It Doesn't Have To Be This Way - Satanic Statue

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, welcome back to the channel. God bless you. I hope you had a good weekend, a good Lord's Day, a good everything.
Yesterday, your boy A .D. Robles seemed to, uh, trigger a bunch of Satanists.
So you know it was a good day. You know, I haven't, uh, I haven't, uh, had tangles with atheists or Satanists or pagans of general varieties in quite some time.
In fact, I rarely ever do interact with those kinds of people on Twitter. Um, and, uh, yesterday
I had a lot of people, uh, you know, get very upset about some of the things that I had said. Um, but, uh, but yeah, by now you've seen this picture, right?
A lot of people have tweeted about it and responded to it. Uh, this is a picture of a, uh, well, it's an image, uh, and it's an image of, uh,
I guess of Satan. I guess this is what Satan looks like to some people. He's a silvery goat, uh, standing up like a man.
He's got a red wreath and some candles paying homage to Satan. And this is erect, this was erected in the
Iowa State House, uh, the House of Representatives, rather. And, uh, here we have
Representative John Dunwell, uh, who, uh, is an ordained pastor, uh, as well, in addition to being a representative.
And he's explaining, uh, the, the reason this is, uh, this is, this is good, actually.
This is a blessing. Um, and so I thought we'd, uh, we'd just kind of go through it and, and I'd give my, uh, my two cents here.
But, you know, guys, it doesn't, it doesn't have to be this way. It really doesn't. You don't have to, um, love freedom so much that your brains turn into jello.
Because that's what's happened, you know. You know, I love freedom as much as the next guy. But the thing is, freedom, uh, is, uh, it's, it's, it's a term that I think, uh, in a lot of ways has lost its meaning.
You know what I mean? Whenever somebody talks about freedom, you gotta ask the freedom to do what?
You know what I mean? The freedom to do what? Because, obviously, nobody believes in complete freedom.
Even people that are completely, like, uh, you know, anarchist types, you know, that kind of thing.
And I don't mean, like, anarchists the, uh, the official way. I mean, like, just people that don't, uh, believe in any kind of law.
I mean, they still want to be treated a certain way. And, uh, so, so anyway, we'll get to it. We'll get to it.
But, um, this is not a blessing. This is, this is a sign of a completely degraded culture.
This is a sign of a culture that has experienced so much rot that it's essentially a dead man walking.
It's a zombie culture. This should not be tolerated, uh, among people. This is not a blessing of anything.
This is a curse. And, um, and there's so many horrible takes on this.
You know, some of them are like, well, it's just a statue, you know. It's just an inanimate statue. And, um, you know,
I mean, I understand that inanimate materials don't have any life in themselves. But, but a culture that would tolerate these kinds of displays, um, has something very deeply spiritually wrong with it.
And, uh, that's not just a statue. That's something that's real. And that's something that, you know, is not something that, uh, we should, we should tolerate in any way.
It's not Christian to tolerate this. But let's, let's see Representative John Dunwell's argument about how this is actually
Christian. So let's, uh, let's, let's read it. He says, as many of you are, have become aware, last week, a display was erected at the
Iowa Capitol by the Satanic Temple of Iowa. As I have responded to concerns from Iowans about the display,
I wanted to share with you how the display came to be and my response. How did it happen?
One, the Capitol structure falls underneath the control of Iowa legislature. The Department of Administrative Services is charged with the management.
Two, currently access for displays at the Capitol are open to anyone through an application process, though there are some guidelines that do not discriminate on the basis of religion or ideology.
Let me stop there. So that might be true that the, uh, the, the Iowa law doesn't discriminate on the basis of religion or ideology, but it should.
It absolutely should because some religions are unacceptable and one religion is acceptable.
It doesn't have to be this way because everybody understands that at the founding, when we're talking about free expression and things like that, um, we're talking about Christianity, right?
We're talking about the Christian religion. If you're endowed with inalienable rights by your creator, um, there's only one source, uh, from, for those rights and that's the
Lord Jesus Christ. So Christ is the source of your rights and there is no scripture, no possible way you could read the
Bible and say, and one of those rights that Christ, uh, endows you with is the right to worship
Satan. There's no, there's no such thing as that. And there's no, I mean, the same thing could be said of Vishnu.
The same thing could be said of Allah. The same thing could be said of, of any number of religions.
And so there is no such right as the right to worship Satan. That's an imaginary right.
You don't have it. All rights come from God. The government rests on his shoulders. We understand that. We sing that song, uh, you know, here in, well, we read those verses and at Christmas time and it's true.
And so, um, you know, I'm sure it's true that Iowa decides not to discriminate on the basis of religion or ideology, but it should, it absolutely should.
Three displays are permitted to be displayed for two weeks. All displays are required to communicate.
They are an independent display and not to be associated with the state of Iowa. And this is preposterous.
I mean, it's, it would be like if I advertised, you know, for a, for Pornhub on my car, you know, you know, so, you know, those companies that let you, that pay you to put an advertisement on your car.
And let's just say I decided that I was going to, you know, sell my advertising space in my car to Pornhub.
And then I tried to say, whoa, whoa. And my pastor gets mad at me. Oh, whoa. This isn't associated with me.
I mean, it's your, it's your property. It is associated with you. You are advertising, you're taking money from Pornhub to get more people addicted to pornography.
That's what you're doing. And so, yes, it is associated with you. It's absolutely preposterous. I'm going to put a sign.
I'll put a sign pastor on my Pornhub ad that says this is in no way associated with AD Robles.
Like that's, that's, that's stupid. It's obviously stupid. It obviously is associated with me.
So you could say whatever you want. It's at the state Capitol. It's obviously associated with the state of Iowa.
The Satanic Temple petitioned for their display in August and we, and were approved with some modification.
They wanted to use an actual goat head, I'm assuming a skull, and were permitted from doing, prohibited from doing so.
The Iowa. Congratulations, Iowa. You didn't let them use an actual goat head.
Congratulations. The Iowa legislator can set the rules and standards for any display. The current operating principle has been to either allow all displays or none.
The legislator has the power to change it if they deem necessary. I mean, that's, that's, that's good.
I'm glad that the legislation has the power to change that if they would deem it necessary and they need to deem it necessary.
Because the reality is that as a Christian, Representative John Dunwell has to understand that the government is a deacon of God.
It is God's revenger. It is to punish evildoers and promote what is good.
Okay, and so even if for some freaking weird reason you didn't consider the Satanic Temple an evildoer, so you didn't want to punish them.
Still, the deacon of God is supposed to promote what is good. And this, according to no possible reading of scripture, could be deemed as good.
This is not good. And it doesn't matter. I saw a lot of people saying, we don't really worship
Satan. It's just, you know, we're just trolling. You know, this is just a symbol about you. We're against religion.
It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. That's stupid. And this is obviously not good.
And if somebody's trolling you and they're telling you they're trolling you, that you don't placate their trolling.
It's preposterous. This is just the thing that this really represents to me, this image here.
It represents the impotence, the impotence, the weakness the sisyphication, sisyphication, sisyphication of Christian men in positions of authority.
It's just, it's absolutely a perfect picture of how weak this man is.
Weak, weakness. This man is an image of weakness.
It's absolute and not the, not, not the kind that you can kind of, you know, you know, you can kind of make holy, you know, my power is made perfect in weakness.
Not that kind of weakness. I'm talking about the, the unfaithful kind of weakness, the, the weakness that seeps into your bones and your bones are rotting away because you have absolutely no firmness, no boldness, nothing at all.
Oh, they're just LARPing. Okay. So reject their stupid idea. And if you're not part of that decision -making process, then you get to work to tear this mother down.
And if you have to do it with your own hands, do it and accept the consequences. This is why you're a deacon of God.
This is why you're, this is why you're in that position. The deacon of God is not to be a man of weakness, a man of no action, a man of, of, uh, well, we'll get to it.
We'll get to it. Here's where he gets to his observations and response as an Iowan state representative and pastor.
So as a pastor, this is how he is speaking. Okay. And then the reason he has to tell you that he's a pastor is because you would never freaking figure it out based on what he says.
It's, it's absolutely preposterous. My observation as a follower of Christ, I certainly find a display from the satanic temple objectionable.
It stands in direct opposition to my faith and would be classified as evil. Not a new experience for me or my family.
The word of God continually warns about the dangers in our world. In fairness, many other religions or non -religious people have the same perspective about Christianity.
Yeah, yeah. You know, I certainly find this objectionable. So let me just go ahead and not do anything about it.
You know, I, I will, he'll object strenuously. You know, maybe he'll even write a strongly worded letter to the satanic temple and say, please don't do this next year.
Maybe he'll do that. I doubt we'll even do that. But he objects. He objects. He finds this objectionable and he classifies this as evil.
I'm sure that everybody is shaking in their boots because up here in your mind where nobody will ever figure it out, you've classified this as evil.
Again, this pastor knows that he's a servant of God. His role is to punish evil doers and, and, and promote what is good.
So we've taken out both of those options off the table though, because here's the thing even if you don't want to promote that, punish them as evil doers, all right, well, at least you don't promote it because it's not good.
You're supposed to promote good. Well, he's taking both of those options off the table. It's evil according to him, but he's not going to do anything about it.
It's not promoting what is good, but he's just going to sit there and write a tweet about how much he loves freedom.
His preposterous. This is impotence. This is somebody who has made themselves a eunuch politically.
He has no testicles. Let's continue.
Oh, and, and, and, and for the, what do we care if someone thinks that, uh, that Christianity is evil or Christianity is dangerous or Christianity, like, like why even say that sentence?
He's like, well, you know, it's fair. What's fair is fair. I think you're evil. You think I'm evil. All right. Well, I guess this, this kind of pluralism, you don't give their oppositions any weight.
Yeah, sure. Lots of people think I'm evil and stupid because I believe in the Lord, but that, that you should not give that weight.
That doesn't mean, well, I guess, I mean, I, I mean, they think I'm stupid. Maybe they're right. Well, who knows who's right? Let's just,
I guess everyone, you know, gets a, gets a say. No, not everybody gets a say. Not everybody gets a say because there's a truth and then there's a myriad of falsehoods and we know the truth.
So when we're in positions of authority, when we're in positions to actually do something about something, we, we do what's true.
Even if it's unpopular, even if people think you're stupid, even if people think you have a sky daddy, who cares?
Who cares? He continues. My observation as an
Iowan and state representative, I don't want the state evaluated in making determinations about religions. I'm guided by the first amendment of the constitution.
And see, that's your problem. That's your problem. Number one, you don't understand the first amendment of the
U S constitution. And number two, you shouldn't be guided by that.
At least not primarily, at least not ultimately. So even if the constitution did say that you have to let, you know, the satanic temple put up a display for Satan in the
Congress hall or the Capitol building, even if it did say that, which it obviously does not say that.
But even if it did, um, who, who was your
Lord? Who was your Lord? Your pastor.
It's not like you get to put on your pastor hat one day. And then when you're going to Congress, you put on your Congress hat and there are two, and there's two different things.
And Christ leaves you alone at that point. No Christ is your Lord. He's the King. It says it in the
Bible. He's the King of Kings. He's the Lord of Lords. So there's a lot of Lords, right?
There's a lot of Kings and they're all down here. And Jesus is the
King and the Lord of all the rest. So you got Jesus, and then you've got the other underlings and you're one of those underlings.
And so what do you, who do you answer to? Who do you respond to?
Who do you listen to? Who do you obey? Will you obey the one that's the King over the rest of the Kings? The Lord over the rest of the
Lords. This is the thing, like to a pastor like this, John Dunwell, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, these are just bumper stickers.
These are just bumper stickers. You put them on your car. You say them when it's appropriate at church. And, you know, it's like you put it on the coffee mug and, you know,
Jesus is the King of Kings, but you don't actually mean anything by that. It's just, he's the King of Kings. He's the
King of Church. That's the thing. It's like guys like this, it's like, well, he's the
King of Church. They don't even treat him that way either. I mean, I've never been to this guy's church, but I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts.
What does that mean? Dollars to donuts? I don't even know why I just said that. Dollars to donuts. I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts that Jesus really isn't the
Lord of your church either. The First Amendment of the Constitution. You gotta be kidding me.
This is not a First Amendment issue. Well, I mean, I guess it technically is, but the
First Amendment doesn't require you to allow satanic displays at your church. It doesn't have to be this way, guys.
It doesn't have to be this way. There's just, there's two things that need to happen. Number one, we need to recognize that as Christians, we don't have to just lie down anytime someone tells us to.
If they wanted to put an Asherah pole or a Baal statue at the
Capitol, you don't have to just say, oh, okay, First Amendment. You don't have to do that.
That's not the only option that you have. That's an option that we've all been kind of taught to accept.
And that's what we're changing with all the Christian nationalism talk. Because the thing is, once you accept the fact that Christians should have not only influence over the government, like one of many influences, because that's how a lot of these weasels out there get by.
They'll say something like this. I totally agree. Christians should have influence on the culture.
But what they mean in practice is that it should be just one voice. Let's say there's four different religions out there.
Let's just say there's four. There's four different religions. Well, Christians should have 25 % of the voice. That's what a lot of people mean by, oh,
Christians should have influence over the culture. They mean 25 % influence, and they have an equal vote to every other religion out there.
Now, that's not how it is. Christians should absolutely dominate the culture, because we're the only ones who understand the role of the state.
The role of the state, a deacon of God, a servant of God, just like the deacon in your church.
He's serving God in your church, and he's got his own little purview, and he's got his own roles and responsibilities.
The deacon in your church has those. Just like that, the civil governing authority is a deacon of God.
And so how can you serve God when you don't know the first thing about what God wants you to do or wants you to require?
This is the thing. There's only one option here. There's only one option here for a faithful Christian.
And I'm not saying people who don't hold this aren't saved or anything like that, but I'll tell you right now, they're abdicating their responsibilities.
They demonstrate a lack of faith when they do not act as though Christ actually is the king of kings.
He's actually the Lord of lords. He actually expects the civil governing authority to be his deacon, to be his servant, to be his revenger.
We ought not shy away from the fact that the civil governing authority is God's revenger.
Vengeance is mine, says the Lord. By the way, my revenger is the civil governing authority.
And if we're following Christ and we're faithful Christians, we want that revenger to be as faithful to God's commands as possible, which leaves the only option as something like Christian nationalism.
Because otherwise, that civil governing authority will be an unfaithful deacon, or at least an inconsistent deacon.
They'll be good in some areas and bad in others. And that's kind of what we have right now. It's bad in many, many areas, but they're still okay in some areas.
We still have some semblance of obeying God. Not completely and not enough, not nearly enough, but there's some semblance of it.
Anyway, here we go. My response as a follower of Christ, the display is an inanimate object that has no real power in it of itself.
We have nothing to fear. Yeah, obviously the display is made of, I think, plastic or maybe it's metal,
I don't know, and cloth and stuff like that. Of course, Pastor John Dunwell, I understand that I should not fear plastic and cloth and candles.
I understand that. But it's not just an inanimate object because there's an entire spirit behind it.
The kind of weakness, the kind of just absolute powerlessness for men like you that this thing really shows is real.
It's real. And the hearts and the minds that would seek to do that, all to profane
Christ. I mean, that's why they choose Satan because, you know, some of these guys worship Satan, some of these guys follow the satanic churches, whatever teachings, and some of them are just idiots and all of that.
But still, they actually have real beliefs. And the whole reason they choose Satan is to thumb their nose at the
Lord. You know what I mean? They're trying to jeer at the Lord. They're trying to say, where's your
God anyway? That's real. And that actually does have power. That is empowered by Satan and his legions of demons.
We understand that. That rebellion is led by Satan and his legion of demons. Have you ever read
Genesis, John Dunwell? Yeah, obviously. We're not scared of the plastic, obviously.
We're not worried about the plastic. We're not concerned about the plastic. But the powerlessness that it represents in people like you and the audacity that it represents in people that put the situation up, that's something that we need to handle.
That's something that we need to confront. So thank you for that very wise—yeah, it's an animate object.
Yeah, great, thank you. Oppose the message of—I'm going to oppose the message of the display.
That's my response as a follower of Christ. I'm going to oppose the message of the display. It's not just another way to worship the same God. There are differences that need to be pointed out.
That display glorifies the evil influence that we oppose. Yeah, the evil influence you oppose—except in action, though.
Except in action, because we're going to put—see, this is the thing. If someone were to put—I don't know, maybe not
Hamas, it's hard to say anymore. If someone were to put a Nazi flag up in the
Capitol, I mean, you'd tear that thing down in five seconds. You probably would never allow it. It's not because you're afraid of the cloth of the
Nazi flag, right? You're not afraid of the cloth, but you want to confront the spirit behind that.
You don't want anyone to get the wrong message about Iowa. And so you tear it down.
You take it down. But for some reason, a display of Satan—yeah, no big deal.
Nazis are the new Satan. That's the new Satan. It's Nazis. You know, that's more—I guess—this is all just a mess.
This is all just a mess. We see these people tearing down monuments of good Christian men and putting up these grotesque images of various things.
And why do they do that? Is it because they just—you know, it's an inanimate object. It has no power.
No, because these inanimate objects actually mean—they have meaning behind them. And the spirit, the message that they put forward is meaningful to the people.
And so you can either be beaten down or you can either be built up by some of this stuff. I mean, you even watch like a fantasy show like Lord of the
Rings or something like that. And it's always a very powerful scene when there's like this statue of a king, a great king, and you've got these large statues and they're just so majestic, right?
You've got a king and he's like, he's pointing or he's like this, and it's a very powerful pose. And, you know, why does it move the audience when
Sauron sends, you know, a fireball, knocks down the statue? Why is that meaningful to people?
Why do some people get emotional when they see the American flag? Is it because that cloth, man, that cloth really moved me?
You know, it's just so soft and it's just so well made. That's not why it moves people because we understand that these images, these things have an ability to sort of move something in us, something that's real, something that's not inanimate.
And these things that you put up, these monuments, these flags, these banners, these things like that, they have the ability to really beat you down or really build you up.
You know, if I saw in my neighborhood people flying the flags of another country, which
I mean, I kind of do see that sometimes, but a country that hated us and stuff like that, it would be a sign.
It would be a sign that we had been conquered. And that would be something that would be very depressing.
But if I see, you know, tons of American flags out there, you know, it feels like a free country and it does something inside of me.
So I oppose the message of display, but just make sure that it stays there. You just got to oppose it in your mind and just don't do anything about it because why?
We'll find out. The primary response required is prayer. I mean, that is a response, but this is the thing, like when
I talk about Ezra's and Nehemiah's, I mean, this is a perfect example. You know, you've got a man of the cloth and Ezra praying to God, oh man, the people are intermarrying.
That is a good response. I think that primary is actually probably a really good word, but it's not the only response.
Action is required. Representative John Dunwell is no Nehemiah. He's no
Nehemiah. You pray and maybe if you don't act, somebody acts. A man of action should ask.
I mean, this is the thing, like you're a representative of the state of the people of Iowa. You're supposed to be the man of action.
So you put your pastor hat on, you pray, and then as a representative, you don't do anything.
I think you're missing part of your job there, buddy. The display itself is an invitation to the work we have yet to do.
Iowa needs Jesus. The display provides a teaching example for our families and the difference between the person and work of Christ and that of Satan.
Light loves sacrifice compared to dark foreboding creature. Yeah, that's great. It's good that the display is, you know, maybe we should put some statues of Baal on right?
Maybe we should put an Asherah pole up because then we'd have a really good object lesson for our children.
Yeah, that's a great idea. Put up this display must remain because then I can finally teach my children about the difference between Satan and Christ.
We don't have any satanic statues in my house. And still my children already know that Satan is real and that demons are real and that we are against every single activity that they do.
Even the ones that they tried up, the scams they try to run on us. We're against it.
And we pray to that end all the time. We pray for protection. We pray for strength.
We pray for all these things. My kids know about Satan and the devil and the devils out there.
And they didn't need to see a freaking satanic statue to know that that was real. My faith is never imposed on others, nor should it ever be part of direct government.
It's always a response to the person in the work of Jesus Christ. I don't want to mix the kingdoms. Government is a poor arbiter of religion.
Yeah. Okay. So, I mean, this is pretty standard. This is a pretty standard response to this kind of thing.
Like, I know that there are non -Christian nationalists out there that understand that this is not acceptable.
I understand that. I really do. I know that there are really good people out there that do not like Christian nationalism that know that this should not happen.
That being said, many of the anti -Christian nationalists that I know would respond exactly this way.
Listen, if you do this, then they're going to shut down the Baptist churches too. As if there's no possible way that we can have some kind of distinction here where you're not allowed to have a statue to bail, but you are allowed to have a
Baptist church. Like, that's impossible. We can't figure that one out. We're too stupid to figure that one out.
Where the satanic displays are not there, but we can still have Baptist churches.
There's just a lack of imagination. There's a lack of trust in your brothers.
There's just a lack of faith out there. There really is. My faith is never imposed on others.
It should be. It should be. Because part of your faith is an example of civil law.
And so, yes, it's part of the Christian faith that you should not be able to kill babies. That's part of the
Christian faith. And there should be punishments for those who seek to kill babies and who do kill babies. That's part of your faith, and it should absolutely be imposed on others.
Again, the weakness displayed by this is just absolutely amazing to see.
It's just so pathetic. Lastly, take full advantage of the opportunities to express our faith in appropriate displays and programs at the
Capitol. See, this is the point. I want Christians to have an influence on the government. What they mean is they want you to be able to set up a
Christian display next to the satanic display so that way people can pick and choose. I mean, this is the thing.
It's like you've got a temple full of the gods of the nations. Like, that's not good. That's not good.
And it wouldn't be a win for us to get Christ there as one of— I mean, we don't have images of Christ.
We shouldn't have images of Christ anyway, but it would be no win to have a Christian display next to, you know, 20 other religions display.
And you see, see, we're influencing the government. We're taking it back. This pluralism thing is poisonous.
It's poisonous. You want Christians to have an influence on the government.
I want Christians to dominate the government because the government is a deacon of God.
It does not have to be this way. My response as a state representative.
Review the guidelines to ensure they represent our constitutional rights. Thank you very much for that. Monitor the number of organizations requesting displays.
I don't want the Capitol to be overwhelmed by displays. In the future, we may need to find ways to appropriately limit the number of displays.
Continue to dialogue with other elected officials and Iowans on this issue. Well, thank you very much. I mean, the weakness of this man and his representing the people of Iowa is absolutely on display here with his response.
He's going to write some strongly worded letters. He's going to review the guidelines. Maybe next year, we only have a couple of displays.
So I guess the Satan one will be there. And then we will have the Christian one there. And that'll be that.
Only two displays. So that way, people aren't so confused. It's absolutely preposterous.
This is the exact way to not be a
Christian civil governing authority. Where you claim to love Christ, but you don't actually do anything that would be any different than almost anyone.
Because almost anyone could say these three things. Review the guidelines, monitor the number of organizations, and then dialoguing.
There's nothing Christian about your response, representative. Nothing. And that's why you had to say, well,
I'm a pastor. I'm a Christian. I'm an ordained licensed pastor, a Christian pastor. You had to say that because nobody would ever know you were, based on your response, as a state representative.
I mean, even if you didn't do anything, even if you didn't do anything, I mean, at the very least you can do, because this is what a lot of Republicans will do.
Oh, I'll do everything in my power to prevent this from happening again. And then they don't do anything. But at least they kind of pretend they're going to do something.
At least they have the inkling of an idea. You don't even have... I'm just going to dialogue about this one.
Yeah, I'm going to dialogue. You know, and Christians will be part of that dialogue. Yeah, we'll be at the table.
Absolutely not. How about this one? I will do everything in my power to get Christians together in the state house, in the house of representatives, the state centers.
I'm going to get them all together. We're going to have a caucus. And because we're mostly Christian, we are going to put this to death.
We will not allow this anymore. I saw some people saying, tear it down with your own bare hands and accept the consequences.
I think that's a great plan. I think that's a great plan because something like that, you might end up in jail for a little while. You might end up fined.
You might end up kicked out of the house, but it'd be worth it. Something like that, an image like that, watching a video of you tearing this thing down with zeal, with all of that kind of stuff, you'd be sacrificing a lot.
But something like that has the power to really move people across the country, not even just Iowa, across the entire country to take freaking action.
That being said, if you didn't want to do that, okay, play your political games. But at least lie to me.
At least lie to me. Can you just lie to me? Lie to me. Say, I'm going to do everything in my power to gather people, to organize, and we're going to come up with some kind of law that prevents this kind of grotesque imagery from being presented at the state house because this is not who
Iowans are. How about something like that? Nah. Nah. Go ahead and pray about it.
I'm not even sure I believe you that you're going to do that. To be quite honest with you. But go ahead and pray about it.
And who knows? Maybe God will actually send a real man to take this thing down because you were too cowardly to do it.
It does not have to be this way. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.