Book of Psalms - Psa. 27, vv. 1-3


Bro. Dave Huber II

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All right, so we're in Psalm 27. We probably won't get very far
Which is okay. I like to take my time going through these Psalm 27 now remember we were in Psalm 26 last week and David had been appealing to the
Lord for his judgment Saying that he washes his hands in his own innocency
Or he washes his hands in innocency and he will stand in his own integrity We realized that all of that is actually the integrity of the
Lord And he was viewing himself as something other than a sinner or a bloody man
Even though we know he was a man of war and had definitely sinned So he's looking at himself and asking
God to look at him the way God usually looks at him through God's eyes Psalm 27 could be a sequel to Psalm 26
Though it's not thought to be it's thought that it was Written at a later time or rather in an earlier time in David's life
Perhaps when he was running from Saul But the principles remain the principles could would still be used
I'm sure David still had similar thoughts when it came to just correcting his mindset and getting to the place where He feels confident in the
Lord. And so what's really good about this psalm is that it it teaches us
What's truly important and if we will follow this example
Then it will really help to correct our mindset a lot Go save the baby mama
So go to Psalm 27 And we'll try to we'll try to talk it out a little bit
All right, so I'd love to get some of y 'all's thoughts as we read through this Psalm 27 we're gonna maybe make it through verse 5 today.
We'll see a Psalm of David The Lord is my light and my salvation
Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall
I be afraid? What's the first thing that pops out at you in that first verse?
Right, so the the lack of fear that he experiences is because of Who God is to him, right?
So I like that any other answers I mean this one is on mom's list therefore my list
Versus this just like you go to this When anything in your life is off or fearful or worried or anxiety and just and this is one of those, right?
Versus at least and just don't be concerned about So one of those verses that you use to change your mindset when you're already at a bad place
Like that. Okay. Any other thoughts? Yeah, yeah positive mental attitude predates pop
Does anyone find it interesting the way it's worded if you just look at it like So I've always read this and and pulled out exactly what you guys pulled out
But I'm also I when I'm getting ready to teach I go. All right What am
I not seeing way and by asking that question? it makes me just kind of look at things that I wouldn't normally give time to so I'd encourage you to do that because all of a sudden you start finding things you never thought you would have found like You're still not seeing it
I know right it says the Lord is my light in my salvation. What does that mean?
My light in my salvation Huh? Wait see my okay without light you can't see
I like that. What else? Mm -hmm
Yep Okay, that's good.
Any other thoughts I think about in the story of creation where there was light before God Put the great before God put the
Sun in right? Yeah Because he is the source of the light Yeah Okay.
Well that really got me thinking because I was like well The very first thing
I thought of too was what Katie brought up which is the word is lamp unto my feet and the light of my path, so okay
Reveals truth, right, but then I was like well, but what does it mean? You know, what does light mean in this verse?
I really started nerding out over it a little bit and The word here is or a and if You go to each
Hebrew letter Each Hebrew letter means something which adds meaning to the word or at least just it gives you a bit
It doesn't necessarily add. It's those things together Comprised the meaning of the word and so I started nerding out over each
Hebrew letter on this and so you have a left you have I Can't remember the name of that letter and then the last one is
Well here I have I have a note for that let me see because I do want y 'all to know What the letters are
I? Had some notes that were outside of my notes that I was gonna pull up, but then
I had to go do the What she would calls it because I haven't memorized all these letters yet, so I have to kind of keep a list of them
Oh above yeah, so we've heard of what above is from brother
Myron right it can mean nail But it also is a letter meaning
Nail or secured all right, and so a left is the first Hebrew letter
And it's it reads right to left so like if you're looking at the Hebrew Word like in blue letter
Bible When I say the first one is a left It's the one on the far right which we're used to being the last one so a left is
The first letter of the alphabet kind of like what we would call the a and it represents God All right, and it doesn't even really have a pronunciation.
It is the sound of a breath and so We typically will give it the ah
Pronounce it pronunciation, but it's really more like that right which is interesting because it represents
God and It even represents in some cases the name of God Thing about that is if you think about the very first Not necessarily
English word, but very first word on your lips when you come out of your mama's womb it is a breath and The last thing on your lips when you leave this earth is a breath
So that's pretty wild if you think about the fact that even those who don't know who
God is it may never know His name is on their lips when they come into this world and when they leave it and so a left
Often represents the divine or in this case God And it can mean strength it can mean leader it can mean ox because an ox
Is a representative of strength. So then you have a left then you have vav which means nail or secured and Then finally you have
Resh yes resh Thank You pop And resh is the head or first and it can mean authority
So you put those three together you have God secured authority so the
Lord is my light and The word for light means my God secured authority Which is pretty neat, right?
If you think about what we typically say when we talk about Jesus we say he's like my
Lord and Savior. Well a God secured authority is lordship and So it's almost like an
Old Testament way of saying he's my Lord and Savior But there's an added flavor to it because he's already said the
Lord is My light and so he's the he's my Lord and Savior but part of what makes him
Lord is this element of light which is what reveals truth and so Maybe I nerded out over it too much.
I don't know but I thought it was kind of neat So we say
Lord and Savior and He says after this
Whom shall I fear? And then he says the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall
I be afraid so Kings Are often considered
Lord, right? And so if you have a subject and you look at the King the subject says yes
Lord No Lord, right? So when David says the Lord first he puts
His God as Lord of Lords, right? He's not a Lord. He's not my Lord. He is the
Lord But he is my God secured authority. So he's also my Lord, right?
The Lord is my Lord and my Savior and he says
My strength he is my strength or the strength of my life, which means my place of safety.
It can mean a stronghold So Kings They have this effect on their people and that is they create confidence
Now sometimes they have different ways of creating confidence When we think of why people follow a king
One of the first things we think of is what? Power right and what do we usually attribute that power to with a king?
Authority army what else? Crown anything else Loyalty.
Oh, no. No, no, these are all these are all good answers in the right answers. I find it interesting that we don't say wealth
Because a lot of people go well, you know, we think of Kings and we think of wealth, you know
But we have a little bit of a different idea of what makes a king Wealth often follows
Authority wealth is sometimes the byproduct of authority. There are two things typically that inspire
Subjects to follow someone and make them in a way they're king You have the scenario where Kings come in and they make themselves your king, right the tyrants that come in They do that by strength so Strength Can create confidence that no
I Am Lord, you're not I am I've got the strength you don't and they can come in and just take over It can also inspire someone to say
I want you as Lord, which is why a king was often the first to run into battle
All right. He's often the first to rally the troops in a hard fight and that Strength was inspiring and men look at that and go
I'll follow him I want to be around the strong one that happens even in today's society when you have somebody who has a very strong Personality people typically try to fall in line and do what they do
They typically try to follow them. You got your leaders and your followers and your leaders We often say are the ones that have strong personalities.
They're not always good just because they have strong personalities. Sometimes they're bad But whoever has the strong personality is often the one that dictates
Where people are going what people are doing what they think how they act and so you have strength as one of the ways that Confidence is built in a subject that that person is my lord.
Now if you have a scary King Who is a tyrant and goes around and just demolishing everyone else?
That Subject wants to be on that King's side and make him Lord because he doesn't want to be the one that's demolished.
So it's it's a leading out of fear That's not altogether bad.
We think of it as bad, but All Kings have the ability to do that it's just some
Kings become tyrants and they lead with fear other Kings become benevolent lords and they have a
Position of authority which is fearful, but they don't lead with the fear.
They might lead with love and so Strength is a very big part of instilling confidence in a follower
David here is talking about who he follows is God and one of the first things he mentions is
Strength but he's already mentioned something else beforehand and that is the Lord is my light and Light is usually in Scripture associated with intellect or with truth and so David who's getting ready to like write this whole psalm
About why he was not afraid of his enemies and why he has confidence in the face of danger
He starts with truth It starts with the positional authority of God.
He is the Lord and Because he is the Lord and he is the Lord of light.
He is my light He he literally shines light on the matter for me. We say that That is his first go -to point as to why he's not afraid and So light often being associated with judgment
Becomes synonymous with truth in a lot of ways That's why before passing judgment.
We say things like we need to examine the facts and the testimonies We're hoping to shed what?
Light and sometimes we'll say truth on a matter and so One of the first things
David says is the reason he doesn't fear is because of The truth or the light that God brings to his life now
The word for fear here is different than the word for fear at the end of this verse.
There's two different words for fear And so I want to talk a little bit about about that But before we do
I'm not quite done with light here so Because light is often synonymous with truth and truth has to be present for proper judgment
There is also this element of the king or the Lord who is Often synonymous with judgment right
Kings past judgment on their subjects on their enemies like they are the ones that people look to for What is supposed to happen?
Where are we supposed to go? What are we supposed to do? How are we supposed to think and act and be and live and stuff?
David starts there and He talks about this idea of fear
After Invoking who God is and what God brings which is truth light proper judgment
So he won't fear because God brings truth life light proper judgment
Why would that help someone with fear? Why would that be something that brings confidence?
A lot of people are extremely afraid of snakes What? Okay, and So Grants or grants or he was his pops dad and we called him grants or He he was a research scientist in the
Navy and he would work a lot with snake venom So they milk the snakes and stuff and some of them very venomous and pops been around snakes and like we had a six -foot
Rat snake in our garage one time and we were calling pop like pop get over here and he came to help with the snake
And that was a fun time. We got him got him caught in a pillowcase. You remember that pop She was mad that we didn't kill it, but it was one of the good good snakes one of the good snakes apparently
But Like it helped to know that pop understood What was what was the real scenario, right?
So bringing truth to the scenario? No, this is one of those snakes that can't kill you. Oh, well that helps. Okay But what if it was one of the snakes that could
How would that have helped? How would pops intellect have helped if it was one of the snakes that could kill us?
All right, you handle it differently and that's what we're really getting down to when it comes to truth and light and judgment the reason why it helps with fear is that there is a security and knowing that if danger is present a wise person with proper judgment will know how to handle it, but also
If danger is not currently present a wise person with proper judgment will know how to avoid needing to handle danger
Like you can avoid certain scenarios and like if we have a
Great King who is wise and in good in judgment He's not gonna just go headlong into wars with other countries.
He might try diplomacy. He might try Ways that will keep us away from war not just keep us safe in war and So the reason why this is important in this particular verse is that the the word for fear at the the first word for fear
That's used here. Whom shall I fear? Is a word that means to be put to dread
Well Usually when you are put to dread it means oh no
Something's coming, right? It doesn't necessarily mean oh, no, it's here.
It's like oh no something's coming so if you have a king who has great judgment, you won't have that experience that often because Nothing's coming because he keeps us out of trouble.
Yeah, right so We get to the next part so there's truth there's judgment, there's the
Lord is the Lord and Because of his truth and judgment.
I don't have to worry about future potential danger Then he says The Lord is my strength of my life.
He is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid? It sounds redundant. Like why is he saying?
Why would I be afraid again, but it's not redundant because it's a different word and it has a little bit different meaning.
So Someone walks through the door, right and they're here to hurt us
What happens? Matt shows up.
What do you do Matt? Matt gets shot.
Noah shows up Noah picks up where Matt left off Noah gets shot.
This is Emily shows up next and we're all safe Miss Thurston walks in the door and now we're all scared because you don't mess with Miss Thurston.
Yeah You don't mess with her okay, so so Someone comes in to hurt us.
It's game on right fight ensues. What do you want in a fight? You want strength you want physical ability
Which is why judgment is important and often the person who has some judgment can
De -escalate a situation so that they don't have to use strength, but at some point That becomes the thing that would have only worked to keep you out of the scenario
You find yourself in the scenario and now you need strength You need endurance
Right, so David first starts off by letting us know
I'm going to be kept out of dreadful situations because I have The Lord the
Lord as my Lord who is the Lord of light and truth and proper judgment, right? but then he talks about strength and the reason is the same reason why when you are
Doing something like martial arts the very first thing they'll teach you how to do is de -escalate a situation how to use your intellect to get out of a
Potential threat at least they should I'm sure not all martial art teachers do that, but a good one will teach you that it is a last resort using the strength, but then
The second thing they'll do is they will condition your body so that you have endurance and a lot of strength if it comes to fighting because In martial arts, it's not about Who wins it's about who survives because surviving is winning and that's the purpose of strength
And so you have David who says the Lord is my light. He'll keep me out of trouble But if trouble still comes he's also my strength and What's interesting is the fear the word for fear here whom shall
I be afraid means to? startle suddenly That's what happens when danger is present.
That's not what happens when present when when danger is a potential You know, you don't get startled you you experience dread when it's on the horizon you get startled when it's already here
And This verse is that it's showing us that David has confidence that he will be kept out of trouble
But if trouble happens to find his its way to his doorstep He will survive it because the
Lord is his strength as well Sorry, pop. Did you have something else you wanted to say? And Right, yep, right which which is why
I nerded out over him because I'm like, oh, right who shall I fear and Of whom shall I be afraid?
It's translated differently. So I just said I wonder if it's different words It isn't always you know
Sometimes it's just it reads a little better if you translate it differently and many times the words
Can be translated in two different ways Well in this scenario it was two different words
Which I found interesting and that's gonna happen again in this study when we go a little bit further down Kind of not really.
It's not the same word But it's when we start to dig into what the words mean, they mean something other than we think they mean
Oh Yeah, isn't that interesting so pop talked about how they're releasing hostages back to Israel Because Trump said it better be done before I get back in office
There was a sense of dread there for them, you know, like oh there is pending doom, you know, so that could be
Yeah, yeah So that that could be a part of it for sure
It's a it's a good example, you know, like it's not like he's Pressing the button and now you got to survive a bomb.
That would be more of the startled fear, right? Like danger is here he's using a Potential fear a threat but see in this case
David is like if I were to be threatened, I'm okay Because God's gonna keep me away from that if the threat is present and it's like oh,
I'm I'm in a fight I'm okay with that too because The Lord is my strength So, how do we know that this is about Light and judgment.
I meant to say this a second ago when when we were talking about the light Had one of my notes out of order here
It's a similar dynamic for us because Jesus is our Lord, but he is also
The judge and he's actually the judge of judges Jesus is how do we know because in John 5 22, it says the father
Judgeth no man, but have committed all judgment unto the Son so Jesus is the one who has all judgment and That should give us peace right because he is our
King. We're on his side, right? He's gonna judge the other guys. He's gonna look at us and say
I covered you in my blood You are clean So when I judge you I judge you as innocent
Basically, you're saying the court is staffed. He's the judge and the advocate for us In a sense, it really kind of it kind of is
I Mean, it's not fair That's what Satan wants. He wants fair, you know, he want what would be fair is for us to be
Of judged and thrown into hell, that's what would be fair, but we don't get fair we get mercy and then we get grace
So when my kids are like that's not fair. That's always my comeback. You know who likes fair I'll tell you who likes fair They might get tired of me saying that I don't know because I've done it a lot
Yeah Um It is most assuredly true that David has confidence in his
Kings judgments. Therefore, he will not fear the judgment of others Another way
Kings inspire confidence is through their strength. They will they would often be the first to charge into battle
I've already said all that some I've got my notes somehow out of order here, but Verse two.
Yeah, we got through all the verse one there Verse two when the wicked even mine enemies and my foes came upon me to eat up my flesh they stumbled and fell so Kings Do this other thing to help with confidence?
They have strength they have intellect but they also will count their victories and chronicle them and the reason why a king chronicles his victories is
There is another generation that may come and follow this King you know and there is there is going to be a future battle where he has to call his troops to war and What he is able to do by chronicling the victories
He's had in the past is he's able to say hey, remember when we won last time. Let's go in again and When his people go, oh, no, there's an enemy at our doorstep.
He says remember what I did to the last enemy and So the chronicling of his victories and the recounting of those victories
Helps to instill confidence in his people and in his troops So Here's another another really cool little word study when the wicked
Even mine enemies and my foes came upon me to eat up my flesh They stumbled and fell
David is recounting the victory from the past. So he knows It's it's worked in the past that gives me confidence for the future
What do we say in the stock market past results are not indicative of future potential or whatever?
but but David doesn't have to worry about that because he's like He's like God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow so he's victorious yesterday is victorious today and is victorious tomorrow
So that helps but then what I thought was interesting about this It it made a question pop up in my mind and here's my question you guys can answer it
What's the difference between an enemy and a foe? I thought they were the same
You nailed it except what's interesting is the way this is written you just have it backwards
Yeah, what's it so but you're actually right because an enemy is someone who wants to invoke harm on you
But the word that is used for enemy here is Tsar and I'm probably not saying that correctly
But it can be and is very often translated as adversary. So while In the
English you got translated enemy. It can also mean adversary, which is someone who works against you who?
May not have the desire to harm you physically, but they want to see you fail, you know
That's what an adversary is. Whereas an enemy or A foe is always someone who wants to kill you or hurt you now the fact that this first word is
Translated enemies here. It may or may not be a great translation But you can take it to mean also that the the ones who want to see you fail
The ones that are against you that are just a thorn in your side
There is a harm that they desire for you there. It's not necessarily necessarily physical though Failure can sometimes lead to a physical harm, you know like if you if you failed in business or something and now you're unable to Feed your family and stuff that would lead to a physical harm
But it's not the focus of the adversary the adversary just wants to see you fail.
They want to see you sad They want to say they don't like you There's someone who's kind of against you and who you are and what you do what you think say all that but an enemy or a foe
Always wants to see you get hurt And so I think it's also interesting that it says when the wicked even mine enemies and my foes now
I am not near the translator as the Group that translated the
King James Version Bible. So when they put in the word even there That is an addition which is why it's in brackets.
It's not in the original Hebrew the reason why they put it in there is because it's
To show that enemies mine enemies and my foe is kind of like a subset of What the writer means when he says the wicked like there are the wicked who are my enemies and my foe
But the way it actually reads in Hebrew is when the wicked my enemies and my foes
So Whether it is a subset or not Both make a lot of sense and this goes this speaks to a
Dynamic that I was listening to with the John MacArthur Sermon that Katie I was actually just eavesdropping
Katie was listening to the sermon and he was talking about how there are people who sin against You directly but then there are people who just sin and maybe people in the church even who will sin and now they have because they have sinned they have sinned against you because there is a break in fellowship when they are living a life of sin and Your goal should be to restore them as a brother or sister
And even though the sin that they committed may not have been against you directly The way we would see it because it is a sin against the
Spirit and a sin against God's Word Then they have sinned against you directly because you're supposed to be one with the
Spirit you're supposed to be one with each other and a sinful person cannot have
Fellowship with a righteous person. That's why in Psalm chapter 1 we hear the
Sinners will not stand in the congregation of the righteous It could be that it let's say it's not a subset
Anyone who is wicked? They are against you because they are against God But if it is a subset it makes sense because people who are against you whether physically or not
If you belong to the Lord, they're against God, which is what David is saying. Whom shall
I fear? It's not me. They're fighting It's gonna be God it's not gonna be me like they got to go up against the
Lord of Righteous judgment and the Lord of strength and so Gold star to Jenny for getting the difference there
Verse 3 Though and host should encamp against me
My heart shall not fear though war should rise against me in this will
I be confident? So the level of confidence that we see from the psalmist is described in like an
Escalated way. What do I mean by that? Well, he first described the person who opposes him an adversary.
It's translated in me here But it's what Jenny brought out what if it's just someone who doesn't really want to hurt you But they're just kind of against you.
That's the first person he describes but then he describes a foe Someone who actually wants to hurt you.
So that's there's an escalation there, right? But here he continues to escalate the potential threats
Someone who's against him someone who wants to attack him Then he has a group a host
That this host is like an armed group So now it's like not just a person who wants to hurt me now.
It's an entire group that wants to hurt me And this it doesn't specifically
Say that It's not the same as foe right like with a with a foe it's they are out to hurt you physically
This doesn't bring that same connotation, but they are armed which means they can and might hurt you physically
But it is a group that opposes you Right, and so through that opposition they might escalate to the point of attack
Then he moves on to an even higher level Which is if war comes against me war is not between a group and another group.
It's between nation and nation so like if an entire Race of of People not just a subset or group of people and you go well race
Well, it could mean it could mean like race relations. We know that that happens in the end time
We have nation shall rise up against nation and the words there actually mean race against race but when we talk about war it is
Against a nation and The nation is not just people if you went and looked it up a nation is usually described as people
But it's not just because they are a group of people it's because they are a group of people it to who adhere to an idea or an ideal or a set of a common history
Or common language things of that nature so like We are
Americans But we are not necessarily America I Identify is that sometimes
I like who's America? Well, we are and so are these neighbors of ours over here and stuff
We are Americans But we're not truly America if we go to another country, it's not like okay now
America is in France It doesn't work that way Americans are in France and they represent
America, which means they might bring ideals they might bring History language
Which you know Worldviews they might bring it into the other country
But it's those things that are the nation and so because those things
Can invoke something like war Now you've got an even harder enemy to fight something that's more ethereal, right?
It's not like okay There's the person go attack the person Let's subdue the person or there's a group if our group is bigger and we can overcome that group war is over.
No now You can subdue a group and the war might not be over if there's another group that adheres to the same ideals
You you would have to then go. Okay. Well Let's put it like this
Someone comes over attacks America, right? They subdue all of us America loses but wait
There are still people that might rise up and create a new rebellion the people who've been captured
Might say no, we're not done fighting if we find a chance to escape and fight again
The nation lives so to speak I'm reminded of the
White Horse King. I Had a book that Ben gave me. I read the whole thing loved it. It was awesome is about A blank but yes, thank you
King Alfred and King Alfred at one point is defeated by an enemy king But he lives among the people because he's escaped and while he's among the people his
Ideals are still alive and his his Virtues are still strong in some of the people and he uses that to rally people
To his cause and he ends up coming back and defeating the king and he's the only reason why we have
England today Like it wouldn't be there if it hadn't been for him. That's how close it was for that whole nation to disappear they had been defeated and he was a a refuge among the people hiding from the enemy king, but he was still in the kingdom and The nation that Alfred built was still alive
So when David here says war is upon me that's much bigger than a people group it's
What inspires the people group So that's that's a bigger thing because we wrestle not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness and high places right dark rulers of this world, so like This is a this is a confidence that surpasses
Human strength of any kind this is a confidence that surpasses Even his own mental capacity because how do you overcome an ideal?
How do you overcome a nation? You must not only defeat the people but you must cause all other people
To decide that that nation is dead and that ideal is dead so When he says war is upon me,
I will you know, I will not fear In this will
I be confident That's a big statement and he has confidence that It's like he's really sat and thought about like what are all of my potential threats from this level all the way up Like what is the absolute worst -case scenario?
which I happen to think the Mitchell clan is really good about think like they're really good at thinking worst -case scenario because like I Never locked a door in my life until I met the
Mitchells, you know And like now if I take my trash out the door is locked behind me
It has happened multiple times not an exaggeration why because while I'm not a threat there could be a potential threat out, you know
Double cylinder, but like you can't even unlock it if you have the key in your pocket, right?
So like I Know he did he did he did he put a second bolt on an interior door?
He's he takes after his dad the FBI guy, right? Like they don't take chances, but see that's kind of how
David is He's like what are all potential threats and how do I stack up against him? I won't fear.
I won't be afraid In fact, I'll be confident Pretty cool Why is he able to get to this point where he won't fear he will not be afraid and in this he will be confident
Yes, go back to verse 1. It's because of who God is and the fact that he belongs to him
That's that's where the confidence comes from. Yes he said David also in what in his other psalm said
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the beginning knowledge and I know when
I don't have locks on my door so to speak But when
I'm there at home by myself, I have a gun if I know how to use that gun and I understand that gun and The advantage that it gives me there's less fear
Mmm, if we know God and we understand how he protects us and we understand
His provisions for us there's less fear of enemies true and That is wisdom.
That is knowledge knowing God and how do we do that through communing with God and Through doing what reading his chronicles?
Yeah Yeah, all of that Exactly So you only know who
God is by how he has revealed himself which is in his word You only know what God has done by how he has revealed that through his word he that's why he says he will preserve his word to the last generation because Without it.
There is no confidence in the life of the Christian You need God's Word for confidence in your life.
And the more you're in it the more confident you will be You Can see his intellect
You can he gives you methodologies. He gives you proper judgment the Word of God is sharper than to any two -edged sword dividing even into the bones of the marrow like it is
Really good judgment. It is truth. It is light It is the lamp unto our feet and the light into our path.
The Lord has strength and by his mighty hand we have Tons of examples of how he has
Preserved his people. He's given us a spirit of power and of love and of sound mind.
So that's in us We only know that because of his word we have power because he is power
And We read the chronicles. We read we we read, you know The Israelites who had very little faith and yet God pulled through for them
We read about David who had a ton of faith But also a ton of disobedience and God pulled through for him as well
And so because of that we can look at ourselves and say well, I don't have much faith So I don't know that God's gonna pull through for me wrong
Read what he did for the Israelites Okay When we are faithless he remains faithful because he cannot deny himself that's interesting
That's in there. Well, then it's okay. If I don't have a whole lot of faith Lord help me with my unbelief
Let's fix it. He'll pull through for me. Well, I disobeyed so God's now against me wrong.
That's covered They're gonna be some consequences. There might be some chastisement
There might be some correction, but the punishment was all put on Jesus. There's no punishment for that sin.
It's done But there could be correction. There could be consequences and we think that's punishment.
The punishment is different than correction and So we can't be punished because it's all been put on Jesus Well, then that means he sees me as white as snow just like David did talked about in the last
Psalm Don't count me with the sinners or the bloody men. God doesn't count me as a sinner or a bloody man
He counts me as a saint white as snow and So we only got through three verses.
I thought we were gonna get through five, but we're out of time But anyway any other last words Yes Mm -hmm
Yeah Mm -hmm
They have these little cuts that they built but if you go inside the fire is your eyes are burning
With smoke and if you go outside your skin Clothes in there and they're taking clothes from the community
Around and it's like the people that communicate like civilians are starving and the army like everyone's starving
They go through all of the wood that's nearby the horses of star
So they're walking deep into the woods to cut down Firewood to bring them.
It's just everything's going against him and he has enemies as well as foes
At the same time there's this other guy who and this is all this all happens
Like he's just had a ton of defeats back and back and back But he hasn't been totally demolished but he's lost everything and there's some
North of him who's had a lot of success and there's this collusion to you know
Overthrow Washington and get this other guy. So on the same team doesn't want to kill Washington But there's this collusion like, you know, he's not the guy for it
Like we've lost we don't want to go home We have we have you know wives children and homes that are warm that we can go home to and we're breathing and dying and starving in the snow and So he's a bit of an adversary against Washington there.
Yeah And he doesn't get into a fight until everyone else has like just so much character
But anyway, everything's up against them and like in his personal letter That the one thing that kept
Washington going was knowing that their cause was just Poor guy, he knew that they were on the right side
And the reason they were in Valley Ford is they were camped between civilians and the
British ones Hmm That's a great example of where confidence comes from right
Being that kind of resolve and he's not death is not the worst thing that can happen and watch
Yeah And he's gonna protect against the worst thing
Yeah, that's awesome do you have something I just saw him go like this and he put it back down and I was like, oh he keeps trying to say something
But I want to fit let Ashton finish and he's sitting here doing this Okay You won't pray for us then