Is It Sinful to Be Vegan?


Veganism has gained more and more popularity over the years as an alternate lifestyle. Many pursue this diet due to their idolatry of animals, while others pursue it in the name of saving the world from "climate change." In this episode, Harrison and Pastor Tim flesh out why veganism and its motivations are unbiblical, prideful, and idolatrous.


It's been declared illegal, apparently. Like you can't, you are not, you can't even make the choice to do it or not.
You have to buy milk that's been pasteurized, but then that's like, that's a new thing.
I mean, you know, relatively new, new process being added to milk and people have been drinking milk for thousands of years and, and we've been fine as a society, you know, and, and I think,
I think eating, eating meat is another one of these examples where, Hey, maybe we've just gone way too far.
Morning. The following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include, but are not limited to professing Christians who never read their Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix, but don't know how to meal plan and people who refer to their pets as fur babies, your discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
Hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of almighty
God is hanging over our head. They will hear his words.
They will not act upon them. And when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed and they will perish.
God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, has ascended to the right hand of the father, where he sits now to make intercession for us.
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words. They will act upon them. And when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, their house will stand.
Welcome to Bible Bash, where we aim to equip the saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions you're not allowed to ask.
We're your host, Harrison Kerrigan, Pastor Tim Mullett, and today we'll answer the age old question, is it sinful to be vegan?
Now, as we're starting this episode off, Tim, what Bible verse do you have for us to read? Romans 14, one through four says, as for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions.
One person believes he may eat anything while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eat despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him.
Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls, and he will be upheld, for the
Lord is able to make him stand. Well, there you go. You can be a vegan, right? Well, part of the problem here is that this verse really has nothing whatsoever to do with, you know, veganism or vegetarianism in general.
I mean, those are obviously two different things and done for slightly different reasons. But yeah,
I mean, this passage really doesn't have anything to do with that. Okay, so I want to ask you about that.
But I guess first, why don't we start with, you know, you're kind of talking about the distinctions between being a vegetarian and being vegan.
So why don't we go ahead and I guess define both of those just so we can understand what the difference is, even though we're specifically talking about veganism here.
Yeah, I mean, well, both of these worldviews are essentially worldviews that believe that human beings and animals are, you know, functionally the same.
You know, we're both human beings. There is no distinction in these worldviews between human beings and animals, except for the extent to which we're, you know, higher on the evolutionary ladder.
But then just because we're higher on the evolutionary ladder doesn't mean that we're afforded, you know, certain privileges over the animals.
So there's in both of these frameworks, there is a significant concern that we treat, you know, our fellow animals with dignity and respect.
So we treat our animals humanely. Yes, right. So, you know, what oxymoron when you talk about the humane treatment of animals.
But when you think about like veganism, veganism is vegetarianism taken a little bit further, right?
So vegetarianism typically involves just a commitment in as far as it's possible to eat only vegetables.
But then when you're talking about something like veganism, you're talking about not only a commitment to only like to only eat vegetables, but then it's also to the extent to which it's possible.
So there's some fuzziness along those lines, but to the extent to which it's possible, there is also a rejection of all animal products along those lines, too.
So, you know, you might think of like leather bags or that kind of thing that are made from animals.
So there's, you know, more restrictions along those lines. But then so vegans, they typically exclude all animal products, including meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, and often honey.
This means no animal and derived ingredients whatsoever, right?
And then the vegetarians will exclude like meat, poultry, fish. And then there's different types of vegetarians along those lines.
But then there is like differences along the lines of just their philosophy or ethical stance.
So vegans, like they're typically not just adopting this lifestyle for dietary reasons, okay?
But basically just it's more to it than that. It's just a strong ethical stance against animal exploitation or harm, quote unquote, in any form, right?
So vegetarians, on the other hand, they may choose that as a, you know, for dietary reasons, despite the fact that the dietary benefits are pretty bad.
And a lot of people get in a lot of health problems doing either one of these things because they're missing essential things that they need.
But, you know, it may be largely focused on the diet. And then maybe some vegetarians might still use like leather or wool or other animal derived products.
But, you know, veganism is just a harder stance. It's based on harder ethical assumptions.
They're a different kind of worldview. So, so basically, I guess the difference between vegetarianism and veganism is the vegetarian won't eat beef, but will drink milk and the vegan won't eat meat and will not drink milk, right?
Yeah. Or honey or yeah. And there's definitely, they won't use any products, but they're not supposed to.
I mean, most people aren't absolutely consistent with that. So it's supposed to go beyond just dietary restrictions, right?
Right. But then I guess it embraces the entire worldview at that point. What'd you say?
Yeah. Veganism definitely is definitely embracing of necessity, a certain kind of worldview that's very hostile to Christianity.
Okay. Okay. But then the motivation behind it isn't necessarily like normally a dietary like motivated decision, right?
It's like a, essentially it's motivated by normally by a worldview that says, hey, in almost every way or in every single way, people and animals, you know, should be valued the same, should be treated the same.
I mean, that's basically what it is on paper. You know, I mean, you may have, you may have like stupid vegans, you know, who don't know the difference between veganism and vegetarianism in that way, and then are doing it for dietary reason.
You know, they're doing it like as a fad diet or something, but that isn't really the intention behind it. So I mean, it's most, it is a ethical, it is a worldview you're talking about.
So you're talking about veganism, you're talking about a worldview that is basically just hostile to a biblical worldview.
It's not just like a diet plan, you know, like whole 30 years, although some people might, you know,
I mean, we, you have been brainwashed as a society, definitely for sure to think that meat is bad for you.
And I mean, that's just, you know, you can look at some of the responses to people who are doing like the carnivore diet or something along those lines, and they act as if like people are killing themselves by eating meat, you know, so there's a lot of propaganda out there that basically just says.
Well, and even just like the, you know, I know there's been a lot out there to say like, hey, you've got to stop eating meat because it's destroying the climate, right?
Right. And so, so, you know, like we've got to, we've got to cut down on the cow farts, you know, so you've got to stop eating hamburgers and Salisbury steaks.
So I mean, take one for the team here, man, come on. The predominant reason is the ethical reasons.
They're against like anything that would, you know, exploit animals, which basically means in this worldview, that means treat animals as animals and not as humans, basically.
Right. Right. So the ethical reasons come front and center. Then you have the environmental reasons, the things that you've mentioned, which
I mean, you know, are obviously fake, but then, you know, the health reasons.
And then, you know, it, it, for many people, it is like a spiritual religious kind of thing. This is a whole new world.
Well, it's an idolatry, right? You're, you're taking, you're taking animals and you're putting them in a, you know, you're elevating them to a position, to a role that God never intended for them to be.
Right. Right. For sure. So going back to, going back to Romans 14, those verses that you read right at the beginning, you know,
I'm, I'm sure it, I'm sure most people, when they hear a verse like that, they probably think, oh, this, this must directly pertain to the, to this kind of conversation that we're having right now.
But then you read it and you're saying this has nothing to do with it at all. So, so now that we've, you know, defined some of these things now that we've established what it is we're actually talking about, explain, explain that, that statement that you made earlier, that Romans 14 has nothing to do with, with being a vegetarian or being a vegan.
Right. So what people do at that point is they, they're not really reading it very carefully and they're not really considering how it relates to other things that are in the
New Testament. So Romans 14, what they do is they read Romans 14, two, and that's about it.
Right. Uh, well, they'll, they'll read two through four. So one person believes he may eat anything while the weak, weak person eats only vegetables.
So they read that and they, they kind of get rid of the word weak, right? Yeah. Yeah.
So they say one person believes he may eat anything. No, they, they get, but they are, they probably replace it to him with something like, but the virtuous or the righteous or, you know, something like that.
Here's the, here's the vegan translation, you know, or the sloppy translation. So one person believes he may eat anything while the virtuous person, right.
Uh, eats only vegetables. Right. So like in that kind of framework, then this, they get rid of the word weak and the word weak doesn't have a meaning.
And then let the one who eats, um, let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains and let not the one who abstains patch judgment on the one who eats for God is welcome him.
Right. So for who are you to pass judgment on another servant? So we got rid of the weak part and we got rid of verse one.
And so then in that kind of framework, this just is about eating vegetables versus eating meat. And then there's a pretty straightforward application there.
Hey, some people don't think it's okay to eat meat for whatever reason, right? The reason doesn't matter.
And there's no net, there's no negative qualifier put on that person in this verse whatsoever.
In fact, I mean, we might as well consider them the more righteous brother in the
VSB translation. Right. So take it a step further though.
All right. Let's insert the word week back. We won't even get the verse one yet. Okay. We'll just insert the word week back.
Then you have one person believes he may eat anything while the weak person eats only vegetables. Well, at the very least in that, you know, under that kind of logic, vegans are extremely weak and immature
Christians, right? If that makes sense. So they're actually, yeah. Like, like best case scenario, best case they're, they're weak, you know,
Christians who need to grow up. All right. So at the very least, we should be able to say they're weak Christians who need to grow up.
But what, what actually happens in this kind of discussion is that these are put alongside each other with no judgments made whatsoever.
Does that make sense? Like you're not allowed to judge any way or another, just two alternative lifestyles. And just that's obviously not what's going on.
Okay. So, but then when you, when you go back, right, when you go back to 14, verse one, it says, as for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not the quarrel over opinions that gives you a significant qualification to add to what we're even talking about here.
So like the idea of being a vegan has nothing to do with being weakened faith in the first instance.
That's just not really the discussion we're talking about because you've taken this verse and you've ripped it out of its context.
So, like meaning, like the discussion that was live at the time was a discussion about eating food offered to idols.
That's the discussion. And so, then the individuals who are going to eat vegetables, they're not doing so for health reasons.
They're not doing so for environmental reasons. They're not doing so for ethical reasons. Okay. Like they're not - They're not thinking about cow farts.
They're not thinking about cow farts. They're not thinking about, oh, well, I'm only going to eat vegetables because we need to treat these animals humanely.
And it's, you know, they're our brothers, right? That God has made. Pete Laughs They're our brothers.
Like that's not what they're thinking. Okay. So, the idea is they're living, like you have
Christians who are living in, you know, a very pagan world who still sacrifices food to idols.
And, you know, you go to the meat market, you're going to buy your meat, and you don't really know has this been sacrificed to idols or not.
So, you're coming out of this false worship. You're coming into Christianity, and you don't want to go back.
You don't want to be tainted or defiled by this meat that's been offered to idols. So, then the path forward there is like for the weak person, right?
So, for the weak person, the person who's weak in faith, the path forward is just to say, I don't know where this is coming from.
So, I'm just going to eat vegetables, right? And that's the same thing that Daniel was doing, or it's a similar kind of thing that Daniel and Shadrach and Meshach and Abednego are doing in a different way, right?
So, it's a different kind of application, but Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they're eating only vegetables because they didn't want to be defiled by the food that they were getting because it wasn't kosher, right?
So, you have like that kind of motivation. So, they decide to eat only vegetables and then God does a miracle and makes them look fatter and more healthy than the
Babylonians despite the fact that they're only eating vegetables, right? So, that should tell you that that wasn't meant to be like the
Daniel diet or something. Pete I'm on the, yeah, veganism's biblical because I'm on the
Daniel diet. Jared They ate only vegetables, not because of health reasons, they did it because they didn't want to eat food that wasn't kosher.
Pete God had to perform a miracle to sustain them. Jared And God performed a miracle and it worked out.
So, that was an act of them saying, hey, we're not going to violate God's word even while we're living in Babylon here.
But then for the New Testament Christians, there's a faith kind of issue too, it's just a different one.
So, the issue is they don't want to eat the food offered to idols. So, they don't know if this thing has been offered to an idol or not.
They choose not to eat at all, okay? And so, then because they fear, like they fear that by eating it, they'll be defiled, okay?
So, in the language of Romans 14, in the language of 1 Corinthians, that means like they're the weaker brother because they don't realize that they're not defiled by what they put in them, okay?
Pete Yeah. Jared It's like, so, like in the logic of, you know, 1 Corinthians, what they need to do is, you know, go to the meat market, eat whatever is there asking no questions, but then if someone says, you know, this is a sacrifice to an idol, then don't eat it.
So, they have the liberty to go to the meat market, purchase whatever they want to purchase, and not worry about it unless someone tells them, at which point they shouldn't do it.
Does that make sense? Pete Yeah, yeah. Jared So, that would be the strong person who realizes he has freedom in Christ to handle the situation that way.
The weak person doesn't realize he has that kind of freedom in Christ and is so nervous of being defiled by this food offered to a foreign god, they're going to abstain.
So, in that kind of context, as for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not grow over opinions.
You don't have to fight over it, just let him eat only vegetables if he's too afraid. Does that make sense? Pete Yeah, yeah.
Jared But that has nothing to do with vegetarianism, that has nothing to do with veganism. Like, those are just two different worldviews that we're talking about.
These are just, like, you have one that is operating within a Christian worldview saying,
I don't want to participate in false worship, there's a good motivation there. And then with veganism, vegetarianism, there's no good motivation here.
This is just a rejection of pretty much everything God says about food and the purpose of animals, okay?
Like, in this life, right? So, after Adam and Eve sinned, what did God do? God killed animals in order to give a covering for them in order that they may clothe themselves.
The vegan comes along and says, I'm too good for you, God. Like, I don't want your covering, right? I'll make my own covering because I'm hostile to this creation distinction that you've made that I'm, like, mankind has been given dominion over the animals.
I reject that and I'm bracing an alternative worldview based on a bad anthropology for bad motivations that are all filled with lies.
So, this is just, like, we're just talking about totally different things here. Like, these things have nothing to do with one another, you know, regarding the motive, regarding, like, the actual ethical framework that's underneath that, the worldview that's present.
We're just talking about apples and oranges and you're not talking about a situation that's even remotely comparable. Petey You know, it's pretty funny.
Could you imagine, like, hey, what if we were having a conversation? It's like Christians coming together.
We're having our burger grill out and then someone comes along and says, hey, look,
I appreciate what you're doing, but I can't eat those burgers because I don't know if that ground beef was sacrificed to Zeus or not.
And it's like, that's a totally different conversation than what we're talking about right now.
And I think you're right. I think you're right. When it comes to veganism in general, it's really disturbing.
You know, wasn't there, like, a billboard or something that was basically, like, you know, it had the lineup of animals and it was, like, cows and pigs and chickens and horses and rabbits and dogs and cats or something like that.
And it was from PETA, I think, where they were basically saying, like, you know, here's where normal people would draw the line, but you should draw the line before any of these animals,
I think is what it was. I can't remember for sure, but then it kind of just blew up on them because then everyone was like, well,
I draw the line right here, but if things were to get really bad, I'd actually move the line down past, you know, horses and rabbits,
I'd eat them too. My cat and my dog, sure, I'll eat them in a pinch, you know, if things get bad enough.
But it is sort of like this disturbing picture that essentially is, you know, looking at animals and making them into this thing that they are just not meant to be in any way.
And it's really, it's a little bit almost upsetting, I think, to think about it because,
I mean, we live in a society that will not even bat an eye at the fact that we've killed over 60 million babies before they've seen the light of day.
But then we will, I mean, we will just cry and bemoan ourselves when a cow dies or when, you know, when we consider the fact that, you know, the cows are supposedly increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, which is changing the climate of the entire world altogether just to sustain us, you know, just so someone can have their hamburger.
And it's like, dude, we have our morals all wrong, all wrong entirely. It was definitely like anti -human in every way.
I mean, I think the extreme vegan ads are, you know, I don't know if you've seen this, but they, in order to make a point, they have human -skinned purses and things like that that they've made just to, you know, point out how weird it is, right?
So this is how weird it is to, you know, have an animal accessory made out of animal skin or something along those lines.
But I mean, this is just an anti -human worldview at every single point. And it's evidenced by the things you're talking about, meaning that they don't bat an eye when you kill 60 million babies, but then they're, you know, the child falls into the cage with Harambee or whatever and we're all crying over Harambee dies, you know, and you can see this kind of thing happening over and over and over again in almost every single way.
But I mean, the point there is just to say that this is just fundamentally a worldview that's hostile to a biblical worldview in every way imaginable.
Meaning like we've just messed up the creator or we messed up just the dominion mandate that God has given to human beings.
Like we've been given dominion over animals and we don't see any distinction between humans and animals at that point.
So, I mean, it's a problem with that end, but then there's also just other commands that are given that a vegan would be directly in violation of.
I mean, you talk about the situation where you invite the vegan over to dinner and you're trying to extend to them hospitality.
It's like, oh no, I don't eat that. You know, you hateful bigot cooking this animal or whatever, but I mean -
Pete You animal murderer. Jared I mean, in a biblical worldview, it's one of those things where hospitality was such a big deal.
Like the whole idea of hospitality, which shows up over and over again in both testaments, it revolves around this giving and receiving of food predominantly.
And it's so important that, you know, you read 1 Corinthians 10, 27, and this is related to the topic that we're talking about.
If one of the unbelievers invites you to dinner and you are predisposed to go, eat whatever is set before you without raising any question on the ground of conscience.
But if someone says to you, this has been offered in sacrifice, then do not eat it for the sake of the one who informed you and for the sake of conscience.
So, like the idea is that if an unbeliever invites you to dinner, just eat whatever they give you.
Pete Right. Jared And there shouldn't be this, even if they're going to give you food sacrifice to idols, don't even ask about it.
Just eat whatever is set before you. And the only reason that makes sense is because Christians are, like, we should be in the business of giving and receiving hospitality that comes in the form of food.
But then when you have like this veganism and vegetarianism to a milder degree, I mean, the same kind of thing, principles that work in this kind of situation, but you invite them over and it's like, oh, no,
I only eat vegetables, you know? It's like, there's no way to hang out there. I don't know what to do in order to -
Pete Oh, I guess I'll eat this meatloaf by myself then. Jared Well, let's go run to the store and buy you a salad or something, you know?
And it's just like, it totally disrupts hospitality, it totally interrupts human relationships with each other because in this life, you know, human relationships are centered around meals.
And that's just not some arbitrary thing. This is the way God's designed it. So, then when you have people who are coming along, adopting this unbiblical worldview, actually violating the commands of scripture by doing what they're not supposed to do, by rejecting rules of hospitality, not just eating what you're given with thankfulness, like receiving it with thankfulness, but you're gonna say, hey, no,
I'm too good for that. You know, I've adopted this ethical stance that's put me in opposition with half the world because I've - which is based on pagan assumptions.
That's just like, you're not only are you - like, is this necessarily sinful because it's a product of an anti -God worldview, you're rejecting the food that God has given to the human race through Noah, right?
For no reason, like, you're doing that. Animals have been given to the human race for food, you're rejecting that, you're saying
I'm too good for that. Animals have been given to clothe the human race, you're saying, hey, I don't - I'm rejecting that, I don't want that,
I'm too good for that, I have - I'm more pure than God even, right? Not only are you doing that, but you're also, like, adopting, like, specific actions which are specifically prohibited, right?
Related to hospitality. So you're essentially saying, no, I'm not going to eat whatever's set before me because I have dietary restrictions that are completely arbitrary that I've decided for myself that make it, you know, twice as difficult for you to feed me because you don't even know what
I'm allowed to eat, right? And, you know, people do this in every single category with all their weird fad diets and everything else, but to where they reject hospitality but then veganism is just, like, it's rejecting hospitality for just a completely pagan worldview.
Petey Yeah, and I will say, I feel like most of the vegans that I've ever met have never looked healthy.
And that kind of reminds me of, like, it's very strange how, you know, how much our society touts being well -educated and, you know, and boasts in, hey, we are just so much better than everyone who has come before us.
We know so many things that they've never known before, but then it feels like we get so, as a society, we get so many simple things wrong all the time.
And, you know, I think it's just because most of us who live in first world countries, like, we're just complete and total strangers to, like, not having our every need constantly met within a moment's notice, basically, you know?
So, it's like, I mean, it's like drinking raw milk, for example. Like, it's been declared illegal, apparently.
Like, you can't even make the choice to do it or not.
You have to buy milk that's been pasteurized, but then that's a new thing.
I mean, you know, relatively new process being added to milk, and people have been drinking milk for thousands of years, and we've been fine as a society, you know?
And I think eating meat is another one of these examples where, hey, maybe we've just gone way too far with some of this stuff.
Like, hey, I get it. Sure, there's plenty of things that we have learned as a society, you know, that the goat herders that were living in Israel at the time, you know, in the
Old Testament, for example, they might not have known. But then, like, there's a lot of things that are just kind of common sense that I think they had figured out and were fine to just follow them.
And I feel like, you know, I feel like eating meat has to be one of those where it's like, hey, look, they did it, and, you know, it was a big deal for them.
You know, like, they would use it as a, when it was time to celebrate. I mean, eating meat was a very crucial part of celebration for the
Israelites. And so, you know, maybe, like, there's something to that. Maybe there's some wisdom to that.
I mean, it is pretty tasty. I can see why they would want to eat it, you know? So, you know, maybe there's some of these things that I think we're just, we've taken way too far.
We've overthought far too much and, you know, and because our society is very prideful, we've just kind of assumed everything that we come up with is obviously superior to anything anyone has done throughout all of human history up to the point we now live in.
Jared Yeah, I think a lot of that, though, does assume, too, that people are normal, like, just that people are rational and reasonable and the mistakes that they're making are well -intentioned mistakes that are,
I mean, no doubt fueled by pride or something along those lines, but then one of the things you mentioned was you mentioned that the people who are vegans or whatever, they don't appear very healthy in general.
I mean, that's essentially the point of the story in Daniel is that they were healthier despite the fact that they were eating vegetables, you know, even though that's not normally the case and that's not really the way that God made the world to work.
But then when I posted that comment on Twitter, I had doctor after doctor basically saying how bad it was for you health -wise just to be a vegan and you're not getting all these nutrients and minerals that you need and everything else.
And so, I mean, I think when you take a step back and you think about what's actually happening with these agendas,
I mean, there is Satan who is at work behind the scenes, who is the father of lies, who is the spirit, who is at work in the sense of disobedience.
And if you think about what his agenda is, his agenda is always to kill you, like that's his agenda. And Satan hates humans, he wants them to die.
And he exercises great power and authority and influence over the world systems that exist.
I mean, you think about like individuals like the World Economic Forum and everything else and the agendas they have to dramatically depopulate the earth, right?
They are obviously running Satan's playbook, they want to kill people and they're trying to figure out how they want to kill people.
But then if you think about that and you think about, all right, we're living in America, we're living in one of the most prosperous countries in the world.
These are the kind of errors that only very, very wealthy people can make where you have all these options.
And that's part of what you're saying is that if you're living poverty, you're not really thinking along these lines, you're going to take what you can get.
And if you think about what's actually happening with these agendas, if we quit using animals for food, what would be the result of that?
That massive portions of the population of the earth would die. And it's like, huh, I wonder if that's actually the agenda.
It's like, yeah, that's exactly what they're telling you they're trying to do. They're trying to kill everyone, right? So then you think about just the food pyramid that's so heavy on grains and everything else and so low on animal products and all the recommendations about how if you eat meat, you're going to get cancer and everything else.
And you think about all these guidelines that are put out there, all of them are designed to kill you in one way or the other, make you unhealthy, make you fat.
And you look around the world, you look at people, particularly in wealthy countries, like we're just getting fatter and fatter and fatter because we're following these recommendations.
And one of the main causes of death that we experience are largely due to preventable illness related to diet and exercise and obesity and everything else.
And so, I think Christians, you just have to take a step back and you have to have simple childlike faith and say, hey, whatever
God says is right, so he's going to define morality for me. And if he gave Noah, right?
And by extension, the human race, animals to eat for food, it couldn't be that his goal was to give them poison in order to kill them, right?
That wasn't his purpose in giving them food to eat. And so, I think as a
Christian, you have to think about what has God told us to do? Let's do what he's told us to do and ignore the ups and downs of all the fad diets and all the things that go in and out.
And you're just going to be a much safer spot than following whatever the crazy diet kind of things, nutrition advice that you get that goes up and down.
I mean, I'm old enough to remember when we switched to plastic bags because paper bags were going to kill the environment.
And then now we're going back to paper bags in order to fix it. Pete Maybe we're not as smart as we constantly assume we are.
Jared Just think about it, like the goal is to kill us, right? And the goal is to kill us and that's what Satan's trying to do. And that's where all this stuff is coming from and it's not neutral.
And so, you just have to think whatever the Bible says is right and I'm going to believe, I'm going to trust the Lord with all my heart, lean not on my own understandings and all my ways acknowledge him and direct my path.
Pete Okay, well, I think that's a good place for us to wrap up the conversation on.
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