F4F | Jennifer LeClaire is An Agent of Darkness


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the
Faith here on YouTube. Today we're going to be heading to Glory of Zion. This is the place where Chuck Pierce holds court as an apostle and we're gonna be listening to their
Passover service where Jennifer LeClaire, the former chief editor of Charisma magazine, was invited to come and to preach.
And after watching what it is that we're gonna see, I'm gonna be making the case along the way that there's no way this woman is hearing from God the
Holy Spirit or that she is really an agent of God's kingdom. The only conclusion we could truly come to is that she is truly an agent of darkness.
Yeah I know that sounds a little harsh but I think you'll kind of get it. And along the way we're gonna actually quote
Michael Brown. Michael Brown in, well, critiquing her.
Michael Brown has recently written a book titled Playing with Holy Fire and it's a book written specifically to Charismatics and Pentecostals calling them to clean up their act.
And so we're gonna quote Michael Brown against Jennifer LeClaire and some of the things that we're gonna see her do or at least one in particular.
So buckle up, here we go. Here's Chuck Pierce to introduce
Jennifer LeClaire. Everybody say the word awakening.
It's a blessing for us to have Jennifer LeClaire here. She's written some awesome, awesome books.
Yeah notice what he's doing. He's got a pile of Jennifer LeClaire's books and during the church service he's plugging her books.
Huh. Want to avail yourself to the materials that are here.
Angels on assignment, the making of a prophet. She's connected with Bishop Hammond.
Yeah she's under his apostolic anointing. So yeah let's let's go ahead and take a look at what
Michael Brown wrote. In Playing with Holy Fire, Michael Brown is actually talking about people who are trying to make a buck within the
Charismatic movement and notes that there is an ancient document known as the
Didache. And the Didache explains how you can identify a true prophet versus a false prophet.
And so Michael Brown writes on page 55 of this book,
Playing with Holy Fire, there is an early Christian document, that's where we're beginning right there, called the
Didache, which means the teachings of the Twelve Apostles. While it most likely does not date back to them, it is one of the earliest preserved
Christian writings outside the New Testament. Note the fascinating section found in chapter 11.
I have emphasized the most relevant parts. Quote from the Didache, concerning the apostles and prophets, act according to the decree of the gospel.
Let every apostle who comes to you be received as the Lord, but he shall not remain more than one day or two days if there is a need.
But if he remains three days, he's a false prophet. And when the apostle goes away, let him take nothing but bread until he lodges.
If he asks for money, yeah, he's a false prophet. That's what
Michael Brown wrote against people in his own movement. And you know, here we've got
Chuck Pierce shilling for Jennifer LeClaire and wanting people to spend money for her.
And she'll have that snack with her at the beginning of her sermon. She's been known for her work with charisma, but most of all she's known for the word awakening.
She has a wonderful church that I visit, as well as the ministry she's called to.
Let's welcome Jennifer LeClaire here. Now a little bit of a note, she begins her sermon with a prophetic word, a prophetic word.
And so I went ahead and just randomly created a bingo card just for this occasion to make a point, and you'll see that as we go, the point that will be made from this.
My God, my God, my God. How's everybody doing this morning? Oh, come on. Do you see the pile of books there?
Mm -hmm. Yep. You're doing better than that. Jane Hammond just brought a powerful word this morning.
You must be doing great. How many of you know how to pray in tongues? Do they pray in tongues in Texas? Do they pray in tongues where you're from?
Stand up on your feet for just a minute, and let's pray in the Holy Ghost. Come on. Just, just, just humor me a little bit.
Come on. Yeah, all right. That's parcel mouth, or something like that.
Let's consult Scripture real quick. In 1 Corinthians chapter 14, verse 23, verses 26 through 28, if therefore the whole church comes together and all speak in tongues, the outsider, unbeliever enter, they will not, will they not say that you are out of your minds?
Uh -huh. That's exactly what's going on here. And then verses 26 through 28 says, So what then, brothers, when you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation.
Let all things be done for building up. If anyone speak in a tongue, let there be only two, or at the most three, each in turn, and let someone interpret.
If there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in the church, and speak to himself in God.
Yeah, Scripture prohibits what Jennifer LeClaire is leading these people to do.
Come on and press with me for just a moment. Come on. Press in. Yeah. All right.
Let's check my bingo card. Yeah, there we go. Press in. Press in. Got it. Coming back here,
I should probably get my free space while we're at this, by the way. Yep, you're gonna note that this prophecy that she's giving is a quintessential buzzword prophecy.
She's not saying anything. She's just passionately speaking out a litany of buzz words.
That is what she's doing. She's not really hearing from God at all. God wants to take you somewhere today that eyes have not seen, and ears have not heard.
He's given you a dream. He's given you a mandate. He's given you a vision. Come on. All right, let's check this.
Dream, mandate, vision. Dream, mandate, vision. Mandate. Mandate.
Found it. Okay, there we go. Mandate. I don't see dream, vision on this card.
Okay, we return. Yep, you're gonna note that she's, well, just spewing buzzwords.
You've got a mantle. You've got a commissioning. Come on. God has anointed you. Mission, mantle, commissioning.
Mantle. Found it. Okay, mission, mantle, yeah, all right. We continue.
Here we go again. Season of realignments, a season of reassignments, whatever it can be.
Realignments, reassignments. Reassignment right there. I've got alignment, but I don't have realignment.
Bummer. Okay, we keep going. Notice that this is not a real prophecy. This is just her spewing the standard prophetic buzzwords after she led people to do something that scripture straight up prohibits.
Shaken, won't be shaken, but whatever can be will. Come on, press. Come on, press. Come on, press.
Push them out. Shove them out. Way out. Yeah. Yes, Jesus.
Yes, Jesus. Yes, Jesus. Yes, Jesus. Some of you have felt like you're stuck.
Some of you have felt like you've been stymied. Some of you have felt like you're just holding on for dear life.
But the Lord would say to you today that I am bringing a refreshing unto you. I am bringing a regeneration unto you.
I am putting a fresh wind of my spirit behind you. All right, a fresh wind of regeneration and things like that.
Okay, coming back. And you will rise up from the place where you are at, says the
Lord, and you will advance. You will advance. You will advance. And I see the Lord making up for lost time.
I said he's not just redeeming the time. He's accelerating the time in your life. Acceleration.
Let's see if that's on there. Impartation, assignment, alignment. I don't see acceleration.
Bummer. I know that's one of our words. Okay, coming back. So I think you're kind of getting the idea here.
This is just one big litany of buzzwords. I say no more delay. I said I break the spirit of delay over your life.
And I see you rising up like a prophetic army of the Lord. And I see you prophesying what says the
Lord over your own life, even before the lives of others, because you are your own best prophet.
Utter chaos there. I just see an opening of the spirit realm. I just see an open heaven.
And there are angels ascending and descending in this place. Handing out new...
Yeah, Jacob's ladder is there. ...assignments delivering... Hold on, hold on. ...and descending in this place, handing out new assignments...
Alright, assignment, assignment. Ah, yes, very good. Yeah, I'm glad that I had that one.
Okay, yeah, we're starting to fill this card up. It's been a while since I've won Prophecy Bingo, but I don't think
I'm going to win here. But it's just making the point. ...messages. So don't be surprised in the next 45 minutes or so if an angel taps you on the shoulder with a message.
Hallelujah. Come on, somebody give God a shout of praise. Jesus! Oh! Yeah!
Shout it out! Shout it out! Shout it out! Sounds like she's channeling a demon. Or maybe coughing up a sneaky squid.
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Hallelujah! So, yeah, what she did there was not prophecy.
She wasn't hearing from God. She straight up disobeyed God's Word. And just her mere presence there is disobedience to the
Word of God. From 1 Corinthians 14, partway through verse 33, the Apostle Paul, writing under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit, in the same chapters that deal with the gifts of the Spirit, says this, of the
Lord. If anyone does not recognize this, he is not recognized.
There's just no other conclusion that you can draw here. Jennifer LeClaire is not doing kingdom work.
She is not on the side of Christ, sound doctrine, and what Scripture teaches, nor is she advancing the kingdom.
To be blunt and put it quite, you know, in everyone's face, she's a wolf, she is a heretic, she is basically playing for Team Satan, and all the while claiming allegiance to Christ.
If she truly had allegiance to Christ, she would be obeying His Word instead of flagrantly and flippantly disregarding clear commands from God.
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Until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, His vicarious death on the cross for all of our sins.