the believers were in some way related to Abraham.
And we find out in our text that we're going to look at today that there was a man -made rule, a man -made law that was contradicting the gospel and bottlenecking the gospel so that the gospel wasn't getting out to the world.
The man -made law was in the way, and God had to intervene. So in chapter 10, we have the story of the very first Gentile believer.
That's Roman, the Roman centurion, whose name is Cornelius. And he and his family are brought to penance in faith in Christ, filled with the
Holy Spirit, baptized. And now Peter gets to go and report what's happening.
I guess what happened, guys? Gentiles are now believing in Jesus. But we read here, so when
Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcision party criticized him, saying,
You went to uncircumcised men and you ate with them. Do you get the feeling that the circumcision party, like, totally missed the point here?
Hello? Gentiles are believing in Jesus. You ate with Gentiles. You see the problem here?
So notice their charge. You went to uncircumcised men and you ate with them.
By the way, Jesus received almost this exact same kind of criticism. In Mark chapter 2, verses 15 through 17, we read,
As Jesus reclined at the table, I think this is Levi, the tax collector's house, many tax collectors and sinners were reclining with Jesus and his disciples.
For there were many who followed him. And the scribes and the Pharisees, when they saw that he was eating with sinners and tax collectors.
Note to self here. Pharisees and scribes are sinners, too. But when they saw that Jesus was eating with sinners and tax collectors, they said to his disciples,
Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners? And when Jesus heard this, he said to them,
Those who are well have no need of a physician. But those who are sick, I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.
In other words, if you ain't one of them, Jesus ain't got nothing for you. If you ain't a sinner, you don't need
Jesus. He didn't come for those who are healthy. He came for those who are sick.
In other words, Jesus didn't come to call the clean. He came to call the common or the defiled or the unholy.
Now, another note here. This, in our reading of Acts 11, this is the first appearance after Jesus' resurrection of the circumcision party.
In the scripture, this is their first appearance. And this won't be their last. Again, here's their charge.
You went to uncircumcised men and you ate with them. So here's the question. You already know the answer to this.
Where in the Old Testament does it say that Jews cannot eat with someone who is uncircumcised? It doesn't say that anywhere in the
Old Testament. In Acts chapter 10, the previous chapter, when Peter shows up at Cornelius' house, he says this.
You yourselves know how unlawful it is for a Jew to associate with or to visit anyone of another nation.
Peter recognizes that it's unlawful, but unlawful according to whom?
God? No. This is not a biblical law. This law is from the scribes and the
Pharisees. Remember in Mark chapter 7, the scribes and Pharisees had that little law about washing your hands when you come into the house after you've been among the
Gentiles, right? And they criticized Jesus' disciples and Jesus himself because they didn't observe that law.
That law was part of the corpus or the body called the tradition of the elders.
And Jesus roundly criticized them saying, you are teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
And now we got a problem because we're seeing here in our text that there are
Christians who are doing the same thing. Right?
So this man -made scribal law, let me give you a little bit of background here because it's fascinating.
This scribal law said that the dwelling places of Gentiles were, here's this word again, unclean or common.
This is what they said. Now if you remember when Jesus is on trial in the Gospel of John, we get this little tidbit.
When they had led Jesus from the house of Caiaphas to the governor's headquarters, it was early morning.
They themselves did not enter the governor's headquarters. This is Pilate's house, right? So that they would not be defiled but could eat the
Passover. Remember that? So Jesus is on trial. We had our little puppet trial over here at Caiaphas' house.
So now we're taking Jesus over to Pilate's house and they would only come to the door. They wouldn't go any farther than the door.
You go on in, Jesus. We can't go in. Right? You think, where are they getting this idea from?
Because it's not found in the Bible. It's not in the Old Testament. Now according to the scribes and Pharisees, this is kind of also fascinating, fun little twist here.
According to their man -made laws, they claimed that the dirt from a Gentile country was also considered unclean.
So if anyone happened to track some dirt in from a Gentile nation, that dirt remained defiled and it never, according to them, actually ever mingled with Israel's soil.
It just continually defiled the dirt of Israel. Consequently, whenever travelers left a
Gentile country, like if they were up in Syria or coming through Samaria, they would always shake the dust off their feet so they wouldn't bring
Gentile pollution into Israel. Okay? Interesting little note. So that gives us a little bit of what's going on here.
When Jesus, in Matthew chapter 10, he sends out the 72 to preach the gospel, right?
And he says, if they don't listen to you, if they don't repent and believe in me, you know what you're to do to these
Jewish towns? Shake the dust off your feet. Treat them like they're Gentiles.
So Jesus takes their man -made laws and just like flips it and throws it right back in their face. You gotta love
Jesus. Anyway, all of that's just a little bit historical note right here. So, coming back to our point.
As is often the case with man -made laws, they end up conflicting with the gospel itself.
They do. We see an example of this very clearly in Galatians chapter 2, where we also run into the circumcision party.
If you want to flip over, it's Galatians chapter 2. I'll start at verse 1 and take a look at two portions of this chapter.
Here's what it says. Paul, talking after his conversion, says, After 14 years, I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking
Titus along with me. I went up because of a revelation and set before them, though privately before those who seemed influential, the gospel that I proclaim among the
Gentiles, in order to make sure I was not running or had not run in vain. A little interesting note.
He then says this, But even Titus, who was with me, Titus is a person who was a
Gentile before becoming a Christian, was not forced to be circumcised, though he was a
Greek. And listen to how then Paul describes the circumcision party. Yet because of false brothers, secretly brought in, who slipped in to spy out our freedom that we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us into slavery, to them we did not yield in submission, even for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you.
So notice here, Paul literally is modeling for us those who are inventing man -made laws that are conflicting with the gospel.
We are not to yield to them in submission, even for a moment, for the sake of the gospel.
You don't compromise with those who are inventing dogmas and saying you have to obey the rule
I just came up with. Because often it's going to end up conflicting with the gospel. And verse 11, it actually, starting from there, you'll see it's very explicitly stated.
Here's what it says, starting at verse 11. So when Cephas came from Antioch, that's the apostle Peter, I opposed him to his face.
Whoops, there goes the idea of an infallible pope. Anyway, I opposed him to his face because he stood condemned.
For before certain men came from James, he was eating with the Gentiles. But when they came, he drew back and he separated himself, fearing, here's that party again, the circumcision party.
Now I don't know about you, but a circumcision party doesn't sound like a party I'd ever want to go to. But when they show up, they show up.
Peter, who had been eating with the Gentiles, all of a sudden kind of backs up. And he takes a breath mint, puts it in his mouth, hoping he'll never taste the bacon on his breath or smell it.
So Paul says this, And the rest of the Jews, they acted hypocritically along with him, so that even
Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy. But when I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel.
Notice, this behavior is absolutely antithetical and the opposite of how we are to behave and treat each other according to the gospel.
When I saw that their conduct was not in step with the gospel, I said to Peter before them all,
If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you force
Gentiles to live like Jews? He goes on, but you kind of get the point, right?
So Paul explicitly states there that their conduct was contrary to the gospel.
And it's because of this law that we're looking at in Acts 11. You can't eat with Gentiles.
Well, as is often the case, God has a way of weighing in, if you would.
It's as if Jesus Christ is actually the head of the church. And when people try to usurp their authority and by doing so subvert what he's commanded us to do so clearly, he intervenes, he intercedes.
Because remember this, remember the Great Commission? Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.
Jesus was pretty clear. If Jesus were like one of those stern, firm, southern dads, he might say something to the effect of,
What part of all are you guys not getting? But Jesus isn't like that.
But anyway, you kind of get the point, right? So, this rule is contrary to the gospel.
And it's causing Jesus' clear command to preach the gospel to all nations to not be happening.
So we return now back to Acts 11. So Peter's called on the carpet,
Good news guys, Gentiles are believing in Jesus. Rather than praise the
Lord, you wait with Gentiles. So Peter began and explained it to them in order.
All right, guys, I was in the city of Joppa. I was praying and in a trance I saw a vision, something like a great sheet descending, being let down from heaven by its four corners.
And it came down to me looking at it closely. I observed animals, beasts of prey, reptiles, bacon, lobster, shrimp, birds of the air.
I put that in there, by the way. And then I heard a voice saying to me, rise, Peter, kill and eat.
But I said, by no means, Lord, for nothing common or unclean has ever entered my mouth.
But the voice answered a second time from heaven. What God has made clean, do not call common.
This happened three times and all was drawn up again to heaven.
Three times. Well, let's see what that sounds like. What God has made clean, do not call common.
What God has made clean, do not call common. What God has made clean, do not call.
It's as if the Father has spoken, the Son has spoken, and the Holy Spirit has all now spoken.
The Trinity himself is united. This man -made law must go.
Keep in mind, Jesus did not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Which then is really cool, because we then understand this.
The ones who have been made clean are not the shrimp, the lobster, and the bacons.
The ones who have been made clean are you and me. And that makes the difference of the whole world.
And when we lose sight of this fact as Christians and begin thinking like the circumcision party, in false ways regarding false dichotomies between clean and unclean, holy and unholy, then we, like them, end up subverting the gospel and impeding the
Great Commission. Now, dear Abby was not exactly known as an astute theologian.
Just want to make sure you understand this. I'm not saying you should read her theological works. But dear
Abby actually said something one time, and here was the quote that she gave. The church is a hospital for sinners.
It is not a museum for saints. That's a good quote. Now, I would tweak it just a little bit.
I would tweak it to say the church is a hospice for sinners. Not a museum for saints.
Oftentimes, and this is sad, unbelievers will cite as their reason for not coming to church their belief that the church is full of hypocrites.
Have you ever heard that one? Yeah, so have I. Sadly, this can become the case, especially when the good news of the forgiveness of sins is put on the shelf and then the church becomes a country club or some kind of a spiritual gymnasium or a place where we end up singing our own praises and pat each other on the back for how holy and sanctified we are and while we thank
God that we're not like the other people, you know, those unclean sinners out there, while we fail to see just how sinful and in need of the forgiveness of sins we are.
I know I am. Self -righteousness is the root of all of this hypocrisy and the only way that someone can deceive themselves into believing that they are somehow righteous in and of themselves is because of their own holy life and thoughts is by actually abandoning
God's law and its killing work and then substituting it with their own man -made rules and regulations.
Right? Keep in mind in our gospel text, Jesus did not say they will know that we are his disciples if we don't dance.
That's a man -made law, by the way. Now, it may be that the reason why someone doesn't dance is because they're
Norwegian. Right? Jesus did not say they will know that you are my disciples if you don't drink alcohol.
This again is a man -made law. Maybe the reason why someone isn't drinking alcohol is because they're a recovering alcoholic or a
Mormon. Or maybe they just don't like the taste of beer. There's a million different reasons why not to drink alcohol and that is not a sign that you are a
Christian. Or if you don't use tobacco products or if you vote for a particular political party.
I think this year's political season will prove that one to be completely bunk. Or they'll know that you're
Christians if you keep those people out of your church. I don't know who those people are but it kind of changes from place to place.
Think of yourself living in the South before the end of segregation. Those people would be
God's blood for and died for African -Americans. Right?
And how evil and wicked is that? Instead, we hear from Jesus. A new commandment
I give you that you love one another just as I have loved you. And notice this is love grounded in the gospel.
How are we to love each other the way Christ has loved us? How has
Christ loved us? Sacrificially. By bleeding and dying for us on the cross.
The way the world will know that we are His disciples is if we have that love for each other.
It's a lot easier to not drink alcohol, isn't it? Or to not dance. Or to never smoke.
That's easy. Having this kind of love for each other. How do we say it?
Ufta. Right? Yeah. Let me remind you how
Christ has loved us. Romans 5 says this. For while we were still weak.
While we were still sinners. At the right time, Christ died for the ungodly.
That's me. That's you. One will scarcely die for a righteous person, though perhaps for a good person one would dare to die.
But God demonstrates His love for us. And that while we were still sinners,
Christ died for us. And it's through Christ's blood shed for us on the cross that we who were born common, born defiled, born unholy, born sinful, sinfully unclean.
It is through Christ's shed blood on the cross that we are made clean by God. And as forgiven sinners, we can now take the good news of the forgiveness of sins to everyone.
Everyone. Because we understand rightly that there is no one as sinful as we are.
And that other people's sins do not defile the righteousness of Christ given to us as a gift.
Self -righteousness teaches us to see ourselves as the ones who have cleaned themselves up.
Gotten themselves right with God. While the Gospel teaches us to rightly understand that there is no way for ourselves to clean ourselves up.
And that God had to clean us. And because we have been cleaned by God, we cannot be defiled by someone else.
And where has Christ cleaned you? Right there. Right there in the waters of your baptism.
Christ's blood and the water and the Word mixed together to wash all of your sins away. Though your sins be as scarlet, they're made white as wool.
So the Gospel, and that's the thing about the Gospel, it tears down self -righteousness.
And it totally obliterates all of these man -made distinctions. They don't apply anymore.
And here's the thing, there's a lot of people who have a lot of power in the church through these man -made distinctions.
And so they will guard these distinctions murderously if they must.
Coming back to Peter. Peter says, Behold at that very moment three men arrived at the house in which we were, and sent to me from Caesarea.
And here's what he says, And the Spirit told me to go with them making no distinction.
The Spirit wouldn't make any distinctions like this and it wasn't. So you know what Peter's doing? Hey guys,
I know you're upset that I ate with Gentiles, but hey, the Spirit made no distinction. Take it up with God.
That's what he's saying. So these six brothers also accompanied me. We entered the man's house. He told us how he had seen the angel standing in his house and say,
Send a Joppa. Bring Simon who is called Peter. He will declare to you a message by which you will be saved.
You and all of your household, including your infants. And as I began to speak, the
Holy Spirit fell on them just as on us at the beginning. And I remembered the word of the
Lord how He said, John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
If then God gave the same gift to them as He gave to us, when we believed in the
Lord Jesus, who was I that I could oppose or stand against God? And when they heard these things, the circumcision party acquiesced.
They were checkmated by God Himself. Their distinction had to fall, at least on that day.
But don't worry, they'll come back to fight another day, right? They often do. So when they heard these things, they fell silent.
And then they glorified God saying, alright, well, then to the Gentiles also,
God has granted repentance that leads to life. And that they got right.
It is God who grants repentance. So the reason that God makes no distinction, by the way, why is it that God makes no distinction?
Well, it's quite obvious. In Romans 3, verse 9 we read, the Apostle Paul says, are we
Jews any better off? No, not at all, for we have already charged that all, both
Jews and Greeks, the whole world, they're all under sin. As it is written, none is righteous.
No, not one. No one understands. No one seeks for God. All have turned aside. Together they have become worthless.
No one does good, not even one. Notice verse 22 begins with these words, for there is no distinction.
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified by His grace as a gift.
Through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation, an atoning sacrifice by His blood to be received by faith.
You see, God makes no distinction because what Christ did on the cross wasn't for one group of people.
It wasn't for one group of genetically engineered people or a particular line of descent from one person.
It was for the whole world. Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Your sin and mine. And He is determined to give us this gift of salvation.
And He has sent His pastors and preachers and teachers out into the world to proclaim to all tribes, all nations, all languages that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting men's trespasses against them so that they would be saved.
Saved and have true eternal life. Saved from the fires of hell, which we have all deserved.
So we are to not look at any group of people, any nation of people, whether they are white or brown,
Muslim or Buddhist, and say, no, not them. We're not going to share the good news with them.
Or alcoholics, prostitutes, tax collectors, people who work for the IRS are evil, by the way.
We're not to exclude anybody because we all know this.
What God has made clean, we are not to call common. Christ has bled and died for the sins of the world.
Therefore, as penitent believers who have received this cleaning from God, we dare not say, not them.
Because by saying, not them, we run the risk of saying, not us. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
For more information on the ministry of Kungsvinger Lutheran Church, you can do so by sending a tax -free donation to Kungsvinger Lutheran Church, 15950 470th
Avenue NW, Oslo, Minnesota, 56744. And again, that address is
Kungsvinger Lutheran Church, 15950 470th
Avenue NW, Oslo, Minnesota, 56744. We thank you for your support.
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