

Pastor David Mitchell


05-31-2020 (Online Church Service)

Let's do pray. Lord, we thank you for a time to get together and study your word. Thank you for all of our friends online with us today and for our, our family here in the building today.
And we just ask you to bless each of us with your words and their life, their spirit and their life and use your words in our lives,
Lord, to take us out to our mission and we ask it in Jesus name, amen.
All right. Well, just one review slide today.
So let's look at it. Let 11 of Romans chapter 11, verse 18, boasts not against the branches, but if thou boasts out here, it's not they'll bear you don't bear the root, but the root bears you.
And if you remember from last time, the apostle Paul here is talking about two different types of olive trees, right?
The, uh, the Jewish olive tree is the good tree. And the
Gentile is the wild tree. And he gives us allegory of us being grafted into the good tree.
And I remember one time I was talking to brother Otis about, he was talking about how, um, you know, so many different things can picture
Jesus Christ. I remember one time he asked us, you know, give me 10 reason, 10 reasons a fence post can picture
Jesus Christ. And he would make us do homework like that. So I remember at coffee, not long after that,
I said, isn't it cool? How Jesus could use things like a lamb, you know, to picture himself, brother
David, he doesn't just use the lamb. He created the lamb to picture himself slight difference, but he was always very accurate.
Right? So he created these, uh, olive trees to picture these things.
All right. And there, there's some interesting ways in which they do, but anyway, don't you think it's interesting how
Otis I'm going to say it, how the Lord used these trees and in real life, you really can graft, um, you know, from one end to another and it works, it's neat that he could use that as an illustration, or maybe he built them that way for the illustration.
Okay. Brother Otis, you're right. I give that, but you're wrong about saying you couldn't see us.
Right. Because I told you you could. So both not against the branches, but if thou boasts, thou bearest, not the root, but the root you.
So he's telling the Gentiles. Now, look, you're not the root of this thing. The Jews had the
Oracle of God, oracles of God, the word of God. And you just got blessed by it.
Remember that don't be prideful. That will say, then the branches were broken off that I may be grafted in and start bragging about the fact that the
Jews are blinded. Now, why would we do that? Well, because of unbelief, they were broken off.
Now, Paul is using this to give a message to the American church. Okay.
In this century, possibly in the end times, I believe we are in the end times and he's using this to make us think he's talking about the
Jews and he's going to slip one in on us because he's really going to make a point to us.
The Gentiles, well, because of unbelief, they were broken off and you stand by faith, be not high minded though, but fear, because if God spared, not the natural branches take heed, lest he also spare not you there's the message to the
American church today. So America, I hope you're listening. Behold, therefore the goodness and severity of God.
On them, which fell out of the Jews and were broken off severity, but toward the goodness put toward the, those who are not broken off, but are grafted in.
If you continue in his goodness, otherwise they'll shall be cut off. Also. Now don't you have to remember in the context of this, uh, back in chapter 11, the first few verses
I say, then has God cast away his people. Remember how he asked that question and he said, he's not cast away the ones he for new, so you have to remember that when you read a verse like 22, the, if there is conditional, but your salvation is not, but the
Abrahamic covenant was conditional, I'm sorry, bad slip unconditional.
I meant to say the Mosaic covenant was conditional and the Mosaic covenant, as we will see in a few moments, because we're going to look at some old
Testament information, it was conditional. And God said, look, if you love me with all your heart, things will go well with you and I'll bless you and I'll bless your children and I'll bless your crops and I'll make you fruitful.
But, but if you turn away from me and you worship bail, I'll destroy you and send you into the four corners of the earth and to every nation into captivity.
Destroy some of you, most of you, but some are remnant. I'll send into captivity over the whole earth.
That was a conditional covenant. That's the Mosaic covenant. So that one is not about salvation.
That one is about life here on this earth. So is the law. And salvation is all about the
Abrahamic covenant, which is unconditional. And God does all the work to save us. We do none of it, but the, if there is talking about people in a congregation of Gentiles and Jews, and you have goats, lost sheep and sheep.
Save sheep, those three kinds, he's speaking to all of them. And I'll promise you, when you put the F in there and you've got some lost sheep sitting around, it's going to put them under conviction because they know they're not living.
Right. And the reason they're not living right is they can't because they're not saved yet and they know that, and it, the
Holy spirit uses it to draw them toward Jesus, the goats, it just pushes them farther and farther in the other direction.
And the save sheep, just sit there and say, amen. That's how it works.
All right. So America, you stand warned because what Paul has done, he said, look, if God will break off the good branches so that the times of the
Gentiles may come in. Beware and fear God, because if you don't continue with God, he will break you off.
Not the ones he foreknew, but when you look at the church at large in America today, I remembered just goodness.
This was back in the seventies, 1970s, W a Criswell, the great pastor of first Baptist church,
Dallas back in those days said, I don't think the 5 % of my congregation is saved one of the largest churches in the country at that time.
And best churches. And he said that, so you take all the American church out of all the people attending today, 5 % might be a good number.
If that many are saved and the rest shall be cut off. Think about it.
It's happened to Israel already. Don't think that if he'd do it to Israel, he won't do it to the church in America.
He is going to do it Romans 11 23. And they also, if they abide, not still in unbelief talking now about the
Jews, don't be boastful about it because Jews can get saved to my mentor.
Dr. Irwin Freeman was a Jewish believer. He got saved because God saved him. God knew him before the foundation of the world and called him and he got saved.
And, uh, he was, his dad was Al Capone's driver. So humanly it was impossible for him to get saved, but he got saved because God saved him.
So did Jews can be grafted back in for God's able to graft them in again, if he chooses to, and guess what he is going to pause and talk about that here in a little bit for, if thou were cut off the olive tree, which is wild by nature, that's where we came from.
We were cut off from the wild olive tree and we were grafted in contrary to nature into a good tree.
How much more shall these Jews, which be the natural branches be grafted into their olive tree.
So Paul is prophesying that there is going to come a day of huge.
Oh, well, absolutely a hundred percent revival among the Jewish people in the world now, and they'll all be saved all of them.
And that day is the day of the second coming. When they see him in the air, they will know he was their
Messiah and they'll bow the knee and receiving, and they'll all be saved on that day. Everyone that's still alive, every Jewish person, and there'll be hundreds of thousands of Gentiles that will do the same thing, the sad thing for them is that it's, they missed the rapture at that point, because when he appears, we're, we're just, we're just with him immediately.
And, um, they just then get saved. So they have to stay on the earth, but to get the good news there is they get to populate the millennial kingdom, which will be an awful lot like the garden of Eden, because Jesus is going to rule over it.
So it's good, good, right? But they rejected him right up to the time he came back.
So they missed the rapture, but they'll live to be 900. Some of them a thousand years old, because guess what?
Jesus is going to fix climate change. He's going to fix the problem of the collapsed canopy around the earth.
And, um, I, I don't believe it'll be the Microsoft dude. What's his name? Uh, gate.
I don't believe it'll be Gil bill Gates that, uh, sort of say Gil Bates, bill
Gates, uh, who will fix that it'll be Jesus Christ, but it's going to happen.
It's going to be beautiful time. We'll be in our new bodies too. So we can fly right. Well, we're actually living as satellite hovering over the earth for square city.
And we can come back and forth. And, uh, I think Hawaii is going to be even prettier than what do you think if it still exists?
I mean, the Bible says the islands will go into the sea. He might have a prettier place than Hawaii.
What do you think? Imagine the waterfalls imagine space golf.
Oh my goodness, Lord come quickly. Okay. And our babies can sit down and play with lions, climb on their backs and let the lions run them around and bring them back.
That'll be cool. When they start crying and stuff, get on the lion, go play in the street, whatever.
For, I would not brethren that you should be ignorant about this mystery. What is a mystery in Bible language?
New Testament Bible language. What is a mystery? Paul talked about them a lot. Paul was the great revealer of mysteries, by the way.
So what's a mystery. Somebody give me a shot at it. I don't name them.
I mean, Ben named one, but what is one, what is a ministry? He said the church, that was one of the ministries. What is, well, what's a ministry in this context?
I said ministry. My brain's not altogether there today. I meant mystery.
A mystery is something that had not yet been revealed by God. Right. And then it is revealed. And so many, he revealed to Paul when he taught him, when
Jesus taught him face to face in the Arabian desert. But, um, so one of the mysteries was the church,
Ben, the fact, and another one would be the indwelling of the Holy spirit, that was a mystery. And the fact that Gentiles could be saved was a mystery to the
Jews in particular, all of these things. And, um, so now he's telling us
Gentiles a mystery. He says, here's a mystery for the Gentile American church in the end times is that ignorance, um, don't be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fullness of the
Gentiles become in right now, take a shot at this and this might be difficult for you.
What do you think that means? The fullness of the Gentiles when, when that hat comes in the end of the church age, what, uh, give me some others.
What else? No. Um, well only talking about Gentiles though, out of all the races of the
Gentiles, so, but what does it mean specifically until the fullness of the Gentiles, what's that talking about?
Okay. What else? Or would be by that point.
Okay. All of the above are absolutely answers that we've taught in this church for years and believe in years, but I no longer believe that's the answer.
It, this has been great coffee, but we're all might as well have coffee. We're down to the, about the size of a coffee table at Denny's.
So we'll just have coffee here, except for you guys. I mean, you blew our attendance out the roof. So, um, so this,
I'm kind of thinking with you, I'm not saying anything dogmatic about this because when the Lord shows me something new, it's your job to shoot it down.
Okay. And you get, but got about a year to shoot it down. And then after that, it becomes dogma. Okay. So, all right, now
I kind of said it as if it's dogma, because I think it might be, but we still have a year to shoot it down.
That's how coffee works, by the way. Kyle. So this speaks of a time.
I think now when the Jews will be grafted back in and the
Gentiles will be cut off. That's what I think it means. That's different.
I don't think it's talking about, well, when that last Gentile gets saved, we're all going to get raptured. I think it's speaking of the
Gentiles are going to be cut off. The casting down of the false church is what
I think that's a reference to when the fullness of the Gentiles is done, the foreknown won't be cut off, but the ones who are pretending the pretenders and all the churches around the world, um, the church, the
Gentile church will no longer have any power. It will no longer be the salt and the light of the earth.
It won't have any influence any longer when this happens, because God cut it off.
That's what I think it is. Check it out for about a year and we'll come back to it. Uh -huh.
Mm -hmm. Exactly.
And then you got 144 ,000 Jewish evangelists. It doesn't say Gentile evangelist, but there will be hundreds of thousands of Gentiles saved in the end times.
But this is talking about the false believers. This is talking about the church at large, the organized church, as it sits today in its beautiful buildings.
And it's opulent spaces filled and rich. And what are the other words mentioned in revelation that, you know, the church thinks she's full and rich and whatever, and Jesus says, but you're actually poor and naked and whatever.
So the church is going to lose its position and God's going to graft the
Jews back in and it flips, that's a good way to put it brother bill. But remember, I'm not talking to,
I'm not saying that Gentiles won't be saved. Just like now Jews can be saved. Can't they? That was your point sort of, so there's going to be, there's going to be hundreds of thousands of Gentiles saved, but all of the
Jews are going to be saved. So that flips a little bit. And I think that's what that means. We'll I think that's why we're seeing the decline in the power of the church, the true power, the holiness, listen with the church, the only thing that brings power is holiness and we've lost it.
We don't have holiness, not even in this church. We don't, we're not, if you go back and how many of you can,
I bet Raymond and Sharon can, and maybe bill can remember Luther waters. My grandfather, when he came for just a little while, do you remember how we would go back in my study and pray before church?
A few of us, you remember when he prayed, what that was like, some of the other gentlemen would say,
Whoa, when he'd walk out there, Whoa, what was that? Because he lived a holy life.
It's interesting. The story is an interesting story about my grandfather and he's not the one everybody knows about.
He's not EG hall who had the oil company. It was the stock trader. He was the one no one ever knew about because, uh, his marriage ended with my grandmother and for good reason, but he just made some young man mistakes is what he told me later.
He said, I was a fool and I regretted it my whole life, but he never remarried. And he spent his whole life teaching the
Bible in churches and, uh, writing little booklets about people in the, in the Bible. He liked us.
He liked to do, uh, words to, I mean, studies on people, stories in the
Bible. And when he would just drive down to see us, he'd put on a full suit and tie and come see us and then go back home.
Wonderful, man. He almost glowed. We're not, you know, the church has kind of lost that nowadays.
Now we have positional holiness because you can't lose that, but I'm talking about experiential where you live a godly
Christ -like life, more minutes of the day, the church is kind of losing that.
Yes. Uh, I don't think this means that,
I mean, that's going to happen to all saved people at the rapture. The rapture is what will do that.
The, some of the tribulation that we go through before the rapture for seven years, three and a half in particular will certainly cause all of us people like us born again, people who want to be good men and women.
Don't we? I mean, we want to live right all the time. It will cause this to be really, really focused on living right and walking close with the
Lord. That's just a natural process of tribulation that it always causes with Christians, it get you, you realize all of a sudden, look, the shore leave is over.
I'm in the battle. I'm in the front lines and you're really paying attention. And you know, the difference there's a difference and that's how we'll be living.
But this, I think the fullness of Gentiles means the Gentile age is over. It's done. Their influence is gone at this point.
And the church failed just like every other dispensation humans failed.
The church failed its mission. It did not bring the world to Christ. It didn't bring, even bring the gospel to the world.
And it certainly didn't give a Christ -like image to anybody. Uh, by the time we get to this stage, it'll be predominantly a false church at this stage.
It's getting close now. The rapture will take care of what you were talking about though.
And some of the tribulation, I think when he comes back, those of us who survive the three and a half years will be really close to him when he comes back.
And so all Israel shall be saved. Now, why does it say? And so, because it's referring to the previous verse where it said the fullness of the
Gentile comes in. So the, I don't know, the Lord just kind of, I think worked on my mind and showed me some things
I hadn't seen before in these passages as it is written there. She'll come out of Zion, a deliverer, and she'll turn away ungodliness from Jacob.
It's about Israel at this point. And we know Jesus came to save Gentiles.
Don't we, but scripture says that so much when at the first advent, but it's the second advent, he's coming to drive away ungodliness from the
Jews. And that is a reference to the second coming for this is my covenant unto them.
Who's that? That's Gentiles. Or is that the Jews? That's the Jews when
I shall take away their sins. Now, let me ask you this. Do we come into the covenant though, through the
Abrahamic covenant? Yes, we do. But specifically Paul's talking to the
Jewish about, he's talking to a mixed group and saying that here's what I'm gonna say about you. Gentiles don't boast just because there's way more of you all of a sudden, and there are
Jewish believers. They've been blinded in part. Just remember if God blind them, he might blind you.
Don't forget it. That's what he told them. And so now he's telling them how the whole thing ends. So God made a promise to Abraham to be a father of many nations.
And that means a spiritual father as well. And, uh, that covenant was unconditional.
God did all of the work. In fact, he put Abraham to sleep. Abraham had no part in the covenant. I was just laying there sleeping.
Jesus took his place in the covenant and said, you know, if, if Abraham doesn't live right,
Lord, may I be like these dead animals? And so Jesus died because Abraham didn't live right.
None of us do. And he died in our place and he paid the sin debt in full and he takes our sins away.
But he's specifically talking about the Jewish people out of humanity here, because he does the same for them.
It all works the same for all of us as far with that regard as concerning the gospel in the time
Paul wrote this. And at the time Rocky Freeman got saved, there were only three Jewish. Well -known
Jewish saved people in the world, only three. And I'm talking about people who got up in front of people and taught the
Bible. There weren't, but three, in fact, he became famous because he was the saved Jew.
I hope someday you can hear his testimony. We'll get it digitalized. It's just phenomenal.
But, um, where was I concerning the gospel?
The Jews are in Paul's day enemies for you Gentile sakes.
And, uh, but as touching the election, they are beloved for the father's sakes.
Now, what are we saying here? Not, not, not an easy passage, but it goes all the way back to the verse we looked at near the first four verses in this chapter where he said, but.
I'm not talking about my four known people when he talks about them being cut off or blinded, he said, but I'm not talking about my four known
Jews. They're still saved. And here's the same group, the beloved, the elect.
So they're both now in this one chapter, we see they were not only four known. They were also elected. They were chosen from the foundation of the world to be saved.
This a remnant of the Jew. So there've been Jews saved all through the church age. But not a whole, not whole large numbers of them.
Well, that's going to flip flop like bill said, in during the tribulation period, you'll have hundreds of thousands of Gentiles say, but you're going to have millions of Jews saved.
In fact, by the time Jesus comes back, every living one will be saved. I believe that's what the scripture teaches.
It says right there in verse 26, read it with me. And so all Israel shall be saved.
And when, when does that happen? As it is written, there shall come out of Zion to deliver and shall turn away and Godliness for Jacob.
When he appears in the air, they know who he is. We, the weak, miserable church, at least talked about Jesus enough where they know who he is when they seem.
And that's something. So we did fulfill our purpose the best we could in this state that we're in treasure in earthen vessels.
Right? Why is all this going to happen? Because the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.
And that word repentance in the Greek means the changing of the mind. God will not change his mind on what he promised in the
Abrahamic covenant. And that's something it all comes to a culmination.
And I think, um, Lord willing, I mean, I know we can come down with whatever and, or be hit by a bus or whatever, but the
Lord, if we just live a long natural life, like my mom is even, she may see the rapture.
I keep telling her that she keeps telling me now it's not for me. I won't see it. And I say, you do know you probably gonna live to be a hundred.
That's nine more years. I don't think this earth can go more than nine years without the rapture.
Do you, we don't know though, do we? All we know is the trees are budding.
So let's talk about trees. What a segue. All right.
A parallel of two olive trees. I want to go back to Genesis before I show you this.
I just want to give you this thought before we get into this thing on the parallel of two olive trees. Do you know that this is one of the first mentions of olive trees in the
Bible and first mentioned as an important concept, if you go back and you look at first mention of a word, it can tell you the whole concept.
God's going to teach in a nutshell about that whole thing throughout the whole Bible. So look what it says. And the dove, this was, uh, from the arc and the arc is a picture of Jesus Christ and salvation of God's people.
And he sends Noah sends a dove out to see if there's any land anywhere, because the whole earth was covered.
It was an entire covered earth. Unlike what some liberals want to try to think the whole earth was covered with water.
So he sends a dove out hoping that the water will abate.
Right. And the dove came into him in the evening and low in her mouth was an olive leaf plucked off.
Now, don't you think it's amazing that that dove just happened to have chosen an olive leaf of all the trees on the dry land that she found.
And there wasn't much dry land yet, probably, but she found an olive tree, an olive leaf.
So Noah knew that the waters were abated from the earth. Now it was, it had a leaf already.
So maybe it was from a, from a mountain who knows, but, uh, all the vessel now here's, here's, here is the second mention.
So wait a minute before we leave the first mentioned, that's a picture of salvation. And by the way, in the wilderness tabernacle, which we'll see in the next one,
I'm getting ahead of myself. So let's just look at it. All the vessels of the tabernacle, this is talking about the wilderness tabernacle that God gave
Moses specific. Measurements for how to build this thing, all the vessels of the tabernacle and all the service there and all the pins thereof, all the different things they use to hold the wood together, to hold the tents together.
And all that there'll be made of brass and thou shalt command the children of Israel that they bring the pure olive oil or oil olive.
As it says in the King James, pure oil, olive beaten for the light to cause the lamp to burn always.
What do you think a continually burning lamp pictures? And by the way, this lamp was in the inner part of the tabernacle just to, before the veil and the
Holy of Holies out on this side, not in there, but out on this side. And it burned continually eternally.
What does it picture the light of Jesus Christ? What, what about the olive oil itself?
What does it picture the Holy spirit? Because it's what they anointed everyone with oil.
It was the olive oil or oil olive, right? Look at the, look at the allegories that are in these first two mentions of olive trees.
It's all about salvation. It's all about Jesus. It's all about the Holy spirit who calls people to Jesus and the salvation of the ark and people on the ark,
I should say, and. It's really quite interesting. So let's take a look at the Jewish olive tree.
Now there's two trees. There's going to be a Jewish olive tree. And Paul spoke of a Gentile olive tree. He called it the wild one.
Remember, and we were broken off of the wild one and grafted into the good
Jewish olive tree. That is a picture of the Abrahamic covenant. Most Christians never even knew this stuff.
When I was growing up in church, they never, every new, we had anything to do with the Abrahamic covenant, you know, but it's everything.
You can't be saved without it because that's the picture of God doing all the work to save us. And that's only receiving it as a free gift.
So let's take a look at the Jewish olive tree. Jeremiah chapter 11, verse 10, they are turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers, which refused to hear my words.
So let me say this in the first century, when the Jews were complicit with the
Romans and killing all of the fullness of the Godhead in a body who was Jesus.
So they killed God the best they knew. They, they didn't care. They just killing crucify him, crucify him.
May his blood be on our heads and the heads of our children. And I bet during world war II, when 8 million of them were killed,
I bet they thought about those words. Should not have uttered those words. We need to be really careful with our words.
Don't talk without thinking about it before you talk. And like brother oldest said, brother, David never give any, he put it in the positive brother,
David only give people the information that they need. So wise in your marriage and your family and your business and your church in the world, don't talk unless you're supposed to say it.
Because once it's out, it's part of the world is part of history. You can't take it back. No one will forget it ever.
Okay. And guess what people are not as forgiving as Jesus. So that's really good marriage, uh, information to make your marriage happier, but, but look at this, they turn back to the iniquities of their forefathers.
So even before the Jews killed Jesus, back in the history of the
Jews, there were several times that they broke the Mosaic covenant and they stopped loving
God with all their heart. Usually when things were going really well is when this happened and the prophets were telling, they had false prophets back then, like we do now.
And they would tell them everything's fine. No, no army can touch you. No one will ever harm a hair on your head.
Just live like you want to. And they're worshiping bail while these prophets are telling them that. So here's like the church is totally corrupt.
And the preachers are saying, everything's fine. God just wants you to be happy. God wants you to have lots of money and just be perfect and never be sick and be healed all the time.
That's what God wants for you. Now send me your money. Isn't that it? That's the modern church in America.
It's not the first time this has happened. So this is a group back.
I don't know, 2006 or 800 years ago. And now it refers to a group hundreds of years before this group that did the same thing.
Because it's saying you're doing the same stuff your forefathers did. Wow. So they've already been through this cycle.
You read the book of judges. I don't know how many times they go through this cycle and they are turned back to their iniquities, the same iniquities, their forefathers had, which refused.
Now look, look at the process here. I'll make a list of them for you in a minute, but look at the process. First thing they did, they stopped listening to God's word.
The Bible became not the most important thing in church, but the least important thing.
Does that ring a bell today? Bible strong Bible doctrine. I passed a little church in worth.
I'm coming here every day. You guys have seen it says doctrine is important and I would love to just walk in there and say, tell me about your doctrine, tell me what you believe.
And listen and see what it is. I'd be very interested because I'm glad that they think doctrine's important.
Not many churches do anymore, but they refuse to hear God's word was the first step out of line.
Then it says, and they went after other gods. So guess what? The result of any time people who claim to be people of God, take away the authority of the scripture and the importance of scripture and giving it the ultimate importance in their life, in their day to day activities, idolatry fills the void, worshiping other things other than the true
God fills the void. So they went after other gods to serve them. That's what the church always does.
And always has done the house of Israel and the house of Judah have both broken my covenant, which
I made with their fathers. Now, can you break the Abrahamic covenant? No, because you had no part in it.
But can you break the mosaic covenant where he says, I'll bless you. If, if there's an
F in it, we can mess it up. Can't we? So they just messed it up. And here's, what's interesting about the modern church.
Do you do realize that people who are not born again are still under the law? Don't you people who are not yet born again are still living under the law because the law is for the flesh and they can absolutely break the mosaic laws.
Listen, they include all kinds of things that aren't popular. Today speaks very like homosexuals were killed under the mosaic law.
They stoned them to death. You think that'd be popular today? What if I run for president? How would that work out?
But I see, I don't believe we're living under that. We're in the new Testament. Jesus doesn't say stone people to death. He says, you know, love your enemies, right?
There's a little different dispensation, but the thing is, if you're not saved, you're not under the new covenant.
You're under the old and you're breaking it. You're not living by it. America has long let long since left out the covenant that we used to have the 10 commandments on the wall in our public schools and open with prayer until Madeline Murray O 'Hare ended that one person, one person ended it because the church was so weak already in the sixties.
Wasn't that in the sixties church was already too weak. I remember hearing
W .A. Criswell debate her live on the radio. He lost the debate.
She beat him and he was a brilliant Christian man, but we were starting to wane in power,
I dare say, if that had been John Calvin, he wouldn't have lost. If that had been Charles Spurgeon, she would have left like a whipped puppy.
And W .A. Criswell was a great man. I'm not saying anything bad about him. I loved him. I've got to meet him, but she beat him because he was too kind.
He would try to be sweet. To her on the radio. And she just tore him up sad. I'll never forget it.
And I wasn't even saved when I heard it and it still hurt my heart. Anyway, uh, the house of Israel and the house of Judah had broken my covenant.
That's the mosaic covenant. You might want to put a note in your Bible, I know, or your phone or whatever.
Therefore, thus sayeth the Lord behold, I will bring evil upon them because they broke the covenant.
And part of the covenant was if you weren't go after bail, I'm going to bring evil on you. Remember the mosaic covenant.
I mean, that's how the thing worked, which they shall not be able to escape when I bring evil on them. Now I want you to realize we're talking about what
Paul warned the Gentile church about in the end days. It is a picture of where we're headed as the
Gentile. Listen, I'm not just talking about the church either. I'm, I'm talking about the entire economy of the
West is based on biblical information. It was, it is, if you look at England, which was the greatest empire until world war two, the sun never set on their empire, everywhere they went, they took the gospel and now, now they say that's a bad thing.
You know, history is being rewritten. You do know that. Right. So now that was imperialism and, and, uh,
England was wrong to go into all Africa and all these countries. Cause they were just exploiting, you know, but see, they leave out the hundreds of millions of people from Africa were born again because they touched the gospel when they went in there to exploit the, uh, and the, you know, the minerals and so forth.
So you can call it exploiting if you're Hollywood, or you could call it entrepreneurial endeavors and taking risk and building the
West. If you want to tell the truth about it and that God says, this is how you build an economy in the
Bible. If you want to tell the truth about it, but today you're not going to hear a truthful news because they will go to and fro seeking the truth and shall not find it in the end days.
So it's all propaganda. Now we're already there, but, but look at this. God says, you know, when they get to this place, they're going to try to escape and they're going to pray
Lord save us and I will not listen to him. Then shall the cities of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem go and cry.
And I remember like bill sediment go, this is going to flip flop. This is, this happened to God's people. Do you think for one minute, if God would do this to his people, that he won't do this to, to those from the wild tree that were grafted in, in America, the
Gentile church, you don't think he would do this to us when he's already done it many times to the
Jews it's coming, ladies and gentlemen, get ready. Get ready. It's coming. It's a come in like Ben used to say when he was a little boy, the antichrist is a coming dad.
Yes, sir. Then shall the cities, you should preach a sermon on that someday. That'd be fun.
I'll let you add the pulpit. You need to preach a sermon on that. Then shall the cities of Judah inhabitants of Jerusalem go and cry.
Look at, look at this. Now tell me, this is not, tell me, this is not speaking to our country right now.
It says cities of Judah. This is say cities of America. This, this, this has a near prophecy fulfillment and afar.
And the far as is America. Then shall the cities of America and the inhabitants of Washington, DC go and cry to the gods that they offer incense to the
God of mother nature, the God of the universe, like you throw good things out of the universe, you'll bring good things back nearly every motivational speaker a day.
If they don't know the Lord, they get it from new age stuff. And it's that garbage. And they talk about it all the time as if it's truth.
And they teach scores. They teach thousands of people live by this stuff and, and so forth.
And so, um, but guess what? When the tough times come and the tribulation comes and stuff starts falling out of the sky and destroying millions of people in cities and stuff like that, and you go and you try to pray to mother earth and you try to pray to the universe, there's not going to be an answer because they're false gods.
They don't have ears to hear you, but they shall not save them at all in the time of their trouble.
Wow. America, you better wake up for according to the number of their cities.
Were there gods, every city had invented its own false God.
And then it goes further. Oh, Judah. And according to the number of the streets in Jerusalem, have you set up altars to that shameful thing?
Wow. That is a frightening phrase right there, because that's talking about bail. And so what happens when you start out, the very first step is you refuse to hear
God's word. It's not important anymore. It's not the authority. It's not the most important thing.
The Catholics have long since lost that, that to them, their tradition is just as high as the word of God.
And that's why I talk about Babto Catholics and methadone Catholics, because almost every denomination, the word of God is down here now and their stuff, like their programs and all this junk they're doing is way up here and what they teach in their theological systems is here and the
Bible's here, and it's just the same thing. That's the shameful thing right there.
They start out refusing to hear the words of God. They end up with the shameful thing. And in between that, it just goes out to just a little bit of idolatry and then more and then more.
And then every city's got its own God. Then all of a sudden it ends up in offering your children to bail by fire.
That's where it ends. You offer your children up and they just kill the children to get whatever they want from them and they use it.
And the next stage is total annihilation of that nation. Are you listening to America?
The progression of apostasy. Number one, refuse to hear God's words. Number two, they went after false
God. Number three, they broke the covenant with the true God. Number four,
God brings evil upon them, which is part of that covenant. He said he would do that.
That's the mosaic covenant. Number five, God will not hear their prayers. At this point, there comes a time when they crossed the line and it's done.
You're just like his mind's made up as if it's not always already made up, but from a human viewpoint, from a human viewpoint, you can pray all you want and you're not going to stop it.
I listen, honestly, in all honesty, since the eighties, I've had people all over the place, preachers, church people, sweet people stand up and say, we just need revival in America.
And I have never for one minute thought we'd have revival in America again, because I think we're going into the times of the apostasy.
That's the opposite. We're going to move away from the truth. We're not going to have great revival in the streets where it shuts down prostitutes and it shuts down the bars and the alcohol.
And like it did under Billy Sunday, right here in this country, we're not going to see that again. I've never believed since the eighties that that would happen in America again.
And I still don't believe, because I think at this point, God is not going to hear prayers for America like that.
Where it's too late. We've killed too many multiplied millions of babies to bail.
And we let it happen. They pray to false gods, but those gods cannot save them.
And the number of gods increases until they finally offer their children. This man named
Zerubbabel was born in captivity in Babylon after his parents had been exiled because the prophet spoke the truth and Israel was destroyed.
And the remnant who were left alive were taken captive. They say they put hooks through their chest and through the back of the person in front of them and led them by chains with hooks in their chest, all the way to Babylon.
Now the prophets had to go to the elect and the four known went also.
In fact, one of the reasons they got to go is because God didn't let them get killed. Some of them probably were killed, but the ones walking really closely to the
Lord, they were taken captive, but they weren't killed. And Zerubbabel's family, his father was one of these.
He was the son of Sheol TL, and he was also the grandson of, uh, that one's hard to say
Jehoiachin who was the last King of Judah before the Babylonian fall.
So was he a strong King? Probably not. He was ruling over a perverted
Israel and let it happen. Didn't he? I wonder what that name means in Hebrew.
You don't suppose it's Biden. Do you? The last
King of Judah before the fall in the captivity was
Zerubbabel's grandfather. So Jehoiachin was imprisoned when, as soon as they got him there, this
Zerubbabel's dad was placed in prison, hard prison. And so now this is where God's sovereignty is so interesting because you don't know the human reason why we're not told, but for some reason, the
King found favor on this man. Maybe he heard he was the son of a King or something, and he brings him into the court and he lets him sit at the table and feeds him in here.
You find that recorded in second Kings 25, verse 28, and he spake kindly to him, talking about to Zerubbabel's father, the
King of Babylon spoke kindly to him and he set his throne above the throne of the Kings that were with him in Babylon and changed his prison garments to nice clothing.
And he did eat bread continually before him all the days of his life. And he was as fat as that piano because of all the carbs.
And that's something I added that it's not in there. So this was the
Rubel's dad. All right. So he is, he finds favor with the
King and Zerubbabel benefited from his grandfather and his dad's favor with the King. And he grew up in Babylon's Royal court was having you heard this story again.
Again, think about Moses. He grew up in the greatest power of the world at that time with the greatest education, the most books that were available on science, math, everything.
War proper way to fight warfare. He learned all of this politics. Everything as well as the
Jewish faith while he was in the hands of the enemy. The God sovereignty is so amazing.
I mean, Moses did the same thing. That's why he was so wise and knew so much about how the world worked.
He grew up in Egypt with the Pharaoh. Here's another story, just like it.
So when Persia comes in and Babylon thought they were totally undefeatable, just like America does today.
Now I want you to think about something. Well, I sure hope I get to it. And it doesn't look I'm going to today, maybe, and I'm not sure which slide this is going to come up on here in a minute, all new material.
But, um, but here's the thing Babylon thought she was indestructible.
Well, there is a mystery. Babylon mentioned the book of revelation and she's called the great whore.
And she's going to fall with, uh, in a day in an amazing fall where the whole world sees it weeps over it because everyone made their money off of this particular new
Babylon and it's a city. And I think it's New York city.
We'll see. You can shoot, have about a year to shoot that down too, man. I'm perfectly happy too, because if it's not the truth,
I don't want to teach it. But I, so right now it's just a theory I have, I believe it's New York. I've wondered my whole life, but the mystery
Babylon is some people say, Oh, it's actually going to be Iran. Don't think so.
It's third world. It ain't going anywhere. Um, then some say, well, actually it's
Rome. It's the Catholic church. Don't think so. It's losing influence too. I think it's a mayor.
I think it's New York city and I'll show you why I think it as we go. But do you think that America thinks for one minute, she can be destroyed by anybody in the world?
No one has our technology even yet. No one has it. We're invincible, aren't we?
And look what happens. Persia comes along under Cyrus, who was prophesied by a prophet of God before he was even born in the scripture before Sarah, hundreds of years, 300 years before Cyrus was born, the prophet said he would be raised up and that this right here would happen.
In fact, wasn't it, Daniel, I may have my stories mixed up because this has been a cycle in Israel's life, but wasn't it
Daniel who read the book to the King and said, here's your name in here, how'd that get in there? It was been in here 300 years.
You were born like 30 years ago and it got the king's attention. So anyway, um,
I don't know if it was the same Cyrus. This is Cyrus to Cyrus the second. And, uh, now all of a sudden
Zerubbabel finds favor in the new King's eyes under orders from the victorious
Persian ruler. Zerubbabel was appointed governor over Judah, all the middle
East and Israel and Jerusalem. And guess what he does? He goes back and rebuilds the temple and the temple that he builds is the one that was there that Jesus looked at and said, not one stone will be found on another, it'll all be destroyed.
And his apostles thought it was such a beautiful building. Here's the man who built it. His name is Zerubbabel.
I hope someone named one of my grand babies that I love that name. We'll call him Zerubbab or something.
I don't know. Bubbable. How about that?
Let's call him Bubbable. So I can't say it. Zerubbabel was in, oh, this is interesting.
Check out Matthew one, 12 through 13 and Luke three 27. So rubable was in the line of Jesus Christ in the chronology of Jesus.
He is in the line of Joseph. Jesus is stepfather. Is that interesting?
And so he's a key personage and he pictures a lot. He, he's, he pictured
Zerubbabel pictures a lot and gosh, time just flees when you're having fun. Let me read a little bit of this one.
I'll try to find a good stop in place. Zechariah three one. And he showed me
Joshua. Now this goes back. Um, let me see where I was here. Uh, wait a minute.
Okay. Read fast. Okay. Um, Zechariah three, one through four.
What's interesting is it starts talking about, um, there's actually another man besides the rubable who helped rebuild the temple and kind of like Zerubbabel was sort of the secular, um, not that he wasn't saved, but he's kind of the secular leader, world leader type person, and the other one was more of the religious in a good way, the right meaning of that, who's like the priestly type person.
And this one's going to talk about him because there were two men that worked together to rebuild the temple. And his name was
Joshua, which is you, she Yeshua, which is the same exact name as Jesus.
And this is all in the old Testament, all picturing things that are going to be a far fulfillment out in the future.
And he showed me Joshua, the high priest standing before the angel, the Lord, Satan standing at his right hand to resisting spiritual warfare, always going on.
Only the Lord can show you that though. And the Lord said to Satan, the Lord rebuked the, by the way, that's how you deal with him.
You don't do like the cares and charismatic and Pentecostals where they say, I rebuke you come out from them.
You listen, they don't even know who you are. You're not going to do anything to them. You ask
Jesus to do this. It just like these men did. I mean, they know what they're doing. So follow the scripture.
Don't follow their, your denomination unless they're teaching good stuff, but throw out the bad stuff.
So here the Lord rebuked the, Oh, Satan, that's how it's done. You have problems in your mind or in your thought life, or even things happening, physical, weird things, diseases you shouldn't have thing, whatever, just pray and say,
Lord, if that Satan or his demons, would you rebuke them, bind them and send them away from my house and my family?
This is the biblical way to deal with it. Satan, even the Lord that has chosen
Jerusalem, rebuke you the same God that chose Israel and Jerusalem. You're fighting against Israel, trying to destroy
Jerusalem. May you may that same God rebuke you? Cause he loves Jerusalem, right?
It's not this a brand plucked out of the fire. And he's telling that picture us right there telling
Joshua, I mean, I'm sorry. He's telling Satan, you want to kill this man and destroy the city.
But I pluck that man as a fire brand out of the fire. And I saved him. That's us. We're barely saved.
You see that we're just barely say we don't deserve it. We shouldn't even be saved.
And we've been plucked out of a fire and God stands against Satan who thinks they can kill us because we don't live right all the time, do we?
We do stuff that deserves death, physical death all the time. And he thinks he can kill us. And he tries to kill us.
I had a week, not too long ago where I almost died in about two car wrecks in the same week. Weird things to just like stuff.
I'm really watchful when I'm driving. I'm very defensive driver. And, you know,
I had a van just pull right into me and drive me off the highway. Going, I won't tell you how fast
I was going, but I'm going that fast in the grass in my little Audi. And it took me 35 minutes to pluck all the grass out of the front of my
Audi. When I got to the next filling station, not a hair on my head was touched. There aren't many left and then they're coming home.
This is when I went out to Midland coming home, this idiot in the front of a long line of cars way up there.
And I said, well, I won't wait behind them. I don't know what the problem is. I get in this lane, nobody there. Take off.
And there's a dude up here wanting to go to Sam's from the far left lane. Then he goes right.
When I get there and I jerked it over here, miss this car by that much and went between them and said, I'll be glad when
I get home. Thank you, Lord. But anyway, like we're firebrands, Satan can't touch us because God has saved us and we're on God's schedule, not
Satan's, but he thinks he can. So he tries and there you have it. So the
Lord rebuke you. Now, Joshua was clothed in filthy garments. Look, this is picturing us.
That picture is a sinful life in the flesh, the fleshly part of us, clothed in filthy garments.
And he stood before the angel and he answered and spake unto those that stood before him saying, take away the filthy garments.
This is Jesus talking, take his filthy garments off of him. All right. And then to him, he said, behold,
I have caused your iniquity to pass away from you and I will clothe you in a change of Raymond.
That is the positional righteousness of Jesus Christ. And then this was a picture of the man who helped
Zerubbabel rebuild the temple, which had to be there for all the prophecies of Jesus Christ to be fulfilled.
It's quite an amazing story. I'm going to stop there for sake of time, but we'll have a whole lots of fun stuff to talk about next
Sunday, the Lord willing. In fact, we're going to talk more about America and what, where I'm seeing
America pop up in scripture that I've never seen before. And, um, not saying
I'm a prophet. I'm saying you can shoot it down. If you find a way to shoot down, just tell me, I'll take it all back and correct it.
But I'm going with it until you do, because I think, I think one of the things
God's called me to do, and I do have a national audience is to warn American people to get ready.
And I think he's called me to do that my whole life. And I just didn't know it. So I'm doing it. So there we have it
America. Guess what? If God would pluck his own branches out of that tree, he'll pluck you out of that tree, but not his foreknown, not his elect, but we need to be ready.
All right. So let's just stop there. There's no good stopping place. So I'm going to stop. Anyway, let's stand and have prayer together.
Charlotte told me when I was studying all this, she said, now, honey, you know, you only need three verses to go for 45 minutes.
So don't stay up all night with this stuff. So I got three weeks of stuff now. All right, let's pray. Lord, thank you so much for your word and for how you told the great prophet
Daniel that in the end times, more and more of it would come to light. We would understand the end times better, and we can see you doing that every day at this point, everything's accelerating and Lord, we just pray that you'll cause us to be a people who will be ready.
That all of us will be preparing. We'll be building with a sword in one hand and the trowel in the other.
We don't stop and fight only. We don't just sit here and worry about spiritual warfare, but we're ready for that, but we keep building because the building is the preparation, the way to have the things we need to be ready when the things get really, really tough that last three and a half years.
And so, Lord, we just pray that you'll be with us, continue to show us in scripture, what to do, where to be and how to deal with each other and with our families.
And Lord, we ask you to bind and rebuke the enemy. We are firebrands Lord, but you've plucked us out of the fire and you've taken away our filthy garments and you've given us the very robes of Jesus Christ.
And thank you so much for that. We ask you to go into our time of fellowship. Now, bless the meal we're about to have in Jesus name.