They Want To Shame You

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, so this is intended as a word of encouragement for everyone who watches this channel, whether you think
I'm great, whether you're not so sure about me, or if you hate my guts. This will be good advice for all of you.
Yeah, yeah, believe it or not, this isn't a channel that only preaches to the choir. A lot of people try to criticize me in that way.
They say, well, A .D., you could never reach anyone unless they already agree with everything you say. People have done this many times.
That's one of the main criticisms that they make of me. I don't take that as a criticism, actually.
If that were true, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I think it's important to preach to the choir, but it isn't true, actually.
People message me all the time, and it's always a mixture of people who love me, and thank you, I love you too, and people who like a lot of what
I say, but they're not quite so sure about me. They don't know about my tone. They don't know about the targets that I choose and stuff like that, so they'll tell me that.
I think, honestly, that's the majority of people who reach out to me. They like me, but they're not so sure. Then there are people that just message me a lot of angry messages.
They disagree with everything I say, blah, blah, blah. It really is a mix. I appreciate all of you for following the channel.
God bless you. I hope that God blesses you and your families and all of that. This content can be applicable to anybody in any situation on the spectrum.
I wanted to just say, let's see how I can put this.
I feel the shame that a lot of you feel all the time.
Let me explain. I'll speak for myself, and maybe you can relate to some of this. Maybe you can't, but there's never a shortage of reasons to feel shame.
Never, because we're imperfect. We mess up. We cave to pressure.
We go along with the many to do evil just entirely too often. All of us do.
Again, let me speak for myself. I do that entirely too often. Let me give you a list of some of the things that I'm ashamed of.
Think about last year, the whole coronavirus situation. A lot of people messaged me.
They thanked me for being so bold and speaking for the truth and this and that. Every time somebody does that, let me just be honest with you,
I feel a little bit ashamed because I think that I should have been bolder earlier.
You know what I mean? Let's just give myself a window of two weeks. Let's just be generous and say
I should have known better after two weeks of the insanity. I personally believe I should have known better earlier, but let's just give myself two weeks.
I was still saying after two weeks that it's okay to shut down your church. It wasn't. I was still saying, yeah, wear the mask, whatever.
That wasn't right. I should have known better. I should have known better. I put masks on my children for goodness sake.
These were ninja turtle masks. They were kind of cool. The kids didn't mind them.
At least they didn't seem to, but I shouldn't have done that, man. I'm ashamed that I put masks on my children. It always makes me feel like a bit of a fraud when people say how bold I was because to be honest, there was a period, a good chunk of time, maybe let's call it six weeks, maybe more, maybe a little less, where I knew it was not right to close down your church and neglect the assembly.
What I was saying was I could see how you would. I was kind of soft -pedaling it.
I was kind of backpedal. I was kind of fence -sitting, if let's just be honest. I would say something like, well,
I wouldn't shut down church, but I could see being in a situation where you might shut down church. That wasn't bold because I knew better.
Let's just say I didn't know better for two weeks. Give myself two weeks to be generous. For at least six weeks,
I knew better and I was still going halfway. I was still being squished and I'm ashamed of that.
There was entirely too many times where I put the mask on myself and when
I put the mask on my children where I knew that it didn't do anything. I don't know how many times.
It wasn't long, but it was way too many times where I did that. I'm not doing that anymore. We go to the store.
My children aren't going to wear masks anymore. I can't believe that I even did it as long as I did, but I'm ashamed of that.
I'm ashamed of that. There's no shortage of reasons to be ashamed. You know, we neglected the assembly in the middle of God's judgment on our nation.
We decided that it would be a good idea. It would be loving your neighbor to shut down your church and do
Zoom church. Yeah, we thought that would be a good idea. I mean, we ought to be ashamed of ourselves for that.
All of us should. And so there's no shortage of things to be ashamed of. You know, we have this whole situation at the
Capitol and we've got people that are like, it's so crazy how upside down everything is.
And Doug Wilson today said that this whole thing is like the propaganda that you're getting from the media is intended to make you humiliated and shameful.
Like, to hear the president calling for peace and to say, see, they're inciting a riot, see?
You can't do that kind of thing without feeling a deep sense of shame on the inside.
Russell Moore ought to have a lot of prayers from us and sympathy from us.
He must feel so much shame every day to write the things that he writes and to try to keep a straight face on it where he says this violence must not stand.
And you know that he was sitting on his hands reading comic books and stuff during the summer where at least allegedly the cities were burning.
You know what I mean? Saying nothing. We all know that. I mean, obviously he's a hypocrite. The hypocrisy doesn't really concern me that much.
I knew he would be a hypocrite. But what I'm trying to get at is that that can't be easy.
Living with that shame, knowing what you do every day and then pretending like you don't, you must feel so much shame.
Same thing with Joe Carter. He wrote an article about the fantasy world of the insurrectionists and the seditionists.
Let's just be honest. Anyone using the word insurrection and sedition about what happened on the 6th feels a deep -seated shame about that.
The same kind of shame that I felt as I put the mask on my five -year -old pretending like there was this deadly virus out there that was going to kill us all even knowing that there wasn't.
I did that entirely too many times. I don't know how many times I did it, but even one would be too many where I knew better.
I knew what I was saying was not true. I knew what I was doing was pointless, and I did it anyway.
That shame that I felt is something that a man like Russell Moore feels like you would not believe.
I honestly can't even imagine the amount of shame that he must feel.
And then I think of everyone using the term insurrection and sedition and stuff like that for let's just face it.
You saw what happened. You saw what the New York Post tried to call wreckage. I was joking about it, but they had an
Asian senator cleaning up some empty water bottles off the floor, and they were calling this the wreckage of the
Capitol building. This is an unprecedented day. Nothing like this has ever happened before.
And by now, of course, you've seen the picture of in 1983, the
Capitol building. Susan Rosenberg planted a bomb in order to kill Republicans in the
Senate. And you've seen the picture. It's on your screen right now. This is wreckage, by the way. This is actual wreckage.
You can see the wreckage. This is not plastic bottles on the ground. And yet this person is, of course, on the board of the
Black Lives Matter network and was pardoned by Bill Clinton and stuff like that.
This is an actual bomb. This isn't throwing a few water bottles around.
My point is that every time somebody uses the word sedition, they feel shame.
And I'm here to tell you that there's no shortage of reasons to feel shame when you're a sinner, right?
But you can use that shame and you can use it as a grace from God.
Because if you do feel shame for lying to yourself and lying to others, lying to your children, lying to your wife, your husband, that's the
Holy Spirit speaking to you and telling you to repent from your sins and put your trust in Jesus Christ.
You don't have to lie anymore. It's over. You can just stop.
You can just resist the devil and he will flee from you. It doesn't matter how long you've been lying.
It doesn't matter how little you've been lying. It doesn't matter how big your lies are. You can be
Russell Moore and be pumping this fear porn where it's like...
James Lindsay, the atheist, is talking about this. Right now, before our eyes, there's a false history being written.
And the false history is this. The Nazis almost took over our country in 2021.
They were this close. They were this close to sedition and insurrection. They almost did it. They almost conquered our country, but we beat them back.
We were heroic. We were heroes by banning them off Twitter and cutting off their supply of money and capital.
Heroic. These were patriots. The Nazis almost took over our country and we stopped them.
And your pastors are buying into this lie. Russell Moore's buying into this lie.
Every media organization, every company, they're all buying into this false mythology. That's not what happened at the
Capitol. What happened at the Capitol is a bunch of morons threw a tantrum. That's what happened at the Capitol. And so it's like, everyone who's now participating in this false mythology, they're feeling shame right now.
Don't waste it. Don't waste it. You can just stop. I can't remember exactly when
I just stopped, but there was a point in time in the last few months where I said, no,
I'm not putting a mask on my kids anymore. I'm just not doing it. I'm not doing it anymore. I'm not,
I'm ashamed of what I did, but I'm not going to let that shame keep me stuck going along with the crowd because that's the temptation, right?
That is the temptation that the shame just keeps you stuck because what happens is you don't want to feel that shame anymore.
And there's actually kind of a way out that it's sort of like a pressure release valve where the world will stop shaming you if you go along with their program, right?
The world will stop shaming you. If you go along with their program, you'll still feel on the inside, a lot of that shame, but the world will start praising you as a hero.
You remember during the beginning stages of COVID where they said that if you stayed home, that you were a hero, it was heroic to stay home.
It was heroic to not go to work. It was heroic to not keep your business open. It was heroic to do nothing.
That's what the world was telling us last March. And it wasn't.
It's not heroic to do nothing. That's not true. It's not true that it's heroic to cower in your household scared of a virus that you're almost certain to survive.
That's not heroic. And so you can kind of get a little bit of a pressure release valve by going along with it.
But deep down, you know that those of you who are cowering in your households in March, you feel shame for that.
Those of you who are saying, I'm not going to go to church because I love my neighbor because there's this deadly disease out there, you feel shame for that and you should feel shame for that.
But the only way out is not to use the easy way out to give you a little pressure release. Go along with the crowd.
The way out is to repent of your sins and to trust Christ and to obey
Christ. That's the way out of the shame. I retweeted representative
Jim Jordan. And I said that this is loser talk. This is what
Jim Jordan said. This is a loser. Well, at least this is loser talk. I don't know Jim Jordan, but this is loser talk.
He said this. He said, the left won't let you go to church, won't let you go to work, won't let you go to school.
And now they don't want you to be able to speak. This is spoken like a loser. This is spoken like someone who's been beaten down with shame so much that they don't even they don't even realize that that what they're saying now they're all they're doing is complaining and it's even more shameful.
Like he's been so beaten down by the left that he does not, he doesn't know the way out, but it's staring you right in the face.
Like guys, the way out of the shame is staring you right in the face.
The way out of shame is to obey what God has told you to do.
God has told you to go to church so you can just do it. You can just go to church.
You don't need the left's permission to go to church. That's what the shamed person that that's that's unwilling to just use the shame as a grace and just to start obeying.
That's what the like the person that's so beaten down by shame that they just don't even think that life is worth living anymore.
It's it's you don't need his permission. You don't need the left's permission to go to church. You just go.
Pastor, if you were closed all of 2020, I know you feel shame. Just open.
You can do it. You can do it. I'm not saying that you're going to be perfect in all this stuff, but every journey starts with one foot.
Small obedience, guys. Open up your church and have worship on Sunday.
Forget the Zoom. Have worship on Sunday. The elements, the singing, everything. The whole nine yards.
Don't let shame rule you. Use it as a grace. They won't let you go to school. They won't let you work.
God says you got to provide for your family. Just open your business. Will there be consequences? Sure, there'll be consequences and you got to weigh the costs.
But what you can't do is disobey God. So you must obey God. You better provide for your family and you better not wait for those
Biden bucks, those Joe bucks, because that's that's what a loser does. Waits for the left's permission to obey.
You need to provide for your family now. You know, the left won't let you speak.
What a loser. Like, how could you talk that way? No, no, you speak. You speak if you're supposed to.
You don't need permission to do it. You speak. You go to church, you worship
God, and you don't need the left's permission. If they feel like they have to punish you for it, let them do what they have to do.
You do what you have to do. I'm here to tell you that there is, while there's on the one hand reasons to be shamed because of the shameful things that you've done, you don't have to live in it because Christ has died for those sins.
So you can hold your head up high. You can hold your head up high and obey Christ.
You're a free man. And so it's time to start acting like a free man. You're free from the shame that is owed to your sins.
You're free from that. And so let me encourage you to act like it. That shame that you feel, it might be legitimate, but don't live in it.
If you're Christ, you don't really have the right to live in it because Christ took the punishment for those sins upon himself.
And so you're a free man and you can act like it and you can start today. My brothers, if you know that it's not right, it's not necessary, it's a lie to mask up your children, don't do it anymore.
Just don't do it. If you know that it's wrong to have your church closed down just because daddy told you to, then open it.
You can start today. And that's all there is to it. Today is a good day to obey
Christ. Today is a good day to act like a free man because you are. I hope you found this video helpful.