Giving Mormons the Gospel

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Deacon Dusty Marshall and Pastor Wade Orsini converse with a young Mormon lady. This video portrays what it looks like Giving Mormons the Gospel. If you have ever wanted to get into a conversation with an LDS person but have been shy, watch this video and get some ideas on engaging with your local LDS person.


How he died on the cross, but like, um, what he did beforehand, like he prayed for all our sins, and he bled out of every pore.
Do you believe, though, that faith in Christ is what saves you? Oh, definitely.
What about works? Works? Yeah, I definitely think good works plays a big part in it, and, um, yeah, just doing your best, trying to put in effort towards, you know,
God. Would you be willing to come have a conversation with us about the Gospel? This is actually what we're sharing.
This is what's in here. It says, Are You Saved by Grace? And we're talking here about what the Bible says, that we are saved by faith alone and Christ alone.
And we're showing comparisons, uh, between the Bible and what the LDS Church is teaching about works.
Because the Scriptures do say that you cannot be saved by works, but it's only through your faith.
Right? That's consistent. But, see, for sure you'd believe that. My problem is the
LDS Church teaches that you're saved by faith plus all you can do.
So that's like a contradiction, right, with what the Bible says. So we're sharing the Gospel with people because the
Bible says that if you add anything to being saved by faith, that you're actually what's called apostate.
That it would be, that you're not truly a believer, that you're actually outside of the faith.
But the, and the Scriptures teach that it is merely by your faith that you are saved, not plus anything else.
So we're concerned for our LDS neighbors because we believe, I believe the Scriptures are clear, and that the
Church is teaching something contrary and opposite to what the Bible says.
Does that concern you at all? Um, well not so much, because I know that, well, we do like make mistakes here on earth.
We have a God that is merciful towards us. Absolutely. You know,
He'll forgive us for anything, and eventually we'll all make our way back to Him, but... No, and I believe that as well.
I believe that grace is sufficient to save, and that that grace covers my sin.
Yeah. Right? But I also, the Scriptures also show that no amount of works that I do are gonna get me closer to God, are gonna get me to another level, and I'm not going to become a
God one day. So, there's a verse, Isaiah 43, 10, where God says,
There's no God formed before me, none shall there be after me. But do you know that the
LDS Church teaches that you can actually become a God one day, right?
So, that's something else that I'm concerned about as well. The Bible teaches there's only one
God, right? In fact, the Jews believe there's only one
God. They're monotheists. So, only one God, right?
That was the God who revealed Himself to the Jews, and He continues to reveal Himself to believers.
So, that's a contradiction though, right? If there's only one God, imagine that we can all become
God one day, right? That doesn't work. So, I would ask, how would you reconcile that?
Are you gonna go with what the Bible says, that there is only one God, or would you go with, you know, you can become a
God one day? In fact, there are many gods, an endless amount of gods, and you will be one one day, if you do these things and believe.
Does that make sense? Yeah. I don't know, I think that's just the revelation that's been given to me.
It's something that I believe, because it's something that, you know, our prophet has told us is gonna happen.
What would you take though, if the Bible doesn't say that? If the Bible didn't say that?
Yeah, if your prophets are saying one thing, but the Bible says that there's only one
God, and that you can't become a God one day. I think that the Bible has, um, it's been translated quite a few times, and I think that the
King James Version is probably the only version that is true, but...
What would you say though, if the King James Version also said that? I don't know,
I think that would be something I'd have to... Can I show you? Sure. So, I'm gonna pull up, this is just a
Bible app. Yeah. Okay, so I'm gonna go to my versions here, King James Version, okay, and I'm gonna go to the same verse that I just shared with you, and it's
Isaiah, Isaiah 43, verse 10.
You are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant, whom I have chosen, that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he.
Before me no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
I have declared, and I have saved, and I have shrewd, and where there was no strange
God among you, therefore you are my witnesses, saith the Lord. So, the reason why we're sharing these things is for you, if you have a
King James Bible, go check this out, right? Check this out for yourself, because if you have the wrong
God, you have a God that you cannot save. And that's our concern for feeding, is that you would come to faith in one true
God, and that the Bible would consistently share this message, and that you would believe it, and that you would, if something contradicts it, that you would believe it.
Because the Bible is clear about these things. And that's not the only verse, there's Isaiah 44, 6,
Thus saith the Lord, I am the King, there is no God besides me. So, there are multiple, it's not just this verse, there are many.
So, I just ask people to go to that, to themselves. Because you have a King James Bible yourself, if you check out
Isaiah 43, 44, 45, consistently over and over, you will see
God saying that I am the only God, there are no other, I know not one who says, and that you would see that for yourself.
Our contact information is in fact on these, if you want to reach out to us, we're a
Christian church that's in Sandy. Our pastor is actually here, he's right there, and many of our members are here.
We're all just sharing the truth with people. So, would you maybe consider that? Let me give you this one as well.
But would you reach out to us, maybe, and if you have questions, you know, contact us.
Alright, what was your name again? Mia, Dusty. Nice to meet you. Noel, come on, let's go.
Hi, I'm Wade. Nice to meet you. Yeah. So, hanging out?
What you doing? Yeah, just walking around. Right on. You go to school over here then?
No, I'm not in school right now. Oh, okay. Not yet. So, you're done with high school?
Nice. Yeah. Cool. So, you went to high school and you're here then? Yeah. Okay, nice.
Nice to meet you. Supposing you're a Latter -day Saint? Yeah. Okay. Do you have kind of questions coming up?
Not really, no. Yeah? Not at the moment. Oh, okay.
Yeah. Did you have questions ever kind of for your bishop or your parents growing up about it?
A little bit. I've always really been the kind of person that kind of just,
I've always had a strong faith in what I was taught and what I believe and I would have those questions and I always kind of had the mentality that, you know what,
I don't know all the answers now, but I'll figure it out one day. Yeah, sure, sure. Simple faith or whatever?
Yeah. Yeah. Okay, nice. Are you going towards sacrament meetings weekly and stuff like that?
You're going with your family? Yeah? Okay, nice. What are those like for you? I love it.
It's so awesome. Yeah? Yeah. They have, your bishop speaks or they appoint certain men to speak sometimes, some ladies?
Or is that just on testimony night, testimony day? No, they'll usually pick a couple people to share talks, share experiences, things they've learned.
Yeah. Do you guys do Sunday school right now? Yeah? Are you going through the New Testament? Or what are you going through?
Right now, I think so, yeah. Book of Romans or no? Like Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
You've gone through those? Okay. We're really doing it. Nice. Yeah. Okay, cool. What did you and Dusty talk about?
We were just talking about, you know, the differences between our two churches and, you know, some concerns she has.
Yeah. What do you think about those? I think it's interesting to see their perspective, other points of view.
Yeah, yeah. Things I don't really think about because it's not really, you know, what I've learned.
Sure, sure. It's cool, like, to see those other points of view. Yeah, we basically believe that the
Scripture, the Bible alone is the sole infallible rule of faith and practice for the
Church of God. So, like, we're concerned, you know, obviously about extra revelation, things that the prophets have said that maybe differ from what the
Bible has spoken and said. You know, like, you have moments, like,
I'm sure there's one famous one, like blacks in the priesthood, stuff like that. People bring that up.
Yeah. You know, what do you make of that? Like, did God change His mind or, you know, why were they accepted and not accepted at one point?
What do you make of that? I would say that it's just one of those things that I don't really know. And I also haven't really looked into it that much.
But, I don't know. It's one thing that if I, I think if I really researched it and really studied it,
I can figure it out one day. Yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah, it might be worth checking out.
Yeah. You know, I don't know. Did he talk to you about our concerns with eternal progression, becoming a
God? Yeah. Right? So, it's not like, it's not like becoming like Jesus.
You know, the way it's taught is you're fully taking on His nature.
Yeah. And that's foreign to the Bible completely, where we see that there's one
God. He's the only God over all the universe, over all creation, seen and unseen.
He even says, the Lord says, before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
He says, I know not one other God. So, it's kind of like I've heard my, you know,
LDS people who I've met, they're like, yeah, I can become a God one day. You know,
Brigham Young has talked about the fact that, you know, being the rulers of universes and having, you know, planets and things like that is something that man can eventually progress and obtain.
But again, that's not in the Bible. So, that's just one big thing to us is, I think the treasure of eternal life will be
Jesus and living with Him forever. And it won't be being
Him or being God and then starting over and having a creation of my own.
You know, I just can't even imagine that. You know what I mean? Yeah. I think,
I know, I think that's something that the Bible was written a long time ago. But we have a lot of modern revelation now and a lot more revelation that maybe people weren't ready for back then.
And I also think that it's something that we can't really comprehend right now. We can't really understand. But one day
I know that maybe we will. Gotcha, gotcha. In the next life, we'll figure it out.
We'll learn how to do that and the importance of that. How do you think, how do you think someone can be saved, right?
Like, you know, it says that apart from Jesus, the
Bible says we're sons of wrath. We're sons of disobedience. It says in Romans chapter 3 that no one is good, not even one.
There's venom of asps is under their lips. All have turned aside.
Together we've become useless. Paul speaks to the nature of who we are, that we have totally rebelled against the one true
God and that without Him intervening, we can't be with Him.
We can't go to heaven. And, you know, obviously, I think a lot of Latter -day
Saints say that everyone's just going to be saved. But it also makes me wonder, then why does
Jesus talk about hell more than He talks about heaven? You know, there's something we're being saved from.
Yeah. We're being saved from the penalty of our sin, which would afford us an eternity in hell.
That's what it says. It says the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth, where the fire never dies and the worm dies not, this place of torment
He talks about. So we're saved from that. So, you know, how is someone saved according to your beliefs?
Well, I believe that we have a very merciful and forgiving God, and He sent us here knowing that we were going to make mistakes, we were going to mess up, and the natural man in us, you know, wants to rebel against God.
But I know that's the whole purpose of His plan, is
He wants us to strive to become like Him. He wants us to strive to do good, even with the natural man in us, you know, wanting to rebel, if that makes sense.
He wants to see us put in that effort to return back to Him one day.
Yeah. The only thing is, Jesus speaks to the covenant -breaking
Pharisees, and He's like, you're whitewashed tombs. Woe to you. He talks about how judgment is coming for them, destruction is coming for them.
When Aaron made, you know, reverse backwards, when Aaron made the golden calf and the
Israelites worshipped it, the Hebrews worshipped it, they had the
Levites, the priests, killed all those people at God's order.
You know, God is perfectly righteous, and He allows for no sin, and that's why we need someone to die for us, to take away our sin, right?
So that's kind of the biggest thing, is like, it's not just simply making mistakes.
It's that we, according to Scripture, our nature after the fall in the garden has fundamentally changed.
It says that, Jesus says in the Gospel of John, He says,
He who sins is a slave of sin. You've become a slave to it.
And apart from Him making us alive and making us born again, we can't do anything to remedy that.
So, anyways. And I think that's the whole purpose of repentance.
He wants us to use that daily repentance to ask Him for that forgiveness and for His help and for His strength to help us be perfected.
Perfected in what way? Just to give us the strength to have the courage to be better, to make better choices, and to be better people overall.
What do you think about what's going to happen to the
Muslim that kills a bunch of Christians in suicidal jihad?
What happens to him? I think that God understands all of it.
He understands everything. And what they're thinking is best for their purpose and for their religion.
Because, you know, some of those Muslims, they think that it's part of their religious beliefs. Yeah, they're sincere with their beliefs.
And so, I think that God's very understanding of that. And He knows that their heart's in the right place,
I guess, if that makes sense. Even though it's not necessarily the right thing that they're doing, but they're doing it out of their belief and out of their faith.
You know, He knows they're doing it for someone's good purpose. Yeah. The thing is, in Revelation 21,
Jesus says that all the murderers and liars and cowards will have their place in the lake of fire that burns forever.
So, it doesn't sound like unrepentant murderers who die in jihad will make it to heaven.
That's just what it says. I think that in the next life, there's more of a realization in the next life.
You'll know more when you get to the next life. More will be revealed to you in the next life. And so, once you get there, you'll be able to repent once you're there.
That's the thing, though, is it says that you must turn from your sin now, right?
The Bible says that. But, anyways, I'll let you guys get on with your night.