Genesis #49 - The Gospel According to Genesis #1 - "Gospel Foundations" (Genesis 1-11)

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What if the first pages of the Bible held the key to understanding God's ultimate plan? Journey with us through the mists of time - from the dawn of creation to the confusion of tongues. Uncover hidden connections between ancient stories and your life today. Witness a thread of divine faithfulness woven through human failure. This isn't just history; it's your story. Are you ready to see the Old Testament with new eyes? The beginning awaits. Join us and discover what lies beyond Genesis 1:1.


Luke chapter 24 if you have a copy of God's Word. Luke chapter 24. Luke chapter 24.
Luke chapter 24 as we come to the preaching of God's Word. We're going to do something a little bit different this morning but still going to be in God's Word.
So Luke chapter 24 beginning in verse 13. Luke chapter 24 beginning in verse 13.
This morning we're beginning the first part of, I didn't plan on this being a two -parter but that's what happens in the study.
A two -part mini -series and I promise it's gonna stick to two parts. Called the gospel according to Genesis.
I'll explain why we're doing this in just a moment. For now Luke chapter 24 beginning in verse 13 and we're gonna read down to verse 27.
So Luke chapter 24 beginning in verse 13 and through to verse 27.
Luke 24 from verse 13 and if you're able to do so one more time can I invite you to stand with me. We like to read, stand for this reading of God's Word because as we're coming to hear
God preach to us really through His Word. Speak to us I should say through His Word. We want to honor that even with the posture of our bodies.
So Luke chapter 24 verse 13. I'm reading as always from the Christian standard Bible. Luke chapter 24 beginning in verse 13.
Brothers and sisters these are God's words to us this morning. Now that same day which is the day of the resurrection two of them were on their way to a village called
Emmaus which is about seven miles from Jerusalem. Together they were discussing everything that had taken place and while they were discussing and arguing
Jesus himself came near and began to walk along with them but they were prevented from recognizing him.
Then he asked them what is this dispute that you're having with each other as you are walking and they stopped walking and looked discouraged.
The one named Cleopas answered him are you the only visitor in Jerusalem who doesn't know the things that happen here in these days?
What things he asked them. So they said to him the things concerning Jesus of Nazareth who is a prophet powerful in action and speech before God and all the people and how our chief priests and leaders handed him over to be sentenced to death and they crucified him but we were hoping that he was the one who was about to redeem
Israel. Besides all this it's the third day since these things happened. Moreover some women from our group astounded us they arrived early at the tomb and when they didn't find his body they came and reported that they had seen a vision of angels who said he was alive.
Now some of of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said but they didn't see him.
He said to them how foolish you are and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken.
Wasn't it necessary for the messiah to suffer these things and enter into his glory?
Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets he interpreted for them the things concerning himself in all the scriptures.
Grass withers the flower fades but this word of our God will remain forever. Allow me to pray ask for the
Lord's help and we will dive into the word of God this morning. Let's pray together. Well Heavenly Father we ask that as we open up your word this morning that you would speak to us as only you can.
Father I can use words but only your spirit can take those words and go beyond just our ears into our hearts.
So may your spirit be at work using the preaching of your word to glorify your name to encourage us in our faith and if there's anybody here who doesn't know you to bring people to faith in you.
Father we normally take a moment to pray for other churches in our area and this morning we pray for our friends just around the corner from us at Anchor Church.
This morning is a new season for them their new interim pastor is starting.
Mark Anderson pray for him as he takes up this six -month posting there at Anchor Church as they think about next steps.
Father pray for your wisdom in that situation pray for the church that as they gather even now to worship and to hear your word that you would bless that church bless their efforts give them the wisdom as they think about what to do next following the departure of their pastor.
I'll pray that you'd be with them and pray that you'd be with us as we open up your word here. We ask all this in Jesus name and for his sake amen.
Please go ahead and be seated. As our regulars know we have been working our way for quite some time verse by verse through the book of Genesis and as we got done my intention was to do a single message kind of doing a jet tour of the whole book of Genesis.
I maybe should have recognized that was a little ambitious. I'm not really a very ambitious person by nature but I thought hey we can do this but as I started to study and it's always a glorious thing when you study and realize there's so much rich truth here because that's what we need but then
I realized yeah this is not going to happen in one sermon. Let's not kid ourselves and so I broke it up into two and so this morning what we're doing as we wrap up our study of Genesis and if you haven't been here for part or any of this series hopefully this will be good on its own.
What I want to do as you can see up on screen there is I want to consider this first book of the Bible. I want to kind of do a survey of it but I want to especially focus on how we see the gospel in the pages of this first book of your
Bible and so let me give you a bit of a warning if you grabbed the handout that I normally have each week it feels a little heavier than normal.
That's because there is a lot to cover. I feel the need as our regulars know
I sometimes give what I like to call sermonic health warnings. This is going to be one of those weeks.
I haven't done this in a while but let me just warn you this is going to feel at times like a typical sermon and at times it will honestly feel like a
Bible study on steroids. I apologize. I was almost going to joke it was going to feel like a
Bible college lecture but nobody likes lectures so I will not use that language so let's just go with a
Bible study on steroids. So again I apologize in advance this might get technical at points.
I will do my best to keep us all on the same page but as you can see on the top of that handout that I've given you there
I really have three aims for these couple of messages as we close out the book of Genesis. Number one,
I want to encourage you to spend more time in this book. Just because we finish preaching it here doesn't mean you never need to go back to it.
Really that should just be the start for your own study I hope. So my hope is that as we kind of do this gospel survey if you will of the book of Genesis I want to encourage you to spend more time in the book.
I also want to encourage you to think through how to handle your Bible responsibly.
We all have Bibles. In fact let me see your Bible. If you've got on your phone you can lift your phone that's fine but let me see
Bibles. We've all got Bibles but having a Bible is great.
Reading it is even better. Reading it well is better still.
The reality is though not everybody reads the Bible well and I don't mean that just reading out loud.
I mean in terms of reading and understanding it and so my hope is to kind of model for you in this and the next message as we look through the book of Genesis how to handle the
Bible responsibly on its own terms. So I want to encourage you to spend more time in the book. I want to encourage you or help you to think through how to handle the
Bible responsibly. I also want you to hopefully learn as we do this how to view not just Genesis but any book of the
Bible through the lens of God's overarching purpose. The Bible is 66 books in one but these 66 books are telling us one story and if we read the
Bible in the kind of way that doesn't reflect the fact that it is one story. Lots of subplots.
It's kind of like when you watch a movie. A good movie has one plot but that one plot will be fleshed out through lots of subplots.
Well the Bible is that way. There are lots of individual subplots in the Bible but all of them connect to the one main plot and so I want us to learn how to view the
Bible in that kind of way as we walk our way through a survey of the book of Genesis this morning.
Before we get to that though and this is going to be part one of this. I've called it Gospel Foundations because we're going to look at Genesis 1 through 11 and not every single verse but in a survey.
Before we get to Genesis 1 through 11 though I want to talk for a little bit.
I want to kind of zoom out for a second and I want to talk about how should we read the
Old Testament. I want to take a few moments and kind of give you some tools for reading the Old Testament well because again reading the
Old Testament is one thing. Reading it well is something else entirely. The reality is the
Old Testament has kind of gotten some bad PR over the years. To many Christians the
Old Testament is a closed book. It's got ancient laws. It seems to have this very vindictive picture of God.
It's got this very archaic backwards morality. An ever -widening gap of culture.
We are thousands of years removed from the events of the Old Testament and for a lot of Christians either implicitly or in some cases as long as I've been teaching the
Bible sometimes explicitly there's almost a sense of why do
I need to business myself with the Old Testament? Can't I just stay in the New Testament where Jesus is and everything is a little bit easier?
Well actually you can't because first of all the Old Testament as we call it is three quarters of your
Bible. 75 % of your Bible is the Old Testament. So if you want you can cut out three quarters of your
Bible just don't expect the quarter you've got left to make sense. That's one reason why here at Redeemer you know we've made a conscious effort in our preaching cycle.
We kind of do we do Old Testament. We do New Testament. We'll do something more doctrinal and then we just kind of cycle through so we're seeing all of the
Bible he's those of you who in our Sunday school class our teacher is Dr. Sinclair Ferguson this go -around.
Sinclair Ferguson famously said that it takes a whole Bible to preach a whole Christ to make a whole Christian. So we try to do just that as much of the
Bible as we can. But for many Christians the Old Testament is a closed book. For others they maybe say yeah
I like the Old Testament because the Old Testament has all these examples that teach me how to behave.
It's the kind of approach the Old Testament that basically says the Old Testament is good for giving me moral examples.
So if you've grown up in church like I did probably heard the phrase dare to be a Daniel. It's from a old
Sunday school chorus. We just looked at the life of Joseph and the tradition I grew up in they were very obsessed with thinking all of us were basically like sex crazed teenagers.
I later discovered that wasn't entirely untrue but as a result we were constantly coming back to the story of Joseph and remember
Joseph and Potiphar's wife she tried to tempt him but she ran from that he ran from that temptation therefore you should run from temptation when it comes.
Well yes Joseph did do that and yes that is commendable but is that the point of the story of Joseph? Well here's one that gets used a lot
David and Goliath. I mean we have oh I don't know maybe you haven't if you haven't
God bless you but I have heard the sermons how to slay the
Goliaths in your life. Yes you've got problems like Goliath but you're
David. Is that the intended point of the story of David and Goliath that you've got big problems but God is bigger than your problems and with faith in God you can defeat your problems like David did
Goliath. Is that really the point of the story of David and Goliath? I am going to go ahead and say no.
What's the problem with that kind of reading whether it's in the book of Daniel or the story of Joseph or the story of David or any other biblical character?
What's the problem with that kind of reading? Well even at its best it's making biblical characters the hero of the story.
It's saying that these biblical characters are they're the ones who are the heroes of their story and you can understand why because in typical stories that we hear outside of the bible the people in the story are the heroes.
So of course that makes sense to us but that's a best case scenario. At worst here's the problem with that kind of reading.
It's making you the hero of the biblical story. So what's the problem with the
David and Goliath you know slaying the Goliaths in your life or as I heard one time someone took the story of um
Ruth and Boaz you know here's a singles conference. I hate singles conferences.
We'll never have one at um but they had a singles conference you know being the kind of Ruth to find your
Boaz. But first of all there goes all the men in the room because none of us are
Ruth. None of us are Boaz either actually. But again what's wrong with that kind of reading?
You're the center of the story. The bible becomes a book not about God and what he is doing. The bible becomes a book about you.
Me. Me. Me. I. I. I. I would argue that those are not sensible ways.
Those are not good ways to read your old testament. So how should we read the old testament? Well let me give you some pointers.
I think there are three ways to read the old testament in the kind of way that glorifies God. So how should we read the old testament?
Well first of all read the old testament as the word of God. Read the old testament as the word of God.
I'm thankful that I know in this fellowship I don't have to labor this point because many of you already believe this. But just in case the old testament is inspired scripture.
By inspired scripture we mean that it is the product of God speaking through men by his spirit.
So Jesus believed that it was. In John chapter 10 he is once again arguing with his best friends the pharisees and as he's arguing with the pharisees once again they're accusing him of blasphemy and Jesus answers it.
John chapter 10 verse 34 says Jesus answered them isn't it written in your law I said you are gods and he's quoting psalm 82 verse 6 if he called those know what he says to whom the word of God came gods and the scripture cannot be broken so he equates the reading of the writing of the psalms as the word of God and as the scripture do you say you're blaspheming to the one the father sent apart set apart and sent into the world because I said
I am the son of God Jesus grounds his identity as the son of God not just in what he says about himself or even what the father says but also in what the old testament said and he calls it the word of God verse that we call all the time around here 2nd
Timothy 3 16 all scripture is inspired by God when Paul is writing that the new testament is being written there are maybe parts of the gospel floating around at this stage but by and large the bible he's talking about the scripture he's talking about is that three quarters of our bible the old testament
Peter says it in 2nd Peter 1 19 through 21 we have we also have the prophetic word strongly confirmed and you will do well to pay attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts above all you know this no prophecy of scripture came from the prophet's own interpretation in other words they were not making this stuff up from themselves because no prophecy ever came by the will of man no i would say true prophecy i might add instead men spoke from God as they were carried along by the holy spirit and again he's talking about the old testament at that point whatever view we have of the old testament or the bible at large it has to start here that the things that we are reading in the old testament are the very words of God so read the old testament as the word of God but don't just read it as the word of God secondly read it as a unified revelation as a unified revelation now when i say a unified revelation what i mean is this that as i just said a few moments ago the bible this book we call the word of God it's telling us one story lots of subplots lots of different things happening but all those different things converge on one point as you can hear from my accents most of you know i'm from London it's actually been proven that you can take any road anywhere in the
UK and at some point there is a direct route to London pretty interesting how the
Romans did this because London was kind of their capital and the bible functions kind of the same way that no matter where you are there is some road that will get you back to the one story of the scriptures this book is not telling us 10 different stories it's not telling us 15 different stories not telling us even two different stories it's one unified revelation the fancy way that people put it has a thematic center a theme around which everything orbits like a sun which orbits around a solar system and there's lots of debate as to what the center is i'm just going to cut through all that and tell you what i think the center is when you read the bible i would argue that the bible's center is often this theme of the kingdom of God so Matthew 4 23 says that Jesus begins preaching in Galilee and what does he come preaching
Matthew 4 23 he's teaching in their synagogues preaching the good news of the kingdom
Mark 1 15 the first message we hear from Jesus chronologically says the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God has come near repent and believe the good news again gospel is center of his message
Jesus dies and resurrects Acts chapter 1 he's with his disciples he spends 40 days essentially putting them through a bible college class what is the subject of that class
Acts 1 3 he appeared to them over a period of 40 days speaking about the kingdom of God Paul who is the teacher in the new testament if you will over and over and over again it mentions him going from place to place persuading people
Acts 19 8 about the kingdom of God the book of Acts ends
Acts 28 23 with him for i'm gonna read it for try to persuade the
Jews about Jesus from the law and the prophets from dusk till dawn he expounded and testified about the kingdom of God this idea of the kingdom of God starts all the way back in Genesis chapter 1 and comes to completion in Revelation chapter 22 it's the if you can use the analogy of the train it's the track on which the train of biblical revelation runs it gives unity to the bible as a whole lord willing next summer if the lord wills and we're still here i actually plan on doing some teaching on the nature of the kingdom of God so pray that well if we're not here it's because the lord's come back for us which would be great um we won't need my servant series i suppose but if we are still here and the lord wills we'll do some more teaching on this i won't labor the point for too long but what do we mean by this idea of the kingdom of God let me give you a simple definition that you can run with the kingdom of God refers to the rule and reign of God over his people in the place he chooses through the man he chooses let me say that again the kingdom of God refers to the rule and reign of God over his people in the place he chooses through the man he chooses so the king will go to first of the rule and reign of God you can't say you're a king if you don't rule and reign that's what
Kings do so your first of the rule in the reign of God well Kings rule and reign over people so it's the rule and reign of God over his people well people typically are found in a place so it's the rule and reign of God over his people in the place he chooses through the man he chooses
God's rule is in the Bible always mediated through men so as you read the
Bible the Bible is a story about a kingdom and you should read the Bible as a unified revelation telling us this story of how this kingdom is coming about so we read the
Bible read the Old Testament excuse me as the Word of God we read it as a unified revelation about the kingdom and if you read it that way you'll ultimately number three read the
Old Testament as pointing to Christ and his work read the
Old Testament as pointing to Christ and his work I opened our time in God's Word in Luke chapter 24 because Jesus gives us his take about who the
Old Testament is ultimately about hopefully we still got it open in front of you so Luke 24 verse 25
Jesus said to them how foolish you are and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken wasn't it necessary for the
Messiah to suffer these things and enter into his glory then beginning with Moses and all the prophets he interpreted for them the things concerning himself in all the scriptures
Jesus understood that the Old Testament was primarily about him
Kofi hold on didn't you just say the Bible is a story about kingdom absolutely guess what you can't have the kingdom without the
King Jesus says something a little more clearer in another passage turn with me to John chapter 5 next book over if you still got
Luke open John chapter 5 and again
Jesus is being accused by those who oppose him pick up with me in verse 44
John chapter 5 verse 44 how can you believe since you accept glory for one another but don't seek the glory that comes from the only
God do not think that I will accuse you to the father your accuser is Moses otherwise he says don't think
I'm your biggest problem he goes you don't believe me you say that I'm a liar and I'm making all this up okay
I'm not the one telling you you're wrong Moses is your accusers
Moses on whom you have set your hope for if you Moses you would believe me why does
Jesus say if you believe Moses you believe me because he wrote about me so who does
Jesus say Moses was writing about that was actually a question who does he say he was writing about him
Moses was writing about Jesus so he can save us 47 if you don't believe but if you don't believe what he wrote how will you believe my words he says
Moses is writing work roses his writings were clear enough if you're not gonna listen to them and you'll listen to me the reality is
Jesus understood the Old Testament to be a revelation of who he was
I love how dr. Greg Harris who's a former professor at master seminary he tells the story of how these verses in John 5 how they changed his perspective of the
Old Testament he says quote these important verses changed my perspective on the Old Testament if you had asked me about the
Old Testament I would have answered as most people do that it's a story of creation Adam and Eve the fall the flood Moses birth and so on but Jesus specifically said
Moses wrote about me and linked his teaching about himself to properly understanding this biblical truth so while the first five books of the
Bible contain the creation account of Adam and Eve and such Jesus specifically sets forth that the first five books of the
Bible are his story the story of Jesus if you are looking for him you will clearly see him in the first five books if you are not looking for him you likely will miss him as I did what as I did once I started factoring
John 5 into my studies the name of my first class on the first five books of the
Bible unofficially became Jesus in the Pentateuch the first five books of the Bible I've met dr.
Harris and he's a very honest man he has no qualms in saying look I used to think this I was dead wrong and here's all the reasons why
I was wrong and here he is acknowledging that the Bible the Old Testament is about Jesus we're meant to read the
Bible and the Old Testament in particular we're meant to read it as teaching us about Jesus and teaching us about Jesus in a few different ways again
I'll try to be quick about this in one sense it's predicting his coming so lots of your
Old Testament is filled with what we often call messianic material material about the
Messiah who was yet to come so there are lots of prophecies and predictions about the
Messiah to come as you find them in the Old Testament so that's one way that the Old Testament teaches us about Jesus most
Christians agree there but I want to take it a couple steps further because not only does the Old Testament prepare us for Jesus by predicting his coming it also helps us by preparing for his coming what
I mean by preparing for his coming I don't have time to read it but if you're taking notes Galatians 324
Galatians 324 he's the law was given to lead us to Christ well in what sense because it shows us our need it shows us the fact that we need somebody who is a sovereign and a
Savior and a sanctifier when you see in the Old Testament especially where you see the failure of men in the
Old Testament which is a lot when you see the failure of men it's designed to point us to the fact that we need somebody who never fails man always fails but we need somebody who doesn't so predicting his coming preparing for his coming the
Old Testament also points to Christ by pointing us to his future work by pointing us to his future work and it does this in two ways it points us to who the
Savior is and how the Savior saves let me back up for just a second it points us to who the
Savior is you may think wait a minute but Jesus as a person doesn't appear in the Old Testament a whole lot true but you know who does
God the Father and the Bible says don't you have to 14 if you've seen me you have seen the father if you want an understanding of who
Jesus is and how Jesus operates you can look at the father and get a pretty good idea in a very real sense like father like son and so when we see how
God deals with his people in the Old Testament we can get a sense of how God deals with his people in Jesus but not only do we see who
God is we also see how God saves how the
Savior saves what are the big misconceptions people have about the Old Testament is that people in the
Old Testament were saved by works in the New Testament were saved by grace nothing could be further from the truth actually people are saved exactly the same way in old and in New Testament what may differ is the amount of information they had easy way
I think I've used illustration here before for people in the Old Testament they were looking forward to the promise of a
Redeemer in the New Testament we are looking forward to him we're looking back at the fact he's come but they're looking at the same cross the same
Savior and so when you see God's dealings with his people in the
Old Testament we're getting an insight into how God saves because it doesn't change just because Jesus comes on the scene in a very real sense the
Bible is the Jesus book and yes the king the purpose of God is worked out through this theme of the kingdom of God but again you cannot separate the kingdom from its king and I start here
I have us think about this about how we read our Old Testaments because that's been our approach through Genesis it's all of God's Word so we have made our way through all of it it's a unified revelation about the purpose of God and so we treated it that way and of course it's a book about Jesus and so we have sought every opportunity we get to see
Jesus within its pages and as we sought to see
Jesus through its pages we summarize the book of Genesis in one paragraph if you will that despite the failure of God's covenant people
God's purposes and plans will come to fulfillment not through the faithfulness of others but through the faithfulness of God that's been our overarching message as we've got worked our way through Genesis that though God's people fail so next week we're going to talk about the four main characters in the book of Genesis Abraham Isaac Jacob and Joseph all of them fail in different ways but though they fail
God is the one who doesn't fail and his promises come to fulfillment not because those biblical characters were so great sure they have great moments but ultimately it's because of God's faithfulness it's not their faithfulness all right that all that was introduction what
I want to do for the rest of our time this morning is I want us to walk through Genesis 1 through 11 very quickly and I want us to see how this truth that despite the failure of God's covenant people
God's purposes and plans will come to fulfillment not through the faithfulness of others but through the faithfulness of God I want us to see how that works its way through this book as we take a gospel -centered tour through the first half of Genesis I said this is the two parts but really it's one message over two
Sundays so I have two points you'll get point one this week and point two next week number one
I want us to look at the gospel in Genesis 1 through 11 as we look at the gospel in Genesis 1 through 11 we see who
God is we get portraits of who God is in the first 11 chapters of Genesis Genesis 1 through 11 layout in fact the series that we did in that section we called foundations because that's what it does it lays out the foundations of the world as we know it and there are four key events in Genesis 1 through 11 easy way to remember the book of Genesis for key events in chapters 1 through 11 for key people in chapters 12 through 50 for key events happen in Genesis 1 through 11 and each of these events teach us something about the nature of the faithful God who fulfills his promises and so I want us to look at Genesis 1 through 11 through that lens so for events the first event we see is creation and in creation we see
God's power on display in creation we see God's power on display so Genesis opens with God's act of creating the world out of nothing
I don't know about you but when I first started reading the Bible properly the question
I had was why did it take God six days? Have you ever thought about that? God could have done it in a sixth of a second he didn't need six days
I mean he does some pretty impressive stuff just within each of these days I don't think it's a stretch that he could have done it in a sixth of a second so why six days?
It's not like he needed raw materials he spoke everything into existence it's not like he was short on help
Bible says all three members of the Godhead the Father the Son and the Spirit were all involved in creation best work crew ever so it's not like he needed raw materials it's not like he needed help why is creation week a week well six days can
I put it to you that the reason why creation is six days long and not just six seconds long is because we are being taught something of the power of God in creating all that we see
God as it were is taking his time so you can see just how powerful he is and I say that because when you read the rest of the
Old Testament this seems to be a theme so Psalm 33 the psalmist is praising
God for who he is and what he has done and he says Psalm 33 6 the heavens were made by the word of the
Lord and all the stars by the breath of his mouth he gathers the waters of the sea into a heap he puts the depths into storehouses and then he just breaks out in praise let the whole earth fear the
Lord let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him for he spoke and it came into being he commanded and it came into existence think about this you have never spoken anything into existence a day in your life and yes
I know there are people out there who say you can they are liars you don't need to listen to you cannot manifest things you cannot create words out of things out of nothing you can't speak things into existence you do not have that power
God alone spoke and it came to be Jeremiah 10 12 the prophet simply says that God made the earth by his power that's why any attempt if I can just get on this for a second any attempt to explain how we got here that doesn't start and end with God falls way short of the bible's teaching about creation that's why historically
Christians have rejected the idea of evolution why do we reject that because it's a rejection of God's power to create why does that matter
Kofi why does it matter that the bible talks to us about God's work in creation well because when you get to the new testament now one of the pictures that the bible uses for salvation is the language of creation let me show you the second corinthians chapter four i'm gonna have you turn to a lot of bible this morning second corinthians chapter four verses six and seven paul is talking about the ministry that he has under the new covenant pick it up with me in verse six in fact let's start in verse five verse five he says for we are not proclaiming ourselves if you want to know what we preach about we don't preach about ourselves but we are not proclaiming ourselves but Jesus Christ is
Lord and ourselves as your servants for Jesus sake verse six for God who said let light shine out of darkness let's pause for a moment when did
God say let light shine out of darkness creation first words in creation let there be light literally light be so he ties with creation he says the
God who said let light shine out of darkness has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of God's glory in the face of Jesus Christ he compares what
God did in creation it says listen just like God spoke light into being at creation he speaks light into being in his new creation work that's why
Paul the next chapter second Corinthians chapter five therefore if anyone is in Christ second
Corinthians 5 17 he is a new creation in Galatians 6 for what for both circumcision and uncircumcision means nothing
Galatians 6 15 what matters instead is a new creation the bible is not speaking accidentally when it uses the language of creation because when we look at creation we don't just see how
God made the physical world we're getting an insight into how God saves by his sovereign power he spoke the first creation into existence by a word and in the gospel he speaks the new creation into existence with a and so the power of God is seen in creation as he speaks and things are and just as that was the case for the world that we see around us it's also the case in salvation
God speaks and new life appears so God created the world and then he created man but of course man fell and that's the second big event in Genesis so in creation we see
God's power on display and then in the fall we see God's righteousness and mercy on display in the fall we see
God's righteousness and mercy on display I really just want to highlight two events where we see this clearly there's lots more we could look at but again we don't have that kind of time this morning so just two events first of all the fall itself before itself in Genesis chapter three in Genesis chapter three man sins against God God had clearly warned
Adam what would happen if he disobeyed the command that he gave Genesis 2 15 the Lord God took the man and placed him in the garden of Edom to work it and to watch over it and the
Lord God commanded the man you are free to eat from any tree of the garden but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for on the day you eat from it you will certainly die so I would argue
God was very clear you have all this garden he doesn't say this but we can paraphrase it run wild do all you want this thing here don't touch and what did man do kind of like when it's like when you go to the park and they say don't walk on the grass what's the one thing you want to do walk on the grass like someone says don't touch wet paint what's the first thing you want to do touch wet paint
Adam and Eve sinned and in doing so the Bible makes us to understand they plunged us all into ruin
Paul will say like this Romans 5 18 and 19 so then as through one trespass there is condemnation for everyone so also through one righteous act
Jesus righteous act there is justification leading to life for everyone for just as through one man's disobedience the many were made sinners so also through one man's obedience the many will be made righteous because of Adam's sin all of us are rendered to be sinners our fathers in the faith put it like this by this sin our first parents fell from their original righteousness and communion with God we fell in them and through this death came upon all all became dead in sin and completely defiled in all the capabilities and parts of soul and body the question that lots of people ask and i don't think it's an entirely unfair question no pun intended was
God fair in this moment was God in the right to judge
Adam and Eve in this particular kind of way i would say yes
God was fully righteous in judging Adam and Eve he had graciously blessed them at their creation he had graciously provided all that they could ever need he had even graciously think about this
God didn't judge them without telling them what the rules were i mean have you encountered that injustice with people i don't know if you have i have more than once you get punished for something you didn't even tell me not to do that but God is gracious he actually told them don't do this and i think sometimes we don't think of law as a grace in itself that God actually tells you what the standard is he'd graciously given them a law and think about God was reasonable he didn't give him a whole book of laws he gave them one you only need to not do one thing if i even told them oh and this is what will happen don't see i didn't warn you can anyone claim
God was unfair and unjust in this moment no
God's righteousness and we use that term often in church a righteousness his moral rightness the fact that he is the standard of what is good that righteousness was clearly and without question put on display but here's the thing about the
God of the Bible the God of the Bible is not like us where we can only be one thing at a time two at most maybe the
God of the Bible has many attributes and he is all of his attributes all the time so yes
God was righteous in judging Adam and Eve for their sin but the God who is righteous is also the
God who is merciful and so in Genesis 3 15 we get the what's called the first gospel
Genesis 3 15 i will put hostility between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring he will strike your head and you will strike his heel his first announcement of a promise from God that yes you have fallen you will now suffer the consequences of your sin but that will not be the end of the story i will do something to fix this at the darkest moment of human history the light of hope shines through the gloom though the evil one as it were has put a point on the board one would come who would ultimately shut the game down entirely sure he would take quite the hit that's why he says he will strike it's interesting he says you will strike his heel the evil one will take will cause a hit to be taken by Jesus he says but he will strike your head literally that word strike is to crush two different words are used there says you get a wound on him he's going to crush your head so again let me ask the question was
God fair in this moment i don't think anybody can argue injustice on God's part especially with this gospel message i need to hasten on the next picture that we see when we talk about the fall is the blood of Abel chapter four we all know the story
Cain and Abel the first sibling rivalry first murder you know you know the story the brothers come to offer sacrifices
God sovereignly chooses Abel over Cain we're not told why people like to speculate but we're not told why and that's the point
God doesn't have to say why Cain is less than pleased about this and uh after being warned by God that hey you might want to watch that that feeling that you have right now well he decides to take matters into his own hands quite literally he murders his brother the first time that another human being has shed the blood of another and in Genesis 14 you have this interesting phrases
God asked him where's your brother and Cain says i don't know am i my brother's guardian am i my brother's keeper
Genesis 4 10 then God said what have you done God knew exactly where his brother was that question wasn't for God's benefit it was for Cain's benefit so what have you done your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground