AD Got Woke - Dont Be Trifling with the Woke Church

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Alright, well I hope you had a great weekend. I had an interesting weekend.
I've been sitting here basically since Friday and I've been thinking about this video and guys
I think I think I'm woke. I think
I'm woke guys and I want to talk to you about it. I want to take you through my journey because and please, please just hear me out.
Lean into what I'm saying to you. You know what I mean? Lean into what I'm saying to you because this man, this man right here, this guy's example,
I've been thinking long and hard about it and on Friday I didn't get it. I was making fun of it but I feel really bad because I get it now.
I get it. I think I've seen the light so please listen to me. Listen to me because this story has changed my perspective.
I know I'm selling a social justice book at the end of the year but I may have to take it off the market.
I've gone woke. I understand now. I get it. Somebody finally has been able to teach me the way of why so many
Christian leaders are falling for this social justice controversy. I have to apologize.
Let me take you through it. Let me just hear me out. I know this is going to come as a surprise to many of you but this man's wisdom.
I'm starting to understand why we need black and brown brothers and sisters in Christ in leadership positions on the stage teaching us.
Please just get ready to sit at my feet and learn because I'm about to blow your mind.
You're not going to believe this. Here we go. Let's listen to this. If you remember this is the guy who's talking about the white guy was saying how you know white people it's not about living in the past but it's about understanding that the past has an impact on the present and so this man's about to tell you over here this guy his name is
Michael Satterfield. Mike Satterfield. He's going to paint a picture for you about how this looks in a marriage and how it's comparable to the society to social justice.
Here we go. Let me just quick paint a picture. Paint a picture brother. Let's do it.
In marriage when I first married my wife and thought
I was doing everything as it ought to be done. This is the thing like you got to understand like like like oftentimes if you're white you're listening to me.
Listen up. Listen up because because I know how you feel sometimes. I know how you feel.
You think yet you're doing things the way that things are supposed to be done. Yeah you go you go to work.
You know you earn your money. You pay your taxes. You vote like a good dutiful citizen should.
You do all these things. You take care of your kids. You know you go to church and all these things that you think are good.
You think you're doing them the way that they're supposed to be done and I can sympathize with that.
I understand. I get it. I know and so does Mike Satterfield. He gets it.
You know he when he was first married he thought he was doing everything the way it was supposed to be done too and so let's continue the story because I'm telling you it's gonna blow your mind guys.
This is gonna blow your mind. Trash out. I noticed she was in the garage looking at me as if I was the most trifling person on the planet.
See this is a this is a this is tip number one. You have to understand he so he was taking out the trash and he was in the garage gonna take out the trash and he thought that was the right thing to do just like so many of you think.
Oh yeah I voted. I paid my taxes. You know I took put my kids through college. You know all these things you think you're supposed to be doing them of course but you gotta look.
You gotta see. You gotta open your eyes and your mind. You gotta see is anybody looking at you with that trifling look.
You know this is a trifling look. If you if you do something white people and you see a minority like myself or a black person looking at you like this then you know that you're trifling.
You know you gotta open your eyes and your mind because then you're trifling.
You gotta understand that just because you think it's the right way to do things doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.
You gotta see. Is someone going like this? Because then you're trifling you see. Let's continue the story because I think
I think he's this guy blew my mind this week and I think he's about to blow your mind as well. Let's listen in.
I'm in a robe trying to catch the trash man and when I recognized she was not enchanted.
So you see here's what happened. So he was taking out the trash. The trash needed to be taken out. You get it. This is something that needed to be done.
Someone needed to take out the trash right? Ah that's true. It does need to be done but you gotta do it the right way.
You see this man was wearing a robe and that's not the right way to take out the trash.
I mean obviously that's not the right way. It's not the right way. Just like so many white people.
They go to work. They get their money. They put their kids through college. They pay their taxes. They vote but they don't vote the right way.
You see what I'm saying to you. If you go you vote and somebody you know minorities looking at you like this then you know that you're not voting the right way.
You're not doing it right. It has to be done. Yeah sure someone has to take out the trash but you better come correct.
You've got to do it the right way and the way you know if you're doing it the right way is if every minority believes and agrees with you.
If they're not looking at you like this then you know that you're doing it the right way. You see what
I'm saying. You see you don't know what's going on. You've got that's why you need. See this is my point.
Now I get it. This is why we need minorities in leadership because how can you know if you're doing the right thing unless there's minorities in leadership that are there to tell you if you're trifling or not.
You can't. That's the point. You can't. You can't even know if it's right to take out the garbage when it garbage.
It's garbage day. It's garbage day today around here. Garbage day is Monday right and I have to make sure tonight to take out that garbage the right way because if I don't take out that guy someone look at me like that.
I mean that's a problem. That's if we can get canceled or something like that. So let's just listen in because I think there's a lot of wisdom here.
That's the point. You got to open your eyes and your minds and your ears and lean in and get this man's wisdom.
He's about to tell you how to handle this. Sure. It hit me when she expressed you remind me of my father.
You see oh see that's the point guy. You don't know where we've been. You don't know where I've been.
You see that's the thing. You think you're doing the right thing. Oh I'm just voting. What's the big deal? I'm just going to work. You know what
I mean? I'm just paying my taxes. I'm just I'm just educating my child. Yeah you think that's the right. You think it's your husbandly duty.
In other words this is an analogy. I get it but you know you think it's your duty to do these things but you see you don't know where I've been.
Every time you vote it reminds me of a time that somebody else voted and it was traumatic.
You don't know where I've been. Every time you go to work you don't know where I've been.
That's why I look at you. You're trifling. You're trifling. I get it. You see now my eyes are opened.
I am woke now. This man's wisdom is what I needed you see. So he took out the trash.
It reminded me of his father. Of her father you see. You don't know where she's been. How dare you take out the trash in the wrong way?
That's the point. How dare you vote in the wrong way? That's what I'm saying to you. How dare you go to school in the wrong way?
How dare you pay your taxes in the wrong way? How dare you? How dare you engage in social media the wrong way?
See that to me that's a big one. You see it's been traumatic. I've seen it. I've seen the majority culture engage in social media in a way that's traumatic to me.
You don't know where I've been. That's why I look at you like you're trifling you see.
Now let's just listen in because there's more wisdom to be had. The wisdom is coming. Ready? Continue.
Her father embarrassed her by taking the trash out as a child and she never forgot that moment.
She never forgot that moment and many of us have never ever forgotten those traumatic moments from our lives.
When we see you voting, we see you campaigning for a Republican. How dare you?
That's trauma to us. We never forget. We'll never forget that moment.
You see what I'm saying? Those moments in life where we saw a person in the majority culture going to work.
We saw a white guy go to work and it traumatized us. You understand how traumatic that is?
We cannot come together as a church without understanding this. That's why we look at you.
You understand what I'm saying? We can't have healing individually or communally.
The best is yet to come but only if you understand that we can't let it go.
You see? You can't be acting that way. We were traumatized. So let's just listen to how you handle this because you're about to learn.
White people, you're about to learn about how to handle this. This trauma that we've we can't we can't let it go.
We can't. He had to grab her to let her know.
He had to grab her to let her know. I am not that man. He probably shook her a little too.
I'm not that man. That man who embarrassed you as a kid. Oh man.
I can't even. Okay, so I was tracking with him.
You know, I would read the comments. I didn't think about this all weekend obviously. This is, I'm lying. This is me again.
This is 80. This is old 80 again, okay? I'm back. I'm back. I don't get this.
What is he trying to say? I get the story. I can follow the, I can track with the story. I was, a bunch of people in the comments said that the reason why the woman was upset was because he went out in his in his robe because I guess he had he had put the trash out late and he wanted to catch the trashman before he got there because otherwise their house is going to be full of trash for the week because you know you miss trash day then you have to deal with trash for a week.
That's really annoying. I get it. So he ran out in his robe, right? And I guess his her father had done the same thing when she was a kid and it was very embarrassing to her, right?
And for some reason this has stuck with her for her whole life and so now she's not, she's not pleased with her husband because her father did that.
Now she, now he's doing it, right? So this is the story. So that's the part that's embarrassing. But what I don't understand, so I get that.
I get that. Sometimes people don't let things go, things in their past you don't know about. All right, I'm tracking with it all the way through there.
That happens. Yes, people, you never know what people have been through, right? You don't know what's going to trigger someone. I get that, right?
But what is, what is the point of this story? Like he grabbed her. I am not that man.
He didn't, he didn't say he shook her, but that's in my mind is like, I am not that man. So he did that.
So how is this analog, what are white people supposed to do here? Cause I, cause this is the thing, like I've heard that it's bad for white people to be like,
Hey, I'm not racist. I know my ancestors were racist, but I'm not racist. Like that's the equivalent of grabbing her.
I am not that man. I am not my, my white ancestors. You know what I mean? Like, but that's not what we're supposed to do, right?
I mean, we're supposed to, if, if, if our ancestors, cause I've got 60 % European ancestors.
So if my 60 % European ancestors who abused my 20 % native and 20 %
African ancestors, I'm supposed to just accept it and just like apologize for the rest of my life and give you money and stuff like that.
I'm not supposed to say I am not that man. Like I don't get this, this video, even by woke standards, this video is bizarre.
And this guy, Mike Satterfield, somebody said in the comments that it sounded like he had told this story before and that he kind of skipped some of the details and he almost like got lost in the middle of the story and he didn't quite, it didn't come out right.
And I have to give him credit. Hopefully that's what it is because this is nonsense. Like this guy's looking at him.
Like if somebody in the comments was like, imagine having to pretend that that was profound. Like, it's not profound. Like, wait,
I am not that man. Like that's assault brother. Like white people don't do that. Don't take
Mike Satterfield's advice here. Like if a, if a black person says that you're trifling, you know, give you the look because you did something not the right way and it triggered trauma, don't grab them and say,
I am not that man. That's assault. You will go to prison for that. Probably for a long time. I mean, cause they're not, they're coming after people these days, right?
That's a hate crime right there. Mike Satterfield's almost telling you to do a hate crime.
I don't get it, man. Does anyone, can anyone make any sense of this? I'm definitely not the only one. Lots of people were like that.
And that story makes no sense. And I don't think it does. Like I can track with the robe thing and, but everything,
I don't get it, man. I don't get it. But anyway, yeah, I didn't listen. I didn't think about this all weekend. This is just a joke.
But, uh, you know, I had a great weekend. I had, my kid had T -ball practice. It was really fun. My mother was visiting and all that kind of thing.
And it was just great. Oh, I visited a church, a local church that I've been to before, just because we had a, an event, um,
Sunday after evening with some other brothers and I had to stay local and rather than go to my normal church, which is a little bit far away.
Anyway, we went there, um, chock full of people, totally full, no masks, none, not even one mask.
Everyone was there and I could see their faces and it was just wonderful to just worship
God together as a church body. It was wonderful. It was a great time. It was almost like normal times.
It really was. So God bless you. I hope you had a great weekend, more videos to come. I hope you found this video funny and helpful,