Is There Evidence for the Existence of God?


Belief in God and in Jesus Christ may be a matter of faith but in this video, I go over three pieces of evidence. #apologetics Visit our church website: Arguments Psalm 19:1 Starry skies above (Natural Revelation) Romans 2:14-15 Moral law within John 6:63 The Scripture (Special Revelation) #gospel


Hello. And thank you for watching. Is there proof for the existence of God? I believe that there is.
And in this video, we're going to be looking at three pieces of evidence for the existence of God.
And it's very simple. Sometimes you watch these apologetic videos and there are deep philosophical arguments, but these are three simple pieces of evidence that there is a
God and everybody knows it. The first piece of evidence, the starry skies above.
The second piece of evidence, the moral law within. And the third piece of evidence is the scripture, the
Bible itself. So the first piece of evidence, the starry skies above, this is called natural revelation.
So everybody knows that there is a God. We know there is a God simply by observing the creation.
The creation speaks to the fact that there is a creator. Psalm 19 verse one says the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork.
So if you're walking down the street and you see a watch lying on the sidewalk, that watch is evidence.
It's proof that there is a watchmaker. Romans 1 20 says for since the creation of the world, his
God's invisible attributes are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made.
That's us. Even his eternal power and Godhead so that they, mankind is without excuse.
Every single person deep down, we know that there is a God. Now Romans one talks about how man suppresses that knowledge and people choose instead to worship the creature rather than the creator.
That's why you have paganism. I see these bumper stickers here in new England. They say tree hugging dirt worshiper.
Well what are these people doing? They're worshiping the creation itself rather than the creator, but people will worship idols.
They'll worship animals. People worship other people. Sometimes people worship themselves.
Even the new age movement, you know, teaches that you are a God. God is within you or we are all part of the divine.
Even pantheism to some degree teaches that yes, we are all part of God.
So this is the first piece of evidence that God exists. The starry skies above, but unfortunately people distort and corrupt, suppress that knowledge.
Now let's look at point number two, that God exists. The second piece of evidence, the moral law within Romans two 14 and 15 says we have
God's law written on our heart. You see, everybody knows the difference between right and wrong, good and evil.
You can go into the deepest jungle that has never experienced or had any contact with modern civilization, never been taught all these things about God or religion.
They still know there's still some sort of faith or religion there and the people know the difference between right and wrong.
They know that murder is wrong. They know that adultery is wrong. They know that theft is wrong.
Now it's true. People today are taught from a very early age that good is evil and evil is good.
So with the indoctrination and the propaganda today, everything is backwards and we see that evidence all around us.
But this is the second proof that God exists. The moral law written on the heart of really all mankind.
The third piece of evidence that God exists, this is the Bible. Well, how is the
Bible proof that God exists? Well, the Bible, God's word has power.
It has the power to change hearts, it has the power to change lives.
The Bible has been proven true again and again and again. The Bible has never, even though it has information in it that mankind couldn't possibly know, the
Bible has never once been proven false. Now people will say, well, the
Bible isn't true. We know the Bible isn't true because of evolution. We know evolution is true.
No, you don't. Evolution is a theory, right? The theory of evolution, besides nobody has ever observed it happening.
You cannot test it. It's not even really science. It's a theory. And again, you have to be taught that.
You have to be taught these things to, and this is how the devil works, to lure people away from the truth.
So there's all sorts of teachers, as we talk about, who try to blend, well, okay, there is a God, but he used evolution.
And then you just have a mixture of truth and error today, and it's differing degrees of unbelief.
But the Bible, here's the point, you have natural revelation, the starry skies above that can tell you there is a
God, but you need special revelation, the Bible. You need special revelation to know exactly who this
God is and what he wants us to do. And what God wants us to do is to believe in his only begotten son, the
Lord Jesus Christ. So the gospel, the word of God has the power to change lives.
Just the fact, you know, fulfilled prophecy alone, fulfilled prophecy concerning the person and work of Christ, that in and of itself, predicting events hundreds of years, sometimes thousands of years in advance, that is proof that God exists and he has given us his word.
It's evidence has been said that the Bible is a book that man would not write if he could, and he could not write it if he would.
Meaning even if man had that supernatural knowledge, he would not write a book that condemns himself.
But even if a man would write a book that condemns himself, he doesn't have that knowledge. That knowledge had to be given to us through the prophets and the apostles, through special revelation.
But again, the Bible is proof that God exists. Jesus said in John 6, 63, it is the spirit who gives life and the flesh profits nothing.
The words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life. The words of scripture are spiritual words.
They have the power to give life. That's why we need special revelation. So when a person hears the preaching of God's word, when they hear the gospel, that God by his grace has sent his son to forgive us of our sin through belief in the gospel, the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, that has the power to change hearts, has the power to change lives and all the changed lives all over the world.
That is just more evidence and it's all through the word of God and through the spirit of God.
So in conclusion, the only question is not, is there any evidence? Because there is evidence, there's evidence all around us.
The only question is, do you believe it? The Bible says in Romans 10, 17, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
And when you hear that is when these words come true. I'll end with this Romans 10, 9 through 11, that if you would confess with your mouth, the
Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved for with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation for the scripture says, whoever believes on him will not be put to shame.