F4F | Robert Morris Says That All Christians Prophets


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been told that every
Christian can be a prophet and can prophesy, go ahead and hit the subscribe button below.
You've been lied to, you've been deceived. In fact, Scripture says the exact opposite of that.
Now, case in point, we're gonna be heading over to Trinity Broadcasting Network and we're gonna be listening to a portion of a message by Robert Morris of Gateway Church, where he literally engages in some really slick
Bible twisting in order to make it appear that the Bible says the exact opposite of what it actually says.
The Bible explicitly says that not all are prophets, and yet Robert Morris is going to basically say everybody is a prophet.
So this is a case study in Bible twisting, and it involves a claim that is the exact opposite of what the clear texts say.
So let me open up here on our web browser, and let's listen to the beginning intro as well as the message itself.
Here we go. Prophecy is often misunderstood. The Bible clearly tells us that all can prophesy so that we may encourage others.
With practice... The Bible clearly says all can prophesy. No it doesn't, and we're gonna show just how slick
Robert Morris is in twisting the Bible here. We can all prophesy because we can all hear God.
Join my pastor, Robert Morris, as he clarifies the role of prophecy in our lives. Now, if you didn't know this,
Robert Morris is also Kerry Jobe's pastor. That's not good.
All right, let me fast forward through this little bit here. Turn to two passages of Scripture, and if you only want to do one, you can choose one.
Either one's fine with me. Numbers 11, or 1st Corinthians 14.
All right, let's go ahead and get our Bible opened, and we will go to 1st Corinthians, and we're going to go to 12 through 14.
12 through 14. There's a reason for that because this... 1st
Corinthians 12 through 14 is like the clearest set of passages as it relates to the gifts of the
Holy Spirit. That being the case, it's gonna be important that we get some context. You know, three rules for sound biblical exegesis.
Context, context, context. Get some context before we take a look at what Robert Morris says, and then we'll pull up the
Hebrew Bible, and we will go to Numbers chapter 11, and we're gonna
Note, Numbers 11 is a historical narrative. Now, one of the rules for sound biblical exegesis is you don't take a descriptive text and turn it into a prescription.
But he's gonna be engaging in some really slick twisting of Scripture here, but let's come back to Robert Morris.
We've got them all queued up, and let's let him spin this out for just a little bit. I want to put a marker.
We'll start at Numbers 11, and then we'll get over to 1st Corinthians 14 in a moment.
And again, the title of the series is Frequency, Tune In, Hear God.
And the title of the message this week is I'm a Prophet. By the way, this is nonsense.
The analogy itself is nonsense. Tune in and hear God. And the basic assumption here is that God's out there broadcasting, you know, into the ether, and it's up to us to tune in to hear him.
And so basically, God's got some kind of spiritual radio station going, and he wants to talk to you, but you've got to learn how to, well, tune in.
This is absurd, number one. This is a modern analogy that wouldn't make sense back in the ancient world. The Scripture doesn't even have anything remotely approaching the ancient equivalent to it at all.
And not only that, the major premise of this whole thing turns God into some, well, a being that's less than all -powerful.
You know, it assumes that God is capable of communicating and not being heard.
So there's God talking to you, hello, I'm trying to get your attention, hello, this is the
Holy Spirit, hello, can you hear me? And there you are just walking along, you know, you can't hear him.
That's nuts. If God's gonna talk to you, oh, you better believe. When God speaks, you will be listening.
And so, I mean, the whole premise of this is nonsense. I'm going to show you the Scripture in a moment that you can all prophesy.
And that's what the Bible says. So, no, actually it doesn't. Now it's time for us to do a little bit of work here.
And we're gonna come back to 1 Corinthians chapter 12, and we're gonna note the flow of Paul's argument in 1
Corinthians 12. There are varieties of gifts, starting in verse 4, varieties of gifts, and the same
Spirit. There are varieties of service, but the same Lord. There are varieties of activities, but it is the same
God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the
Spirit for the common good. For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge.
According to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one
Spirit, to another working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another interpretation of tongues.
All of these are empowered by one in the same Spirit who apportions to each one individually as He wills.
So you're gonna note here, the whole argument is that God gives different gifts, not the same gift.
And here's the reason why. Verse 12, for just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.
For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, Jews or Greeks, slaves or free, all were made to drink of the one
Spirit. For the body does not consist of one member, but of many.
If the foot should say, because I'm not a hand, I don't belong to the body, that would not make it any less a part of the body.
And if the ear should say, because I'm not an eye, I don't belong to the body, that would not make it any less a part of the body.
If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?
But as it is, God has arranged the members of the body, each one of them, as He chose.
If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.
So you get the gist of it. Okay, so verse 27 then, continuing the same idea, now you are the body of Christ.
Individually, you're members of it. God has apportioned in the church, first, apostles, prophets, teachers, miracles, gifts of healing, helping, administrating, various kinds of tongues.
And then He asked these questions, and I'll make the Greek a little bit bigger here on the other side, and let me pull this up then so that you can see it.
So here are a bunch of questions. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles?
Now, obviously, from the context itself, you'd be able to say the whole point that Paul's making is that we all receive different gifts so that we are different body parts, and together we are the body of Christ.
That's the point, right? So he then asked these questions.
Now, in the Greek there, let me give you the first one right here. The first question is, me pontes apo...
Sorry, that's the second one. Me pontes apostoloi. Me pontes apostoloi.
The me here, which leads off the question, m, you know, mu, eta, it literally, when that, that's an untranslated particle, which means the question that's being asked must be answered in the negative.
So it asks the question, me pontes apostoloi. Are all apostles? The answer is no.
We know definitively that it's no, because the particle me appears there.
Next, me pontes prophetai. Are all prophets? Answer, no.
Are all... me pontes didoscolei. Are all teachers? No. Me pontes dunamis.
Do all work miracles? No. Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues?
Do all interpret? No. So Scripture explicitly says, not all are prophets.
That is undeniable. That is the explicit, clear teaching of Scripture. So here's the idea.
When it comes to making a doctrine, you need a clear text. And the other thing is, is you don't want to make the
Bible contradict itself. So clearest texts always govern. After that, you know, unclear texts are governed by the clear texts.
So notice that Robert Morris here isn't going into 1st Corinthians 12, and he's avoiding this passage like the plague.
We're in a weird place to begin with, like Numbers 11? Really? We're gonna be in Numbers 11?
Okay. And then he said 1st Corinthians 14, but wait till you see what he does with 1st
Corinthians 14. It is so bad and so egregious of a twisting of 1st
Corinthians 14, that by the time you're done, the only conclusion that you can come up with is that he intentionally, and I mean this, twisted 1st
Corinthians 14 on purpose in order to make it look like it says the exact opposite of what what
Paul says there. So I mean, that's coming up. But all right, so now we've looked at the clear passage, and this
Bible's clear. Not all are prophets. He just said that we all are prophets.
Let me back it up just a little bit, because I think that will help us, and we'll see what he says again.
Can all prophesy? No. And that's what the Bible says. No, it's not. So let's go back here.
Numbers chapter 11. This is right after Moses said to God the prayer, what
I call the prayer of every burned -out pastor, if you love me, kill me. That's why it was his prayer.
And God said, you need help. You need some elders. So this is the first time we have elders coming into play in the congregation of Israel.
And so that happens, and then here's what he says. Numbers 11, verse 24. So Moses went out and told the people the words of the
Lord. That was to set in elders. And he gathered the 70 men of the elders of the people and placed them around the tabernacle.
Then the Lord came down in the cloud and spoke to him.
Again, just want you to notice, God speaks to people. It's all through Scripture. And God, again, is the subject of this sentence, took of the spirit that was upon him,
Moses, and placed the same upon the 70 elders. By the way, that's when you have problems in the church, is when an elder has a different spirit than the pastor.
That's a problem. But God came and put the same spirit on the elders. And it happened when the spirit rested upon them that they prophesied, although they never did so again.
Now, I want you — it's very important, when the spirit rested, the word rested on them, they prophesied, although they never did so again.
So we'll come back to that. But two men had remained in the camp. The name of the one was
Eldad, and the name of the other, Medad. And they had a brother named Yodad. I just could not resist.
Okay. And the spirit rested upon them. That's the two in the camp.
Now, they were among those listed. They were among the 70, but who had not gone out to the tabernacle, yet they prophesied in the camp.
And a young man ran and told Moses and said, Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp.
So Joshua, the son of Nun, Moses' assistant, one of his choice men answered and said,
Moses, my lord, forbid them. So Joshua says, forbid them to prophesy. Then Moses said, are you zealous for my sake?
Now watch this statement. Oh, that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that the
Lord would put his spirit upon them. Okay. Three points about us being prophets.
Now, so the way he's setting this up. Okay. So the important words were Moses said, oh, that all were prophets.
And so this is now the setup. So this is the desire of Moses. This is the burning prayer inside of his heart.
And apparently God's gonna fulfill this prayer in the book of Acts. And so therefore, that means everybody can prophesy because God's answering
Moses' prayer. But notice, I showed you the clear text.
Not all are prophets. And that is said in the context of God, the Holy Spirit, giving different gifts, not the same.
Which, by the way, is the reason why when the Pentecostals tell you that everybody can speak in tongues, 1
Corinthians 12 rules that totally out. Totally. Because not all speak in tongues either.
So when they tell you, oh, the sure sign that you have the baptism of the Holy Spirit is it's evidence by speaking in tongues.
Nuh -uh. 1 Corinthians 12 basically says, do all possess gifts of healing?
No. And then here's the important phrase, may Pontus glossis, do all speak in tongues?
No, they don't. So yeah, not all speak in tongues? Nope. And not all prophesy.
And this is in the context of God giving different gifts. So notice what he's doing here.
He's going to off -topic texts and he's avoiding the clearest passage because the clearest passage says the exact opposite of what it is that he's saying.
This is deceitfulness, like, you know, of a rank that is up there in the demonic.
Number one, all can prophesy. No. All can prophesy.
Look at verse 29. Not all are prophets. That's exactly what 1
Corinthians 12 says. God has appointed in the church apostles, prophets, and teachers, and miracles.
Are all apostles? No. Are all prophets? No. May Pontus prophesy?
No. Not all are prophets. Again, he's straight up saying the exact opposite of what the
Bible says. Of Numbers 11, Moses said, oh, that all, all, oh, I wish,
I pray that all the Lord's people were prophets and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them, all of them, all of God's people.
Wouldn't it be great if God put His Spirit on all of His people?
Because when God's Spirit came on them, what did they do? They prophesied.
Acts chapter 2, verse 16, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel. This is when the
Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came. And it shall come to pass in the last day says God that I will pour out my
Spirit on, what's that word? All flesh. Yes, God pours out
His Spirit on all flesh. But Acts 2 does not say, and that all your sons and daughters will prophesy.
No, the Spirit is given to all, but 1st Corinthians 12 makes it clear that not all prophesy.
Your sons and your daughters, okay, that's everybody. You're one of the other.
You're either a son or you're a daughter. Yeah, boy, again, totally avoiding the clear passage.
1st Corinthians 12 is totally the governing passage. Not all are prophets. Your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams.
And on my men servants, servants who are men, and my maid servants, servants who are women, again let me explain, that's everybody.
I will pour out my Spirit in those days and they shall prophesy.
And then in 1st Corinthians 14, if you're over there or save that as a play... Now watch this.
I mean, this is so deceitful. I mean, again, there's no way that this is an accident.
The only way he could twist this text this way is if he intentionally set out to deceive these people.
I'm not making that up. Watch this. Verse 31, for you can all prophesy.
There it is, right there in the Bible. You can all prophesy, one by one, that all may learn and that all may be encouraged.
Now, so, 1st Corinthians 14, 31, there it is. You can all prophesy. No, no, no.
See, 1st Corinthians 12 just said, not all are prophets. So what's going on in 1st
Corinthians 14? Well, when we take a look at what's going on in 1st Corinthians 14 in context...
Wow, wait till you see what he's doing. So we're gonna apply three rules again.
Context, context, context. So what then, verse 26, brothers, when you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, an interpretation.
Let all things be done for building up or for edification. If any speak in a tongue, let there be only two or at the most three, and each in turn and let someone interpret.
If there is no one to interpret, let each of them be keep silent in church and speak to himself and God.
That's right. A whole bunch of people all speaking in tongues at the same time, forbidden by 1st
Corinthians 14. Somebody speaking alone in tongues in church without an interpreter, forbidden by God's Word.
Yeah, it's literally prohibited. And then watch this, let two or three prophets speak and let the others weigh what is said.
If a revelation is made to another sitting there, let the first be silent, for you can all prophesy one by one.
Sorry, but 1st Corinthians 14 31 doesn't say you can all prophesy, it's you can prophesy one by one so that all may learn and be encouraged.
This is not a blanket statement that everybody can prophesy. This is in the context of orderliness, two, three prophets at the most, one at a time, and you can all prophesy one by one.
Uh -huh. Man, this guy is intentionally twisting the Scriptures. This is, he's saying the exact opposite of what the
Bible says. Again, this cannot be an accident. He is doing this on purpose.
All can prophesy. And the look of the words, you can. You can.
So God says you can prophesy. Now, here's what you need to think about. We're talking about hearing God. So prophecy is giving a message from God to someone.
So doesn't it make sense that if you can all prophesy...
Again, twisting 1st Corinthians 14 31, literally ripping it out of its context, and making it say the exact opposite of what
God the Holy Spirit had Paul write in 1st Corinthians 12, then you can all hear
God. Yeah. Wow. You get the idea. Like I said, this is so bad of a twisting of Scripture, it cannot be an accident.
He has to have intentionally set out to figure out how to twist the Bible to make it say the exact opposite of what it does say.
And by the way, this is par for Robert Morris' course. His book,
The Blessed Life, if you've read that and believe that your money is gonna be devoured and destroyed if you don't give the absolute first fruits of your money to the
Church, yeah, that whole blessed life thing, straight up a twisting of Scripture.
I'll put a link down in the description to an episode of Fighting for the Faith where I debunk the major premise and major portions of the teaching of the book,
The Blessed Life. Robert Morris is a wolf, and his sheep's clothing is so threadbare that,
I mean, he barely even makes an attempt to look like he's got sheep's clothing at all. This is a man that must be avoided like the plague.
He is a deceiver, he is money grubbing like you wouldn't believe, and not only that, he mishandles money like in criminal fashion.
You know, avoid this man at all costs. Do not believe anything he says, and if your church has invited him to come teach
The Blessed Life or do a video series on your church on The Blessed Life about the important principles of tithing and stuff like that, don't participate.
You've got to run. This guy is that dangerous. And like I said, he cannot be twisting
Scripture this badly unless he was doing it on purpose. I hope you found that helpful.
Please share this with other people if they are being deceived by Robert Morris. Of course, if you'd like to support the ministry of Piotr Krishnamoody and Fighting for the
Faith, all the information on how to support us financially is down below in the description, and so you can share that with others.
And of course, if you don't already listen to our podcast, it's available on iTunes, or just head over to fightingforthefaith .com,
and all the information on how to support us and subscribe to our audio podcast is there for your listening pleasure, and so that you can become educated so that you are not deceived by men like Robert Morris.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.