Jesus Was GAY! The Gospel Is GROTESQUE! | #Woketiktok | Pastor Reacts
This one was a hard video to react to. You're going to hear some of the most vile things ever said about God, the Bible, and Jesus. As always we're going to break it down and see what the Bible truly says :)
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- 00:00
- Christ says, keep away from the Bible. This TikToker is just not being straight with you guys.
- 00:06
- Actually, oops. There's a double entendre there,
- 00:13
- I'm sure. Follow the God known through Jesus's love, but not this false
- 00:20
- God of the Christians. This man, he doesn't have a problem with Christians. He has a problem with Jesus.
- 00:26
- Jesus was gay. God made him that way. I can't imagine something more devilish than what this man is doing by taking the true message of the
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- Bible and twisting it into its antithetical opposite. I've got a doozy for you today, folks.
- 00:51
- We've got a, I'm not sure what I'm looking at here, a pastor or a reverend of some kind making all kinds of outlandish claims.
- 00:59
- And I have to admit, when you hear some of the things that he says, you're gonna get very upset. So prepare yourself.
- 01:04
- Before we go any further, if you're new here, welcome. This is Wise Disciple. My name is Nate, and I'm helping you become the effective
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- Christian that you were meant to be. Before I jumped into this ministry full -time, I was a debate teacher and a pastor, and it is from that unique intersection that I make these videos.
- 01:18
- Make sure to like and subscribe to the channel. We're almost to 200 ,000 subs, guys, and I'd love to party with you when we reach that milestone.
- 01:26
- Also, if you think this is an important discussion, would you please share it with somebody else? And finally, check out the awesome discounts we're running through Logos Bible Software.
- 01:33
- Every month, Logos gives you new books just for signing up, and this month's is awesome. It's called
- 01:38
- How to Think Theologically. It's gonna break down a lot of fundamental Christian concepts for those of you seeking to understand them.
- 01:45
- Definitely check it out and get it for your library totally for free. Go to logos .com forward slash wise disciple for more.
- 01:52
- Christ says, keep away from the Bible. The living Christ says, these writings you have put together into one book, the
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- Bible, are a historical account of various events and people's thoughts about them.
- 02:09
- So if you've seen my videos like these before, then you should know what we're gonna do here.
- 02:15
- On this channel, we react to horrible theology and awful exegesis, and we counter with scripture.
- 02:22
- So before I get involved, before I respond, let me set the expectation, okay?
- 02:28
- But just asking you, how would you respond? If you were face -to -face with this person, what would you say?
- 02:35
- Would you make a statement? Would you ask a question? What would that sound like? And also, what scripture comes to mind that helps you in formulating a response?
- 02:46
- Let me know in the comments. Or if you're not quite there yet, let me encourage you, be thinking about what you would say as you watch this.
- 02:55
- He just said right out of the gate, he just made a claim, that Jesus says, stay away from the scripture, guys.
- 03:03
- Keep away from the Bible, okay. But where did Jesus say that, though? That would be my stock response.
- 03:09
- Can you take me to the specific place in the scripture where Jesus says, stay away from it? Such writing should not be regarded as accurate always, or right, and rarely
- 03:20
- God's word. There's a lot wrong with them. Christians have made the
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- Bible into a weapon with which to injure people. So track the claims now, because they're coming quick.
- 03:33
- They're coming fast at you, right? Jesus said there's a lot wrong with God's word, guys. Okay, but wait a second.
- 03:41
- John 1, 1, in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. Look at verse 14.
- 03:47
- And the word became flesh and dwelt among us. And we have seen his glory, glory as of the only son from the father, full of grace and truth.
- 03:57
- So the Bible says that the word of God is Jesus Christ, and that he was with God in the beginning, and that he became flesh and dwelt among us.
- 04:06
- By the way, John 1, 1 is John's way of retreading the creation account.
- 04:13
- Because when we see the phrase in the beginning to a believer, that immediately takes us back to the phrase when it is first uttered in Genesis 1, 1.
- 04:24
- So John is telling us that Jesus was there from the very beginning at the moment of creation.
- 04:29
- He presided over it. And as it turns out, he was the one who actually did the creating.
- 04:35
- Look at verse two. He was in the beginning with God, all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.
- 04:44
- And this man wants us to believe that there's a lot wrong with the word of God.
- 04:50
- Well, okay, what does that mean though? Does he mean the word of God as John describes in the gospel of John chapter one?
- 05:00
- Does he mean the word of God as the apostle Paul describes it in 2 Timothy chapter three, verse 16?
- 05:07
- All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every good work.
- 05:18
- That phrase there, breathed out by God, some of the other translations say inspired, is a recall to the moment where God breathed on the ground and created man and woman in Genesis chapter two.
- 05:33
- In other words, there is a close creative connection between God and the scriptures in the same way that there is a close creative connection between God and mankind.
- 05:46
- God has breathed on both types in order to create both types.
- 05:52
- And this man says, you know, there's something wrong with that. Is he talking about the scripture?
- 05:58
- Like, which is the very words of God according to Paul? Like, what is this man talking about?
- 06:03
- And more importantly, where is he getting his ideas from? And Christians have made the
- 06:08
- Bible into a weapon with which to injure people and hide their motives.
- 06:16
- I am - Well, okay. You know, hold on a second. That's not false.
- 06:23
- Okay. So, you know, welcome back to another episode of Two Things Can Be True at the Same Time.
- 06:28
- My name is Nate. Thanks for watching. On the one hand, this man just got done saying a bunch of unverified nonsense and he should be called out for that.
- 06:39
- On the other hand, he just said something true though. So let's call both out. It is true that folks in the church have used the
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- Bible as a weapon. And I've talked about that in previous videos. It is true that folks essentially, they take scripture and they like ball it up and throw it at people's foreheads, which is a horrible thing to do.
- 07:01
- We should be engaging folks in the same way that Philip did with the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8.
- 07:08
- In a spirit more aligned with helping people and trying to aim for ultimate reconciliation between man and God, right?
- 07:17
- And sometimes, you know, folks don't do that. Particularly like abusive folks in the church who use power as a means to manipulate other people.
- 07:27
- That's true. But now here's the $6 million question. So therefore what?
- 07:34
- So therefore what follows from this? That the Bible is false? That Christianity is not true?
- 07:41
- How does that follow? Please explain and don't skip any steps in the explanation.
- 07:48
- I'm not dead. I am not silent. God has no need to communicate through an ancient book.
- 07:57
- God speaks today. Good people, they listen. God has no need, man, he's dropping these fast.
- 08:06
- God has no need to communicate through an ancient book. Jeremiah chapter 31, verse 31 says, "'Behold, the days are coming,' declares the
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- Lord, "'when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel "'and the house of Judah.'" Stop.
- 08:19
- This is the promise of the new covenant that Jesus initiated with his disciples at the last supper.
- 08:26
- When Jesus said, drink this cup, this is my blood, do this in remembrance of me.
- 08:32
- And when he said eat this bread, this is my body, do this in remembrance of me. This is the covenant that God promised would one day come all the way back in Jeremiah 31.
- 08:45
- Now watch what God says this new covenant will entail. Verse 32, "'Not like the covenant that I made "'with their fathers on the day when
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- I took them "'by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, "'my covenant that they broke, "'though I was their husband,' declares the
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- Lord, "'for this is the covenant that I will make "'with the house of Israel after those days,' "'declares the Lord.'"
- 09:04
- Here it is. I will put my law within them and I will write it on their hearts and I will be their
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- God and they shall be my people. Why? Well, you're like, why will they be
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- God's people? It's because God's law will be in their minds. Now here's a question.
- 09:25
- How do we know God's law? Yep, you guessed it from the scripture guys, from the ancient book that this man says,
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- God has no need for. God's people will concern themselves with this ancient document because that's where God's special revelation is housed.
- 09:45
- That's where we get to know God and how we measure ourselves in light of his standard for us. It's almost as if this man wants us to abandon the
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- Bible because the Bible commands against a number of things that he probably thinks is totally fine.
- 10:02
- He probably thinks LGBT activity is just peachy keen. I'm looking at his pin here on his shirt.
- 10:11
- It's kind of fuzzy, but it looks like the pin says love is love, right?
- 10:17
- Could that be why this man wants us to believe that there's something wrong with God's word, that God has no need to communicate through it?
- 10:26
- And oh, by the way, he can't provide one verse or passage to support his claims about any of the things that he's talking about.
- 10:33
- It couldn't be that obvious and simple, right? And they can hear my voice.
- 10:40
- So put the Bible down my friends and listen to all those shining with light and overflowing with love from every faith and nation and philosophy for they speak
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- God's word for today's world. Every faith, every philosophy speaks
- 11:05
- God's word. Really? Well, then what does this mean?
- 11:10
- Colossians 2 verse 8, see to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world.
- 11:20
- And here it is, not according to Christ. Doesn't that verse hit certain philosophies against the teaching of Christ?
- 11:31
- As a matter of fact, Paul in the entire letter to the Colossians warns against thinking that you can somehow merge other religions and other philosophies with the teaching of Christianity.
- 11:42
- Why? Because it's incompatible. That's why John says this, 1
- 11:50
- John 4, 1, beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they're from God.
- 11:57
- For many false prophets have gone out into the world. Well, wait a second, what do prophets do?
- 12:03
- They teach, they proclaim, they relay messages that are allegedly from God, except wait a minute, the
- 12:11
- Bible warns about false prophets who pretend that they are relaying messages from the one true
- 12:17
- God, but aren't. That's why Peter says this, 2 Peter 2, verse one, but false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.
- 12:37
- And many will follow their sensuality. And because of them, the way of truth will be blasphemed.
- 12:43
- This is all over the place, ladies and gentlemen. I mean, the apostle Paul says something similar, right?
- 12:50
- He says, the time is coming when people will not endure the sound teaching of the Bible, but will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.
- 13:02
- Isn't that exactly what's going on here? The fact is Jesus says, the road is narrow that leads to life and few will find it.
- 13:12
- Matthew 7, 14, for the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life and those who find it are few.
- 13:20
- By the way, the opposite is true. Look at verse 13, enter by the narrow gate for here it is. The gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction.
- 13:30
- And those who enter by it are many. Does that sound like every faith, every philosophy speaks
- 13:36
- God's word? No, it doesn't. 10 truths Christians don't want you to know because they want to protect their club rather than spread
- 13:46
- God's love to everyone. Number one, God is not male. So using he, father,
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- Lord and King is not accurate. Number two. Whoa, hold on, hold on.
- 13:59
- He goes fast, doesn't he? Hold on, hold on. You gotta slow down. We're gonna take a look at these individually, okay?
- 14:06
- God is not a human being. That is true. Okay, great. So therefore using language to describe
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- God as a he is not accurate. Is that what he said? Okay, but wait, where did we get this idea to describe
- 14:20
- God like this? Where did we get this from? Did we get it from God? Isaiah 54 verse five, for your maker is your husband.
- 14:28
- Is that a male or a female term? The Lord of hosts is his name.
- 14:34
- Is that a male or a female pronoun? And the Holy one of Israel is your redeemer, the
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- God of the whole earth. He is called, for the Lord has called you like a wife deserted and grieved in spirit, like a wife of youth when she is cast off says your
- 14:50
- God. By the way, who is speaking here? It's the Lord. The Lord is describing himself in masculine terms, in male terms.
- 15:01
- This is why Jesus describes the Lord as his father. John 14, six,
- 15:07
- Jesus says, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father, except through me.
- 15:14
- He goes on. If you had known me, you would have known my father also. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.
- 15:23
- Why does God describe himself in male terms? And Jesus as well, if that was somehow inappropriate.
- 15:31
- When Jesus teaches his disciples to pray, right? In Matthew chapter, is it nine?
- 15:37
- What's the first line he teaches them to say? It's actually Matthew chapter six, verse nine. Here it is.
- 15:42
- Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name. This is Jesus teaching us to pray to God.
- 15:50
- And he tells us to use male terms, masculine terms when we do it. Does that mean that God is a human being?
- 15:58
- No, but clearly God chose male terms to communicate certain aspects of himself to us.
- 16:05
- Clearly God thought that was important enough to use those types of designators. And we cannot ignore that.
- 16:12
- No matter what anyone else says, this TikToker is just not being straight with you guys.
- 16:19
- Actually, oops, there's a double entendre there,
- 16:26
- I'm sure. Okay, what I meant to say was he wants to undermine the scripture in order to further his own agenda.
- 16:34
- The Bible is often homophobic, racist, sexist, describing a hateful genocidal
- 16:39
- God and is not God's word. God's word is communicated through good and loving people in today's world.
- 16:48
- Number three. Whoa, so, okay. The Bible is not
- 16:53
- God's word. I just showed you a moment ago how the Bible literally describes itself as God's words.
- 17:03
- For this man to make this kind of argument, he would have to deal with 2 Timothy 3, verse 16 in a meaningful fashion.
- 17:11
- It's not that he can just say a bunch of stuff. He has to actually deal with the scripture that runs up against his claims, but he doesn't and so therefore he should not be taken seriously.
- 17:22
- Which by the way, like when anyone makes a baseless claim, all you really have to do is say, nah, and there's nowhere else to go from there.
- 17:32
- I mean, it's like, that's checkmate. Unless you introduce evidence to support your claim.
- 17:38
- But again, this person chooses not to do that. So we're left with, nah.
- 17:44
- Adam and Eve didn't exist. There was no fall and we're not born with original sin.
- 17:52
- Number four. This is, gosh, this is frustrating.
- 17:58
- Adam and Eve did not exist. Jesus must've been thoroughly confused on this one.
- 18:05
- Matthew 19, verse 4, Jesus said, have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female?
- 18:13
- In verse 5, he goes on to quote from Genesis, guess what
- 18:19
- Genesis is describing from the place that Jesus is quoting. He's talking about Adam and Eve. So Jesus is talking about Adam and Eve right in this particular passage.
- 18:29
- So you tell me, does it sound like Jesus didn't believe that Adam and Eve existed at all? That they were just made up?
- 18:38
- As a matter of fact, wait a minute. In Genesis 3, verse 15, God said that the offspring of Eve would one day bruise the heel of the serpent.
- 18:47
- This offspring was Jesus Christ. So let's get this straight. If Jesus existed and the
- 18:53
- Bible says that he was the offspring of Eve and he referred to his great ancestor, doesn't that mean that Eve also existed?
- 19:03
- By logical necessity, if you have a son today, that means there was an ancestor that came before the son, right?
- 19:09
- Isn't that how it works? An ancestor who, by the way, Jesus acknowledges in Matthew chapter 19.
- 19:16
- So where is this TikToker getting his theology? It's certainly not from the
- 19:23
- Bible. And yet he wants to tell us a great many things about God and about the
- 19:30
- Bible. Mary conceived Jesus naturally with Joseph or possibly another man.
- 19:37
- Number five, Jesus never claimed to be God. He was a man and a sinner, just like us.
- 19:46
- Number six, Jesus... So you see how this works?
- 19:54
- When you don't take the Bible seriously, you get to make up whatever you want about it. You can say anything you want.
- 20:01
- The problem though is those of us who know the Bible, those of us who cherish it, we seek to bury it deep in our hearts and in our minds, right?
- 20:11
- We meditate on the Bible, we chew on it, we talk about it, you know, when we rise, when we walk, when we go to sleep at night, right?
- 20:20
- The moment that somebody like this TikToker comes along and makes up these claims, people like us, we're just going to ask him for chapter and verse, right?
- 20:32
- And then we're also going to ask him to explain stuff like this. Luke 1, verse 31, and behold, this is an angel speaking to Mary.
- 20:40
- Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the son of the most high.
- 20:49
- And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father, David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. And of his kingdom, there will be no end.
- 20:56
- Mary said to the angel, how will this be since I'm a virgin? And the angel answered her, the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you.
- 21:07
- Therefore, the child to be born will be called Holy, the son of God. So not only does this man make this claim up, he does so in direct contradiction to what the
- 21:19
- Bible teaches. So the question is, how does he get around this passage? And those like it, how does he explain it?
- 21:28
- Well, probably with the idea that the Bible is corrupt and unreliable. Okay, well, that's interesting.
- 21:35
- Well, why would you use concepts from a corrupt book? And also like, how do you know what is corrupt and what is not corrupt?
- 21:41
- Like who gets to decide what that is, him? By the way, folks like this have an answer to these questions.
- 21:47
- It's a horrible answer, but you see what I'm doing? That's the kind of conversation that should be taking place in response to false teaching like this.
- 21:56
- Jesus was not sent to die as a sacrifice for our sins. Rather, he was killed by religious people who were so irritated by his radically loving approach, his willingness to forgive and his distrust of religion.
- 22:13
- Number seven. Nope, nope, nope, nope. We're going one at a time, guy. We're going one at a time.
- 22:18
- By now, you all should know where in the Bible I'm going, right? Mark 10, verse 32.
- 22:25
- So they're on the road going up to Jerusalem. Jesus is walking with his disciples. This is what's going on. And they were amazed and those who followed were afraid.
- 22:33
- And taking the 12 again, he began to tell them what was going to happen to him. This is what he said, verse 33.
- 22:39
- "'See, we are going up to Jerusalem "'and the Son of Man will be delivered "'over to the chief priests and the scribes "'and they will condemn him to death "'and deliver him over to the
- 22:49
- Gentiles "'and they will mock him and spit on him "'and flog him and kill him.
- 22:55
- "'And after three days, he will rise.'" He's telling them this before it happens. It seems like that's the plan as a matter of fact.
- 23:03
- Now, the question is, why is Jesus going to do that? Look at verse 45. "'For even the
- 23:10
- Son of Man came not to be served, "'but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.'"
- 23:17
- Jesus literally taught his disciples that he came to die for our sins, to give his life as a ransom for many.
- 23:25
- That was accomplished in the death and the resurrection of Jesus. At this point, ladies and gentlemen, it's not even comical how awful these claims are.
- 23:36
- This guy is just pulling things out of thin air. Boy, thank you so much for watching this video.
- 23:42
- Did you know that the majority of people who do watch are not subscribed to the channel? If this video is blessing you, would you do me a favour and like and subscribe to the channel?
- 23:50
- It just really helps me to get the word out about this ministry. I greatly appreciate it. Beware the Christian God.
- 23:57
- Jesus was loving, forgiving, compassionate, good, and approached religion in a radically humanitarian way.
- 24:04
- Oh, how tragic that Christians distorted this exemplary legacy and have peddled their damaging narrative.
- 24:12
- The Christian God has favourites, wipes out peaceful communities, unalives children, orders us to unalive our partners, children, friends, and family over the most trivial matters, and abuses and oppresses women.
- 24:28
- The Christian so -called gospel, their good news, is in fact a grotesque tale on close inspection, more akin to the worst news.
- 24:38
- It starts with the violation of a child by a monster
- 24:43
- God who impregnates her with his son. Christians teach that God has sent.
- 24:50
- So Mary was violated by a monster God so that she could give birth to Jesus.
- 25:00
- Where does this man teach? I take it this isn't a costume he got at the store, right?
- 25:08
- Or maybe it is, I don't know. But what church in the world would let somebody like this up to a pulpit?
- 25:16
- I'm not even sure at this point that progressive Christians so -called would agree with some of the stuff that he's saying right now.
- 25:26
- This man, if he does not repent, will have a lot to answer to the true
- 25:32
- God when he stands before him. And I gotta be honest with you guys, I don't wanna be anywhere near that when it happens.
- 25:38
- He needs a lot of prayer. And the people who are swayed by his teaching, they need protection so they don't believe these horrific lies.
- 25:48
- Sent this son intending him to suffer and be unalived as a payment in blood to the devil.
- 25:58
- Christians claim this ransom is to set us free, but not quite. They go on.
- 26:04
- It only liberates. So yeah, notice the wording here. He says, Christians claim.
- 26:10
- No, no, no, no, no. Jesus claimed. Jesus. We just went over the text. Mark chapter 10.
- 26:17
- Take a look again. Mark 10 verse 45. For even the son of man came not to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.
- 26:25
- That's not Christians. That's Jesus Christ speaking. He's the one who said he came to give his life.
- 26:32
- This man, he doesn't have a problem with Christians. He has a problem with Jesus. It liberates us if we swallow hook, line and sinker their contrived
- 26:41
- Christian message and become signed up, paid up church members. Otherwise, this
- 26:46
- God of theirs is going to send us anyway to burn for all time in hell.
- 26:52
- Christians meanwhile will luxuriate in heaven like billionaire oligarchs without a thought or a qualm for those suffering as they chum up with their despotic
- 27:03
- God. Beware this so -called gospel, these so -called
- 27:09
- Christians and this organization called the church. Jesus never taught these things, never believed these things, never wanted these things.
- 27:23
- How does he know that? How did he come to this conclusion?
- 27:30
- These are some interesting claims. Where is he getting his information?
- 27:38
- He speaks of a Jesus that he clearly gets from the Bible but then he denies what the
- 27:43
- Bible actually teaches. Imagine if I started talking about Abraham Lincoln and then
- 27:50
- I said, you know, Abe Lincoln was never president and you know, he never wanted to end slavery.
- 27:55
- Also, he wasn't even a lawyer, guys. He was actually a Basset hound. Did you know that? All of this stuff we know about him, it was just a contrived message that our government made up about him.
- 28:07
- What's the first question that you're gonna ask me? Where are you getting your history, right?
- 28:12
- They are the opposite of his message, a denial of his teaching and an affront to his large heart and profound compassion.
- 28:24
- Follow the God known through Jesus's love but not this false
- 28:30
- God of the Christians. How do we know Jesus's love unless we read about it from his word?
- 28:40
- This is gaslighting and boy, it's truly evil and wicked.
- 28:48
- I can't imagine something more devilish than what this man is doing by taking the true message of the
- 28:56
- Bible and twisting it into its antithetical opposite. This has gotta be one of the worst things
- 29:05
- I've ever heard anybody say. This is really bad, guys. Jesus was gay. God made him that way.
- 29:12
- The Bible describes Jesus as being gay. It repeatedly refers to the special love that he had for John.
- 29:19
- So distinct was that love that the Bible describes John as the beloved disciple. So intense was their love that the night before Jesus died, when all the disciples were gathered at the last supper, the
- 29:31
- Bible describes Jesus and John lying upon each other as lovers would naturally do, unembarrassed to display their love before their friends.
- 29:41
- Okay, now I think I've heard it all. Just when
- 29:47
- I thought I'd heard it all, I think maybe now I've heard it all. This is utterly blasphemous.
- 29:55
- And I'm surprised, actually, I'm not surprised. I mean, this is precisely what the
- 30:04
- Bible warns us about, ladies and gentlemen. It's people like him. Galatians 1, verse six says, I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel.
- 30:18
- Not that there is another one, but let me say it again. Not that there is another one, but that there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.
- 30:27
- There is no other gospel. There is no other name under heaven. Salvation is found in no one else but the one true
- 30:34
- God. And that raises the question, does this man know the one true God?
- 30:42
- Imagine I told you that I knew your father and you'd say, really, Nate, you know my father?
- 30:48
- I'd say, yeah. And then I'd go on to describe a person that looks, sounds, and speaks nothing like your dad.
- 30:54
- What would you tell me? You don't know my dad. This man does not know our
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- God. He does not know our Lord and our savior and our teacher,
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- Jesus Christ. He's so blind beyond all comprehension that he's projecting activities onto Jesus that God says are completely antithetical to his desires.
- 31:20
- It's clearly laid out in his revelation to us in the Bible. And he does all of that, this man, just so that he can continue to affirm sin.
- 31:31
- There is not one verse anywhere in the Bible that says that Jesus was gay.
- 31:36
- And by the way, if he was, do you think that a pro -hetero, anti -LGBT community like the
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- Jews in the first century would have noticed that? That they would have said something and made a huge fuss about it, particularly considering the laws against LGBT activity in the
- 31:55
- Torah, that by the way, were still enforced in Israel in the first century? Does this person have absolutely no historical or social awareness of the
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- Jewish biblical community? He acts as if Jerusalem was San Francisco in the 1980s.
- 32:12
- This is utter absurdity. So deep and committed was their love that when the rest of the disciples had fled in fear for their lives, it was
- 32:20
- John who remained faithfully beside Jesus at his crucifixion. The Bible says that when
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- Jesus saw him, despite all the agonies he was suffering. Well, wait a second. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
- 32:33
- That's not true. See, this is where the agenda doesn't fit into the actual teaching of scripture.
- 32:40
- Did you hear what he just said? He just said that all of the disciples abandoned Jesus except for John.
- 32:48
- But when Jesus was arrested that night, look who the Bible says abandoned him. Matthew 26, verse 56.
- 32:54
- All this has taken place. Jesus is talking about Jesus getting arrested, being taken away.
- 33:01
- All this has taken place that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Watch this.
- 33:06
- Then all the disciples left him and fled. Was John there that night?
- 33:12
- Yep. And he was there and he took off just like all the rest did. Now, was
- 33:19
- John there at the cross when Jesus died? Yes. But guess who else was there? Mary Magdalene.
- 33:24
- John 19, verse 25. But standing by the cross of Jesus, here it is, where his mother, his mother's sister,
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- Mary, the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. Mary traveled with the disciples and gleaned
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- Jesus' teaching alongside them. Are we supposed to believe that now Mary also had a romantic relationship with Jesus?
- 33:48
- You see what happens when people who are so obsessed with sex read history, they end up sexualizing everything.
- 33:59
- So when you see friendships and when you see mentor -mentee relationships being described, you immediately have to say, oh, they were lovers.
- 34:09
- It doesn't matter that LGBT is entirely uncharacteristic of the people of that time period and the people of that specific community.
- 34:15
- It doesn't matter that Jesus says he is the word of God, the Yahweh of the Old Testament, who taught the
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- Israelites that same -sex activity is a sin. It doesn't matter that rabbis in the first century and their disciples were typically close and had strong bonds of relationships that were more akin to fathers and sons.
- 34:36
- No, no, no, they had to be gay, guys. Because everything has to be gay. Because everything is about sex.
- 34:43
- And when you are obsessed with sex in this way, you see it everywhere you turn.
- 34:49
- He cried out to his mother, begging her to look after John and welcome him into her home as a married partner would be welcomed.
- 34:59
- Christian art shows them entwined, Jesus stroking John's hair, his lips against his brow, cradled in his arms.
- 35:08
- James I, King of England, believed Jesus was gay as have believers and bishops throughout history.
- 35:15
- For Jesus, gay love was as natural as all love between adults.
- 35:21
- Man to man, woman to woman, woman to man, be they also bi or trans or whatever. Love is love and it honours
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- God, for God is love. And wherever love is found, God is found. That explains why
- 35:34
- Jesus never said anything critical about the LGBTQIA plus community, never criticised gay love, never taught against it.
- 35:42
- Why would he have done? God had made him gay. And he was as happy to celebrate the love that he had found with his beloved
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- John, just as we can celebrate with pride, the LGBTQIA plus community and the joy of all our experiences of love in our lives.
- 36:03
- Notice in none of these videos, was there one
- 36:08
- Bible passage cited or quoted, none of them. He didn't open the Bible. He didn't read from the
- 36:14
- Bible. As a matter of fact, this TikToker tried to make us believe that the Bible isn't even a reliable document, that God has abandoned it, has no need for it.
- 36:24
- And yet he has all kinds of things to teach us about what the Bible is truly saying. And as it turns out, it's incredibly woke and filled with pro
- 36:33
- LGBT and social justice theory talking points. The way you talk to a person like this, if it's even worth it, if it's even worth your time, is by asking three kinds of questions.
- 36:47
- First, please show me that you understand what you're reading. This is an exegetical question.
- 36:54
- If the person you're talking to cannot exegete a passage out of the scripture, they should not be taken seriously.
- 37:01
- Second, please show me the evidence that supports each of your claims.
- 37:08
- Go through each claim, ask for biblical passages that back each one up or whatever evidence this person wants to present.
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- And most importantly, ask for an explanation as to how each passage supports the claim.
- 37:21
- In debate, we would call this a warrant. Ask for the warrants, right?
- 37:27
- If the person fails to do what you ask along these lines, they should not be taken seriously. And finally, please engage the passages of scripture that contradict you.
- 37:43
- Make them walk through and exegete each one. And trust me, for somebody like this, there are too many to count.
- 37:50
- And make sure you get a clear explanation as to why these scriptures are not a problem for this person.
- 38:00
- Boy, that was really difficult to hear. I'm not gonna lie. That was it.
- 38:05
- That makes me really upset. To hear someone be so disrespectful to the
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- Lord and lie about him so easily. I love the Lord and I love his word that much.
- 38:19
- It makes me angry. And yet this man still has time to repent.
- 38:26
- As long as he has breath in his lungs, he has time to receive the mercy of God and repent of his ways and follow after the one true
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- Jesus. It's gonna require that he deny himself to take up his cross and follow after Jesus.
- 38:41
- It's gonna require that he deny his identity and find identity in Christ alone, you know?
- 38:48
- But it's possible. When I think of the idiotic things that I used to say as a non -believer,
- 38:54
- I just, I can't stay mad at this person. The Lord was abundantly gracious to me and the same can happen to this man.
- 39:04
- So let's pray for him. His name is Jonathan Blake. Let's pray for him that he sees the light and pursues the truth.
- 39:13
- All right, now it's your turn. How would you have responded to Mr. Blake here? Did you get upset like me?
- 39:18
- Let me know in the comments below. As always, you gotta join the Patreon community. What are you waiting for? Jump into the discussions we're having over there.
- 39:24
- There's all kind of cool features. You can join the Bible study with me. You can jump onto a live stream.
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- You can jump into a Zoom hangout with me. You can meet up with me one -on -one and chat about whatever you want.
- 39:35
- The link for the Patreon is below. Hey, I'm gonna return soon with more videos, but in the meantime, I'll say bye for now.