Even Harvard Is Realizing They're NOT Aliens! | Pastor Reacts
Hey friends, the world is starting to catch up to the Bible's explanation of the supernatural realm. I've got a very interesting study for you that just came out by a Harvard researcher. And the results are WILD. Take a look :)
Original video: https://youtu.be/Z73zej2aQKg?si=NDOGqhIYNNAFPGe9
Link to study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/381405238_The_cryptoterrestrial_hypothesis_A_case_for_scientific_openness_to_a_concealed_earthly_explanation_for_Unidentified_Anomalous_Phenomena
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- 00:00
- Researchers at Harvard and Montana Technological University concluded that so -called crypto terrestrials could be an explanation for unidentified and unexplainable observations made worldwide each year.
- 00:09
- The unidentified creatures are of supernatural origin, likened to earthbound angels. What is the best explanation for the things we are all witnessing in the skies today?
- 00:18
- These beings are not traveling across galaxies. They're traveling to our dimension from another one, and they are communicating anti -Christian messages that are in line with New Age mysticism that denies the
- 00:29
- God of the Bible, denies the gospel message, and it pulls people further and further into the occult.
- 00:35
- The Bible has been ahead of the game on this one, friends. And now even Harvard is finally catching up.
- 00:49
- We got a paper from a Harvard researcher. Harvard.
- 00:56
- Last I checked, yep, Harvard still in Ivy League school dishing out the next great leaders of this nation.
- 01:02
- And boy, we got a paper that proposes that aliens are secretly living among us.
- 01:08
- We're going to get into this, and I want to point out to you what something like this paper is truly exposing.
- 01:14
- But before we go any further, if you're new here, welcome. This is Wise Disciple. My name is Nate, and I'm helping you become the effective Christian that you are meant to be.
- 01:20
- Before I jumped into this ministry full time, I was a debate teacher and a pastor, and I draw from both of those experiences to make these kinds of videos.
- 01:27
- Make sure to like and subscribe to the channel. We're almost to 200 ,000 subs. Come on. We're going to do a special dance when we reach that milestone together, you and I.
- 01:35
- Also, if you think this is an important discussion, would you share this video with someone else? And finally, check out the awesome discounts.
- 01:41
- We're running through Logos Bible software. I use Logos for my own Bible studies every morning, and it's a game changer for the serious student of scripture.
- 01:49
- Go to Logos .com forward slash Wise Disciple for some great deals today. Aliens could be secretly inhabiting the
- 01:54
- Earth as we speak. In a new paper titled The Crypto Terrestrial Hypothesis, a case for scientific openness to a concealed earthly explanation for unidentified anomalous phenomena.
- 02:05
- Researchers at Harvard and Montana Technological University concluded that unidentified anomalous phenomena or UAPs, aka
- 02:11
- UFOs, could be living underground on the moon or even walking among humans. Though nothing has been proven, the researchers postulate so -called crypto terrestrials could be an explanation for unidentified and unexplainable observations made worldwide each year.
- 02:24
- The paper outlines four different theories, including one remnant form of ancient civilization.
- 02:30
- Look at that. Look at those four theories. Civilization remains on Earth. Two, an intelligent species evolved separately from humans and that now stays hidden.
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- And three, crypto terrestrials traveled from another time period or planet.
- 02:46
- And lastly, the unidentified creatures are of supernatural origin, likened to earthbound angels.
- 02:52
- OK, notice the four theories. Which one seems more plausible to you?
- 02:58
- I propose to you that the evidence that we're seeing all around us right now is not going to help you with this question.
- 03:05
- You're going to have to start by investigating what you're willing to believe. What is your starting point?
- 03:12
- What is your philosophical and ontological commitment? Like, because once you once you answer that question and figure that out, then you can go to the evidence and then you can consider what the best explanation is.
- 03:28
- So let's do this. Let's let's zoom into the paper a bit more because there's some fascinating admissions in this paper.
- 03:34
- Take a look at this. So again, the paper, the crypto terrestrial hypothesis, say that three times fast. A case for scientific openness to a concealed earthly explanation for UAPs.
- 03:44
- OK, I highlighted a few key things here for our consideration. A the discourse around UAP is dominated, dominated by two main classes of explanation, a conventional terrestrial origin, e .g.
- 03:57
- human technology, which, by the way, probably explains much of the sightings that we see today.
- 04:03
- Not everything is, you know, demons and other things, even for the
- 04:08
- Christian. Human technology definitely explains a lot of what we're seeing today, definitely explains some of the earliest sightings going all the way back to Roswell in the 1940s.
- 04:20
- So so we've talked about this before, you know, those those initial sightings in the crash at Roswell were very likely connected to Operation Paperclip, and the government just didn't want that project to be made public.
- 04:33
- So they went with another theory, men from Mars, women from Venus. Just kidding. Yeah, Operation Paperclip was when we smuggled, remember this, ex -Nazis into the country so we could utilize their expertise to get a leg up on other nations and their technological advancements.
- 04:52
- Of course, the government didn't want anybody to know about that. OK, so anyway, human technology explains a lot of UAP sightings.
- 05:03
- I'm with that. I agree. However, such is the strange nature of many
- 05:09
- UAP that observers close to the topic have been compelled to consider a more unconventional set of theories known collectively as the
- 05:16
- Ultra Terrestrial Hypothesis. This denotes a broad category of conjecture centered around the possibility that UAP may involve forms of non -human intelligence that are already present in Earth's environment in some sense, which somebody describes as sequestered terrestrial cultures existing alongside us in distinct stealth.
- 05:41
- In other words, they're already here, guys. They've been here for a while and they are living among us.
- 05:50
- That's what this paper is pointing out, that that's one of the theories that is proposed. Boy, you know,
- 06:00
- I mean, file this under things I thought never the public would never be discussing ever, you know, not even just a couple of years ago did
- 06:09
- I think that we would actually be here talking about this. Certainly never would have thought, guys, that Harvard, a
- 06:16
- Harvard researcher would be attached to something like this. And yet here we are. What does that show us, though?
- 06:25
- Something is going on, guys. And I think everybody knows it. Aliens and UFOs, UAPs, as they are now referred to, they're no longer as fringe as they once were.
- 06:40
- We can no longer dismiss these things as fringe. Our own government is admitting that something is happening.
- 06:47
- The question is, what is happening? Let's keep going. One is an interdimensional hypothesis.
- 06:54
- Hello, which was the focus of the previous paper. This suggests UAP may involve beings from dimensions that coexist alongside the four dimensions of spacetime we usually perceive.
- 07:05
- OK, does that sound familiar to you? We've been talking about this at this ministry here, at this channel for a little while.
- 07:13
- And or that UAP occupants are extra -tempestrial. Now, that's interesting.
- 07:20
- They travel through the fourth dimension to visit different periods of Earth's history, which may involve our descendants returning to study their own hominin evolutionary past.
- 07:34
- This is wild. This is interstellar, right?
- 07:39
- This is a Christopher Nolan, Robert Zemeckis, Back to the Future movie. You know what I mean?
- 07:44
- And in some sense, I understand why the speculation takes them there.
- 07:50
- If you are somebody who is committed to the belief that there is no God, there is no supernatural realm, then of course, it makes sense that these beings must be our descendants, you know, who with advanced technology are visiting us from the future, except wait a second, they're still defying the laws of physics.
- 08:07
- They're still, so how is that, how is that us from the future when us from the future still have to obey the laws of physics?
- 08:15
- That doesn't quite work out. But here's what I'm, I just, I'm pointing this out. Notice what this paper has to admit.
- 08:23
- Notice these theories, as wild as they are, they exist because these
- 08:28
- UAPs are not traveling from another galaxy. We are not tracking these objects entering our galaxy from another one and then tracking it as it enters into our planet's atmosphere and then all of a sudden hovering over a mall in Miami.
- 08:46
- That's not, that's not happening. That's not what we're doing. What's happening is they're just appearing out of thin air and then they're disappearing just as quickly as they appeared.
- 08:56
- And that's what everyone is trying to explain right now. So let's keep reading.
- 09:04
- The Crypto -Terrestrial Hypothesis, which is our focus in this paper, holds that UAP may reflect activities of NHIs.
- 09:16
- What is that again? Yeah, non -human intelligences that are concealed here on Earth, perhaps underground in its environs.
- 09:25
- Indeed, the philosopher Bernardo Kastrup recently argued that a version of the CTH was, despite its seemingly outlandish, unlikely, and far out nature, the most reasonable scenario for UAP and NHI.
- 09:37
- So now we're in men in black King Kong territory.
- 09:43
- You know, we're just, we're looping in the best alien and monster movies from the last several decades.
- 09:49
- You know, they're, they're pretending to be us guys and they're living in the hollow Earth. It's Godzilla versus King Kong.
- 09:57
- And the only ones who can save us is Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. The starting point for taking the
- 10:02
- Crypto -Terrestrial Hypothesis seriously is perplexity over two interrelated empirical mysteries.
- 10:10
- First, it is increasingly apparent that UAP are not only aerial, watch this, but can also move underwater in ways that, per their airborne counterparts, defy explanation.
- 10:22
- Okay, these objects, which by the way, in other words, um, in both the sky and under the water, these objects are defined the laws of physics.
- 10:32
- Look at this. These objects have been observed to behave in ways that defy our current understanding of physics, much like their aerial counterparts.
- 10:39
- They are said to move at incredible speeds and are capable of sudden and rapid acceleration, deceleration, and direction changes, all without any visible means of propulsion or control.
- 10:54
- Interesting. Moreover, some UAP seem capable of moving, now here, check this out, moving through air and water with comparable ease.
- 11:05
- And perhaps even other mediums or substances such as rock. With these transmedium capabilities being one reason the
- 11:13
- UAP acronym was expanded from aerial to the broader anomalous. Notice that phrase, comparable ease.
- 11:20
- It's as if the changes in the physicality of traveling through air and water and rock, it has the, the, the same exact lack of effect on these objects.
- 11:34
- Because why? They're not physical guys. They're immaterial objects. See now, as a
- 11:41
- Christian, I'm tipping my hand a bit here, but if you see my other videos, I mean, this isn't news to you at all.
- 11:46
- Christians who have a worldview that allow for a supernatural realm, which is another dimension where beings exist.
- 11:55
- And these beings can travel in ours and theirs, sometimes seen, sometimes unseen, interacting with us in our dimension with no problems, and then disappearing and re -entering their own dimension.
- 12:10
- For Christians, there is no problem here. For folks who reject the Christian worldview, they're still trying to figure this out.
- 12:17
- But here's what this betrays. There is something undeniable that is happening in our skies.
- 12:24
- Too many people are seeing it. Too many people are interacting with these beings. And there must be some explanation for this.
- 12:32
- What's interesting is, you know, and I kind of chuckle, but Christians were the ones who were being chuckled at up until just recently about their explanation for this kind of phenomenon.
- 12:44
- Because this phenomenon has been around for a very long time. You call it UAPs now, but they were called UFOs back in the day.
- 12:50
- This has been going on since the 40s, since perhaps even before that. Christians had an explanation, but a lot of us in the church were chuckled at.
- 12:59
- And now I just find it ironic that people who reject the supernatural realm, they're coming up with their own explanations that are pretty out there, guys.
- 13:10
- It's pretty out there. Christians have been saying for a very long time, these are not intergalactic beings, they are interdimensional.
- 13:19
- And what these beings are telling us, what they're saying to us, for those that interact with them, sounds incredibly demonic and incredibly devilish.
- 13:33
- And this paper goes on to discuss what they call, you know, CTH, Crypto -Terrestrial
- 13:40
- Hypothesis, right? Much of this, in my opinion, is pretty wacky. It's pretty highly conjectural, right?
- 13:46
- Including a proposal that perhaps these beings are actually fairies. Once again, a
- 13:54
- Harvard researcher proposing that UAPs could be fairies. But if you, you know,
- 14:01
- I don't know, if you like that kind of stuff, you should definitely check it. I'm going to leave a link for this article.
- 14:07
- You should definitely look at it if that's your thing. But let me, the whole reason why
- 14:12
- I'm talking about this, I'm pointing this out, is
- 14:17
- I think that there is a more simple explanation. But, and for a lot of people, it seems outlandish.
- 14:26
- It seems crazy. But I think we're, you know, we're no longer avoiding outlandish and crazy because we have a, you know,
- 14:34
- Harvard researcher here, including all kinds of outlandish and crazy stuff. So we're already in outlandish land.
- 14:41
- So, so which one, you know, can we, can we choose out of the options of explanation?
- 14:47
- I propose to you that we begin not with the evidence, but we begin by our, by evaluating our presuppositions that we bring to the table.
- 14:56
- Okay? By the way, let me, let me show you, just to give, make the point here.
- 15:01
- Let me show you the four, again, the kind of the concluding points from this paper.
- 15:08
- Boy, thank you so much for watching this video. Did you know that the majority of people who do watch are not subscribed to the channel?
- 15:15
- If this video is blessing you, would you do me a favor and like and subscribe to the channel? It just really helps me to get the word out about this ministry.
- 15:22
- I greatly appreciate it. So, so this is finally in closing. It's worth comparing these CTHs to assess their relative strengths in explaining
- 15:28
- UAP. CTH one and two have the advantage over the extraterrestrial hypothesis of not having to appeal to interstellar space travel, an extraordinary technological feat for any species to account for UAP.
- 15:45
- Okay? So in other words, it's, when they say extraordinary technological feat, it's impossible. It's near impossible.
- 15:52
- It's extremely unlikely that sentient carbon -based beings could travel as far as you need to go in order to get from one, from another galaxy to our own galaxy.
- 16:02
- It would take, so I was, I was talking to Ruslan about this. It would take about something like 25 ,000 years.
- 16:11
- That's incredibly unlikely. This is what the discussion reveals to all of us, which, which is hopefully the takeaway for you.
- 16:18
- This video is not going to be very long. These beings are not traveling across galaxies. They're traveling to our dimension from another one, and they are communicating anti -Christian messages that are in line with new age mysticism that denies the
- 16:31
- God of the Bible, denies the gospel message, and it pulls people further and further into the occult.
- 16:39
- I've talked about this in previous videos. And yeah, like I said, what once seemed unlikely by a lot of non -believers is now something they are beginning to fully embrace, which is the idea that these beings are not from another galaxy.
- 16:54
- The whole reason why this paper exists is because, right at the outset, they admit there are certain empirical mysteries that we are, we have all seen with our eyes, but we cannot explain.
- 17:05
- And I propose to you, the Christian explanation makes sense of the data. It just requires that you let go of your materialism and be open to the possibility that there is a supernatural realm.
- 17:18
- Once you do that, a lot of things that are left unexplained make a lot more sense. Whether it's the soul, near -death experiences, possessions and exorcisms, and these
- 17:29
- UAPs and alien abduction cases, quote -unquote, these all fit under one broad category, the supernatural.
- 17:37
- This is something that more and more people, Christian and otherwise, are having to wrestle with more and more in these days. As a matter of fact, look at this concluding statement right here by the same paper.
- 17:49
- While belief in extraterrestrials is tenable, belief in something like fairies, which again, in the paper, they actually talk about as one of the theories for these things, is simply not a live option for many scientists.
- 18:03
- On the other hand, this weakness might equally and paradoxically be the crypto -terrestrial hypothesis' principal strength, accepting that explaining
- 18:12
- UAPs will require, quote, swelling ontology to simplify theory. Pay attention to this.
- 18:19
- We're going to talk about this. Given the apparent implausibility of explaining at least some aspects of UAP, by reference to beings much like ourselves, just more advanced in relevant respects,
- 18:30
- CTH4 explains them in terms of being so unlike ourselves that we have to resort to words like magic and supernatural to account for them.
- 18:40
- Especially considering labels like fairies, elves, angels, there it is, angels.
- 18:47
- They were ascribed at a time that predates rapid scientific progress and our more recent ability to understand previously magical encounters in more conventional terms.
- 18:58
- In other words, considering our historic and prehistoric ancestors likely interacted with the same phenomenon, we're going to go to the
- 19:06
- Bible in a moment, current humans are undoubtedly better placed to comprehend such advancements, less as magic, but as a result of continued evolution of both technology and consciousness.
- 19:18
- And there, right there, is the materialist worldview coming through. The philosophical presupposition that they begin with, they have to end with, right?
- 19:28
- They begin by showing a willingness to swell their understanding of ontology, which is just a fancy way of saying that they're going to have to admit that there are beings that exist that we once thought were unbelievable.
- 19:39
- And angels are listed as one of those types of beings. This is where the
- 19:45
- Christian says, yes and amen. Swell your understanding of ontology, my friends.
- 19:51
- Keep going, you know, let the search for truth take you wherever it leads, but don't fall back on your materialist laurels.
- 20:00
- Don't just settle again for the philosophical presupposition that created this confusion in the first place. Be open to the idea that the
- 20:08
- God of the Bible exists, that what we're seeing right now, that we cannot deny, is unexplained supernatural phenomena that the
- 20:17
- Bible describes in vivid detail. Take a look at this. Ezekiel 1, verse 4.
- 20:22
- Ezekiel is a prophet who had a vision, and take a look at his description of what he saw.
- 20:30
- As I looked, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud with brightness around it, and fire flashing forth continually.
- 20:38
- And in the midst of the fire, as it were gleaming metal, it's glowing, whatever it is.
- 20:45
- And from the midst of it came the likeness of four living creatures, and this was their appearance. They had a human likeness, but each had four faces, and each of them had four wings.
- 20:56
- Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the sole of a calf's foot, and they sparkled like burnished bronze.
- 21:04
- They were glowing. Under their wings, on their four sides, they had human hands, and the four had their faces and their wings thus.
- 21:12
- Their wings touched one another. Each one of them went straight forward without turning as they went. As for the likeness of their faces, each had a human face.
- 21:20
- The four had the face of a lion on the right side, the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and the four had the face of an eagle.
- 21:28
- Such were their faces. And their wings were spread out above. Each creature had two wings, each of which touched the wing of another, while two covered their bodies, and each went straight forward.
- 21:41
- Wherever the spirit would go, they went without turning as they went. As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire.
- 21:49
- Multiple times. Ezekiel wants to let us know. These things are glowing brightly.
- 21:55
- Like the appearance of torches moving to and fro among the living creatures.
- 22:01
- And the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning, and the living creatures darted to and fro like the appearance of a flash of lightning.
- 22:11
- What did Ezekiel see here? Now we're told what that is. He saw the glory of the
- 22:17
- Lord. But he also saw the Lord's divine creatures surrounding him.
- 22:22
- They are not actual humans, human -lion -eagle hybrids, okay?
- 22:28
- They are something that resembles these things, but they are something else entirely. This is bright, they're glowing, and they're flying very quickly.
- 22:38
- They're moving incredibly fast. See, a lot of folks will look at these accounts and admit that Ezekiel must have seen aliens.
- 22:48
- As a matter of fact, you know, on the History Channel or something, right? There's shows dedicated to this kind of stuff, right?
- 22:53
- Ancient aliens and all that. But then they'll go on to discount the Bible's explanation for what these beings are.
- 22:59
- Why? Not because of the evidence, right? But because of the philosophical presupposition that there is no such thing as a supernatural realm.
- 23:08
- And that colors their interpretation of what Ezekiel saw and what we're seeing today.
- 23:15
- And that's precisely the point. If the Bible has been describing these beings in antiquity, why is it that only the
- 23:26
- Bible's description is legitimate? Why isn't the Bible's explanation also legitimate?
- 23:32
- You have to ask yourself, what is the best explanation for the things we are all witnessing in the skies today?
- 23:38
- What many are saying, you know, these beings are telling them through quote -unquote alien abduction encounters.
- 23:45
- The Bible has been ahead of the game on this one, friends. And now, even
- 23:50
- Harvard is finally catching up. All right, well, now it's your turn. You know, what do you think about this new study from a
- 23:57
- Harvard researcher? Boy, let me know in the comments below. As always, you definitely got to join the
- 24:02
- Patreon community, guys. What are you waiting for? Jump into the discussions we're having over there right now. There's all kind of cool features for your consideration.
- 24:09
- Zoom hangouts. We'll do one -on -one meetings together. You can do my Bible study with me.
- 24:16
- Definitely go check out the Patreon. The link for that is below. I'm going to return soon with more videos. But in the meantime,