Primary Objection to the Fight Laugh Feast Conference

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, well, hope you had a great weekend. I definitely did. I just got back yesterday from the
Fight Laugh Feast conference and If I met you there, thank you so much for introducing yourself.
It was a really good time So many, you know, I said this last year, but I'll say it again
It was just awesome to see so many people that were just you know, laser focus
Focused? What's that supposed to mean? Laser focus, I should say, on the on the mission of God, the
Great Commission and You know, fulfilling that in their lives, in their personal lives, their family
But also in their business and how they interact in the world and all of this This is the kind of conference where you go to and they remember both sides of the
Commission, right? They remember You know, conversion. So you're baptizing people in the name of the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit But they're not forgetting the second half of it, which so many people do, which is teaching them to observe
Everything that Christ commands and it was just amazing to watch, you know These families putting this into action with themselves and others and all of that.
So many kids, too you know, this is a conference called the Politics of Sex and You know, people understand that it's imperative that they understand some of these things
But also they weren't afraid, you know that their kid might hear something that you know, maybe maybe they
You don't you don't know if they should hear it at that age But it was just amazing to see just how many kids of all ages
You know high schoolers all the way down to little babies and stuff like that It was just awesome and had a chance to meet a bunch of these kids as well
And you know, they're for some reason their parents let them watch my channel I'm just kidding.
But no, it was awesome to see and meet everyone and all of that kind of thing It was just great.
It was just great The the conference itself, you know the speakers and stuff like that I had a chance to listen to a lot more of the speakers this time than I did last time
And they all were saying some really really good stuff. And I even was a speaker at this one
I did a small breakout session on woke capitalism with Keith Darrell And I thought it went pretty well
I mean, I think we definitely missed Matt Williams a little bit that this is his area of expertise and you know
I think that if he was there it would have been a lot better But I think it went pretty well all things considered and I got a lot of real really good feedback from that as well
You know this conference I've been told this by many people and from my own experience
I can make an avowal for this It's just very very different than any
Christian conference that I've ever been to And just the the the energy is different.
The the topics are different. The the content is different You know someone made the comment that you know
You go to a typical conference and they'll have a bunch of booths set up, you know for you to like, you know
You know potentially peruse items to buy and it's pretty much all books, right? You get books here. You got books there
You know, maybe you'll have a coffee vendor here or there that kind of thing Now we had some of that we had a coffee vendor.
We had books on sale as well But also it was just regular kinds of products as well.
So a lot of tech products There's a job board for people that are looking for a job where their companies are not going to comply with the ridiculous
Health vaccine mandates and all this nonsense That was awesome. There was companies that sell firearms and firearm accessories
Even even stuff as simple as cigars, right? there's there's a guy who made a mix a fight laugh feast mix for cigars and They they smell certainly smelled pretty good.
You know what I mean? And so just just just the way people are thinking right? It's like it's not less holy
To sell cigars or to sell, you know holsters for a firearm than it is to sell books you know what
I mean and that that that's kind of a weird thing for people to think because We kind of grow up and we're reformed and we think well the most holiest thing to do
Is to read theology books and it's like well I mean, that's good and all I mean we have to have theology books, of course
But we also have to have firearms, right? We also have to have cigars. We also have to have good coffee
We also have to have you know Tech websites for job postings when you're for companies that aren't insane, right?
So we need to have all that kind of stuff and I think that the mindset of the people At this conference was so awesome.
I was on a podcast called Sasquatch Revival no bigfoot bigfoot revival.
I haven't heard it yet I heard it's up, but go ahead and look for it bigfoot revival I was on a podcast with these two, you know, good old boys from the south.
It was awesome I mean these guys are doing some good work, man. It's just all in all just really really good stuff now
I did want to make a comment though because there was a young man that I met And poor this poor kid.
I mean, he's he wasn't a kid, but he was younger than me And uh, he was there with a girl and I don't know if it was his girlfriend or just a friend or what um and he he introduced himself to me after my uh, my talk essentially
And he was very nice and he seemed to be enjoying himself, but he looked Shell -shocked
And I and I and I do mean he looks shell -shocked and he he asked me It was one of these things where he comes up to me
He has a question, but it's really like 20 questions He asked me like 20 questions in a row and it all had to do with the eye
He was very he seemed very concerned with the idea that we would want to apply the word of god to the civil realm
Right because he had been taught the way I was taught I had a lot of sympathy for this guy and I didn't you know, it's not like I blasted him or anything like that But but but basically his question he had like 20 questions kind of scattered a little bit again
He was shell -shocked and he was like I I just can't I just can't imagine You know, you know trying to force people to be christians like we can't force unbelievers to act like believers like like I don't want to I don't want to be to live in a
Culture that forces me to act like a muslim to be a muslim And so so I just don't understand how you can apply the law of god to the civil realm.
I don't want that I don't want that we Separation church and state and and he went on like 100 different directions And I eventually
I had to stop him and said hold on a second there There's like there's like 100 questions there So so let's kind of slow down and kind of address these and you know
It was the kind of thing where there was a line of people that wanted to talk to me after my speech Which typically happens not because i'm special.
It's just they probably wanted to ask things about things I mentioned Anyway, so I had to say I can't answer all these questions, but this is the fundamental question, right?
This is the this is the objection to the fight last feast conference In fact, he mentioned that everyone that he heard was saying things like this
And the other thing about this guy is that he said he didn't know any of us beforehand Like he didn't know who any of us were he had no context to this conference
This woman brought him to this conference didn't tell him anything about it, which Good for you, lady
Good for you um, but anyway so so This is this this was this is the objection to the conference, right?
How could you say that isn't that like a christian version of the taliban? and the thing is like it's like We're not trying to force conversion at the point of a gun, right?
We're not saying that by force of law you must be a christian but that is very different than the idea of morality and justice in in in a general sense because here's the thing right
I Do want to live in a country that outlaws murder, right?
And so do you and that's what I said to this guy And he goes, yeah, of course and I said well, well that's god made that that's that's god's justice, right?
Thou shalt not commit murder. That's from god. That's not just something that's there like god actually created that law, right?
That that's something that that reflects god's character his morality that everyone needs to do that whether you're a muslim
Or a pagan or an atheist or whatever you all cannot murder And he said yeah, and the reality is that that's christian
So so so you've already given up the argument if you want to live in a country that does not allow murder or stealing
Or all that you you're already saying that we're using god's justice to define what good and evil is because god created the uh
Nature and he created nature to work a certain way And nature reflects god's morality.
And so we already are in that system And so my take and I think that I don't want to speak for everyone at the conference
But but I think everyone's take would be that that there is no like neutral ground here, right?
So we're not forcing you to convert but whether or not you convert you still can't murder
You know what? I mean, and we must enforce god's justice upon the murderer
And so whether or not murder is illegal murder is still wrong, right? That's the point whether or not adultery is illegal
It it's still a crime and it still ought to be punished according to god's law
You see most people are okay with murder, right? Most people are okay with punishing murder in some way.
Most people are okay with punishing, you know, you know stealing in some way But when you get to things like adultery, they're like whoa. Whoa, wait a minute
Wait, how could you how could you and it's like well the thing is like you need to recognize that that your opinion on that Is actually the novel one.
That's the new one and for most of our history everyone understood that adultery should be illegal
Right, and the reason is that they understood that is because god wrote that into our dna He wrote that into our our souls.
We know that adultery should be illegal Betraying your husband or betraying your spouse should be illegal.
And so the reality is that that god's law Specifically says that we know according to natural law that that should be the case as well
And the only reason to deny that would be because you've been taught that god's law is barbaric
You've been taught that god's law is too harsh And again, I just I just urge you to try to deprogram some of this stuff because if you look at how jesus talks about God's law.
He does not present it as a harsh thing. He does not present it as this
This evil sort of barbarian style law. No. No, he honors god's law.
He accomplishes God's law. Look any way you slice it guys. We have to obey god's law because here's the reality, right?
christ obeyed god's law perfectly And we are to imitate christ
You see how that works. So it doesn't matter any way you slice it. We still ought to obey the moral law of god
Christ obeyed god's laws perfectly and we ought to imitate christ Now there are aspects of that that we understand that he's fulfilled
The sacrificial system and some of those ceremonial elements of the law are completely fulfilled in jesus christ
And so we still participate in those things through christ You see what i'm saying?
So so so here's the thing guys like That is the objection. I think to doug wilson and the fight laugh feast conference in general
It's like this is a fundamentalist conference because we actually believe that we should apply the entire scriptures to the entirety of life and that scares people because they've been taught that that's
Fundamentalism and they've been taught that fundamentalism is bad and I want to argue both of those points number one
That's not fundamentalism number two Fundamentalism if you define it properly is not that bad
It's not bad at all in my opinion because really a fundamentalist is well, I believe the scriptures, right?
And i'm not making excuses for it. I'm not apologizing for I think this this young man Was was very uncomfortable with the fact that not a single speaker sought to soften even a moment of the word of god sought to apologize for it sought to sought to uh
To to qualify it to death. I think people are freaking sick of that, right? I think they're sick of it and and and to see a room of over a thousand people
Who none of them were qualifying the word of god? None of them were walking it back We're trying to soften it and say something stupid like well, you know
Um having Homosexuality is just it's not god's best for you
Like they weren't saying that they were saying it's rebellion against god. Stop being gay
I mean Doug wilson preached an entire sermon About the gay pulpit, right and obviously he didn't mean pulpits that were homosexual
What he what he talked about and I urge you to listen to this. This is a great sermon or speech, I guess Um Fruitlessness is what he's talking about fruitless pulpits and you see the thing is
It's it's disconcerting I think to christians who are you know They grew up kind of just baseline evangelical just like I did just like you likely did
And they they they're expecting to to see a certain level of fruitlessness
A certain level of defeatism and they call that humility And it's not humility to be a defeatist christian
It's not humility to be a weak wimpy christian it's actually the opposite of humility because when you read that scripture you should have the utmost confidence in life because God is on your side.
He's your father. He's your leader. He's the one who actually blesses you and so if god is with you
Who can be against you? Why would you have this sort of apologetic sort of sad sort of i'm?
Sorry for this i'm sorry the word of god says this but like that kind of mentality Why would you have that and call it humble?
It's actually arrogant to be that way It's arrogant to be a defeatist version of a christian.
It's arrogant to be a wimpy weak limp -wristed christian. That's arrogance Because god's word does not give you any excuse for it none
And so this man who came up to me he's and he's all shell -shocked about what he's been hearing
I mean, it sounds like this must I somehow I made it into a taliban convention It's like this is the first time he's seen christians who will not apologize for offending pagans
They will not say sorry They will not care if a pagan fights against them or argues against them or hates their guts or lies about them
They don't care And that was disconcerting to this young man and I pray for this young man that this would be a moment
This would be a life -changing moment because I remember when I was that young man And I heard
I heard about uh, the law of god for the first time I heard about the victory of christ for the first time like the real victory of christ in our lifetimes in our in our history
Right christ is on the throne and I realized what that actually means in the here and now
I remember that moment it was Discombobulating right it was discombobulating. It was disconcerting and I I remember being angry.
I've said this many times I was angry when I discovered about uh, how much the word of god applies to my life in every area of it
I was angry because nobody had taught me that before And I probably look a lot like this young man who came up to me probably a little shell -shocked when
I heard this um, but This is a blessing This is a tremendous blessing and I just I pray for that young man that he would he would come to realize that he has
Been miss Taught there is nothing wrong with being an unapologetic Strong, you know confident christian even in these evil days