The Sovereign Drawing of God | Sermon 03/26/2023

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John 6:41-47 After finishing Jesus’s glorious Bread of Life and I AM statements the Jews listening started to grumble about Him. They reject His claims of being from heaven. Like their fathers before them in the wilderness, so have they also spurned the provision of God. They only see the earthly parentage of Jesus but not the virgin birth or the eternal sonship He has with the Father. The irony is that they actually have no clue who He is. He commands them to stop grumbling. Moses told the people the Lord has heard your grumbling and rebuked them. This time the Lord has heard their grumbling and rebuked them Himself. Jesus then demonstrates that the people following and coming to Him are not actually truly doing so. For “no one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him.” Not a single person can come to Jesus apart from the giving and drawing of the Father. This word “draw” in the Greek demonstrates a pulling of an object, a dragging, that is not done of itself. One must drag or draw other than what is being propelled. The Bible makes it clear though that the Triune God is the both the Author and Perfector or Completer of our faith. He who began or started a good work in you will [telos] complete or perfect it until the day Jesus returns. And Jesus reports that those drawn by the Father, who come to Jesus, “hear” and are “taught” by God. This prophecy from Isaiah in verse 45 is being fulfilled real time as Messianic fulfillment in Jesus coming and the Spirit being poured out. And then our Lord makes claim that He is authorized to teach from the Father because He is from God and has alone seen the Father. Essentially, there is no going to God, learning from God, being saved by God, hearing God, or seeing God apart from Jesus Christ. And it is all of this that one must believe to have eternal life. Believe/come is mysteriously tied to the sovereign giving/drawing of God.


All right, if you would please turn with me in your Bibles to the gospel according to John chapter 6
It's been amazing being in chapter 6 Has it not?
It's been good The Lord is showing us Just who he is
And he is more glorious than we could have ever ever imagined We're going to be in verses 41 through 47 of the gospel according to John chapter 6
The title of the sermon today is the sovereign drawing of God the sovereign drawing of God so starting in verse 41
The gospel according to John chapter 6 here now the inerrant and infallible words of the living and true
God Therefore the Jews were grumbling about him because he said
I am the bread that came down out of heaven They were saying is not this
Jesus the son of Joseph whose father and mother we know How does he now say
I have come down out of heaven? Jesus answered and said to them do not grumble among yourselves
No one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him and I will raise him up on the last day
It is written in the prophets and they shall be all taught of God Everyone who has heard and learned from the father comes to me
Not that anyone has seen the father except the one who is from God. He has seen the father
Truly truly I say to you He who believes has eternal life thus sending the reading of God's holy inspired word, let's pray quickly church
God we need you today. We need you to illuminate these scriptures We need you
Lord to impress these things upon our hearts God we need you to show us the truth of these things no matter how difficult they may be
God we need your truth to ring forth So Lord, would you please?
Use me as a vessel as an instrument. Would you preach your word through me Lord? Would you cause all that I have to say of my own opinion to fall at the wayside and your truth to ring?
forth Let that be what remains in the heart of your people today dear God In the name of your son
Jesus, I pray amen so church we will be
Reviewing a very important section of Scripture today we will get a listen of The sovereignty and ownership of God and salvation by the very lips of Jesus.
We'll see what he says You see you can turn on videos today of Men like Stephen Furtick or other men on TBN and you can specifically hear them speak
Because I I dare not say the actual word preach. I think speak is fine You can hear these men speak on different things and in particular you hear
Stephen Furtick say something like That Jesus has these all -powerful capacities
But that there is only one thing that Jesus can't do that's what he says There's one thing that Jesus cannot do and this man said he cannot override your unbelief
Jesus cannot override your unbelief that you and I are powerful enough to thwart the saving desires of God If he wants to save you
You and I have to let him if God wants to save you you must let him
I must let him that God respects your freewill supposedly over his own will and at some point a view of the world and All it offers will be presented on one side for you
The world and all it all all that it offers and then some point will come and Jesus will be there and all that Jesus has to offer will be on the other side figuratively and Jesus will be there begging for you to let him in Jesus will be begging for you to come to him and take what he has to offer.
It's way better than the world and It'll be your choice It's up to you alone to make the decision
But is that really what the Bible from front to back cover to cover
Genesis to Revelation Actually depicts as the dilemma of man.
I Think Jesus will answer that for us today This is no doubt. I Say this respectfully.
This is no doubt a hot topic for the church And it has been much so for the past couple hundred years however,
I would argue that the greater part of history church history and The persons that we see in the
Bible have never had quite the difficulty we seem to have now
Concerning God's predestining and power over all things it seems like of course this has been argued over for a millennia, but Really today the people have very much trouble with this but I would argue that Those in the
Bible those in those times did not God chose to create Adam And he made a covenant with him in the garden apart from any desire of Adam The Lord called out to Abram Among all the men of the earth
God called out to Abram in a polytheistic Mesopotamia in the land of Ur and he says come follow me come to the land of Canaan and I will give you an inheritance
That Abram he of all people of the world he alone
Will get to come and receive a people and a land and a descendant in whom all the nations will be blessed
Abram He got this The Lord declared to the nation of Israel that they were no great or mighty nation
Or a profoundly worthy nation of what he did with them But it was he
Yahweh the Lord that decided to bless them despite all other nations of the earth and their eligibility
God didn't choose Israel because there was anything special about them. He chose them
Because of himself he would have the most glory through it It was the decision and approach of Jesus that caused twelve disciple men to become
What we know to be his appointed apostles. He chose them and When he declared the command follow me.
I Don't think they could have done anything other. I don't they could have done none other
On the road to Damascus Saul had only the desire to bind and imprison the followers of Christ when the
Lord struck him blind and In that blindness Saul now
Paul could finally see Apart from his own will his own desires
Paul became a chosen vessel as the Lord said You will be my instrument to reach the
Gentiles You see the examples of God Exercising his will over the will of humanity are abounding in Scripture.
It's throughout. It's throughout Now, what does this? Make God out to be
For starters an all -powerful God an all -powerful
God praise him that unlike the movies or Depictions of false
Greek or Roman gods who can have their plans toppled by humanity
The true Lord's decree has gone forth and will never be thwarted You see these
Marvel movies. They're they're making Roman and Greek gods exciting again,
I guess they're they're They're showing them and people are looking at these movies and you can see all the time that they can thwart the plans of these
Elevated deities these creatures these demigods, but that's not God the one true
God and that can't Happen his plan goes forth. In fact in Psalm 135
Andrew read it just earlier God will do all that he has in his good pleasure to do
It'll happen all that he has decided to do he will do it's all by his good and great pleasure
And the Lord calls us To remember this as he did in Isaiah 46 8 through 10.
I'll read it for you real quick In Isaiah 48 the Lord says this Remember this and be assured
Recall it to mind you transgressors Remember the former things long past for I am
God and there is no other I am God and there was no one like me Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things which have not been done saying this my purpose will be established and I will accomplish all my good pleasure and This church will be expressly seen in the coming of the
Messiah and the giving of salvation to all kinds of men women and children in the world
For it was he Who came and he who gave? You see that it was
God who came to us and it was God who gave to us Not the other way around We don't give ourselves to him.
We went over that last sermon last Sunday The father gives you to the son.
You don't give yourself to Jesus Let's go into the text now and see this firsthand let's read first verse 41
Therefore the Jews were grumbling about him because he said I am the bread that came down out of heaven
So John takes a break from the bread of life discourse of the mighty
I am Jesus Christ We saw last week that Jesus was bringing up things from the exodus that he is the great fulfillment of all these things
He is the bread of life. He makes an I am statement Pointing back to the burning bush that he is the
Lord. He is Yahweh But now at this point there's a break in his discourse and John reports to us the
Jews were grumbling They're grumbling about what he was saying the phrases came down from heaven or from heaven are inciting them to disdain
And I think this word grumbling was intentionally used by John I really do John is keeping our minds fixed on the exodus
Because if you remember if you go to Exodus 15, it says the people grumbled at Moses Exodus 16 to the whole congregation of Israel grumbled in the wilderness and for almost five verses in a row in Exodus 16
Moses says to the people the Lord has heard your grumblings and You aren't simply grumbling against us.
You are grumbling against the Lord So the here they are in like fashion
The Jews are grumbling before the Lord once again Jesus is saying and doing things on the same level of God They are rejecting the claims of Jesus concerning himself, but also likely the ones he makes concerning the father
Don't they see that their fathers rejected God's agent Moses as well they did
If they were to look into their history their fathers who grumbled in the wilderness were rejecting Moses and the
Lord their God then and here they are doing it once again Their Grumbling is belief.
I'm sorry unbelief manifested outwardly. That's what it is Like their fathers before them.
So have they also spurned the provision of God? They don't like the manna
That fell in the wilderness. They didn't like it and Now they don't like the bread of life that fell from heaven
Jesus they don't like either bread We Learned previously during Jesus's earthly ministry that he made
Capernaum his headquarters These Jews might even know where he sleeps where he stays
They think they know Jesus and find him to be in some sort of identity crisis because verse 42 says
The people were saying is this is not this Jesus the son of Joseph whose father and mother we know
How does he now say I have come down out of heaven? so the reason the
Jews took issue with what Jesus was saying is because They think they know the identity of Jesus.
They know him He's simply the son of Joseph His mother's
Mary we know this guy Yeah, he's rising to prominence.
He's a good rabbi He did some pretty spectacular signs and miracles in the
Wilderness and multiplying the bread, but we know him We know who this is
What's he talking about? They think we've seen his home. We know where he was raised
And what they are inferring about talking Concerning his mother and his father is they are inferring that Jesus is born naturally
They bring up Joseph and Mary because they're like from heaven this guy was born of Mary and Joseph But what they don't know is that he was born supernaturally
Jesus is talking about his true father John one said that Jesus is the monogamous
Theos that is the one and only unique son of God It's that principle.
I talked about in the last sermon. They see Jesus, but right now They can't see him for who he is the
Son of God from heaven They see Jesus, but they don't see the Son of God from heaven. That's what's going on.
That's what they see with their eyes Did you notice how the
Jews said How does he now say see that second last line?
How does he now say I have come down down out of heaven
Now is the word They think they know his origins and that he is now saying something different Okay, we know where you came from.
We know who you are. We know your parents, but now Now you're saying something different now.
You're saying you're from heaven in Bringing up his parents the Jews might even be scoffing at his heritage and his family like Why does this man speak as if he's grander than he is?
What gives Jesus the right to speak so nobly or highly of himself from heaven?
That's a joke from heaven You're making me laugh. You're from Nazareth.
What good comes out of Nazareth? Nazareth was not at all considered a place where royalty comes
The irony in the Jews statement is that they have no idea about the virgin birth they have no idea about his eternal sonship with the father and They think they know the heavenly father
But Jesus will say time and time again that they don't know the father and only he truly fully and intimately does they think they know the father and They think they know
Jesus. That's what's happening here, but they don't know Jesus. They don't know he's the Son of God they don't believe it and They say they know the father
But they truly don't Go to verse 43 Jesus answered and said to them do not grumble among yourselves
Jesus Answers and makes an imperative. This is a command. He commands the Jews to stop grumbling among themselves and If you remember
I said that this is possibly a sermon by Jesus this discourse in the
Capernaum synagogue He is giving an exegesis of himself.
He is explaining who he is from the Exodus I am the bread of life and The people during this discourse were murmuring
They were murmuring and talking and it would be considered highly Impolite and rude and offensive to the speaker for them to start grumbling and murmuring among themselves
Jesus could hear even the guy in the back. He's like, I know I know what you're saying Right.
He has that capability And they're grumbling They started to whisper objections to what the
Lord was saying they wouldn't take him at his word And they insulted him
But even worse They think divine revelation is something that can be talked over Deliberated over They think what
Jesus is saying is something they can dissect and they can maybe accept some and throw out the rest
But this is divine revelations. They're not considering the very words of God That's a dangerous place to be
That's like opening the word seeing clear commands and being like well, I don't know if it's really that that authoritative
I don't know if that really applies to my life And that's what they're doing in this moment Moses told the people that the
Lord has heard your grumbling and then Moses rebuked the people This time the Lord has heard their grumbling and the
Lord himself will rebuke them. Stop Stop your grumbling. Stop murmuring among yourselves and now for one of the most divinely revealing statements of Jesus John chapter 6 verse 44
He says no one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him
And I will raise him up on the last day Jesus repeats now thrice times what he said previously
But each successive time reveals a bit more of the sovereign election of God We saw the ones who come to Jesus as I said were are given to Jesus by the father
But now we have a negative statement in verse 44 No one can come no one can come it is all encapsulating
Not a single person can come to Jesus on their own. That's how the original language is
There is not a single exception Not a single person can come to Jesus unless the father who sent
Jesus draws them They can't have any other creature assist them with this
You and I can't do anything to change this No one can come apart from that drawing
So then this coming to Jesus is none other than the irresistible drawing of God.
It has to be God It's got to be God Jesus plainly spoke that mankind is unable
In fact the word in the Greek for draw there No one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him that Greek word for draw
I told some of you actually yesterday is used to describe dragging something
Dragging something Dragging a net full of fish hauling something
I Was kindly reminded by brother Andy of how obstinate and stubborn sheep can be
Sheep want to turn their own way. They want to follow their own path. They want to pull their heads away from the shepherd
So the shepherd has to either put a rope around the sheep's neck or he has to take the shepherds crook or cane and Pull and drag those obstinate stubborn sheep.
He has to pull them to where he wants them to go Because they want to turn to their own way
They want to follow their own path and pull their heads away so the shepherd needs to drag them against their will to where they need to be and They dig their heels, but the shepherd knows better He knows where they need to be and will take them there even if he has to carry them
That's the truth We'll see that especially expounded in John chapter 10 when
Jesus gives the Good Shepherd passages Now the BDAG says it is this word is to move an object by way of pulling motion
That is to say the object is incapable of propelling itself It is always something being drawn or pulled by something or someone other than itself
Otherwise the word becomes void the object Sits there immovable and only something outside of it can draw it pull it to itself
One commentator states definitively while some theologians will often posit that such a drawing can be resisted by a man or woman
There is not one single example in the New Testament of the use of this verb where resistance is successful Not one single time
When you see the glorious mystery in all this The sovereignty of God and salvation is that you can't give yourself to God the father will give you to Jesus and That adequately explains all who given are given come to him
But in case we miss it The coming to Jesus is actually the drawing and pulling of you and me by the father to Jesus And the glorious mystery is that what
God does sovereignly Can feel like something you're doing It's amazing
What God does sovereignly in drawing you to himself can sometimes feel like something you're doing that you're participating in But it's not robotic in any way our faculties feel no compulsion whatsoever
But you know brothers and sisters Your heart felt it and feels now drawn to God does it not your heart felt drawn to God then
And your heart feels drawn to God now In fact, I hear it all the time and I experienced it myself
I was saved as many of you know by the Lord in 2012 But for even a couple years prior to that I kept trying to find
God. I kept seeking after him in my own ways. I Kept missing what seemed like right in front of me.
I Could never find it on my own But I knew I needed to come to him somehow and then
I saw my sin and I saw a Savior and He was the remedy for that sin
Felt like new newly opened eyes many of you have even expressed Your coming to Christ in similar words, by the way
Calvinists who are like will you stop saying we come to Christ? Well according to Scripture we come to Christ You come to Christ But when you come to Christ you're drawn by the
Father so you can freely use the phrase Don't get upset with your brother or sister if you're a strong Calvinist that is in the that is in the
Word of God But of course we are drawn by him What appears to be your seeking is in fact the powerful drawing of God?
all at once Jesus says you need to be born again. You need to be born of water and spirit
You need to have something happen to you that you can't do You got to be born again born of water and spirit
Those are things you can't perform on yourself to enter the kingdom of God then all at the same time.
Jesus says believe in me repent Turn to me All at once all at once this is happening
There is this tension Tension with these things that we see and understand
With our finite minds despite there being no mystery or tension in heaven
You see we see a tension. We see a mystery We see the fact that God is sovereign over salvation yet.
It's not robotic We're not compelled and yet it is fully irresistible that drawing he calls us to believe
Then he says you can't do it. You can't believe on your own. So we see this tension.
We see these two truths and What seems like a mystery again is no mystery in heaven
God does it he just does it It's easy for him. Now.
Some will say well, that's not fair That's not fair What about my free will they'll pull out?
second Whatever Second skeptical thoughts chapter 10 and they'll say
This verse so famously. What about my free will what about my free will and You'd be hard -pressed to find something about that.
I don't say that to mock anyone but That is what's happening.
My friends when the fall of man occurred and sin came into the world our wills were broken
When sin came into the world our wills were broken. We the we then became bent on sin
In fact, Jesus says if you sin once You become a slave to sin
If you sin once you have a new master Is there anyone in the whole world for all time who has not sinned only one?
Everyone else is a slave to sin. That's what he says We were dead
Paul says you were dead and your trespasses and sin You were dead is it fair that God should make us alive.
No, it's not It's not fair that God should make us alive For what we've done against a holy and righteous
God we deserve hell, but he gave us heaven For he gave us what we did not deserve
Not a single creature has possessed What's called a libertarian free will?
Look that up. That's a philosophical theological term a libertarian free will only
God has a libertarian free will an autonomy an Indip a true independence
Not a single creature possesses that only God has that you see if humanity could do things
If humanity could do things outside the will of God Then we would be as powerful as God and he would be as weak as we are
If you could do something and catch God by surprise and act outside of his will he would no longer be all -powerful
Can't be done The Bible doesn't demonstrate that we read that in Isaiah There's so many verses that show this we could literally spend the whole sermon just reading references
Going over these things What will it take to give some to Jesus and Jesus keep them and lose none?
What will it take to give some to Jesus Jesus keep them and lose none? It will take the drawing and pulling of God Otherwise, it would be impossible and praise be to God that he grabbed you and he grabbed me
And he dragged us to Jesus Christ his son We want our sins so badly.
I Imagine that the word drag is an accurate description of what needs to take place in our hearts truly dragged to the light because we've been in darkness so very long dragged out of the grave because we've been dead so long and Drawn to all things.
Holy Praise be to God for such a gracious act that's
Really what it is. It comes down to grace Comes down to grace But what kind of grace you see some scholars have come up with a term that's called prevenient grace
Prevenient grace and I don't think the drawing of the Father can be reduced down to prevenient grace.
You know what that is Prevenient grace is this sort of pre grace? It's before the saving grace of Jesus comes and is applied to the life of the sinner
It's this pre grace not talking about common grace or the common benevolence of God I'm talking about they call it prevenient grace this pre grace where It makes these things available to all
Men and women it gives them the opportunity See the salvation of fallen mankind wasn't built off of an opportunity.
It was built upon a cross And it was finished that day
It was finished that day It is not saving grace
They say it's a pre grace makes people available to go to God and that is what's scary about this belief
Is that the pre grace supposedly given? Remember they the theologians argue this they understand pre grace prevenient grace is not efficacious for salvation
It's not powerful enough for salvation It's not powerful enough for all to be saved
Because clearly some go to hell. In fact, there's people in the Bible who are recorded going to hell and Yet the prevenient grace did nothing to save them.
There is none Bible makes it clear that the triune God is both the author and Perfecter or completer of our faith
Philippians chapter 1 he who began a good work in you will Tell us complete it or perfect it in Christ.
Those are just a couple verses He started something he owns it and We've had sermons even recently
About the sanctification that's that that's monergistic as well If God wants to save you and take you and change you and bring you into his kingdom
He's gonna own it from start to finish. That's what the Bible Demonstrates Did you start it?
Did you author this salvation in your life? Are you the author of your salvation?
Well, he's just he's the author I get to read the book that's not in Scripture not according to Scripture and As we saw last week and even now in our text that there is yet to be a participation
From one from the one given and drawn That's key in all of our verses in chapter 6 in all the ones that said
That you are given to Jesus by the Father. It makes no mention of your participation
It makes no mention of your own ownership in this so far through the whole text and all through John it shows that you do nothing to receive this and even now
No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him and I will raise him up on the last day you see you see me being
Jesus The word me the pronoun me the Father Again, Jesus and Jesus says
I it's I me the Father. It's them. It's only them You are the him
Who gets drawn you are the him? That gets raised on the last day, that's you that's me
That's us We're only recipients Verse 44 shows there is a plain inability to come to him unless the
Father draws Come to him Can only happen by him drawing now besides Jesus Who else speaks to this election and predestination?
There are literally hundreds and hundreds of scriptures showing this election and predestination the sovereignty of God Over salvation.
There are likely thousands of examples in the Old Testament. I'll give you a few Just going to read them real quick for you
Ephesians chapter 1 verses 3 through 6 says this Blessed be the
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places
Here it is. Here's where to listen in just as he chose us in him
Before the foundation of the world that we would be holy and blameless before him in love
Because that's what it is It's not the hate of God or discrimination of God that saves a people for himself
It is the love and grace of God that saves a people for himself It is not the opposite as so many posit
It is in love. He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to himself
According to what according to the kind intention of his will his will
To the praise of the glory of his grace, which he freely bestowed on us in the beloved
He chose us in him before the world began he predestined us in love to adoption as sons and daughters through Jesus Christ By his own will second
Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 13, but we always give thanks to you Thanks to God for you brethren beloved by the
Lord. Here it is Because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation
Paul tells the church in Thessalonica We praise God Because he's chosen you for salvation
Through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth then Isaiah 65 Listen to this.
This goes right in line with our passage today Isaiah 65 verse 1 I permitted myself
To be sought by those who did not ask for me. I Permitted myself to be found by those who did not seek me.
I said here I am here I am to a nation which did not call upon my name
Now if you understand the Hebrew What God is trying to say here is they never sought him.
They never called for him. They never looked for him He permitted all things they didn't ask they didn't seek they did not call on his name
He did it Remember, this is also This verse 44 is a rebuke to the
Jews listening He's continuing the rebuke They've been following him from the time that they healed someone that he healed someone
They've they've been following him since he made bread Beyond the Sea of Galilee.
They've been following him and what he's trying to say with the verse 44 is You can't come to me.
You think you've been coming to me. You think you've been following me you have not
This is actually an indictment on them No one can come to me unless the father draws him.
You think you're coming to me. So that's what he's Demonstrating here.
Jesus already revealed the bread and signs had a lot to do with their following him anyways
And after the Lord draws us Jesus finishes with that promise once again
That he will raise us up on the last day Eternal life is delicately intertwined with resurrection thrice times
Jesus has said that phrase and I will raise him up on the last day three times three times
So all in one verse we see the dead lifeless totally unable person Start their new life by the power of God alone
And now the blood -bought redeemed new heart spirit -filled
Christ followers finish Will be also the resurrection of Their new body by Jesus alone
And so it's all God's glory Do you see that? He has if you remember especially in John chapter 5, what did
I say? I said regeneration You guys being saved right now. You've gone through an initial resurrection, right?
You've been resurrected to life you've been raised to new life with Christ, so here's the thing if if Jesus has to be the one who will raise you up on the last day
Then Jesus has to be the one who will raise you up on the first day It's Jesus both times both resurrections
Your regeneration and your resurrection out of the grave. It's all Jesus's work
That's what it is Only God can perform resurrections Physically and spiritually you can't perform your own resurrection
Let's move on to verse 45. It is written in the prophets and they shall all be taught of God Everyone who has heard and learned from the
Father comes to me So Jesus isn't making a separate point here
This statement goes in line with verse 44 those who are drawn and come to Jesus will hear and be taught of the
Father Teaching of God will be given an Illumination will be implanted in the person
In fact, I don't know if you remember from James chapter 1 we went over this when we preached through James James 121 says therefore putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness.
He says this in Humility receive the word that was implanted in you which is able to save your souls you see
That's what needs to happen. They shall all be taught of God everyone has to be
Taught by the Father and so that's the implanted word in you That James says is able to save your soul
For many hearing the gospel and finally realizing you are a sinner before a holy God. That's the word you need to hear you couldn't hear it with your own ears, but God gave you an ear to hear and you heard whoa,
I'm a sinner and God is holy and God's God used that Teaching from him implanted in you and you went.
Okay. I need a Savior I need someone to pay for my sin You always thought that you were a good person
I always thought that I was a good person But only being taught of God could give us such a thought
What did God implants in your heart at the time of his drawing of you to himself Maybe you don't remember the exact moments when you were saved some of us have talked about I know the
I know the day. I know the hour. I know the minute I know when he saved me and then some of us are like it was a gradual thing
Neither one is more spectacular Both are glorious because he is glorious.
Okay, but we have these moments What stands out in your mind today that you know for sure you did not comprehend before In your old life
What do you what has God given you now that you did not possess? Previously the teaching of the father
You know something about yourself that you would have never known Without God showing it to you that you need him
Jesus quotes mainly from Isaiah here says the prophets. There's a similarity what to what
Jeremiah also said You see Jeremiah and Isaiah spoke of this very thing and You know, it's amazing.
It's so impeccable scripture is perfect They both talk about this thing You will be taught of God when what in these promises in Isaiah and Jeremiah of a new covenant that's going to come
That a Messiah is going to come that God will forgive you and he will pour out his spirit on you
That's the context of these Isaiah and Jeremiah passages Isaiah 54 13 all your sons will be taught of the
Lord and The well -being of your sons will be great. It also can say your sons will have peace finally
Your sons will be taught of God and they will finally have peace Then you have
Jeremiah They will not teach again each man his neighbor and each man his brother saying know the
Lord For they will all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them declares the Lord for I will forgive their iniquity
And their sin I will remember no more. That's Jeremiah 31 34 See all these people who are going to be drawn to God will be able to hear and be taught by the father
This means they will no longer be spiritually deaf. You are no longer spiritually deaf
They can receive the word with all eagerness They don't reject his word like so many do in our day who say oh you believe in fairy tales
You believe in false history, huh? Yeah, I've read it before It's a bunch of stories rather watch a movie, right and these people
Will learn from God in his word These people who are drawn by him This means okay.
This verse means that you will have the spiritual capacity to actually see hear read
Understand and apply the teachings of God from his word to your life These are people effectually called by God and experience regeneration so as to be able to come to Jesus They are not hardened
They don't see the Bible as a static set of precepts, but they see the Bible as the living
Word of God The Bible can come alive to such a person Where maybe previously it felt like a foreign language to them
Of course, sometimes we struggle to read the Bible. I'm not saying that that can't happen but basically a haze or a blur has been removed from the words a
Substantial aspect to both of these prophecies of Jeremiah and Isaiah is What John 16 shows
Jesus saying Jesus says in the promise of the Comforter and the promise of the Holy Spirit to come?
He says the spirit of truth will lead you into all truth
That's coming. He will make it known to you God will do this in making you go from death to life from darkness to light
You will be able to ascertain and appraise the the spiritual things of this world
Doesn't mean you don't need a teacher or you won't need to be under the preaching of the Word of God Like you are now
It's like you read that verse and you guys all start walking out. Well, we'll all be taught of God That's not what he's saying
It means you will be able to comprehend You will be able to finally have the capacity to receive it
That's all in conjunction with those who are being drawn Those who are drawn and called
Simultaneously all in that moment can be taught of God It's not like I'm saying they're learning of God and they learn more about him
And if you just study God in his word, then you'll come to Jesus No, I'm talking about this supernatural sovereignty of God in salvation
Because you remember Nicodemus Nicodemus couldn't understand it yet. He couldn't he didn't get it in John 3
Jesus answered truly truly I say to you unless one is born of water and spirit. He cannot enter the kingdom of God and Nicodemus is like how do
I climb back into my mother's womb? What kind of water are you talking about? What the spirit? Nicodemus didn't get it then but then we see later that he was
One of those who likely believed in his preparation of Jesus's body
He had faith So he didn't get it then The spirit must be poured out on both
Jews and Gentiles The prophet Joel said a new heart and new spirit must be given according Ezekiel.
This must take place to believe Another quick example is even in Matthew chapter 16
So let me illustrate this It is written in the prophets. They shall all be taught of God everyone who has heard and learned from the
Father comes to me So what's an example of that? I'm thinking of even in Matthew 16
Jesus goes to the Apostles and he says Who do you say that I am? He asked them.
What do the people say about me? Well, they say you're a prophet They say you're Elijah They say you're this they say you're
John the Baptist some even have called you Jeremiah But then he says to the
Apostles Who do you say that I am and Simon Peter speaks up?
And he says what you are the Christ the son of the
Living God and Jesus literally says to Peter he says Blessed are you
Simon Barjona because flesh and blood Did not reveal this to you, but my father who is in heaven revealed this to you
Peter was taught of God He could have not known that about Jesus unless my father who is in heaven showed him
Peter received something foreign To himself it was revealed by the father
Jesus is also fulfilling these Old Testament scriptures right now in this moment in John 6
There is no longer a man teaching Humanity from God the middleman is now cut out
God teaches his people directly now through Jesus the prophets and priests taught got taught from God, but now the divine prophet and the eternal high priest is here and What is so devastating is the
Jews reject the teachings of the one that they've been waiting for Why is
Jesus telling them all these things? Why is Jesus saying all this right now to a people who are about to leave him is he worried about that?
It's not because he's worried about their questions It's the fact that some of the
Jews standing there Will later get drawn by God They will later be regenerated and all that Jesus has said will flood back into their minds and they will be taught of God That's going to happen.
No doubt some of these crowds who did not believe then will believe later
They'll be drawn by the father come to Jesus be given to Jesus and they'll remember everything in fact
These things were written so that we may believe that Jesus is the Christ these were also said and written for us
These were said and written for us We get and countless others have gotten the benefit to read what
John has recorded down in Jesus's own Words and he stands united with the father if They heed the father
They will come to Jesus That's why Jews today and Muslims and all who consider themselves monotheists
Will go to Jesus if they're actually taught by the father You see you can't have the father without the son look at verse 46
Not that anyone has seen the father except the one who is from God. He has seen the father
This is Jesus marrying the teaching of the father To his own teaching the teaching of the son
They are one in the same If you deny Jesus's words you deny the father's words
Jesus mediates knowledge of the father. He explains the father To be taught of God is to be able to hear
Jesus No one has seen the father except the one sent from God He is as Scripture says the invisible
God in this regenerative hearing and learning from the father
No one must mistake that they will get to see the father face to face That is something that belongs only to the
Son of God and the Holy Spirit that is part of the reason why we will all be
Why all drawn will come to Jesus they will receive instruction even from the Word made flesh That echoes even
John chapter 1 verse 18 it says no one has seen God at any time But Jesus will be the exegesis of the father.
He will explain him. It's very much like John 1 18 And so Jesus appeals to the authority that he has from God as also being
God He has the exclusive rights to teach and command on earth being commissioned from heaven
In the beginning was the Word the Son and the Son was with God and the
Son was God he can Teach the people he has the authority to do so by the way
I have to say Because some will get this Maybe off for me
The teaching of God isn't some sort of direct revelation from God to you, okay?
to each individual person, but the words of God from as in the
Bible from Jesus in the Bible as the Holy Spirit causes us to hear and see
I Mentioned that because some will say That this teaching from the father is going to be some sort of direct revelation to you that you will get it
Directly from God and in some way it's only possible directly from God through the
Holy Spirit, and he'll bring you to his word and He'll put that teaching in your mind
But it's not as if you're suddenly now a prophet is what
I'm trying to say all in all church There is no going to God no learning from God no being saved by God hearing
God or seeing God apart from Jesus Christ So let's go to our final verse verse 47 truly truly
I say to you He who believes has eternal life So this is how
Jesus ends this rebuke to the Jews. He says amane amane
Truly truly I say to you that is the recipe to say thus saith the
Lord from Jesus Thus saith the Lord he who believes has eternal life
He who believes all that Jesus has said performed and done has eternal life
And the possession of eternal life is now in the present tense We continue to see the present tense and the past and the future tense.
I'm sorry intertwined together is that already and not yet you have eternal life you will have eternal life and You will in the future
This is such a stark difference for the Jews We're talking about people who have been shown that they have to keep all the commandments perform all the temple rituals they need to make daily and yearly sacrifices to God for atonement and Beyond all the external if they look at the
Word of God, they have to be pure of heart You have to perform all these things, but you also have to be pure of heart while you do it
This is a feat no singular person could accomplish So without any other hope in the world the
Lord God will draw a people to Jesus and he will save them They will believe
Belief and faith is the key Jesus is the door and he has to give you that faith in that belief
Implied in this statement of belief are all those predestinarian statements previously spoken by Jesus So that any thoughts of self congratulations or personal feats of deliverance are impossible
With a sovereign God who alone saves the sinner If self deliverance were possible
Jesus would have never had to come you hear that if you could have delivered yourself if the
Jews could have delivered themselves Jesus would have never had to come and he doesn't just make it possible.
He actually saves Salvation isn't simply a possibility for you. If he's come to save you he will indeed save you.
That's a guarantee If self deliverance was possible he would never had to come
The spirit would have never had to been porn out to give us new everything's This sort of man could boast but he can't
God will cut this covenant With himself and we won't walk through that cut covenant.
Jesus will walk through it. The covenant is struck within the Trinity Therefore it can never be broken because God will never break his promises
God makes a covenant with himself to save you and He'll never break it
You could never break it because you are simply a beneficiary of that covenant
So it's not on us to initiate it nor to sustain it and never will we perfect it
I noticed something too with this last verse Jesus intentionally leaves out Truly truly
I say to you he who believes and it doesn't say in the Son or in the Father and the Holy Spirit It says he who believes has eternal life.
I think he does that on purpose because he's actually Trying to establish that this is a
Trinitarian act. He doesn't simply say the Son He doesn't simply say the Father you must believe all that He has just said regarding the
Father the pouring out of the Spirit and of himself this is
Something that the one true and living God the triune God will perform To Believe in one a person must believe in all others.
That is to say they can't say they believe in the Father But then say we don't believe in the
Son Then they don't believe in the one true God because the one true God is triune in nature.
So boy. Oh boy thus far Jesus has turned their so -called seeking on their heads as I said, he truly has
Do you want to follow me listen and believe? And What we will see as I said is the crowd later deserts him he'll say all these things and Every single one of them except for the
Apostles will leave him We're talking crowds and crowds and multitudes of people.
He'll say all these things and every single one of them Will leave it shows that it's going to take an act of it's going to take an act of God to save a single soul if every single person there of multitudes of thousands could hear and see signs and wonders and see
Jesus perform these things and Say these things and they could all leave Then we would have left too
We would have left too You think you would have stayed you wouldn't have stayed you would have walked away, too
And so he has to draw us So let's wrap this up We can't deny what we've heard and seen here today, you know,
I don't I don't suppose this is easy, but I think
One of the biggest things this shows me That's how unworthy
I actually am of all of it. And if you get that If that if you get that you don't deserve it if you don't deserve any of it
Then if he does anything, it's pure mercy If you can get that If you can see
God bigger than The way you see him in your mind If you can realize you're smaller and more sinful
Than you really are Then you'll see that this is the most amazing act You could ever imagine all at once.
Jesus says come to me while in the same breath. No man can come to me unless the father draws
God calls the entirety of humanity to come to Jesus despite sovereignly drawing those who do
And if we are honest with ourselves If we knew and properly comprehended our sinfulness opposed to the vast
Magnificence of the holiness of God we would understand that the flooding of the world was light in judgment compared to what we deserve
Grace is when God gives us what we don't deserve and mercy is when God doesn't give us what we do deserve
Grace is when God gives us what we don't deserve and Mercy is when
God doesn't give us what we deserve hell punishment You see only the offended party that is
God can impart mercy and grace You and I can't initiate it if If you sin against someone and they're perfect Then you can't be like so Let's start that mercy and grace process
The offended party has to be the one who will say you know what despite all you've done.
I'm gonna give you mercy Otherwise, it's not truly mercy. It's coercion you think you can coerce
God. We can't coerce God We can't You and I can't initiate it, and that's the first reminder
God draws us the second reminder is that when you come to something? When you come to something or someone you come away or leave?
another thing Okay, when you come to Christ? You come away from all other confidences and trusts or things that would seek to subvert
God When you come to Jesus when you're drawn by the Father and you come to Jesus you come away from Your own works you come away from your own trust in yourself and you come to trusting in Christ's work alone you say goodbye to trusting in your own feelings and viewing this life by the lens of your own understanding and You come to the only solid rock and measuring rod that there is in this life in this existence
You come to God and his word You stop clinging to the old sins you leave them you come away from them and you come to Jesus and he gives you new desires and holy practices and If Jesus is truly the bridegroom, which he is you are then committed to divorce yourself from anything
That seeks to take his place any idol any sin when you come to Jesus you leave everything that would seek to take his place and The third and final reminder is that when you come to Jesus when you're drawn by the
Father and given to the Son You will obtain all that you could ever need All that you could ever need in this gracious act he
Begins to occupy your mind your hopes and your dreams Your life begins to center around the
Savior We learn maybe slowly How to not fear death and disease we mature and we mature to the point where we're able to count it all joy when we encounter various trials
It's gonna take time but you're gonna get there little by little you'll grow through that Like the
Apostles could feel considered privileged to suffer as their Lord did And our sins are washed away.
He heals all our spiritual diseases. He's gentle with us We are cared for and we begin to experience an assurance of salvation
You see the longer you walk on this Christian Road to the heavenly realm and You start to see it in sight
The more assured you are some of you Are struggling because you don't feel this great sense of assurance of salvation.
I Can tell you the longer you walk towards the kingdom You'll see it better I promise you you will
Charles Spurgeon Brings this up the preacher
Charles Spurgeon someone said to him, how do I know I'm saved and Spurgeon says because Christ says it isn't that enough?
he that believeth on me our last verse has everlasting life and The person goes but I have not felt any strange sensations.
I have not had any wonderful dreams And Charles Spurgeon goes.
What are you asking? for Such signs as those he says is not
Christ's Word He that believeth on me have everlasting life enough for you
And he says therefore let us all say Lord I believe on thee
Therefore I have everlasting life and thy word is enough for me And that is what he does
When he draws you to himself That becomes real to you and you believe it.
Let's pray Lord Please bless the word that went out
God this strips away all presumption this strips away all self glory and self vanity
This takes away Lord anything that we could ever do and it puts it in your glorious and gracious hands
God that's how it's been from the beginning Adam who you created and Abram who you brought out
Israel who you chose? Pharaoh whose heart you decided to harden vessels of mercy
Vessels of wrath. We are all to realize that we should be vessels of wrath
But you are so very gracious God God without such sovereign drawing we'd all be dead where we stand
Thank you Lord, thank you for your goodness and your love toward us people undeserving
We praise you in 10 ,000 years will praise you In a hundred thousand years will praise you
In a million in a million years will praise your name for what you've done Blessed be your name pray this in Jesus name.