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- I'd like to continue this message and wrap it up today on part two of Jesus cleanses his father's house
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- Jesus cleanses his father's house. We're basically going through the gospel of John the fourth gospel the evangelists the
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- Apostle he is so evangelistic as The Spirit of God has inspired
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- Him to be moved To write these wonderful words and give us this this account of our
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- Lord and Savior the theme of course is and John is that Jesus is
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- Deity he is God in flesh He is God in flesh He is
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- God the word Became flesh in verse 14 of chapter 1 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us pitched his tent
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- And we beheld his glory and the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth now
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- I mentioned that verse because The story that we're at Jesus cleansing the temple
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- Has a lot to do with God's glory not being
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- Lifted up Christ Christ deals with that he comes and does his father's business
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- So God is not being glorified In the temple and we will see that the temple has become a place of merchandise rather than a place of prayer and This is what our
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- Lord comes to deal with in action You know the primary truth taught in the cleansing of the temple here fulfills a messianic prophecy by restoring true worship
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- I Emphasize that true worship of the Father Jesus our
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- Lord says this in John 4 and in verse 23 and 24 we're moving in that direction, but God willing we'll be looking at this as a wonderful verse of scripture, and he's actually talking to the woman at the well and evangelizing her and giving
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- Her the The wonderful good news. He is the good news. He's given of himself and it all began with basically him asking the question
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- Give me a drink of water Give me a drink and Then the revelation is later on the conversation goes on but in verse 23 and 24
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- Jesus tells her and you got to keep in mind this This is a basically a woman that's had many husbands her life has been a train wreck her life has been a wreck and She's a prostitute basically think of this the
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- Lord tells her but the hour the hour is coming and Now is when the true worshipers will worship the
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- Father in spirit and truth For the Father is seeking such to worship him And God is a spirit
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- Jesus says gives us a wonderful definition here Who God is
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- God is a spirit and Those who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth.
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- What a revelation What a revelation and isn't it wonderful how our Lord gives this revelation to a woman at the well?
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- That's so needy And then she turns out to be a great evangelist in Samaria now
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- Keeping that before us This is the primary truth that's taught in the cleansing of the temple
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- It's about worship and it's how Jesus is going to cleanse his father's temple Way off too often in our time
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- Jesus is seen as you well know in our society, especially in America and Jesus is portrayed as a
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- Gentle Jesus meek and mild and let me say in parentheses here according to the scripture.
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- He is Gentle, he is meek and mild Jesus said they Invites people to come to unto him all you the labor heavy laden from meek and mild and heart gentle and heart
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- But that's only one side of Christ Jesus is full of grace and compassion
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- And most of the time all the way through the Gospels He is shown being shown compassion to those or lepers to those that are sick
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- To the Gentiles he reaches out and to the lost
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- Because he came to seek and save that which was lost. That's his mission but also we cannot jump over the parts where Jesus is
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- Seen and through the revelation of Scripture that he is all powerful all authority and holy
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- Let me say this also as I mentioned that Jesus is gentle. He's meek and mild
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- Yet too often he's pictured also is weak and wimpy and very timid and That is not the picture of our
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- Lord Jesus Christ That is a wrong and distorted view of the character of Jesus You know, the real
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- Jesus of the scripture is displayed for us very vivid and clear It is so different Than those who portray him as weak and wimpy
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- And by the way, that is far from the way his character really is
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- Especially that's found in Scripture Scripture Gives us how
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- Christ really is and here in this story. We see his character displayed in Scripture his perfect character above all is holy
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- Christ is holy He's absolutely holy separate
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- Different perfect without sin No flaw in him whatsoever
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- Isn't that wonderful how our Lord is? He's holy But he's not weak he's strong and when his father
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- And and when his father is dishonored especially within the temple in a place of worship and When the honor of God was at stake
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- Jesus displayed at times a very holy violence Holy violence.
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- He's aggressive here as It's seen in Scripture he's zealous He's passionate
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- And we're going to see what he's really passionate about. It's a holy zeal It's a holy zeal which is in essence a zeal of divine fire as Keith has already brought out this morning.
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- He is hot red hot fire for God's glory and That's what we need to focus on.
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- That's what he's zealous about the glory of God and he comes to the temple as he goes to Jerusalem and He sees a place that at the temple that's supposed to be a place
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- Where God is to be honored and glorified and worshipped for his glory and yet it's turned into a place of Merchandise a marketplace and later on as he cleansed the temple at the end of his ministry
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- He calls it a den of thieves. They have made it into a den of thieves and We see here
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- Jesus is glory. Jesus is zeal for God's glory a zeal for God's glory which is taught by the way as Jesus taught his disciples how to pray and How did he begin?
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- our father which art in heaven and How did he begin that? hallowed be thy name
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- Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
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- Now. This is the summation of the glory of God God's glory we see this all the way through scripture that God is to be glorified because God is the thrice
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- Holy God and revealed into three persons the Father the Son and the Spirit and Jesus had a perfect Holy zeal for God's glory and the cleansing of the temple
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- That's this is the reason why cleanses the temple because it's desecrated and they polluted it and Jesus demonstrates in his action by holy passion of His his passion for true and pure worship of the
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- Father and it pained his heart It pained his heart to see this
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- Therefore we see the zeal in operation Now here in our text in the gospel of John chapter 2 if you're not there, please turn with me there as we look at this
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- Awesome story of the Son of God how he would demonstrate his holy zeal He would demonstrate
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- He just doesn't talk about it He demonstrates it in action To cleanse his father's house and he cleanses it.
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- He cleanses it And I'm gonna read chapter 2 and we'll begin at verse 13 through 22
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- I'd like to read the text and then I like to go in there we look at the explaining the text and see what the text is saying and Then I'd like to give an exhortation at the last in the application verse 13 hear the word of the
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- Living God in The Word of God says this now the Passover the
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- Jews Was at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem and he founded the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves and the money changers doing business and when he had made a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple and the sheep and oxen and poured out the changers money and Overturned the tables and he said to those who sold doves take these things away
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- Do not make my father's house a house of merchandise and Then the disciples remembered that it was written zeal for your house has eaten me up and The Jews answered and said to him
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- What what sign do you show us to us since you do these things?
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- And Jesus answered and said to them Destroy this temple and in three days,
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- I will raise it up Then the Jews said it has taken 46 years to build this temple and you and and will you raise it up in three days?
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- But he was speaking of the temple of his body therefore When he had risen from the dead his disciples remembered that he had said this to them and they believed the scripture and the word
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- Which Jesus had said? Let's stop right there. Let's bow With me, please and moment of prayer as we seek our
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- Lord's face within this hour of worship As we hear God's Word expounded on this wonderful text our gracious Heavenly Father Lord, we thank you
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- We thank you today Lord that You are full of compassion and gracious But everything about you
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- Lord is absolutely holy Your grace is holy your mercy is holy your patience is holy everything about you is holy
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- Lord Holiness unto the Lord and we say hallowed be thy name
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- And help us so dear Lord to truly truly understand what it means to worship you
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- Spirit and truth Lord, we need the help of your Holy Spirit to help us And just not in this hour, but Lord every day when we worship you in our time before you as We live and breathe and have our being in you
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- Lord That's our chief in is to glorify you to worship you to enjoy you forever to delight in you
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- And Lord we need so much within this Desperate desperate hour in which we live a divine intervention of your holiness a divine revelation that comes from your words of your majesty
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- Your holiness a restoration of revival Lord within the the church your people and Lord I pray that you would start with us as David said search me
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- Oh God and see if there be any wicked way in me And Lord, I pray that the same prayer as the psalmist cried out in song as he said and Asked the question.
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- Will you not revive us again? That your people may rejoice in you Show us your mercy
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- Lord and grant us your salvation And father we ask this
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- Lead us to the rock Jesus Christ who is higher than I Hide me behind the cross today
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- Lord and may your word go forth in power and truth And Lord may it be received
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- With Thanksgiving and fall on good ground and so it may give and bear fruit for your glory and honor
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- And we ask this in the name of Jesus Amen verse 13
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- Says now the Passover of the Jews was at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem now this is the first of the three
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- Passovers which John the Apostle mentions in the gospel here his gospel
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- It's found in verse 13. And then again see that it's found in chapter 6 verse 4 and then in chapter 11 verse 55 speaks of the
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- Passover And if you notice in the latter there Jesus perfectly always attended the
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- Passover feast to celebrate the Passover. He kept the law to its to its team.
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- He fulfilled the law He never missed the Passover. He never missed the feast
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- And he always kept it the Passover actually commemorates the deliverance of the Jews from the slavery of Egypt when the angel of death actually came and God basically gave instructions of to slay a lamb slay this lamb shed its blood and take the blood and Spread it on the doorpost of each of the houses and They were sprinkled with blood according to the
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- Old Testament scripture in Exodus chapter 12 verse 23 through 27 that God gave instruction and as We know as we see
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- Jesus Christ is God's lamb he is the Lamb of God Jesus is our Passover lamb and he is the one that fulfills this as he comes to die upon the cross of Calvary and His blood is shed once and for all
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- And a great transition takes place. The temple is no longer needed to offer up sacrifices and animals to be slain
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- Jesus is God's lamb and he is slain because he is God's lamb and he's led like a lamb to the slaughter
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- He is that picture. He is actually if you read in Revelation, he is the lamb That was slain before the foundation of the world.
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- Isn't that amazing? That this was already in the plan of God's decree that God had already decreed this
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- Before anyone ever existed before God created man before he even created the world. This was in God's decreed plan that Jesus is that lamb
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- That is slain for the foundation of the world and this will be the song through the ages by the way when we reach heaven the song of the
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- Lamb The song of the redeemed all because of his precious blood that he shed on Calvary's cross to Save us from our sins because he that knew no sin became his sin offering that We might become the righteousness of God in him.
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- He covers us with his righteousness. That's the gospel. There's a great exchange He takes our sin and we take his righteousness
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- Jesus took our place as the substitute. That's the gospel as the substitute lamb of God so here this is all you will see that Jesus in every step of God's sovereignty and Through his three years of ministry from the first cleansing to the last cleansing of the temple and then eventually when he's crucified
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- But he fulfills the law in every way and verse 13 Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
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- He goes to Jerusalem and this is where the Passover feast is is and so Jesus journeys there as tens of thousands
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- Josephus literally says there's so many people. It's we don't know Actually the number but there was literally in tens of thousands of people there that came to celebrate this great feast and usually
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- Many hundreds of lambs would be slaughtered between 3 p .m.
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- And 6 p .m on the night of the feast so the Jewish pilgrims
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- Crowded into Jerusalem There was the pilgrims that journeyed along for this greatest of Jewish feast
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- So then in verse 14 we read and he founded the temple Those who sold oxen and sheep and doves and money changers doing business
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- Interesting here. They are doing evil business and Jesus comes to do holy business
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- Jesus comes to do his father's business We get we cut we looked at this last Lord's Day But we get a small little window and from the scriptures that when
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- Jesus was 12 years old He's at the temple and he's basically asking them questions but here he's engaged in his ministry and he comes to do ministry and This is actually the second miracle that's recorded the first miracle.
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- We looked at that. He changes the water into wine Here is a second miracle and some people say well pastor.
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- I don't see a miracle here But actually it is a miracle of profound Power that Jesus drives out tens of thousands of people
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- Animals the money changers he turns over the tables and the the money goes everywhere and and Actually, let's read it verse 14 and he found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves and money changers doing business and Jesus discovers evil in this temple
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- He found the temple being desecrated He found the temple being polluted because of men's evil heart now
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- I read this last Lord's Day But I want to read it again because this is actually what was happening to the tea if you read
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- Isaiah chapter 1 Because it tells us in detail They're actually the hearts.
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- This is a place of worship and they come there and they have desecrated God's house and verse 12 of chapter 1 of Isaiah when you have come to appear before me and who has required this from Your hand to trample my courts
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- They were trampling the courts of the Lord there they were trampling and Polluting the temple and then he says this bring no more
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- Futile sacrifices incenses and abomination to me the new moons and the Sabbaths and the calling of the assemblies.
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- I Cannot endure iniquity Listen to that God and his holiness.
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- I cannot endure iniquity Cannot endure it and the sacred meeting
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- Your new moons and your appointed feast and my soul hates they're all a trouble to me
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- I am weary of burying them and when you spread out your hands I will hide my eyes from you, even though you make many prayers.
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- Listen, they're very religious. They even praying I Will not hear Your hands are full of blood and then he pleads and gives the invitation wash yourselves.
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- He gives the remedy make yourselves clean Put away the evil of your doings before From before my eyes cease to do evil learn to do good seek justice rebuke the oppressor
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- Defend the fatherless plead for the widow come down. Let us reason together says the
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- Lord though your sins are like Scarlet they shall be as white as snow though. They are red like crimson
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- They shall be as wool and if you're willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land
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- But if you refuse and rebel you shall be devoured by the sword for the mouth of the Lord is spoken
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- That is basically what is happening here. It's being desecrated there is it's these people are very religious and and in a sense
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- This is a preview of judgment as we will see and the judgment comes to the Jewish people not the
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- Gentiles It had interested they were looking for a Messiah Supposedly in their mind to bring judgment to the
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- Gentiles but here the judgment begins in God's house first here at the temple and He found in the temple.
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- It was being desecrated a place of holy worship a sacred place being disrespected and violated It was the courts of the
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- Gentiles That a lot of this was taking place the outer courts within the temple
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- Where so much commercialism was taking place there was regular commercial marketing within its walls the worshippers
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- Needed animals for the sacrifices oxen sheep and doves and it was these money changers that was taking advantage of selling these animals for the sacrifices and Usually there was defected and they knew that and then people had to come back and buy more
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- So the money kept piling up at sorts. It was it was a it was a display a display of greed.
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- I should say It was horrific. What was happening in the name of God and don't we have the charlatans around today?
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- Man's nature has not changed the greed still corrupts the man men's hearts today
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- And we can find this in our hearts at times if we're not careful But that's what we need to ask to God to search our own hearts
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- Greed comes up and That greed comes from a corrupt heart
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- That greed is the love of money Which is the root of all kinds of evil, but here it's in the temple, but don't we see this today?
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- Turn on the television you don't have to go far You see these televangelist begging for money money money money and taking widows money people's money poor people's money and They're living in mansions
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- In some have jet planes and airports All in the name of the one that they have a place to lay his head.
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- This is Christ. He sees these worshippers You know the worshippers
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- They needed these oxen sheep doves incense meal wine so forth. There's so much being sold oil salt it goes on and on and other items for sacrificing and offerings and the pilgrims for foreign nations would come in and And they needed the money
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- Exchange because they would come in with different kinds of money and they had to be exchanged and then tax they were taxed to the hilt
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- Absorption and at some point in the history of this temple, I like You to notice it we won't say how did all this take place
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- Did God's people fall into this overnight? No Intertestimate period 400 years of silence a
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- Lot was taking place a lot of corruption We don't know exactly when or about the
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- Pharisees and Sadducees has formed but somewhere within a 400 years Man has to have a religious
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- System of religious meeting and here comes the Pharisees and here comes the
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- Sadducees and the Sanhedrin and men's religion and they added to God's law by their traditions and Attitude and corrupted it and they departed from God's Word God's law
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- Because they added to it But when God last spoke in the book of Malachi somewhere in between those foreign years
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- This temple became desecrated and the desecration basically Was at the feet of the
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- Sanhedrin the people that basically put Jesus Christ to death and many in the early church
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- Corruption and Religion set into the temple and I say religion the priest decided to take advantage of the market themselves
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- Instead of letting the retailers on the outside reap all of the profits, but Here's the priest began to set up the booths the priest within the courts of the
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- Gentiles To lease out space to the outside retailers these
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- Often turned out to be family members and home of the booths or space which was apparently the high priest
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- Whose name was Annis Annis We see him in the
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- Gospels. He's a wicked High priest the outer courtyard of the temple was the very worship center for the
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- Gentiles and which was filled with the booth like spaces which were worshipers could find any kind of service that they needed and So the atmosphere was one of commercial traffic and commotion and not a true worship and prayer a lot of commotion a
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- Lot of traffic and I like to say this again we don't know exactly the the amount of people that was here, but there was there about a tens of thousands a
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- Mass of crowd a mass of humanity a masses of people and that's why it's a miracle
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- Jesus literally drives all these out By his power
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- It's incredible the prophecy is So true and we looked at this again,
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- I like to read it again go to Malachi chapter 3 This is so significant because the
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- Lord suddenly comes to his temple. He comes to his temple Malachi chapter 3 it bears repeating again, doesn't it?
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- Because we need to get this Behold I send my messenger and he's talking about John the Baptist right there But he will prepare the way before me and the
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- Lord whom you seek was suddenly come to his temple Jesus fulfills this this is a prophecy of the
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- Messiah and then it says even the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight Behold, he is coming says the
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- Lord of hosts and who but who can endure the day of his coming? Good question and another question on top of another question and who can stand when he appears
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- And notice how he will cleanse For he is like a refiners fire.
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- He's like a launderer So he will sit at as a refiner or a purifier of silver and he will purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold
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- And silver and they will that they may offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness And then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem Will be pleasant to the
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- Lord as in the days of old and in the former years and I will come near you for judgment and I would be a swift witness notice what it says here against sorcerers against adulterers against perjurers against those who exploit wage earners and Widows and orphans and against those who are turned who turn away an alien because they do not
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- Fear me says the Lord of hosts Everything there and that word
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- Jesus fulfills He comes to cleanse the father's house
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- Cleanses it Cleanses it powerful prophecy
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- So it gives us the details so Look with me now to verse 15 through 17
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- We see Jesus is right of authority to cleanse the temple. He is the right he has the right to cleanse it doesn't
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- He has the authority. Can you imagine the commotion and the dust storm rising from the temple courts that day notice what it says?
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- When he had made a whip of cords a scourge of cords some translations say
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- He drove them all out of the temple He drove them all out I didn't say some all of them all out of the temple with the sheep and the oxen and poured out the money changers money
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- The changers money, I'm sorry and overturned the tables and he said to those who sold doves
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- Take these things away do not make my father's house a house of merchandise
- 31:25
- Can you imagine it all these animals were running loose everywhere ox oxen and and and doves actually flying about and and Everything was really
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- Jesus did everything orderly. There's no disorder on Jesus's part But The evil here he basically overturns the
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- Tables full of money coins Changers money and overturned the tables he was enraged with a holy anger folks
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- Because people was profiting these priests was profiting from the poor worshippers That was running for their lives,
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- I keep this in mind also a Stephen Lawson says one man did this a one -man
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- SWAT team And that incredible Tens of thousands of people one man
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- SWAT team Christ comes in Makes a scourge of cords and some people think how did he do that?
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- Because he's the Christ He's the Messiah He has the authority
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- He has the passion the holy passion for God's his father's glory He makes a scourge of cords because there was ropes there everywhere
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- To drive the animals so he makes this and he drives him out And there's again and nothing in Scripture that he beat people with the scourge of cords.
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- He ran him out But this is a display of his holiness
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- This is a That he's Demonstrating in his father's house. He ran out He ran them out literally tens of thousands
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- Because the father's house was desecrated It's supposed to been a place of true worship and prayer at the end again at the cleansing when he cleanses again
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- He says to them you've made it a den of thieves We must see something here folks and is this
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- Jesus's anger Hmm It's not bad temper There's no bad temper in Jesus here.
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- He is sinless or quote -unquote some people say a sinful anger like ours
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- When we do lose our temper We've become angry because many times when we are wronged, right?
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- I've been there and you know, I've been wronged and I've become very angry But Jesus was it like this
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- It's not bad temper because he's wronged There's nothing selfish here.
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- He has a perfect holy zeal that's eaten him up Because he is a zeal for God's glory
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- Jesus got angry here when his father was being wronged make no mistake about it this beloved is this is a
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- Perfect holy divine righteous anger It's a preview of God's holy wrath
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- It's a it's a small preview of what would happen when he comes back the second time and He's going and that and it's gonna be far greater on a far greater scale when he comes back in power and glory with all of his holy angels and the saints in heaven and Then he's gonna lay waste the nation's because the
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- Bible says a sword would come out of his mouth that base symbolic But it basically says all he's got to do is speak the word and he's gonna lay nations flat and Slaughter them so many times.
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- We don't see this side of Jesus because it's not preached because so many times Speaking of preachers are so afraid of losing people in their congregation because God Jesus is such a holy
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- Christ And he's he levels that he sets the record straight.
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- He comes to deal with sin but one day in Scripture, he's going to deal with it once and for all as Psalm 2 says
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- And if you read Psalm 2, let me read just a portion of it and that's exactly what Psalm 2 is all about It's about his second coming in power and in glory
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- And notice what it says I'll read the whole thing
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- Why do the nation's rage and the people plot a vain thing the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together
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- Notice that together and just like they did it Babel Against the
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- Lord and against his anointed his anointed is the Christ. That's Christ Saying let us break their bonds into pieces and cast away their cords from us
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- What's God's response verse 4 he who sits in the heaven shall laugh the
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- Lord shall hold them in derision then he shall speak to them in his wrath and Distress them in his deep displeasure
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- Yet I have set my king on my holy hill of Zion And then
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- God says this I will declare the decree the Lord has said to me. You are my son messianic prophecy
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- Today I've begotten you ask of me and I would give you the nations for your inheritance the ends of the earth for your possession
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- You shall break them with a rod of iron And you shall dash them into pieces like a potter's vessel
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- Now therefore be wise and listen to this. This is the conclusion of this psalm because he now he's given exhortation of Repentance basically now therefore be wise
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- O Kings Be instructed you judges of the earth Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling
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- Kiss the Sun there's worship least he be angry and you perish in the way when his wrath is kindled but a little and Blessed are all those who put their trust in him
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- The blessing comes as we believe the gospel and put our trust and repent of our sin
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- We do not want to be under the fury of Almighty God in his judgment and we pours out his wrath
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- Upon the nations and this says it right here Even when his wrath is kindled but a little
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- You perish in the way any wonder why
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- God Took his lamb his only one and son and he died on the tree
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- You we see the great love of God don't we but there's another side of it we see
- 38:41
- God's anger against sin Wet hot anger against sin and he laid it on his son
- 38:51
- He in scripture in Isaiah 53 says and it pleased the Lord to bruise him to crush him
- 38:58
- Because of your sin and my sin That was laid upon Christ All that Christ endured is because of the sin of Adam that we bear
- 39:13
- That's why The scriptures basically make it clear. It's Jesus or hell
- 39:18
- Jesus said I Am the way the truth in the life. No one comes to the father but by me
- 39:24
- There's no other name of the heaven whereby meant to be saved but the name of Jesus Christ. There's not a
- 39:30
- Thousands of ways as we hear out in the world This this religion that religion and you could get to it.
- 39:35
- We all get to God with good friends. No, no, no No, hey, the Bible says there's only one way
- 39:41
- But aren't you glad there's a way? Jesus is that way Jesus is not displaying any sinful anger here
- 39:51
- It's a holy righteous divine anger of holy wrath and it's a preview of the judgment that will come in the future but there is also a judgment that was fulfilled here because this particular temple here was the temple that was
- 40:04
- Basically put together and put up that took it says it here in the scriptures It took them what 46 years to build that's what the text says, isn't it?
- 40:13
- And that's how many time years it took took him 46 years to construct it and build it It was the temple of Herod and they were still working on it
- 40:23
- Even to the time of destruction in 70 AD when that prophecy was fulfilled and Jesus said that destruction would come place
- 40:30
- He he spoke of it. Not one stone of it will be left behind. It will be all put to waste and Destroyed and that's it happened, but that was a even a preview of the judgment to come in the future.
- 40:46
- Oh, I'm telling you beloved Jesus had a passion for God's glory
- 40:54
- Let's keep that before us Jesus prays later in John 17 1 & 2 listen to the words here.
- 41:01
- This is called the Holy of Holies and the book gospel of John Jesus spoke these words
- 41:07
- Lifted up his eyes up to heaven and said father the hour has come This is right before he goes to the cross the hour of his death and listen to what he prays glorify your son
- 41:19
- Glorify your son that your son also may glorify you. He's one with the
- 41:24
- Father and Then he says as you have given him authority. There's the authority authority over some flesh all flesh
- 41:37
- Jesus has authority over all flesh That he should give eternal life to as many as you have given him there's
- 41:46
- Right there the doctrine the great doctrine of election Matthew 28 18 who's been looking at the
- 41:53
- Great Commission? Jesus says again after his resurrection by the way as we've been looking at this and Burt Parsons discipleship
- 42:05
- Jesus came and spoke to them saying all Authority has been given to me in heaven and earth heaven and on earth both rims both spears
- 42:17
- So This is the authority which Jesus exercised and demonstrates in the temple he drives them out all of them out folks, it's because it's the holiness of God his father and Worship was at stake
- 42:31
- Jesus took furious action. He was aggressive, but it was perfect holiness perfect righteousness
- 42:39
- Look at verse 16 He said to those who so doves take these things away Do not make my father's house a house of merchandise first 17 then his disciples remembered that it was written
- 42:52
- Zeal for your house has eaten me up quoted from Psalm 69 9 to indicate that Jesus would not tolerate any irreverence whatsoever toward God Jesus had an all -consuming
- 43:06
- Fire and zeal for God's glory The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me scripture says
- 43:18
- Paul even quotes that in Romans 15 3 That that that that scripture indicates that it's a messianic nature that the psalm
- 43:28
- Had for the early churches will now very quickly look at verses 18 through 22.
- 43:35
- There's a lot here We see in these verses the second Way that John demonstrates
- 43:41
- Christ as deity is the Son of God in the account of the temple cleansing Was to show his power and death through the resurrection.
- 43:48
- That was the point That Jesus would show and demonstrate his power over death
- 43:57
- Through the resurrection and Only God has this authority only God has this right?
- 44:07
- verse 18 so the Jews answered And said to him what sign do you show us since you do these things?
- 44:18
- Always a sign always a sign Huh? you know
- 44:26
- These practices have been going on a long long time in the temple when Jesus sets things, right? He said it right and by the way, when he comes back the second time he's gonna set it, right?
- 44:34
- I tell people, you know, everything's wrong until Jesus sets it, right? Now according to the religious people here the crowd
- 44:43
- It's interesting. It's like all of a sudden Jesus became the bad guy. In other words when
- 44:50
- Jesus removes the evil and Corrupt practices that we wrong it's because it it's all based on the traditions of men and not
- 45:00
- God not God's Word and Jesus is seen as being wrong
- 45:07
- And that's basically what they come to and said what sign do you show us since you do these things in other words
- 45:14
- Who do you think you are? to do this Who do you think you are?
- 45:21
- What right do you have? You know Proverbs 14 12 says there is a way which seems right to man
- 45:30
- But the end is the way of death death
- 45:38
- We don't know our way We can't find our way. I have so many people
- 45:44
- I've heard say from the past. I'm searching. I'm searching the truth I'm trying to find it I've had people say
- 45:51
- I'm trying to search it within myself. Oh, they'll find a dead -end street there I'm trying to find myself
- 45:59
- You got people got identity crisis today. People don't even know their identity They don't even know whether they're male or female
- 46:09
- There's a way which seems right to man, but the end is death Jesus backs that up in Matthew in the
- 46:18
- Sermon on the Mount This is powerful words folks, but I'm telling we better heed to what
- 46:24
- Jesus says here in Matthew 7 He says this in verse 13 and 14 enter by the narrow gate
- 46:33
- But wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are what many?
- 46:39
- Who go in by it? many because narrow is the gate and Difficult is the way which leads to life, but there are few who find it
- 46:53
- And later on Jesus says in the other gospel that many will even strive to enter in and not be able to it's not that God is trying to withhold but the way is so narrow and People most of the world and which
- 47:10
- Jesus says is going into the way of destruction Right into the pits and not only the pit of the grave but right into hell itself
- 47:20
- But there is a way Jesus is that way so the
- 47:30
- Jews in verse 18 answered and said to him What sign do you show us always a sign?
- 47:40
- Think if they're in charge in other words what we're the ones in charge here, buddy. That's what they're saying
- 47:45
- Let's put it in our vernacular in our words today Who who in the world do you think you are see that shows you but they had no idea who he is
- 47:54
- He didn't know who Jesus was What gives you the right to do what you've just done running out people like this and turning over this
- 48:03
- The the tables and changers and running out thousands of people. Who do you think you are?
- 48:09
- A beloved let me say this. This is an act of cleansing of the temple, right and there was great ramifications for Jesus It was clearly taught from the
- 48:17
- Old Testament scriptures that when the Messiah comes he would correct the misguided worshippers in Israel Prophecies given on this listen this
- 48:26
- Zechariah 14 20 says in that day Holiness unto the Lord shall be engraved on the bells of the horses now.
- 48:34
- He's talking about the second event But this also can apply in one some sense to the first advent
- 48:40
- The pots in the Lord's house shall be like the bowls before the altar verse 21
- 48:46
- Yes, notice is every pot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be holiness to the
- 48:52
- Lord of hosts everyone who sacrifices shall come and take them and Cook in them and in that day there shall no longer be a a
- 49:01
- Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts and the
- 49:07
- ESV translation says it like this and there shall no longer be a traitor in the house of the
- 49:13
- Lord of hosts in that day a Canaanite basically going through the book of Joshua be seeing that is
- 49:20
- God's people Israel goes and is led to the Lord and the Lord fights with him and they take over the land of Canaan and the
- 49:28
- Canaanite was a identified used as a figure for the more morally and spiritually unclean and before Israel conquered the promised land the vile corrupt
- 49:40
- Canaanites inhabited until God judged him and Spewed them out. The land was so corrupt
- 49:47
- That God spewed him out Folks I'm telling you that's where we are in America.
- 49:53
- This is happening. Just read Romans chapter 1 Judgment is here.
- 50:02
- So the term here became a proverbial in Israel for morally degenerate and people that were ceremonially unclean
- 50:13
- Look at verse 19 Jesus answered said to them destroyed this temple. He gives them an answer and in three days
- 50:19
- I will raise it up You know, what's interesting is trial authorities charged Jesus with making threatening statements against the temple go with me to mark 14
- 50:28
- I want you to see this Scripture interprets scripture, doesn't it and they aren't so glad it does
- 50:40
- But we must also see it in its context Look at mark 14.
- 50:46
- Look at verse 57 Let me back up.
- 50:53
- Look at verse 53 They led Jesus away to the high priest and with him were assembled all the tree chief priest
- 51:01
- Elders and scribes and but Peter followed him at the distance right into the courtyard of the high priest and He sat within the servants and warned himself at the fire and the chief priest and all the council sought testimony against Jesus To put him to death but found none
- 51:18
- For many bore false witness against him, but their testimonies did not agree Notice what it says in verse 57 then some rose up and bore false witness against him saying
- 51:29
- We heard him saying I would destroy this temple made with hands and within three days
- 51:35
- I will build another made without hands. See they used that against him even at his trial and Then it says in verse 59 but not even then did the testimonies agree
- 51:47
- Well, it doesn't because they're lies And the high priest stood up in the mist and asked
- 51:54
- Jesus saying do you answer nothing What is it these men testify against you
- 52:02
- And notice what Jesus did but he kept silent and answered nothing And again, the high priest asked him saying to him.
- 52:10
- Are you the Christ the Son of the Blessed? and Jesus then answered
- 52:16
- I am and You will see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of the power and coming with the clouds of heaven
- 52:27
- He had no idea who he was Then the high priest tore his clothes and said after Jesus said it what further need do we have witnesses?
- 52:37
- You have heard the blasphemy what do you think and they all condemned him to be the deserving of the death and some of them began to spit on him and To blindfold him and to beat him and to say to him prophesy and other officers struck him with the palms of Their hands, this is the son of the
- 52:58
- Living God But this is all ordained of God because he was God's lamb, even though they will be responsible
- 53:04
- For their sins on the day of judgment. God had decreed this If they didn't if they did know
- 53:12
- Paul says if they did know who Jesus really was they would have never crucified him But they didn't know
- 53:19
- It was all in God's sovereign plan What about this sign?
- 53:26
- Give us a sign Well, let's look at the sign real quick. Look at Matthew chapter 12 always a sign
- 53:34
- Look at this. Oh you see this all the way through the Gospels folks Look look look at verse 38 and some of the scribes and the
- 53:42
- Pharisees there they are again It's always these religious Pharisees and scribes the self -righteous and saying teacher we have we want to see a sign from you
- 53:52
- Answered and said to them an evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign and no sign would be given to it except the sign of the
- 53:59
- Prophet Jonah and Jesus basically tells about this he
- 54:06
- He explains it for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish
- 54:11
- So with a son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth the men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it because They repented at the preaching of Jonah and Indeed a greater than Jonah is here the
- 54:27
- Queen of the South will rise up in judgment with this generation and condemn it and she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon and indeed a greater than Solomon is here and Think of it the judgment came on them in a powerful way
- 54:49
- Well, the point is verse 22 back to John Gotta I got to land this plane the point was therefore when he had risen from the dead his disciples remembered that he had said this to them and Verse 21 he was talking about he was speaking of the temple of his body.
- 55:07
- That's important in it the temple being of his body And that he had said to them that they and they believed the scripture and the word which
- 55:18
- Jesus has said There's the written word and there's the living word right there They believed the written word
- 55:23
- The prophecies of the Old Testament and they believed in what Jesus said
- 55:28
- But it didn't they didn't believe it. They didn't believe they didn't get it until after his resurrection After he died
- 55:36
- Because everyone fleed for their lives was scared Well, what does this have to do with us?
- 55:49
- What would be the end of the ungodly? Turn to 2nd Thessalonians we see it
- 55:56
- I'm telling this is so powerful and we see this and this speaks of his Second coming the 2nd
- 56:04
- Thessalonians and chapter 1 speaks in detail
- 56:16
- But notice notice what it says In verse 6 senses is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you see
- 56:26
- God vengeance is the Lord's Christians are being persecuted and Paul here is exhorting them and he says to give and to give you who are troubled rest with us and the
- 56:39
- Lord Jesus is real and then he says and it is revealed from heaven with the mighty angels in verse 8 and Flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know
- 56:49
- God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ these shall be punished with the everlasting destruction.
- 56:57
- That doesn't sound like annihilation to me from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power
- 57:03
- When he comes in that day to be glorified in his Saints and to be admired among all those who believe who believe
- 57:12
- Must believe the scriptures must believe the Lord because our testimony among you was believed therefore we also pray always
- 57:21
- Pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of this calling and fulfill all his good pleasure of his goodness and the work of faith with power and That the name of our
- 57:32
- Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you and in you and him According to the grace of our
- 57:38
- God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, that's so loaded This text is speaking of God's final judgment and glory
- 57:47
- When he comes the day when Christ comes in power and glory he brings retribution and ruin for all
- 57:54
- Unbelievers, but those who believe have a great reward in heaven You must believe the gospel and Christ is great.
- 58:02
- Glory is displayed. The result will be Rest and relief for those believers and all glorious privileges of sharing in his glory in that day
- 58:14
- When he comes he will be glorified in his Saints to be admired among all those who believe those who believe
- 58:23
- Go with me very quickly to Peter It's a lot here
- 58:39
- Peter first Peter chapter 4 Now it's the church there.
- 58:47
- Then it was the temple now. We are the body of Christ Now we are the body of Christ the believers
- 58:55
- What's God going to do God's going to clean house once again, he's going to clean his house He's going to clean up his bride.
- 59:01
- He's going to clean up why because there's a marriage feast of the lamb that's coming folks and Jesus will have a clean bride and it says in verse 17 for the time has come for Judgment to begin at the house of God and if it begins with us first What will the end be of those who do not obey the gospel of God for those who do not believe?
- 59:23
- And then it says he says this now if the righteous one is scarcely saved Where would the ungodly in the center appear?
- 59:33
- It's incredible But he does save us Romans 10
- 59:40
- Go quickly to Romans 10. It tells us about believing
- 59:49
- God desires repentance and by the way
- 59:54
- If you're not and if you're not able to repent within your power and you can't I can't we can't
- 59:59
- We can't do it that within our power. That's why God gives us with faith and repentance Faith is turning toward God Repentance is turning against sin
- 01:00:10
- Folks, we don't have power to do neither the Holy Spirit must give this to us in regeneration and he desires to do that as we
- 01:00:18
- Come to him and notice what he says in chapter 10
- 01:00:27
- It's interesting in verse 2 I bear them witness that they have zeal a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge
- 01:00:36
- They're being ignorant of God's righteousness and seeking to establish their own righteousness have not submitted to the righteousness of God You know man's righteousness and God's righteousness are two different levels completely
- 01:00:49
- See somehow people got this idea in this notion that at the judgment Oh God's gonna have good our good deeds here and our bad deeds over here and weigh it out
- 01:00:57
- No, sir. It's doesn't happen that way Even our good deeds are filth before God because it says there's none that do good does good
- 01:01:04
- We're all sinful Our righteousness is like filthy rags before God that that's at the judgment
- 01:01:11
- But at the judgment, it's gonna be are you washed in the blood of Christ or not?
- 01:01:17
- Are you in Christ or not? Are you believing or not? It's Christ or hell.
- 01:01:23
- It's repentance It's turn or burn like Spurgeon said and I know that's hard words, but you know, it's right from the
- 01:01:31
- Scriptures Because Jesus said unless you repent you will all likewise perish
- 01:01:38
- Folks, I take that so serious Don't you because if Jesus says that that means I must change
- 01:01:44
- I must in other words I must turn from my sins and hate the sin which took him to that cross and Jesus spoke to this to Nicodemus he says
- 01:01:53
- The Son of Man will be lifted up like the serpent. He will be lifted up on the cross Look to him and live
- 01:02:01
- But God tells us for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who what?
- 01:02:10
- believes For Moses writes about the righteousness which is of the law that man the man who does those things shall live by them
- 01:02:18
- But the righteousness of faith speaks in this way do not say in your heart who will ascend to heaven
- 01:02:25
- That is to bring Christ down from above or who will descend into the abyss that is to bring
- 01:02:30
- Christ up from the dead But what does it say? The word is near you it's in your mouth
- 01:02:38
- This is how near it is to you and in your heart. That is the word of faith, which we preach
- 01:02:45
- And then he tells us that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus the Lord Jesus And believe in your heart
- 01:02:54
- There it is that God has raised them from the dead that you will be saved for with the heart one believes unto righteousness
- 01:03:02
- So you just can't believe in your head, right? It's with the heart and with the mouth confession is made into salvation
- 01:03:08
- We must confess that with sinners. We must confess. I have sinned against the Holy God. I deserve hell.
- 01:03:14
- I do not deserve heaven I've sinned against God have mercy upon me a sinner
- 01:03:21
- And God will grant mercy if you really mean it and God will come There's no distinction between Jew or Greek at the same
- 01:03:30
- Lord Overall is rich to all who call upon him and for whoever calls upon on the name of the
- 01:03:36
- Lord shall be saved and that Calling on God is repentance folks Repentance is everything here because without repentance,
- 01:03:44
- I you know Without repentance there is no gospel That's part of the gospel.
- 01:03:51
- It's the heart of the gospel and the heart of the gospel that Jesus Christ died, but we must repent from our sin and Turn to him so that we will offer up spiritual worship to him in our sanctification and that's regeneration then there's sanctification salvation
- 01:04:11
- Sanctification has a great poem. I'm going to close with You know first before I say that John 20 31, but these are written that you may believe
- 01:04:28
- That Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that in believing you may have life in his name This is what that this is what the whole gospel
- 01:04:35
- John's about right there JC Rao He says to the tend of marriage feast and cleanse the temple from poor profanation profanation.
- 01:04:46
- I'm sorry Where the first acts of our Lord's ministry at his first coming To purify the whole visible church and hold a marriage supper will be amongst his first acts when he comes again
- 01:04:58
- Amen Make sure that you're among those His death who he is he's the
- 01:05:07
- Messiah he's the Son of the Living God And he come to seek and save the lost and he desires to save you today that you may have life in his name and believe in him and Then when you believe in him, he will set you on fire to tell a world about how wonderful Jesus is
- 01:05:33
- Amy Wilson Carmichael put it this way and I close I promise From prayer that asked that I may be
- 01:05:41
- Sheltered from the mind from from the winds that beat on thee From Fearing when
- 01:05:47
- I should inspire From faltering when I should climb higher From silking self
- 01:05:54
- Oh captain free thy soldier who would follow thee From subtle love of softening things from easy choices weakenings
- 01:06:02
- Not thus our spirits fortified not this way went to crucified. Oh, I love this next line from all that dims that Calvary Oh Lamb of God deliver me give me the love that leads the way the faith that nothing came to smite the hope no disappointments tired and the passion
- 01:06:31
- That will burn like fire. Let me not sink to be a clod Make me that fuel
- 01:06:37
- Oh flame of God May it be so with us Let's pray
- 01:06:52
- Father We do. Thank you for this time of worship. We've had
- 01:06:59
- Singing your praises here in your word Here in the gospel preached
- 01:07:07
- Lord it's in your hands Lord you desire. You do not desire any to perish Lord you desire all to come to repentance and those all that believe in you or those who have been ordained in your
- 01:07:23
- Minds and in your decree Lord We thank you that the gospel in which we believe is a whosoever gospel that whosoever shall believe
- 01:07:34
- And Lord, we just thank you that we could come to you even as a beggar and in the faith of a child
- 01:07:43
- To lay a hold on a strong Christ that is so willing to save Father we thank you
- 01:07:50
- That the Lord Jesus Christ honored you and obeyed you and keeping the law in every perfect way and fulfilled the law and Became our substitute and a sacrifice and died for us in our place on The cross of Calvary and Lord now we can trust in his name
- 01:08:09
- To bring us right into heaven But Lord, there's a change that takes place in our life.
- 01:08:14
- Oh, what a wonderful change in my Life has been wrought since Jesus has come and our heart by faith alone and Believe in the gospel
- 01:08:25
- Lord. We praise you For your amazing plan of redemption. We thank you for the redemption that was accomplished and applied
- 01:08:34
- We thank you father for Your great love toward us and the goodness that you have shown
- 01:08:39
- By sending your own one and only son and Lord, we look and anticipate in faith the day in which the
- 01:08:48
- Lord Jesus will come and at the marriage supper and come back To have a bride.
- 01:08:54
- That's pure and holy and clean. Oh Lord cleanse us seek
- 01:09:00
- Lord. Just may we seek our Look into our own hearts search me.
- 01:09:06
- Oh God See if there be any wicked way in us
- 01:09:12
- May we judge ourselves that we may not be judged We praise you.
- 01:09:18
- We thank you for those Lord as we believe the gospel You sanctify us to the end and you hold us you hold us firm
- 01:09:28
- And you keep us by your power Thank you for the great love That is found in your great promises and we pray