Dr. James White: The Complete Camping Episode! DMW#182


For the first time in podcast history, Dr. James White was on a Christian podcast, and he didn't discuss theology or doctrine once! That's right, Greg sat down with the Doc, and they talked camping! They discussed the last two years of of James being mostly on the road in his 5th wheel, debating, preaching, and ministering all over the Untied States. They got detailed on equipment, best practices, interesting campsites, and the challenges and the blessings this new type of ministry has afforded him. Dr. White also stuck around for a segment called "Hillsong or Love Song." You won't want to miss it. Enjoy! Dr. James White is the Director of Alpha & Omega Ministries, Author, Host of The Dividing Line, and participated in over 180 moderated debates. @AominOrg : https://www.aomin.org/aoblog/ Dead Men Walking Podcast: http://www.dmwpodcast.com