Matt Slick Interviews Mormons, Manti, 2012



Matt Slick Interviews Mormons on God, salvation, and Jesus.


Hey, is anybody interested in doing an interview on the Mormon view of God the Mormon view of salvation? Okay, you're all right.
You're Mormon Okay, are you a Mormon? I am a Mormon. Yeah, right. Okay, so just That's all right.
So what's the what's the Mormon view of God? We believe that God is our loving Heavenly Father Okay, and I know some about Mormonism.
So I'm gonna kind of ask some questions So you believe he was a man on another world a man on another world
It used to be a man, right? No, he is a man. Okay. He's a man about six feet tall He's about six two,
I guess Yeah, you got six one God. No God's about six feet tall. I'm six feet You're about you know, because I read it someplace in Mormonism.
I'm gonna put my mic like this. Okay, okay So there's three gods. The Trinity is Father Son and Holy Spirit has three gods, right?
Yes, that's right. Okay. So what's the Mormon view of salvation? What do you have to do in order to get your sins forgiven?
We need to believe we need to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. Okay, and come unto him and you have to keep the
Commandments To get be saved to have your sins forgiven have your sins forgiven to have your sins forgiven you need to repent
Okay, so you got to repent what about second Nephi 25 23 that says that you've been saved by grace through faith after all you can
Do what do you bought that? We are saved by grace And Yeah resurrection and we believe in the resurrection right now
Moroni 1032 says if you deny yourself of all in godliness, then is
God's grace sufficient for you? What do you think of that verse? I think that is true.
It's true. Yes. Okay. Now here's a tough question. You ready? What's your name? Anyway, my name is Sam. What's your name Matt? Yeah.
Okay, Sam. So have you denied yourself of all in godliness? Nope, well, then the verse says if you've denied yourself of all ungodliness, then is his grace sufficient
So if you haven't then it's not sufficient Let's see Moroni 1032.
Okay, you're gonna look it up. Yeah, Moroni 1032 Yay, come unto Christ and be perfected in him and deny yourselves of all ungodliness
And if you shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness and love God with all your heart might mind and strength
Then is his grace sufficient for you that bike by his grace you may be perfect in Christ Okay, so have you denied yourself of all ungodliness
Not yet. Yeah, so then logically speaking then the grace isn't gonna work because you got to be denied
No, no, no. No what it says is what the scripture is saying. Come on to Christ. It's a it's a it's an invite
Okay it says come unto Christ and be perfected in him and deny yourselves of all ungodliness and if you shall deny yourselves of all
Ungodliness and love God with all your heart my mind and strength then is his grace sufficient for you
So you have to deny yourself that that by his grace that by the grace of God that by his grace
He may be perfect in Christ. Okay, so the key word there's in Christ without Christ. We can't do anything, right?
So you have to deny yourself of all ungodliness and love love him with all your that's what it says In Christ that you got it from the best place that he's translated.
You think so? No, I know so, okay I got a question for you. Then. Let's see in 1st. Timothy 616 is talking of God and I can read the
Greek Okay, and it says I've translated from the Greek It actually says that the father speaking of God the father dwells an unapproachable light whom no man has seen nor can see
Now it says no man has seen nor can see him in the Old Testament. God has seen it's the pre -incarnate
Christ Jesus says in John 6 46 no man seen the father Paul says no man can see the father.
He dwells an unapproachable light who no man has seen nor can see How is it possible that Joseph Smith saw the father?
Well, they didn't Moses see no Moses saw the pre -incarnate Christ Nope. Nope says in the
Bible that Moses spoke to God face to face. Yes, that's Exodus 30 Exodus 33 11 the
Bible says no man has seen the father at any time. Okay, so it couldn't been the father It was a pre -incarnate
Jesus that they were saying that first Timothy what first Timothy 616? Okay The father cannot be seen whenever the
God is seen in the Old Testament. It's a pre -incarnate Christ I know the verses Genesis 17 1 18 1
Exodus 24 9 to 11, etc. It's always a pre -incarnate Christ Absolutely, nobody's worthy to see
God you think you're worthy to see God not me. Okay, I don't believe it I Yes, I do.
How are you worthy? I believe that if you know what if I follow the admonitions of Christ, you know What in all in God all things are possible and that's your problem
You don't believe you don't believe that anything is possible. God cannot sin I don't believe
God could do that exact he cannot do you said anything but but you know What the plain and simple fact is you limit
God I do how from just the very things that you well Wait a minute. Isn't your God learning? You know what here?
It comes down to a very simple thing. Okay you believe that We can't see
God or we can't see what the Bible says. You can't see the father But what you've got to also understand is we also know
That through the translation over the many years that there were many things that through just the simple translations
We're taken out of it. How do you know that? We have proof of it Where's the proof you take the
Hebrew the Hebrew and the Greek version of the Bible in the Old Testament in the New Testament and We know specifically that there has been translations that have not been properly properly translate
I actually am a Christian apologist. I study this very issue, but doing for over 30 years. You're not quite accurate
So I've done it for 25 years and I'll tell you right now. You're wrong. Okay, what's the Greek translation of the
Hebrew called? It doesn't matter. It does if you know, you would know that's a basic thing, but that's okay It's called the Septuagint the blame the plain and simple fact is is that every all you guys stand out here
And you limit the fact that number one you don't believe you can see God no, we can't see the father no
God the father. Yeah, the Bible says he cannot be seen. That's the that's the sad thing You don't believe you don't believe what
Paul wrote in first Timothy 6 16 You know what through the translations just like I told you there are no textual variance in that I can read the
Greek I've translated it from the ink the Greek into the English. I've had four and a half years of it Wait, wait, wait, wait, what time what time what?
Where did you get the Greek? The Nestle Allen Greek New Testament, which is all of the historical documents and the five thousand five hundred supporting
Greek manuscripts assembled in one Basic book with all the textual apparatus is called historicity and that's what it is
And you can read all the textual variants that agree that exists in all the manuscripts. Let me ask you you're calling me a pig
Oh, that's that's rude. Let me ask you one last at the Council of Nicaea They decided what the
Trinity was going to be because nobody at that time did they say it was three gods? You know what? They did not they said you guys say they said that there was
God the Father Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are two one One being one being you guys say there's many gods.
You know what our Heavenly Father is a God Jesus Christ another God and the Holy Ghost are three are three separate beings three separate gods
There are three and there's a mother goddess. There's there's three separate Don't change the subject because we're talking about the
Council of Nicaea Joseph Smith said what do you guys think of that quote that he boasted he did more than Jesus to keep a church together
This is who you guys are following. What do you think of the quote? History the church volume 6 page 408 and 409.
That's what he said And shortly after that he was killed Okay, Joseph Smith did a lot for the salvation or men want me to quote it to you again
But nobody did as much as Jesus Christ and Joseph Smith Joseph Smith said this in all these affidavits and all these indictments
It is all of the devil all corruption you false swears all hell boil over you burning mountains roll down your lava for I will
Come out on the top at last. I have more to boast of than ever any man had I've done more to keep a church together since since the days of Adam neither
Paul John Peter Nor Jesus has ever done such a work as I bought I boast that no one's run away from me yet Now that's what he said.
What do you think of that? If he did if he did no, yes, he did. Yes, he did if he did say that what would you do?
If he did I know for a fact he did. Oh My bad, sorry about that.
Here's the quote. All right This is from your own publication history of the church volume 6 page 408 409
This is the quote that got me started 32 years ago studying that very quote
Mormonism Look look who says I don't have my glasses on you guys got to help me out.
Where does Darcy? Underline read out loud
Shh We're going to read it out loud listen, what this is what I this is your publication that is your church
Uh -huh. This is what I know. Okay. Well, wait, what'd you read? He didn't say it and there it is. You closed the book.
What are you afraid of? Oh, I'm just gonna tell you what I know. That's all I can do, you know So the facts mean nothing you said he didn't say it.
I'm showing you he did Thank you, Darcy, and then you closed the book and you ignore what your prophet said why?
Listen all I know is that Joseph Smith really wasn't I know he wasn't he was called. I know he was not
I know I know that he was because of the Book of Mormon because he translated the Book of Mormon You said he didn't say that.
I just showed you and you saw it and you refused to read it out loud Why is that I know I'm just telling you what I know.
Okay, so, you know Joseph Smith said that now I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God I know he was not Jesus says the law and the prophets are entailed
John Luke 16 16 No more prophet after John the Baptist You don't understand the scriptures man, yes,
I do. Yes, I do. I know there's only one God in all existence There's not many gods. Me too.
No, you believe there's many gods. You have the potential of becoming a god, right? We all have a pencil become I don't have any father
No, I don't I can't become a god because God says there's no gods created after him
Isaiah 43 10 44 6 44 8 well
That's good. Thank you Know your Bible well So what I would like you to I would like to invite you to do is to pray about the
Book of Mormon Well, doesn't you supposed to pray about to see if it's not true, right? What's that? Yeah. Okay, so no
But it says to see if it's not true That's what it says pray and see it asked God if these things are not true.
Did you do that? Yep So is it not true? No, it's true. Then you didn't pray according to what the scripture said in Moroni 10 for Now I did pray to see if these things are not true
Did you do that? Yeah, I prayed I got easy. It's not true. You'll see others right? They're not true. Really so That was interesting.