The Top 10 Videos for 2024 | The Chosen, Bonhoeffer, Trump, Mary, and More!



Counting down the top 10 most watched WWUTT videos for 2024, including reviews of The Chosen, Mary, and Bonhoeffer, looking back on the Solar Eclipse and the Donald Trump Bible, answering questions about the Exodus and does Mary appear to people, and more! Time stamps below. Check out our other channel here: @wwuttext Subscribe to our podcast here! Read Pastor Gabe's blog here: 0:00 - Introduction 0:09 - 10) What the Eclipse Prophets Won't Tell You 2:07 - 9) Did Donald Trump Come Out With a Bible? 3:44 - 8) Who Was the Pharaoh of the Exodus? 5:40 - 7) What Did Jesus Tell Judas in The Chosen? 7:55 - 6) Proof Our Lady of Fatima was NOT Mary 10:14 - 5) The Meme that Outraged Catholics and Protestants 12:20 - 4) Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Hero or Heretic? 14:12 - 3) Do Catholics Worship Mary? 16:14 - 2) A Review of the Movie Mary on Netflix 18:18 - 1) Dallas Jenkins of The Chosen Responds to Criticism


Thank you for watching when we understand the text here are the top 10 most watched videos for 2024
Hey, remember those four blood moons prophecies in the 2010s John Hagee wrote a best -selling book there was even a theatrical film and what happened
Absolutely nothing did a single false prophet lose their job after that and here we are again with another eclipse and more wannabe prophets saying
Jesus is coming soon, even though the Bible already says that let's just put this to rest right here
Natural solar eclipses are never mentioned in the Bible They are not prophetic signs of anything and don't let the
YouTube and tik -tok prophets tell you otherwise no matter how many millions of views They have but Gabe haven't you heard that the great solar eclipse of 2017 passed over seven cities named
Salem Which is short for Jerusalem So what? Jerusalem is in the Middle East not the United States and neither that eclipse nor this one are visible there or by most people on The earth but Gabe haven't you heard that the great solar eclipse of 2024 is going to pass over seven cities named
Nineveh Not true The total eclipse is going to pass over two cities named Nineveh and it will be partially visible from another five
By the way, the eclipse will be at least partially visible everywhere in the u .s But Gabe haven't you heard that both eclipses cross over a town called
Rapture, Indiana? No, it's an unincorporated town called Rapture and the total eclipse was not seen there in 2017
But will be in 2024 and this has no prophetic significance again solar eclipses are naturally occurring an
Ohio newspaper from 1970 reported the eclipse in 2024 we can calculate when they will happen
But Jesus said no one will know the hour or the day of his return Enjoy an eclipse for the beauty that it is for Psalm 19 .5
says that the Sun runs its course with joy as God made the Sun in the moon to run like Clockwork this is not a sign of the end
But you do still need to repent and turn to Christ for judgment will come at an hour You do not expect when we understand the text
Did Donald Trump just come out with a Trump Bible? No He did not the God bless the
USA Bible is actually sold by Lee Greenwood The guy who wrote the song of the same name God bless the USA which came out of 1984
Former president Donald Trump has endorsed the Bible and urged his supporters to buy a copy for Easter But it's not
Trump's Bible nor is it a new Bible as it's been in print for a few years in addition to the King James version of the text it also contains the
US Constitution the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance and Of course the lyrics to Greenwood's famous song now some conservatives genuinely believe that the
US Constitution is divinely inspired Like the Bible we were a nation founded upon not the words of our founders, but the words of God because He wrote the
Constitution, so it's probably not a good idea to print the Constitution in the Bible, but that aside
This is not the first time someone has published a Bible like this the Geneva Bible Patriots edition includes a prayer by George Washington the
Magna Carta the Mayflower compact as well as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution there's also the
Patriots Bible which includes a bunch of articles about the history of the United States You can also find the young American Patriots Bible the founders
Bible and the American woman's Bible various ways to market a Bible with Patriotism while it's good to remember
America's Christian roots do not confuse these national documents with sacred scripture only those 66 books that make up the
Bible are breathed out by God given by his Holy Spirit and Contained the words of eternal life in Christ Jesus our
Lord when we understand the text At the National Museum of Egyptian civilization in Cairo There is on display the remains of a
Pharaoh named Amenhotep the second if you were to walk up to the glass and look Into the face of that man
You may be looking into the face of the same Pharaoh whom Moses stood before when he said thus says
Yahweh Let my people go now what makes us think Amenhotep the second may have been the
Pharaoh of the Exodus Well, we know the Exodus occurred in 1446 BC a key verse to calculating this is 1st
Kings 6 1 which says that Solomon began building the temple 480 years after the people of Israel came out of the land of Egypt.
This was in the year 966 plus 480 years gives us 1446 during the 18th dynasty in Egypt the
Jewish historian Josephus writing in the first century Referenced an Egyptian historian named Manetho who said the
Pharaoh of the Exodus was named Aminathus Well, Aminathus happens to be the Greek name for Amenhotep with other details
We know about Pharaoh from the book of Exodus it was more than likely Amenhotep the second rather than the first or third for example as Pharaoh did not die during the tenth plague.
He could not have been a firstborn son Indeed Amenhotep the second had an older brother who died before he could assume the throne and we know
Amenhotep the second's firstborn Did not become Pharaoh Which is expected if Amenhotep the second is the
Pharaoh of the Exodus and his eldest son died in the tenth plague now though these mummified remains are a pretty cool relic from biblical history if indeed
Amenhotep the second was the Pharaoh of the Exodus the fact remains that Pharaoh who thought he was a god is a dusty old corpse in a museum
Jesus Christ who is actually God is risen from the dead and reigns on high all who believe in him will not perish
But have everlasting life when we understand the text Leading up to season 5 of The Chosen creator and director
Dallas Jenkins hosted a live stream online There were behind -the -scenes looks he sold a bunch of merchandise
And he gave a sneak peek of a scene between Jesus and Judas who would betray him
Judas believed the time was right for Jesus to claim the throne of David Jesus disagreed so Judas said why won't you take my advice?
And I'm not here to help you never asked you for your advice And what am I here for then Jesus said to him you have a choice to make
Judas Who you belong to Who has your heart
I want it And I've had it before that's not what the
Bible says John 6 64 says Jesus knew from the beginning who those were who did not believe and who it was who would betray him in verse 70
He called Judas a devil and in John 17 12 He called Judas the son of perdition or the son of destruction
The heart of Judas was never after Jesus and Jesus knew this Judas's destiny was always to betray him in fulfillment of prophecies made about him.
Let's continue. You followed me. We Want to continue
Then I will pray for you Jesus never said this to Judas would
Jesus have prayed that Judas would make a different choice and not betray Jesus Then God's Word would be wrong and you and I would not be saved
Psalm 22 41 69 and 109 and Zechariah 11 all Contained prophecies about a wicked man who would betray the
Lord's anointed even for 30 pieces of silver That was Judas whom Jesus called to fulfill this purpose in John 13
Jesus washed his disciples feet and said do just as I have done to you. I am
NOT speaking of all of you I know whom I have chosen, but the scripture will be fulfilled. He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me
Beware those teachers who twist the scriptures especially for the fields for entertainment and for profit when we understand the text
Thank you for watching and for sharing our video with others If you haven't yet subscribe to our podcast with 20 minutes of Bible teaching five days a week search for WWTT on whatever podcasting service you like to use
Our Lady of Fatima is a Roman Catholic title given to Mary the mother of Jesus After three shepherd children in Fatima Portugal witnessed what was believed to be an apparition of Mary a bright vision of a lady only three feet tall
Told the children to pray the rosary every day to bring peace to the world and an end to the war This was in 1917 and altogether the vision appeared to them six times between May 13th and October 13th
During that last appearance many thousands of people claimed to have witnessed the miracle of the Sun in which the
Sun appeared to dance or zigzag in the sky Thousands of others even among believers said they saw nothing at all
The lady prophesied to the children telling them of future events She said two of the children would soon be taken to heaven and indeed the two younger children died a couple years later of the
Spanish flu She said World War one would soon end But if people did not stop offending
God a second worse war would come and she gave them a prayer and a vision of hell The thing is though these so -called prophecies were not revealed until long after they happened
Lucia the oldest of the children grew up to become a nun and she did not reveal these secrets until the 1940s
Lucia herself wrote that she first believed the apparitions were of the devil and no wonder
Scripture says for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light Italian priest
John de Marquis wrote a book called the Immaculate Heart the true story of Our Lady of Fatima and though he
Celebrated the story as miraculous. He revealed this false prophecy The children insisted that the lady told them
World War one would end on October 13th 1917 but it did not end for another 13 months
Whatever Our Lady of Fatima was it was not Mary for the real Mary would not prophesy
Falsely nor would she ever tell anyone to pray to her or build her a shrine But millions of people journey every year to visit the sanctuary of Our Lady of the
Rosary of Fatima And the legend has had a huge influence on Marian worship Jesus said it is written you shall worship the
Lord your God and him only shall you serve when we understand the text
So this meme was explosive with millions of views across multiple platforms in a day
It's a stock image of a man stepping in something and saying oh man I stepped in something pagan in the next frame
He lifts up his shoe and it's a smudged image of Our Lady of Guadalupe This was after the what videos on Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Guadalupe In which it was shown that neither apparition could have been the
Virgin Mary Incredibly the outrage was not just from Roman Catholics cartoonist Jeff Larson said not funny
And I am NOT Catholic political commentator Calvin Robinson said what is wrong with you and said I was leading people away from Jesus Anglican writer
Jay Brandon Meeks called me a cad no gentleman insults a man's mother no Christian denigrates the mother of God It just goes to show how culturally accepted these myths have become
This is not the mother of Jesus Our Lady of Guadalupe was either an elaborate hoax or a demonic apparition or both
It cannot be argued in any biblically credible sense that this was really Mary The legend goes that this visibly pregnant spirit appeared to a peasant named
Juan Diego and introduced herself as the ever -virgin Holy Mary mother of the true God She said she wanted a temple built to her and people to pray to her the real
Mary would never do this Scripture says that one who inquires of the dead is an abomination to the
Lord to prove herself She miraculously imprinted her image on the inside of Diego's cloak now hanging in the temple built in her honor
Many other myths surround this image though. It is likely the creation of 16th century artist Marco C Patti Aquino the image is unquestionably man -made
It is dishonoring of Mary to say this spirit was her and blasphemous to suggest this apparition is carrying the
Son of God This is what people should be upset about People crawl on their knees to this image and ask it to bless them because they've stepped in something pagan
Jonah 2 8 through 9 says those who pay regard to vain idols forsake their hope of steadfast love
But I with the voice of Thanksgiving will sacrifice to you Salvation belongs to the
Lord when we understand the text Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a
German Lutheran minister most known for his involvement in a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler Near the end of World War two for which
Bonhoeffer was imprisoned and later executed This became the focus of a movie about his life that came out in 2024
Entitled Bonhoeffer pastor spy assassin. His most famous work was the cost of discipleship published in 1937
Examining what he called cheap grace versus costly grace cheap grace would be like preaching forgiveness without repentance
Whereas costly grace is the call of Jesus Christ at which the disciple leaves his nets and follows him
Bonhoeffer taught that salvation should radically change a person's life for faith without obedience is no faith at all as said in James 2 17
Unfortunately Bonhoeffer's theology was rather liberal in his book Christ the center He cast doubt on the fact that Christ really existed.
He wrote as a subject for historical investigation Jesus Christ remains an uncertain phenomenon.
His historicity can neither be confirmed nor denied with the necessary absolute certainty
Bonhoeffer said of Christ's resurrection from the grave empty or not empty. It remains a stumbling block
We cannot be sure of its historicity whereas the Apostle Paul Provided numerous proofs for the resurrection and said if Christ has not been raised your faith is futile and you are still in your sins
Bonhoeffer denied the inerrancy of Scripture calling the Bible flawed He went as far as denying the power of the gospel itself
Saying we must finally break away from the idea that the gospel deals with the salvation of an individual soul
But Romans 1 16 says I am NOT ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God for salvation
To all who believe though regarded as a courageous hero of the faith One should be very careful with the theology and life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer when we understand the text
If you ask why Roman Catholics worship Mary the mother of Jesus the Catholic apologists will tell you they don't worship
Mary when people ask me, why do Catholics worship Mary? The first answer I have to say is we don't worship
Mary Why do Catholics worship Mary? Obviously, the answer is we don't catechism of the
Catholic Church in section 971 says it is an essential part of Christian worship to honor the
Blessed Virgin Mary and say what of Christian worship really now, it doesn't mean we worship
Mary. Absolutely not Well, here is the Pope kissing statues and portraits of Mary in reverence here
He is burning incense to a likeness of Mary here He is bowing and praying before these likenesses
Catholic sources say he prays to Mary. How are these things not worship? Here are people bowing to images of Mary and appearing to pray to them
Praying the rosary involves more prayer to Mary than to God Here is a massive parade on a religious feast day dedicated to Mary with a portrait of her in front of the procession
Here is another Marian parade and another and another they sing songs to her. They write psalms to her
They burn candles to her. They will say this isn't worship. It's veneration. But really what's the difference?
They ascribe to Mary divine characteristics like omnipresence believing She can hear them from anywhere and grant requests.
They claim she was without sin when Jesus said no one is good But God alone she makes appearances foretells the future and does miracles
They give her divine names like Queen of Heaven The only place that title appears in the
Bible is in Jeremiah for an idol in Exodus 20 3 through 5 God says you shall have no other gods before me
You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth
Beneath or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them when we understand the text
Netflix made a movie about Mary Directed by Roman Catholic DJ Caruso who made redeeming love the dreadful romance based on the book of Hosea The movie
Mary begins with her saying you may think you know my story Trust me You don't so this will be a bunch of extra biblical nonsense after all
It's produced by Joel Osteen The angel Gabriel appears to Joachim and Anne and tells them they will have a daughter who must be given to serve
God in the Temple when she is older They take her to the prophetess Anna and Mary is presented in the temple as the vessel of the promise
There's a weird scene where Satan tries to seduce Mary and then Mary stares down the brutal
King Herod played by Hannibal Lecter Mary's parents agree to marry her to a man named
Joseph and she argues with their decision as if they're selling her off She meets Joseph and is immediately
Belittling of him just like the Mary in the previous year's journey to Bethlehem This trope is already tired
The angel Gabriel appears to Mary and says she will be with child and while he does say the child will reign over the house
Of David he does not mention the Holy Spirit or that the child will be the Son of God He says all the world will know him because she is blessed among women since Mary is found to be pregnant
She's kicked out of the temple She meets with her cousin Elizabeth who's really not all that old and she tells her trust the strength inside you and she doesn't mean
Jesus with whom she's pregnant. So this is one of those believe -in -yourself movies when she gives birth to Jesus She tells him
I choose you just as you chose me and in the very last line of the film She says love will cost you dearly
It will pierce your heart but in the end
Love will save the world. No shepherds or Magi come to visit Jesus Joseph kills a guy
Yes, really, and there are many other problems But in short the Netflix movie Mary is an unbiblical mess with no gospel
No message that Jesus Christ has come to save his people from their sins Avoid these rewrites of history and stick with the truth when we understand the text
Previously we looked at a scene from The Chosen in which TV Jesus tells TV Judas who has your heart
I want it and I've had it before and also then
I will pray for you do things Jesus never would have said to Judas John 6 64 says
Jesus knew from the beginning who it was who would betray him and In John 17 12 Jesus prayed for his disciples
Not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction that the scripture might be fulfilled
He said he was not praying for Judas and if Judas had not betrayed Jesus then scripture would be wrong
Well creator Dallas Jenkins didn't like that criticism so much He recorded a response in which he said no
We are not implying that Jesus is going to pray that Judas's Judas will change his mind
Yeah Watch it again in the scene Jesus said you have a choice to make Judas who you belong to Who has your heart?
I want it and I've had it before You followed me willingly. I want to continue.
There's nothing more than I want than that Then I will pray for you. That doesn't imply that Jesus would pray for Judas to change his mind
Dallas said so Jesus did not say in this scene. I'll pray for you Judas that you change your mind
He said I'll pray for you, which can mean any number of things and there are many reasons to pray for someone Okay Then what other reason would
Jesus have to pray for Judas and the only suggestion Dallas gives is this
It absolutely is possible for Jesus to be praying for Judas's heart and to possibly even say to the father
Could could he still be saved from this? Could he not betray me? Now it's true that Jesus loved
Judas he washed his feet and dined with him Jesus said love your enemies and he demonstrated that with Judas so that when
Judas did betray him Jesus said Friend do what you came to do is the truth so boring that Dallas has to make up his own drama